Author: Historical Librarian

Wednesday, 7th May 1913 Bowen Given Liberty, Makes Full Statement, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Wednesday, May 7th, 1913 (Page 18, Column 5) P. P. Bowen, who was arrested here yesterday on suspicion in connection with an Atlanta case and who was released last night, made this statement today: "My father is S. C. Bowen. He lives at Newnan, Georgia I told the detectives that they had made a mistake at the time they arrested me, and knew that they would soon find this to be so, if they investigated my references and letters. Of course, I was scared when they entered my room. I did meet them at the door with

Wednesday, 7th May 1913 Detective Chief Fired for Arresting Bowen as a Phagan Suspect

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Atlanta Constitution Wednesday, May 7th, 1913 Former Atlantan, Who Was Taken Into Custody in Houston, Texas, Early on Monday Night, Released After an Investigation by Chief of Police Department, Who Says He Is Convinced of His Innocence. BOWEN WAS IN CHINERO ON DAY OF THE MURDER HE TELLS DETECTIVES His Father, Cal Bowen, of Newnan, Georgia, Received a Message Last Night From His Son, Declaring That He Had Been Fired — Bowen Is Well Connected in Georgia and His Friends Are Indignant Over His Arrest. Paul P. Bowen, former Atlantan, who was arrested in Houston, Texas, Monday night on suspicion

You Are There: Detective Chief Fired for Arresting Bowen as a Phagan Suspect, Atlanta Constitution, May 7th, 1913

Detective Chief Fired for Arresting Bowen as a Phagan Suspect Atlanta ConstitutionWednesday, May 7th, 1913 Former Atlantan, Who Was Taken Into Custody in Houston, Texas, Early on Monday Night, Released After an Investigation by Chief of Police Department, Who Says He Is Convinced of His Innocence. BOWEN WAS IN CHINERO ON DAY OF THE MURDER HE TELLS DETECTIVES His Father, Cal Bowen, of Newnan, Georgia, Received a Message Last Night From His Son, Declaring That He Had Been Fired — Bowen Is Well Connected in Georgia and His Friends Are Indignant Over His Arrest. Paul P. Bowen, former Atlantan, who

Wednesday, 7th May 1913 Employee of Lunch Stand Near Pencil Factory is Trailed to Alabama

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  Atlanta Georgian Wednesday, May 7th, 1913 Detectives Figure Strangling Was a Typical Mediterranean Crime—Solicitor Dorsey Grills Watchman Lee in Effort to Get New Points. A new and sensational interpretation was given the Phagan mystery Wednesday afternoon when it was revealed that Pinkerton detectives are trailing a Greek now missing who was employed in a restaurant near the National Pencil factory before the crime was committed. The reasons that the city detectives give for the adoption of the new theory are: The slaying of Mary Phagan was not a negro crime, as the only negro who has been suspected in

Wednesday, 7th May 1913 Fourteen Houston Policemen Fired on Bowen’s Account, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Wednesday, May 7th, 1913 (Page 18, Column 5) BY KENNETH TODD. HOUSTON, Tex., May 7.—Although young Paul P. Bowen, arrested in Houston Monday as a suspect in the Mary Phagan case, has been released by the chief of police, the release was ordered against the wishes of the chief of detectives and the latter has been summarily discharged for opposing his superior in spite of the telegram from Chief Beavers, of Atlanta, to Chief Davison, of the local department. Bowen was released twenty-four hours after the message was received. Chief of Detectives Peyton stubbornly refused to let

Wednesday, 7th May 1913 Lee is Quizzed by Dorsey for New Evidence

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  Atlanta Georgian Wednesday, May 7th, 1913 Important Light is Trown on Case Also by Girl Companion of Mary Phagan. With new evidence in hand, Solicitor Dorsey went to the jail at 3 o'clock Wednesday afternoon to question Newt Lee, the night watchman, exhaustively. He plied the negro with questions for forty-five minutes. Before closeting himself with the negro the Solicitor said he had never questioned Lee himself, and he hoped to leave the jail late today with valuable information. Detective Rosser was reported to have found a 14-year-old girl who had important information bearing on the case. This girl

Wednesday, 7th May 1913 Officials Plan to Exhume Body of Victim Today

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  Atlanta Constitution Wednesday, May 7th, 1913 For Second Time in Less Than Week Physicians to Make Examination at the Graveside of Mary Phagan. REFUSE TO TELL WHY ACTION WILL BE TAKEN Search for Finger Prints and New Wounds Is Reported Reason—Inquest Resumed Thursday—Strange Man Sought. Mary Phagan's body will be exhumed today for the second time. Bertillion and medical experts will make examinations for finger prints and wounds which may have been overlooked before. Coroner Donehoo and Dr. H. F. Harris, of the state board of health, will be in charge. Between 9 and 10 o'clock is the scheduled

Wednesday, 7th May 1913 Phagan Girls Body Again Exhumed for Finger-Print Clews

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    Atlanta Georgian Wednesday, May 7th, 1913 Third Time Unfortunate Victim's Remains Have Been Exhumed—Dorsey Says Officials Are Not Looking for Finger Prints, but Other Clews. The body of Mary Phagan was exhumed early Wednesday for the second time in two days. The unofficial explanation is that the exhumation is made for the purpose of making a microscopic and minute examination of every wound on the body for finger prints and other clews as well. Solicitor Dorsey let it be known that the police are not working on the idea that the finger prints would be helpful in solving

Wednesday, 7th May 1913 Solicitor Dorsey Orders Body Exhumed in the Hope of Getting New Evidence

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  Atlanta Georgian Wednesday, May 7th, 1913 Inquest, To Be Resumed Thursday, Will Bring Out Important Facts Not Yet Made Public—Medical Experts To Be Called by Coroner. New mystery was added to the Mary Phagan case on Wednesday, when the authorities for some reason not yet disclosed, did not follow out the order given by Solicitor Dorsey for the exhumation of the remains. It was said by Solicitor Dorsey that he had given this order in the hope that new clews might be discovered. A difference of opinion as to the advisability of the exhumation evidently has arisen, but the

You Are There: Solicitor Dorsey Orders Body Exhumed in the Hope of Getting New Evidence, Atlanta Georgian, May 7th, 1913

Solicitor Dorsey Orders Body Exhumed in the Hope of Getting New Evidence Atlanta GeorgianWednesday, May 7th, 1913 Inquest, To Be Resumed Thursday, Will Bring Out Important Facts Not Yet Made Public—Medical Experts To Be Called by Coroner. New mystery was added to the Mary Phagan case on Wednesday, when the authorities for some reason not yet disclosed, did not follow out the order given by Solicitor Dorsey for the exhumation of the remains. It was said by Solicitor Dorsey that he had given this order in the hope that new clews might be discovered. A difference of opinion as to

Wednesday, 7th May, 1913, Two New Witnesses in Phagan Mystery to Testify Thursday, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Wednesday, May 7th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 5) Detectives Said to Attach Much Importance to Testimony That Two Girls Will Give When Inquest Resumes INQUEST WILL BE ENDED THURSDAY, SAYS DONEHOO Paul P. Bowen Has Been Released by Houston Officials—Chief Detective and 14 Policemen Are Discharged Two new witnesses, whom the detectives have recently located, are expected to give testimony of importance at the final session of the Phagan inquest Thursday. One of the witnesses is Miss Grace Hix, of 100 McDonough road, daughter of James E. Hix. Miss Hix worked at the same machine with Mary

You Are There: Two New Witnesses in Phagan Mystery to Testify Thursday, Atlanta Journal, May 7th, 1913

Two New Witnesses in Phagan Mystery to Testify Thursday Atlanta JournalWednesday, May 7th, 1913 Detectives Said to Attach Much Importance to Testimony That Two Girls Will Give When Inquest Resumes INQUEST WILL BE ENDED THURSDAY, SAYS DONEHOO Paul P. Bowen Has Been Released by Houston Officials—Chief Detective and 14 Policemen Are Discharged Two new witnesses, whom the detectives have recently located, are expected to give testimony of importance at the final session of the Phagan inquest Thursday. One of the witnesses is Miss Grace Hix, of 100 McDonough road, daughter of James E. Hix. Miss Hix worked at the same

Thursday, 8th May 1913 Another Clew in Phagan Case is Worthless

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  Atlanta Georgian Thursday, May 8th, 1913 Pinkertons Find No Foundation for Report of Lunch Room Helper's Disappearance. Harry Scott, of the Pinkertons, said Thursday that the information obtained by his agency to the effect that a Greek helper in a restaurant had disappeared following the killing of Mary Phagan had proved baseless so far as he was able to determine. "It was a blind clew," he said. "We were unable to find that any one was missing from the restaurant. Neither were we able to locate the supposedly missing person in Anniston, Ala., where our information said he was."

Thursday, 8th May 1913 Black Testifies Quinn Denied Visiting Factory

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    Atlanta Georgian Thursday, May 8th, 1913 John Black, city detective, followed Scott. Q. Tell about the shirt.—A. Sergeant Bullard and I went out to the rear of 40 Henry Street and searched Newt Lee's room. Q. What did you find?—A. Lots of things. Q. Tell about finding the shirt?—A. We found it in the bottom of an old barrel. Q. Was the shirt on the top or in the bottom of the barrel?—A. In the bottom. Q. When was this?—A. On Wednesday after the murder. Q. Did you see the shirt Lee wore Sunday morning?—A. Yes. Q. What

Thursday, 8th May 1913 Boots Rogers Tells How Body Was Found

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"Boots" Rogers, former county policeman who drove the police to the Pencil Factory when the first news of the Phagan slaying reached headquarters. Atlanta Georgian Thursday, May 8th, 1913 W. W. Rogers was the first witness. He lives at 104 McDonough Road, and operates an automobile for himself. He said he took a party of officers to the National Pencil plant at five minutes past 3 o'clock Sunday morning, April 27. He corroborated statements of officers regarding the finding of Mary Phagan's body and the notes beside it, and of the body being face downward. Q. Who telephoned Frank of

You Are There: “Boots” Rogers Tells How Body Was Found, Atlanta Georgian, May 8th, 1913

"Boots" Rogers, former county policeman who drove the police to the Pencil Factory when the first news of the Phagan slaying reached headquarters. "Boots" Rogers Tells How Body Was Found Atlanta GeorgianThursday, May 8th, 1913 W. W. Rogers was the first witness. He lives at 104 McDonough Road, and operates an automobile for himself. He said he took a party of officers to the National Pencil plant at five minutes past 3 o'clock Sunday morning, April 27. He corroborated statements of officers regarding the finding of Mary Phagan's body and the notes beside it, and of the body being face

Thursday, 8th May 1913 Didnt See Girl Late Saturday, He Admits

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  Atlanta Georgian Thursday, May 8th, 1913 Man Who Said Mary Phagan Passed His Place Testifies He Was Wrong. J. L. Watkins, who testified that he saw Mary Phagan Saturday afternoon, April 26, between 4 and 5 o'clock, was called to the witness stand. He was accompanied to the inquest by a girl, Daisy Brown, who he said was the girl he mistook for Mary Phagan. He said he became convinced of his mistake when detectives came out to his place and had Daisy Brown to dress as she was Saturday afternoon. Then he discovered, he said, that she was

Thursday, 8th May 1913 Frank Answers Questions Nervously When Recalled

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    Atlanta Georgian Thursday, May 8th, 1913 Frank was slightly nervous when he was answering the questions. He was asked: Q. What kind of an elevator floor have you in the factory on the office floor?—A. A solid sliding door. Q. Where was the elevator Friday night and Saturday?—A. I didn't notice it. Q. What protection would there be from a person from falling into the shaft if the door was open?—A. There is a bar across the shaft. Q. Where was the elevator Saturday?—A. I did not notice it. Q. Where was it Sunday?—A. On the office floor.

Thursday, 8th May 1913 Frank of Nervous Nature; Says Superintendent Aide

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    Atlanta Georgian Thursday, May 8th, 1913 The inquest was resumed at 2:40. Only a small crowd was present. Miss Hattie Hall, stenographer for the Pencil Company, was called. She said she had been connected with the company since December 4. From a pile of papers taken from the factory records, Miss Hall identified a number that were written by herself. She said she did not think she could identify Frank's writing. Miss Hall selected eight letters that she had written. She said she didn't know how long it had taken her to write the letters. Miss Hall looked

Thursday, 8th May 1913 Frank Will Take Stand at Inquest

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  Atlanta Constitution Thursday, May 8th, 1913 Mrs. Mattie White Tells Detectives That on Afternoon of Killing She Saw Negro in Factory. Leo M. Frank will probably be the first witness to take the stand in the Mary Phagan murder inquest to be resumed this morning at 9:30 o'clock in police headquarters. He will be examined thoroughly along lines which neither the chief of detectives, coroner nor solicitor general will disclose. He was resting comfortably at midnight, and, according to reports from the Tower in which he is imprisoned, he is in fit condition to undergo the ordeal. In the

You Are There: Frank Will Take Stand at Inquest, Atlanta Constitution, May 8th, 1913

Frank Will Take Stand at Inquest Atlanta ConstitutionThursday, May 8th, 1913 Mrs. Mattie White Tells Detectives That on Afternoon of Killing She Saw Negro in Factory. Leo M. Frank will probably be the first witness to take the stand in the Mary Phagan murder inquest to be resumed this morning at 9:30 o'clock in police headquarters. He will be examined thoroughly along lines which neither the chief of detectives, coroner nor solicitor general will disclose. He was resting comfortably at midnight, and, according to reports from the Tower in which he is imprisoned, he is in fit condition to undergo

Thursday, 8th May 1913 Girl Employe on Fourth Floor of Factory Saturday

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    Atlanta Georgian Thursday, May 8th, 1913 Miss Corinthia Hall, one of the employees at the National Pencil factory, was a witness. She lives near Kirkwood, at 19 Weatherby Street, and has worked at the factory for three years. She knew Mary Phagan. Miss Hall was at the factory at 11:45 Saturday, April 26. She went to get another girl's coat. She went to the fourth floor and stopped in at the office and asked Mr. Frank if she could go to the fourth floor. She was accompanied by a young woman who had recently married and whose coat

Thursday, 8th May 1913 Grand Jury to Sift the Evidence in the Phagan Case Within the Next Few Days

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    Atlanta Georgian Thursday, May 8th, 1913 Late this afternoon the police and detectives engaged on the Phagan case said they were satisfied with the progress being made before the Coroner's Jury. Apparently all other clews have been abandoned, and the present line of police activity would seem to center around Lee and Frank. Whatever evidence the police have they refuse to disclose. The entire mystery will be taken up by the Grand Jury within the next few days. * * * Atlanta Georgian, May 8th 1913, "Grand Jury to Sift the Evidence in the Phagan Case Within the

Thursday, 8th May 1913 Greeks Make Protest

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  Atlanta Constitution Thursday, May 8th, 1913 Object to Flaring Headlines Over Phagan Mystery. One hundred of the most prominent members of the Greek community in Atlanta gathered in their community hall on Whitehall street last night and protested vigorously against the use of the word Greek in an afternoon paper in connection with the Phagan mystery. The article in question stated that the Pinkertons had said that the murder of Mary Phagan was done in the Mediterranean style and that a certain Greek restaurant employee was being shadowed or words to that effect. "We protest must vigorously against such

Thursday, 8th May 1913 Inquest Scene is Dramatic in its Tenseness

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  Miss Hattie Hall, Superintendent Leo M. Frank's stenographer, who testified to-day at the Phagan inquest.   Atlanta Georgian Thursday, May 8th, 1913 Crowd in Small, Smoke-Filled Room Breathlessly Follows the Phagan Slaying Inquiry. FATHER WEEPS SILENTLY Jurors, Officials and Detectives Manifest Intense Interest in Replies of Witnesses. In a small, crowded and smoke-filled room at police  headquarters, Coroner Donehoo on Thursday morning began what it is thought will be the last session of the jury impaneled to inquire into the death of Mary Phagan, strangled to death in the basement of the National Pencil Factory April 26. The situation

Thursday, 8th May 1913 J. L. Watkins Says He Did Not See Phagan Child on Day of Tragedy, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Thursday, May 8th, 1913 (Page 8, Column 5) J. L. Watkins, called to the stand after Miss Hall, the stenographer, was excused, clarified his former testimony that he had seen Mary Phagan on the street near her home on Saturday afternoon, April 26, by declaring that he is convinced now he was mistaken about it. "Mr. White, on last Thursday, did you not swear before this inquest that between 4 and 5 o'clock on the afternoon of Saturday, April 26, you saw Mary Phagan walking along Bellwood Avenue toward her home?" asked the coroner . "Yes, that's

Thursday, 8th May 1913 Lee Repeats His Private Conversation With Frank

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    Atlanta Georgian Thursday, May 8th, 1913 Newt Lee followed Black on the stand. Q. Tell the jury of your conversation with Frank in private—A. I was in the room and he came in. I said, Mr. Frank, it is mighty hard to be sitting here handcuffed. He said he thought I was innocent, and I said I didn't know anything except finding the body. "Yes," Mr. Frank said, "and you keep that up we will both go to hell!" I told him that if she had been killed in the basement I would have known it, and he

Thursday, 8th May 1913 Lemmie Quinn Grilled by Coroner Paul Donehoo But He Sticks to His Statement, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Thursday, May 8th, 1913 (Page 8, Column 1) Lemmie A. Quinn was called to the stand. He lives at 31B Julliam street, he said, and is foreman of the metal department at the National Pencil factory. Mary Phagan worked in his department, he said. The last time he saw her was on the Monday preceding the murder, he said. She left the plant about 2 o'clock P.M. that Monday, said he. That was earlier than usual, but she left because the metal with which she worked had run out and she wanted to hurry to the matinee.

