Author: Historical Librarian

Sunday, 8th June 1913 Scathing Replies Made to Letters Attacking Them

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  Atlanta Journal Sunday, June 8th, 1913 Colyar Addresses Felder as "Dictograph Tommy" and "My Dear Co-conspirator in Crime" SEND HIM TO CREMATORY, SAYS DETECTIVE CHIEF J. R. Gray Said: "I Have No Comment to Make—Mr. Felder's Controversy Is With A. S. Colyar" Replying to the open letters of Thomas B. Felder, attacking them, A. S. Colyar and Chief of Detectives N. A. Lanford last night gave to The Journal statements, denouncing Mr. Felder in unmeasured terms. Chief of Police James L. Beavers, who was also the subject of attack, was out of the city and, therefore, could not be

Sunday, 8th June 1913 Solicitor Makes No Reply to Mrs. Frank

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  Atlanta Journal Sunday, June 8, 1913 Hugh M. Dorsey Has No Comment to Make on Mrs. Frank's Letter Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey has declined to make any answer to the published statement of Mrs. Leo M. Frank, charging him with allowing the use of "torture" to force people to make false statements against her husband, who is charged by a grand jury indictment with the murder of Mary Phagan. In her statement, Mrs. Frank flayed the solicitor general, charging that it is evident from his card that he believes that he is perfectly justifiable in using testimony procured

You Are There: Solicitor Makes No Reply to Mrs. Frank, Atlanta Journal, June 8th, 1913

Solicitor Makes No Reply to Mrs. Frank Atlanta JournalSunday, June 8, 1913 Hugh M. Dorsey Has No Comment to Make on Mrs. Frank's Letter Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey has declined to make any answer to the published statement of Mrs. Leo M. Frank, charging him with allowing the use of "torture" to force people to make false statements against her husband, who is charged by a grand jury indictment with the murder of Mary Phagan. In her statement, Mrs. Frank flayed the solicitor general, charging that it is evident from his card that he believes that he is perfectly

Sunday, 8th June 1913 Three Open Letters Given Out Saturday by Thos. B. Felder

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Atlanta Journal Sunday, June 8th, 1913 In One of These Letters He Reopens His Controversy With A. S. Colyar About the Dictograph Episode SAYS LANFORD CONSPIRED TO TAKE HIM TO S. C. He Also Makes Another Personal Attack Upon Detective Chief—Declares Beavers Is Unfitted for His Office Thomas B. Felder, the attorney who was dictographed by the city detectives, Saturday afternoon gave out open letters addressed to James R. Gray, editor of The Journal, Chief of Police James L. Beavers, and Chief of Detectives Newport A. Lanford. These letters purported to be an exposure of what Mr. Felder has characterized

Monday, 9th June 1913 Defense to Make Next Move in Phagan Case

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Atlanta Journal Monday, June 9th, 1913 Apparently Prosecuting Officials Consider Their Investigation Complete Chief of Detectives Lanford has announced that Jim Conley, the negro sweeper, who is the state's principal witness in the case against Leo M. Frank, indicted for the murder of Mary Phagan, will not be cross-examined again unless he voluntarily sends for the officers to make a statement. It is known that no developments have changed the theory of the prosecuting authorities, and it is apparent from the remark of Chief Lanford and other statements that the officials consider the investigation of the Phagan murder as complete,

You Are There: Defense to Make Next Move in Phagan Case, Atlanta Journal, June 9th, 1913

Defense to Make Next Move in Phagan Case Atlanta JournalMonday, June 9th, 1913 Apparently Prosecuting Officials Consider Their Investigation Complete Chief of Detectives Lanford has announced that Jim Conley, the negro sweeper, who is the state's principal witness in the case against Leo M. Frank, indicted for the murder of Mary Phagan, will not be cross-examined again unless he voluntarily sends for the officers to make a statement. It is known that no developments have changed the theory of the prosecuting authorities, and it is apparent from the remark of Chief Lanford and other statements that the officials consider the

Monday, 9th June 1913 Foreman Tells Why He Holds Conley Guilty

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Atlanta Georgian Monday, June 9th, 1913 R. P. Barrett, in Letter to Georgian, Gives Reasons for Suspecting Negro of Crime. R. P. Barrett, foreman of the metal department at the National Pencil Factory, in a letter to The Georgian Monday, gives his reasons for believing that Jim Conley, negro sweeper at the plant, attacked and strangled Mary Phagan. It was Barrett who found the strands of hair on the lathing machine in his department. This is supposed to be where the girl was thrown against the machine in her struggles. Later Barrett testified positively that the blood stains in the

You Are There: Foreman Tells Why He Holds Conley Guilty, Atlanta Georgian, June 9th, 1913

Foreman Tells Why He Holds Conley Guilty Atlanta GeorgianMonday, June 9th, 1913 R. P. Barrett, in Letter to Georgian, Gives Reasons for Suspecting Negro of Crime. R. P. Barrett, foreman of the metal department at the National Pencil Factory, in a letter to The Georgian Monday, gives his reasons for believing that Jim Conley, negro sweeper at the plant, attacked and strangled Mary Phagan. It was Barrett who found the strands of hair on the lathing machine in his department. This is supposed to be where the girl was thrown against the machine in her struggles. Later Barrett testified positively

Monday, 9th June 1913 Rosser Asks Grand Jury Grill for Conley

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The Atlanta Georgian June 9, 1913 Luther Z. Rosser, chief of counsel for Leo M. Frank, issued the first public statement Tuesday that he has made since the arrest of the factory superintendent six weeks ago on the suspicion of being the murderer of Mary Phagan. He took occasion to point out many of the absurdities in the stories of the negro Jim Conley, and paid his respects in a forcible manner both to Chief of Detectives Lanford and Colonel Thomas B. Felder, who have been accusing each other of trying to protect Frank. Mr. Rosser explained the violation of

Tuesday, 10th June 1913 Eyewitness to Phagan Slaying Sought

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Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, June 10th, 1913 Story That Companion of Conley Saw Him Strike Down Girl Opens New Clews. Jim Conley, whose sensational story has made him an accessory after the fact in the murder of Mary Phagan, is sticking closely to the details he unfolded in his remarkable affidavit, according to his attorney, William M. Smith. Mr. Smith said Tuesday morning that Conley has varied in no essential particular from the original tale of his part in the disposal of the body of the strangled girl, under the direction of Leo Frank. To Mr. Smith and others who have

You Are There: Eyewitness to Phagan Slaying Sought, Atlanta Georgian, June 10th, 1913

Eyewitness to Phagan Slaying Sought Atlanta GeorgianTuesday, June 10th, 1913 Story That Companion of Conley Saw Him Strike Down Girl Opens New Clews. Jim Conley, whose sensational story has made him an accessory after the fact in the murder of Mary Phagan, is sticking closely to the details he unfolded in his remarkable affidavit, according to his attorney, William M. Smith. Mr. Smith said Tuesday morning that Conley has varied in no essential particular from the original tale of his part in the disposal of the body of the strangled girl, under the direction of Leo Frank. To Mr. Smith

Tuesday, 10th June 1913 Indictment of Felder and Fain Asked

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The Atlanta Georgian June 10, 1913 Assistant Solicitor E. A. Stephens virtually admitted this afternoon that Police Commissioner W. P. Fain had been indicted. There was a division of the vote, it was said, but the majority was for indictment. With blank bills of indictment against Attorney Thomas B. Felder and Police Commissioner W. P. Fain under consideration, the vice probe by the Fulton County Grand Jury took a sensational turn Tuesday. Two witnesses told of disorder and rowdyism in a house at 40 East Harris Street, in which the Police Commissioner was said to have been involved. The disorder,

Tuesday, 10th June 1913 Leo Frank Reported Ready for His Trial

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  Atlanta Constitution Tuesday, June 10, 1913 Many Witnesses Are Being Examined Every Day by Attorneys for the Defense That counsel for Leo Frank is ready for trial was freely reported over the city Monday. Attorney Luther Z. Rosser, his lawyer, when asked regarding this report, gave the reply that has been characteristic of his attitude during the Phagan case. "I have nothing to say." He would in nowise commit himself. It is understood, however, that Mr. Rosser has informed friends that the defense is ready and that there will be no delay in putting it before the jury, which

You Are There: Leo Frank Reported Ready for His Trial, Atlanta Constitution, June 10th, 1913

