Sunday, 8th June 1913 Three Open Letters Given Out Saturday by Thos. B. Felder
Atlanta Journal
Sunday, June 8th, 1913
In One of These Letters He Reopens His Controversy With A. S. Colyar About the Dictograph Episode
He Also Makes Another Personal Attack Upon Detective Chief—Declares Beavers Is Unfitted for His Office
Thomas B. Felder, the attorney who was dictographed by the city detectives, Saturday afternoon gave out open letters addressed to James R. Gray, editor of The Journal, Chief of Police James L. Beavers, and Chief of Detectives Newport A. Lanford. These letters purported to be an exposure of what Mr. Felder has characterized as the dictograph frame up. The letter addressed to James R. Gray is largely an attack upon A. S. Colyar, the man who assisted the city detectives in dictographing Mr. Felder. In the letter to Chief Beavers, Mr. Felder declares that he has never charged the chief with being corrupt, but states that he regards him as unfitted for the office of chief of police. In the letter to Chief of Detectives Lanford, Mr. Felder again attacks that official's character and charges that he is in a conspiracy with Governor Cole Blease, of South Carolina, to kidnap Felder and carry him across the state line.
The communications as given out by Mr. Felder follow in full:
Atlanta, Georgia, June 7, 1913.
Mr. James R. Gray,
Editor and Proprietor of The Atlanta Journal, Atlanta, Georgia
My Dear Dick:
Recent occurrences have rudely shocked my confidence in your professions of personal friendship for me. That you have in times past been my friend, I do not doubt; but for reasons best known to yourself, you have chosen to stifle every generous impulse of a lifetime and to exhibit towards me a spirit which I could not expect to find in my worst foe. Why your professed ardor should have cooled so suddenly and your pretended friendship should have passed so mysteriously into eclipse is a riddle which I cannot quite solve, remembering your former fulsome protestations as I do. But for the rude jolts you have recently given an old acquaintance of nearly a quarter of a century, we might be preparing to celebrate the silver anniversary of our friendship; but instead of celebrating this event in our lives, I must bemoan the faults of one "Whose heart is treacherous, though his tongue drops manna"; but I am thankful to say that I have a host of friends, whose friendship I treasure above rubies. They are as steadfast and as true as the north star, "Let the wind blow where it listeth." In the present, as in every crisis through which I have been called to pass, they have given me without stint and most unselfishly their loyal support and co-operation and I wear them where Hamlet wore Horatio, "In my heart's core." I also have my enemies—in the main, among the criminal classes—whose venality and corruption a profound sense of professional duty and obligation has forced me to expose.
I might add that I prize my enemies scarcely less than my friends, for the possession of their enmity constitutes the very highest tribute to my character, both personal and professional. There are not a few of my friends who are bound to me, thank God, by "hooks of steel," because of the very enemies I have made.
I will never understand, Dick, why you reproduced in the columns of your paper, with the impramata of your sanction, the uncorroborated vaporings of the diseased mind of this mental hunchback and moral pervert, A. S. Colyar, Jr., especially when the mass of putrid matter furnished you by him bore all of the earmarks of a wil[l]ful and deliberate forgery; and in view of the further fact that at least one other paper to which it was tendered, upon the owner of which I had no claim except that of fair treatment, rejected it, upon the grounds—first that the article carried upon its face the indubituble and unmistakable proof of an outrageous "frame-up," and second, that the tenderer was not a man, but a human monstrosity, without mental, moral or financial responsibility for his action. It is also a curious fact that the manager of the paper rejecting the proffered manuscript had no knowledge of Colyar's character, while you—so you informed me—knew him to be a "professional crook," who would sell out to one side as quickly as to the other. To cite evidence of this—his activities to sell in the "market overt" to the highest bidder for cash the fruits of his perjuries and forgeries have abated not one "jot or tittle" since he palmed off on you the mass of putrefaction labeled by him,"Felder and Woodward Dictographed." As proof of this statement, Dick, let me call your attention to some of the things which he has offered, in this market, since the publication of the alleged dictograph matter he claims to have sold to you. His offer has been declined, because it was not believed this his charges against you were true. I would not be a party to blacken the character of an enemy, much less a friend, by giving publicity to villainous charges embodied in an affidavit I had reason to believe false. I have never in my career winked at or sanctioned fraud, and I never will. If I had been disposed, Dick, to injure your character and reputation by the use of this villainous Caliban, A. S. Colyar, Jr., I could have done so about 2 1/2 years ago, when he offered in this market a batch of forged affidavits which he claimed you employed him to secure, and for which he claimed further you declined to pay him in full. These affidavits contained damnable charges against a distinguished citizen of this city, who was and is known to be an enemy of yours. He tendered along with these affidavits his personal affidavit, in which he made the specific charge that you employed him to secure these affidavits, even though resort to forgery be necessary in their procurement. I may claim some credit for the fact that these affidavits were not given to the public at that time through the columns of your contemporaries; of course you were my friend, Dick, and I was on guard, as I usually am, to protect my friends, when either their lives, liberty or property are put in peril.
Now, as to the Felder and Woodward dictograph episode—Colyar is offering for sale affidavits which contain the following specific charges against you: First. That you paid him $500.00 for this alleged dictograph report; That upon a close inspection of the record you reached the conclusion that it was faked, that under your direction some one or more of your employees proceeded to edit out of the manuscript the most glaring evidences of forgery; that when portions thereof could not be revised so as to make it appear genuine, they were stricken bodlly [sic] from the manuscript and the following insereted in lieu thereof: "Confusion, care passing, shuffling of feet, conversation lost, disturbance," and the like; that after my card appeared calling attention to the evidence of the stuff being faked, you summoned him, Colyar, to a hurried conference, when and where it was decided that young Gentry must be hurried from the scene of action; that the custody of the original note book must be obtained and the same destroyed, and that you actually furnished $100 to defray the expenses of young Gentry's flight.
A few days ago Colyar was arrested on a charge of forgery, alleged to have been committed in Knoxville, Tenn., and placed in jail. Since his liberation, he is authority for the statement that you employed and paid counsel for him, with the distinct understanding that as soon as liberated he should flee from this jurisdiction; that it was upon this distinct understanding that you extended to him succor and aid; but that he is determined to stand by his guns and at the opportune time will cheerfully furnish all necessary evidence of this miserable "frame-up," including your personal connection therewith.
I repeat, I do not believe his charges against you to be true any more than you believe his charges against me to be so, for from our intimate association, covering as I have above stated, the period of a quarter of a century, I do not think that either would be justified in believing that the other could be guilty of criminal conduct.
Dick, in this age of commercialism my understanding is that the supreme test of friendship is the willingness and readiness of a friend to render succor and aid in the hour of adversity. When you were put in bankruptcy, I told you I had in cash $12,000 or $15,000, all of which was at your service; that I would raise as much more by pledging my property, and this I would cheerfully do. Again I ask, Dick, which of us has acted a friend's part, you or I?
This villain Colyar is usually crafty enough to bolster up his perjuries and forgeries by plausible circumstantial corroborating evidence. To illustrate—on Monday night, after my card was published on Sunday, he called up the widowed mother of young Gentry over the phone, and urged her to get possession of the note book and have it delivered to him at once. To quote him "We will all get in a hell of a fix if we don't get possession of this note book, for this fellow, Felder, will jail the whole bunch."
Dick, a delicious episode occurred during my negotiations with Colyar for the alleged purchase of the documents showing that the city detectives were destroying evidence in the Phagan case. Its pertinency will become apparent as it is unfolded. I know you will enjoy it as I did, even though it be at your expense. While Colyar was negotiating with you for the sale of his "dictograph manuscript" he called at my office one day and said to me that within an hour he would meet the custodian of the records—that he would call me over the phone, placing the custodian at an extension phone; he would ask me if I were "ready to come across with that $1,000 if he were ready to deliver the goods." I was to reply, "Yes." He now tells me, Dick, that this was a frame-up on you to get that $500, and the way you "fell for it was a caution;" that he put you at one extension phone and my good old friend, Jack Cohen, at another, and that after the conversation you three boys held a love feast, and literally did a song and dance to that melodious, soulful old tune, "Comrades, Comrades, Ever Since We Were Boys," and that from that moment forward you were as gullible as the yellow-mouth baby mocking bird. His description of his experience with you and Jack afterwards I know would excite your risibles. He says from that moment to the time of his unfortunate arrest and incarceration on the charge of forgery and "a dilemma from which you furnished the money to extricate him" that you would "fall for almost anything." in his dramatic description of your attitude, he likens you and Jack to the little yellow mouth, unfledged baby birds in the nest, and himself to the old mother bird: that he flew away, "grabbed" the "worm" of my conversation; flew back to the nest; up went your credulous little yellow mouths, and down wend the worm, entrails, hair and all; that after that, every time his "fledgelings" heard the flappings of the wings of the mother bird, whether she brought to the nest worm or twig, up would go the yellow mouths of her darling "fledgelings" and down would go either worm or twig. Dick, I really want you and Jack to get him on one of his numerous visits to your office to rehearse this for you, for I know you boys will enjoy it, as I know you well enough to know that you enjoy a "good one," even though the joke is at your expense.
Dick, in a vein of seriousness, I am utterly indifferent to sensational and damaging publications reflecting upon my integrity of character, for I rest serene in the conscious security which honor and rectitude always afford to one whose heart is in the right place, and I am content to bide my time in patience for the fulfillment of that sweetest of all maxims, "Truth is omnipotent, and will prevail." But Dick, baseless libels against the professional character and integrity of a citizen, whether done to get a "scoop" on some competitor, or through malice or malevolence, is not only an extension of the doctrine of the "Liberty of the Press," but an invasion of the rights of the citizen; and take my word for it, an outrage of this character will some day be perpetrated upon some long suffering citizen, who, goaded to desperation by these attacks, will take the law in his own hands to protect his reputation and character. These wilful [sic], reckless and too frequent onslaughts upon the character of the private citizen by the riotous license of the press have their pathetic, aye, tragice angle, involving as they do not only the personal humiliation and embarrassment of the individual slandered, but the happiness and peace of his family.
The premises considered, I think it due me that you withdraw and repudiate the groundless charges made against me. I am,
Very truly yours,
Atlanta, Georgia, June 7, 1913.
