Friday, 15th August 1913 Miss Eva May Flowers Did Not See Any Blood on Factory Floor

Reading Time: 2 minutes [162 words]

Atlanta Constitution
August 15th, 1913

Miss Eula May Flowers, an employee of the National Pencil factory, was put on the stand following the two Cornell professors.

"Were you at the factory on April 26?" asked Mr. Arnold.


"What department are you in?"
"The packing department."

"Who got the data and when from you for the financial sheet made up on April 26?"
"Mr. Schiff got it from me about 6 o'clock Friday afternoon."

"You say you always turned in your report on Friday afternoons?" asked Attorney Hooper, who took up the cross-examination.

"Yes," the witness replied, "either on Friday afternoons or early Saturday mornings."

"Were you there Saturday at all?'

"What did you say was your particular department?"
"The packing department."

"Did you see any blood on the floor following the day of the murder?"

Miss Flowers was excused.

* * *

Atlanta Constitution, August 15th 1913, "Miss Eva May Flowers Did Not See Any Blood on Factory Floor," Leo Frank case newspaper article series

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