Leo Frank Reported Ready for His Trial Atlanta ConstitutionTuesday, June 10, 1913 Many Witnesses Are Being Examined Every Day by Attorneys for the Defense That counsel for Leo Frank is ready for trial was freely reported over the city Monday. Attorney Luther Z. Rosser, his lawyer, when asked regarding this report, gave the reply that has been characteristic of his attitude during the Phagan case. "I have nothing to say." He would in nowise commit himself. It is understood, however, that Mr. Rosser has informed friends that the defense is ready and that there will be no delay in putting

Tuesday, 10th June 1913 Luther Z. Rosser, Attorney for Frank, Trains His Guns on City Detective Chief

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  The Atlanta Journal Tuesday, June 10, 1913 SAYS CHIEF LANFORD IS NOT SEEKING FOR TRUTH OF MURDER He Charges That the Detective Chief Has Banked His Sense and Reputation on Proving Frank Guilty "WHY HASN'T CONLEY BEEN BEFORE JURY?" Attorney Declares Evidence All Points to Negro—Says Felder-Lanford Controversy Unfair to His Client Luther Z. Rosser, chief counsel for Leo M. Frank, the pencil factory superintendent, who is under indictment for the murder of Mary Phagan, Tuesday afternoon broke his persistent silence regarding the case and gave out a statement for publication. Mr. Rosser gives as a reason for this

You Are There: Luther Z. Rosser, Attorney for Frank, Trains His Guns on City Detective Chief, Atlanta Journal, June 10th, 1913

Luther Z. Rosser, Attorney for Frank, Trains His Guns on City Detective Chief The Atlanta JournalTuesday, June 10, 1913 SAYS CHIEF LANFORD IS NOT SEEKING FOR TRUTH OF MURDER He Charges That the Detective Chief Has Banked His Sense and Reputation on Proving Frank Guilty "WHY HASN'T CONLEY BEEN BEFORE JURY?" Attorney Declares Evidence All Points to Negro—Says Felder-Lanford Controversy Unfair to His Client Luther Z. Rosser, chief counsel for Leo M. Frank, the pencil factory superintendent, who is under indictment for the murder of Mary Phagan, Tuesday afternoon broke his persistent silence regarding the case and gave out a

Wednesday, 11th June 1913 Asks Beavers to Investigate Affidavit

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The Atlanta Georgian Wednesday, June 11, 1913 Chief of Detectives Newport Lanford telegraphed Chief of Police Beavers in Washington, D. C., Wednesday morning to investigate the origin of the affidavit bearing the signature of George M. Gentry in connection with the dictograph plot. The detective chief asked Chief Beavers to find Jeannette Henning, the notary in the national capital who swore Gentry to his statement, and ascertain if the stenographer signed the affidavit which was brought to Atlanta by Detective E. O. Miles. The telegram asked that a minute investigation of the statement be made and the conditions under which

Wednesday, 11th June 1913 Conley’s Status in Phagan Case May Be Changed Wednesday

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  The Atlanta Journal June 11, 1913 Petition Will Be Presented to Judge Roan by Solicitor Dorsey but Its Nature Is Not Made Known ROSSER'S CARD CAUSES ACTIVITY BEHIND SCENES Negro May Be Put Back in the Tower – Solicitor Dorsey Says: "I Am Trying to Run State's Case Myself" The report became current Wednesday afternoon shortly after 3 o'clock that the new development in the Phagan case would be a withdrawal by the state of its petition in court whereunder James Conley, the negro, is held as a material witness. Shortly before 3 o'clock, William Smith, attorney for the

Wednesday, 11th June 1913 Dictograph Records Crooked, Says Gentry

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The Atlanta Constitution June 11, 1913 NOTEBOOK WILL PROVE REPORTS WERE ‘PADDED,' HE SAYS IN AFFIDAVIT Young Stenographer, Who Made the Report of the Conversation in Room No. 31 Williams House, Voluntarily Makes Statement Before a Notary Public in the City of Washington D. C., Where He Is Employed. ASSERTS THAT HE LEFT ATLANTA WHEN INFORMED OVER TELEPHONE HE MIGHT BE PUT UNDER ARREST Swears That A. S. Colyar Has Made Effort to Purchase His Original Notes, Which Are Now in Possession of His Brotheró"Grand Jury Should Make an Investigation" Declares Mayor James G. Woodward. The sworn charge that the

You Are There: Dictograph Records Crooked, Says Gentry, Atlanta Constitution, June 11th, 1913

Dictograph Records Crooked, Says Gentry The Atlanta ConstitutionJune 11, 1913 NOTEBOOK WILL PROVE REPORTS WERE ‘PADDED,' HE SAYS IN AFFIDAVIT Young Stenographer, Who Made the Report of the Conversation in Room No. 31 Williams House, Voluntarily Makes Statement Before a Notary Public in the City of Washington D. C., Where He Is Employed. ASSERTS THAT HE LEFT ATLANTA WHEN INFORMED OVER TELEPHONE HE MIGHT BE PUT UNDER ARREST Swears That A. S. Colyar Has Made Effort to Purchase His Original Notes, Which Are Now in Possession of His Brotheró"Grand Jury Should Make an Investigation" Declares Mayor James G. Woodward. The

Wednesday, 11th June 1913 Felder Returns Phagan Fund to Givers

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The Atlanta Georgian June 11, 1913 Attorney Explains Disposition of Money Subscribed to Secure Burns' Services. Colonel Thomas B. Felder Wednesday issued an itemized statement of the funds subscribed by Atlanta citizens, to secure the employment of the Burns Detective Agency to investigate the Phagan mystery, to show that these funds had been returned to the donors. According to Mr. Felder's statement, but $102 was actually subscribed. This amount was placed in the hands of Curtis N. Anderson, a member and treasurer of the law firm of Felder, Anderson, Dillon & Whitman. In a letetr to Colonel Felder, dated June

Wednesday, 11th June 1913 Gentry Now Says Dictograph Record Was Tampered With

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Atlanta Journal Wednesday, June 11th, 1913 Detective E. O. Miles Gives Out Affidavit From Young Stenographer Repudiating Transcript He Swore to AFFIDAVIT OBTAINED IN WASHINGTON D. C. G. C. Febuary Gives Out a Statement, Telling How Notes Were Transcribed and Affidavits Made The accuracy of the now famous pictograph records of alleged conversations between Thomas B. Felder, Mayor Woodward, C. C. Jones, E. O. Miles, G. C. Febuary and A. S. Colyar is attacked in an affidavit which E. O. Miles has turned over to Mayor Woodward and which he says he obtained from George M. Gentry, the young stenographer

You Are There: Grand Jury Will Probe Affidavits About Dictagraph, Atlanta Journal, June 11th, 1913

Grand Jury Will Probe Affidavits About Dictagraph The Atlanta ConstitutionJune 12, 1913 Investigation of Charges and Counter Charges Will Begin at Early Date and Will Be Exhaustive One. LANFORD SAYS GENTRY WILL DENY AFFIDAVIT Affidavit Is Made Declaring Dictagraph Instrument Was Secured by Chief Lanford For Use in Phagan Case. Following close on the heels of the publication of the George M. Gentry affidavit, in which the young stenographer states that his typewritten report of the dictagraph conversation was padded, and says that he left town after he had discovered that he had fallen in with a "crowd of crooks,"

Wednesday, 11th June 1913 Lanford Silent on Rosser’s Card

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  The Atlanta Constitution June 11, 1913 Detective Chief Says He Has No Reply to Make to the Charges of Counsel for Leo M. Frank. Following the public letter written yesterday by Luther Z. Rosser, counsel for Leo Frank, Detective Chief Newport Lanford said that he had no reply to make to the charges and that hereafter he intended to adopt a policy of silence. The chief smiled frequently while reading the attorney's statement, but be positively declined to comment on it. "Henceforth," he stated briefly, "It will be the attitude of the detective department to avoid publicity. It should

Wednesday, 11th June 1913 Plot Exposed, Says Felder, But Lanford Doubts Affidavit

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The Atlanta Georgian Wednesday, June 11, 1913 In New Sworn Statement Gentry Declares He Came to Realize He Was Dealing with "Bunch of Crooks"—Charges Lanford and Beavers Names Were Inserted. That the dictograph conversations in which it was plotted to trap Colonel Thomas B. Felder, Mayor Woodward and C. C. Jones were padded and altered in meaning is the sensational charge brought back to Atlanta in an affidavit sworn to by George M. Gentry, who fled to Washington after the conversations, in their alleged garbled form, had been offered for publication by A. S. Colyar, Jr., and printed. Gentry's charges