Thursday, 8th May 1913 Leo Frank is Again Quizzed by Coroner

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    Atlanta Georgian Thursday, May 8th, 1913 Newt Lee Called to Stand for Further Examination—Coroner Will Put Case in Hands of Jury by 7 o'clock, It is Predicted. Leo M. Frank, superintendent of the National Pencil Factory, and Newt Lee, night watchman, both of whom are being held in connection with inquiry into the death of Mary Phagan, were recalled to the witness stand late Thursday afternoon at the inquest. Frank was given a more searching examination as to movements on the day of the tragedy than he underwent his first day on the stand and an apparent endeavor

Thursday, 8th May 1913 Miss Daisy Jones Convinces Jury She Was Mistaken for Mary Phagan, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Thursday, May 8th, 1913 (Page 8, Column 3, Row 3) Miss Daisy Jones, identified by J. L. Watkins as the girl whom he had mistaken for Mary Phagan on the afternoon of April 26, , appeared before the coroner's jury dressed exactly as she was on that afternoon, and testified that she had been just where Watkins said he saw Mary Phagan at the hour when Watkins thought he saw the girl, and that she had crossed a vacant field just as Watkins described Mary Phagan as having done. In short, with Mr. Watkins' new testimony, she

Thursday, 8th May 1913 Miss Hattie Hall, Stenographer, Left Pencil Factory at Noon, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Thursday, May 8th, 1913 (Page 8, Column 2) Miss Hattie Hall, a stenographer, was called to the stand after Quinn was excused. When Miss Hall was excused, shortly before 12:30 o'clock, she was told to return at 2:30 o'clock, as she probably would be recalled then. Miss Hall's testimony revealed nothing not already known, and was vague upon a number of points already testified to by others. It bore mainly upon the period when she was in the office of the National Pencil company on the morning of Saturday, April 26. According to her, she was there

Thursday, 8th May 1913 Mr. Frank’s Treatment of Girls Unimpeachable, Says Miss Hall, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Thursday, May 8th, 1913 (Page 8, Column 4) Miss Corinthia Hall, an employe in the factory, was the first of the young women employed there to testify before the coroner from their viewpoint regarding Mr. Frank's attitude and demeanor toward them. She declared his conduct toward the young women in the factory to be irreproachable. She works in the varnish department on the fourth floor of the pencil factory, and lives at 19 Waverly street, Kirkwood, she told the coroner. She has been working at the factory about three years, she said. About 11:45 o'clock on the

You Are There: Phagan Inquest in Session; Six Witnesses are Examined Before Adjournment to 2:30, Atlanta Journal, May 8th, 1913

Phagan Inquest in Session; Six Witnesses are Examined Before Adjournment to 2:30 Lemmie Quinn, foreman, who testified that he visited the factory and talked to Mr. Frank just after Mary Phagan is supposed to have left with her pay envelope. He was given a searching examination by the coroner Thursday, but stuck to his statement. Atlanta JournalThursday, May 8th, 1913 Lemmie Quinn, the Factory Foreman, Was Put Through a Grilling Examination, but He Steadily Maintained That He Visited the Factory Shortly After the Time Mary Phagan is Supposed to Have Left With Her Pay Envelope FRANK'S TREATMENT OF GIRLS IN

Thursday, 8th May 1913, Phagan Inquest in Session; Six Witnesses are Examined Before Adjournment to 2:30 O’Clock, The Atlanta Journal

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Lemmie Quinn, foreman, who testified that he visited the factory and talked to Mr. Frank just after Mary Phagan is supposed to have left with her pay envelope. He was given a searching examination by the coroner Thursday, but stuck to his statement. The Atlanta Journal Thursday, May 8th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 5) Lemmie Quinn, the Factory Foreman, Was Put Through a Grilling Examination, but He Steadily Maintained That He Visited the Factory Shortly After the Time Mary Phagan is Supposed to Have Left With Her Pay Envelope FRANK'S TREATMENT OF GIRLS IN FACTORY DESCRIBED AS UNIMPEACHABLE BY ONE

Thursday, 8th May 1913 Pinkerton Detective Tells of Call From Factory Head

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Atlanta Georgian Thursday, May 8th, 1913 Harry Scott, the Pinkerton detective who has been working on the case since the day of the crime, took the stand when Schiff concluded his testimony. Scott testified that Frank called him up Sunday afternoon before there was any talk of his arrest and asked the Pinkertons to begin work on the case and find the slayer. Scott testified as follows: Q. How are you interested in the Phagan case?—A. I was retained by the National Pencil Company to find the guilty man. Q. Who retained you?—A. I received a call from Mr. Frank

Thursday, 8th May 1913 Police Still Withhold Evidence. Frank To Be Examined on New Lines

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  Luther Z. Rosser, attorney for Leo M. Frank, who was one of the interested listeners to the testimony presented Thursday at the Coroner's inquest into the death of Mary Phagan.   Atlanta Georgian Thursday, May 8th, 1913 Witnesses Are Quizzed in Detail, but Nothing Important Brought Out. Officials Say They Are Satisfied With Case as It Is Being Developed. Whatever evidence the police officials may have directly to connect any of the suspects with the killing of Mary Phagan, it was not produced at the early session of the Coroner's inquest Thursday. What this evidence is the officials refuse

Thursday, 8th May 1913 Quinn, Foreman Over Slain Girl, Tells of Seeing Frank

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    Atlanta Georgian Thursday, May 8th, 1913 L. A. Quinn, foreman of the department of the pencil factory in which Mary Phagan worked, testified as follows: Q. What is your business?—A. Machinist. Q. Did you know Mary Phagan?—A. Yes. Q. What is your department?—A. Metal department. Q. What department was she in?—A. Same. Q. When did you see Mary Phagan last?—A. The Monday before the murder. Q. Do you know her associates?—A. I know some who talked with her—girls. Q. Any boys in that department?—A. Henry Smith and John Ramey. Q. Were they thrown together?—A. All were working in

Thursday, 8th May 1913 Stains of Blood on Shirt Fresh, Says Dr. Smith

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    Atlanta Constitution Thursday, May 8th, 1913 City Bacteriologist Makes His Report After Examination of Garment of Negro Which Was Found in Trash Barrel. LEE'S CELLMATE MAY TESTIFY AT INQUEST Witness Spent 24 Hours in Same Cell With Phagan Prisoner — Body of Girl Exhumed for Second Time. DAY'S DEVELOPMENTS IN PHAGAN MYSTERY Dr. Claude Smith, city bacteriologist, completes examination of negro's blood-stained shirt, and finds that the blood stains are new. Body of Mary Phagan was exhumed shortly after noon on Wednesday for the purpose of making a second examination. Mrs. Mattie Smith, wife of one of the

Thursday, 8th May 1913 Stains on Shirt Were Not Made While Shirt Was Being Worn, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Thursday, May 8th, 1913 (Page 8, Column 5) A number of new witnesses had been summoned for the inquest, and the indications were said to be that the session (promised as final in the coroner's investigation) might last all day. It became known, before the inquest convened, that several witnesses whom the detectives have discovered would not be introduced there at all. The evidence that they can furnish, whatever it may be, will not become public until some later time, it was said. It was stated further Thursday morning that the report by Dr. Claude A. Smith,

Thursday, 8th May 1913 Stenographer in Factory Office on Witness Stand

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Atlanta Georgian Thursday, May 8th, 1913 Miss Hattie Hall, the stenographer who worked at the National Pencil Factory Saturday morning, April 26, testified as follows: She lives at 69 Luckie Street and works for the National Pencil Company, in Montag Bros.' office. Saturday morning, April 26, she went to Montag Bros.' office on Nelson Street, arriving there at approximately 8 o'clock. She left there between 10:30 and 11. She had talked with Frank over the phone several times during the morning. "The regular stenographer at the plant was off, I think on account of sickness," she said, "and I went

Friday, 9th May 1913 Best Detective in America Now is on Case, Says Dorsey

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  Miss Nellie Pettis, at top, who testified against Frank at the inquest. At the bottom, Mrs. Lillie Pettis, her sister-in-law, former employee at the pencil factory.   Atlanta Georgian Friday, May 9th, 1913 Solicitor Dorsey Says He Has Secured Powerful Aid in Search for Slayer of Girl—Woman Says She Heard Screams in Pencil Factory. Shelby Smith, chairman of the Fulton commission, declared Friday afternoon that the board would back Solicitor Dorsey in any and all expense he might incur in the state's exhaustive investigation into the Phagan murder mystery. Smith said; "We have instructed Dorsey to obtain the best

You Are There: Best Detective in America Now is on Case, Says Dorsey, Atlanta Georgian, May 9th, 1913

Best Detective in America Now is on Case, Says Dorsey Miss Nellie Pettis, at top, who testified against Frank at the inquest. At the bottom, Mrs. Lillie Pettis, her sister-in-law, former employee at the pencil factory. Atlanta GeorgianFriday, May 9th, 1913 Solicitor Dorsey Says He Has Secured Powerful Aid in Search for Slayer of Girl—Woman Says She Heard Screams in Pencil Factory. Shelby Smith, chairman of the Fulton commission, declared Friday afternoon that the board would back Solicitor Dorsey in any and all expense he might incur in the state's exhaustive investigation into the Phagan murder mystery. Smith said; "We

Friday, 9th May 1913 Character Witnesses are Called in the Case by City Detectives, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Friday, May 9th, 1913 (Page 6, Column 5) Tom Backstock, of 21 Hightower street, a youth of about sixteen or seventeen years, testified that he worked at the pencil factory about a year ago. He didn't know Mr. Frank personally, he said, but knew him when he worked at the factory. "Did you have any opportunity to observe his conduct with the women there?" the lad was asked. "I saw him ‘pick' at the girls," was the reply. "Who were they?" the coroner asked. "I couldn't tell their names now," he said. "I didn't work there long

Friday, 9th May 1913 Coroner Donehoo Points Out the Law to the Jurors, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Friday, May 9th, 1913 (Page 6, Column 5) The coroner's charge to the jury was in part as follows: "You have heard the statement of the county physician. You have seen what caused death. You have seen the body and have heard the evidence in the case. "It is your duty to inquire diligently as to how Mary Phagan came to her death. That was your oath. In case of unnatural death, you were to determine at whose hands death came. "You have heard the county physician say strangulation caused death. In determining who is guilty of

Friday, 9th May 1913 Detective Harry Scott’s Testimony as Given Before Coroner’s Jury, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Friday, May 9th, 1913 (Page 6, Column 1) An unexpected turn was given to the coroner's inquest into the mysterious murder of Mary Phagan, Thursday afternoon, when Harry Scott, the Pinkerton detective who has been representing that agency in its work on the case, was called to the stand by the coroner. Mr. Scott was in the room at the moment. One new detail that he revealed was in a reply to a direct question from the coroner, when he stated that Herbert Haas, attorney for Leo M. Frank and attorney for the National Pencil factory, requested

Friday, 9th May 1913 Detective John Black Tells the Jury His Views on the Phagan Case, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Friday, May 9th, 1913 (Page 6, Column 1) Detective John Black followed Detective Scott on the stand. He was questioned about the finding of the bloody shirt at Newt Lee's home. He said that on the Tuesday afternoon after the murder he went with Detective Fred Bullard to Newt Lee's house at 40 Henry street. They searched the premises, he said, and found the bloody shirt in a clothes barrel in Lee's room. The shirt was near the bottom of the barrel and was covered with scraps of old clothes, he said, the barrel apparently being used

Friday, 9th May 1913 Frank and Lee Ordered Held by Coroner’s Jury for Mary Phagan Murder

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Leo M. Frank, factory superintendent, who, with Newt Lee, the negro night watchman, was held for the grand jury. Atlanta Constitution Friday, May 9th, 1913 Sensational Statements Made at Inquest by Two Women, One of Whom Had Been an Employee, Who Declared That Frank Had Been Guilty of Improper Conduct Toward His Feminine Employees and Had Made Proposals to Them in the Factory. EVIDENCE IN BAFFLING MYSTERY THUS FAR, IS CIRCUMSTANTIAL, IS ADMISSION MADE BY DETECTIVES Frank and Lee Both Go on Stand Again and Are Closely Questioned in Regard to New Lines of Evidence and Forced to Reiterate Testimony

Friday, 9th May 1913 Here is Testimony of Witnesses Given at the Final Session of Coroner’s Jury in Phagan Case, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Friday, May 9th, 1913 (Page 6, Column 1) Full Story of Hearing Thursday Afternoon When Frank, Newt Lee, Detectives Black and Scott and Several Character Witnesses Were Placed on the Stand The verdict of the coroner's jury that Mary Phagan came to her death by strangulation and its recommendation that both Mr. Frank and Lee be held for investigation by the grand jury was rendered at 6:30 o'clock, PM, Thursday afternoon and marked by the conclusion of one of the most remarkable inquests ever held in this state. Deputy Plennie Minor carried the news of the coroner's

Friday, 9th May 1913 Investigation Just Begun Says Detective Lanford, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Friday, May 9th, 1913 (Page 20, Column 4) General satisfaction was expressed Friday morning by the detectives working on the Phagan case at the action of the coroner's jury. Chief of Detectives Lanford, however, declares that the work of his department is just now getting under way. "We are going to continue right on with the investigation," said the officials, "and try to dig down to the truth of this matter." "We have a theory as to who committed the crime, but we are ready to change it if we can possibly unearth any evidence, which will

Friday, 9th May 1913 Newt Lee Tells of the Talk He Had in the Police Station, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Friday, May 9th, 1913 (Page 6, Column 2) Newt Lee, the negro night watchman, was recalled and asked to tell about any conversation he had with Mr. Frank at the jail or the police station. Lee said he has not talked to Mr. Frank at the jail, but that he had talked with him at the police station. Mr. Frank came into the room, where he was, Lee said, and asked, "How are you feeling, Newt?" "Not so good, Mr. Frank?" Lee said was his answer. Lee said that he then told Mr. Frank that it was

You Are There: Newt Lee Tells of the Talk He Had in the Police Station, Atlanta Journal, May 9th, 1913

  Newt Lee Tells of the Talk He Had in the Police Station Atlanta Journal Friday, May 9th, 1913 Newt Lee, the negro night watchman, was recalled and asked to tell about any conversation he had with Mr. Frank at the jail or the police station. Lee said he has not talked to Mr. Frank at the jail, but that he had talked with him at the police station. Mr. Frank came into the room, where he was, Lee said, and asked, "How are you feeling, Newt?" "Not so good, Mr. Frank?" Lee said was his answer. Lee said that

Friday, 9th May 1913 Superintendent Frank is Once More Put on Witness Stand, The Atlanta Journal

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Atlanta Journal Friday, May 9th, 1913 (Page 6, Column 2) Leo M. Frank general superintendent of the National Pencil factory, was recalled to the stand. He was questioned regarding the elevator. The coroner wanted to know what kind of a door there is to the shaft on the office floor. The witness replied that it is a heavy door solid, that slides up and down. "Where was the elevator on Saturday, April 26?" he was asked. "I didn't notice." "Where was it on Friday night?" "I didn't notice." "Was the door open on Saturday?" "I didn't notice." Asked whether it

Friday, 9th May 1913 With Two Men Held in Tower, Mystery of Murder Deepens, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Friday, May 9th, 1913 (Page 1, column 7) Belief That the Detectives Had Positive Evidence, Which They Were Withholding, Dissipated by Admissions SCOTT AND BLACK REFUSED TO NAME MAN SUSPECTED Case Now Goes to the Grand Jury but No Action Is Expected for a Week—Search for Evidence Will Continue Coroner Paul Donehoo and the six jurors who investigated the murder of little Mary Phagan in the National Pencil factory on April 26, concluded Thursday the most thorough and exhaustive probe of a violent death ever conducted in this county and probably in the state. The jury recommended

Friday, 9th May 1913 Woman’s Handkerchief Brought to Officers

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  Atlanta Constitution Friday, May 9th, 1913 The detectives are investigating today a clew in the Phagan case brought to Atlanta Thursday by W. A. Smith, of Jonesboro, an employee of the Central of Georgia railroad, which was to the effect that he had just completed a thirty-hour chase, covering a trip of more than 100 miles, after two men who talked and acted suspiciously in his presence at the Jonesboro station Tuesday afternoon. The men, he said, escaped and the only tangible evidence which Smith showed the detectives was a lady's blood-stained handkerchief with a hole—apparently chewed—in the middle

You Are There: Girl Will Swear Office of Frank Deserted Between 12:05 and 12:10, Atlanta Constitution, May 10th, 1913

Girl Will Swear Office of Frank Deserted Between 12:05 and 12:10 Monteen Stover. Little girl, former employee of National Pencil company, who swears Frank was not in office between 12:05 and 12:10 o'clock. Atlanta ConstitutionSaturday, May 10th, 1913 Testimony Considered Important by Officers Because Frank at the Inquest Stated on Stand That He Did Not Leave Between Noon on Saturday and 12:25. When Quinn Came to See Him. SHE WENT TO FACTORY TO GET PAY ENVELOPE - POSITIVE OF THE TIME New Evidence, Just Submitted to Detective Department, Leads Chief Lanford to Believe That Mary Phagan Was Murdered in the

Saturday, 10th May 1913 Girl Will Swear Office of Frank Deserted Between 12:05 and 12:10

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Monteen Stover. Little girl, former employee of National Pencil company, who swears Frank was not in office between 12:05 and 12:10 o'clock. Atlanta Constitution Saturday, May 10th, 1913 Testimony Considered Important by Officers Because Frank at the Inquest Stated on Stand That He Did Not Leave Between Noon on Saturday and 12:25. When Quinn Came to See Him. SHE WENT TO FACTORY TO GET PAY ENVELOPE - POSITIVE OF THE TIME New Evidence, Just Submitted to Detective Department, Leads Chief Lanford to Believe That Mary Phagan Was Murdered in the Basement — Woman Says She Heard Screams on Saturday Afternoon.

Saturday, 10th May 1913 Guard of Secrecy is Thrown About Phagan Search by Solicitor

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    Atlanta Georgian Saturday, May 10th, 1913 Names of Witnesses Withheld by Dorsey to Prevent "Manufacturers of Public Opinion" Getting in Touch with Them—Satisfied with Progress. Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey declared Saturday afternoon that he was very well satisfied with the progress made in the investigation of the Phagan murder mystery and made the significant remark that he would not reveal the names of new witnesses so that manufacturers of public opinion could not get to them. The Solicitor held a conference with Dr. H. F. Harris, of the State Board of Health, who examined the girl's body.

You Are There: Guard of Secrecy is Thrown About Phagan Search by Solicitor, Atlanta Georgian, May 10th, 1913

Guard of Secrecy is Thrown About Phagan Search by Solicitor Atlanta GeorgianSaturday, May 10th, 1913 Names of Witnesses Withheld by Dorsey to Prevent "Manufacturers of Public Opinion" Getting in Touch with Them—Satisfied with Progress. Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey declared Saturday afternoon that he was very well satisfied with the progress made in the investigation of the Phagan murder mystery and made the significant remark that he would not reveal the names of new witnesses so that manufacturers of public opinion could not get to them. The Solicitor held a conference with Dr. H. F. Harris, of the State Board

Saturday, 10th May 1913 Public Now Knows All Facts in Murder Case, Say Detectives, The Atlanta Journal

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Atlanta Journal Saturday, May 10th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 1) Pinkertons Declare the State Has No Evidence of Importance That Hasn't Been Given to the Newspapers IDENTITY OF SOLICITOR'S DETECTIVE A MYSTERY Chief Lanford Believes He Is One of Sheriff's Capable Deputies—Gantt Questioned, Newt Lee Has Lawyer The probe into the mystery of little Mary Phagan's death two weeks ago still goes on. The small army of professional, amateur, city, state and private detectives which took up the chase of the murderer soon after the horrible details of the crime became known still pursues the investigation with unabated vigor. Solicitor

You Are There: Public Now Knows All Facts in Murder Case, Say Detectives, Atlanta Journal, May 10th, 1913

Public Now Knows All Facts in Murder Case, Say Detectives Atlanta JournalSaturday, May 10th, 1913 Pinkertons Declare the State Has No Evidence of Importance That Hasn't Been Given to the Newspapers IDENTITY OF SOLICITOR'S DETECTIVE A MYSTERY Chief Lanford Believes He Is One of Sheriff's Capable Deputies—Gantt Questioned, Newt Lee Has Lawyer The probe into the mystery of little Mary Phagan's death two weeks ago still goes on. The small army of professional, amateur, city, state and private detectives which took up the chase of the murderer soon after the horrible details of the crime became known still pursues the

Sunday, 11th May 1913 Caught Frank With Girl in Park, He Says

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Atlanta Georgian Sunday, May 11th, 1913 Robert T. House, a Special Policeman, Gives New Evidence to City Detectives. In the evidence obtained Saturday in the Mary Phagan case, one piece that the detectives regard as the most important bore on Frank's alleged conduct when he was in company with a young girl in Druid Hills Park. The new evidence came from Robert F. House, a special policeman, who is in the employ of the Druid Hills Land Company. House declared that he had ejected a man from the park at one time from whom he obtained damaging admissions. House visited

You Are There: Caught Frank With Girl in Park, He Says, Atlanta Georgian, May 11th, 1913

Caught Frank With Girl in Park, He Says Atlanta GeorgianSunday, May 11th, 1913 Robert T. House, a Special Policeman, Gives New Evidence to City Detectives. In the evidence obtained Saturday in the Mary Phagan case, one piece that the detectives regard as the most important bore on Frank's alleged conduct when he was in company with a young girl in Druid Hills Park. The new evidence came from Robert F. House, a special policeman, who is in the employ of the Druid Hills Land Company. House declared that he had ejected a man from the park at one time from

Sunday, 11th May 1913 City Detectives Theory of Phagan Murder Outlined, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Sunday, May 11th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 7) The Journal Presents First Complete Statement of Case Solicitor and His Investigators Seek to Build HOW DETECTIVES THINK CRIME WAS COMMITTED They Maintain That Mary Phagan Was Left Unconscious in Factory Near Midday and Killed Later in Afternoon For the first time since the lifeless body of pretty fourteen-year-old Mary Phagan was found in the basement of the National Pencil factory, this morning two weeks ago, The Journal is enabled to make public the theory of the city detectives and others investigating the murder mystery as to how the

You Are There: City Detectives’ Theory of Phagan Murder Outlined, Atlanta Journal, May 11th, 1913

City Detectives' Theory of Phagan Murder Outlined Atlanta JournalSunday, May 11th, 1913 The Journal Presents First Complete Statement of Case Solicitor and His Investigators Seek to Build HOW DETECTIVES THINK CRIME WAS COMMITTED They Maintain That Mary Phagan Was Left Unconscious in Factory Near Midday and Killed Later in Afternoon For the first time since the lifeless body of pretty fourteen-year-old Mary Phagan was found in the basement of the National Pencil factory, this morning two weeks ago, The Journal is enabled to make public the theory of the city detectives and others investigating the murder mystery as to how

