Saturday, 18th October 1913 Criminal Court Will Convene Monday Week

Reading Time: 2 minutes [250 words]

The Atlanta Constitution,

Saturday, 18th October 1913,


Before That Time

Solicitor Dor-

sey Expects to Have


cluded Frank


That the criminal division of superior court will start on

Monday week and the general work of that division be resumed

was the statement made yesterday by Solicitor General Hugh M.

Dorsey, who expects to finish the motion for a new trial for Leo M.

Frank before that time.

Judge Ben H. Hill, recently appointed to the Fulton bench and

who is expected to occupy the criminal division, will probably take

his place in the Fulton courts by that time and begin the trial of

the numerous cases which have been kept waiting on account of

the Frank motion.

The grand jury is due to be called together some time during

the latter part of the coming week and a number of indictments

have already been drawn up for it by the solicitor's assistants.

Solicitor Dorsey and Attorney Leonard Haas, the latter

representing the man convicted of the murder of Mary Phagan,

held a conference Friday over the questions in the brief filled by

the defense.

The solicitor will appear in court at 10 o'clock Saturday

morning and it is believed that the case will be postponed again

and the date set for Tuesday or Wednesday of next week. The

arguments in the hearing will probably extend through several

days, the principal fight centering about the charges of bias made

against Jurors A. H. Henslee and M. Johenning.

Much argument will also be submitted involving the legal

side of various rulings made by Judge L. S. Roan during the long


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