Wednesday, 11th June 1913 Police Hold Conley By Courts Order

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Atlanta Georgian Wednesday, June 11th, 1913 Judge Roan Gives Suspect Chance to Show Why He Should Not Be Released. The Phagan case took a queer turn Wednesday afternoon when Judge Roan, apparently stirred by Luther Z. Rosser's araignment of the way Jim Conley has been "petted" by the police, issued notice to suspects in the mystery that they will be given opportunity Friday to show cause why the negro should not be released from custody as a suspect. However, the move is strictly legal in character, Conley, through his attorney, W. M. Smith, having signed a written statement to stay

You Are There: Police Hold Conley By Court’s Order, Atlanta Georgian, June 11th, 1913

Police Hold Conley By Court's Order Atlanta GeorgianWednesday, June 11th, 1913 Judge Roan Gives Suspect Chance to Show Why He Should Not Be Released. The Phagan case took a queer turn Wednesday afternoon when Judge Roan, apparently stirred by Luther Z. Rosser's araignment of the way Jim Conley has been "petted" by the police, issued notice to suspects in the mystery that they will be given opportunity Friday to show cause why the negro should not be released from custody as a suspect. However, the move is strictly legal in character, Conley, through his attorney, W. M. Smith, having signed

Wednesday, 11th June 1913 T. B. Felder Accounts for Subscriptions Received

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The Atlanta Journal June 11, 1913  Says Only $102 Was Paid Into Fund to Employ Burns Detectives Attorney Thomas B. Felder Wednesday morning issued a card to the public in which he accounts for the funds subscribed to employ the Burns detectives to work upon the Phagan murder case. He reports that but $102 was collected. Mr. Felder announces that all subscriptions paid in have been returned to the subscribers and that those who have subscribed but have not yet paid are not expected to do submits a letter and detailed statement from C. N. Anderson, the treasurer of his

Thursday, 12th June 1913 Chief Beavers Unable to Locate Gentry

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The Atlanta Journal June 12, 1913 He Wires Chief Lanford That Young Stenographer Can't Be Found All efforts on the part of Detective Chief Lanford to locate George M. Gentry, the stenographer who wrote the famous dictograph records, have failed. Following the publication Wednesday of an affidavit from Gentry made in Washington, D. C., in which the young stenographer charged that the dictograp records were padded after he had written them. Chief Lanford wired to Police Chief James L. Beavers, who is attending the police chief's convention in that city, to locate Gentry. Thursday afternoon, Chief Lanford received the following

Thursday, 12th June 1913 Courts Order May Result in Meeting of Negro and Frank

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Atlanta Journal Thursday, June 12th, 1913 Jim Conley, Negro Sweeper, Accusing Witness in Phagan Case, Sure to Appear Before Judge Roan Friday A. M. STATE MAY DEMAND THAT FRANK APPEAR THERE TOO Through Judge's Order, Defense Gets Chance to Quiz Negro—State Then May Force Long-Sought Meeting The probability that Leo M. Frank, accused of the murder of Mary Phagan, and Jim Conley, negro witness against him, may face each other Friday, developed Thursday morning from the acute situation which arose Wednesday when Judge L. S. Roan issued a rule niel calling on any one to show cause why the negro

You Are There: Court’s Order May Result in Meeting of Negro and Frank, Atlanta Journal, June 12th, 1913

Court's Order May Result in Meeting of Negro and Frank Atlanta JournalThursday, June 12th, 1913 Jim Conley, Negro Sweeper, Accusing Witness in Phagan Case, Sure to Appear Before Judge Roan Friday A. M. STATE MAY DEMAND THAT FRANK APPEAR THERE TOO Through Judge's Order, Defense Gets Chance to Quiz Negro—State Then May Force Long-Sought Meeting The probability that Leo M. Frank, accused of the murder of Mary Phagan, and Jim Conley, negro witness against him, may face each other Friday, developed Thursday morning from the acute situation which arose Wednesday when Judge L. S. Roan issued a rule niel calling

Thursday, 12th June 1913 Face Conley and Frank, Lanford Urges

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The Atlanta Georgian Thursday, June 12, 1913 Detective Chief Ready to Have Accuser Confront Prisoner Before Grand Jury. New sensations are expected in the Phagan mystery Friday morning when the petition of Solicitor Dorsey for the revocation of the order holding James Conley as a material witness is heard before Judge L. S. Roan. Luther Z. Rosser, attorney for Leo Frank, will be afforded his first opportunity formally to present his reasons for the holding of James Conley, not only as a material witness in the baffling murder mystery, but as an actual suspect. While it is not anticipated that

You Are There: Face Conley and Frank, Lanford Urges, Atlanta Georgian, June 12th, 1913

Face Conley and Frank, Lanford Urges The Atlanta GeorgianThursday, June 12, 1913 Detective Chief Ready to Have Accuser Confront Prisoner Before Grand Jury. New sensations are expected in the Phagan mystery Friday morning when the petition of Solicitor Dorsey for the revocation of the order holding James Conley as a material witness is heard before Judge L. S. Roan. Luther Z. Rosser, attorney for Leo Frank, will be afforded his first opportunity formally to present his reasons for the holding of James Conley, not only as a material witness in the baffling murder mystery, but as an actual suspect. While

Thursday, 12th June 1913 Grand Jury Will Probe Affidavits About Dictagraph

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  The Atlanta Constitution June 12, 1913 Investigation of Charges and Counter Charges Will Begin at Early Date and Will Be Exhaustive One. LANFORD SAYS GENTRY WILL DENY AFFIDAVIT Affidavit Is Made Declaring Dictagraph Instrument Was Secured by Chief Lanford For Use in Phagan Case. Following close on the heels of the publication of the George M. Gentry affidavit, in which the young stenographer states that his typewritten report of the dictagraph conversation was padded, and says that he left town after he had discovered that he had fallen in with a "crowd of crooks," comes the assurance that the

You Are There: Grand Jury Will Probe Affidavits About Dictagraph, Atlanta Constitution, June 12th, 1913

Grand Jury Will Probe Affidavits About Dictagraph The Atlanta ConstitutionJune 12, 1913 Investigation of Charges and Counter Charges Will Begin at Early Date and Will Be Exhaustive One. LANFORD SAYS GENTRY WILL DENY AFFIDAVIT Affidavit Is Made Declaring Dictagraph Instrument Was Secured by Chief Lanford For Use in Phagan Case. Following close on the heels of the publication of the George M. Gentry affidavit, in which the young stenographer states that his typewritten report of the dictagraph conversation was padded, and says that he left town after he had discovered that he had fallen in with a "crowd of crooks,"

Friday, 13th June 1913 Beavers Trying to Find Gentry

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  The Atlanta Constitution June 13, 1913 Felder Says He Will Be Produced at the Proper Time. Notary Declares Affidavit Is Genuine. Miss Jeannette Henning, the notary public whose official seal was attached to the affidavit made recently by George Gentry, has informed The Constitution that she took the document from him last Monday, and that although it is genuine, she does not know its contents. She states that she had never met Gentry prior to the time he made the affidavit. Chief Beavers, who has for the past several days been attending the convention of national police chiefs in

Friday, 13th June 1913 Judge Roan to Decide Conleys Jail Fate

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Atlanta Georgian Friday, June 13th, 1913 Chief of Detectives Lanford Receives No Order to Take the Negro Sweeper to Court. A more explicit accusation of murder against Jim Conley, negro sweeper at the National Pencil Factory, than has yet been made since his name has been connected with the Phagan mystery, was expected Friday morning when Luther Z. Rosser, attorney for Leo Frank, was to appear before Judge L. S. Roan to combat Solicitor Dorsey's move to keep Conley at the police station and away from the tower. The probability that Conley, accuser, and Frank, accused, would be brought face

You Are There: Judge Roan to Decide Conley’s Jail Fate, Atlanta Georgian, June 13th, 1913

Judge Roan to Decide Conley's Jail Fate Atlanta GeorgianFriday, June 13th, 1913 Chief of Detectives Lanford Receives No Order to Take the Negro Sweeper to Court. A more explicit accusation of murder against Jim Conley, negro sweeper at the National Pencil Factory, than has yet been made since his name has been connected with the Phagan mystery, was expected Friday morning when Luther Z. Rosser, attorney for Leo Frank, was to appear before Judge L. S. Roan to combat Solicitor Dorsey's move to keep Conley at the police station and away from the tower. The probability that Conley, accuser, and

Friday, 13th June 1913 Luther Z. Rosser Declares Detectives Dare Not Permit Jim Conley to Talk Freely

