Author: Historical Librarian

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Lanford is the Controlling Genius of Conspiracy to Protect the Murderer of Little Mary Phagan

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  Thomas B. Felder   Atlanta Journal Sunday, May 25th, 1913 So Declares Colonel Thomas B. Felder in Scathing Arraignment of Chief of Detectives and Those Assisting Him. Says Lanford and the Pinkerton Detectives Are Doing All They Can to Hamper the Phagan Investigation — Refers to Lanford as the "Lieutenant Becker" of the Department CHARGES A. S. COLYAR WITH BEING A SELF-CONFESSED FORGER AND BLACKMAILER Colonel Felder Says He Met Colyar Two and a Half Years Ago. During His Controversy With Governor Blease, and That Colyar Palmed Off Forged Affidavits on Him — Declares Colyar Came to Him With

You Are There: “Lanford is the Controlling Genius of Conspiracy to Protect the Murderer of Little Mary Phagan”, Atlanta Journal, May 25th, 1913

"Lanford is the Controlling Genius of Conspiracy to Protect the Murderer of Little Mary Phagan" Atlanta JournalSunday, May 25th, 1913 So Declares Colonel Thomas B. Felder in Scathing Arraignment of Chief of Detectives and Those Assisting Him. Says Lanford and the Pinkerton Detectives Are Doing All They Can to Hamper the Phagan Investigation — Refers to Lanford as the "Lieutenant Becker" of the Department CHARGES A. S. COLYAR WITH BEING A SELF-CONFESSED FORGER AND BLACKMAILER Colonel Felder Says He Met Colyar Two and a Half Years Ago. During His Controversy With Governor Blease, and That Colyar Palmed Off Forged Affidavits

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Long Criminal Record of Colyar is Cited

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Atlanta Georgian Sunday, May 25th, 1913 A deluge of statements and affidavits tending to connect him with criminal operations all over the United States and Mexico, and showing that he has served time in half a dozen penitentiaries and been an inmate of a number of insane asylums, poured in Saturday upon the head of A. S. Colyar, the man who has stirred the city with his dictograph plots and his graft and bribery accusations involving Colonel Thomas B. Felder, Mayor James G. Woodward and others. Twenty-four hours after Colyar fired his first shot he was in jail. He was

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Others Will Be Involved In New Bribery Charges Intimates Chief Lanford

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G. C. Febuary, Secretary to Chief Lanford. Atlanta Constitution Sunday, May 25th, 1913 The probability of bribery charges to be made against others as well as Colonel Felder was intimated last night by Chief Lanford to a Constitution reporter. Documentary evidence involving one or more men is rumored to be in Lanford's possession. Also, his dictagraph is said to have reported secret conferences relating to the use of bribe money in the Mary Phagan case. This new phase of the bribery charges is said to pertain only to the bribing of witnesses in the Phagan investigation. Rumors to this effect

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Police Chairman Confident of Honesty of Officials

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Atlanta Constitution Sunday, May 25th, 1913 "Except to say that I have absolute confidence in the honesty and integrity of Chiefs James L. Beavers and Newport Lanford, I do not care to express myself," said Carlos Mason, chairman of the police commission, yesterday when asked for an official expression in regard to the charges made by Colonel T. B. Felder that the police and detective departments are full of graft and corruption. "All that I know of the case has been learned through the evidence and statements made public," he said added, "and as I have not been drawn into

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Says Chief is Able to Care for Himself

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Atlanta Constitution Sunday, May 25th, 1913 Marion Jackson Has No Comment to Make on Beavers-Felder Controversy. Marion Jackson and John J. Eagan, leaders of the Men and Forward Religion Movement were seen strolling down Decatur street last night about 9:30 o'clock. With them was N. A. Best, editor of The Continent, a religious journal published in Chicago. That Mr. Jackson and Mr. Eagan should be seen going down Decatur street in the direction of the police headquarters, at this time, when a new attack on the chief has been made, naturally caused considerable comment. Mr. Jackson denied, however, that his

Sunday, 25th May 1913 State Didnt Show its Case to Secure Indictment Against Superintendent Leo M. Frank, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Sunday, May 24th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 1) No Documentary Evidence Was Placed Before the Grand Jury and James Conley, the Negro Sweeper Who Made Sensational Affidavit About Writing Certain Notes at Frank's Dictation on Day Before Tragedy, Was Not Examined by the Jury DR. HURT COULD NOT SAY POSITIVELY THAT MARY PHAGAN HAD BEEN ASSAULTED BEFORE DEATH Both the Other Two Witnesses Gave Their Opinion in the Affirmative—Complete Summary of Evidence on Which the Grand Jury Decided That Frank Must Stand Trial for Death of Girl—Has Lee Given New Evidence to His Attorney? While Solicitor General

