Sunday, 3rd August 1913 Chief Beavers Tells of Seeing Blood Spots on Factory Floor

Reading Time: 3 minutes [361 words]

Atlanta Constitution
August 3rd, 1913

Police Chief James L. Beavers followed Dr. Hurt upon the witness stand. Mr. Rosser immediately asked him if he had been in the courtroom, as he had not been named by the state when other witnesses were named, sworn and put under the rule. He replied that he had for a short time and Mr. Dorsey explained that in the beginning of the case he had no intention of using him.

"Were you present at the National Pencil factory on the Monday following the finding of the dead girl?" asked Mr. Dorsey.

"I was there not on Monday, I believe, I think it was on Tuesday," he replied.

"Did you see the area of the floor around the girls' dressing room?"

Mr. Rosser then arose and declared that he did not think that the court should allow Mr. Dorsey to get Chief Beavers in as a witness merely on his statement that at the time the other witnesses were sworn and put under the rule that he did not know he would need him.

After some further parley Judge Roan allowed him to go on testifying.

"Well, did you examine the area of which I asked?"
"What did you see?"
"I saw spots of blood."

"What size?"

"There was a spot about the size of a quarter and there were other and smaller spots leading towards the door."
"Describe the blood."
"Well, it was just ordinary blood."
Mr. Arnold then took up the cross-examination.

"Hadn't the spots been chipped up early Monday?"
"Well, I think that they had, but I know that I was there when they were chipped up."
"You must have been there and seen them on Monday then, rather than on Tuesday."

"Maybe so, I may be mistaken about the exact day."
"Who else was present?"
"Starnes and Campbell and another man who chipped the blood spots up."
"Do you know Mr. Barrett?"
"Well, yes, in fact, I believe he is the man who chipped up the spots but I never saw him before that day."
The witness was then excused.

* * *

The Atlanta Constitution, August 3rd 1913, "Chief Beavers Tells of Seeing Blood Spots on Factory Floor," Leo Frank case newspaper article series

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