Thursday, 7th August 1913 Because He is Patriotic Mincey is Here for Trial

Reading Time: 2 minutes [160 words]

Atlanta Constitution
August 7th, 1913

W. H. Mincey, witness for the defense in the Leo M. Frank trial whose substantial affidavit that Jim Conley had told him of killing a white girl on the day Mary Phagan was murdered was published some weeks ago was a conspicuous figure in front of the courthouse Wednesday.

Mincey is a country school teacher and has been for twenty years. He is not used to city ways, he says, and the excitement of the crowd around the courthouse seemed to worry him.

"I have great patriotism," said Mr. Mincey, "and that is the sole reason I am here. I felt it was my duty to throw any light I could on the case. No, I will not talk at the present time. I'll do my talking when I get on the stand."

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Atlant, a Constitution, August 7th 1913, "Because He is Patriotic Mincey is Here for Trial," Leo Frank case newspaper article series

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