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Thomas Felder Brands the Charges of Bribery Diabolical Conspiracy

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Atlanta Constitution Sunday, May 25th, 1913 Thomas B. Felder, the Atlanta lawyer who is accused of having offered a bribe for an affidavit of J. W. Coleman, stepfather of Mary Phagan, now in the possession of the police, yesterday issued the following statement: To the People of Atlanta: The publication of the sensational "story" in The Atlanta Journal on yesterday afternoon relating to myself and my connection with the Phagan case is but the symptom or manifestation of one of the most diabolical conspiracies ever hatched by a venal and corrupt "system" to protect crime in a civilized community. To

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Woodward Hoots at the Idea of Plot to Oust Beavers

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  Atlanta Journal Sunday, May 25th, 1913 Mayor Woodward last night was interviewed by a Journal reporter in regard to Chief Beavers' statement. Among other things, the mayor said: "I haven't read the chief's statement; but if he charges or intimates that I am connected with or in sympathy with any conspiracy to throw him out of his job, then he is simply mistaken. "I have not been a supporter of Chief Beavers since I became mayor, but everybody's known that. There's been no secret about it so far as I was concerned. I've got nothing personal against him. I

Sunday, 25th May 1913 You Went to Williams House Like a Lamb to the Slaughter, Colyar Tells Felder in Letter

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  Atlanta Journal Sunday, May 25th, 1913 Former Tennesseean in Open Letter Tells Colonel Felder That He Was Never Caught With Goods Until Last Wednesday—Colyar Says He Strayed From the Path He Should Have Followed When He Went to Wash Attorney's Political Linen in a State in Which Colonel Felder Could Not Set Foot A. S. Colyar has addressed the following open letter to Colonel Thomas B. Felder: Colonel Thomas B. Felder. Sir: Knowing you as I do, I anticipate your promised attack on me in the press of Sunday, as you have announced you intended to make, and were

Monday, 26th May 1913 Accuses Tobie of Kidnaping Attempt

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Atlanta Georgian Monday, May 26th, 1913 Topeka, Kans., Chief Wires Beavers That Burns Detective Was Not Convicted. That the local police authorities are tracing the past record of C. W. Tobie, the Burns operative investigating the Phagan case, came definitely into light Monday morning when Police Chief Beavers received a telegram from the Chief of Police of Topeka, Kans., regarding the detective. The telegram was in answer to one sent by Beavers some days ago to Topeka asking for Tobie's police record there. The answer stated that while Tobie had been involved in a kidnaping case in Topeka, that he

Monday, 26th May 1913 Evidence Against Frank Conclusive, Say Police

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Atlanta Georgian Monday, May 26th, 1913 Chief of Detectives Newport Lanford Monday announced that the mystery of the Mary Phagan tragedy is solved, as nearly as is possible without the absolute, direct testimony of eyewitnesses, and expressed himself as perfectly satisfied with the evidence now in hand. Accompanying this statement comes the authoritative announcement that the great strangling crime will be placed on Leo M. Frank, now under indictment on the charge of murder, and that Newt Lee, the suspected negro night watchman of the National Pencil Factory, will not be indicted. Lee will be held in jail until the

You Are There: Evidence Against Frank Conclusive, Say Police, Atlanta Georgian, May 26th, 1913

Evidence Against Frank Conclusive, Say Police Atlanta GeorgianMonday, May 26th, 1913 Chief of Detectives Newport Lanford Monday announced that the mystery of the Mary Phagan tragedy is solved, as nearly as is possible without the absolute, direct testimony of eyewitnesses, and expressed himself as perfectly satisfied with the evidence now in hand. Accompanying this statement comes the authoritative announcement that the great strangling crime will be placed on Leo M. Frank, now under indictment on the charge of murder, and that Newt Lee, the suspected negro night watchman of the National Pencil Factory, will not be indicted. Lee will be

Monday, 26th May 1913 Five Good Men Say if Charges Are Untrue, Says A. S. Colyar to Col. Felder