Newport Lanford,
Chief of the Vice Department of the City of Atlanta, Atlanta, Georgia
With apologies to the reading public for parading before them a "barrow of butcher's offal," so harmoniously blended in your personality, I shall now proceed to redeem the pledge heretofore, made to lay bear, through the columns of the papers your infamous career in the map-administration of the affairs of the official position which you disgrace and dishonor. When I have finished, I promise, that as to you, the incident, so far as newspaper publication is concerned, shall be forever closed.
In dealing with the situation in my several cards, I am acting strictly within the admonition of the late lamented Rev. Sam P. Jones: "When you shave a gentleman, use a razor; when you shave a hog, use a brick." It must strike even one of your mental calibre that in treating you tonsorially the latter instrument recommended by the illustrious divine must be employed. It is not within the purview of this card to deal with the vice conditions which flourish in this city under your fostering care and protection. This matter is under investigation by the grand jury of this county, and I am quite certain it will be thorough and exhaustive. If so, I entertain no doubt that this phase of the situation, which will be embodied in their findings, will show, abundantly, your criminal connection therewith in all of its hideous deformity.
I can not, however, leave this branch of the subject without making some comment upon the action of the police board in "resoluting" confidence in their distinguished (?) soon to be extinguished, chief of the vice department of this city by decorating his manly bosom with a bouquet. "Oh, mother, mother, mother, won't you pin a rose on me?" I know nothing as to the personal or official conduct of any of the gentlemen constituting this honorable body, nor have I lodged any charge against them before the grand jury, or elsewhere, but if the courtesy which is said to have been extended to one of their board who "resoluted," namely, protecting him from arrest and exposure when caught in the act of beating his paramour, has been extended to any considerable number of the others, even your obtuse mind can discern the reason why these "mothers, mothers, mothers, pinned a rose on you." Yes, my dear El Capitan, with your military air, you are P. B. and I., pure, beautiful and innocent. It is unnecessary to prove it, for you admit it. And yet, within the past few weeks the hideous crimes committed by you, when exposed, would create a panic about the habitués of a rot pit and bring the blush of shame to the cheeks of the inmates of a brothel. They mark you a hireling scavenger of filth and falsehood, lost to every sense of propriety and recreant to every principle of honor. You are like the dead fish of the sea, you "rise as you rot."
And you say you met Colyar about three weeks ago? As a matter of fact, you met him about three years ago; and from that good hour to this you have, at intervals, conspired with him to frame upon citizens of this community; but your conspiracies with him have ended, unless they are resumed when you "par fratrum nobile" later, as you surely will, within the gates of the lunatic asylum or the state convict farm in the city of Milledgeville. For be it known you are both "worthy and well qualified," not to say eligible, for either station, and this is the destiny that awaits you. Together, this "pair of noble brothers," during the past three weeks, have committed, in the city of Atlanta, the crimes of forgery, perjury and subornation of perjury, in furthering and effectuating the filthiest, foulest and most diabolical conspiracy ever conceived and hatched by a pair of debased, low, slimy criminals. Let me give the details.
You lied to Surles, of the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph company, in inducing him to install the so-called dictograph, i. e., as to its installation; you lied to him in promising not to disclose his name. You disclosed it in an effort to give some respectability in the conspiracy by publishing "the instrument used in dictographing Felder was installed by Surles, the electrician of the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph company." You lied to and duped young Gentry, one of the unfortunate victims to this conspiracy. Indeed, in connection with your machination, "you lied sitting, you lied lying, and, if you had had wings you would have lied flying." You lie in speech, you lie in song, you lie in thought, and in the lying you are a veritable human megaphone. When you and your man "Friday" Colyar approached young Gentry, not yet out of his ‘teens and with little experience as a stenographer, to do your filthy work—you do no other kind—he told you he had not had sufficient experience to report a dictograph conversation. You assured him that for your purposes this made no difference; you were not looking for a "stenographer," you were looking for a "name." You were again laying the foundation to give respectability to this conspiracy by dragging into your filthy scheme the honorable name of "Gentry," thereby pre-arranging for the publication of your "official organ" for the startling announcement, in box car letters, "Dictograph notes were reported, by George Gentry, a nephew of Hon. W. T. Gentry, president of the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph company."
When the criminal farce at the Williams house ended, you stood over this boy and forced him to forge the story and then forced him to forge the story and then forced him to swear to it, and when you realized that your criminal conspiracy had come to grief, you sent him "helter, skelter" from the city, and this is how he went. On Monday night you directed Colyar to call up the home of young Gentry and to say to him that unless he immediately delivered to you his note book, you would be in a hell of a fix. The grief-stricken mother, who had been made aware of your foul conspiracy by her victimized son, answered the phone, and this statement was made to her. I am very thankful that the note book was not delivered to you and that it stands as mute witness to establish the crimes that I am now laying at your door. If it had been, it was your express intention to destroy it as you have destroyed all of the evidence in the Phagan case. You and your co-conspirators furnished the money for the flight of this young boy. You have stated to the people, day by day, through the columns of the press, that you know his whereabouts and that at the proper time you would produce him. This statement was a deliberate lie. You have been moving heaven and earth to locate him, not for the purpose of bringing him back but for the purpose of having him "move on." I know where he is; I succeeded in locating him, at great personal expense, and as soon as he was located I sent a detective to urge him to return. It may be of interest to you conspirators to know that I am in receipt of a telegram today stating that Gentry would reach a conclusion this afternoon was to whether he will return to Atlanta, and if he concludes to return I will give you the pleasure of seeing him Monday morning, as it will require that much time for him to reach the city from the parts where you sent him.
In the meantime, I want you conspirators to know that I am familiar with all the facts. Let me pause long enough to say you and your man "Friday" that you carefully prepared affidavits, had them signed by your willing tools, to the effect that I had "run Gentry out of town to keep him away from the grand jury." These were not given to the public as an enterprising newspaper "scoop" because of your co-conspirators who had more intelligence if not less character than you, admonished you that this was a dangerous expedient and would be inevitably shown up later, so this part of your infamous scheme was abandoned. You say you had no connection with Gentry; you were not present when those notes were written out. Oh, what a sweet scented liar! You stood over him while this bungling forgery was being perpetrated, and aided in it by telling him what to write. In this wicked transaction you were literally the last at the cross and the first at the sepulchre.
I desire to direct public attention to your activities along another line. Your "brother in the criminal bond," Cole L. Blease, of South Carolina, sued out a warrant in his home county, charging me with an attempted bribery. This seems to be a favorite charge among you criminals. The warrant was issued in 1911; the crime alleged to have been committed was in 1905. In the interim, I spent the greater part of three and a half years in the state of South Carolina, recovering for that graft-ridden state many hundreds of thousands of dollars, out of which the state had been defrauded by Blease and his associates. When this warrant was sued out, your criminal friend Blease sent one of his hirelings to a man in the state of Georgia who had some dealings with the state of South Carolina and urged him to clandestinely visit out [sic] governor, with whom he was supposed to have influence, and urge him to honor the requisition, stating that it was important to get me into the state of South Carolina and have me put out of the way; that he had already arranged this part of the program. Since this time your South Carolina criminal associate presented to the grand jury of his home county all of his forged evidence, and, by the way, forged evidence seems to be the fort of you criminals, whose crimes I have exposed, and the grand jury, by a decisive vote, returned a no-bill.
Now to the point. You have, during the interim between the refusal of the requisition and up to this good hour, been in constant communication with the agents of this vagabond governor (since this controversy you have been somewhat more active) and, not withstanding you are a peace officer in Georgia, sworn to preserve the peace, you have entered into a conspiracy with the agents of your criminal associate in South Carolina to kidnap me some night between the city and my home, put me in an automobile, and send me into the state of South Carolina.
There are several other matters that I wish later to bring to the attention of the people of this community for their consideration, but my purpose is to do it through the medium of the grand jury. I found it a difficult task to uncover the South Carolina criminals, but finally succeeded, but because they were intelligent criminals; I am finding it quite easy to uncover you for the reason that for the lack of intelligence you a common, ordinary, filthy criminal.
I hope to be able, at an early meeting of the grand jury of this county, to lay before them all of the facts and have indictments handed out against you and your fellows in crime.
Atlanta, Georgia, June 7, 1913.
Mr. J. L. Beavers.
Chief of Police, Atlanta, Georgia
Two days after the publication of the alleged pictograph record I called upon Marion Jackson, chairman of the executive committee of the Men and Religion Forward Movement. I called upon him for two reasons; namely, first, I believed him to be my ‘friend,' and second, I knew him to be yours. In my conference with him I think I convinced him that in the authentic records could be found the charge made by me of official corruption against you. In the conference I offered to submit all matters of issue to the arbitrament of the executive committee of the Men and Religion Forward Movement. He gave it as his opinion that this was not the proper tribunal to settle these charges. The only charges imputed to me as having been made against you were charges contained in the dictograph record. If you do not know that this record is a "forgery," you stand alone in your ignorance on the subject among the citizens of Atlanta. Up to the time that "this stunt was pulled off" you have always had my best wishes in connection with the discharge of your official duties. I had always considered you sincere, not overly bright and not especially fitted for the office you hold, still not being a citizen of Atlanta—I live in the county—your fitness or want of fitness was not a matter of particular concern to me; but being a tax paper of the city and intensely interested in its progress and prosperity, I felt that you should be given a fair chance to make good for the position you occupied.
I am now convinced that you are not intellectually and temperamentally fitted for the office you occupy, and I shall proceed to give you the reasons for the conclusion I have reached:
When this pictograph "stuff" was published, instead of inquiring as to its genuineness, as any cit official capable of discharging the duties of his office should and would have done, you permitted yourself to rush into public print, hurling abusive epithets and libelous matter viciously at me. You should have known that this conduct might have resulted in a breach of the peace, which you, as an officer, are sworn to conserve, and if the charges made against me were untrue, you violated a penal statute of the state.
You charged me with being the paid attorney of the vice gangsters, and with co-operating with them as paid counsel to reinstate former conditions in this city. Surely you could not be induced to lodge a charge of this character against a citizen, however humble, without some evidence to support it. I am not now, have not in the past, and do not expect in the future to represent individuals, firms or associations of individuals whose purpose it is to foster or promote vice and crime in the city of Atlanta. I have lived in Atlanta twenty-three and one-half years, and during this period I have never represented the keeper of a brothel in any court in the county of Fulton. I usually decline such employment. During this period I have appeared in four cases of violation of the prohibition laws, and in three of these I was employed by outside breweries to test the constitutionality of laws and ordinances.
