Wednesday, 30th April 1913 Business Men Protest Sensational “Extras”, The Atlanta Journal

Reading Time: 3 minutes [280 words]

Atlanta Journal

Wednesday, April 30th, 1913

(Page 1, Column 3)

Following an interview between Mayor Woodward and Chief of Police Beavers and Chief of Detectives Lanford, in which the mayor protested that extras on the Phagan murder case which were based on information alleged to have been given out by the officers and the detectives and which were liable to unduly inflame the public, a petition has been circulated among local business men asking the newspapers not to issue so many sensational extras.

The petition states that extras such as have been issued are hurting business and will hurt it still further, that the community is being aroused to a dangerous degree by them, and that they may bring extremely unfortunate conditions.

The Journal issues six local editions and has been doing so for months. In these editions the developments in the Phagan case have been given fully and correctly. The case will be covered in the same conservative way in the future, with all possible facts included and no unwarranted ones.

The six editions which The Journal issues every day, and has been issuing for the past six months, are as follows:

  • 1. Goes to press 10:30 a. m. Out at 11. Marked "extra."
  • 2. Goes to press 11:30 a. m. Out at 12. Marked "early mail" or extra.
  • 3. Goes to press 2:30 p. m. Out at 3. Regular edition.
  • 4. Goes to press about 3:45 p. m. First baseball extra.
  • 5. Goes to press about 5 o'clock when the game is over.
  • 6. Final night extra.

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Atlanta Journal, April 30th 1913, "Business Men Protest Sensational ‘Extras,'" Leo Frank case newspaper article series

, April 30th 1913, "Business Men Protest Sensational ‘Extras,'" Leo Frank case newspaper article series


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