GEORGE EPPS, Sworn In For The State, 2nd To Testify

Reading Time: 3 minutes [348 words]


GEORGE EPPS, Sworn for the State.

I am fourteen years old. I live right around the corner from Mary Phagan's home. I have known her about a year. The last time I saw her* was Saturday morning coming to town on the English Avenue car. It was about ten minutes to twelve when I first saw her. I left her about seven minutes after twelve at the corner of Forsyth and Marietta Street. She had on that hat, parasol and things when I left her. She was going to the pencil factory to draw her money. She said she was going to the see the parade at Elkin-Watson's at two o'clock. She never showed up. I stayed around there until four o'clock and then I went to ball game. When I left her at the corner of Forsyth and Marietta, I went under the bridge to get papers and she went over the bridge to the pencil factory, about two blocks down Forsyth Street. I sat with Mary on the car.


I know what time it was when I met Mary because I looked at Bryant and Keheley's clock, at the corner of Oliver and Bellwood, where I caught the car. She caught the car at Oliver and Lindsey and I caught the car at Oliver and Bell Street. She got on before I did, just one block before. I didn't say anything before the Coroner's jury about seeing a clock there, but I did see one. I know it was about seven minutes after twelve when I got off at Marietta Street because I can tell by the sun. I lived in the country and when I got off I looked at the sun. Mary got off the street car with me. No, she didn't ride on to Hunter Street. I am sure of that. She walked on down to the pencil factory on the right-hand side of Forsyth Street.

*her - the word "here" is likely a typo of the word 'her'.

GEORGE EPPS, Sworn In For The State, 2nd To Testify


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