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Atlanta Journal Monday, May 26th, 1913 … if I did introduce you to my wife and you make the remark that you had had the pleasure of meeting her in Chattanooga? And yet one of our alleged newspapers that has been very busy defending your good name, and painting mine blacker than hell in this community, has the audacity to publish in their Sunday morning edition a statement that my wife became so disgusted with me that she separated with me a year ago. This statement is without any foundation whatever, and an alleged representative of this alleged newspaper had

Monday, 26th May 1913 Frank is Guilty, Says Pinkerton

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Atlanta Constitution Monday, May 26th, 1913 Sufficient Evidence Found to Convict Him, Declares Man Hired by the National Pencil Company. Announcing that he had secured evidence sufficient to convict his employer Harry Scott, assistant superintendent of the Pinkertons, who has been retained by the National Pencil company since the second day of the Phagan tragedy, said to a reporter for The Constitution Sunday night that it was his intention to help prosecute the suspected superintendent. Scott has been in command of the Pinkerton forces working on the investigation. His employment came about in answer to a telephone call from Frank

You Are There: Frank is Guilty, Says Pinkerton, Atlanta Constitution, May 26th, 1913

Frank is Guilty, Says Pinkerton Atlanta ConstitutionMonday, May 26th, 1913 Sufficient Evidence Found to Convict Him, Declares Man Hired by the National Pencil Company. Announcing that he had secured evidence sufficient to convict his employer Harry Scott, assistant superintendent of the Pinkertons, who has been retained by the National Pencil company since the second day of the Phagan tragedy, said to a reporter for The Constitution Sunday night that it was his intention to help prosecute the suspected superintendent. Scott has been in command of the Pinkerton forces working on the investigation. His employment came about in answer to a

Monday, 26th May 1913 I Have No Proof of Bribery in Phagan Case, Says Chief

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Atlanta Journal Monday, May 26th, 1913 Chief Detective Declares He Has No Direct Evidence of Attempt to Influence Witnesses, as Published CONLEY STICKS TO STORY UNDER SEVERE GRILLING His Statement That He Wrote Notes at Frank's Dictation a Disturbing Element—Search for Evidence Continues Chief of Detectives Lanford positively denied to The Journal Monday afternoon that he has secured any proof of efforts to bribe witnesses in the Phagan case proper. The official made this statement, when questioned about the numerous rumors and reports of bribery of witnesses, some of which have been published and given general circulation. Chief Lanford states

Monday, 26th May 1913 Lay Bribery Effort to Franks Friends

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Mrs. Nina Fomby, woman who made affidavit that Leo M. Frank had telephoned to her on the day of Mary Phagan's death trying to get a room for himself and a girl. Atlanta Georgian Monday, May 26th, 1913 Chief of Detectives Lanford was given two papers Monday accusing friends of Leo M. Frank of attempting to bribe a man and a woman to swear that they saw Mary Phagan at 10:30 Saturday night, April 26, at a soda fountain at Marietta and Forsyth Streets. These papers were given Lanford by A. S. Colyar, whose entrance into the Phagan case has

Monday, 26th May 1913 Mason Blocks Attempt to Oust Chief

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Atlanta Georgian Monday, May 26th, 1913 Police Board Minority as Anxious to Overthrow Chairman as Beavers and Lanford. Well informed politicians declared Monday that any efforts to remove Chief of Police Beavers and Chief of Detectives Newport Lanford were doomed to failure because of the support of the two officers by Carlos Mason, chairman of the Police Board, and his supporters. Despite rumors of changes of line-up on account of developments of the last few days, all indications are that, if the issue of removing Beavers and Lanford is made, the relative strength of the two old factions will remain

Monday, 26th May 1913 Mayor Eager to Bring Back Tenderloin, Declares Chief

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Atlanta Georgian Monday, May 26th, 1913 Chief of Police James L. Beavers issued a statement Monday forenoon defying his accusers to prove that he had been guilty of any act of moral turpitude as Chief of Police or as a citizen. He characterized the attack by Colonel Thomas B. Felder merely as an effort to detract attention from his own (Felder's) actions. Referring to A. S. Colyar, in his sweeping denial of the charges that have been made against the police department, he made the pertinent observation, "that it many times required a crook to turn up another crook." "I