I think it very undignified for you to have branded me as a professional crook and to have declared that "it takes one crook to catch another." In thus characterizing me, you are guilty of libel, and you know it, and in making this and similar libelous charges, you but strengthened the opinion of many, that you are not intellectually and temperamentally fitted for the office of chief of police. Moreover, your maxim is faulty, that "it takes a crook to catch a crook." Your chief of detectives is a living refutation of this doctrine.
In a conversation recently had with you, I promised to tell you who charged you with official corruption. I now beg to comply with this promise—Colyar and February, sitting in my law office about two weeks ago, imparted this information. It was they, and not I, who said that you and Lanford had a graft list; it was they, and not I, who said that you met a woman at 119 Garnett street twice a week, as I now remember, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and that this fact was pretty generally known. I expressed my doubt as to the truth of both of these statements, whereupon Colyar stated that he would notify any citizen interested in one of your visits to this number, and that if the mayor would appoint special officers to arrest you he would have you caught and ridden nude through the streets of the city, to quote him literally, "so that the people would know what a damned hypocrite" you are. This conversation with these men in my office furnished the foundation for the dictograph "stuff" in which I am made the author of this remark. It was they who told me that certain detectives and police visited Fombys and got on drunken brawls there almost nightly. It was they also who told me of the existence of dens of vice in the city; it was they also who told me that from some you received money; others received protection from you because conducted by relatives of yours; and still others because frequented or owned by your political friends. If you extend protection, which I have not and do not charge, to any of these, whether in pelf or political influences, you are culpable.
Permit me to say that while before the grand jury I frankly stated my inability to testify to vice conditions said to exist in Atlanta, for my evidence would be hearsay. I furnished that body no list or roster of disreputable places, but am informed that a list was furnished by others.
In conclusion, permit me to say that my understanding is that you now have in conducting the police department of the city of Atlanta plenary power to appoint, remove and discipline your subordinates. If you are really a capable official, it is your duty to investigate the recent pictograph episode directed by the so-called chief of the detectives department, and if you find him to be guilty of being responsible for the miserable frame-up. It seems to me to be your duty to promptly remove him from office.
I beg to remain,
Very truly yours,
* * *
- Monday, 28th April 1913, J. M. Gantt is Arrested on His Arrival in Marietta; He Visited Factory Saturday, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 6th, 2023] [Originally Added On: February 14th, 2021]
- Monday, 28th April 1913 Police Think Negro Watchman Can Clear Murder Mystery; Four Are Now Under Arrest, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 6th, 2023] [Originally Added On: February 13th, 2021]
- Monday, 28th April 1913 Coroner’s Jury Visits Scene of Murder and Adjourns Without Rendering Verdict, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 6th, 2023] [Originally Added On: February 11th, 2021]
- Monday, 28th April 1913 “God’s Vengeance Will Strike Brute Who Killed Her,” Says Grandfather of Mary Phagan, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 6th, 2023] [Originally Added On: February 7th, 2021]
- Monday, 28th April 1913 Man Held for Girl’s Murder Avows He Was With Another When Witness Saw Him Last, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 7th, 2023] [Originally Added On: February 10th, 2021]
- Monday, 28th April 1913 Strand of Hair in Machine on Second Floor May Be Clew Left by Mary Phagan, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 7th, 2023] [Originally Added On: February 12th, 2021]
- Monday, 28th April 1913 Thousands Visit Morgue to View Girl’s Body, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 7th, 2023] [Originally Added On: February 9th, 2021]
- Monday, 28th April 1913 Two Maundering Notes Add Mystery to Crime, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 9th, 2023] [Originally Added On: February 8th, 2021]
- Tuesday, 29th April 1913 Bloody Thumb Print is Found on Door, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2023] [Originally Added On: February 6th, 2021]
- Tuesday, 29th April 1913 Gantt's Release Asked in Habeas Corpus Writ, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2023] [Originally Added On: February 5th, 2021]
- Tuesday, 29th April 1913 L. M. Frank, Factory Superintendent, Detained By Police, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2023] [Originally Added On: February 4th, 2021]
- Tuesday, 29th April 1913 State Offers $200 Reward; City Will Follow With $1,000 For Mary Phagans Murderer, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2023] [Originally Added On: February 3rd, 2021]
- Tuesday, 29th April 1913 Stepfather Thinks Negro is Murderer, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2023] [Originally Added On: February 2nd, 2021]
- Tuesday, 29th April 1913 Three Handwriting Experts Say Negro Wrote the Two Notes Found by Body of Girl, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2023] [Originally Added On: February 1st, 2021]
- Tuesday, 29th April 1913 Where Was Mary Phagan on Saturday Afternoon? The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 31st, 2021]
- Tuesday, 29th April 1913 Witnesses Positive Murdered Girl Was Same Who Created Scene at the Terminal Station on Friday, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 30th, 2021]
- Wednesday, 30th April 1913 Business Men Protest Sensational “Extras”, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 22nd, 2021]
- Wednesday, 30th April 1913 Hearing for Gantt at 3 P.M. Wednesday, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 25th, 2021]
- Wednesday, 30th April 1913 Mary Phagan at Home Last Friday, Says Mother, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 23rd, 2021]
- Wednesday, 30th April 1913 Negro Watchman Tells Story of Finding Girl’s Body and Questions Fail to Shake Him, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 29th, 2021]
- Wednesday, 30th April 1913 Negro Watchman Wrote Note Found Beside Dead Girl, Experts Declare, After Seeing Franks Handwriting, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 27th, 2021]
- Wednesday, 30th April 1913 Reward of $1,000 is Appropriated by City, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 26th, 2021]
- Wednesday, 30th April 1913 Says He Punched Time Clock on Wrong Number, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 14th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 24th, 2021]
- Wednesday, 30th April 1913 Use of Dictaphone on Frank and Negro is Denied by Police, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 14th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 28th, 2021]
- Thursday, 1st May 1913 Detectives Eliminate Evidence in Conflict with Theory that Phagan Girl Never Left Factory, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 21st, 2021]
- Thursday, 1st May 1913 Did Murderer Seek to Burn Slain Girls Body, and Did the Watchman Interrupt Him? The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 20th, 2021]
- Friday, 2nd May 1913 Solicitor Dorsey is Making Independent Probe of Phagan Case, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 19th, 2021]
- Saturday, 3rd May 1913 Detectives Confer With Coroner and Solicitor Dorsey, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 18th, 2021]
- Sunday, 4th May 1913 Girl in Red Dress May Furnish Clue to Phagan Mystery, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 14th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 17th, 2021]
- Monday, 5th May 1913, Coroner’s Inquest Resumed 2:30 p.m., Leo Frank Will Testify, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 14th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 16th, 2021]
- Tuesday, 6th May 1913, Leo Max Frank’s Complete Story of Where He Was and What He Did on Day of Mary Phagan Murder, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 14th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 13th, 2021]
- Tuesday, 6th May 1913 Paul Bowen, Held in Houston, Known Here But Left Atlanta in October, Hasn’t Been Back, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 15th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 15th, 2021]
- Tuesday, 6th May 1913, Pictures of Fifty Girls Found in Search of Bowens Trunk, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 15th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2021]
- Tuesday, 6th May 1913 Story of Paul Bowens Arrest as Told by Associated Press, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 15th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 14th, 2021]
- Wednesday, 7th May 1913 Bowen Given Liberty, Makes Full Statement, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 16th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 9th, 2021]
- Wednesday, 7th May 1913 Fourteen Houston Policemen Fired on Bowen’s Account, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 16th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 10th, 2021]
- Wednesday, 7th May, 1913, Two New Witnesses in Phagan Mystery to Testify Thursday, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 16th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 11th, 2021]
- Thursday, 8th May 1913 J. L. Watkins Says He Did Not See Phagan Child on Day of Tragedy, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 17th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 4th, 2021]
- Thursday, 8th May 1913 Lemmie Quinn Grilled by Coroner Paul Donehoo But He Sticks to His Statement, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: February 28th, 2024] [Originally Added On: January 7th, 2021]
- Thursday, 8th May 1913 Miss Daisy Jones Convinces Jury She Was Mistaken for Mary Phagan, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 17th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 5th, 2021]
- Thursday, 8th May 1913 Miss Hattie Hall, Stenographer, Left Pencil Factory at Noon, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 18th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 6th, 2021]
- Thursday, 8th May 1913 Mr. Frank’s Treatment of Girls Unimpeachable, Says Miss Hall, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 18th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 3rd, 2021]
- Thursday, 8th May 1913, Phagan Inquest in Session; Six Witnesses are Examined Before Adjournment to 2:30 O'Clock, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 18th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 8th, 2021]
- Thursday, 8th May 1913 Stains on Shirt Were Not Made While Shirt Was Being Worn, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 19th, 2023] [Originally Added On: January 2nd, 2021]
- Friday, 9th May 1913 Character Witnesses are Called in the Case by City Detectives, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 25th, 2020]
- Friday, 9th May 1913 Coroner Donehoo Points Out the Law to the Jurors, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 24th, 2020]
- Friday, 9th May 1913 Detective Harry Scott’s Testimony as Given Before Coroner’s Jury, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 29th, 2020]
- Friday, 9th May 1913 Detective John Black Tells the Jury His Views on the Phagan Case, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 28th, 2020]
- Friday, 9th May 1913 Here is Testimony of Witnesses Given at the Final Session of Coroner’s Jury in Phagan Case, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 30th, 2020]
- Friday, 9th May 1913 Investigation Just Begun Says Detective Lanford, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 31st, 2020]
