Leo Frank TV

S L ASHER, Sworn In For The State, 199th To Testify

S. L. ASHER, sworn for the Defendant in sur-rebuttal.About two weeks ago I was coming to town between 5 and...
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N SINKOVITZ, Sworn In For The State, 198th To Testify

N. SINKOVITZ, sworn for the Defendant, in sur-rebuttal.I am a pawnbroker. I know M. E. Mc Coy. He has pawned...
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MISS C S HAAS, Sworn In For The State, 197th To Testify

MISS C. S. HAAS, sworn for the Defendant, in sur-rebuttal.I heard Kendley two weeks ago talk about the Frank case...
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M E STAHL, Sworn In For The State, 196th To Testify

M. E. STAHL, sworn for the Defendant, in sur-rebuttal.I have heard George Kendley, the conductor, express his feelingstoward Leo Frank....
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T Y BRENT, Sworn In For The State, 195th To Testify

T. Y. BRENT, sworn for the Defendant in sur-rebuttal.I have heard George Kendley on several occasions express himselfvery bitterly towards...
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DR JOHN FUNK, Sworn In For The State, 194th To Testify

DR. JOHN FUNK, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I am professor of pathology and bacteriologist. I was shown by Dr.Harris...
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DR GEORGE M NILES, Sworn In For The State, 193rd To Testify

DR. GEORGE M. NILES, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I confine my work to diseases of digestion. Every healthy stomachhas...
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DR CLARENCE JOHNSON, Sworn In For The State, 192nd To Testify

DR. CLARENCE JOHNSON, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I am a specialist on diseases of the stomach and intestines. I...
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J N STARNES, Sworn In For The State, 191st To Testify

J. N. STARNES, sworn for the State in rebuttal.There were no spots around the scuttle hole where the ladder is...
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J D REED, Sworn In For The State, 190th To Testify

J. D. REED, sworn for the State in rebuttal.Mr. Hollis told me on Monday, April 28th, that Epps had gotten...
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GEORGE W JEFFERSON, Sworn In For The State, 15th To Testify

GEORGE W. JEFFERSON, sworn for the State.I worked at the National Pencil Company. We saw blood on the second floor in front of the girls' dressing room on Monday. It was about as big as a fan, and something white was over it. I didn't see that blood there Friday. Yes, there are cords in the polishing room, used to tie pencils with. They are hung up on a post in the polishing room. The spots were dark red in color. These cords are taken off the pencils and we throw them on a nail. We don't untie the knots.

S L ASHER, Sworn In For The State, 199th To Testify

S. L. ASHER, sworn for the Defendant in sur-rebuttal.About two weeks ago I was coming to town between 5 and 10 minutes to 1 on the car and there was a man who was talking very loud about the Frank case, and all of a sudden he said: "They ought to take that damn Jew out and hang him anyway. " I took his number down to report him.CROSS EXAMINATION.I have not had a chance to report since it happened.ADDITIONAL STATEMENT MADE BY DEFENDANT, LEO M. FRANK.In reply to the statement of the boy that he saw me talking to

M E STAHL, Sworn In For The State, 196th To Testify

M. E. STAHL, sworn for the Defendant, in sur-rebuttal.I have heard George Kendley, the conductor, express his feelingstoward Leo Frank. I was standing on the rear platform, and he saidthat Frank was as guilty as a snake, and should be hung, and that if thecourt didn't convict him that he would be one of five or seven that wouldget him.M E STAHL, Sworn In For The State, 196th To Testify

N SINKOVITZ, Sworn In For The State, 198th To Testify

N. SINKOVITZ, sworn for the Defendant, in sur-rebuttal.I am a pawnbroker. I know M. E. Mc Coy. He has pawned his watchto me lately. The last time was January 11, 1913. It was in my place ofbusiness on the 26th of April, 1913. He paid up his loan on August 16th,last Saturday, during this trial. This is the same watch I have beenhandling for him during the last two years.CROSS EXAMINATION.My records here show that he took it out Saturday.N SINKOVITZ, Sworn In For The State, 198th To Testify

