Saturday, 11th October 1913 35 Lawyers In Race For Municipal Court

Reading Time: 2 minutes [277 words]

The Atlanta Constitution,

Saturday, 11th October 1913,


Thirty-five applicants have signified their willingness to be

appointed to the five judgeships of the new municipal court

legalized by the last legislature. This fact became known Friday

when it was determined that the new judges of the municipal

court would be named by the judges of the municipal court would

be named by the judges of the Fulton county superior court so

soon as Judge Ben Hill his new duties. He will take the superior

court bench when the Frank re-trial motion is disposed of before

Judge L. S. Roan.

We face a hard task in making the selection of the

municipal judges, said Judge George L. Bell Friday. The

appointments which we will make will be sent to the governor for

approval and he will finally pass upon them.

The new court will require the appointment of a chief

marshal and a clerk. There are already several candidates for

these positions.






Several Depositions Are


ed to Be Filed Before

Hearing Is Held.

From what could be learned Friday it was almost made

certain that attorneys for Leo M. Frank will file affidavits against

an additional juror in the celebrated case before the motion for a

new trial is argued on October 18 before Judge L. S. Roan. Several

depositions are expected to be filed against the latest juror to be

accused of bias and extreme dislike.

Solicitor General Dorsey and his assistant, A. E. Stevens, are

reported as being hard at work at Valdosta compiling their answer

to the voluminous petition for a new trial, filled by the defense

attorneys. They are said toe have stated that they would be

undoubtedly ready for argument of the petition on October 18.

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