- Friday, 9th May 1913 Newt Lee Tells of the Talk He Had in the Police Station, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 27th, 2020]
- Friday, 9th May 1913 Superintendent Frank is Once More Put on Witness Stand, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 26th, 2020]
- Friday, 9th May 1913 With Two Men Held in Tower, Mystery of Murder Deepens, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: January 1st, 2021]
- Saturday, 10th May 1913 Public Now Knows All Facts in Murder Case, Say Detectives, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 23rd, 2020]
- Sunday, 11th May 1913 City Detectives Theory of Phagan Murder Outlined, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 22nd, 2020]
- Sunday, 11th May 1913 Grand Jury to Consider Phagan Case This Week, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 21st, 2020]
- Monday, 12th May 1913 Rumor That Frank Married in Brooklyn Not True, Says Eagle, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 20th, 2020]
- Tuesday, 13th May 1913 Solicitor Dorsey is Working New Theory in Phagan Mystery, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 10th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 19th, 2023]
- Wednesday Evening, the 14th Day of May 1913, New Theory Fails to Change Course of Murder Probe, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 10th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 18th, 2020]
- Thursday, Evening Edition, the 15th Day of May 1913, No Phagan Trial Before Last of June Declares Solicitor, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 10th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 17th, 2020]
- Friday, 16th May 1913 Books and Papers in Phagan Case in Grand Jurys Hands, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 16th, 2020]
- Saturday, 17th May 1913 Phagan Case Will Go To Grand Jury in Present Form, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 15th, 2020]
- Sunday, 18th May 1913 Phagan Theory is Unchanged After Three Weeks’ Probe, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 14th, 2020]
- Monday, 19th May 1913 Burns Investigator Outlines His Theory of Phagan Murder, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 13th, 2020]
- Tuesday, 20th May 1913 Phagan Case Goes to the Grand Jury in Present Form, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 12th, 2020]
- Wednesday, 21st May 1913 Finger Print Expert Works With Dorsey to Solve Mystery, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 11th, 2020]
- Thursday, 22nd May 1913 Phagan Case Will Go to Grand Jury at 10 A. M. Friday, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 10th, 2020]
- Friday, 23rd May 1913 Col. Felder Confirmed His Offer in a Midnight Conversation by Telephone, Says A. S. Colyar, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 4th, 2020]
- Friday, 23rd May 1913 Col. Felder Denies Offering $1,000 or Any Other Sum for Affidavit Held by Detectives, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 8th, 2020]
- Friday, 23rd May 1913 Detective R. S. Ozburn Swears to Phone Talk, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 3rd, 2020]
- Friday, 23rd May 1913 Dictograph Set by Detectives to Trap Col. Thos. B. Felder; Here is the Dictograph Record, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 9th, 2020]
- Friday, 23rd May 1913 Febuary and Colyar Swear That Felder Offered Big Bribe, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 7th, 2020]
- Friday, 23rd May 1913 Here is Coleman Affidavit Which Officers Say Col. Felder Offered to Purchase for the Sum of $1,000, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 6th, 2020]
- Friday, 23rd May 1913 How Dictograph Was Installed in Williams House No. 2 to Trap Colonel Thomas B. Felder, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 5th, 2020]
- Saturday, 24th May 1913 Charlie C. Jones Shown by Dictograph to Have Been Foxy; Detective Miles Talks Freely, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 27th, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 24th, 2020]
- Saturday, 24th May 1913 Chief Lanford Replies to Col. T. B. Felder, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: February 25th, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 21st, 2020]
- Saturday, 24th May 1913 Dirty Gang Filled Out Record or Else Fooled Dictograph Mayor Woodward, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: February 25th, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 28th, 2020]
- Saturday, 24th May 1913 Dorsey Steers Clear of Felder Controversy, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 27th, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 25th, 2020]
- Saturday, 24th May 1913 Franks Attorneys Make No Comment [Last Updated On: February 21st, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 22nd, 2020]
- Saturday, 24th May 1913 Graft and Corruption are Charged to City Detectives and Police by Col. T. B. Felder, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 27th, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 26th, 2020]
- Saturday, 24th May 1913 Leo M. Frank is Indicted by Grand Jury for Mary Phagans Death; Negro, Newt Lee Held, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: February 25th, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 30th, 2020]
- Saturday, 24th May 1913 Negro Sweeper Tells Officer Frank Asked Him to Write Some Notes Day Before Tragedy, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: February 25th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 1st, 2020]
- Saturday, 24th May 1913 Newt Lee Will Give Convicting Evidence Attorney Indicates, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: February 25th, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 23rd, 2020]
- Saturday, 24th May 1913 Residents of Bellwood Ask The Journal to Say That Mr. Felder Was Not Employed by Them, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: February 25th, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 20th, 2020]
- Saturday, 24th May 1913 The Journals Big Story of Dictograph and Alleged Bribe Has Stirred the Whole City, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: January 27th, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 27th, 2020]
- Saturday, 24th May 1913 We Have Enough Votes if We Get the Evidence, the Mayor is Quoted by the Dictograph, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: February 25th, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 29th, 2020]
- Sunday, 25th May 1913 Chief Lanford Calls Felders Charges False [Last Updated On: February 25th, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 16th, 2020]
- Sunday, 25th May 1913 Citizens Deny Authority for Using Their Names [Last Updated On: March 3rd, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 15th, 2020]
- Sunday, 25th May 1913 Colyar Imputes Arrest to Felder Conspiracy [Last Updated On: March 3rd, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 14th, 2020]
- Sunday, 25th May 1913 Colyar Tells Where He and Col Felder Ought to be for Good of Society, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: February 25th, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 17th, 2020]
- Sunday, 25th May 1913 Felder is the Mouthpiece of the Vice Gang, Declares Chief of Police Jas. L. Beavers, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: February 25th, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 18th, 2020]
- Sunday, 25th May 1913 Here Are Affidavits Submitted by Col. Felder [Last Updated On: February 21st, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 12th, 2020]
- Sunday, 25th May 1913 Lanford is the Controlling Genius of Conspiracy to Protect the Murderer of Little Mary Phagan [Last Updated On: February 21st, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 13th, 2020]
- Sunday, 25th May 1913 State Didnt Show its Case to Secure Indictment Against Superintendent Leo M. Frank, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: February 25th, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 19th, 2020]
- Sunday, 25th May 1913 Woodward Hoots at the Idea of Plot to Oust Beavers [Last Updated On: February 21st, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 10th, 2020]
- Sunday, 25th May 1913 You Went to Williams House Like a Lamb to the Slaughter, Colyar Tells Felder in Letter [Last Updated On: February 21st, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 11th, 2020]
- Monday, 26th May 1913 Five Good Men Say if Charges Are Untrue, Says A. S. Colyar to Col. Felder [Last Updated On: January 6th, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 6th, 2020]
- Monday, 26th May 1913 I Have No Proof of Bribery in Phagan Case, Says Chief [Last Updated On: January 6th, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 8th, 2020]
- Monday, 26th May 1913 Thorough Probe of Charges Against Felder and Latters Charges Against Police Asked [Last Updated On: January 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 9th, 2020]
- Monday, 26th May 1913 Tobie Tried to Kidnap Incubator Baby, Says Topeka Police Official [Last Updated On: January 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 7th, 2020]
- Tuesday, 27th May 1913 Col. Felder Ridicules Idea of Grand Jury Investigation of City Detectives Charges [Last Updated On: January 8th, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 5th, 2020]
- Tuesday, 27th May 1913 Felder Barely Missed Being Trapped by His Own Dictograph [Last Updated On: January 8th, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 4th, 2020]
- Wednesday, 28th May 1913 Carl Hutcheson Again Attacks Chief Beavers [Last Updated On: January 8th, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 2nd, 2020]
- Wednesday, 28th May 1913 Conley Tells in Detail of Writing Notes on Saturday at Dictation of Mr. Frank [Last Updated On: January 9th, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 3rd, 2020]
- Thursday, 29th May 1913 A. S. Colyar Released From Bond on Thursday [Last Updated On: January 9th, 2024] [Originally Added On: November 1st, 2020]
- Thursday, 29th May 1913 Chief Asks Hutcheson for Protected List [Last Updated On: January 9th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 31st, 2020]
- Thursday, 29th May 1913 Detectives Seek Corroboration of Conleys Story [Last Updated On: January 10th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 30th, 2020]
- Thursday, 29th May 1913 Former Pencil Worker Outlines His Theory [Last Updated On: January 10th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 29th, 2020]
- Friday, 30th May 1913 Conley, Taken to Factory, Shows Where Girl Was Found—How They Put Body in Basement [Last Updated On: January 10th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 28th, 2020]
- Friday, 30th May 1913 Conleys Confession is Given in Full [Last Updated On: January 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 27th, 2020]
- Saturday, 31st May 1913 Grand Jury Called to Meet Tuesday in Special Session [Last Updated On: January 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 26th, 2020]
- Sunday, 1st June 1913 Conleys Statement Analyzed From Two Different Angles [Last Updated On: January 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 24th, 2020]
- Sunday, 1st June 1913 Grand Jury Meeting Remains a Mystery [Last Updated On: January 12th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 23rd, 2020]
- Sunday, 1st June 1913 Lanford Tells Why Conley Was Placed in Police Station [Last Updated On: January 12th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 25th, 2020]
- Monday, 2nd June 1913 Franks Defense is Outlined [Last Updated On: January 12th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 22nd, 2020]
- Monday, 2nd June 1913 Grand Jury Ready to Investigate Charges [Last Updated On: January 13th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 20th, 2020]
- Monday, 2nd June 1913 Negro Girl is Arrested in Phagan Murder Case [Last Updated On: January 13th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 21st, 2020]
- Tuesday, 3rd June 1913 Attorney Retained for Negro Servant at Franks Home [Last Updated On: January 13th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 18th, 2020]