Sunday, 11th May 1913 Frank is Awaiting Action of the Grand Jury Calmly

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    Atlanta Georgian Sunday, May 11th, 1913 Leo M. Frank, calmly and without any apparent fear or apprehension, is awaiting the decision of the 24 men who will determine this week whether or not an indictment shall be returned against him in connection with the killing of Mary Phagan. Yesterday—which was very much like the other days that he has been confined in the Tower—he read, said a few words now and then to the guards, greeted members of his family as they came to see him and discussed various subjects with them in a quiet, matter-of-fact manner, not

Sunday, 11th May 1913 Grand Jury to Consider Phagan Case This Week, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Sunday, May 11th, 1913 (Page 2, Column 2) Interest in the investigation of the mysterious murder two weeks ago of little Mary Phagan centered Saturday in the grand jury. Two men, Leo M. Frank, superintendent of the pencil factory, where the tragedy occurred, and Newt Lee, negro night watchman, have been ordered held by a coroner's jury, but no intimation has been given as to the time when bills against the two men will be presented to that body. The jury is not due to hold a session until next Friday, but the solicitor general or the

Sunday, 11th May 1913 Mary Phagans Death Only Assured Fact Developed

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    Atlanta Georgian Sunday, May 11th, 1913 BY JAMES. B. NEVIN. Mary Phagan is dead. She was murdered. Leo Frank, and Newt Lee are in jail, upon the findings of a Coroner's jury, held as suspects for investigation by the Grand Jury. Here is a case of cause and effect involving the most elusive series of connecting events that ever came under my observation of criminals and crime, through fifteen years of varied newspaper experience in a number of American cities. It is not my purpose here to try this case. Such comments as I may set down are

Sunday, 11th May 1913 Mystery of 14-Year-Old Mary Phagans Tragic End Adds One to Long List of Atlantas Unsolved Crimes

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  Atlanta Constitution Sunday, May 11th, 1913 BY GORDON NOEL HURTEL. The mystery surrounding the murder of Mary Phagan, the young factory girl who met a tragic and a terrible death in the heart of a city whose streets were thronged with holiday crowds, may add another chapter to Atlanta's record of unsolved and unpunished crimes. Can such things be? is asked. Can murder, red-handed, find a victim in the midst of a populous city when the sun is smiling in God's skies of blue and where the protecting power of the law and the vengeance of justice are near,

Sunday, 11th May 1913 Officer Swears He Found Frank With Young Girl

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Robert House Atlanta Constitution Sunday, May 11th, 1913 Robert House, Now a Special Policeman, Tells the Atlanta Detectives of an Incident of Over a Year Ago. SEES FRANK IN TOWER AND RECOGNIZES HIM Three More Pinkertons Are Put on the Phagan Case, Under the Supervision of Harry Scott. Detectives have procured in Robert P. House, a special policeman, a witness who has testified that he once apprehended Leo M. Frank, the suspect in the Mary Phagan mystery, and a young girl in a desolate spot of the woods in Druid Hills Park. The policeman declares he obtained admission from Frank

You Are There: Officer Swears He Found Frank With Young Girl, Atlanta Constitution, May 11th, 1913

Officer Swears He Found Frank With Young Girl Robert House Atlanta ConstitutionSunday, May 11th, 1913 Robert House, Now a Special Policeman, Tells the Atlanta Detectives of an Incident of Over a Year Ago. SEES FRANK IN TOWER AND RECOGNIZES HIM Three More Pinkertons Are Put on the Phagan Case, Under the Supervision of Harry Scott. Detectives have procured in Robert P. House, a special policeman, a witness who has testified that he once apprehended Leo M. Frank, the suspect in the Mary Phagan mystery, and a young girl in a desolate spot of the woods in Druid Hills Park. The

Sunday, 11th May 1913 Weak Evidence Against Men in Phagan Slaying

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  Solicitor General Hugh Dorsey, in a characteristic pose, examining a witness. On Solicitor Dorsey is placed dependence for the solving of the puzzling Phagan slaying case. He is making every effort to unravel the mystery.   NO REAL SOLUTION OF PHAGAN SLAYING MYSTERY EVIDENCE AGAINST MEN NOW HELD IN BAFFLING CASE WEAK, SAYS OLD POLICE REPORTER Atlanta Georgian Sunday, May 11th, 1913 Detectives in Coroner's Jury Probe Admit They Have Nothing on Which to Convict Anyone in Mysterious Tragedy of Atlanta. TESTIMONY BROUGHT OUT NO INCRIMINATING POINTS BY AN OLD POLICE REPORTER. The most sensational testimony offered at the

Monday, 12th May 1913 Burns Called into Phagan Mystery; On Way From Europe

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  Leo M. Frank, the pencil factory superintendent, held in the Phagan mystery, in a new photograph. Mrs. Frank yesterday visited her husband in the Tower, where he is a prisoner pending the action of the Grand Jury.   Atlanta Georgian Monday, May 12th, 1913 Famous American Detective Cables He Will Return Immediately In Response to Col. Felder's Plea For His Services to Capture Slayer. William J. Burns, the world-famed detective, probably will take charge of the Phagan case. The man who unearthed the dynamite outrages and brought the McNamara brothers to justice, will in all probability come to Atlanta

You Are There: Burns Called into Phagan Mystery; On Way From Europe, Atlanta Georgian, May 12th, 1913

Burns Called into Phagan Mystery; On Way From Europe Leo M. Frank, the pencil factory superintendent, held in the Phagan mystery, in a new photograph. Mrs. Frank yesterday visited her husband in the Tower, where he is a prisoner pending the action of the Grand Jury. Atlanta GeorgianMonday, May 12th, 1913 Famous American Detective Cables He Will Return Immediately In Response to Col. Felder's Plea For His Services to Capture Slayer. William J. Burns, the world-famed detective, probably will take charge of the Phagan case. The man who unearthed the dynamite outrages and brought the McNamara brothers to justice, will

Monday, 12th May 1913 Find Guilty Man, Franks Lawyer Told Pinkertons

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  Atlanta Constitution Monday, May 12th, 1913 "You Are Employed to Hunt Down Murderer, It Matters Not Who He Is," Luther Rosser Informs Detectives. GRAND JURY TO PROBE MYSTERY NEXT WEEK Solicitor Dorsey States That He Wants All the Evidence Ready to Submit to Jurors Before Opening Hearing. Officials of the Pinkerton National Detective agency, who were brought into the Phagan case through Leo M. Frank, recently went to authorities of the National Pencil company. It is stated, and in the presence of Leo M. Frank's counsel, Luther Z. Rosser, said: "We want to make our position clear. The Pinkertons

Monday, 12th May 1913 Phagan Case is Delayed

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    Atlanta Georgian Monday, May 12th, 1913 Not Likely to Go to Grand Jury This Week More Time Taken to Strengthen Evidence Evidence in the Phagan case may not be presented to the Grand Jury this week. This was the intimation given by Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey Monday morning, as he began the process of elimination of the unimportant matter contained in the great mass of evidence collected by the Coroner's jury and police officials. The postponement of its presentation to the Grand Jury is to permit the collection in systematic form of all the essential details of

Monday, 12th May 1913 Rumor That Frank Married in Brooklyn Not True, Says Eagle, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Monday, May 12th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 7) At Request of The Journal, One of Numerous Reports About Man Held in Phagan Case Is Investigated TWO ‘NO BILLS' NECESSARY TO FREE PRISONERS Solicitor's "Famous" Detective Has Left City-Character Witnesses Not Likely to Be Used At the request of The Atlanta Journal, the Brooklyn Eagle, one of the most conservative and reliable newspapers in the whole country, has investigated the most serious of numerous rumors which are being persistently circulated about the character of Leo M. Frank, superintendent of the National Pencil company, who is held in connection

You Are There: Rumor That Frank Married in Brooklyn Not True, Says Eagle, Atlanta Journal, May 12th, 1913

Rumor That Frank Married in Brooklyn Not True, Says Eagle Atlanta JournalMonday, May 12th, 1913 At Request of The Journal, One of Numerous Reports About Man Held in Phagan Case Is Investigated TWO ‘NO BILLS' NECESSARY TO FREE PRISONERS Solicitor's "Famous" Detective Has Left City-Character Witnesses Not Likely to Be Used At the request of The Atlanta Journal, the Brooklyn Eagle, one of the most conservative and reliable newspapers in the whole country, has investigated the most serious of numerous rumors which are being persistently circulated about the character of Leo M. Frank, superintendent of the National Pencil company, who

Monday, 12th May 1913 The Phagan Case Day by Day

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  Atlanta Constitution Monday, May 12th, 1913 The history of the baffling Phagan mystery, daily recorded, is briefly as follows: Sunday April 26—Girl's body found in basement of pencil factory. Newt Lee, negro night watchman, who made discovery, arrested. Arthur Mullinax, street car employee, also arrested. Both held on suspicion. Monday—Leo M. Frank, factory superintendent, detained, but later released. J. M. Gantt, former bookkeeper of pencil concern and friend of dead girl, arrested in Marietta. Negro elevator boy also taken into custody. Pinkertons enter case. Tuesday—Bloody shirt found at negro watchman's home. Planted evidence theory advanced. Mary Phagan's body buried.

You Are There: The Phagan Case Day by Day, Atlanta Constitution, May 12th, 1913

The Phagan Case Day by Day Atlanta ConstitutionMonday, May 12th, 1913 The history of the baffling Phagan mystery, daily recorded, is briefly as follows: Sunday April 26—Girl's body found in basement of pencil factory. Newt Lee, negro night watchman, who made discovery, arrested. Arthur Mullinax, street car employee, also arrested. Both held on suspicion. Monday—Leo M. Frank, factory superintendent, detained, but later released. J. M. Gantt, former bookkeeper of pencil concern and friend of dead girl, arrested in Marietta. Negro elevator boy also taken into custody. Pinkertons enter case. Tuesday—Bloody shirt found at negro watchman's home. Planted evidence theory advanced.

Tuesday, 13th May 1913 Frank’s Life in Tower

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    Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, May 13th, 1913 Of the many prisoners confined in the Tower, Leo M. Frank stands far above them all as the central figure in the public eye while the exhaustive investigation into the death of Mary Phagan continues. Hundreds of curious persons apply daily at the prison in a futile effort to see the man now being held in the Phagan mystery. The jailers are beset with thousands of questions pertaining to his life during the two weeks that he has spent behind the bars. Only Frank's attorney, his immediate relatives and a few friends

Tuesday, 13th May 1913 Mother Thinks Police Are Doing Their Best

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Mary Phagan's mother, Fannie Phagan Coleman (center), with her family in Atlanta, 1902. She holds Mary (right) and another child. Mary Phagan's older sister, Ollie Mae, stands at front left. Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, May 13th, 1913 Mrs. J. W. Coleman, mother of little 14-year-old Mary Phagan, prostrated with grief for sixteen days following the tragic slaying of her child, took up her household duties Tuesday for the first time, resigned to the calamity that has befallen her home, and relying on the law to avenge the death of her child. "It was such a beautiful morning," said Mrs. Coleman to

You Are There: Mother Thinks Police Are Doing Their Best, Atlanta Georgian, May 13th, 1913

Mother Thinks Police Are Doing Their Best Mary Phagan's mother, Fannie Phagan Coleman (center), with her family in Atlanta, 1902. She holds Mary (right) and another child. Mary Phagan's older sister, Ollie Mae, stands at front left. Atlanta GeorgianTuesday, May 13th, 1913 Mrs. J. W. Coleman, mother of little 14-year-old Mary Phagan, prostrated with grief for sixteen days following the tragic slaying of her child, took up her household duties Tuesday for the first time, resigned to the calamity that has befallen her home, and relying on the law to avenge the death of her child. "It was such a

Tuesday, 13th May 1913 My Son Innocent, Declares Mother of Leo M. Frank

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    Atlanta Constitution Tuesday, May 13th, 1913 "I Am Confident That He Will Be Proven Not Guilty of This Terrible Crime," She Tells Reporter HAS NOT SEEN HER SON SINCE HE WAS MARRIED W. J. Burns Secured to Take Charge of Phagan Mystery Investigation—Engaged by Friends of Murdered Girl ANOTHER ARREST EXPECTED IN PHAGAN MYSTERY CASE It was reported on good authority this morning that officers working upon the Mary Phagan murder would make a new arrest today or tomorrow which is expected to throw an entirely new light upon the case. None of the officials have discussed this

You Are There: My Son Innocent, Declares Mother of Leo M. Frank, Atlanta Constitution, May 13th, 1913

My Son Innocent, Declares Mother of Leo M. Frank Atlanta ConstitutionTuesday, May 13th, 1913 "I Am Confident That He Will Be Proven Not Guilty of This Terrible Crime," She Tells Reporter HAS NOT SEEN HER SON SINCE HE WAS MARRIED W. J. Burns Secured to Take Charge of Phagan Mystery Investigation—Engaged by Friends of Murdered Girl ANOTHER ARREST EXPECTED IN PHAGAN MYSTERY CASEIt was reported on good authority this morning that officers working upon the Mary Phagan murder would make a new arrest today or tomorrow which is expected to throw an entirely new light upon the case.None of the

Tuesday, 13th May 1913 Mystery Within a Mystery Now Baffling Newspaper Men Working on the Phagan Case

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    Atlanta Constitution Tuesday, May 13th, 1913 By Thomas Byrd Magath A veil of mystery so dense as to completely shut off the light from all newspaper men surrounds the identity of the detective who has been employed by Solicitor General Dorsey. So far nothing can be learned except that the mysterious detective has worked on the case only one week and is now not in Atlanta, but some distance away working on another case. "This detective, one of the best in the country," quotes Mr. Dorsey, "did not give up the case because of inefficiency for," says the

Tuesday, 13th May 1913 New Theory is Offered in Phagan Mystery

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Solicitor Dorsey in his office; a snapshot of the Phagan case prosecutor taken by a Georgian photographer. Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, May 13th, 1913 Detectives Not Centering All Their Efforts on Frank and Lee Now. Detectives in Phagan mystery are not centering all their efforts upon Frank and Lee. New theories have been advanced, new clews examined and every possible theory is being investigated. It was because of these rumors on the streets to-day that a report was spread that an entirely new lead was being followed by Solicitor Dorsey that might eliminate both Frank and Lee. Solicitor Dorsey paid very

Tuesday, 13th May 1913 Solicitor Dorsey is Working New Theory in Phagan Mystery, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Tuesday, May 13th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 7) He Will Not Disclose Its Nature, but He, Lanford and Beavers Declare No Arrests Are Contemplated SOLICTOR WOULD WELCOME HELP OF BURNS But Says He Knows Nothing of Effort to Bring Him Here, Miss Ross, a New Witness, Talks With Dorsey A new theory about the mysterious murder of Mary Phagan has been presented to Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey in such a convincing manner by an unknown criminologist that the chief prosecuting officer of Fulton county has turned the Phagan investigation towards working out the new idea. While

You Are There: Solicitor Dorsey is Working New Theory in Phagan Mystery, Atlanta Journal, May 13th, 1913

Solicitor Dorsey is Working New Theory in Phagan Mystery Atlanta JournalTuesday, May 13th, 1913 He Will Not Disclose Its Nature, but He, Lanford and Beavers Declare No Arrests Are Contemplated SOLICTOR WOULD WELCOME HELP OF BURNS But Says He Knows Nothing of Effort to Bring Him Here, Miss Ross, a New Witness, Talks With Dorsey A new theory about the mysterious murder of Mary Phagan has been presented to Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey in such a convincing manner by an unknown criminologist that the chief prosecuting officer of Fulton county has turned the Phagan investigation towards working out the

Wednesday, 14th May 1913 Clue is Sought in Handwriting of Mary Phagan

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    Atlanta Constitution Wednesday, May 14th, 1913 Reporter of The Constitution Is Summoned by Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey for Conference. OFFICIALS INVESTIGATE THEORY OF MYSTERY Much Interest Is Created by the Report That a New Arrest May Be Made in the Near Future. The handwriting of Mary Phagan is likely to play a prominent part in the investigation of her murder. Rumors came Tuesday from the solicitor general's office that new clues had been discovered in the form of notes or letters, and that much energy was being concentrated in investigation along that line. Handwriting experts have been

You Are There: Clue is Sought in Handwriting of Mary Phagan, Atlanta Constitution, May 14th, 1913

Clue is Sought in Handwriting of Mary Phagan Atlanta ConstitutionWednesday, May 14th, 1913 Reporter of The Constitution Is Summoned by Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey for Conference. OFFICIALS INVESTIGATE THEORY OF MYSTERY Much Interest Is Created by the Report That a New Arrest May Be Made in the Near Future. The handwriting of Mary Phagan is likely to play a prominent part in the investigation of her murder. Rumors came Tuesday from the solicitor general's office that new clues had been discovered in the form of notes or letters, and that much energy was being concentrated in investigation along that

Wednesday, 14th May 1913 Friends Say Franks Actions Point to Innocence

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A young Leo Frank (top center) and friends enjoy a day at the beach in New York. Atlanta Georgian Wednesday, May 14th, 1913 If Leo M. Frank is guilty of any connection with the murder of Mary Phagan, his actions in the Tower belie the time-honored theories of the greatest criminologists the world has ever produced, visitors to the prisoner declare. Famous psychologists, working on the supposition that the great weight of guilt upon the mind of a murderer will, if given time, finally overbalance the calm exterior with which he faces his accusers, have made excellent use of what

Wednesday Evening, the 14th Day of May 1913, New Theory Fails to Change Course of Murder Probe, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Wednesday, May 14th, 1913 (Page one, Column one) "A Local Celebrity" Is Working Out the New Theory and He Had Not Reported to the Solicitor on Wednesday GIRL'S HANDWRITING GIVES IMPORTANT CLUE Grand Jury to Take Up Case May 22 or 23, Says Solicitor, Criminal Court Postpones Session at Dorsey's Request At 2:10 o'clock, Wednesday afternoon Solicitor Dorsey announced that the grand jury would take up the Phagan case on Thursday, the 22nd, or Friday, the 23rd, unless something intervened to make it inadvisable. At that time bills will be presented against Leo M. Frank and the

You Are There: New Theory Fails to Change Course of Murder Probe, Atlanta Journal, May 14th, 1913

New Theory Fails to Change Course of Murder Probe Atlanta JournalWednesday, May 14th, 1913 "A Local Celebrity" Is Working Out the New Theory and He Had Not Reported to the Solicitor on Wednesday GIRL'S HANDWRITING GIVES IMPORTANT CLUE Grand Jury to Take Up Case May 22 or 23, Says Solicitor, Criminal Court Postpones Session at Dorsey's Request At 2:10 Wednesday afternoon Solicitor Dorsey announced that the grand jury would take up the Phagan case on Thursday, the 22d, or Friday, the 23d, unless something intervened to make it inadvisable. At that time bills will be presented against Leo M. Frank

Wednesday, 14th May 1913 Secret Hunt by Burns in Mystery is Likely

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William J. Burns Atlanta Georgian Wednesday, May 14th, 1913 Probably Will Not Reveal Presence in City as He Investigates Phagan Case. Colonel Thomas B. Felder said Wednesday that Detective William J. Burns had not arrived, as yet, in New York from his European trip, but that as soon as he did he undoubtedly would start at once for Atlanta to work upon the Mary Phagan strangling mystery. Colonel Felder is acquainted with the day and the hour on which the famous sleuth will reach this city, but for the purposes of the investigation he is withholding the information. "There was

You Are There: Secret Hunt by Burns in Mystery is Likely, Atlanta Georgian, May 14th, 1913

Secret Hunt by Burns in Mystery is Likely William J. Burns Atlanta GeorgianWednesday, May 14th, 1913 Probably Will Not Reveal Presence in City as He Investigates Phagan Case. Colonel Thomas B. Felder said Wednesday that Detective William J. Burns had not arrived, as yet, in New York from his European trip, but that as soon as he did he undoubtedly would start at once for Atlanta to work upon the Mary Phagan strangling mystery. Colonel Felder is acquainted with the day and the hour on which the famous sleuth will reach this city, but for the purposes of the investigation

