Tuesday, 13th May 1913 Mystery Within a Mystery Now Baffling Newspaper Men Working on the Phagan Case

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Mystery Within a Mystery


Atlanta Constitution

Tuesday, May 13th, 1913

By Thomas Byrd Magath

A veil of mystery so dense as to completely shut off the light from all newspaper men surrounds the identity of the detective who has been employed by Solicitor General Dorsey.

So far nothing can be learned except that the mysterious detective has worked on the case only one week and is now not in Atlanta, but some distance away working on another case.

"This detective, one of the best in the country," quotes Mr. Dorsey, "did not give up the case because of inefficiency for," says the solicitor general. "I am absolutely satisfied with his work and hope he will continue work on the case."

Where Did He Come From?

Where this detective came from is known only to Mr. Dorsey. He declared in an interview on Monday that he had divulged the name to no one and that his movements were unknown to all save himself.

If the detective has discovered anything definite it is not to be told until the whole matter has simmered down and all the evidence that can be gotten together is in hand. Hundreds of affidavits have been pouring in many of which will be excluded.

Case Before Jury Friday.

Mr. Dorsey further stated in the interview that it was not likely that the case would come before the grand jury until Friday, and that Frank and Lee would both probably be considered at once although if a true bill were found against them he could not say which would be tried first.

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Atlanta Constitution, May 13th 1913, "Mystery Within a Mystery Now Baffling Newspaper Men Working on the Phagan Case," Leo Frank case newspaper article series



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