- Tuesday, 3rd June 1913 Grand Jury Told of Vice Conditions [Last Updated On: January 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 19th, 2020]
- Wednesday, 4th June 1913 Cook Is Released on Signing Paper [Last Updated On: January 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 14th, 2020]
- Wednesday, 4th June 1913 Felder Exonerates Beavers, But Says Lanford is Corrupt [Last Updated On: January 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 16th, 2020]
- Wednesday, 4th June 1913 L. M. Franks Trial Will Occur Week of June 30 [Last Updated On: January 15th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 15th, 2020]
- Wednesday, 4th June 1913 Sensational Affidavit Made by Minola MKnight, Negro Cook at Home of L. M. Frank [Last Updated On: January 15th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 17th, 2020]
- Thursday, 5th June 1913 Colyar Arrested Again on Knoxville Warrant [Last Updated On: January 15th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 9th, 2020]
- Thursday, 5th June 1913 Grand Jury Probe of Vice Conditions Finished Thursday [Last Updated On: January 16th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 12th, 2020]
- Thursday, 5th June 1913 Lanford and Felder Come Near Fighting [Last Updated On: January 16th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 11th, 2020]
- Thursday, 5th June 1913 My Husband is Innocent, Declares Mrs. Leo M. Frank In First Public Statement [Last Updated On: January 16th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 13th, 2020]
- Thursday, 5th June 1913 Negros Affidavit Not Given Much Credence [Last Updated On: January 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 10th, 2020]
- Friday, 6th June 1913 A. S. Colyar Is Again Released From Custody [Last Updated On: January 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 5th, 2020]
- Friday, 6th June 1913 Conley Sticks to His Story; Declares Detective Chief [Last Updated On: January 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 8th, 2020]
- Friday, 6th June 1913 Jail Sentence for Woman Convicted in Vice Crusade [Last Updated On: January 18th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2020]
- Friday, 6th June 1913 Probe of Grand Jury Goes Over One Week [Last Updated On: January 18th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 6th, 2020]
- Saturday, 7th June 1913 Torture Chamber Methods Charged in Getting Evidence [Last Updated On: January 18th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 4th, 2020]
- Sunday, 8th June 1913 Scathing Replies Made to Letters Attacking Them [Last Updated On: January 19th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 2nd, 2020]
- Sunday, 8th June 1913 Solicitor Makes No Reply to Mrs. Frank [Last Updated On: January 19th, 2024] [Originally Added On: September 29th, 2020]
- Monday, 9th June 1913 Defense to Make Next Move in Phagan Case [Last Updated On: January 20th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 1st, 2020]
- Tuesday, 10th June 1913 Luther Z. Rosser, Attorney for Frank, Trains His Guns on City Detective Chief [Last Updated On: January 20th, 2024] [Originally Added On: September 28th, 2020]
- Wednesday, 11th June 1913 Conley’s Status in Phagan Case May Be Changed Wednesday [Last Updated On: January 20th, 2024] [Originally Added On: September 27th, 2020]
- Wednesday, 11th June 1913 Gentry Now Says Dictograph Record Was Tampered With [Last Updated On: January 21st, 2024] [Originally Added On: September 30th, 2020]
- Wednesday, 11th June 1913 T. B. Felder Accounts for Subscriptions Received [Last Updated On: January 21st, 2024] [Originally Added On: September 26th, 2020]
- Thursday, 12th June 1913 Chief Beavers Unable to Locate Gentry [Last Updated On: January 21st, 2024] [Originally Added On: September 25th, 2020]
- Thursday, 12th June 1913 Courts Order May Result in Meeting of Negro and Frank [Last Updated On: January 22nd, 2024] [Originally Added On: September 24th, 2020]
- Friday, 13th June 1913 Luther Z. Rosser Declares Detectives Dare Not Permit Jim Conley to Talk Freely [Last Updated On: January 22nd, 2024] [Originally Added On: September 23rd, 2020]
- Friday, 13th June 1913 Solicitor H. M. Dorsey Wins in First Clash; L. Z. Rosser Declares Procedure a Farce [Last Updated On: January 22nd, 2024] [Originally Added On: September 20th, 2020]
- Saturday, 14th June 1913 Asks Jury to Resume Probe of Dictograph [Last Updated On: January 23rd, 2024] [Originally Added On: September 21st, 2020]
- Saturday, 14th June 1913 Solicitor H. M. Dorsey Leaves for New York [Last Updated On: January 23rd, 2024] [Originally Added On: September 22nd, 2020]
- Sunday, 15th June 1913 Frank A. Hooper to Aid State in Frank Trial [Last Updated On: January 23rd, 2024] [Originally Added On: September 17th, 2020]
- Sunday, 15th June 1913 Gentry, Found by Journal, Says Notes Will Show Enough to Justify What Was Sworn To [Last Updated On: December 12th, 2023] [Originally Added On: September 19th, 2020]
- Monday, 16th June 1913 Felder Leaves Atlanta on Trip to Cincinnati [Last Updated On: December 14th, 2023] [Originally Added On: September 16th, 2020]
- Monday, 16th June 1913 Hooper Wants a Rest For Public From Case [Last Updated On: December 13th, 2023] [Originally Added On: September 18th, 2020]
- Tuesday, 17th June 1913 Guessers See a Mystery in Dorsey-Hooper Trips [Last Updated On: December 14th, 2023] [Originally Added On: September 15th, 2020]
- Wednesday, 18th June 1913 Will Reuben R. Arnold Aid Frank’s Defense? [Last Updated On: December 15th, 2023] [Originally Added On: September 14th, 2020]
- Thursday, 19th June 1913 Hooper Returns and Takes Up Phagan Case [Last Updated On: December 15th, 2023] [Originally Added On: September 13th, 2020]
- Friday, 20th June 1913 Frank Case May Not Be Tried June 30 [Last Updated On: December 16th, 2023] [Originally Added On: September 12th, 2020]
- Saturday, 21st June 1913 Date of Frank Trial Still In Much Doubt [Last Updated On: December 16th, 2023] [Originally Added On: September 11th, 2020]
- Sunday, 22nd June 1913 Arnold Declares Frank Innocent and Enters Case [Last Updated On: May 13th, 2023] [Originally Added On: September 10th, 2020]
- Sunday, 22nd June 1913 Rosser & Brandon Join With Slaton & Phillips [Last Updated On: December 17th, 2023] [Originally Added On: September 9th, 2020]
- Monday, 23rd June 1913 Solicitor Will Fix Frank Trial for June 30, He Says [Last Updated On: December 18th, 2023] [Originally Added On: September 8th, 2020]
- Tuesday, 24th June 1913 July 28 Is Date Agreed Upon for Trial of Frank [Last Updated On: December 18th, 2023] [Originally Added On: September 7th, 2020]
- Wednesday, 25th June 1913 Both Sides Are Ready for Trial of Frank [Last Updated On: December 19th, 2023] [Originally Added On: September 6th, 2020]
- Thursday, 26th June 1913 Call of Cool Sea Breezes and Promise of Judge to His Wife, Secrets of Frank Trial Delay [Last Updated On: December 19th, 2023] [Originally Added On: September 5th, 2020]
- Thursday, 26th June 1913 To Hold Frank Trial in the Old City Hall [Last Updated On: December 20th, 2023] [Originally Added On: September 4th, 2020]
- Friday, 27th June 1913 Col. Felder and Chief Lanford Indicted [Last Updated On: December 20th, 2023] [Originally Added On: September 3rd, 2020]
- Friday, 27th June 1913 Hooper Sees Conley for the First Time [Last Updated On: December 21st, 2023] [Originally Added On: September 1st, 2020]
- Friday, 27th June 1913 Seeking For a Phagan Suspect in Macon? [Last Updated On: December 21st, 2023] [Originally Added On: September 2nd, 2020]
- Saturday, 28th June 1913 Hooper and Goldstein Join Little & Powell [Last Updated On: December 22nd, 2023] [Originally Added On: August 31st, 2020]
- Tuesday, 1st July 1913 Facts Do Not Indicate Indictment of Conley [Last Updated On: December 22nd, 2023] [Originally Added On: August 30th, 2020]
- Thursday, 3rd July 1913 Police Chief to Probe Vice Protection Charge [Last Updated On: December 23rd, 2023] [Originally Added On: August 29th, 2020]
- Friday, 4th July 1913 Lee’s Attorney Seeks to Gain His Release [Last Updated On: December 24th, 2023] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2020]
- Friday, 4th July 1913 Lee’s Lawyer Expects Delay in Frank Case [Last Updated On: December 23rd, 2023] [Originally Added On: August 28th, 2020]
- Saturday, 5th July 1913 Fight for Newt Lee’s Freedom is Delayed [Last Updated On: December 24th, 2023] [Originally Added On: August 26th, 2020]
- Monday, 7th July 1913 Accused Policemen Will Face Commission Tuesday [Last Updated On: December 25th, 2023] [Originally Added On: August 24th, 2020]
- Monday, 7th July 1913 Young Woman Tells Startling Story of Vice From “Inside” [Last Updated On: December 25th, 2023] [Originally Added On: August 25th, 2020]
- Tuesday, 8th July 1913 Girl to Tell Her Story of Vice to Recorder [Last Updated On: December 26th, 2023] [Originally Added On: August 23rd, 2020]
- Tuesday, 8th July 1913 Newt Lee’s Attorneys Seeking His Freedom [Last Updated On: December 26th, 2023] [Originally Added On: August 22nd, 2020]
- Wednesday, 9th July 1913 Mary Phagan Pay Envelope Found [Last Updated On: December 26th, 2023] [Originally Added On: August 21st, 2020]
- Thursday, 10th July 1913 Chief Traces Vice Conditions to Men; Promises Arrests [Last Updated On: December 26th, 2023] [Originally Added On: August 20th, 2020]
- Thursday, 10th July 1913 No Finger Prints Found by Expert on Phagan Envelope [Last Updated On: December 26th, 2023] [Originally Added On: August 19th, 2020]
- Friday, 11th July 1913 Agent Claims Conley Confessed to Murder [Last Updated On: December 27th, 2023] [Originally Added On: August 18th, 2020]
- Saturday, 12th July 1913 Chief Beavers Orders Sleuths to Find Vice [Last Updated On: December 27th, 2023] [Originally Added On: August 17th, 2020]
- Saturday, 12th July 1913 Conley Again Quizzed by Prosecutor Dorsey [Last Updated On: December 28th, 2023] [Originally Added On: August 15th, 2020]
- Saturday, 12th July 1913 More Affidavits to Support Mincey Claimed [Last Updated On: December 27th, 2023] [Originally Added On: August 16th, 2020]
- Tuesday, 15th July 1913 Mincey Affidavit Not New to the Solicitor [Last Updated On: December 28th, 2023] [Originally Added On: August 14th, 2020]
- Wednesday, 16th July 1913 Second Phagan Indictment Probable [Last Updated On: December 28th, 2023] [Originally Added On: August 13th, 2020]
- Thursday, 17th July 1913 Effort Being Made to Indict Negro Conley [Last Updated On: December 29th, 2023] [Originally Added On: August 12th, 2020]
- Friday, 18th July 1913 Broyles Comes Back at Mayor Woodward and Mayor at Him [Last Updated On: December 29th, 2023] [Originally Added On: August 11th, 2020]
- Friday, 18th July 1913 Grand Jury Is Called Monday to Indict Jim Conley [Last Updated On: December 29th, 2023] [Originally Added On: August 10th, 2020]
- Friday, 18th July 1913 Pinkertons Now Declare Leo M. Frank Is Innocent [Last Updated On: December 30th, 2023] [Originally Added On: August 9th, 2020]
- Saturday, 19th July 1913 Jury Is Determined to Consider a Bill Against Jim Conley [Last Updated On: December 30th, 2023] [Originally Added On: August 8th, 2020]
- Sunday, 20th July 1913 Dorsey Is Seeking to Be Grand Jury And Solicitor Too, Say Frank’s Counsel [Last Updated On: December 31st, 2023] [Originally Added On: August 7th, 2020]
- Monday, 21st July 1913 Will Not Indict Jim Conley Now, Jury’s Decision [Last Updated On: December 31st, 2023] [Originally Added On: August 6th, 2020]
- Tuesday, 22nd July 1913 Was Mary Phagan Killed With Bludgeon? [Last Updated On: January 1st, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 5th, 2020]
- Wednesday, 23rd July 1913 Fight Expected Over Effort to Defer Frank Case [Last Updated On: January 1st, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 4th, 2020]
- Thursday, 24th July 1913 Frank’s Trial May be Postponed Until Early in the Fall [Last Updated On: January 2nd, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 3rd, 2020]
- Friday, 25th July 1913 Frank Will Likely Face Trial Monday for Phagan Crime [Last Updated On: January 2nd, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 2nd, 2020]
- Saturday, 26th July 1913 Leo Frank Expects Acquittal and Asks an Immediate Trial [Last Updated On: January 3rd, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 1st, 2020]