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Luther Z. Rosser, leading attorney in the defense of the indicted pencil factory superintendent. He was snapshotted Friday morning while on his way to the court house to protest to Judge Roan against James Conley, the negro sweeper, remaining in the custody of the city detectives. The Atlanta Journal Friday, June 13, 1913 "Conley and His Counsel Are Wise—Their Hope Is That the Detectives Will Save Negro From a Confession, Giving Him Immunity, Provided He Continues to Put Guilt on Frank" Several sensational points are contained in the written answer which Rosser & Brandon, attorneys for Leo M. Frank, made

Friday, 13th June 1913 Negro Conley May Face Frank Today

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  The Atlanta Constitution June 13, 1913 Hearing Before Judge Roan Today Will Decide Whether Negro Will Be Sent to Tower. Whether James Conley, the negro sweeper, who swears that Leo Frank got his aid in disposing of Mary Phagan's body and made him write the notes found near her, will be held as a material witness in the county jail or turned free and re-arrested by detectives as a suspect and then kept at police station, is due to be decided at 10 o'clock on the hearing of the rule nisi before Judge L. S. Roan. The question of Conley's

You Are There: Negro Conley May Face Frank Today, Atlanta Constitution, June 13th, 1913

Negro Conley May Face Frank Today The Atlanta ConstitutionJune 13, 1913 Hearing Before Judge Roan Today Will Decide Whether Negro Will Be Sent to Tower. Whether James Conley, the negro sweeper, who swears that Leo Frank got his aid in disposing of Mary Phagan's body and made him write the notes found near her, will be held as a material witness in the county jail or turned free and re-arrested by detectives as a suspect and then kept at police station, is due to be decided at 10 o'clock on the hearing of the rule nisi before Judge L. S.

Friday, 13th June 1913 Negro Freed But Jailed Again On Suspicion

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The Atlanta Georgian Friday, June 13, 1913 Rosser Declares ‘Gibbering Statements' Point Out Sweeper as Guilty of Slaying. James Conley, self-confessed accessory after the fact in the murder of Mary Phagan, Friday was discharged by Judge L. S. Roan entirely from the custody of the State on the petition of Solicitor Dorsey. Technically free, Conley was at once rearrested and held by the police on suspicion in the murder mystery. The action of Judge Roan constituted a victory for Solicitor Dorsey, who was fighting to prevent the authorities returning Conley to the Tower, from which he had been taken on

Friday, 13th June 1913 Solicitor H. M. Dorsey Wins in First Clash; L. Z. Rosser Declares Procedure a Farce

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Atlanta Journal Friday, June 13th, 1913 Conley is Prisoner of City Detectives, Not of State, Now Conley Says His Attorney Believes Idea of Transfer Originated With Friends of Frank, to Harm Him JUSTICE WARRANT MAY ROB DORSEY OF VICTORY As Negro Is Held Simply on Suspicion, Any Citizen Might Secure Transfer to Tower on J. P. Warrant James Conley, the negro sweeper, passed from the custody of the superior court Friday morning, and Solicitor General Dorsey won the first legal point in the prosecution of Leo M. Frank, who has been indicted for the murder of Mary Phagan. Judge L.

You Are There: Solicitor H. M. Dorsey Wins in First Clash; L. Z. Rosser Declares Procedure a Farce, Atlanta Journal, June 13th, 1913

Solicitor H. M. Dorsey Wins in First Clash; L. Z. Rosser Declares Procedure a Farce Atlanta JournalFriday, June 13th, 1913 Conley is Prisoner of City Detectives, Not of State, Now Conley Says His Attorney Believes Idea of Transfer Originated With Friends of Frank, to Harm Him JUSTICE WARRANT MAY ROB DORSEY OF VICTORY As Negro Is Held Simply on Suspicion, Any Citizen Might Secure Transfer to Tower on J. P. Warrant James Conley, the negro sweeper, passed from the custody of the superior court Friday morning, and Solicitor General Dorsey won the first legal point in the prosecution of Leo

Saturday, 14th June 1913 Asks Jury to Resume Probe of Dictograph

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The Atlanta Journal Saturday, June 14, 1913. Attorney Felder Wants Gentry Affidavit Weighed—Foreman Beck Non-committal Thomas B. Felder, the attorney, is said to have requested Foreman L. H. Beck, of the Fulton county grand jury, to take up an investigation of an affidavit alleged to have been signed by George W. Gentry in which it is charged that the famous dictograph records were padded. Mr. Felder took up the matter with the grand jury foreman by letter, it is said, and stated that he was ready to produce young Gentry whenever the jury needs him. Gentry is said to be

Saturday, 14th June 1913 Col. Felder Asks Early Jury Probe

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  The Atlanta Constitution Saturday, June 14, 1913. Requests Investigation of the Gentry Affidavit—A. S. Colyar Is Not in Atlanta Now Colonel Thomas B. Felder yesterday requested that the grand jury make an early investigation of the affidavit submitted by George Gentry in which he declared that the dictagraph records were padded. On Friday afternoon he forwarded a letter to L. H. Beck, foreman of the jury, in which he asked that body to look into the matter as early as possible. Offering to appear before the jury at any time, Colonel Felder assured Mr. Beck that he could place

Saturday, 14th June 1913 Conley Released, Then Rearrested

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  The Atlanta Constitution Saturday, June 14, 1913 After a short hearing in his chambers yesterday Judge L. S. Roan, of the superior court, revoked his former order holding James Conley, the negro sweeper, as a material witness in the Phagan case, and ordered his release from the custody of the state. The negro was immediately rearrested and held by city detectives on a charge of suspicion. By this the detective department and Solicitor Hugh Dorsey won their first point, as had the negro been ordered held by the state, he would have been transferred to the Tower and placed

You Are There: Conley Released, Then Rearrested, Atlanta Constitution, June 14th, 1913

Conley Released, Then Rearrested The Atlanta ConstitutionSaturday, June 14, 1913 After a short hearing in his chambers yesterday Judge L. S. Roan, of the superior court, revoked his former order holding James Conley, the negro sweeper, as a material witness in the Phagan case, and ordered his release from the custody of the state. The negro was immediately rearrested and held by city detectives on a charge of suspicion. By this the detective department and Solicitor Hugh Dorsey won their first point, as had the negro been ordered held by the state, he would have been transferred to the Tower

Saturday, 14th June 1913 Sheriff Mangum Near End, Says Lawyer Smith

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The Atlanta Georgian Saturday, June 14, 1913 Attorney for Conley Injects Politics Into Dispute Over Negro's Place of Confinement. William M. Smith, counsel for James Conley, confessed accessory after the fact in the killing of Mary Phagan, in a statement Saturday sought to make a political issue out of his controversy with Sheriff Mangum over the alleged treatment Conley received while in the Tower. Attorney Smith employed references to his own previous statement that the jail was five stories high; was divided into four wings with seventeen cell blocks distributed over five floors, to discredit Sheriff Mangum's characterization of the

Saturday, 14th June 1913 Solicitor H. M. Dorsey Leaves for New York

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The Atlanta Journal Saturday, June 14, 1913 Declares Visit Has Nothing to Do With Phagan Case, Which Is Complete Hugh M. Dorsey, solcilictor general of the Atlanta circuit, left Atlanta for New York and Atlantic City on Saturday afternoon at 2:45 o'clock. Mr. Dorsey states that he will be away from the city for a week, and is going simply to get a needed rest, and vacation from the duties of his office. He denies that his visit to New York has anything to do with the case against Leo M. Frank, who is charged with the murder of Mary

You Are There: Solicitor H. M. Dorsey Leaves for New York, Atlanta Journal, June 14th, 1913

Solicitor H. M. Dorsey Leaves for New York The Atlanta JournalSaturday, June 14, 1913 Declares Visit Has Nothing to Do With Phagan Case, Which Is Complete Hugh M. Dorsey, solcilictor general of the Atlanta circuit, left Atlanta for New York and Atlantic City on Saturday afternoon at 2:45 o'clock. Mr. Dorsey states that he will be away from the city for a week, and is going simply to get a needed rest, and vacation from the duties of his office. He denies that his visit to New York has anything to do with the case against Leo M. Frank, who

Saturday, 14th June 1913 State Takes Advantage of Points Known

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The Atlanta Georgian Saturday, June 14, 1913 With certain of the strong defenses of Leo M. Frank exposed by the preliminary battle over the custody of the negro Conley, the prosecution in the Phagan murder mystery went to work on the case to-day with its first definite idea of the sort of a stronghold it must assault. It was assured that the accused man's lawyers would not rest with fighting suspicion away from Frank, but would seek to fasten the guilt so firmly upon Conley that Frank not only would be acquitted, but that he would be cleared of every

