Friday, 23rd May 1913 Detective R. S. Ozburn Swears to Phone Talk, The Atlanta Journal

Reading Time: 3 minutes [288 words]

The Atlanta Journal

Friday, May 23rd, 1913

(Page 2, Column 3, Top)

Says He Overheard Col. Felder Offer $1,000 for Phagan Papers

State of Georgia,

County of Fulton.

Personally appeared before me the undersigned notary public, for the state and county aforesaid, R. S. Ozburn, who makes oath, in due form of law, and says he is a citizen of Atlanta, Georgia, and a member of the detective department of the Atlanta police force; that he was in J. M. Hewitt's office, 1409 Fourth National Bank building, in said city, on Tuesday, May the 20th, 1913, at 11:43 a. m., and that at that time there was J. M. Hewitt, N. A. Lanford, chief of detectives; A. S. Colyar, and the affiant in the room. A. S. Colyar called over the telephone, Main 1103, and called for T. B. Felder to come to the phone; the affiant got up and put his ear by the side of the said Colyar's ear and had the receiver to said phone between the two ears, and the affiant heard what the said Colyar said to T. B. Felder. "If I get the p[a]pers for you in the Phagan case, with the Coleman affidavit, do we get the thousand dollars," and T. B. Felder said, "Yes," and then Felder said also, over the telephone, "Now, will these papers impeach both chiefs?" and Colyar said "What chiefs," and the voice answered back "Beavers and Lanford."


Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 22d day of May, 1913, A. D.


Notary Public, Fulton County, Georgia

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Atlanta Journal, May 23rd 1913, "Detective R. S. Ozburn Swears to Phone Talk," Leo Frank case newspaper article series



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