Thursday, 15th May 1913 Burns Investigator Will Probe Slaying

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Atlanta Georgian Thursday, May 15th, 1913 Noted Detective, Himself, to Take Up Case June 1—One of His Experts Coming Soon. Colonel Thomas B. Felder, noted Atlanta lawyer, Thursday issued the positive statement that William J. Burns would take charge of the Phagan investigation immediately upon his return from Europe, June 1. In the meantime a criminal investigator will be sent from the Burns Agency's New York office to prosecute the investigation. Colonel Felder gave out the following dispatch received from Raymond J. Burns, son of William J. Burns, in New York, which tells of the father's determination to take up

You Are There: Burns Investigator Will Probe Slaying, Atlanta Georgian, May 15th, 1913

Burns Investigator Will Probe Slaying Atlanta GeorgianThursday, May 15th, 1913 Noted Detective, Himself, to Take Up Case June 1—One of His Experts Coming Soon. Colonel Thomas B. Felder, noted Atlanta lawyer, Thursday issued the positive statement that William J. Burns would take charge of the Phagan investigation immediately upon his return from Europe, June 1. In the meantime a criminal investigator will be sent from the Burns Agency's New York office to prosecute the investigation. Colonel Felder gave out the following dispatch received from Raymond J. Burns, son of William J. Burns, in New York, which tells of the father's

Thursday, Evening Edition, the 15th Day of May 1913, No Phagan Trial Before Last of June Declares Solicitor, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Thursday, May 15th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 1) If Indictments Are Returned by Grand Jury When Bills Are Presented There Will Be No Immediate Trial WM. J. BURNS COMING, SAYS THOS. B. FELDER He Calls Upon the Public to Subscribe a Fund to Pay the Expense of Bringing Great Detective to Atlanta Should the Fulton county grand jury, when it meets next Thursday or Friday, return a true bill against either one or both of the men held by the coroner's jury in the Mary Phagan murder investigation, the state will not attempt to bring them to

You Are There: No Phagan Trial Before Last of June Declares Solicitor, Atlanta Journal, May 15th, 1913

No Phagan Trial Before Last of June Declares Solicitor Atlanta JournalThursday, May 15th, 1913 If Indictments Are Returned by Grand Jury When Bills Are Presented There Will Be No Immediate Trial WM. J. BURNS COMING, SAYS THOS. B. FELDER He Calls Upon the Public to Subscribe a Fund to Pay the Expense of Bringing Great Detective to Atlanta Should the Fulton county grand jury, when it meets next Thursday or Friday, return a true bill against either one or both of the men held by the coroner's jury in the Mary Phagan murder investigation, the state will not attempt to

Thursday, 15th May 1913 Victim of Murder Prepared to Die, Believes Dorsey

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    Atlanta Constitution Thursday, May 15th, 1913 Identification Slip Carried by Mary Phagan in Her Pocketbook Causes Theory That the Victim Had Been Threatened With Violence. Either threatened with death or warned by some dread premonition of an untimely end, Mary Phagan is believed by Solicitor Dorsey to have prepared for her tragic fate by writing the identification slip discovered hidden in a compartment of the metal pocketbook which she carried daily. The slip was given the solicitor Wednesday morning by a reporter for The Constitution. The reporter also made an authorized statement of the source from which it

You Are There: Victim of Murder Prepared to Die, Believes Dorsey, Atlanta Constitution, May 15th, 1913

Victim of Murder Prepared to Die, Believes Dorsey Atlanta ConstitutionThursday, May 15th, 1913 Identification Slip Carried by Mary Phagan in Her Pocketbook Causes Theory That the Victim Had Been Threatened With Violence. Either threatened with death or warned by some dread premonition of an untimely end, Mary Phagan is believed by Solicitor Dorsey to have prepared for her tragic fate by writing the identification slip discovered hidden in a compartment of the metal pocketbook which she carried daily. The slip was given the solicitor Wednesday morning by a reporter for The Constitution. The reporter also made an authorized statement of

Friday, 16th May 1913 $1,000 Offered Burns to Take Phagan Case

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Atlanta Georgian Friday, May 16th, 1913 Subscriptions From Persons Who Withhold Names Increases the Fund—Other Rewards. The fund inaugurated to bring W. J. Burns, the renowned detective, to Atlanta to clear the Phagan mystery was augmented Friday by contributions which bring the total close to the thousand mark. More than six substantial subscriptions from persons who asked that their names be withheld have been received. The fund thus far made public is: The Georgian, $100. The Constitution, $100. Homer George, $10. The Georgian will be glad to receive contributions to the Burns' fund, and repeats its offer of $500 reward,

Friday, 16th May 1913 Books and Papers in Phagan Case in Grand Jurys Hands, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Friday, May 16th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 1) Two Employes of Pencil Company Appeared Before Grand Jury Friday in Answer to Subpenas FELDER RAISING FUND TO PAY W. J. BURNS The Journal Subscribes $100, Mr. Felder Declares a Burns Investigator Will Be Put On the Case at Once By means of a subpoena duces tecum Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey Friday obtained possession of a number of books and papers of the National Pencil company. The subpoena was served on Herbert G. Schiff and M. B. Darley, two officials of the pencil company, by Deputy Sheriff Plennie

You Are There: Books and Papers in Phagan Case in Grand Jury’s Hands, Atlanta Journal, May 16th, 1913

Books and Papers in Phagan Case in Grand Jury's Hands Atlanta JournalFriday, May 16th, 1913 Two Employes of Pencil Company Appeared Before Grand Jury Friday in Answer to Subpenas FELDER RAISING FUND TO PAY W. J. BURNS The Journal Subscribes $100, Mr. Felder Declares a Burns Investigator Will Be Put On the Case at Once By means of a subpoena duces tecum Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey Friday obtained possession of a number of books and papers of the National Pencil company. The subpoena was served on Herbert G. Schiff and M. B. Darley, two officials of the pencil company,

Friday, 16th May 1913 Burns Hunt for Phagan Slayer Begun

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Atlanta Georgian Friday, May 16th, 1913 Skilled Aide of Famous Detective Arrives in Atlanta—Keeps Identity Secret. Contributions for a fund to bring W. J. Burns, the great detective, to Atlanta in the Phagan case follow: The Georgian ……………$100 The Constitution ………..  100 Homer George …………..   10 More than six substantial subscriptions from persons who asked that their names be kept secret have been added to the above. The Burns investigation into the Phagan murder mystery began Friday. William J. Burns, who personally will conduct the case some time shortly after his arrival from Europe on June 1, cabled his orders

You Are There: Burns Hunt for Phagan Slayer Begun, Atlanta Georgian, May 16th, 1913

Burns Hunt for Phagan Slayer Begun Atlanta GeorgianFriday, May 16th, 1913 Skilled Aide of Famous Detective Arrives in Atlanta—Keeps Identity Secret. Contributions for a fund to bring W. J. Burns, the great detective, to Atlanta in the Phagan case follow: The Georgian ……………$100The Constitution ……….. 100Homer George ………….. 10 More than six substantial subscriptions from persons who asked that their names be kept secret have been added to the above. The Burns investigation into the Phagan murder mystery began Friday. William J. Burns, who personally will conduct the case some time shortly after his arrival from Europe on June 1,

Friday, 16th May 1913 Coming of Burns is Assured, Says Colonel Felder

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    Atlanta Constitution Friday, May 16th, 1913 To Solve Phagan Murder, Joseph Hirsch, Capitalist, Starts Public Subscription to Assure Fund for Burns. SOCIETY WOMEN AID MOVEMENT FOR FUND Local Detectives in Conference and Are Believed to Have Secret Documents Bearing on Case. With The Constitution's donation of $100 as a nucleus, Atlanta today begins building a fund with which to employ to ferret the mystery of Mary Phagan's murder Detective William J. Burns, America's most successful detective. Assurance that subscriptions will be plentiful and generous came to Attorney Thomas E. Felder last night in telephone messages from numerous public-spirited

You Are There: Coming of Burns is Assured, Says Colonel Felder, Atlanta Constitution, May 16th, 1913

Coming of Burns is Assured, Says Colonel Felder Atlanta ConstitutionFriday, May 16th, 1913 To Solve Phagan Murder, Joseph Hirsch, Capitalist, Starts Public Subscription to Assure Fund for Burns. SOCIETY WOMEN AID MOVEMENT FOR FUND Local Detectives in Conference and Are Believed to Have Secret Documents Bearing on Case. With The Constitution's donation of $100 as a nucleus, Atlanta today begins building a fund with which to employ to ferret the mystery of Mary Phagan's murder Detective William J. Burns, America's most successful detective.Assurance that subscriptions will be plentiful and generous came to Attorney Thomas E. Felder last night in telephone

Friday, 16th May 1913 Constitution Starts Fund to Bring Burns Here to Solve the Mary Phagan Murder Mystery

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  Atlanta Constitution Friday, May 16th, 1913 By all means employ William J. Burns to solve the Mary Phagan murder mystery! It will cost several thousand dollars to get the world-famous detective to come to Atlanta, and The Constitution herewith starts the subscription with $100. As soon as Homer George, manager of the Atlanta theater, learned of the subscription he subscribed $10. Never in the history of Atlanta has there been such an insistent demand that a murderer or murderers be apprehended. For days and weeks the Phagan murder has been the sole topic of conversation. Now that the subscription

Friday, 16th May 1913 Secret Probe Began by Burns Agent into the Phagan Mystery

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Atlanta Georgian Friday, May 16th, 1913 Investigator for Great Detective Believed To Be in City Hunting Phagan Slayer—Will Be on Same Plane as Pinkertons—State Won't Aid. Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey said Friday that William J. Burns and his assistants would work on the Phagan case under the same conditions as the Pinkertons, namely, that while he would welcome any information from them, they would receive none from his office. Mr. Dorsey issued the following statement: "Mr. Burns is welcome. We are delighted to have aid in arriving at the truth no matter from what source it comes. However, Mr.

Saturday, 17th May 1913 In Loop of Death Dorsey May Have Clue to Murderer

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    Atlanta Constitution Saturday, May 17th, 1913 Noose Found Knotted Around Neck of Mary Phagan Being Carefully Examined by Officers. BURNS RIGHT-HAND MAN NOW PROBING MYSTERY Fund Started by The Constitution for Purpose of Bringing Noted Detective to Atlanta Has Reached $1,500. In the noose found knotted around the throat of Mary Phagan's lifeless body, Solicitor Dorsey and headquarters detectives aver they possess a valuable clue to the girl's murderer. It is being inspected by experts, who also are examining specimens of cord picked up here and there in the factory building in which the child was slain. Expecting

You Are There: In Loop of Death Dorsey May Have Clue to Murderer, Atlanta Constitution, May 17th, 1913

In Loop of Death Dorsey May Have Clue to Murderer Atlanta ConstitutionSaturday, May 17th, 1913 Noose Found Knotted Around Neck of Mary Phagan Being Carefully Examined by Officers. BURNS RIGHT-HAND MAN NOW PROBING MYSTERY Fund Started by The Constitution for Purpose of Bringing Noted Detective to Atlanta Has Reached $1,500. In the noose found knotted around the throat of Mary Phagan's lifeless body, Solicitor Dorsey and headquarters detectives aver they possess a valuable clue to the girl's murderer. It is being inspected by experts, who also are examining specimens of cord picked up here and there in the factory building

Saturday, 17th May 1913 New Phagan Witnesses Have Been Found

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Atlanta Georgian Saturday, May 17th, 1913 Solicitor General Dorsey Declares Work of His Greatest Detective Has Been Completed. WELCOMES AID OF BURNS IN CLEARING UP MYSTERY Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey said Saturday that his "greatest detective in America" would not figure again in the Phagan investigation, and that it was extremely doubtful whether he would be recalled to testify at the trial. "He has finished his investigation," said the Solicitor, "and we have no further need for him. A detective is one thing and a witness is another. His investigation led us to witnesses. It is not necessary for him,

You Are There: New Phagan Witnesses Have Been Found, Atlanta Georgian, May 17th, 1913

New Phagan Witnesses Have Been Found Atlanta GeorgianSaturday, May 17th, 1913 Solicitor General Dorsey Declares Work of His Greatest Detective Has Been Completed. WELCOMES AID OF BURNS IN CLEARING UP MYSTERY Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey said Saturday that his "greatest detective in America" would not figure again in the Phagan investigation, and that it was extremely doubtful whether he would be recalled to testify at the trial. "He has finished his investigation," said the Solicitor, "and we have no further need for him. A detective is one thing and a witness is another. His investigation led us to witnesses. It

Saturday, 17th May 1913 Phagan Case Will Go To Grand Jury in Present Form, The Atlanta Journal

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Atlanta Journal Saturday, May 17th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 3) State Is Apparently Ready, as Solicitor Says That He is Not Expecting Any New Evidence for Some Time BURNS' INVESTIGATOR ON THE JOB, SAYS FELDER Attorney Declares Fund for Employment of the Famous Sleuth Has Reached $1,500, About $5,000 is Needed That the state considers its case as practically complete and is ready to definitely charge the Mary Phagan murder to an individual and to start the legal machinery moving towards a superior court trial is believed from a very significant statement made Saturday by Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey.

You Are There: Phagan Case Will Go To Grand Jury in Present Form, Atlanta Journal, May 17th, 1913

Phagan Case Will Go To Grand Jury in Present Form Atlanta JournalSaturday, May 17th, 1913 State Is Apparently Ready, as Solicitor Says That He is Not Expecting Any New Evidence for Some Time BURNS' INVESTIGATOR ON THE JOB, SAYS FELDER Attorney Declares Fund for Employment of the Famous Sleuth Has Reached $1,500, About $5,000 is Needed That the state considers its case as practically complete and is ready to definitely charge the Mary Phagan murder to an individual and to start the legal machinery moving towards a superior court trial is believed from a very significant statement made Saturday by

Sunday, 18th May 1913 Burns, Called in as Last Resort, Faces Cold Trail in Baffling Phagan Case

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Atlanta Georgian Sunday, May 18th, 1913 World's Most Famous Detective Must Disregard All Theories Advanced Thus Far and Must Evolve His Own Solution of the Mysterious Slaying. By AN OLD POLICE REPORTER. Can William J. Burns solve the Phagan mystery? I certainly hope so, as does everybody else who would like to see the guilty person in this extraordinary case brought to justice. Unless Burns and his assistants are successful, I fear we shall never know who actually committed the crime. In my article in The Sunday American on May 4, I said: "At present, on the evidence now before

Sunday, 18th May 1913 Burns Sleuth Makes Report in Phagan Case

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Atlanta Georgian Sunday, May 18th, 1913 Progress of Investigation Into Girl's Slaying Very Rapid, Declares Felder. After 24 hours on the scene of the Phagan muder, the head of the department of criminal investigation of the Burns Detective Agency made his first report to his client, Thomas B. Felder, last night. The report was so satisfactory that Colonel Felder announced more had been accomplished in the 24 hours than in any week of the investigation before the arrival of the Burns detective. The fund to secure the services of William J. Burns and defray the expenses of the investigation of

You Are There: Burns Sleuth Makes Report in Phagan Case, Atlanta Georgian, May 18th, 1913

Burns Sleuth Makes Report in Phagan Case Atlanta GeorgianSunday, May 18th, 1913 Progress of Investigation Into Girl's Slaying Very Rapid, Declares Felder. After 24 hours on the scene of the Phagan muder, the head of the department of criminal investigation of the Burns Detective Agency made his first report to his client, Thomas B. Felder, last night. The report was so satisfactory that Colonel Felder announced more had been accomplished in the 24 hours than in any week of the investigation before the arrival of the Burns detective. The fund to secure the services of William J. Burns and defray

Sunday, 18th May 1913 Greeks Add to Fund to Solve Phagan Case

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Atlanta Georgian Sunday, May 18th, 1913 No people in Atlanta have been more anxious than the Greeks to see the murderer of little Mary Phagan brought to justice. A letter received by Colonel Thomas B. Felder yesterday enclosed a check for $25 from the Greek community to be added to the Burns fund, and carried with it a fervent wish that the mystery be cleared. The letter follows: I beg to enclose check for twenty-five dollars, which represents the proceeds of a spontaneous contribution of the members of the Greek Community, to the "Burns Fund." The Greeks of Atlanta wish

Sunday, 18th May 1913 Phagan Theory is Unchanged After Three Weeks’ Probe, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Sunday, May 18th, 1913 (Page 61, Column 1) Most Searching Investigation Ever Conducted in a Criminal Case in Georgia Brings No New Developments STATE WILL STAND BY THEORY AS OUTLINED Fund to Pay Detective Burns is Mounting—Greeks Sent In Subscription Saturday, Grand Jury Acts Soon The hunt for the murderer of Mary Phagan has now been in progress for three weeks. Never before has there been such a thorough, exhaustive and efficient probe made of a crime committed in this state. And now the authorities are back to the theory which the city detective have claimed since

You Are There: Phagan Theory is Unchanged After Three Weeks’ Probe, Atlanta Journal, May 18th, 1913

Phagan Theory is Unchanged After Three Weeks' Probe Atlanta JournalSunday, May 18th, 1913 Most Searching Investigation Ever Conducted in a Criminal Case in Georgia Brings No New Developments STATE WILL STAND BY THEORY AS OUTLINED Fund to Pay Detective Burns is Mounting—Greeks Sent In Subscription Saturday, Grand Jury Acts Soon The hunt for the murderer of Mary Phagan has now been in progress for three weeks. Never before has there been such a thorough, exhaustive and efficient probe made of a crime committed in this state. And now the authorities are back to the theory which the city detective have

Sunday, 18th May 1913 Three Arrests Expected Soon in Phagan Case

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    Atlanta Constitution Sunday, May 18th, 1913 Members of the Staff of the Solicitor General Are Now Keeping Trio Under Strict Surveillance. LANFORD HAS EVIDENCE TO CONVICT, HE SAYS Will Not Divulge Its Nature to Anyone, He Declares. Court Postponed to Allow More Time to Probe Case. SATURDAY'S DEVELOPMENTS IN THE PHAGAN MYSTERY Rumors from office of solicitor general say that three arrests will be made of attaches to pencil plant before case goes to grand jury. Trio will be jailed, it is said, within next few days. Chief Lanford, of police headquarters, announces he possesses documentary evidence which

You Are There: Three Arrests Expected Soon in Phagan Case, Atlanta Constitution, May 18th, 1913

Three Arrests Expected Soon in Phagan Case Atlanta ConstitutionSunday, May 18th, 1913 Members of the Staff of the Solicitor General Are Now Keeping Trio Under Strict Surveillance. LANFORD HAS EVIDENCE TO CONVICT, HE SAYS Will Not Divulge Its Nature to Anyone, He Declares. Court Postponed to Allow More Time to Probe Case. SATURDAY'S DEVELOPMENTS IN THE PHAGAN MYSTERYRumors from office of solicitor general say that three arrests will be made of attaches to pencil plant before case goes to grand jury. Trio will be jailed, it is said, within next few days.Chief Lanford, of police headquarters, announces he possesses documentary

Monday, 19th May 1913 Burns Agent Outlines Phagan Theory

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Atlanta Georgian Monday, May 19th, 1913 Famous Detective's Aid, C. W. Tobie, Issues First Statement on Work in Slaying Case. C. W. Tobie, manager of the criminal department of the W. J. Burns Detective Agency, Monday made public his theory of the murder of Mary Phagan. For the first time the man who is representing Burns in Atlanta's greatest mystery until the noted detective arrived consented to see reporters. Tobie's theory is that Mary Phagan was murdered inside the National Pencil plant, by some one familiar with the premises, and that her body was dragged to the basement for purposes

Monday, 19th May 1913 Burns Eager to Solve Phagan Case

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Atlanta Georgian Monday, May 19th, 1913 Famous Detective Expected to Arrive From Europe and Start Work Before June 1. STARTLING NEW EVIDENCE IS REPORTED DISCOVERED Important Revelation Looked For To-day—Search Being Pushed With Renewed Vigor. Colonel Thomas B. Felder announced Monday morning that he had received word from William J. Burns that he would arrive in America before June 1 and would probably be on the scene of the Phagan slaying before that date. Colonel Felder said the great detective had taken an unusual interest in the Phagan mystery and he would not be surprised to hear from him in

You Are There: Burns Eager to Solve Phagan Case, Atlanta Georgian, May 19th, 1913

