Tuesday, 26th August 1913 Guilty, Declares Jury

Reading Time: 2 minutes [273 words]

The Atlanta Constitution,

Tuesday, 26th August 1913.


The following chronological history of the life of Leo Max Frank is taken from his statement to the jury, made Monday, August 18, 1913:

April 17, 1884, born in Paris, Texas.

July, 1884, taken by parents to live in Brooklyn, New York.

June, 1902, graduated from Pratt Institute, a Brooklyn high school.

September, 1902, entered Cornell university, Ithaca, New York.

June, 1906, graduated from Cornell.

July, 1906, accepted position as draftsman with B. F. Sturtevant company, of High Park, Mass.

January, 1907, became testing engineer and draftsman for the National Meter company, of Brooklyn.

October, 1907, came to Atlanta to confer with friends here about establishment of a pencil company.

December, 1907, went to Europe to study the pencil business.

August, 1908, returned from Germany and came directly to Atlanta, where he has remained ever since, as superintendent of the National Pencil factory.

November, 1910, married to Miss Lucille Selig, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Selig, and went to live with his wife's parents at 68 East Georgia avenue.

April 26, 1913, paid off Mary Phagan at the factory office,

April 27, 1913, notified early in the morning by officers to come to his factory. Visited morgue and saw the girl's body and then went to factory.

April 28, 1913, gives first statement to detectives at police station.

April 29, 1913, arrested on suspicion of the crime.

May 8, 1913, bound over by the coroner's jury on charge of murder of Mary Phagan and taken to the Tower.

May 24, 1913, indicted by the Fulton grand Jury for the murder.

July 28, 1913, his trial begins.

August 18, 1913, makes statement to jury.

August 25, 1918, found guilty.

Tuesday, 26th August 1913 Guilty, Declares Jury

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