- Sunday, 27th July 1913 Chronological Story of Developments in the Mary Phagan Murder Mystery [Last Updated On: January 3rd, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 29th, 2020]
- Sunday, 27th July 1913 Frank’s Story of His Moves on Day of Crime [Last Updated On: January 5th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 25th, 2020]
- Sunday, 27th July 1913 Here is Conley’s Confession Around Which Bitter Fight is Expected in the Frank Trial [Last Updated On: May 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 26th, 2020]
- Sunday, 27th July 1913 Leo M. Frank Will Go to Trial Monday, It Is Now Believed [Last Updated On: May 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 31st, 2020]
- Sunday, 27th July 1913 Pinkerton Detective Replies to Lanford [Last Updated On: May 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 30th, 2020]
- Sunday, 27th July 1913 Plennie Minor Faces Task in Handling Court Room During Trial of Leo Frank [Last Updated On: May 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 27th, 2020]
- Sunday, 27th July 1913 State Will Build Case Against Frank Around Conley’s Story; Defense Will Undertake to Show that Negro Alone is Guilty [Last Updated On: May 31st, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 28th, 2020]
- Monday, 28th July 1913 Court Scenes at Frank Trial; How It Looks Inside and Out [Last Updated On: May 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 23rd, 2020]
- Monday, 28th July 1913 Former Suspect Will Be Happy No Matter How Frank Case Ends [Last Updated On: May 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 20th, 2020]
- Monday, 28th July 1913 Mrs. Leo Frank and Her Mother Cheer Prisoner at Courthouse [Last Updated On: May 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 21st, 2020]
- Monday, 28th July 1913 No New Testimony Will Be Given to Jury by Newt Lee [Last Updated On: May 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 22nd, 2020]
- Monday, 28th July 1913 State Opens Its Case Against Leo M. Frank [Last Updated On: May 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 24th, 2020]
- Monday, 28th July 1913 Woman Charges Police Forced Her to Make False Statement [Last Updated On: January 8th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 19th, 2020]
- Tuesday, 29th July 1913 Everybody’s a Reporter, Now, Else an Old Time Friend, Says Guardian of Court House Door [Last Updated On: January 10th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 11th, 2020]
- Tuesday, 29th July 1913 Factory Girls Eager to Testify for Frank [Last Updated On: January 8th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 17th, 2020]
- Tuesday, 29th July 1913 Frank Trial Will Last One Week And Probably Two, Attorneys Say [Last Updated On: January 10th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 12th, 2020]
- Tuesday, 29th July 1913 Frank’s Undisturbed Face Wonder of the Court Room [Last Updated On: January 9th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 14th, 2020]
- Tuesday, 29th July 1913 Frequent Clashes Over Testimony Mark Second Day of Frank Trial [Last Updated On: January 8th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 18th, 2020]
- Tuesday, 29th July 1913 Lawyers Hammer Lee for Two Hours at Monday Afternoon Session [Last Updated On: January 9th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 15th, 2020]
- Tuesday, 29th July 1913 Mincey in Atlanta, But Has Not Been to Trial [Last Updated On: January 9th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 16th, 2020]
- Tuesday, 29th July 1913 Mother’s Sorrow and Newsie’s Wit Play on Emotions at Frank Trial [Last Updated On: January 10th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 13th, 2020]
- Tuesday, 29th July 1913 Rabbi Marx Asserts His Belief in Frank [Last Updated On: January 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 9th, 2020]
- Tuesday, 29th July 1913 Spectators at Frank Trial Make an Absorbing Study [Last Updated On: January 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 10th, 2020]
- Wednesday, 30th July 1913 All Newt Wants Now is Freedom and a Hat [Last Updated On: January 12th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 7th, 2020]
- Wednesday, 30th July 1913 Claims Mincey, When Needed, Will Testify [Last Updated On: January 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 1st, 2020]
- Wednesday, 30th July 1913 Defense to Claim Strands of Hair Found Were Not Mary Phagan’s [Last Updated On: January 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 8th, 2020]
- Wednesday, 30th July 1913 Frank Jurors Idle Away Long Hours With Song [Last Updated On: January 12th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 6th, 2020]
- Wednesday, 30th July 1913 Gantt Still Wears Two Little Devils That Caused Arrest [Last Updated On: January 13th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 4th, 2020]
- Wednesday, 30th July 1913 No Shirt-Sleeves for Lawyers in Frank Case [Last Updated On: January 13th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 3rd, 2020]
- Wednesday, 30th July 1913 Trial is No Ordeal for Me, Says Frank’s Mother [Last Updated On: January 13th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 2nd, 2020]
- Wednesday, 30th July 1913 Trial Thus Far Has Only Established Murder of the Girl [Last Updated On: January 12th, 2024] [Originally Added On: July 5th, 2020]
- Wednesday, 30th July 1913 Uncle of Frank, Near Death in Far-Off Hospital, Is Ignorant Of Charges, Against His Nephew [Last Updated On: January 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 30th, 2020]
- Thursday, 31st July 1913 Machinist Tells of Finding Blood, Hair and Pay Envelope On Second Floor, Where State Claims Girl Was Murdered [Last Updated On: January 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 29th, 2020]
- Thursday, 31st July 1913 Rosser Riddles One of the State’s Chief Witnesses [Last Updated On: January 15th, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 27th, 2020]
- Thursday, 31st July 1913 Witnesses of Frank Trial Have Tedious Job of Merely Waiting [Last Updated On: January 15th, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 28th, 2020]
- Friday, 1st August 1913 Frank Trial Crowd Sees Auto Knock Down Youth [Last Updated On: January 16th, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 24th, 2020]
- Friday, 1st August 1913 Lawyers Battle Over Testimony of Frank’s Nervousness; Witness Swears Negro Was in Factory About 1 o’Clock [Last Updated On: January 15th, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 26th, 2020]
- Friday, 1st August 1913 Mrs. Callie Scott Appelbaum Attends Trial of Leo Frank; Believes in His Innocence [Last Updated On: January 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 22nd, 2020]
- Friday, 1st August 1913 Picnic and Theories Mark Noon Hour in Frank Trial Court Room [Last Updated On: January 16th, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 25th, 2020]
- Friday, 1st August 1913 Watchman Swears Elevator Was Open; Changes Evidence [Last Updated On: January 16th, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 23rd, 2020]
- Saturday, 2nd August 1913 Defense Claims Members of Jury Saw Newspaper Headline [Last Updated On: January 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 21st, 2020]
- Saturday, 2nd August 1913 Dr. Harris Collapses on Stand as He Gives Sensational Evidence [Last Updated On: January 19th, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 15th, 2020]
- Saturday, 2nd August 1913 Dr. J. W. Hurt, Coroner’s Physician, Gives Expert Testimony [Last Updated On: January 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 20th, 2020]
- Saturday, 2nd August 1913 Harris Testimony May Be Stricken by Court [Last Updated On: January 18th, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 19th, 2020]
- Saturday, 2nd August 1913 Miss Smith Declares Darley Was Incorrect [Last Updated On: January 19th, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 16th, 2020]
- Saturday, 2nd August 1913 Newt Lee Gets Hat; Now He’s Considering What He Wants Next [Last Updated On: January 18th, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 17th, 2020]
- Saturday, 2nd August 1913 Smile, Says Gheesling, When Facing Bear-Cat Like Luther Rosser [Last Updated On: January 18th, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 18th, 2020]
- Saturday, 2nd August 1913 There Is One Joy in Being A Juror: Collectors Barred [Last Updated On: January 19th, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 14th, 2020]
- Sunday, 3rd August 1913 Defense Will Introduce Witnesses [Last Updated On: January 20th, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 13th, 2020]
- Sunday, 3rd August 1913 State’s Case Against Frank As It Stands After Week’s Testimony Is Shown Here [Last Updated On: January 20th, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 12th, 2020]
- Monday, 4th August 1913 Conley Thought He Was on Trial, His Attorney Declares [Last Updated On: January 21st, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 8th, 2020]
- Monday, 4th August 1913 Conleys Glibness May Prove Unfortunate for His Testimony [Last Updated On: January 21st, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 9th, 2020]
- Monday, 4th August 1913 Jim Conley Tells An Amazing Story [Last Updated On: January 20th, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 11th, 2020]
- Monday, 4th August 1913 Many Discrepancies Between Conleys Testimony and His Testimony Given to Detectives [Last Updated On: January 21st, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 10th, 2020]
- Tuesday, 5th August 1913 Defense Moves to Strike Most Damaging Testimony [Last Updated On: January 22nd, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 7th, 2020]
- Tuesday, 5th August 1913 Lawyers on Both Sides Satisfied With Conley [Last Updated On: January 22nd, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 6th, 2020]
- Tuesday, 5th August 1913 Negro Sweeper Remanded to Solitude in Jail Over Night [Last Updated On: January 22nd, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 5th, 2020]
- Wednesday, 6th August 1913 He Shore Goes After You Says Conley of Mr. Rosser [Last Updated On: January 24th, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 1st, 2020]
- Wednesday, 6th August 1913 Judge Roan Reverses Decision on Conley Testimony [Last Updated On: January 23rd, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 4th, 2020]
- Wednesday, 6th August 1913 Judge Roan Rules Out Most Damaging Testimony Given By Conley Against Leo Frank [Last Updated On: January 23rd, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 3rd, 2020]
- Wednesday, 6th August 1913 Mincey Ready to Swear to Conley Affidavit [Last Updated On: January 23rd, 2024] [Originally Added On: June 2nd, 2020]
- Thursday, 7th August 1913 Dr. Harris Testimony is Attacked by Defense Expert [Last Updated On: January 24th, 2024] [Originally Added On: May 31st, 2020]
- Thursday, 7th August 1913 Judge Roan Decides Conleys Testimony Must Stand [Last Updated On: January 24th, 2024] [Originally Added On: May 30th, 2020]
- Friday, 8th August 1913 Defense Attacks States Case From Many Angles [Last Updated On: January 25th, 2024] [Originally Added On: May 29th, 2020]
- Friday, 8th August 1913 Defense Begins Introduction of Evidence [Last Updated On: January 25th, 2024] [Originally Added On: May 28th, 2020]
- Saturday, 9th August 1913 Schiff Refutes Jim Conley and Dalton [Last Updated On: January 25th, 2024] [Originally Added On: May 27th, 2020]
- Saturday, 9th August 1913 State Confronts Watchman Holloway With Previous Affidavit [Last Updated On: January 26th, 2024] [Originally Added On: May 26th, 2020]
- Sunday, 10th August 1913 Conleys Story is Still Center of Fight in Frank Case [Last Updated On: January 26th, 2024] [Originally Added On: May 25th, 2020]
- Sunday, 10th August 1913 Playing Practical Jokes on Watchful Bailiffs is Pastime of Frank Jurors [Last Updated On: January 27th, 2024] [Originally Added On: May 23rd, 2020]
- Sunday, 10th August 1913 Witness Found Who Saw Mary Phagan on Way to Factory [Last Updated On: January 26th, 2024] [Originally Added On: May 24th, 2020]