Burns Eager to Solve Phagan Case Atlanta GeorgianMonday, May 19th, 1913 Famous Detective Expected to Arrive From Europe and Start Work Before June 1. STARTLING NEW EVIDENCE IS REPORTED DISCOVERED Important Revelation Looked For To-day—Search Being Pushed With Renewed Vigor. Colonel Thomas B. Felder announced Monday morning that he had received word from William J. Burns that he would arrive in America before June 1 and would probably be on the scene of the Phagan slaying before that date. Colonel Felder said the great detective had taken an unusual interest in the Phagan mystery and he would not be surprised

Monday, 19th May 1913 Burns Investigator Outlines His Theory of Phagan Murder, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Monday, May 19th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 7) It Coincides In Practically Every Feature With Theory Held by Solicitor Dorsey, Detectives and Pinkertons MYSTERY CAN BE SOLVED, INVESTIGATOR DECLARES He Holds Long Conerence With Solicitor, Who Has Welcomed Him Into Case, Urged to Contribute to Fund The theory of the murder of Mary Phagan entertained by the city detectives and outlined in The Journal first on Sunday a week ago is the theory in which C. W. Tobie, manager of the criminal department of the William J. Burns agency, believes. Mr. Tobie, who has been employed by

You Are There: Burns’ Investigator Outlines His Theory of Phagan Murder, Atlanta Journal, May 19th, 1913

Burns' Investigator Outlines His Theory of Phagan Murder Atlanta JournalMonday, May 19th, 1913 It Coincides In Practically Every Feature With Theory Held by Solicitor Dorsey, Detectives and Pinkertons MYSTERY CAN BE SOLVED, INVESTIGATOR DECLARES He Holds Long Conerence With Solicitor, Who Has Welcomed Him Into Case, Urged to Contribute to Fund The theory of the murder of Mary Phagan entertained by the city detectives and outlined in The Journal first on Sunday a week ago is the theory in which C. W. Tobie, manager of the criminal department of the William J. Burns agency, believes. Mr. Tobie, who has been

Monday, 19th May 1913 Detectives Seek Clue in Writing of Negro Suspect

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Atlanta Constitution Monday, May 19th, 1913 Another Employee of the National Pencil Company Now Held at Police Headquarters. VALUABLE EVIDENCE FOUND BY BURNS MAN For Hours the New Detective, Col. Thomas B. Felder and Solicitor General Hugh Dorsey Discuss Case. In the first report of his investigation of the Mary Phagan tragedy, William J. Burns' agent informs Solicitor General Dorsey that he already has obtained a valuable clue, and that a new phase of the mystery, upon which he is basing his operations, will be productive of early and startling results. Sunday was a day of vigorous activity in all

You Are There: Detectives Seek Clue in Writing of Negro Suspect, Atlanta Constitution, May 19th, 1913

Detectives Seek Clue in Writing of Negro Suspect Atlanta ConstitutionMonday, May 19th, 1913 Another Employee of the National Pencil Company Now Held at Police Headquarters. VALUABLE EVIDENCE FOUND BY BURNS MAN For Hours the New Detective, Col. Thomas B. Felder and Solicitor General Hugh Dorsey Discuss Case. In the first report of his investigation of the Mary Phagan tragedy, William J. Burns' agent informs Solicitor General Dorsey that he already has obtained a valuable clue, and that a new phase of the mystery, upon which he is basing his operations, will be productive of early and startling results. Sunday was

Tuesday, 20th May 1913 Cases Ready Against Lee and Leo Frank

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Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, May 20th, 1913 Solicitor General Dorsey Declares All Evidence Will Go to the Grand Jury Friday. Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey announced Tuesday morning that the State's case against Leo M. Frank and Newt Lee in connection with the Phagan murder, would go to the Grand Jury Friday of this week. He said that he could anticipate no new arrest or development that would make it necessary to change this plan. Mrs. Jane F. Carr, 251 Ponce De-Leon Avenue, in an open letter, asked every woman in Atlanta to contribute to the fund to employ the Burns

You Are There: Cases Ready Against Lee and Leo Frank, Atlanta Georgian, May 20th, 1913

Cases Ready Against Lee and Leo Frank Atlanta GeorgianTuesday, May 20th, 1913 Solicitor General Dorsey Declares All Evidence Will Go to the Grand Jury Friday. Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey announced Tuesday morning that the State's case against Leo M. Frank and Newt Lee in connection with the Phagan murder, would go to the Grand Jury Friday of this week. He said that he could anticipate no new arrest or development that would make it necessary to change this plan. Mrs. Jane F. Carr, 251 Ponce De-Leon Avenue, in an open letter, asked every woman in Atlanta to contribute to

Tuesday, 20th May 1913 Phagan Case Goes to the Grand Jury in Present Form, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Tuesday, May 20th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 7) Solicitor and Detectives Are Ready With Evidence and Will Present Bills for Jury's Consideration Friday CAN FRANK INTRODUCE WITNESSES IN DEFENSE? This Question Is Being Considered by Solicitor—Another Report That Mary Phagan Was Seen Saturday P. M. The Fulton county grand jury will commence its investigation of the murder of Mary Phagan on Friday, not Thursday morning, according to an announcement from the solicitor general's office. Unless there is an important development before that time, and none is considered likely, the names of only two suspects, Leo M. Frank,

You Are There: Phagan Case Goes to the Grand Jury in Present Form, Atlanta Journal, May 20th, 1913

Phagan Case Goes to the Grand Jury in Present Form Atlanta JournalTuesday, May 20th, 1913 Solicitor and Detectives Are Ready With Evidence and Will Present Bills for Jury's Consideration Friday CAN FRANK INTRODUCE WITNESSES IN DEFENSE? This Question Is Being Considered by Solicitor—Another Report That Mary Phagan Was Seen Saturday P. M. The Fulton county grand jury will commence its investigation of the murder of Mary Phagan on Friday, not Thursday morning, according to an announcement from the solicitor general's office. Unless there is an important development before that time, and none is considered likely, the names of only two

Tuesday, 20th May 1913 Women Declare Phagan Murder Must Be Solved

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Atlanta Constitution Tuesday, May 20th, 1913 "Freedom of Murderer Is a Menace to Honor and Life of Every Woman," Writes Mrs. James Carr. Optimistic over the prospects for solving the Mary Phagan mystery, C. W. Tobie, chief of the William J. Burns criminal department, told a reporter for The Constitution yesterday morning that he was confident the girl's murderer would be apprehended and convicted in a surprisingly short while. "What if Mary Phagan were your child?" is the subject of an eloquent plea made to the women of Atlanta by Mrs. Jane F. Carr for the apprehension of the slyer.

You Are There: Women Declare Phagan Murder Must Be Solved, Atlanta Constitution, May 20th, 1913

Women Declare Phagan Murder Must Be Solved Atlanta ConstitutionTuesday, May 20th, 1913 "Freedom of Murderer Is a Menace to Honor and Life of Every Woman," Writes Mrs. James Carr. Optimistic over the prospects for solving the Mary Phagan mystery, C. W. Tobie, chief of the William J. Burns criminal department, told a reporter for The Constitution yesterday morning that he was confident the girl's murderer would be apprehended and convicted in a surprisingly short while. "What if Mary Phagan were your child?" is the subject of an eloquent plea made to the women of Atlanta by Mrs. Jane F. Carr

Wednesday, 21st May 1913 Finger Print Expert Works With Dorsey to Solve Mystery, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Wednesday, May 21st, 1913 (Page 1, Column 2) P. A. Flak, of New York, visits Scene of Crime and Also Takes Finger Prints of Men in the Tower BURNS INVESTIGATOR INTERVIEWS NEWT LEE He is Said to Be Convinced That Negro Is Innocent—Pinkertons Still Busy in Search for Additional Evidence The employment by Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey of one of the best known finger print experts in the world on the Phagan mystery was Wednesday's principal development in the sensational case. P. A. Flak, of New York City, noted criminologist, and a recognized expert on finger

You Are There: Finger Print Expert Works With Dorsey to Solve Mystery, Atlanta Journal, May 21st, 1913

Finger Print Expert Works With Dorsey to Solve Mystery Atlanta JournalWednesday, May 21st, 1913 P. A. Flak, of New York, visits Scene of Crime and Also Takes Finger Prints of Men in the Tower BURNS INVESTIGATOR INTERVIEWS NEWT LEE He is Said to Be Convinced That Negro Is Innocent—Pinkertons Still Busy in Search for Additional Evidence The employment by Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey of one of the best known finger print experts in the world on the Phagan mystery was Wednesday's principal development in the sensational case. P. A. Flak, of New York City, noted criminologist, and a recognized

Wednesday, 21st May 1913 T. B. Felder Repudiates Report of Activity for Frank

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Atlanta Georgian Wednesday, May 21st, 1913 Stories That He Was Retained by Prisoner's Friends Silly, He Declares. Mystery piles up upon mystery in the Phagan case. Colonel Thomas B. Felder was asked Wednesday afternoon by The Georgian to reply to rumors circulating on the street, all making the general charge that he had been retained by friends of Leo Frank, prisoner in the Phagan case, and that his object in bringing the great detective, William J. Burns, here, was not to aid the prosecution. Colonel Felder said: "Any stories to that effect are silly and ridiculous—if nothing worse. Anybody who

You Are There: T. B. Felder Repudiates Report of Activity for Frank, Atlanta Georgian, May 21st, 1913

T. B. Felder Repudiates Report of Activity for Frank Atlanta GeorgianWednesday, May 21st, 1913 Stories That He Was Retained by Prisoner's Friends Silly, He Declares. Mystery piles up upon mystery in the Phagan case. Colonel Thomas B. Felder was asked Wednesday afternoon by The Georgian to reply to rumors circulating on the street, all making the general charge that he had been retained by friends of Leo Frank, prisoner in the Phagan case, and that his object in bringing the great detective, William J. Burns, here, was not to aid the prosecution. Colonel Felder said: "Any stories to that effect

Wednesday, 21st May 1913 Tobie is Studying Mary Phagans Life

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Atlanta Constitution Wednesday, May 21st, 1913 Burns Operative Finds New Theory in Detailed Study of Life of Girl Who Was Murdered. Investigation into the life of Mary Phagan from the time she was a child until the day upon which she was murdered has been the work for the past several days of C. W. Tobie, the investigator who is preceding William J. Burns in the attempt to find the perpetrator of the crime. The detective will not reveal his specific reasons for accumulating a record of the girl's life, but steadily he has been familiarizing himself with every detail

You Are There: Tobie is Studying Mary Phagan’s Life, Atlanta Constitution, May 21st, 1913

Tobie is Studying Mary Phagan's Life Atlanta ConstitutionWednesday, May 21st, 1913 Burns Operative Finds New Theory in Detailed Study of Life of Girl Who Was Murdered. Investigation into the life of Mary Phagan from the time she was a child until the day upon which she was murdered has been the work for the past several days of C. W. Tobie, the investigator who is preceding William J. Burns in the attempt to find the perpetrator of the crime. The detective will not reveal his specific reasons for accumulating a record of the girl's life, but steadily he has been

Thursday, 22nd May 1913 Experts Are Here on Finger Prints

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Atlanta Constitution Thursday, May 22nd, 1913 Two Investigators Are Added to Wm. J. Burns' Forces Already in Atlanta—P. A. Flak in City. The William J. Burns forces in the investigation of the Mary Phagan mystery have been reinforced by two expert investigators who recently arrived in the city and are assisting Chief C. W. Tobie in his work. Their identity is being withheld. Both began work Wednesday. One is a noted handwriting and finger print expert, and his first object was to examine the notes found beside the girl's body and to obtain finger prints at and around the scene

You Are There: Experts Are Here on Finger Prints, Atlanta Constitution, May 22nd, 1913

Experts Are Here on Finger Prints Atlanta ConstitutionThursday, May 22nd, 1913 Two Investigators Are Added to Wm. J. Burns' Forces Already in Atlanta—P. A. Flak in City. The William J. Burns forces in the investigation of the Mary Phagan mystery have been reinforced by two expert investigators who recently arrived in the city and are assisting Chief C. W. Tobie in his work. Their identity is being withheld. Both began work Wednesday. One is a noted handwriting and finger print expert, and his first object was to examine the notes found beside the girl's body and to obtain finger prints

Thursday, 22nd May 1913 Grand Jury Wont Hear Leo Frank or Lee

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Atlanta Georgian Thursday, May 22nd, 1913 Understood That Cases Will Be Brought Separately, With One Accused as Accomplice. Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey announced Thursday afternoon that he was prepared to go before the Grand Jury Friday morning with his strongest evidence in the case of Leo M. Frank and Newt Lee, held in connection with the murder of Mary Phagan. Although Mr. Dorsey would not discuss the form in which the cases would be presented, it was reliably stated they would be heard separately and the charge against one would be that he was an accessory to the fact.

You Are There: Grand Jury Won’t Hear Leo Frank or Lee, Atlanta Georgian, May 22nd, 1913

Grand Jury Won't Hear Leo Frank or Lee Atlanta GeorgianThursday, May 22nd, 1913 Understood That Cases Will Be Brought Separately, With One Accused as Accomplice. Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey announced Thursday afternoon that he was prepared to go before the Grand Jury Friday morning with his strongest evidence in the case of Leo M. Frank and Newt Lee, held in connection with the murder of Mary Phagan. Although Mr. Dorsey would not discuss the form in which the cases would be presented, it was reliably stated they would be heard separately and the charge against one would be that

Thursday, 22nd May 1913 Phagan Case Will Go to Grand Jury at 10 A. M. Friday, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Thursday, May 22nd, 1913 (Page 1, Column 7) Names of Leo M. Frank and the Negro, Newt Lee, to Be Presented by State as the Accused DORSEY TO CONCENTRATE EFFORT AGAINST FORMER Improbable That Evidence Favorable to Mr. Frank Will Be Attempted—Experts Ready on Various Phases The Phagan investigation will go to the grand jury on Friday and the state will use every effort to introduce sufficient evidence against the two suspects ordered held by the coroner's jury to secure true bills. Solicitor General Dorsey announced late Thursday that there had been no development which would change

You Are There: Phagan Case Will Go to Grand Jury at 10 A. M. Friday, Atlanta Journal, May 22nd, 1913

Phagan Case Will Go to Grand Jury at 10 A. M. Friday Atlanta JournalThursday, May 22nd, 1913 Names of Leo M. Frank and the Negro, Newt Lee, to Be Presented by State as the Accused DORSEY TO CONCENTRATE EFFORT AGAINST FORMER Improbable That Evidence Favorable to Mr. Frank Will Be Attempted—Experts Ready on Various Phases The Phagan investigation will go to the grand jury on Friday and the state will use every effort to introduce sufficient evidence against the two suspects ordered held by the coroner's jury to secure true bills. Solicitor General Dorsey announced late Thursday that there had

Friday, 23rd May 1913 Col. Felder Confirmed His Offer in a Midnight Conversation by Telephone, Says A. S. Colyar, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Friday, May 23rd, 1913 (Page 1, Column 2 - Bottom) A. S. Colyar has given to the police the following affidavit: STATE OF GEORGIA. FULTON COUNTY. Personally appeared before me a Notary Public in and for the above State and County, A. S. Colyar, who being duly sworn says: "At 11 p. m. on May 18th, 1913, I called ttelephone number Ivy 3508, which is the phone of T. B. Felder's residence on the Howell Mill Road, about seven miles from Atlanta, and after waiting several minutes, some one finally answered the phone and lasked the question,

Friday, 23rd May 1913 Col. Felder Denies Offering $1,000 or Any Other Sum for Affidavit Held by Detectives, The Atlanta Journal

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  The Atlanta Journal Friday, May 23rd, 1913 (Page 1, Column 1) At the Request of The Journal He Left Trial of a Case in Marietta and Came to Atlanta Friday Afternoon, Where He Dictated a Statement Without Having Read the Dictographed Interview Which Is Given Elsewhere in This Paper. WELL-KNOWN ATTORNEY GIVES HIS VERSION OF WHAT HE SAID TO SECRETARY G. C. FEBUARY Col. Felder Declares He Told Febuary and Colyar He Would Introduce Them to Some Gentlemen Who Might Be Interested in Getting Possession of Evidence on the Detective Department—Says He Never Claimed He Had Been Employed by

Friday, 23rd May 1913 Detective R. S. Ozburn Swears to Phone Talk, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Friday, May 23rd, 1913 (Page 2, Column 3, Top) Says He Overheard Col. Felder Offer $1,000 for Phagan Papers State of Georgia, County of Fulton. Personally appeared before me the undersigned notary public, for the state and county aforesaid, R. S. Ozburn, who makes oath, in due form of law, and says he is a citizen of Atlanta, Georgia, and a member of the detective department of the Atlanta police force; that he was in J. M. Hewitt's office, 1409 Fourth National Bank building, in said city, on Tuesday, May the 20th, 1913, at 11:43 a. m.,

Friday, 23rd May 1913 Dictograph Record Used Against Felder

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Atlanta Georgian Friday, May 23rd, 1913 The Georgian on Wednesday published an exclusive story that Colonel Thomas B. Felder was involved in the Phagan murder case in a manner that would at least require a very explicit explanation. Developments Friday would seem to indicate that the police officials intend to bring the whole matter before the Grand Jury for a thorough investigation of Felder's attitude for attempted bribery. He is accused by A. S. Colyar, Jr., of offering G. C. February , Chief Clerk to Newport Lanford, $1,000 for an affidavit made by J. W. Coleman and wife denying that

Friday, 23rd May 1913 Dictograph Set by Detectives to Trap Col. Thos. B. Felder; Here is the Dictograph Record, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Friday, May 23rd, 1913 (Page 1, Column 4) In Interview With G. C. Febuary, Secretary to Chief of Detectives Newport Lanord, in Room 31 of Williams House No. 2, Heard by Dictograph and Taken Down in Shorthand, Col. Felder is Alleged to Have Offered Bribe "I CONTROL MAYOR, SOLICITOR AND JUDGE," HE IS QUOTED AS SAYING IN ASSURING FEBUARY PROTECTION East Lake Was Agreed Upon as Place for Transfer of Papers, Although Colonel Felder Suggested the Transportation Club, According to Stenographic Report of Conversation That Occurred—All of Alleged Interview That is Printable is Given Below The Atlanta

Friday, 23rd May 1913 Febuary and Colyar Swear That Felder Offered Big Bribe, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Friday, May 23rd, 1913 (Page 1, Column 3) Affidavit, Detailing Conversation Which Is Alleged to Have Occurred in Col. Felder's Office, Is Given Below "GO AND GET EVIDENCE,' COL. FELDER IS QUOTED "Lanford Couldn't Detect an Elephant at Five Points," He Is Alleged to Have Said, Both Chiefs Are Denounced The city detectives have in their possession an affidavit sworn to by G. C. Febuary, secretary to Chief Lanford, and A. S. Colyar, a private investigator, detailing the alleged conversation which it is claimed took place between Colonel T. B. Felder, Colyar, and Feburary , on Monday

You Are There: Febuary and Colyar Swear That Felder Offered Big Bribe, Atlanta Journal, May 23rd, 1913

Febuary and Colyar Swear That Felder Offered Big Bribe Atlanta JournalFriday, May 23rd, 1913 Affidavit, Detailing Conversation Which Is Alleged to Have Occurred in Col. Felder's Office, Is Given Below "GO AND GET EVIDENCE,' COL. FELDER IS QUOTED "Lanford Couldn't Detect an Elephant at Five Points," He Is Alleged to Have Said, Both Chiefs Are Denounced The city detectives have in their possession an affidavit sworn to by G. C. Febuary, secretary to Chief Lanford, and A. S. Colyar, a private investigator, detailing the alleged conversation which it is claimed took place between Colonel T. B. Felder, Colyar, and Feburary

Friday, 23rd May 1913 Felder Denies Phagan Bribe; Calls Colyar Crook and Liar

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Atlanta Georgian Friday, May 23rd, 1913 Colonel Felder late this afternoon issued this statement: "The first development in this case was a visit from Colyar, at which he told me that the police were framing up on me, Dorsey and The Constitution. He said the police had affidavits to show that we were working in the interest of Leo Frank, and that large sums of money had been paid us and that I had been paid by an uncle of the accused man in New York." "Colyar also told me that he had proof of the corruption of Lanford and

Friday, 23rd May 1913 Felder Denies Phagan Bribery; Dictograph Record Used Against Felder

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Atlanta Georgian Friday, May 23rd, 1913 Affidavits and an alleged dictograph record made public Friday afternoon, accuse Colonel Thomas B. Felder of offering to G. C. February , a bribe of $1,000 for possession of police records of the Phagan case. These affidavits and the dictograph record are sworn to by A. S. Colyar, Jr., of Nashville, and February, who is stenographer to Newport Lanford, Chief of the Atlanta Detective Department. The Georgian on Wednesday published the fact that there were rumors on the streets that connected the name of Colonel Felder with the Phagan case in a sinister way.

