Wednesday, 25th June 1913 Reported Hoke Smith May Aid Leo Frank

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The Atlanta Constitution

Wednesday, June 25, 1913

Rumor He Will Appear for Defense Emphatically Denied, However, by Senator.

By John Corrigan, Jr.

Washington, June 24.—Reports that Senator Hoke Smith will be associated with Luther Rosser and other lawyers for the defense in the trial of Leo M. Frank for the murder of Mary Phagan were current here today.

These reports followed the visit to Washington on last Saturday of Luther Rosser, leading counsel for Frank and Ike Haas, president of the National Pencil company, which employed Frank as superintendent of the factory.

Investigate Early Life.

Mr. Rosser and Mr. Haas were on their way to Brooklyn to consult with the parents of Frank and endeavor to learn everything possible of his early life and associates. They called at the capitol to see Senator Hoke Smith, and according to reports later, went to his house and induced him to go to New York with them to talk over the matter further.

It is understood they had great difficulty in inducing Senator Smith even to consider the matter. He stated that his work here would be so engrossing for the next few months he could not think of undertaking any legal employment. It is said a big amount was offered him if he would aid the defense.

When seen today and asked about the matter, Senator Smith made an emphatic denial that he would be associated with Frank's counsel, or even that he had been asked to do so.

Senator Denies Report.

"The report is absolutely unfounded," he said. "I have all I can do here for the next few months with the tariff and currency questions."

"Did you see Mr. Rosser and Mr. Haas when they were here?" he was asked.

"I heard they were in the senate gallery one day last week, and they sent in cards to me, but I missed them."

"Did you accompany them to New York?"

"I did not."

"Will you be connected with the case?"

"No; most certainly not. I am too busy here to undertake any outside work."

* * *

The Atlanta Constitution, June 25th 1913, "Reported Hoke Smith May Aid Leo Frank," Leo Frank case newspaper article series

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