Monday, 26th May 1913 Mayor Gives Out Sizzling Reply to Chief Beavers

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Atlanta Georgian Monday, May 26th, 1913 Mayor James G. Woodward Monday gave out a sizzling interview in reply to Police Chief Beavers' accusations, which he concluded with this statement: "If Beavers and Lanford authorized February . ‘a trusted man,' to go out and tell lies about corruption in the department in an effort to trap somebody, they are unworthy to hold the places they occupy, and the sooner they are put out the better it will be for the police department and the city. "February has proved that he is not fit to serve in the police department in any

Monday, 26th May 1913 New Witnesses in Phagan Case Found by Police

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Atlanta Constitution Monday, May 26th, 1913 Reported Two Telephone Operators Will Swear to Conversations Held Over the Pencil Factory's Line. GAVE THEIR TESTIMONY BEFORE THE GRAND JURY A. S. Colyar Confers With Chief Beavers on Bribery Allegations—Case Now in Its Infancy, Says Chief. With the entire city aroused over the recent sensational Felder bribery charges and counter charges of graft and corruption in the police department, investigation of the Mary Phagan mystery continues. Police headquarters was elated Sunday over the progress and over new developments which have arisen. New testimony has been given by girl telephone operators relative to conversations

Monday, 26th May 1913 Pinkerton Man Says Frank is Guilty

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Atlanta Georgian Monday, May 26th, 1913 Pencil Factory Owners Told Him Not to Shield Superintendent, Scott Declares. Harry Scott, assistant superintendent of the Pinkertons, announced Monday his belief that Leo M. Frank was responsible for the slaying of 14-year-old Mary Phagan April 26. He added that his agency had been working on this theory from the time its services were engaged by officials of the National Pencil Company, two days after the crime. Scott previously had said the Pinkertons were on the case to find the guilty man, even though it might be Frank. His latest statement is believed to

Monday, 26th May 1913 Thorough Probe of Charges Against Felder and Latters Charges Against Police Asked

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Atlanta Journal Monday, May 26th, 1913 "I Shall Lay Evidence Gathered by the Detectives and Col. Felder's Charges of Graft and Corruption All Before the Grand Jury," Says the Chief, "Asking That a Searching Investigation Be Made So That the Whole Truth Shall Come Out" "ONE CROOK FREQUENTLY TURNS UP ANOTHER," DECLARES CHIEF IN STATEMENT MONDAY MORNING Mayor Woodward Gives Out Interview, Answering the Chief and Denying That He Has Hampered Him in His Crusade. He Says Chief Should Clean Up Center of the City—Hints of an Investigation by Police Board—Col. Felder Has No Statement Monday After giving out a

Monday, 26th May 1913 Thousands in Atlanta Living the Life of Mary Phagans MurdererRev. W. W. Memminger

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Atlanta Constitution Monday, May 26th, 1913 "Thousands of people in Atlanta are living the lives today that the murderer of Mary Phagan lived, and which culminated in the atrocious crime," declared Rev. W. W. Memminger, pastor of All Saints' Episcopal church. In a sermon yesterday morning which he devoted in great part to pleading for a better standard of morals in the daily life of man and woman. The woman who uses paint and powder, who dances the turkey trot and who dresses in a suggestive manner came in for scathing remarks from the rector, but the man who boasts

Monday, 26th May 1913 Tobie Tried to Kidnap Incubator Baby, Says Topeka Police Official

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Atlanta Journal Monday, May 26th, 1913 That the past career and record of C. W. Tobie, the Burns investigator who came to Atlanta to probe the Phagan mystery for Colonel Thomas B. Felder, is being investigated by the local police is shown by a telegram received by Chief of Police J. L. Beavers Monday morning. The telegram was from the chief of police of Topeka, Kan., and reads as follows: "Tobie tried to kidnap incubator baby at Sedan, Kan., but failed, being employed by Detective Tillotson. Subsequently Tillotson kidnaped the child at Topeka and was convicted, but Tobie was not

Monday, 26th May 1913 Will Take Charge of Graft to Grand Jury for Vindication

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Thomas B. Felder, and his expansive smile. This photograph was taken before Chief Beavers started out to make him prove his charges. What sort of a smile will Felder wear when Beavers gets through with him? Atlanta Georgian Monday, May 26th, 1913 Chief of Police Beavers and Chief of Detectives Lanford both stated emphatically Monday that they intended to go to the full limit of the law in making Thomas B. Felder prove his charges of graft in the police department. Both Beavers and Lanford will take the matter before the Grand Jury, and they will take other action in

