Saturday, August 30th, 1913, Preacher To Speak On The Frank Case, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,

Saturday, 30th August 1913.

PAGE 3, Column 2

In a sermon at the Baptist tabernacle Sunday evening Rev. John E. Barnard, of Asheville, N. C., will discuss the subject of capital punishment, and will touch on the Frank case. At both services last Sunday Mr. Barnard was heard by large audiences, and it is expected that his sermon Sunday night will fill the tabernacle.



Page 3, Column 5,


George Epps, Newsboy, Accused of Swindling Man

Out of $1.50

Little George Epps, witness in the Frank trial, believed to be the last person who talked to Mary Phagan before she entered the National Pencil factory on the day she was murdered, April 26, 1913, is sought by the police. A. Montgomery complained to the detective department Friday night that he had been swindled out of $1.50 by the lad.

Epps is a news boy. He lives at Chestnut and Kennedy streets, near the home of the Colemans, parents of little Mary Phagan. When on the witness stand, he made a good impression by his clear and quick answers to questions put by lawyers for both sides in the big legal battle.

+ + +

Adjustments: Refering to the sentence, "Little George Epps, witness in the Frank trial, believed to be the last person who talked to Mary Phagan before she entered the National Pencil factory on the day she was murdered, April 28, is sought by the police." the April 28, was changed to April 26, 1913.

Saturday, 30th August 1913 Preacher To Speak On The Frank Case

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