You Are There: State Takes Advantage of Points Known, Atlanta Georgian, June 14th, 1913

State Takes Advantage of Points Known The Atlanta GeorgianSaturday, June 14, 1913 With certain of the strong defenses of Leo M. Frank exposed by the preliminary battle over the custody of the negro Conley, the prosecution in the Phagan murder mystery went to work on the case to-day with its first definite idea of the sort of a stronghold it must assault. It was assured that the accused man's lawyers would not rest with fighting suspicion away from Frank, but would seek to fasten the guilt so firmly upon Conley that Frank not only would be acquitted, but that he

Sunday, 15th June 1913 Detective Chief Tells Grand Jury of “Third Degree”

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  The Atlanta Constitution Sunday, June 15, 1913 Questions Put to Lanford Indicate That Investigation of Police Methods Is Being Conducted. TORTURE ERA IS PAST, CHIEF INFORMS JURY Science and Skill Now Employed by Detectives in Securing Confessions From Criminals, He Says. The police "third degree," which has created such widespread discussion during the Mary Phagan murder investigation, has been thoroughly explained to the grand jury by Detective Chief Newport A. Lanford, who appeared before that body at its request. Detective John Black, of headquarters, who has been an active figure in the Phagan case, is also said to have

Sunday, 15th June 1913 Frank A. Hooper to Aid State in Frank Trial

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The Atlanta Journal Sunday, June 15, 1913 Former Solicitor at Americus Engaged to Assist Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey That the trial of Leo M. Frank will be a legal battle as brilliant as any ever fought in Atlanta is assured by Solicitor Dorsey's announcement that Frank A. Hooper, Atlanta lawyer and former solicitor general of the southwestern superior court circuit, has been retained to assist the prosecution. With the case of the state in the hands of Solicitor Dorsey and Mr. Hooper and the defense resting with Luther Z. Rosser and Herbert Haas the contest is certain to be replete

Sunday, 15th June 1913 Frank Hooper Aids Phagan Prosecution

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The Atlanta Constitution Sunday, June 15, 1913 Solicitor General Hugh Dorsey Announces His Associate in Big Case. Just before leaving yesterday afternoon for New York, Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey announced that Attorney Frank A. Hooper would be associated with him in the prosecution growing out of the murder of Mary Phagan. Saying that Mr. Hooper was his personal choice, Dorsey also stated that Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Coleman, parents of the victim, had been consulted and had directed him to employ such counsel as he desired and that his choice of Mr. Hooper satisfied the Colemans. Attorney Hooper

You Are There: Frank Hooper Aids Phagan Prosecution, Atlanta Constitution, June 15th, 1913

Frank Hooper Aids Phagan Prosecution The Atlanta ConstitutionSunday, June 15, 1913 Solicitor General Hugh Dorsey Announces His Associate in Big Case. Just before leaving yesterday afternoon for New York, Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey announced that Attorney Frank A. Hooper would be associated with him in the prosecution growing out of the murder of Mary Phagan. Saying that Mr. Hooper was his personal choice, Dorsey also stated that Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Coleman, parents of the victim, had been consulted and had directed him to employ such counsel as he desired and that his choice of Mr. Hooper satisfied

Sunday, 15th June 1913 Gentry, Found by Journal, Says Notes Will Show Enough to Justify What Was Sworn To

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The Atlanta Journal Sunday, June 15, 1913 "Upon Reading My Notes Before the Court It Will Be Proven That There Is Enough of It There to Justify What Was Written and Sworn to be Me as Being Practically the Gist of What Was Said," Says Young Stenographer of Dictograph Records Transcribed by Him "I WAS ALLOWED TO READ PROOF OF WHAT WAS PUBLISHED ABOUT FELDER CONFERENCE," HE SAYS "As Far as What The Journal Published, Will Say, as Far as I Can Remember, What They Printed Were the Facts In a General Way, and the Changes Were Immaterial." Located by

You Are There: Gentry, Found by Journal, Says Notes Will Show Enough to Justify What Was Sworn To, Atlanta Journal, June 15th, 1913

Gentry, Found by Journal, Says Notes Will Show Enough to Justify What Was Sworn To The Atlanta JournalSunday, June 15, 1913 "Upon Reading My Notes Before the Court It Will Be Proven That There Is Enough of It There to Justify What Was Written and Sworn to be Me as Being Practically the Gist of What Was Said," Says Young Stenographer of Dictograph Records Transcribed by Him "I WAS ALLOWED TO READ PROOF OF WHAT WAS PUBLISHED ABOUT FELDER CONFERENCE," HE SAYS "As Far as What The Journal Published, Will Say, as Far as I Can Remember, What They Printed

Sunday, 15th June 1913 Solicitor Dorsey Goes to New York

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The Atlanta Constitution Sunday, June 15, 1913 Grand Jury Will Probably Take Up the Dictagraph Probe While He Is Away. With the departure of Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey for New York yesterday afternoon, whither he declares he is going for a week's rest, and the announcement of Foreman L. H. Beck, of the grand jury, that only routine criminal business will be taken up at the meeting on Tuesday, comes a peculiar situation, as hitherto the solicitor's pretense has been considered necessary for the indictment of the regular class of criminals, and only when investigating on their own accord

Monday, 16th June 1913 Col. Thomas Felder Goes to Cincinnati

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The Atlanta Constitution Monday, June 16, 1913 Says Trip Has Nothing to Do With That of Solicitor Dorsey Following the departure of Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey for Atlantic City Saturday afternoon, Col. Thomas B. Felder left Sunday afternoon at 5:10 o'clock for Cincinnati. He said that his trip had no connection whatever with that of the solicitor general. He would not disclose his object in going to Cincinnati, however, and said only that he would be in the Ohio city for several days. Business was his motive in leaving, he declared, although he would not tell what business he

Monday, 16th June 1913 Colyar Returns Promising Sensation

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The Atlanta Georgian Monday, June 16, 1913 A. S. Colyar is in Atlanta again, promising to spring some more sensations. The investigator who engineered the dictographing of Thomas B. Felder and Mayor Woodward has been in Washington. He sent a letter to Atlanta before him, saying he objected to being made a goat. It is believed Colyar saw George M. Gentry while in Washington and got from him an affidavit. This is said to be much the same as the one printed admitting that the dictograph records had been padded, as charged in Gentry's recent affidavit, but that the general

Monday, 16th June 1913 Constitution Picture Will Figure in Trial

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The Atlanta Constitution Monday, June 16, 1913 Solicitor Wants Photograph of Spot Where Mary Phagan's Body Was Found A flashlight picture, made by The Constitution's staff photographer is to be used as evidence by the prosecution in the trial of Leo M. Frank. This was made evident Sunday afternoon when Detective John Starnes applied to a Constitution reporter for the photograph of the spot in the pencil factory basement, where Mary Phagan's body was discovered. Starnes would not state why he wanted the picture, saying only that it would be used by the prosecution. He was extremely desirous of getting

You Are There: Constitution Picture Will Figure in Trial, Atlanta Constitution, June 16th, 1913

Constitution Picture Will Figure in Trial The Atlanta ConstitutionMonday, June 16, 1913 Solicitor Wants Photograph of Spot Where Mary Phagan's Body Was Found A flashlight picture, made by The Constitution's staff photographer is to be used as evidence by the prosecution in the trial of Leo M. Frank. This was made evident Sunday afternoon when Detective John Starnes applied to a Constitution reporter for the photograph of the spot in the pencil factory basement, where Mary Phagan's body was discovered. Starnes would not state why he wanted the picture, saying only that it would be used by the prosecution. He

Monday, 16th June 1913 Dorsey Aide Says Frank Is Fast In Net

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The Atlanta Georgian Monday, June 16, 1913 Attorney Hooper Declares State Is Prepared for Any Move the Defense May Make. Frank A. Hooper, the well-known criminal lawyer who has been engaged to assist Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey in the trial of Leo M. Frank for the alleged murder of Mary Phagan, said Monday that the case was complete and was ready for presentation in court at any time. Mr. Hooper asserted that the attorneys interested in the prosecution had investigated every angle of the mystery so thoroughly and fortified themselves against any defense that Frank will present, that practically

You Are There: Dorsey Aide Says Frank Is Fast In Net, Atlanta Georgian, June 16th, 1913

Dorsey Aide Says Frank Is Fast In Net The Atlanta GeorgianMonday, June 16, 1913 Attorney Hooper Declares State Is Prepared for Any Move the Defense May Make. Frank A. Hooper, the well-known criminal lawyer who has been engaged to assist Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey in the trial of Leo M. Frank for the alleged murder of Mary Phagan, said Monday that the case was complete and was ready for presentation in court at any time. Mr. Hooper asserted that the attorneys interested in the prosecution had investigated every angle of the mystery so thoroughly and fortified themselves against any

Monday, 16th June 1913 Felder Leaves Atlanta on Trip to Cincinnati

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The Atlanta Journal Monday, June 16, 1913 Thomas B. Felder, the attorney, left Atlanta for Cincinnati Sunday afternoon to be away from the city on a business trip for several days. The absence of Mr. Felder from the city is taken as indication that the grand jury will not take up an investigation of the famous dictograph episode this week, if it makes such a probe at all. Mr. Felder declared that his trip has nothing to do with the dictograph case. He stated that he expected to return within a week. The foreman of the grand jury, L. H.