- Monday, 11th August 1913 Frank Case Mentioned for First Time in House [Last Updated On: January 28th, 2024] [Originally Added On: May 20th, 2020]
- Monday, 11th August 1913 Many Experts Called by Defense to Answer Dr. H. F. Harris [Last Updated On: January 27th, 2024] [Originally Added On: May 22nd, 2020]
- Monday, 11th August 1913 Sunday Proves Day of Meditation for Four Frank Jurors [Last Updated On: January 27th, 2024] [Originally Added On: May 21st, 2020]
- Tuesday, 12th August 1913 C. B. Daltons Character Shown Up by Frank Defense; Four Witnesses Swear They Would Not Believe His Oath [Last Updated On: January 28th, 2024] [Originally Added On: May 19th, 2020]
- Tuesday, 12th August 1913 Ethics of Dr. H. F. Harris Bitterly Attacked By Reuben Arnold [Last Updated On: January 28th, 2024] [Originally Added On: May 18th, 2020]
- Wednesday, 13th August 1913 Franks Character Made Issue by the Defense [Last Updated On: January 29th, 2024] [Originally Added On: May 17th, 2020]
- Wednesday, 13th August 1913 Franks Lawyers Again Threaten Move for Mistrial [Last Updated On: January 30th, 2024] [Originally Added On: May 16th, 2020]
- Thursday, 14th August 1913 Court Stirred by Outburst From Leo Franks Mother [Last Updated On: February 1st, 2024] [Originally Added On: May 14th, 2020]
- Thursday, 14th August 1913 Franks Story of Before and After Crime Corroborated; Defenses Motion to Strike Sensational Questions Fails [Last Updated On: January 31st, 2024] [Originally Added On: May 15th, 2020]
- Friday, 15th August 1913 All Georgia Records Broken by the Frank Trial [Last Updated On: March 2nd, 2024] [Originally Added On: May 14th, 2023]
- Friday, 15th August 1913 Leo M. Frank Ready to Tell His Own Story to Jury [Last Updated On: March 1st, 2024] [Originally Added On: May 15th, 2023]
- Saturday, 16th August 1913 Mrs. Rae Frank Takes Stand in Sons Defense [Last Updated On: September 6th, 2023] [Originally Added On: May 12th, 2023]
- Saturday, 16th August 1913 Pencil Factory Model is Damaged in Fight [Last Updated On: July 13th, 2023] [Originally Added On: May 11th, 2023]
- Saturday, 16th August 1913 Witness, Called by Defense, Testifies Against Frank [Last Updated On: March 3rd, 2024] [Originally Added On: May 13th, 2023]
- Sunday, 17th August 1913 Frank Should Know Fate Before The Week Passes Is Opinion Of Attorneys [Last Updated On: May 30th, 2024] [Originally Added On: September 2nd, 2023]
- Monday, the 18th August 1913, Leo Frank Takes Stand - Tells His Story, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 25th, 2024] [Originally Added On: September 3rd, 2023]
- Tuesday, 19th August 1913 Attorney Swears That Witness Was Held Illegally. Witness Swears Dorsey Refused To Free Minola Fearing City Detectives [Last Updated On: February 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: January 3rd, 2024]
- Wednesday, 20th August 1913 Testimony May Close Wednesday - Both Sides Are Anxious To Begin Argument And Send Case To The Jury [Last Updated On: May 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 15th, 2023]
- Thursday, 21st August 1913 Arnold Charges Gigantic Frame-up To Convict Frank. Hooper Says Conley's Story Stood Test Of Grilling [Last Updated On: October 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 26th, 2023]
- Friday, 22nd August 1913 In Scathing Terms Rosser Scores Dalton, Dorsey, Police. Dorsey Will Conclude, Summing Up Case Against Frank [Last Updated On: June 1st, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 26th, 2023]
- Saturday, 23rd August 1913 Frank Trial Adjourned Until Monday Morning With Solicitor Hugh Dorsey In Midst Of Impassioned Speech [Last Updated On: October 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 26th, 2023]
- Sunday, 24th August 1913, Leo Frank's Fate Will Soon Be Known Dorsey Will Finish His Speech In Few Hours. The Atlanta Journal. [Last Updated On: May 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: January 3rd, 2024]
- Monday, 25th August 1913, Leo M. Frank's Fate Is Now In Hands Of The Jury. Motion For Mistrial Is Denied By Judge L. S. Roan. The Atlanta Journal. [Last Updated On: May 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: January 3rd, 2024]
- Tuesday, 26th August 1913 Frank Sentenced To Hang On October 10th, 1913, But Fight For New Trial Will Stay The Execution For Many Months [Last Updated On: May 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: January 8th, 2024]
- Wednesday, August 27th, 1913, Frank Will Reply To Dorsey In Long Public Statement, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: February 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: January 9th, 2024]
- Thursday, 28th August 1913 Despite Death Sentence Frank Sleeps Nine Hours [Last Updated On: May 14th, 2024] [Originally Added On: January 12th, 2024]
- Saturday, August 30th, 1913, Preacher To Speak On The Frank Case, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: February 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: January 8th, 2024]
- Sunday, August 31, 1913, Monument To Mary Phagan Proposed. The Atlanta Journal. [Last Updated On: February 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: January 8th, 2024]
- Tuesday, 2nd September 1913: Atlanta Free From Crime Wave, Judge Tells Grand Jury, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 6th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 23rd, 2024]
- Tuesday, 2nd September 1913 Echo Of Frank Trial In Recorder's Court [Last Updated On: April 25th, 2024] [Originally Added On: February 11th, 2024]
- Wednesday, September 3rd, 1913, Board For Frank Jury Will Cost Just $975.06, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: April 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: January 17th, 2024]
- Saturday, 6th September 1913 Mary Phagan Home For Girls Suggested [Last Updated On: April 25th, 2024] [Originally Added On: February 11th, 2024]
- Sunday, 7th September 1913: New Pinkerton Chief Arrives In Atlanta, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: August 28th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 23rd, 2024]
- Monday, 8th September 1913: Trainmen Ask Funds For Phagan Monument, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: August 28th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 23rd, 2024]
- Tuesday, September 9, 1913, Jim Conley Is Indicted On Two Counts By Fulton Grand Jury. The Atlanta Journal. [Last Updated On: June 1st, 2024] [Originally Added On: February 3rd, 2024]
- Tuesday, 9th September 1913: No Hostility Toward Blease, Says Slaton, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 6th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 23rd, 2024]
- Wednesday, 10th September 1913 Judge L. S. Roan [Last Updated On: April 25th, 2024] [Originally Added On: February 11th, 2024]
- Wednesday, 10th September 1913: New Atlanta Court Will Shift Judges On Several Benches, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 6th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 23rd, 2024]
- Thursday, 11th September 1913: Frank's Lawyers Are Hunting For Affidavits, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: August 28th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 23rd, 2024]
- Friday, 12th September 1913: Crawford Jackson Indicted Statement On Case Issues, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 6th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 23rd, 2024]
- Friday, 12th September 1913 Newt Lee Ignored [Last Updated On: June 1st, 2024] [Originally Added On: February 11th, 2024]
- Sunday, 14th September 1913: Three Judgeships Announced Judge B. H. Hill Appointed To New Atlanta Judgeship, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 6th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 23rd, 2024]
- Monday, 15th September 1913: Thaw Lawyer Uncle Of Mrs. Leo M. Frank, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 6th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 23rd, 2024]
- Tuesday, 16th September 1913: Veterans Urge Funds For Phagan Monument, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 6th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 23rd, 2024]
- Wednesday, 17th September 1913: Beavers Passes Up Pleas That He Get In Sheriff’s Race, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 6th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 23rd, 2024]
- Thursday, 18th September 1913: Detective John Black Jailed In Birmingham, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 6th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 23rd, 2024]
- Saturday, 20th September 1913: Mary Phagan Case To Be Example For Cops School Of Detection, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 6th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 23rd, 2024]
- Sunday, 21st September 1913: Sheriff Mangum Will Run For Re-election, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 6th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 23rd, 2024]
- Monday, 22nd September 1913: One Of Four Judges Hears Frank Motion?, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 6th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 23rd, 2024]
- Tuesday, 23rd September 1913: Sheriff C. W. Mangum Makes Announcement, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 6th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 23rd, 2024]
- Wednesday, 24th September 1913: Leo M. Frank Again Heads B'nai B'rith, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 6th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 23rd, 2024]
- Sunday, 28th September 1913: Roan Not Likely To Hear Plea For New Frank Trial, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 6th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 23rd, 2024]
- Monday, 29th September 1913: Paul Donehoo Has Been Bridegroom a Week Now, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 6th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 23rd, 2024]
- Tuesday, September 30th, 1913: Commission Asks Why Jail Is Overcrowded, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 6th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 23rd, 2024]
- Wednesday, 1st October 1913: Frank Motion Is Served On Solicitor, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 19th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Thursday, 2nd October 1913: Solicitor At Work Preparing Answer To Frank Motion, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Saturday, 4th October 1913: Affidavits Attacking Frank Jurors Made Public Two Jurors Prejudiced, Say Affidavits, And Jury Heard Crowds Cheer And Threaten, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 12th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Sunday, 5th October 1913: Two Frank Jurors Firm In Denying Outside Pressure, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Monday, 6th October 1913: Judge Ellis Protests Reckless Auto Drivers, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 9th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Tuesday, 7th October 1913: Dorsey And Stephens Busy In Valdosta, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Wednesday, 8th October 1913: Frank Hearing To Be Postponed Another Week, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Thursday, 9th October 1913: Judge Roan Tells Solicitor He Will Postpone Hearing, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Friday, 10th October 1913: Roan Not To Resign Until After Hearing, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Saturday, 11th October 1913: Dorsey And Stephens To Confer With Henslee, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Sunday, 12th October 1913: Says He Stole For His Wife And Baby, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Monday, 13th October 1913: Frank Defense Arms To Back Fight On Henslee, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Tuesday, 14th October 1913: Henslee Gives Dorsey Material For Defense, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Wednesday, 15th October 1913: Further Delay Is Needed On Frank Motion, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Thursday, 16th October 1913: Mounted Traffic Men Are Assigned To Duty, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Friday, 