Tuesday, 27th May 1913 Burns Agency Quits the Phagan Case; Tobie Leaves Today

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Atlanta Constitution Tuesday, May 27th, 1913 Dan P. Lehon Holds Conference With Solicitor General Hugh Dorsey and Other Officials and Then Makes Announcement of Severance of Connection With Case. FELDER TO CONTINUE PROBE, HE DECLARES; NO STATEMENT SOON "One of the Girls" in the Pencil Factory Brings Statement to The Constitution Defending the Character of Employees — Bribery Attempts Are Denied. As a startling climax to the sensational turn of affairs in the Mary Phagan murder investigation, it was announced yesterday by Dan P. Lehon, superintendent of the Burns southern offices, that his agency had retired from the investigation of

You Are There: Burns Agency Quits the Phagan Case; Tobie Leaves Today, Atlanta Constitution, May 27th, 1913

Burns Agency Quits the Phagan Case; Tobie Leaves Today Atlanta ConstitutionTuesday, May 27th, 1913 Dan P. Lehon Holds Conference With Solicitor General Hugh Dorsey and Other Officials and Then Makes Announcement of Severance of Connection With Case. FELDER TO CONTINUE PROBE, HE DECLARES; NO STATEMENT SOON "One of the Girls" in the Pencil Factory Brings Statement to The Constitution Defending the Character of Employees — Bribery Attempts Are Denied. As a startling climax to the sensational turn of affairs in the Mary Phagan murder investigation, it was announced yesterday by Dan P. Lehon, superintendent of the Burns southern offices, that

Tuesday, 27th May 1913 Burns Man Quits Case; Declares He Is Opposed

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Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, May 27th, 1913 C. W. Tobie, chief criminal investigator for the Burns Detective Agency, formally withdrew from the Phagan investigation Tuesday morning. The calling off of the Burns forces was announced by Dan P. Lehon, superintendent of the Southern branch, after Tobie had stated explicitly that he would not withdraw from the case. Colonel Thomas B. Felder, who brought the Burns detectives into the Phagan case, would make no statement relative to their withdrawal but announced that it did not mean the end of his investigation or connection with the case. Tobie made up his mind last

Tuesday, 27th May 1913 Chief James L. Beavers Reply to Mayor Woodward

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Atlanta Constitution Tuesday, May 27th, 1913 "If Beavers and Lanford permitted Febuary, ‘a trusted man,' to go out and circulate lies about corruption in the police department in an effort to trap someone, they have debauched their officers, and the sooner they are put out the better it will be for the men who work under them." Mayor James G. Woodward made the above reply to Chief James L. Beavers in a statement to The Constitution late Monday afternoon. They mayor declared that Febuary's part in the conspiracy has destroyed his usefulness with the department, and he is not fit

Tuesday, 27th May 1913 Col. Felder Ridicules Idea of Grand Jury Investigation of City Detectives Charges

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Atlanta Journal Tuesday, May 27th, 1913 Declares Chief Beavers Is Only Bluffing, and That if All the Allegations Made by the Police Were True, It Wouldn't Be a Case for the Grand Jury, as He Has Violated No Law in Seeking Evidence of Corruption In Police Department CHIEF BEAVERS CONFERS WITH SOLICITOR DORSEY IN REFERENCES TO LAYING WHOLE MATTER BEFORE JURY He Expects the Solicitor's Co-operation — James Conley Is Identified by Mrs. Arthur White as the Negro She Saw Lurking Near the Elevator of the Pencil Factory on Day of the Tragedy—"This Is H— of a Family Row and

Tuesday, 27th May 1913 Felder Aide Offers Vice List to Chief

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Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, May 27th, 1913 Attorney Carl Hutcheson Accuse Beavers of Permitting Unlawful Houses to Operate. GAMBLER'S PLOT, SAYS LANFORD IN HOT REPLY Detective Head Declares "Ring" Is Trying to Fix Charge of Bribery Against Him. Ignoring the fresh volley of charges made by Carl Hutcheson, an attorney, who offers to cite resorts which are allowed to operate by the city police. Chief Beavers Tuesday morning reiterated his declaration that the entire matter would be laid bare before the Grand Jury for decision. Detective Chief Lanford revealed another angle of the warfare when he declared that the fight being

