Tuesday, 19th August 1913 Harlee Branch Tells Of Conley Pantomine

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The Atlanta Constitution,

Tuesday, 19th August 1913.

Page 23

Harlee Branch, a newspaper man who was present when James Conley, the negro sweeper of the National Pencil factory, went through for the police a pantomime of what he claims occurred on the day of the murder when he says he aided Leo Frank in hiding the body of Mary Phagan, was the first witness called lo the stand Monday morning.

Mr. Branch had been on the stand Saturday, but had not finished his testimony when court adjourned. Through his statements as to the time, Attorney Reuben Arnold drew the conclusion that 49 minutes must have elapsed while Conley was enacting the motions through which he calms lo have gone with Frank.

Tuesday, 19th August 1913 Harlee Branch Tells Of Conley Pantomine

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