Monday, 11th August 1913 Sunday Proves Day of Meditation for Four Frank Jurors

Reading Time: 2 minutes [194 words]

Atlanta Journal
August 11th, 1913

Sunday apparently brought reflection and repentance to one aspiring member of the Frank juror, while three others after due consideration of the heat and other things, spent a part of their $2 per day.

Juror Townsend, who has been carefully cultivating a most aspiring and sprouting young mustache, had the first opportunity in seven days to inspect it. After deliberating over its ultimate destiny for the greater part of Sunday, he evidently repented, for when he appeared in the court room Monday morning the thin, dark cloud topping his lips was gone.

Three other jurors grew tired of living without expenditure and drawing $2 a day for the task, and seeing some extremely neat looking white suits marked down, purchased a number. This happened last week, but they wished to wear the suits a day in order to become accustomed to them before they appeared in public, so the first formal appearance was made Monday morning. None of the new suits was of the "side slit" variety.

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Atlanta Journal, August 11th 1913, "Sunday Proves Day of Meditation for Four Frank Jurors," Leo Frank case newspaper article series

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