Monday, 16th June 1913 Hooper Wants a Rest For Public From Case

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The Atlanta Journal Monday, June 16, 1913 Attorney Associated With Prosecution, Says State Is Ready for Frank Trial With Solicitor General Dorsey away on a short vacation, the state's case against Leo M. Frank, who is charged with the murder of Mary Phagan, is now in charge of Frank A. Hooper, the well known attorney, who is associated with the solicitor. "The state's case is complete," Mr. Hooper said Monday morning, "and we are waiting quietly for the trial on the 30th of the month to come." "If the defense will stop writing cards," continued Mr. Hooper, "and stop having

You Are There: Hooper Wants a Rest For Public From Case, Atlanta Journal, June 16th, 1913

Hooper Wants a Rest For Public From Case The Atlanta JournalMonday, June 16, 1913 Attorney Associated With Prosecution, Says State Is Ready for Frank Trial With Solicitor General Dorsey away on a short vacation, the state's case against Leo M. Frank, who is charged with the murder of Mary Phagan, is now in charge of Frank A. Hooper, the well known attorney, who is associated with the solicitor. "The state's case is complete," Mr. Hooper said Monday morning, "and we are waiting quietly for the trial on the 30th of the month to come." "If the defense will stop writing

You Are There: Constitution Picture Will Figure in Trial, Atlanta Constitution, June 17th, 1913

Constitution Picture Will Figure in Trial The Atlanta ConstitutionMonday, June 16, 1913 Solicitor Wants Photograph of Spot Where Mary Phagan's Body Was Found A flashlight picture, made by The Constitution's staff photographer is to be used as evidence by the prosecution in the trial of Leo M. Frank. This was made evident Sunday afternoon when Detective John Starnes applied to a Constitution reporter for the photograph of the spot in the pencil factory basement, where Mary Phagan's body was discovered. Starnes would not state why he wanted the picture, saying only that it would be used by the prosecution. He

Tuesday, 17th June 1913 Guessers See a Mystery in Dorsey-Hooper Trips

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The Atlanta Journal Tuesday, June 17, 1913 Speculation About Departure of Phagan Case Figures Not Credited, However What is believed to be but a coincidence in the unheralded out-of-town trips of Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey, Attorney Frank A. Hooper, who is to assist the solicitor in the prosecution of Leo M. Frank, and Attorney Thomas B. Felder, has given rise to a rumor that these lawyers really have gone on a secret mission of importance and one connected with the Phagan case. Solicitor Dorsey left Atlanta Saturday afternoon, saying he was going to Atlantic City and New York for

You Are There: Guessers See a Mystery in Dorsey-Hooper Trips, Atlanta Journal, June 17th, 1913

Guessers See a Mystery in Dorsey-Hooper Trips The Atlanta JournalTuesday, June 17, 1913 Speculation About Departure of Phagan Case Figures Not Credited, However What is believed to be but a coincidence in the unheralded out-of-town trips of Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey, Attorney Frank A. Hooper, who is to assist the solicitor in the prosecution of Leo M. Frank, and Attorney Thomas B. Felder, has given rise to a rumor that these lawyers really have gone on a secret mission of importance and one connected with the Phagan case. Solicitor Dorsey left Atlanta Saturday afternoon, saying he was going to

Tuesday, 17th June 1913 Sensations in Phagan Case at Hand

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  The Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, June 17, 1913 Out-of-Town Trips Believed To Be of Great Importance—Defense Has Strong Evidence. Frank A. Hooper, associate counsel with Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey in the prosecution of the Phagan murder mystery, left Atlanta Monday for a trip to Indianapolis. Attorney Hooper was the third man closely connected with the Phagan case to leave town within a space of three days. Colonel Thomas B. Felder, who took an active part in the hunt for the slayer of Mary Phagan until the dictograph controversy arose, left Sunday, saying that he was going to Cincinnati. He

You Are There: Sensations in Phagan Case at Hand, Atlanta Georgian, June 17th, 1913

Sensations in Phagan Case at Hand The Atlanta GeorgianTuesday, June 17, 1913 Out-of-Town Trips Believed To Be of Great Importance—Defense Has Strong Evidence. Frank A. Hooper, associate counsel with Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey in the prosecution of the Phagan murder mystery, left Atlanta Monday for a trip to Indianapolis. Attorney Hooper was the third man closely connected with the Phagan case to leave town within a space of three days. Colonel Thomas B. Felder, who took an active part in the hunt for the slayer of Mary Phagan until the dictograph controversy arose, left Sunday, saying that he was

Wednesday, 18th June 1913 Rush Plans for Trial of Leo Frank

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  The Atlanta Georgian Wednesday, June 18, 1913 Extensive Preparations Made to Accommodate Great Crowd Expected at Hearing. When twelve books of evidence of more than 100 pages each were turned over to the Solicitor's office Wednesday morning by his stenographers, Assistant Solicitor General E. A. Stephens announced the State could now go to trial on 48 hours' notice. No evidence would be introduced, he said, except by witnesses who had already been questioned by the Solicitor. To bring out the salient points in the evidence of each witness, the Solicitor plans to question them from the books. They will

You Are There: Rush Plans for Trial of Leo Frank, Atlanta Georgian, June 18th, 1913

Rush Plans for Trial of Leo Frank The Atlanta GeorgianWednesday, June 18, 1913 Extensive Preparations Made to Accommodate Great Crowd Expected at Hearing. When twelve books of evidence of more than 100 pages each were turned over to the Solicitor's office Wednesday morning by his stenographers, Assistant Solicitor General E. A. Stephens announced the State could now go to trial on 48 hours' notice. No evidence would be introduced, he said, except by witnesses who had already been questioned by the Solicitor. To bring out the salient points in the evidence of each witness, the Solicitor plans to question them

Wednesday, 18th June 1913 Two New Witnesses Sought by Officers

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The Atlanta Constitution Wednesday, June 18, 1913 Former Girl Employee and a Machanic May Testify Against Frank. Two new witnesses may be used by the state in the prosecution of Leo Frank when his trial is held on June 30. Chief Lanford is investigating the reported statement of a young girl living near Roswell and of a mechanic who resides near East Point. The former, a lass of 17, is said to have been employed in the pencil factory two years ago. For the past year or more she has been living with her parents at their home just outside

You Are There: Two New Witnesses Sought by Officers, Atlanta Constitution, June 18th, 1913

Two New Witnesses Sought by Officers The Atlanta ConstitutionWednesday, June 18, 1913 Former Girl Employee and a Machanic May Testify Against Frank. Two new witnesses may be used by the state in the prosecution of Leo Frank when his trial is held on June 30. Chief Lanford is investigating the reported statement of a young girl living near Roswell and of a mechanic who resides near East Point. The former, a lass of 17, is said to have been employed in the pencil factory two years ago. For the past year or more she has been living with her parents

Wednesday, 18th June 1913 Will Reuben R. Arnold Aid Frank’s Defense?

