Saturday, 16th August 1913 Maid in Schiff Home Tells of Phone Message From Frank

Reading Time: 2 minutes [214 words]

Atlanta Constitution
August 16th, 1913

Emma Hill, a maid in the Schiff home was called to tell of a telephone message for Herbert Schiff, made by Frank on the morning of the tragedy.

"Do you remember anybody trying to call Schiff on the 26th of April?"

"Yes, sir. Somebody who sounded like a boy, rang the phone and said tell Mr. Schiff that Mr. Frank wanted him at the office to do some work."

"What time was it?"

"It was about 11 o'clock. I woke Mr. Schiff and he said tell whoever it was at the phone that he would be there when he got up. He went back to sleep."

Cross-examination by Mr. Dorsey.

"How long have you been at the Schiff home?"

"Seven years."

"Why do you remember this especial Saturday?"
"Because it was Memorial day—everybody knows Memorial day."

"Who did you first tell about this phone conversation?"
"I don't remember."

"Who first saw you about it?"
"Nobody but the lawyer."

"What lawyer?"
"Herbert Haas."

"And you never mentioned a word of it to a soul before that?"
"No, sir."

"What did Haas say to you?"
"Nothing. He just gave me the subpoena to court."

* * *

Atlanta Constitution, August 16th 1913, "Maid in Schiff Home Tells of Phone Message From Frank," Leo Frank case newspaper article series

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