Friday, 23rd May 1913 Frank Feeling Fine But Will Not Discuss His Case

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Atlanta Georgian Friday, May 23rd, 1913 Leo Frank was seen this morning by a reporter for the first time since he was put in jail. He absolutely refused to talk on the Mary Phagan murder mystery, saying he had been advised not to say a word. "What do you know about the affidavit, charging that on the night of the murder of Mary Phagan you called Mrs. Nina Famby on the telephone and tried to engage a room for yourself and a young girl?" "I will not talk," said Frank. "I have been cautioned not to say one word." "Do

Friday, 23rd May 1913 Here is Affidavit Charging Bribery

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Atlanta Georgian Friday, May 23rd, 1913 Here is an affidavit in possession of the police sworn today Lanford's secretary, G. C. Febuary and A. S. Colyar detailing the conversation alleged to have taken place Monday night in Colonel Felder's office: State of Georgia, County of Fulton—Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for the above State and County, A. S. Colyar and G. C. Febuary, who being duly sworn, deposes and says, "We met Mr. Felder in his office Monday night at 8 o'clock p. m., and Mr. Felder said, ‘I know who killed Mary Phagan. I have

Friday, 23rd May 1913 Here is Coleman Affidavit Which Officers Say Col. Felder Offered to Purchase for the Sum of $1,000, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Friday, May 23rd, 1913 (Page 1, Column 2) STATE OF GEORGIA: FULTON COUNTY: The affiant, J. W. Coleman and wife, citizens of Atlanta, Georgia, who reside at 146 Lindsay St. The affiant is the step-father of Mary Phagan, deceased, the child who was foully murdered by a hellish brute on April 26, 1913. The affiant is in the employ of the City of Atlanta in the Sanitary Dept. The affiant, while at the Police Station during the Coroner's inquest, the exact day he does not remember, was approached by a man somewhat under the influence of liquor,

Friday, 23rd May 1913 How Dictograph Was Installed in Williams House No. 2 to Trap Colonel Thomas B. Felder, The Atlanta Journal

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A dictograph from 1907 The Atlanta Journal Friday, May 23rd, 1913 (Page 1, Column 2) Instrument Was Put In by Lawrence O. Surles of the Southern Bell Telephone Company—George M. Gentry, Took Down the Conversation in Shorthand The dictograph, through which was recorded the conversation held by agents of the city detectives with Attorney Thomas B. Felder, was most ingeniously arranged and installed by Lawrence O. Surles, chief clerk of the traffic department of the Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph company, who is the Atlanta representative of the Dictograph Manufacturing company. Just behind the lower portion of a dresser front

Friday, 23rd May 1913 Indictment of Both Lee and Frank is Asked

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Atlanta Georgian Friday, May 23rd, 1913 Great Mass of Evidence Carefully Prepared by Solicitor Submitted to Grand Jury. CRIME STUDIED 3 HOURS, ADJOURNS TILL SATURDAY Utmost Care Taken to Insure Secrecy at the Investigation, Diagram Studied. The Phagan case is now in the process of investigation by the Fulton County Grand Jury. Two bills for indictment of Leo M. Frank and Newt Lee, for the murder of Mary Phagan, were presented before that tribunal at its session Friday morning by Solicitor Dorsey. A host of witnesses gave their testimony. The torn and blood-stained clothing of the slain girl also was

Friday, May 23rd, 1913, Rooming House Sought by Leo Frank Declares Woman, Atlanta Constitution

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    Atlanta Constitution Friday, May 23rd, 1913 Mrs. Nina Formby Swears Suspected Man Wanted a Room for Himself and a Girl on Murder Night. TO PRESENT AFFIDAVIT TO GRAND JURY TODAY Mysterious Telephone Message Caused Detectives to Interview Woman Who Conducts Rooming House. Mrs. Nina Formby, who conducts a rooming house at 400 Piedmont Avenue, near Currier Street, Atlanta, has signed an affidavit to the effect that on April 26, 1913, Leo M. Frank called her up repeatedly by telephone and endeavored to secure a room for himself and a young girl. The affidavit was signed Monday, May 11,

You Are There: Rooming House Sought by Frank Declares Woman, Atlanta Constitution, May 23rd, 1913

Rooming House Sought by Frank Declares Woman Atlanta ConstitutionFriday, May 23rd, 1913 Mrs. Mima Famby Swears Suspected Man Wanted a Room for Himself and a Girl on Murder Night. TO PRESENT AFFIDAVIT TO GRAND JURY TODAY Mysterious Telephone Message Caused Detectives to Interview Woman Who Conducts Rooming House. Mrs. Mima Famby , who conducts a rooming house at 400 Piedmont avenue, near Currier street, has signed an affidavit to the effect that on April 26 Leo M. Frank called her up repeatedly by telephone and endeavored to secure a room for himself and a young girl. The affidavit was signed

Saturday, 24th May 1913 A. S. Colyar Makes Answer to Charges of Col. Felder

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    Atlanta Constitution Saturday, May 24th, 1913 A. S. Colyar, when seen last night by a representative of The Atlanta Constitution, gave out the following statement: "I have just read Colonel T. B. Felder's card in the bedtime edition of The Atlanta Georgian, in which he sees fit to call me, behind my back, a liar and a crook. Knowing the colonel as I do, and as his intimate friends know, he is a past grand master on explanations. The Atlanta Journal, in its Friday afternoon home edition, published every detail of the case, with the sworn statements of

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Beavers Says He Will Seek Indictments

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Atlanta Georgian Saturday, May 24th, 1913 "Gang of Vice Promoters Have Been After Me," Declares Police Chief. Chief of Police J. L. Beavers, in answering the turmoil of accusations of graft and frame-ups which have been cast at himself and Detective Chief Lanford, declared the whole to be the result of a plot of gangsters which has been working against him ever since he closed up the Tenderloin section of Atlanta. "This whole proposition is a fight against me by a gang of vice promoters," declared Chief Beavers. "Tom Felder is the leader of it and C. C. Jones is

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Blease Ironic in Comments on Felder Trap

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Atlanta Georgian Saturday, May 24th, 1913 COLUMBIA, S. C., May 24.—When asked for a comment upon the Felder dictograph story, Governor Blease dictated the following: I do not see that it is necessary for me to give out any interview or to have anything to say. It is not inside of my State and I do not suppose anybody that knows Tom Felder would be surprised if he is guilty, or if this is a scheme worked up by him to get a little cheap notoriety and advertisement. However, I presume that the members of the Atlanta Bar will immediately

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Bribery Charges False Declares Col. Felder; Calls Them Frame-Up

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  Atlanta Constitution Saturday, May 24th, 1913 Affidavits and Alleged Dictagraph Record Are Made Public, Accusing Prominent Lawyer, of Offering Bribe of $1,000 to Secretary Febuary, of Police Department, to Secure Affidavit Made for Police by J. W. Coleman, Stepfather of Mary Phagan, in Regard to Felder's Connection With Case. ALLEGATIONS ARE MADE TO FORESTALL A PROBE OF POLICE, SAYS FELDER Mayor Woodward Also Dictagraphed , According to Report—Admits He Was Called Into Conference by A. S. Colyar, Who Offered Him, He Says, Evidence That the Police Department Is Giving Protection to Disorderly Houses in Atlanta—"I've Done My Duty, It's

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Career of A. S. Colyar Reads Like Some Story In the Arabian Nights

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  Atlanta Constitution Saturday, May 24th, 1913 The criminal career of A. S. Colyar reads like a story from the Arabian Nights. Probably no man in Tennessee has imposed so successfully upon the public and has escaped so lightly. The son of Colonel A. S. Colyar, in his day one of the most prominent citizens of Nashville and a grandson of ex-Governor Albert S. Marks with a family connection that includes many of the aristocrats of this section, he has been exceptionally fortunate in escaping the law although on various occasions he has done time. He has probably been arrested

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Charlie C. Jones Shown by Dictograph to Have Been Foxy; Detective Miles Talks Freely, The Atlanta Journal

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George M. Gentry, stenographer who heard dictograph conversation in adjoining room and took it down in shorthand. The Atlanta Journal Saturday, May 24th, 1913 (Page 5, Column 1, Top) Proprietor of "Rex" Near-Beer Saloon and Private Sleuth Are Quoted as Having Negotiated With Febuary for Papers in Phagan Case—Jones Was Very Cautious in His Utterances MILES WAS QUITE POSITIVE MAYOR WOODWARD WOULD SEE TO IT THAT FEBUARY WAS PROTECTED Following the alleged dictographed conversations of Colonel Thomas B. Felder and Mayor Woodward Wednesday afternoon an engagement was made by A. S. Colyar for Charles C. Jones, proprietor of the "Rex"

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Chief Beavers Not Surprised at Col. Felders Statements

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Atlanta Constitution Saturday, May 24th, 1913 "I am not surprised," said Chief Beavers when asked to give an expression on Colonel T. B. Felder's alleged statement regarding graft and immorality in the detective department. "I am not surprised in the least. "However, I don't think it would be very nice of him to have me ridden through the streets naked, as he is reported to have threatened. Besides being not nice, he might lay himself liable to prosecution for public idecency." Further than this, Chief Beavers maintained the sphinx-like attitude which has characterized him ever since a certain memorable occasion

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Chief Lanford Replies to Col. T. B. Felder, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Saturday, May 24th, 1913 (Page 7, Column 4) "Where Is Col. Felder's Fee in Phagan Case Coming From?" He Asks Chief of Detectives Newport Lanford told The Journal Saturday afternoon that he doesn't want to make any formal statement at this time regarding the charges of Colonel Thomas B. Felder. The charges were absurd, as any one familiar with the workings of the detective department would know, he said. The "personal attacks" were entirely unwarranted, he said. "I want Felder to answer this question," the chief said. "Why was he working without fees? Ask him where were

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Coleman Affidavit Which Police Say Felder Wanted

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Atlanta Constitution Saturday, May 24th, 1913 State of Georgia, Fulton County: The affiant, J. W. Coleman and wife, citizens of Atlanta, Georgia, who reside at 146 Lindsay street. The affiant is the stepfather of Mary Phagan, deceased, the child who was foully murdered by a hellish brute on April 26, 1913. The affiant is in the employ of the City of Atlanta in the Sanitary department. The affiant, while at the police station during the coroner's inquest, the exact day he does not remember, was approached by a man somewhat under the influence of liquor, and said to the affiant,

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Colyar Called Convict and Insane

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A. S. Colyar, who figures in the dictograph sensation. Records show he has been confined in two insane asylums and numerous prisons. His operations are alleged to extend from New York to Mexico. He is a member of a prominent Tennessee family. His exploits with the dictograph have created a big sensation in the Phagan case. Atlanta Georgian Saturday, May 24th, 1913 Records Show He Has Been Confined in Numerous Prisons and Twice in Asylum. Who is A. S. Colyar? The records show that Colyar was once confined in the Middle Tennessee Insane Asylum, and that more recently he was

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Colyar Held for Forgery

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Atlanta Georgian Saturday, May 24th, 1913 A. S. Colyar, Jr., author of the alleged dictographing of Mayor Woodward and Colonel Thomas B. Felder, was placed under arrest Saturday afternoon at the request of Chief of Police Edward Connors of Knoxville, Tenn., on the charge of forgery. The arrest came on a capias from the Criminal Court of Knoxville. Upon receipt of the request from Connors, Police Chief Beavers ordered Colyar's arrest. Colyar was located at the corner of Forsyth and Marietta Streets by Detectives Chewning and Norris and taken to the police station. He was taken to Beavers' office and

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Dictograph Catches Mayor in Net

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Atlanta Georgian Saturday, May 24th, 1913 Sensational dictograph conversations, in which Mayor James G. Woodward, Charles C. Jones, former Tenderloin proprietor and present owner of the Rex saloon; E. O. Miles, a private detective; A. S. Colyar, accuser of Colonel T. B. Felder, and Chief Lanford's clerk, February , all figure, are made public by The Atlanta Georgian to-day. The conversations, all reported by a dictograph installed at the Williams House, in the same room and by the same man who figured to the "trapping" of Felder, tend to throw new and startling light on the alleged plot to "get"

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Dictograph Record Alleged Bribe Offer

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Atlanta Georgian Saturday , May 24th, 1913 Here follows, in part, the alleged dictograph record of the conversation that took place in a room in the Williams House Wednesday afternoon between Colonel Thomas B. Felder, G. C. Febuary and A. S. Colyar. Febuary: Let me understand you. You want this Coleman afdavit and all other Phagan afdavits that I can get hold of. Felder: Yes. Colyar told me that he was to have the evidence that would get those two chiefs out of commission, the Phagan papers and the Coleman afdavit. Now what have you got? Febuary: I haven't got these

You Are There: Dictograph Record Alleged Bribe Offer, Atlanta Georgian, May 24th, 1913

Dictograph Record Alleged Bribe Offer Atlanta GeorgianSaturday , May 24th, 1913 Here follows, in part, the alleged dictograph record of the conversation that took place in a room in the Williams House Wednesday afternoon between Colonel Thomas B. Felder, G. C. Febuary and A. S. Colyar. Febuary: Let me understand you. You want this Coleman afdavit and all other Phagan afdavits that I can get hold of. Felder: Yes. Colyar told me that he was to have the evidence that would get those two chiefs out of commission, the Phagan papers and the Coleman afdavit. Now what have you got? Febuary:

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Dirty Gang Filled Out Record or Else Fooled Dictograph Mayor Woodward, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Saturday, May 24th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 3, Bottom) Big Part of Published Record Absolutely Untrue, Declares Mayor, Though "There's Nothing In It," He Says "WHOLE THING AMOUNTS TO HIRING DETECTIVE" "It's all a frame-up of a dirty gang," declared Mayor James G. Woodward, in commenting Saturday afternoon on the published dictograph record of the conversation alleged to have been held between him, A. S. Colyar, G. C. Febuary and E. O. Miles in Room 31 of the Williams house, No. 2, on Wednesday afternoon. "The dictograph record has been filled out by some one," he declared.

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Dorsey Steers Clear of Felder Controversy, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Saturday, May 24th, 1913 (Page 3, Column 4, Top) Says He Will Not Allow Himself to Be Drawn Into Row of Attorney and Detectives Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey said Saturday morning relative to the Felder affair: "This controversy will have no bearing on the prosecution of any one who may be indicted in the Phagan case. I have no reasons to question the good faith and sincerity of Colonel Thomas B. Felder. Also, I am certain the city detectives are not ‘double-crossing' or misleading me as has been suggested." Mr. Dorsey would make no statement relative

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Felder Charges Police Plot to Shield Slayer

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G. C. Febuary Lanford's clerk, who alleges bribery offer; Febuary alleges that Felder offered $1,000 for police records. He is a modest, unassuming young man, in whom Lanford and Beavers have complete confidence. Atlanta Georgian Saturday, May 24th, 1913 Colonel Thomas B. Felder entered into an explicit and detailed denial to The Georgian of all the charges of attempted bribery contained in the affidavits signed by G. C. Febuary, secretary to Chief of Detectives Lanford, and A. S. Colyar, a private detective with spectacular career. Colonel Felder declared the alleged dictograph record of conversation he is alleged to have had

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Felder is Charged with Bribe Offer for Phagan Papers

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Atlanta Constitution Saturday, May 24th, 1913 City Detective Department Holds Statements Alleging Attorney Made Attempt to Secure Coleman Affidavit. SAY FELDER OFFERED $1,000 FOR THE PAPER Report of Conversation Between Col. Felder, Secretary Febuary and A. S. Colyar Taken Down by Gentry Colonel Thomas B. Felder—the man who brought the dictograph south and used it with such telling effect in the Blease investigation in South Carolina—has himself and a charge of against him and which the department declared . Charges are made that Colonel Felder offered a bribe of $1,000 in order to have affidavits Phagan murder case stolen from

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Felders Fight is to Get Chief and Lanford Out of Office

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Burns showing how a dictograph can be concealed in a wall. The arrow points to the dictograph. The great detective holding a dictograph ready to place it to collect evidence. Atlanta Georgian Saturday, May 24th, 1913 Chief of Detectives Newport A. Lanford said Saturday that the whole sinister significance of the charges brought against Colonel Thomas B. Felder lay in the fact that the forces of evil in the city had been steadily laboring for the downfall of himself and Chief Beavers ever since the city was cleaned up and the disreputable resorts put out of business. He declared that

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Frame-Up Aimed at Burns Men, Says Tobie

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Atlanta Georgian Saturday, May 24th, 1913 Denouncing A. S. Colyar as an "eagle-beaked crook," W. C. Tobie, the Burns detective who is here making an investigation of the Phagan case, declared on Saturday that the charges of bribery and double-dealing brought against Felder were a frame-up concocted by the Pinkerton Detective Agency and the Atlanta Police Department, with these three ends in view: To discredit the Burns Agency. To drive the Burns Agency from the State of Georgia. To discredit Colonel Felder because he employed Burns men. Tobie charges also that Colyar was used as the "capper" in the frame-up.

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Frank Not Home Hours on Saturday Declares Lanford

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Atlanta Constitution Saturday, May 24th, 1913 On Night of Murder Prisoner Was Not at Residence, as He Says He Was, States Head of Detective Dept WITNESSES WILL SWEAR TO THIS, HE ASSERTS Leo Frank Swore at Coroner's Inquest That He Reached Home at 7:30 O'Clock and Did Not Leave House "I can prove that Frank was not at home during the hours of Saturday night, the night of the murder that he claimed he was. I will have witnesses to swear to this." Such was the startling statement by Chief of Detectives Newport Lanford to a reporter for The Constitution

You Are There: Frank Not Home Hours on Saturday Declares Lanford, Atlanta Constitution, May 24th, 1913

Frank Not Home Hours on Saturday Declares Lanford Atlanta ConstitutionSaturday, May 24th, 1913 On Night of Murder Prisoner Was Not at Residence, as He Says He Was, States Head of Detective Dept WITNESSES WILL SWEAR TO THIS, HE ASSERTS Leo Frank Swore at Coroner's Inquest That He Reached Home at 7:30 O'Clock and Did Not Leave House "I can prove that Frank was not at home during the hours of Saturday night, the night of the murder that he claimed he was. I will have witnesses to swear to this." Such was the startling statement by Chief of Detectives Newport

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Franks Attorneys Make No Comment

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The Atlanta Journal Saturday, May 24th, 1913 (Page 7, Column 3) Neither L. Z. Rosser Nor Herbert Haas Had Any Statement to Make "Not a word to say," was Attorney Luther Z. Rosser's comment when informed by a Journal reporter that his client, Leo M. Frank, had been indicted by the grand jury for the murder of Mary Phagan. Mr. Rosser held in his hand a Journal extra telling of the affidavit by the negro, James Connally , that on the day before the tragedy Mr. Frank called him into his (Frank's) office and asked him to dictate two notes,

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Girl Strangled, Says Indictment

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Atlanta Constitution Saturday, May 24th, 1913 Grand Jury is Now Engaged in Conducting Investigation of the Murder of Mary Phagan. That the state in its bills of indictment for the murder of Mary Phagan, brought separately against Leo M. Frank and Newt Lee, charges that the girl was strangled, was learned yesterday afternoon following the adjournment of the grand jury, which took up the case at 11 o'clock in the morning and went into its details until 1:45. Shortly after the adjournment of the grand jury Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey expressed himself as well pleased with the results of the

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Graft and Corruption are Charged to City Detectives and Police by Col. T. B. Felder, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Saturday, May 24th, 1913 (Page 3, Column 1, Bottom) Attorney Who Was Dictographed by the Detectives Gives Out a Statement, Additional to the One He Made Friday Afternoon, in Which He Goes After Police and Detective Departments, and Intimates That More Is to Come in the Sunday Papers SAYS DETECTIVES ARE DESTROYING EVIDENCE AGAINST FRANK IN THE PHAGAN MURDER CASE Attorney Thomas B. Felder, who has been charged by city detectives with attempted bribery of Chief of Detectives Lanford's secretary, G. C. Febuary, has made statement additional to one he made Friday afternoon before reading the dictograph

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Jones Attacks Beavers and Charges Police Crookedness

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A. S. Colyar, who figures in the dictograph sensation. Records show he has been confined in two insane asylums and numerous prisons. His operations are alleged to extend from New York to Mexico. He is a member of a prominent Tennessee family. Atlanta Georgian Saturday, May 24th, 1913 The following conversation occurred in room No. 31, at Williams House No. 2, 34-36 N. Forsyth Street, Atlanta, Georgia, Wednesday evening, between 8 and 9 o'clock, between C. C. Jones, E. O. Miles and A. S. Colyar: Colyar—It has been very warm to-day, hasn't it? Miles—Yes, it has. I asked Mr. Felder

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Leo M. Frank is Indicted by Grand Jury for Mary Phagans Death; Negro, Newt Lee Held, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Saturday, May 24th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 4) True Bills Against Pencil Factory Superintendent Returned Less Than Ten Minutes After Evidence Was Closed, at Noon, Saturday — Authority Quoted That He Will Be Tried During Third Week in June—Negro to Stay in Jail SOLICITOR DORSEY DID NOT ASK JURY TO ACT ON BILL PENDING AGAINST NIGHT-WATCHMAN Grand Jury's Session Began Friday Morning — Many Witnesses Examined, but Not All That Solicitor Has Were Introduced Into Grand Jury Room—Charge Is That Frank Killed Mary Phagan by Choking Her With a Cord That He Tied Leo M. Frank ,

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Mayor Admits Dictograph is Correct

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Atlanta Georgian Saturday, May 24th, 1913 Denies, However, That He Ever Offered Money During Course of Conversation Recorded. Mayor Woodward Saturday admitted that the dictograph record of his conversation in the room of the mysterious Colyar was correct. After reading the report in The Georgian, he said: "This is not as strong as the conversation I told you I had before I knew they had a dictograph on me. "I did not offer them any money, but I will say now that I will subscribe to a fund that might unearth any graft in any city department. But I haven't

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Mayor Woodward Reported Caught by the Dictograph Seeking Police Evidence

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Atlanta Constitution Saturday, May 24th, 1913 The little dictograph cunningly hidden in Detective Colyar's room in the Williams House No. 2 is said to have caught a conversation between Mayor James G. Woodward, Secretary G. C. Febuary of the detective department and Edward Miles, Wednesday afternoon, between 3 and 4 o'clock. Detective Colyar who drew Attorney Thomas B. Felder into the conspiracy was also present at the interview. Colyar sent Miles to the private office of Mayor Woodward in the Empire building, with an invitation that he examine affidavits which Colyar alleged to have in his possession charging police graft.

