Tuesday, 21st October 1913: Fisher Under Third Degree Shirley’s Accuser In Cell, The Atlanta Georgian
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The Atlanta Georgian,Tuesday, 21st October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMNS 1, 3, & 7.PAGE 1, COLUMN 3FLASHLIGHT AT THE POLICE STATION OF MYSTERIOUS WITNESS PRINCIPALSJ. C. Shirley,the merchantnamed byFisher asMary Phagan'sslayer.On the leftI. W. Fisher,The mysterywitness isSeen facingChief ofDetectivesLanford.PAGE 1, COLUMN 7DETECTIVES SEEK TO REVEAL PLOT AGAINST FURNITURE MERCHANTPolice, Tuesday, considered the exoneration of J. C. Shirleycomplete. Charles J. Graham, attorney for the man accused by IraW. Fisher of the murder of Mary Phagan, and that was as yetundecided whether Fisher's accusations were the ravings of adiseased and dope-steeped mind or the first evidence of a deep-laid plot with Fisher as the