MISS C S HAAS, Sworn In For The State, 197th To Testify

MISS C. S. HAAS, sworn for the Defendant, in sur-rebuttal.I heard Kendley two weeks ago talk about the Frank case so loudthat the entire street car heard it. He said that circumstantial evidencewas the best kind of evidence to convict a man on and if there was anydoubt, the State should be given the benefit of it, and that 90 per cent. ofthe best people in the city, including himself, thought that Frank wasguilty and ought to hang.MISS C S HAAS, Sworn In For The State, 197th To Testify

DR GEORGE M NILES, Sworn In For The State, 193rd To Testify

DR. GEORGE M. NILES, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I confine my work to diseases of digestion. Every healthy stomachhas a certain definite and orderly relation to every other healthy stomach.Assuming a young lady between thirteen and fourteen years of age at11:30 April 26, 1913, eats a meal of cabbage and bread, that the nextmorning about three o'clock her dead body is found. That there are indentations in her neck where a cord had been around her throat, indicating that she died of strangulation, her nails blue, her face blue, a slight injury on the back of the head, a

T Y BRENT, Sworn In For The State, 195th To Testify

T. Y. BRENT, sworn for the Defendant in sur-rebuttal.I have heard George Kendley on several occasions express himselfvery bitterly towards Leo Frank. He said he felt in this case just as hedid about a couple of negroes hung down in Decatur; that he didn't knowwhether they had been guilty or not, but somebody had to be hung forkilling those street car men and it was just as good to hang one nigger asanother, and that Frank was nothing but an old Jew and they ought totake him out and hang him anyhow.CROSS EXAMINATION.I have been employed by the defense to

DR JOHN FUNK, Sworn In For The State, 194th To Testify

DR. JOHN FUNK, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I am professor of pathology and bacteriologist. I was shown by Dr.Harris sections from the vaginal wall of Mary Phagan, sections takennear the skin surface. I didn't see sections from the stomach or the contents. These sections showed that the epithelium wall was torn off atpoints immediately beneath that covering in the tissues below, and therewas infiltrated pressure of blood. They were, you might say, engorged,and the white blood cells in those blood vessels were more numerous thanyou will find in a normal blood vessel. The blood vessels at some distancefrom the

J N STARNES, Sworn In For The State, 191st To Testify

J. N. STARNES, sworn for the State in rebuttal.There were no spots around the scuttle hole where the ladder is immediately after the murder. Campbell and I arrested Minola Mc Knight,to get a statement from her. We turned her over to the patrol wagonand we never saw her any more until the following day, when we calledMr. Craven and Mr. Pickett to come down and interview her. We stayedon the outside while she was on the inside with Craven and Pickett. Theycalled us back and I said to her, " Minola, the truth is all we want, and ifthis is

DR CLARENCE JOHNSON, Sworn In For The State, 192nd To Testify

DR. CLARENCE JOHNSON, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I am a specialist on diseases of the stomach and intestines. I am aphysiologist. A physiologist makes his searches on the living body; thepathologist makes his on a dead body. If you give any one who hasdrunk a chocolate milk at about eight o'clock in the morning, cabbage at12 o'clock and 30 or 40 minutes thereafter you take the cabbage out andit is shown to be dark like chocolate and milk, that much contents of anykind vomited up three and a half hours afterwards would show an abnormalstomach. It doesn't show a

C J MAYNARD, Sworn In For The State, 188th To Testify

C. J. MAYNARD, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I have seen Burtus Dalton go in the factory with a woman in Juneor July, 1912. She weighed about 125 pounds. It was between 1:30 and2 o'clock in the afternoon on a Saturday.CROSS EXAMINATION.I was ten feet from the woman. I didn't notice her very particularly.I did not speak to them.C J MAYNARD, Sworn In For The State, 188th To Testify

L T KENDRICK, Sworn In For The State, 186th To Testify

L. T. KENDRICK, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I was night watchman at the pencil factory for something like twoyears. I punched the clocks for a whole night's work in two or three minutes. The clock at the factory needed setting about every 24 hours. Itvaried from three to five minutes. That is the clock slip I punched(State's Exhibit P). I don't think you could have heard the elevator onthe top floor if the machinery was running or any one was knocking onany of the floors. The back stairway was very dusty and showed thatthey had not been used lately

