Audio Book: The Frank Case, part 2 of 3. “The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story to Atlanta Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery”, 1913.

A photograph of Leo Frank, as published in The Frank Case
THE AMERICAN MERCURY now presents the second part (of three parts) of our audio version of what is probably the most hard-to-find book on the murder of Mary Phagan and the trial of Leo Frank — 1913's anonymously published The Frank Case — read by Vanessa Neubauer.
The Frank Case: Inside Story of Georgia's Greatest Murder Mystery now continues as we get into the detailed story of the trial itself.
One very interesting thing strikes me about this section of the book. Even though the book, I find, is moderately pro-Frank, what it reveals about the atmosphere surrounding the trial tends to strongly disprove the modern "Frank was railroaded by anti-Semitic Southern Whites" theory.
We at the Mercury are offering this audio book in three parts in April of the year 2020, in commemoration of the life of young Mary Phagan, who died at the hands of Leo Frank on 26 April, 1913 — 107 years ago this month.
To hear part 2 of The Frank Case, simply press the play button on your screen.
Click here to see all the installments of this audio book published thus far (the total will be three installments).
- Audio Book: The Frank Case, part 1 of 3. "The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story to Atlanta Georgia's Greatest Murder Mystery", 1913. [Last Updated On: January 16th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 30th, 2021]
- Audio Book: The Frank Case, part 3 of 3. “The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story to Atlanta Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery”, 1913. [Last Updated On: January 16th, 2024] [Originally Added On: August 28th, 2021]