MISS CORINTHIA HALL, Sworn In For The Defendant, 42nd To Testify

Reading Time: 3 minutes [344 words]

MISS CORINTHIA HALL, sworn for the Defendant.

I work in the finishing up department of the pencil factory. I am a

forelady. I was at the factory on April 26th, I got there about 25 minutes

to twelve. I had to come to town on the East Lake car and got to

town about 11:30 and it took me about five minutes to reach the factory.

Mrs. Emma Clarke Freeman was with me. She had spent the night with

me. We went there after her coat and to telephone, to call up Mrs. Free-

man's husband. We went up to the fourth floor to get the coat and then

came down and went in Mr. Frank's office. It was about 15 minutes to 12

when we left the factory. Mr. Frank was writing when we came in his

office. His stenographer was in the outer office. Mrs. Freeman said she

would like to use the telephone. She used the telephone and then we

went out. During the ten minutes we were there he was talking to two men between the outer office and the clock. He was dismissing those two men when we came. Mrs. White and the stenographer were in the office then also. As we were going up the steps, Mr. Frank called to Mrs. Freeman to tell Arthur White to come down that his wife wanted to see him. On the fourth floor we saw May Barrett, Arthur White and Harry Denham. When we left the factory, the following people were still there:

Arthur White, Mrs. White, May Barrett, her daughter, Harry Denham,

the stenographer and Mr. Frank.


We met Mr. Holloway between Broad and Forsyth Streets as he

came out of the factory as we went in. We met Lemmie Quinn afterwards

at the Greek Caf, don't know what time it was. When we came

out, we went to corner of Alabama and Forsyth to use a telephone. It

took us about five minutes to go there and come back to Greek Cafe. We

got a cup of coffee and sandwich and were getting the change when Quinn

came in.

MISS CORINTHIA HALL, Sworn In For The Defendant, 42nd To Testify

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