Tuesday, 27th May 1913 Felder Barely Missed Being Trapped by His Own Dictograph

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Atlanta Journal Tuesday, May 27th, 1913 Last week, when the detectives were laying their plans to trap Colonel Thomas B. Felder with a dictograph, they came very near trapping the colonel with his own instrument. The amusing incident, which has just come to light, revolves about Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey. Before a dictograph was installed in the Williams house room the city detectives told the solicitor that the attorney was negotiating for the purchase for $1,000 of certain papers in the Phagan case. The solicitor said nothing about the confidences of the detectives, and a short time later Colonel

You Are There: “I Have No Proof of Bribery in Phagan Case,” Says Chief, Atlanta Journal, May 26th, 1913

"I Have No Proof of Bribery in Phagan Case," Says Chief Atlanta JournalMonday, May 26th, 1913 Chief Detective Declares He Has No Direct Evidence of Attempt to Influence Witnesses, as Published CONLEY STICKS TO STORY UNDER SEVERE GRILLING His Statement That He Wrote Notes at Frank's Dictation a Disturbing Element—Search for Evidence Continues Chief of Detectives Lanford positively denied to The Journal Monday afternoon that he has secured any proof of efforts to bribe witnesses in the Phagan case proper. The official made this statement, when questioned about the numerous rumors and reports of bribery of witnesses, some of which

Tuesday, 27th May 1913 State Faces Big Task in Trial of Frank as Slayer

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Luther Z. Rosser, who is leading attorney of counsel for the defense of Leo M. Frank, indicted for the murder of Mary Phagan at the National Pencil factory. Mr. Rosser, as usual, is playing a game of silence. He has not indicated his line of defense. Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, May 27th, 1913 What will be the defense of Leo M. Frank when he is called upon next month to answer to the charge of strangling little Mary Phagan? With the confident announcement of the police Monday that they had completed a case against the factory superintendent that was as conclusive

Tuesday, 27th May 1913 Suspicion Turned to Conley; Accused by Factory Foreman

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Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, May 27th, 1913 Negro, Whose Story That He Wrote Notes at Frank's Dictation Is Generally Disbelieved, Was Often Drunk. Mrs. White Can Not Identify Him. Suspicion in the Phagan case was Tuesday morning turned full-flare upon James Conley, the negro whose unexpected assertion last week that he had written the notes found beside the body of Mary Phagan, at the dictation of Leo M. Frank, was followed by a speedy indictment of the pencil factory superintendent. In the opinion of E. F. Holloway, timekeeper and foreman in the factory, Conley is the guilty man. Careful study of

You Are There: Suspicion Turned to Conley; Accused by Factory Foreman, Atlanta Georgian, May 27th, 1913

Suspicion Turned to Conley; Accused by Factory Foreman Atlanta GeorgianTuesday, May 27th, 1913 Negro, Whose Story That He Wrote Notes at Frank's Dictation Is Generally Disbelieved, Was Often Drunk. Mrs. White Can Not Identify Him. Suspicion in the Phagan case was Tuesday morning turned full-flare upon James Conley, the negro whose unexpected assertion last week that he had written the notes found beside the body of Mary Phagan, at the dictation of Leo M. Frank, was followed by a speedy indictment of the pencil factory superintendent. In the opinion of E. F. Holloway, timekeeper and foreman in the factory, Conley

Wednesday, 28th May 1913 Carl Hutcheson Again Attacks Chief Beavers

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Atlanta Journal Wednesday, May 28th, 1913 Calls Rim "a Contemptible Liar" and a "Pig Head." Chief Asks for That List Attorney Carl Hutcheson renewed his attack on Police Chief Beavers Wednesday when he gave out an open letter referring to the chief as a "malicious and contemptible liar," a "pig head," and asserting that he didn't have "enough brains in his head to rattle in a gourd after the water was turned off." Mr. Hutcheson objects to the chief's reference to him as "small fry" and "only a cog in the gang machine." The first open letter written by Mr.

Wednesday, 28th May 1913 Chief Beavers to Renew His Vice War

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Atlanta Georgian Wednesday, May 28th, 1913 Declares That He Will "Clean Out" Disorderly Places When Hutcheson Furnishes List. Renewed crusades to clean out vice in Atlanta have been precipitated by the publication Tuesday of an open letter to Chief of Police Beavers by Carl Hutcheson, an Atlanta attorney. Chief Beavers called up Hutcheson with a demand for his information, asking names, addresses and character of occupants, and declared Wednesday that he would proceed to clean up if the requested information was furnished. Hutcheson is now preparing a list of the places which he declared are immoral and told the chief

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