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Miles Says He Had Mayor Go to Room

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Atlanta Georgian Saturday, May 24th, 1913 Wanted Woodward to See Just What Sort of a Crook Colyar Was, He Declares. Edward O. Miles, a private detective, assumes the responsibility for the presence of Mayor Woodward at the Williams House, resulting in the dictographing of the Chief Executive of Atlanta. He also says it was at his suggestion Colonel Thomas B. Felder discontinued even his acquaintance with A. S. Colyar, the wild-eyed investigator from Tennessee. Miles' statement to a Georgian reporter follows: "Colonel Felder had already been to see Colyar and he asked me to go and see what he had;

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Negro Sweeper Tells Officer Frank Asked Him to Write Some Notes Day Before Tragedy, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Saturday, May 24th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 1) He Thinks These Notes Are the Same as Those Found by the Body of the Murdered Girl, but Had Not Seen the Original Notes When He Made His Sensational Statement to the Detectives Saturday Morning NEGRO STUCK TO HIS STORY THROUGH GRUELLING EXAMINATION IN SOLICITOR'S OFFICE SATURDAY Conley Voluntarily Sent for Detectives to Make His Statement, It Is Declared — He Told the Detectives That He Wanted to Confess the Whole Truth, That Frank Called Him Into His Office and Told Him He Wanted to See His Writing Saturday

You Are There: Negro Sweeper Tells Officer Frank Asked Him to Write Some Notes Day Before Tragedy, Atlanta Journal, May 24th, 1913

Negro Sweeper Tells Officer Frank Asked Him to Write Some Notes Day Before Tragedy Atlanta JournalSaturday, May 24th, 1913 He Thinks These Notes Are the Same as Those Found by the Body of the Murdered Girl, but Had Not Seen the Original Notes When He Made His Sensational Statement to the Detectives Saturday Morning NEGRO STUCK TO HIS STORY THROUGH GRUELLING EXAMINATION IN SOLICITOR'S OFFICE SATURDAY Conley Voluntarily Sent for Detectives to Make His Statement, It Is Declared — He Told the Detectives That He Wanted to Confess the Whole Truth, That Frank Called Him Into His Office and Told

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Newt Lee Will Give Convicting Evidence Attorney Indicates, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Saturday, May 24th, 1913 (Page 7, Column 5, Top) Bernard L. Chappell, Lawyer for Negro Suspect, Declares His Client's Testimony to Be Invaluable to the Case Bernard L. Chappell, attorney for Newt Lee, the negro night watchman held as a suspect in connection with the murder of Mary Phagan, gave The Journal a statement Saturday indicating that his client will give practically convicting evidence as to the identity of the murderer. "I consider his testimony the strongest known to the public against the guilty party," said Mr. Chappell. "Before I would see him released and give the

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Plot on Life of Beavers Told by Colyar

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Atlanta Georgian Saturday, May 24th, 1913 But He Fails to Produce Man to Prove Charge, as He Promised. A. S. Colyar, Jr. failed entirely to produce the "mysterious man" whom he declared had been hired to "shoot to death" Chief of Police J. L. Beavers. When Colyar gave the sensational information of the conspiracy to kill the police official he declared that he would bring to police headquarters the man who had been secured to commit the deed; that this person would make affidavit to bear out the plot charges, and would swear also that he had been promised immunity

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Residents of Bellwood Ask The Journal to Say That Mr. Felder Was Not Employed by Them, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal, Saturday, May 24th, 1913 (Page 7, Column 6) Certain residents of Bellwood, the part of Atlanta where live Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Coleman, the parents of little Mary Phagan, wish The Journal to put them publicly on record in denouncing as absolutely untrue certain published reports to the effect that a subscription has been collected from them to employ Attorney Thomas B. Felder or any other lawyer, to assist in the prosecution of the alleged slayer. Saturday morning, J. W. Hammond, of 161 Bellwood avenue, delivered the following statement to The Journal: "There is absolutely no

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Solicitor General Dorsey Talks of the Bribe Charge

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Atlanta Constitution Saturday, May 24th, 1913 A merry laugh was the first comment made by Solicitor General Hugh Dorsey when told of the reported dictograph evidence in which Colonel T. B. Felder is quoted as saying that he could control the mayor, the criminal court judge and Hugh Dorsey. Solicitor Dorsey was at his home at the time, endeavoring to find rest and recreation after the morning's work of placing the evidence in the Phagan case before the grand jury. Hugh Dorsey, Jr., was in his arms at the time and from the lad's continuous efforts to express his joy

Saturday, 24th May 1913 Strangulation Charge is in Indictments

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Atlanta Georgian Saturday, May 24th, 1913 True Bills Already Drawn by Solicitor Against Frank and Lee. The Grand Jury resumed Saturday morning the Phagan murder case with indictments against Leo M. Frank and Newt Lee charging strangulation. While nothing definite could be learned, it was confidently expected at the office of the Solicitor Saturday morning the case of Frank might be completed during the day. Only a few more witnesses were to be called. It was learned, and these could tell what they knew in a few hours. The indictments are the first of the kind to have been drawn

Saturday, 24th May 1913 The Journals Big Story of Dictograph and Alleged Bribe Has Stirred the Whole City, The Atlanta Journal

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  G. C. Febuary, Secretary to Chief of Detectives N. A. Lanford. The Atlanta Journal Saturday, May 24th, 1913 (Page 3, Column 1, Top) Chief Lanford Stated Saturday That Mayor Woodward, C. C. Jones and Others Were Also Dictographed on the Same Day That Col. Felder Was—The Complete Dictograph Record of These Conversations Appears in Today's Journal "I HAVE DONE MY WORK," DECLARES CHIEF LANFORD, "IT IS NOW UP TO GRAND JURY FOR FURTHER ACTION" The exclusive story in The Journal's home edition Friday afternoon, describing how the city detectives and their representatives dictographed Colonel Thomas B. Felder in an

Saturday, 24th May 1913 We Have Enough Votes if We Get the Evidence, the Mayor is Quoted by the Dictograph, The Atlanta Journal

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Main portion of drawing shows how dictograph transmitters were installed in a dresser in room No. 31, where conversations were held. Inserted drawing shows stenographer in room No. 32 recording the conversations brought by dictograph from room No. 31. The Atlanta Journal Saturday, May 24th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 2, Top) The Journal is Presenting Below the Complete Stenographic Report of the Interview in the Williams House, In Which Mayor Woodward, E. O. Miles, G. C. Febuary and A. S. Colyar Took Part, While the Dictograph Recorded the Conversation That Mayor James G. Woodward was dictographed by the city detectives

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Attorney, in Long Statement, Claims Dictograph Records Against Him Padded

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Colonel Thomas B. Felder in an earnest attitude, as he denies charges of attempted bribery and sourges Atlanta's police officials. Atlanta Georgian Sunday, May 25th, 1913 Colonel Thomas B. Felder Saturday night issued an exhaustive statement denying once more that he had offered a bribe of $1,000 to Chief Lanford's clerk, G. C. February , for evidence involving his superiors; charging that the dictograph records of his conversations with February and A. S. Colyar were padded; denouncing Colyar as a proved crook and ex-convict, and charging wholesale corruption in the police department, particularly against Beavers and Lanford. He said he

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Becker of South Lanford is Branded by Col. Tom Felder

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Atlanta Constitution Sunday, May 25th, 1913 System of Corruption as Poisonous as That of the Mafia Exists in Atlanta, According to Statement Made by Attorney Accused of Trying to Bribe Secretary G. C. Febuary to Steal Affidavit in the Phagan Case—Says Detectives Are Trying to Shield Murderer of Girl. COLONEL FELDER IS MAKING HIMSELF LAUGHING STOCK, SAYS LANFORD; HINTS AT NEW BRIBERY CHARGES A. S. Colyar, Leading Figure in Bribe Charges, Is Placed Under Arrest on Warrant From Knoxville, But Is Released on Bond—Connally , Negro Employee of the National Pencil Factory, Tells Officers He Wrote Notes at Dictation of

Sunday, 25th May 1913 C. W. Tobie, Burns Agent, Tells of the Conferences He Held With A. S. Colyar

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Atlanta Constitution Sunday, May 25th, 1913 following affidavit concerning his connection with the Phagan case and with A. S. Colyar. Georgia, Fulton County—Personally appeared before the undersigned, an officer authorized by law to administer oaths, C. W. Tobie, who, first, being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is a citizen of Chicago, with offices in the First National Bank building of that city, and that he is manager of the criminal department, west, of the William J. Burns National Detective agency; that he has occupied this position for the past ten months; that he has been connected with the

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Charge Framed Up by a Dirty Gang

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Atlanta Constitution Sunday, May 25th, 1913 That's the Way Mayor James G. Woodward Made Answer Saturday to Published Dictagraph Record. After Mayor James G. Woodward and read the published dictagraph record of the conversation alleged to have been held between him, A. S. Colyar, G. C. Febuary and E. O. Miles, in room No. 31, Williams House, Wednesday afternoon, he declared that it was a "frame-up by a dirty gang." The mayor told The Constitution that he would be willing to start a fund to employ Burns detectives to trace the motive which inspired Colyar and his companions. "I haven't

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Chief Lanford Calls Felders Charges False

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The Atlanta Journal Sunday, May 25th, 1913 (Page 3, Column 1) Denies That Police Have Suppressed Evidence in the Phagan Mystery Chief of Detectives Newport Lanford when apprised of Colonel Felder's statement as issued Saturday afternoon to the effect that the police had plotted to protect and shield the slayers of Mary Phagan, pronounced the charges as absurd as they were false. In replying to Colonel Felder's assertion that Chief Lanofor and some of the men on the detective force hda leagued themselves with the Pinkertons to suppress evidence in the Phagan case the minute Leo M. Frank and Newt

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Citizens Deny Authority for Using Their Names

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The Atlanta Journal Sunday, May 25th, 1913 (Page 3, Column 5) Capt. English, Robt. F. Maddox and Others Comment on Dictograph Interview Captain James W. English, president of the Fourth National bank, Saturday gave The Journal a statement to the effect that he has had no connection whatever with Attorney Thomas B. Felder's investigation of the Mary Phagan murder mystery. Robert F. Maddox, vice president of the American National bank, made a similar statement. Captain English said: "I don't know what Mr. Felder could have had in mind when he made the statement, if he did make it, that I,

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Colyar a Success in Preacher Role

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Atlanta Constitution Sunday, May 25th, 1913 Professed Conversion During Revival at Cartersville and Married Rich Widow Before the Meeting Was Over. Athens, Georgia, May 24.—(Special.)—A. S. Colyar, now in the public eye in the Felder matter, had a short, hot, meteoric career in Athens in 1905. He came here representing himself as a former law partner of Hon. Andrew Lipscomb, of Washington, ingratiated himself with the bar, passed a forged check on his father at the Georgia National bank, secured the indorsement of Colonel C. H. Brand, then prosecuting attorney for the state, on a fraudulent draft and disappeared. He

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Colyar Arrest Proper End to Plot of Crook

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Mayor James G. Woodward, of Atlanta, accused by dictograph in conversation in A. S. Colyar's room at the Williams House, denies that he offered money to secure evidence of corruption against police and detective departments. Atlanta Georgian Sunday, May 25th, 1913 Woodward Brands Dictograph Trap Scheme to Make Him "Goat" Against Beavers. Mayor Woodward declared Saturday night that the sensational dictograph records were merely the "froth of a plot of a ‘dirty gang,'" and too unworthy and ridiculous to require any official action from him. "I think the matter reached its proper culmination when the dirty old crook Colyar, seemingly

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Colyar Declared Criminal and Not Worthy of Belief in Four Sworn Statements

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A. S. Colyar Atlanta Constitution Sunday, May 25th, 1913 Four sworn statements concerning the career of A. S. Colyar, and declaring him a criminal and unworthy of belief, have been furnished The Constitution by Colonel Thomas B. Felder. They are as follows: Record in Nashville. State of Georgia, County of Fulton—Personally appeared before the undersigned, an officer authorized by law to administer oaths, C. R. Atchison, who, first being duly sworn, deposes and says: That he was born and reared in the city of Nashville, Tenn., and lived there until January 1, 1913, when he removed to the city of

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Colyar, Held as Forger, is Freed on Bond; Long Crime Record Charged

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Atlanta Georgian Sunday, May 25th, 1913 Athens Judge Tells Colonel Felder That Dictograph ‘Trapper' Is Under Suspended Sentence in Georgia. Knoxville Complaint To Be Pressed. A. S. Colyar, soldier of fortune, who plotted the destruction, by means of the dictograph, of Colonel T. B. Felder and Mayor Woodward, last night was released under bond from the city prison. The charge of forgery on which he was arrested, he declared, was trumped up in order to take him from Atlanta, and was brought, he says, by Felder or his friends. Colyar was arrested at Marietta and Forsyth Streets Saturday afternoon by

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Colyar Imputes Arrest to Felder Conspiracy

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The Atlanta Journal Sunday, May 25th, 1913 (Page 4, Column 1) Knoxville Charge Against Him Not Pressed for More Than Four Years A. S. Colyar was detained late Saturday afternoon on the request of E. D. Conners, chief of police of Knoxville, Tenn. to face an indictment charging forgery returned four years ago by the grand jury at that city. The amount involved is $90. Colyar hotly maintains that his arrest is a plot of Colonel T. B. Felder's to get him out of town. He declares that the Knoxville official was prompted to press the old charge against him

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Colyar Tells Where He and Col Felder Ought to be for Good of Society, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Sunday, May 25th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 4, Bottom) Editor The Journal: I herewith hand you a telegram in answer to one that I got Chief of Police Beavers to send, which explains one of Thomas B. Felder's visions, which appeared in the Morning Eye-Opener of Saturday, and from my relations and connections with this astute and would-be bribe giver, my conscience tells me that society at large would be better off if T. B. Felder and myself were both in Sing Sing. (Signed) A. S. COLYAR. The telegram referred to follows: Ossining, N. Y., May 24,

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Dorsey to Present Graft Charges if They Stand Up

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Atlanta Georgian Sunday, May 25th, 1913 Hugh M. Dorsey, Solicitor General, made it plain last night that if investigation develops the fact that there is anything in the charges of graft and corruption in the police department, or that Colonel Felder attempted to bribe public officials to secure evidence in the Phagan case, he most assuredly would present the matter to the Grand Jury. He said, however, that he does not think the charges and counter charges would amount to anything when sifted to the final analysis, other than a controversy between the city detectives and the man who brought

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Felder is the Mouthpiece of the Vice Gang, Declares Chief of Police Jas. L. Beavers, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Sunday, May 25th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 3, Top) "This is the First Gun in a Fight to Oust Me From Office," Says the Chief in an Interview Given Out Saturday Afternoon — "This Issue Is Between the Decent People and the Allies of Vice Who Have Controlled the City Politically for Years" MAYOR WOODWARD SAYS HE'S AGAINST BEAVERS, BUT NOT IN ANY CONSPIRACY TO REMOVE HIM FROM OFFICE Says He Differs With the Chief on Policy, Not Personally. The Mayor Says Recent Dictograph Episode Has Destroyed His Belief in the Efficacy of That Ingenious Instrument —

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Felders Charges of Graft Rotten

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George Gentry. Atlanta Constitution Sunday, May 25th, 1913 Lanford Declares No Printable Words Can Be Found to Describe Lawyer's Attack. "As for Tom Felder's charges of graft in the police or detective departments," said Chief Lanford last night, "they are as rotten as we have shown his character to be. There is no printable words that might be used to describe them. All Atlanta knows they are untrue, unfounded and are but the explosions of a distorted brain—a brain deformed by years of treachery, and they call him ‘Colonel' Felder. "He directs most of his charges of corruption toward the

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Frank Indicted in Phagan Case

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Atlanta Constitution Sunday, May 25th, 1913 He Will Not Go to Trial Before the Latter Part of June, According to Solicitor General Dorsey. Leo M. Frank, indicted Saturday afternoon for the murder of Mary Phagan, the 14-year-old girl whose dead body was found at 3 o'clock on the morning of April 27 in the basement of the National Pencil factory, will not go to trial before the latter part of June, according to a statement which Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey made last night. Newt Lee, the negro night watchman, who called the police to the place, was left under

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Frank is Praised by John O. Parmele

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Atlanta Constitution Sunday, May 25th, 1913 National Pencil Company Director Gives Written Statement of Confidence in Superintendent. Declaring that he cannot too strongly indorse Leo Frank's moral character or business capacity, John O. Parmele, president of the Parmele company, manufacturers and importers, and a member of the board of directors of the National Pencil factory, last night gave The Constitution a written statement: "I am a member of the board of directors of the National Pencil factory," he writes. "My duties require me to be at the factory and in the private office of our superintendent, Mr. Leo M. Frank,

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Frank the Guilty Man, Declares Chief Lanford

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Leo Frank, an undated family photograph Atlanta Constitution Sunday, May 25th, 1913 "Frank will be convicted. He is the guilty man, and we will show it beyond a doubt. Evidence that we hold but will not reveal will startle those who believe his innocence into conviction of his guilt. It will not be disclosed until the trial. "I have been confident throughout the investigation of his guilt. I am satisfied now. Colonel Felder's charges that we have shielded Frank can find no substantiation. The evidence we have unearthed is proof to the contrary. "The detectives of police headquarters have solved

You Are There: Frank the Guilty Man, Declares Chief Lanford, Atlanta Constitution, May 25th, 1913

Frank the Guilty Man, Declares Chief Lanford Atlanta ConstitutionSunday, May 25th, 1913 "Frank will be convicted. He is the guilty man, and we will show it beyond a doubt. Evidence that we hold but will not reveal will startle those who believe his innocence into conviction of his guilt. It will not be disclosed until the trial. "I have been confident throughout the investigation of his guilt. I am satisfied now. Colonel Felder's charges that we have shielded Frank can find no substantiation. The evidence we have unearthed is proof to the contrary. "The detectives of police headquarters have solved

