Thursday, 11th December 1913: Red Cross Seal Workers Set Furious Pace On First Day, The Atlanta Constitution

Reading Time: 3 minutes [362 words]

The Atlanta Constitution,

Thursday, 11th December 1913,




General chairman in charge of work of selling Red Cross seals for benefit of campaign against tuberculosis.

Mrs. C. H. Booth, of Ponce de Leon apartments, and her enthusiastic corps of workers set a pace yesterday on opening day of the sales of the Red Cross Christmas seals that other chairmen and their assistants will have hard work keeping up with.

From reports made last night, which were not complete, the first day's sale will total between $350 and $400.

Mrs. Booth was quite confident last night that when she had received reports form all of the ladies at work for the day the figures would not be under $400, which means 40, 000 seals.

"We are certainly going to sell one million Red Cross Christmas seals by the close of the canvassing on December 24," said Mrs. Hugh M. Willet, general chairman.

"There isn't a doubt of it now, with the wonderful showing made by Mrs. Booth and her workers for the first day."

Mrs. Luther Rosser, Jr., will be chairman for Thursday, and she has secured a large number of the most attractive debutantes in the city to sell the seals, and downtown stores, hotels, office buildings and streets will be filled with the workers.

On Friday Mrs. J. Wade Conkling and her committee will distribute Red Cross Christmas seals to the principals of all the public schools in Atlanta.

In automobiles, the committees will go to each school, turning over supplies of the stamps to the principal.

In turn, the principals will distribute the seals to the teachers, who will allot a certain number to each pupil in the grade.

The little folk will continue to sell right up to Christmas.

If each child disposes of 10 cents worth, that will mean approximately $2,300, which, with the $1,000 in bank from last year's sales, would mean the establishment of the open-air school.



Albert Howell, Jr.

Hugh M. Dorsey.

Arthur Heyman.

Dorsey, Brewster, Howell & Heyman.



202, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 210 Kiser Building, Atlanta, Ga.

Long-Distance Telephone 3022, 3024, and 3025, Atlanta, Ga.

Thursday, 11th December 1913: Red Cross Seal Workers Set Furious Pace On First Day, The Atlanta Constitution

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