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The Atlanta Journal Wednesday, June 18, 1913 Mr. Arnold and Luther Z. Rosser Both Decline to Discuss Report Circulated The rumor that Reuben R. Arnold, famous Georgia lawyer, will be associated with the defense of Leo M. Frank, indicted for the Mary Phagan murder, is persistent. Luther Z. Rosser, who has been retained in the case since Frank was first arrested, refused to deny or affirm the rumor. It is intimated, however, that negotiations are not complete as yet. Mr. Arnold himself, when questioned about the rumor, refused to discuss it in any way, and his silence has added weight

You Are There: Will Reuben R. Arnold Aid Frank’s Defense?, Atlanta Journal, June 18th, 1913

Will Reuben R. Arnold Aid Frank's Defense? The Atlanta JournalWednesday, June 18, 1913 Mr. Arnold and Luther Z. Rosser Both Decline to Discuss Report Circulated The rumor that Reuben R. Arnold, famous Georgia lawyer, will be associated with the defense of Leo M. Frank, indicted for the Mary Phagan murder, is persistent. Luther Z. Rosser, who has been retained in the case since Frank was first arrested, refused to deny or affirm the rumor. It is intimated, however, that negotiations are not complete as yet. Mr. Arnold himself, when questioned about the rumor, refused to discuss it in any way,

Thursday, 19th June 1913 Blow Aimed at Formby Story

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The Atlanta Georgian Thursday, June 19, 1913 DEFENSE HAS WITNESSES TO REFUTE WOMAN Learns Identity of Other Persons in Home on Night of the Phagan Slaying. That the defense in the trial of Leo M. Frank will be able, if it wishes, to produce three or four witnesses who will testify that the affidavit of Mrs. Mima Formby is untrue was discovered Thursday when the identity of the other persons in the house of Mrs. Formby, 400 Piedmont Avenue, the night of April 26, when Mary Phagan was murdered, was learned. It was from Mrs. Formby that the detectives obtained

You Are There: Blow Aimed at Formby Story, Atlanta Georgian, June 19th, 1913

Blow Aimed at Formby Story The Atlanta GeorgianThursday, June 19, 1913 DEFENSE HAS WITNESSES TO REFUTE WOMANLearns Identity of Other Persons in Home on Night of the Phagan Slaying. That the defense in the trial of Leo M. Frank will be able, if it wishes, to produce three or four witnesses who will testify that the affidavit of Mrs. Mima Formby is untrue was discovered Thursday when the identity of the other persons in the house of Mrs. Formby, 400 Piedmont Avenue, the night of April 26, when Mary Phagan was murdered, was learned. It was from Mrs. Formby that

Thursday, 19th June 1913 Hooper Returns and Takes Up Phagan Case

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The Atlanta Journal Thursday, June 19, 1913 Declares Trip to Cincinnati Had Nothing to oD With Murder Mystery Frank A. Hooper, the experienced prosecutor, who has been engaged to assist Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey in the trial of the case against Leo M. Frank, returned Thursday from a three days' trip to Cincinnati, and set at rest the rumors that he went to the Ohio city on a matter connected with the investigation of the Phagan murder mystery. Mr. Hooper declared that his private business called him to Cincinnati, and that his trip was in no way connected with the

You Are There: Hooper Returns and Takes Up Phagan Case, Atlanta Journal, June 19th, 1913

Hooper Returns and Takes Up Phagan Case The Atlanta JournalThursday, June 19, 1913 Declares Trip to Cincinnati Had Nothing to oD With Murder Mystery Frank A. Hooper, the experienced prosecutor, who has been engaged to assist Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey in the trial of the case against Leo M. Frank, returned Thursday from a three days' trip to Cincinnati, and set at rest the rumors that he went to the Ohio city on a matter connected with the investigation of the Phagan murder mystery. Mr. Hooper declared that his private business called him to Cincinnati, and that his trip was

Thursday, 19th June 1913 Mrs. Formby Here for Phagan Trial

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The Atlanta Constitution Thursday, June 19, 1913 Woman Declares She Will Appear in Court and Will Corroborate Sensational Affidavit to Police. Mima Formby, the rooming housekeeper of 400 Piedmont avenue, who made the affidavit declaring that Leo Frank had telephoned her on the night of Mary Phagan's murder in an endeavor to rent a room to which he could bring a girl, has returned to Atlanta after a disappearance of several weeks. To a reporter for The Constitution she stated yesterday afternoon that she intended remaining in the city until time of the Phagan trial and that she would appear

Thursday, 19th June 1913 Reuben Arnold May Aid Frank’s Defense In Big Murder Trial

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The Atlanta Constitution Thursday, June 19, 1913 When questioned last night as to the truth of the rumor that he will be associated with the defense of Leo M. Frank, indicted for the Mary Phagan murder, Reuben R. Arnold, one of Georgia's most prominent attorneys, refused to either affirm or deny the rumor. "I am not associated with the defense yet," Mr. Arnold said. "I cannot make any statement at the present time in regard to this matter." When questioned closely as to whether he would be engaged by the defense later on, Mr. Arnold made the same statement. Luther

You Are There: Reuben Arnold May Aid Frank’s Defense In Big Murder Trial, Atlanta Constitution, June 19th, 1913

Reuben Arnold May Aid Frank's Defense In Big Murder Trial The Atlanta ConstitutionThursday, June 19, 1913 When questioned last night as to the truth of the rumor that he will be associated with the defense of Leo M. Frank, indicted for the Mary Phagan murder, Reuben R. Arnold, one of Georgia's most prominent attorneys, refused to either affirm or deny the rumor. "I am not associated with the defense yet," Mr. Arnold said. "I cannot make any statement at the present time in regard to this matter." When questioned closely as to whether he would be engaged by the defense

Friday, 20th June 1913 Formby Woman May Not Be A Witness

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The Atlanta Constitution Friday, June 20, 1913 State Declares Its Case Against Frank Is Now Complete Dorsey Still Absent Because of the inconsistency of her statement with the state's outline of prosecution, Chief Lanford intimates that Mima Formby , the roominghouse keeper of 400 Piedmont avenue, will not be called to the stand in Leo Frank's trial. He does not state this positively, however, but it is the general opinion that such will be the prosecution's action. Mrs. Formby has stated to a Constitution reporter that she is ready to testify against the factory superintendent and that she will remain

You Are There: Formby Woman May Not Be A Witness, Atlanta Constitution, June 20th, 1913

Formby Woman May Not Be A Witness The Atlanta ConstitutionFriday, June 20, 1913 State Declares Its Case Against Frank Is Now Complete Dorsey Still Absent Because of the inconsistency of her statement with the state's outline of prosecution, Chief Lanford intimates that Mima Formby , the roominghouse keeper of 400 Piedmont avenue, will not be called to the stand in Leo Frank's trial. He does not state this positively, however, but it is the general opinion that such will be the prosecution's action. Mrs. Formby has stated to a Constitution reporter that she is ready to testify against the factory

Friday, 20th June 1913 Frank Case May Not Be Tried June 30

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The Atlanta Journal Friday, June 20, 1913 Dorsey Expects to Be Ready, He Says, but Postponement Seems Probable That Leo M. Frank will go on trial for the murder of Mary Phagan on June 30th is not a certainty, although it is generally conceded that Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey will set the case on the court's calendar for that date when he returns to the city from New York. Solicitor Dorsey will return to Atlanta on Sunday. In reply to a telegram from The Journal relative to the time of the trial he makes the following statement: "Cannot say definitely

You Are There: Frank Case May Not Be Tried June 30, Atlanta Journal, June 20th, 1913

Frank Case May Not Be Tried June 30 The Atlanta JournalFriday, June 20, 1913 Dorsey Expects to Be Ready, He Says, but Postponement Seems Probable That Leo M. Frank will go on trial for the murder of Mary Phagan on June 30th is not a certainty, although it is generally conceded that Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey will set the case on the court's calendar for that date when he returns to the city from New York. Solicitor Dorsey will return to Atlanta on Sunday. In reply to a telegram from The Journal relative to the time of the trial he

Friday, 20th June 1913 Frank Trial Will Not Be Long One

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The Atlanta Georgian Friday, June 20, 1913 Few Witnesses of the Scores Examined Will Be Called When Case Is Heard. That the trial of Leo M. Frank will take a much shorter time that is generally thought was indicated in a statement by Judge L. S. Roan. The judge said the greatest difficulty and almost as great a length of time would be consumed in drawing a jury as in the hearing of the case. He said the actual taking of evidence might not consume more than a day. Judge Roan intimated that he expected neither side to introduce the

You Are There: Frank Trial Will Not Be Long One, Atlanta Georgian, June 20th, 1913

Frank Trial Will Not Be Long One The Atlanta GeorgianFriday, June 20, 1913 Few Witnesses of the Scores Examined Will Be Called When Case Is Heard. That the trial of Leo M. Frank will take a much shorter time that is generally thought was indicated in a statement by Judge L. S. Roan. The judge said the greatest difficulty and almost as great a length of time would be consumed in drawing a jury as in the hearing of the case. He said the actual taking of evidence might not consume more than a day. Judge Roan intimated that he

