Wednesday, 6th August 1913 Mincey Ready to Swear to Conley Affidavit

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Atlanta Journal
August 6th, 1913

Declares Negro Told Him He Had Killed a Girl—Waiting as Witness

W. H. Mincey, the man who has made an affidavit in which he swears that Jim Conley told him on April 26, the day Mary Phagan was murdered, that he had killed a girl that day, appeared at the court house Wednesday morning but did not go into the court room.

Mincey was seen by a Journal reporter as he stood across the street from the court house and watched the crowd seeking entrance. He declared that he was ready to take the witness stand and to back up his statement. When asked whether he had seen Conley since the day that he claimed the negro confessed to him, he declined to answer.

Mincey says that he has been teaching school at New Salem, near Rising Fawn, in Dade county, Georgia, and that school adjourned in order to permit him to come to Atlanta to testify in the Frank case.

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Atlanta Journal, August 6th 1913, "Mincey Ready to Swear to Conley Affidavit," Leo Frank case newspaper article series

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