W T HOLLIS, Sworn In For The State, 189th To Testify

W. T. HOLLIS, sworn for the State in rebuttal.Mr. Reed rides out with me every morning. I don't remember talkingto J. D. Reed on Monday, April 29th, and telling him that GeorgeEpps and Mary Phagan were on my car together. I didn't tell that toanybody. I say like I have always said, that if he was on the car I didnot see him.W T HOLLIS, Sworn In For The State, 189th To Testify

VERA EPPS, Sworn In For The State, 187th To Testify

VERA EPPS, sworn for the State in rebuttal.My brother George was in the house when Mr. Minar was asking usabout the last time we saw Mary Phagan. I don't know if he heard thequestions asked. George didn't tell him that he didn't see Mary thatSaturday. I told him I had seen Mary Phagan Thursday.VERA EPPS, Sworn In For The State, 187th To Testify

IVY JONES C, Sworn In For The State, 184th To Testify

IVY JONES (c), sworn for the State in rebuttal.I saw Jim Conley at the corner of Hunter and Forsyth Streets onApril 26th 1913. He came in the saloon while I was there, between one and two o'clock. He was not drunk when I saw him. The saloon is on the opposite corner from the factory. We went on towards Conley's home. I lefthim at the corner of Hunter and Davis Street a little after two o'clock.IVY JONES C, Sworn In For The State, 184th To Testify

HARRY SCOTT, Sworn In For The State, 185th To Testify

HARRY SCOTT, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I picked up cord in the basement when I went through there withMr. Frank. Lee's shirt had no color on it, excepting that of blood. I gotthe information as to Conley's being able to write from Mc Worth whenI returned to Atlanta. As to the conversation Black and I had, with Mr.Frank about Darley, Mr. Frank said Darley was the soul of honor andthat we had the wrong man; that there was no use in inquiring aboutDarley and he knew Darley could not be responsible for such an act. Itold him that we

TILLANDER, Sworn In For The State, 180th To Testify

TILLANDER, sworn for the State in rebuttal.Mr. Graham and I went to the pencil factory on April 26th, about 20minutes to 12. We went in from the street and looked around and I founda negro coming from a dark alley way, and I asked him for the office andhe told me to go to the second floor and turn to the right. I saw Conleythis morning. I am not positive that he is the man. He looked to beabout the same size. When I went to the office the stenographer was inthe outer office. Mr. Frank was in the inner

J W COLEMAN, Sworn In For The State, 182nd To Testify

J. W. COLEMAN, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I remember a conversation I had with detective Mc Worth. He exhibited an envelope to me with a figure" 5" on the right of it.CROSS EXAMINATION.This does not seem to be the envelope he showed me. (Defendant'sExhibit 47 (*51). The figure "5" was on it. I don't see it now. I told himat the time that Mary was due $1.20, and that "5" on the right would notsuit for that.J W COLEMAN, Sworn In For The State, 182nd To Testify

E K GRAHAM, Sworn In For The State, 181st To Testify

E. K. GRAHAM, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I was at the pencil factory April 26th, with Mr. Tillander, about 20minutes to 12. We met a negro on the ground floor. Mr. Tillander askedhim where the office was, and he told him to go up the steps. I don'tknow whether it was Jim Conley or not. He was about the same size,but he was a little brighter than Conley. If he was drunk I couldn'tnotice it, I wouldn't have noticed it anyway.CROSS EXAMINATION.Mr. Frank and his stenographer were upstairs. He was at his desk.I didn't see any lady when I

W W ROGERS, Sworn In For The State, 178th To Testify

W. W. ROGERS, sworn for the State in rebuttal.On Sunday morning after the murder, I tried to go up the stairsleading from the basement up to the next floor. The door was fasteneddown. The staircase was very dusty, like it had been some little timesince it had been swept. There was a little mound of shavings rightwhere the chute came down on the basement floor. The bin was about afoot and a half from the chute.W W ROGERS, Sworn In For The State, 178th To Testify

