Sunday, 31st August 1913 Graduates Of Cornell Will Aid Leo M. Frank In Fight For Life

Reading Time: 2 minutes [290 words]

The Atlanta Constitution,

Sunday, 31st August 1913.

Page 2.

Leo Max Frank, recently convicted on the charge of murdering Mary Phagan, is to receive aid in his battle for life and liberty from the alumni of Cornell university of Ithaca, New York, which institution he is a graduate on June 21, 1906, according to dispatches received in Atlanta Saturday night from New York city lawyers, when the movement was started some days ago.

T. B. Strauss, a prominent Cornell alumnus, is heading the movement, and it is stated that circular letters will be sent out to Cornell graduates throughout the country asking their cooperation in the effort to establish Frank's innocence. It is further stated in articles recently published in New York that it is possible that a subscription will be taken up to make up a fund to finance his defense.

Frank's latest method of amusing himself in his prison cell is to solicit the autograph of every visitor. He Is insistent on this point before he will see anyone. It is stated, and it is estimated that he has already accumulated hundreds upon hundreds of signatures. He is keeping a diary of each day's happenings, and faithfully sets down every detail of each hour. He writes down the time to the very minute at which anyone visits him, what time they arrive, and what time they leave. He is equally consistent in jotting down the time at which he eats, how long It takes him to finish each meal and at what time he arises, and not even the smallest detail of the hours in which he is awake is allowed to escape a place on his record.

Sunday, 31st August 1913 Graduates Of Cornell Will Aid Leo M. Frank In Fight For Life

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