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Here Are Affidavits Submitted by Col. Felder

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  Atlanta Journal Sunday, May 25th, 1913 Following are five affidavits submitted to the newspapers by Colonel Thomas B. Felder, of Atlanta, for publication with his statement answering the dictograph quotations. First appears the affidavit of C. W. Tobie, representative of the Burns detective agency investigating the murder of Mary Phagan. Second is that of W. A. Milner, an attorney of Cartersville. Third, comes that of W. D. Rhea, formerly of Nashville. Fourth, is the deposition of C. R. Atchison, formerly of Nashville. And fifth, comes the affidavit of E. W. McNeal, formerly of Nashville. Following is Mr. Tobie's affidavit:

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Here Is the Dictagraph Record of Woodwards Conversation

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Atlanta Constitution Sunday, May 25th, 1913 Going to A. S. Colyar's room in Williams House No. 2, on Forsyth street, Wednesday afternoon to make efforts to get information of alleged grafting on the part of Chief of Police Beavers and Chief Lanford, Mayor James G. Woodward walked into as neat a trap as was ever devised. The same dictagraph which was alleged to take down the statements of Colonel T. B. Felder, is said to have been working while the mayor of Atlanta was in conference with E. O. Miles, a private detective; Febuary, Chief of detectives Lanford's clerk, and

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Ill Indict Gang, Says Beavers

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Atlanta Georgian Sunday, May 25th, 1913 Declares He Will Die Fighting ‘Foes of Reform' Felder Denies Bribe Charges and Scores Police Chief Sees Conspiracy to Overthrow His Rule and Calls Felder Leader in the Plot Chief of Police James L. Beavers Saturday night gave to The Sunday American a sensational statement in reply to Colonel T. B. Felder's accusations against him and the police department, and declared that he would go before the Grand Jury, and seek to indict Felder and all others implicated in the "conspiracy" against him. He made it very plain that if there were men "higher

You Are There: I’ll Indict Gang, Says Beavers, Atlanta Georgian, May 25th, 1913

I'll Indict Gang, Says Beavers Atlanta GeorgianSunday, May 25th, 1913 Declares He Will Die Fighting ‘Foes of Reform' Felder Denies Bribe Charges and Scores Police Chief Sees Conspiracy to Overthrow His Rule and Calls Felder Leader in the Plot Chief of Police James L. Beavers Saturday night gave to The Sunday American a sensational statement in reply to Colonel T. B. Felder's accusations against him and the police department, and declared that he would go before the Grand Jury, and seek to indict Felder and all others implicated in the "conspiracy" against him. He made it very plain that if

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Knew It Was Coming, Declares Cole Blease

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Atlanta Constitution Sunday, May 25th, 1913 Columbia, S. C., May 24.—(Special.—Governor Cole Blease, on whom the dictagraph was first sprung in the south, and by a strange coincidence through the instrumentality of Colonel T. B. Felder, feels that his time has come, and recent events are pointed to by him as his complete vindication. "'He that putteth on the sword by the sword he shall perish'—or words to that effect—is my biblical authority for the paraphrase that ‘he who uses the dictagraph against another and fails to prove anything by it, by the dictagraph himself shall be crucified,'" said Governor

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Lanford is the Controlling Genius of Conspiracy to Protect the Murderer of Little Mary Phagan

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  Thomas B. Felder   Atlanta Journal Sunday, May 25th, 1913 So Declares Colonel Thomas B. Felder in Scathing Arraignment of Chief of Detectives and Those Assisting Him. Says Lanford and the Pinkerton Detectives Are Doing All They Can to Hamper the Phagan Investigation — Refers to Lanford as the "Lieutenant Becker" of the Department CHARGES A. S. COLYAR WITH BEING A SELF-CONFESSED FORGER AND BLACKMAILER Colonel Felder Says He Met Colyar Two and a Half Years Ago. During His Controversy With Governor Blease, and That Colyar Palmed Off Forged Affidavits on Him — Declares Colyar Came to Him With

You Are There: “Lanford is the Controlling Genius of Conspiracy to Protect the Murderer of Little Mary Phagan”, Atlanta Journal, May 25th, 1913

"Lanford is the Controlling Genius of Conspiracy to Protect the Murderer of Little Mary Phagan" Atlanta JournalSunday, May 25th, 1913 So Declares Colonel Thomas B. Felder in Scathing Arraignment of Chief of Detectives and Those Assisting Him. Says Lanford and the Pinkerton Detectives Are Doing All They Can to Hamper the Phagan Investigation — Refers to Lanford as the "Lieutenant Becker" of the Department CHARGES A. S. COLYAR WITH BEING A SELF-CONFESSED FORGER AND BLACKMAILER Colonel Felder Says He Met Colyar Two and a Half Years Ago. During His Controversy With Governor Blease, and That Colyar Palmed Off Forged Affidavits

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Long Criminal Record of Colyar is Cited

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Atlanta Georgian Sunday, May 25th, 1913 A deluge of statements and affidavits tending to connect him with criminal operations all over the United States and Mexico, and showing that he has served time in half a dozen penitentiaries and been an inmate of a number of insane asylums, poured in Saturday upon the head of A. S. Colyar, the man who has stirred the city with his dictograph plots and his graft and bribery accusations involving Colonel Thomas B. Felder, Mayor James G. Woodward and others. Twenty-four hours after Colyar fired his first shot he was in jail. He was

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Others Will Be Involved In New Bribery Charges Intimates Chief Lanford

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G. C. Febuary, Secretary to Chief Lanford. Atlanta Constitution Sunday, May 25th, 1913 The probability of bribery charges to be made against others as well as Colonel Felder was intimated last night by Chief Lanford to a Constitution reporter. Documentary evidence involving one or more men is rumored to be in Lanford's possession. Also, his dictagraph is said to have reported secret conferences relating to the use of bribe money in the Mary Phagan case. This new phase of the bribery charges is said to pertain only to the bribing of witnesses in the Phagan investigation. Rumors to this effect

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Police Chairman Confident of Honesty of Officials

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Atlanta Constitution Sunday, May 25th, 1913 "Except to say that I have absolute confidence in the honesty and integrity of Chiefs James L. Beavers and Newport Lanford, I do not care to express myself," said Carlos Mason, chairman of the police commission, yesterday when asked for an official expression in regard to the charges made by Colonel T. B. Felder that the police and detective departments are full of graft and corruption. "All that I know of the case has been learned through the evidence and statements made public," he said added, "and as I have not been drawn into

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Says Chief is Able to Care for Himself

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Atlanta Constitution Sunday, May 25th, 1913 Marion Jackson Has No Comment to Make on Beavers-Felder Controversy. Marion Jackson and John J. Eagan, leaders of the Men and Forward Religion Movement were seen strolling down Decatur street last night about 9:30 o'clock. With them was N. A. Best, editor of The Continent, a religious journal published in Chicago. That Mr. Jackson and Mr. Eagan should be seen going down Decatur street in the direction of the police headquarters, at this time, when a new attack on the chief has been made, naturally caused considerable comment. Mr. Jackson denied, however, that his

Sunday, 25th May 1913 State Didnt Show its Case to Secure Indictment Against Superintendent Leo M. Frank, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Sunday, May 24th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 1) No Documentary Evidence Was Placed Before the Grand Jury and James Conley, the Negro Sweeper Who Made Sensational Affidavit About Writing Certain Notes at Frank's Dictation on Day Before Tragedy, Was Not Examined by the Jury DR. HURT COULD NOT SAY POSITIVELY THAT MARY PHAGAN HAD BEEN ASSAULTED BEFORE DEATH Both the Other Two Witnesses Gave Their Opinion in the Affirmative—Complete Summary of Evidence on Which the Grand Jury Decided That Frank Must Stand Trial for Death of Girl—Has Lee Given New Evidence to His Attorney? While Solicitor General

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Thomas Felder Brands the Charges of Bribery Diabolical Conspiracy

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Atlanta Constitution Sunday, May 25th, 1913 Thomas B. Felder, the Atlanta lawyer who is accused of having offered a bribe for an affidavit of J. W. Coleman, stepfather of Mary Phagan, now in the possession of the police, yesterday issued the following statement: To the People of Atlanta: The publication of the sensational "story" in The Atlanta Journal on yesterday afternoon relating to myself and my connection with the Phagan case is but the symptom or manifestation of one of the most diabolical conspiracies ever hatched by a venal and corrupt "system" to protect crime in a civilized community. To

Sunday, 25th May 1913 Woodward Hoots at the Idea of Plot to Oust Beavers

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  Atlanta Journal Sunday, May 25th, 1913 Mayor Woodward last night was interviewed by a Journal reporter in regard to Chief Beavers' statement. Among other things, the mayor said: "I haven't read the chief's statement; but if he charges or intimates that I am connected with or in sympathy with any conspiracy to throw him out of his job, then he is simply mistaken. "I have not been a supporter of Chief Beavers since I became mayor, but everybody's known that. There's been no secret about it so far as I was concerned. I've got nothing personal against him. I

Sunday, 25th May 1913 You Went to Williams House Like a Lamb to the Slaughter, Colyar Tells Felder in Letter

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  Atlanta Journal Sunday, May 25th, 1913 Former Tennesseean in Open Letter Tells Colonel Felder That He Was Never Caught With Goods Until Last Wednesday—Colyar Says He Strayed From the Path He Should Have Followed When He Went to Wash Attorney's Political Linen in a State in Which Colonel Felder Could Not Set Foot A. S. Colyar has addressed the following open letter to Colonel Thomas B. Felder: Colonel Thomas B. Felder. Sir: Knowing you as I do, I anticipate your promised attack on me in the press of Sunday, as you have announced you intended to make, and were

Monday, 26th May 1913 Accuses Tobie of Kidnaping Attempt

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Atlanta Georgian Monday, May 26th, 1913 Topeka, Kans., Chief Wires Beavers That Burns Detective Was Not Convicted. That the local police authorities are tracing the past record of C. W. Tobie, the Burns operative investigating the Phagan case, came definitely into light Monday morning when Police Chief Beavers received a telegram from the Chief of Police of Topeka, Kans., regarding the detective. The telegram was in answer to one sent by Beavers some days ago to Topeka asking for Tobie's police record there. The answer stated that while Tobie had been involved in a kidnaping case in Topeka, that he

Monday, 26th May 1913 Evidence Against Frank Conclusive, Say Police

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Atlanta Georgian Monday, May 26th, 1913 Chief of Detectives Newport Lanford Monday announced that the mystery of the Mary Phagan tragedy is solved, as nearly as is possible without the absolute, direct testimony of eyewitnesses, and expressed himself as perfectly satisfied with the evidence now in hand. Accompanying this statement comes the authoritative announcement that the great strangling crime will be placed on Leo M. Frank, now under indictment on the charge of murder, and that Newt Lee, the suspected negro night watchman of the National Pencil Factory, will not be indicted. Lee will be held in jail until the

You Are There: Evidence Against Frank Conclusive, Say Police, Atlanta Georgian, May 26th, 1913

Evidence Against Frank Conclusive, Say Police Atlanta GeorgianMonday, May 26th, 1913 Chief of Detectives Newport Lanford Monday announced that the mystery of the Mary Phagan tragedy is solved, as nearly as is possible without the absolute, direct testimony of eyewitnesses, and expressed himself as perfectly satisfied with the evidence now in hand. Accompanying this statement comes the authoritative announcement that the great strangling crime will be placed on Leo M. Frank, now under indictment on the charge of murder, and that Newt Lee, the suspected negro night watchman of the National Pencil Factory, will not be indicted. Lee will be

Monday, 26th May 1913 Five Good Men Say if Charges Are Untrue, Says A. S. Colyar to Col. Felder

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Atlanta Journal Monday, May 26th, 1913 … if I did introduce you to my wife and you make the remark that you had had the pleasure of meeting her in Chattanooga? And yet one of our alleged newspapers that has been very busy defending your good name, and painting mine blacker than hell in this community, has the audacity to publish in their Sunday morning edition a statement that my wife became so disgusted with me that she separated with me a year ago. This statement is without any foundation whatever, and an alleged representative of this alleged newspaper had

Monday, 26th May 1913 Frank is Guilty, Says Pinkerton

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Atlanta Constitution Monday, May 26th, 1913 Sufficient Evidence Found to Convict Him, Declares Man Hired by the National Pencil Company. Announcing that he had secured evidence sufficient to convict his employer Harry Scott, assistant superintendent of the Pinkertons, who has been retained by the National Pencil company since the second day of the Phagan tragedy, said to a reporter for The Constitution Sunday night that it was his intention to help prosecute the suspected superintendent. Scott has been in command of the Pinkerton forces working on the investigation. His employment came about in answer to a telephone call from Frank

You Are There: Frank is Guilty, Says Pinkerton, Atlanta Constitution, May 26th, 1913

Frank is Guilty, Says Pinkerton Atlanta ConstitutionMonday, May 26th, 1913 Sufficient Evidence Found to Convict Him, Declares Man Hired by the National Pencil Company. Announcing that he had secured evidence sufficient to convict his employer Harry Scott, assistant superintendent of the Pinkertons, who has been retained by the National Pencil company since the second day of the Phagan tragedy, said to a reporter for The Constitution Sunday night that it was his intention to help prosecute the suspected superintendent. Scott has been in command of the Pinkerton forces working on the investigation. His employment came about in answer to a

Monday, 26th May 1913 I Have No Proof of Bribery in Phagan Case, Says Chief

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Atlanta Journal Monday, May 26th, 1913 Chief Detective Declares He Has No Direct Evidence of Attempt to Influence Witnesses, as Published CONLEY STICKS TO STORY UNDER SEVERE GRILLING His Statement That He Wrote Notes at Frank's Dictation a Disturbing Element—Search for Evidence Continues Chief of Detectives Lanford positively denied to The Journal Monday afternoon that he has secured any proof of efforts to bribe witnesses in the Phagan case proper. The official made this statement, when questioned about the numerous rumors and reports of bribery of witnesses, some of which have been published and given general circulation. Chief Lanford states

Monday, 26th May 1913 Lay Bribery Effort to Franks Friends

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Mrs. Nina Fomby, woman who made affidavit that Leo M. Frank had telephoned to her on the day of Mary Phagan's death trying to get a room for himself and a girl. Atlanta Georgian Monday, May 26th, 1913 Chief of Detectives Lanford was given two papers Monday accusing friends of Leo M. Frank of attempting to bribe a man and a woman to swear that they saw Mary Phagan at 10:30 Saturday night, April 26, at a soda fountain at Marietta and Forsyth Streets. These papers were given Lanford by A. S. Colyar, whose entrance into the Phagan case has

Monday, 26th May 1913 Mason Blocks Attempt to Oust Chief

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Atlanta Georgian Monday, May 26th, 1913 Police Board Minority as Anxious to Overthrow Chairman as Beavers and Lanford. Well informed politicians declared Monday that any efforts to remove Chief of Police Beavers and Chief of Detectives Newport Lanford were doomed to failure because of the support of the two officers by Carlos Mason, chairman of the Police Board, and his supporters. Despite rumors of changes of line-up on account of developments of the last few days, all indications are that, if the issue of removing Beavers and Lanford is made, the relative strength of the two old factions will remain

Monday, 26th May 1913 Mayor Eager to Bring Back Tenderloin, Declares Chief

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Atlanta Georgian Monday, May 26th, 1913 Chief of Police James L. Beavers issued a statement Monday forenoon defying his accusers to prove that he had been guilty of any act of moral turpitude as Chief of Police or as a citizen. He characterized the attack by Colonel Thomas B. Felder merely as an effort to detract attention from his own (Felder's) actions. Referring to A. S. Colyar, in his sweeping denial of the charges that have been made against the police department, he made the pertinent observation, "that it many times required a crook to turn up another crook." "I

Monday, 26th May 1913 Mayor Gives Out Sizzling Reply to Chief Beavers

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Atlanta Georgian Monday, May 26th, 1913 Mayor James G. Woodward Monday gave out a sizzling interview in reply to Police Chief Beavers' accusations, which he concluded with this statement: "If Beavers and Lanford authorized February . ‘a trusted man,' to go out and tell lies about corruption in the department in an effort to trap somebody, they are unworthy to hold the places they occupy, and the sooner they are put out the better it will be for the police department and the city. "February has proved that he is not fit to serve in the police department in any

Monday, 26th May 1913 New Witnesses in Phagan Case Found by Police

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Atlanta Constitution Monday, May 26th, 1913 Reported Two Telephone Operators Will Swear to Conversations Held Over the Pencil Factory's Line. GAVE THEIR TESTIMONY BEFORE THE GRAND JURY A. S. Colyar Confers With Chief Beavers on Bribery Allegations—Case Now in Its Infancy, Says Chief. With the entire city aroused over the recent sensational Felder bribery charges and counter charges of graft and corruption in the police department, investigation of the Mary Phagan mystery continues. Police headquarters was elated Sunday over the progress and over new developments which have arisen. New testimony has been given by girl telephone operators relative to conversations

Monday, 26th May 1913 Pinkerton Man Says Frank is Guilty

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Atlanta Georgian Monday, May 26th, 1913 Pencil Factory Owners Told Him Not to Shield Superintendent, Scott Declares. Harry Scott, assistant superintendent of the Pinkertons, announced Monday his belief that Leo M. Frank was responsible for the slaying of 14-year-old Mary Phagan April 26. He added that his agency had been working on this theory from the time its services were engaged by officials of the National Pencil Company, two days after the crime. Scott previously had said the Pinkertons were on the case to find the guilty man, even though it might be Frank. His latest statement is believed to

Monday, 26th May 1913 Thorough Probe of Charges Against Felder and Latters Charges Against Police Asked

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Atlanta Journal Monday, May 26th, 1913 "I Shall Lay Evidence Gathered by the Detectives and Col. Felder's Charges of Graft and Corruption All Before the Grand Jury," Says the Chief, "Asking That a Searching Investigation Be Made So That the Whole Truth Shall Come Out" "ONE CROOK FREQUENTLY TURNS UP ANOTHER," DECLARES CHIEF IN STATEMENT MONDAY MORNING Mayor Woodward Gives Out Interview, Answering the Chief and Denying That He Has Hampered Him in His Crusade. He Says Chief Should Clean Up Center of the City—Hints of an Investigation by Police Board—Col. Felder Has No Statement Monday After giving out a

Monday, 26th May 1913 Thousands in Atlanta Living the Life of Mary Phagans MurdererRev. W. W. Memminger

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Atlanta Constitution Monday, May 26th, 1913 "Thousands of people in Atlanta are living the lives today that the murderer of Mary Phagan lived, and which culminated in the atrocious crime," declared Rev. W. W. Memminger, pastor of All Saints' Episcopal church. In a sermon yesterday morning which he devoted in great part to pleading for a better standard of morals in the daily life of man and woman. The woman who uses paint and powder, who dances the turkey trot and who dresses in a suggestive manner came in for scathing remarks from the rector, but the man who boasts

Monday, 26th May 1913 Tobie Tried to Kidnap Incubator Baby, Says Topeka Police Official

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Atlanta Journal Monday, May 26th, 1913 That the past career and record of C. W. Tobie, the Burns investigator who came to Atlanta to probe the Phagan mystery for Colonel Thomas B. Felder, is being investigated by the local police is shown by a telegram received by Chief of Police J. L. Beavers Monday morning. The telegram was from the chief of police of Topeka, Kan., and reads as follows: "Tobie tried to kidnap incubator baby at Sedan, Kan., but failed, being employed by Detective Tillotson. Subsequently Tillotson kidnaped the child at Topeka and was convicted, but Tobie was not

Monday, 26th May 1913 Will Take Charge of Graft to Grand Jury for Vindication

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Thomas B. Felder, and his expansive smile. This photograph was taken before Chief Beavers started out to make him prove his charges. What sort of a smile will Felder wear when Beavers gets through with him? Atlanta Georgian Monday, May 26th, 1913 Chief of Police Beavers and Chief of Detectives Lanford both stated emphatically Monday that they intended to go to the full limit of the law in making Thomas B. Felder prove his charges of graft in the police department. Both Beavers and Lanford will take the matter before the Grand Jury, and they will take other action in