LOUIS INGRAM, Sworn In For The State, 175th To Testify

LOUIS INGRAM, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I am a conductor on the English Avenue line. I came to town onthat car on April 26th. I don't know what time we came to town. I haveseen that car come in ahead of time several times, sometimes as much asfour minutes ahead. I know Matthews, the motorman. I have riddenin with him when he was ahead of time several times.CROSS EXAMINATION.It is against the rules to come in ahead of time, and also to come inbehind time. They punish you for either one.LOUIS INGRAM, Sworn In For The State, 175th To

W M MATTHEWS, Sworn In For The State, 176th To Testify

W. M. MATTHEWS, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I have talked with this man Dobbs (W. C.) but I don't know what Italked about. I have never told him or anybody that I saw Mary Phaganget off the car with George Epps at the corner of Marietta and Broad.It has been two years since I have been tried for an offense in this court.CROSS EXAMINATION.I was acquitted by the jury. I had to kill a man on my car who assaulted me.W M MATTHEWS, Sworn In For The State, 176th To Testify

N KELLY, Sworn In For The State, 173rd To Testify

N. KELLY, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I am a motorman of the Georgia Railway & Power Co. On April26th, I was standing at the corner of Forsyth and Marietta Street aboutthree minutes after 12. I was going to catch the College Park car homeabout 12:10. I saw the English Avenue car of Matthews and Mr. Hollisarrive at Forsyth and Marietta about 12:03. I knew Mary Phagan. Shewas not on that car. She might have gotten off there, but she didn'tcome around. I got on that car at Broad and Marietta and went aroundHunter Street. She was not on there.CROSS

W B OWENS, Sworn In For The State, 174th To Testify

W. B. OWENS, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I rode on the White City line of the Georgia Railway & Electric Co.It is due at 12:05. Two minutes ahead of the English Avenue car. Wegot to town on April 26th, at 12:05. I don't remember seeing the EnglishAvenue car that day. I have known that car to come in a minuteahead of us, sometimes two minutes ahead. That was after April 26th.I don't recall whether it occurred before April 26th.W B OWENS, Sworn In For The State, 174th To Testify

HENRY HOFFMAN, Sworn In For The State, 172nd To Testify

HENRY HOFFMAN, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I am inspector of the street car company. Matthews is under me acertain part of the day. On April 26th he was under me from 11:30 to12:07. His car was due at Broad and Marietta at 12:07. There is nosuch schedule as 12:07. I have been on his car when lie cut off the FairStreet car. Fair Street car is due at 12:05. I have compared watcheswith him. They vary from 20 to 40 seconds. We are supposed to carrythe right time. I have called Matthews attention to running ahead ofschedule once or

J C MCEWING, Sworn In For The State, 169th To Testify

J. C. Mc EWING, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I am a street car motorman. I ran on Marietta and Decatur StreetApril 26th. My car was due in town at ten minutes after the hour onApril 26th. Hollis' and Matthews ' car was due there 7 minutes after thehour. Hendricks car was due there 5 minutes after the hour. The EnglishAvenue frequently cut off the White City car due in town at 12:05.The White City car is due there before the English Avenue. It is due 5minutes after the hour and the Cooper Street is due 7 minutes after.The English

GEORGE KENDLEY, Sworn In For The State, 171st To Testify

GEORGE KENDLEY, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I am with the Georgia Railway & Power Co. I saw Mary Phaganabout noon on April 26th 1913. She was going to the pencil factory fromMarietta Street. When I saw her she stepped off of the viaduct.CROSS EXAMINATION.I was on the front end of the Hapeville car when I saw her. It isdue in town at 12 o'clock. I don't know if it was on time that day. I toldseveral people about seeing her the next day. If Mary Phagan left homeat 10 minutes to 12, she ought to have got to town

M E MCCOY, Sworn In For The State, 170th To Testify

M. E. Mc COY, sworn for the State, in rebuttal.I knew Mary Phagan. I saw her on April 26th, 1913 in front of Cooledge's place at 12 Forsyth Street. She was going towards pencil company, south on Forsyth Street on right hand side. It was near twelveo'clock. I left the corner of Walton and Forsyth Street exactly twelveo'clock and came straight on down there. It took me three or four minutesto go there.CROSS EXAMINATION.I know what time it was because I looked at my watch. First time Itold it was a week ago last Saturday, when I told an officer.