17th October 1913: Juror Johenning Ready For Defense, He Says, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Saturday, 18th October 1913: Frank Hearing Wednesday Motion For A New Trial To Be Heard By Judge L. S. Roan, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Sunday, 19th October 1913: New Feature In Frank Case Perhaps Tomorrow, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 19th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Monday, 20th October 1913: J.c. Shirley, Marietta Street Furniture Dealer, Named By I. W. Fisher In Phagan Case, Laughs At Accusations, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 23rd, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Tuesday, 21st October 1913: Motion To Quash Indictment Gets Judges Approval, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 23rd, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Wednesday, 22nd October 1913: Little Progress In First Session On Frank Trial Motion, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 25th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Thursday, 23rd October 1913: Frank Jurors Like Scared Rabbits Jury Frightened Into Its Verdict, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Friday, 24th October 1913: Frank Motion Is Almost Ready For The Arguments Now, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Saturday, 25th October 1913: Frank Case To Continue Monday, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Sunday, 26th October 1913: We Want A Trial, Not A New Trial, Says Atty. Arnold, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Monday, 27th October 1913: Dorsey Coerced Jury By Fear Of Mob Violence, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Tuesday, 28th October 1913: Solicitor Dorsey Hammers Frank New Trial Motion, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Wednesday, 29th October 1913: Frank New Trial Hearing To End This Afternoon, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Thursday, 30th October 1913: New Trial Motion Of Frank Will Be Ruled On Friday, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Friday, 31st October 1913: Leo Franks Lawyers Prepare For Supreme Court Fight, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 7th, 2024] [Originally Added On: October 7th, 2024]
- Saturday, 1st November 1913: Judge Hill Discusses Appellate Court Work, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 28th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Sunday, 2nd November 1913: Five Judges For New Municipal Court Selected, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 29th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Monday, 3rd November 1913: Judges Of New Court Are Named, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: October 30th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Tuesday, 4th November 1913: Two Negro Highwaymen Given 20 Years In Pen, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: November 4th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Wednesday, 5th November 1913: Bridge Party For Visitors, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Thursday, 6th November 1913: Mrs. Crawford Wants Case To Be Tried Soon, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Friday, 7th November 1913: Attorney Presents Alibi For Convicted Negro, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Saturday, 8th November 1913: Court Asked To Enjoin Georgia Power Company, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Sunday, 9th November 1913: Jim Conley Faces Trial On Tuesday, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Monday, 10th November 1913: Supreme Court Refuses To Postpone Frank Hearing, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Tuesday, 11th November 1913: Jim Conleys Case May Be Reached Wednesday, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Wednesday, 12th November 1913: Frank Arguments Will Be Heard December 15, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Thursday, 13th November 1913: Judge Halts Trial Of Jim Conley As Dorsey Begins It, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Saturday, 15th November 1913: Franks Appeal Is Set For Thirty Days Hence, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Sunday, 16th November 1913: Woman And Daughter Drugged And Robbed, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Monday, 17th November 1913: Franks Appeal Is Set For Thirty Days Hence, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Tuesday, 18th November 1913: Legal Fight Is Waged Over Mothers Will, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Wednesday, 19th November 1913: Frank Trial Unfair, Jewish Rabbi Says In Scathing Speech, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Thursday, 20th November 1913: Conley Trial Put Off At Request Of Dorsey, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Friday, 21st November 1913: Jim Conleys Lawyer Prepares To Demand Trial For His Client, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Saturday, 22nd November 1913: Judge Broyles Explains Why He Fined Woman, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Sunday, 23rd November 1913: Postpone Entertainment For Home For The Blind, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Monday, 24th November 1913: Chief Beavers Is Paid Tribute, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Tuesday, 25th November 1913: Men And Religion Bulletin No. 85, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Wednesday, 26th November 1913: Anti Leaders Quiz Chief On Blind Tiger Policy, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Thursday, 27th November 1913: Old-fashioned Lawyer Has Departed Forever, Judge Pendleton Says, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Friday, 28th November 1913: Beautiful Luncheon, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Saturday, 29th November 1913: Horse Hauls Buggy Right Into Hardware Store After Fodder, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Sunday, 30th November 1913: Tech Hi Boys Admire Atlantas Police Chief, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: September 11th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 27th, 2024]
- Monday, 1st December 1913: Crawfords Death Not By Poison, Say Doctor Experts, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 17th, 2024]
- Wednesday, 3rd December 1913: Capt. West Bound Over And Fined By Broyles, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 17th, 2024]
- Friday, 5th December 1913: Photo Of Chiefs Staff Presented To Beavers, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 17th, 2024]
- Saturday, 6th December 1913: Frank Papers In Custody Of Court Clerk, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 17th, 2024]
- Tuesday, 9th December 1913: Boy Who Posed As Deaf And Dumb And Begged, Is Sent To Jail, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 17th, 2024]
- Wednesday, 10th December 1913: Turner Admits He Got $525 From Contractors, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 17th, 2024]
- Friday, 12th December 1913: Dorsey Will Argue No Error Of Court Hurt Franks Case, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 17th, 2024]
- Saturday, 13th December 1913: Both Sides Ready To Begin Argument In Case Of Frank, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 17th, 2024]
- Sunday, 14th December 1913: High Court Ruling Won't End Fight For Life Of Leo M. Frank, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 17th, 2024]
- Monday, 15th December 1913: Attorneys Make Final Fight Over Leo Frank S Life, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 17th, 2024]
- Tuesday, 16th December 1913: Franks Fate Rests With Higher Court Arguments Closed, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 17th, 2024]
- Friday, 19th December 1913: Broyles Seeks Place On Court Of Appeals, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 17th, 2024]
- Sunday, 21st December 1913: Judge Pottle To Quit State Court Of Appeals Feb 1, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 17th, 2024]
- Monday, 22nd December 1913: No Beer On Christmas Chief To Enforce Law, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 17th, 2024]
- Tuesday, 23rd December 1913: No Attack On Dorsey In New Frank Case Brief, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 17th, 2024]
- Thursday, 25th December 1913: South Georgia Man To Get Pottles Place, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 17th, 2024]
- Tuesday, 30th December 1913: Grand Jury Indicts Near-beer Dealers, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: December 17th, 2024] [Originally Added On: December 17th, 2024]
- Wednesday, 7th January 1914: Roan's Comment Basis For New Trial, Says Brief, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: March 5th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- Thursday, 8th January 1914: Jury In Deadlock Over Case Of Ira W.fisher, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: March 5th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- Tuesday, 13th January 1914: Supreme Court Delays Decision In Frank Case, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: March 5th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- Wednesday, 14th January 1914: Dorsey Won't Reply To Latest Frank Brief, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: March 5th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- Thursday, 15th January 1914: Journal's Prediction On Frank Case Sustained, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: March 5th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- Wednesday, 21st January 1914: Journal's Prediction On Frank Case Sustained, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: March 5th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- Saturday, 14th February 1914: Godbee Hearing Mondy Before Supreme Court, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: March 5th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- Tuesday, 17th February 1914: Leo Frank Fails To Get New Trial, Conley's Testimony Is Held Valid, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: March 5th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- Wednesday, 18th February 1914: Hand That Wrote Note Found By Mary's Body Tied Cord Around Her Neck, Declares Frank, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: March 5th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- Thursday, 19th February 1914: Frank's Attorneys Ask For Re-hearing Of Case, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: March 5th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- Friday, 20th February 1914: Hair Found In Metal Room Not Mary Phagan's, Declares Dr. Harris; New Trial Will Be Asked, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: March 5th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- Saturday, 21st February 1914: Barrett Asks A Reward For Finding Hair Which Harris Says Isn't Mary's, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: March 5th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- Sunday, 22nd February 1914: M'knight Repudiates Story Against Frank, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: March 5th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- Monday, 23rd February 1914: Dorsey Prepares To Rap New Evidence For Frank, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: March 5th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- Tuesday, 24th February 1914: Frank Asks Court For Rehearing On Twenty-one Points, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: March 5th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- Wednesday, 25th February 1914: Re-hearing Is Denied Frank By Court, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: March 5th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- Thursday, 26th February 1914: Leo M. Frank Tells His Own Story To The Journal, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: March 5th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]
- Friday, 27th February 1914: Frank's Wife Pleads Cause Before Public, The Atlanta Journal [Last Updated On: March 5th, 2025] [Originally Added On: March 5th, 2025]