DR S C BENEDICT, Sworn In For The State, 167th To Testify

DR. S. C. BENEDICT, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I am president of the State Board of Health. I was a member ofthe Board when Dr. Westmoreland preferred charges against Dr. Harris.Those minutes (State's Exhibit N) are correct. I desire to say that we do not wish to open up that question again. Dr. Westmoreland's charges are not recorded here. I don't think they were put on the minutes. The reply to the charges were put in the minutes and the action of the Board. The minutes would show what action the Board took.CROSS EXAMINATIONDr. Harris' reply is not entered

J H HENDRICKS, Sworn In For The State, 168th To Testify

J. H. HENDRICKS, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I am a motorman for the Georgia Railway & Electric Company. OnApril 26th I was running a street car on the Marietta line to the StockYards on Decatur Street. I couldn't say what time we got to town onApril 26th, about noon. I have no cause to remember that day. TheEnglish Avenue car, with Matthews and Hollis has gotten to town priorto April 26th, ahead of time. I couldn't say how much ahead of time. Ihave seen them come in two or three minutes ahead of time; that daythey came about 12:06.

D H PICKETT, Sworn In For The State, 166th To Testify

D. H. PICKETT, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I work at Beck & Gregg Hardware Co. I was present when that paperwas signed (State's Exhibit J) by Minola Mc Knight. Albert Mc Knight,Starnes, Campbell, Mr. Craven, Mr. Gordon was present when she madethat statement. We questioned her about the statement Albert had madeand she denied it all at first. She said she had been cautioned not to talkabout this affair by Mrs. Frank or Mrs. Selig. She stated that Alberthad lied in what he told us. She finally began to weaken on one or twopoints and admitted that she had

R L CRAVEN, Sworn In For The State, 165th To Testify

R. L. CRAVEN, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I am connected with the Beck and Gregg Hardware Co. AlbertMc Knight also works for the same company. He asked me to go downand see if I could get Minola Mc Knight out when she was arrested. Iwent there for that purpose. I was present when she signed that affidavit(State's Exhibit J). I went out with Mr. Pickett to MinolaMc Knight 's home the latter part of May. Albert Mc Knight was there.On the 3rd day of June, we were down at the station house and theybrought Minola Mc Knight in and

ALBERT MCKNIGHT, Sworn In For The State, 164th To Testify

ALBERT Mc Knight, sworn for the State in rebuttal.This sideboard (Defendant's Exhibit 52) sets more this way than itwas at the time I was there.CROSS EXAMINATIONI don't know if the sideboard was changed, but it wasn't setting likethat is in the corner. I didn't see the sideboard at all, but I don't likethe angle of this plat.ALBERT MCKNIGHT, Sworn In For The State, 164th To Testify

GEORGE GORDON, Sworn In For The State, 163rd To Testify

GEORGE GORDON, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I am a practicing lawyer. I was at police station part of the timewhen Minola Mc Knight was making her statement. I was outside of thedoor most of the time. I went down there with habeas corpus proceedingsto have her sign the affidavit and when I got there the detectives informedme that she was in the room, and I sat down and waited outsidefor her two hours, and people went in and out of the door, and after I hadwaited there I saw the stenographer of the Recorder's court going intothe room and

J E DUFFY, Sworn In For The State, 160th To Testify

J. E. DUFFY, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I worked at the National Pencil Company. I was hurt there in themetal department. I was cut on my forefingers on the left hand. Thatis the cut right around there (indicating). It never cut off any of my fingers.I went to the office to have it dressed. It was bleeding pretty freely. A few drops of blood dropped on the floor at the machine where I was hurt. The blood did not drop anywhere else except at that machine. None of it dropped near the ladies' dressing room, or the water cooler.

W E TURNER, Sworn In For The State, 161st To Testify

W. E. TURNER, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I worked at the National Pencil Company during March of thisyear. I saw Leo Frank talking to Mary Phagan on the second floor,about the middle of March. It was just before dinner. There was nobodyelse in the room then. She was going to work and he stopped totalk to her. She told him she had to go to work. He told her that he wasthe superintendent of the factory, and that he wanted to talk to her, andshe said she had to go to work. She backed off and he went on

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