Saturday, 21st June 1913 Date of Frank Trial Still In Much Doubt

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The Atlanta Journal Saturday, June 21, 1913 Belief Grows That Case Will Not Come Up Before July 14 or 28 Interest in the Phagan case still centers on the time of the trial of Leo M. Frank. Indications still are that the case will not be tried the week of June 30. Solicitor Dorsey has never finally committed himself on the matter but Colonel Frank A. Hooper, who is associated him, still expects the case to be set for that date. Mr. Hooper expects the trial to last a week. The jail will not have been cleared by June 30,

You Are There: Date of Frank Trial Still In Much Doubt, Atlanta Journal, June 21st, 1913

Date of Frank Trial Still In Much Doubt The Atlanta JournalSaturday, June 21, 1913 Belief Grows That Case Will Not Come Up Before July 14 or 28 Interest in the Phagan case still centers on the time of the trial of Leo M. Frank. Indications still are that the case will not be tried the week of June 30. Solicitor Dorsey has never finally committed himself on the matter but Colonel Frank A. Hooper, who is associated him, still expects the case to be set for that date. Mr. Hooper expects the trial to last a week. The jail will

Saturday, 21st June 1913 Justice Aim in Phagan Case, Says Hooper

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The Atlanta Georgian Saturday, June 21, 1913 I have not been employed in the case to prosecute Leo M. Frank, but to help find and convict the murderer of Mary Phagan. If the trial proves we are wrong, we will begin work on another angle. We have but one object and idea. It is that justice and the law be vindicated. We are, however, convinced we have a strong case against the accused. FRANK A. HOOPER, Attorney. Mrs. Mina Formby and her sensational affidavit will not be used by the State in the trial of Leo M. Frank, according to

You Are There: Justice Aim in Phagan Case, Says Hooper, Atlanta Georgian, June 21st, 1913

Justice Aim in Phagan Case, Says Hooper The Atlanta GeorgianSaturday, June 21, 1913 I have not been employed in the case to prosecute Leo M. Frank, but to help find and convict the murderer of Mary Phagan. If the trial proves we are wrong, we will begin work on another angle. We have but one object and idea. It is that justice and the law be vindicated. We are, however, convinced we have a strong case against the accused.FRANK A. HOOPER,Attorney. Mrs. Mina Formby and her sensational affidavit will not be used by the State in the trial of Leo

Saturday, 21st June 1913 Postponement Likely In Leo Frank’s Trial

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The Atlanta Constitution Saturday, June 21, 1913 Doubt is expressed around the Fulton superior court that Leo M. Frank, superintendent of the National Pencil factory, now under indictment for the murder of Mary Phagan, an employee, on the afternoon or night of April 26, will go to trial during June. This date was the one upon which the solicitor had suggested that the trial might be held, but it is believed that if the state should prove to be ready at that time, that the defense would move to postpone the trial, pending further investigation and preparation on their part.

You Are There: Postponement Likely In Leo Frank’s Trial, Atlanta Constitution, June 21st, 1913

Postponement Likely In Leo Frank's Trial The Atlanta ConstitutionSaturday, June 21, 1913 Doubt is expressed around the Fulton superior court that Leo M. Frank, superintendent of the National Pencil factory, now under indictment for the murder of Mary Phagan, an employee, on the afternoon or night of April 26, will go to trial during June. This date was the one upon which the solicitor had suggested that the trial might be held, but it is believed that if the state should prove to be ready at that time, that the defense would move to postpone the trial, pending further investigation

Sunday, 22nd June 1913 Arnold Declares Frank Innocent and Enters Case

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REUBEN R. ARNOLD, Able attorney, who declares he would not have entered case were he not firmly convinced of Leo M. Frank's innocence. The Atlanta Journal Sunday, June 22, 1913 Famous Lawyer Says He Wouldn't Defend Man Accused of Such Crime Unless Sure of His Innocence SCORES CITY DETECTIVES FOR HOLDING TO THEORY Mr. Arnold Says Detectives Have Tried to Prejudice the Case by Unfair Means—Has Studied Evidence Reuben R. Arnold, famous Georgia lawyer, has officially entered the Phagan case in the defense of Leo M. Frank, as exclusively forecasted by The Journal last Thursday. Mr. Arnold comes into the

Sunday, 22nd June 1913 Arnold to Aid Frank

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Reuben Arnold, noted Atlanta lawyer, who in a statement to The Sunday American says he will help defend Leo M. Frank, accused of slaying Mary Phagan. The Atlanta Georgian Sunday, June 22, 1913 Declares Prisoner is Innocent Has Studied Case Deeply, He Says Noted Lawyer, in Statement to Sunday American, Tells Why He Has Decided to Take Up the Defense of the Accused Man. Negro Conley, in New Interview, Asserts He Is Eager to Face Leo M. Frank in Court and Repeat Story of Alleged Part in Crime. Positive confirmation of the report that he would be one of counsel

You Are There: Arnold to Aid Frank, Atlanta Georgian, June 22nd, 1913

Arnold to Aid Frank Reuben Arnold, noted Atlanta lawyer, who in a statement to The Sunday American says he will help defend Leo M. Frank, accused of slaying Mary Phagan. The Atlanta GeorgianSunday, June 22, 1913 Declares Prisoner is Innocent Has Studied Case Deeply, He Says Noted Lawyer, in Statement to Sunday American, Tells Why He Has Decided to Take Up the Defense of the Accused Man. Negro Conley, in New Interview, Asserts He Is Eager to Face Leo M. Frank in Court and Repeat Story of Alleged Part in Crime. Positive confirmation of the report that he would be

Sunday, 22nd June 1913 Col. Felder Returns From Trip to Ohio

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The Atlanta Constitution Sunday, June 22, 1913 Journey Had No Relation to the Phagan Mystery or Dictagraph Incident, He Says. Colonel T. B. Felder returned Saturday from a six-day trip to Cincinnati. Much speculation was created by his departure for Ohio last Sunday and it was hinted that he had made the journey in interest of his recent connection with the famous dictagraph plot. It was also reported that he had gone behalf of the Mary Phagan investigation, in which he has been an active figure. His departure within less than twenty-four hours after Solicitor General Hugh Dorsey had left

Sunday, 22nd June 1913 Frank Not Guilty of Phagan Murder Declares Arnold

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The Atlanta Constitution Sunday, June 22, 1913 Prominent Atlanta Lawyer Engaged to Aid in Defense of Pencil Factory Superintendent. NO WHITE MAN KILLED GIRL, ASSERTS LAWYER Formby and Conley Statements Should Not Be Given Credence So Far as They Tend to Incriminate Frank, He Says. Reuben R. Arnold, perhaps the best-known attorney in Georgia, has been engaged to aid the defense of Leo M. Frank, the suspected pencil factory superintendent, in the Mary Phagan mystery. This announcement was made from his office yesterday afternoon. In a statement that was furnished each of the newspapers, Mr. Arnold attacks the detectives for

You Are There: Frank Not Guilty of Phagan Murder Declares Arnold, Atlanta Constitution, June 22nd, 1913

Frank Not Guilty of Phagan Murder Declares Arnold The Atlanta ConstitutionSunday, June 22, 1913 Prominent Atlanta Lawyer Engaged to Aid in Defense of Pencil Factory Superintendent. NO WHITE MAN KILLED GIRL, ASSERTS LAWYER Formby and Conley Statements Should Not Be Given Credence So Far as They Tend to Incriminate Frank, He Says. Reuben R. Arnold, perhaps the best-known attorney in Georgia, has been engaged to aid the defense of Leo M. Frank, the suspected pencil factory superintendent, in the Mary Phagan mystery. This announcement was made from his office yesterday afternoon. In a statement that was furnished each of the

Sunday, 22nd June 1913 Jurors, Not Newspapers, To Return Frank Verdict, Declares Old Reporter

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    The Atlanta Georgian Sunday, June 22, 1913 Writer Declares He Has Only Worked for Fair Trial and Fair Play—Race Question Is No Issue in Phagan Case—Rosser Not Writer. By AN OLD POLICE REPORTER. There were few developments in the Phagan case last week that to my mind were worth considering seriously or that threw new light upon the mystery. Perhaps it was because of this that a good many people wrote letters to "The Old Police Reporter"—some commending my articles, others condemning them; but in every case indicating clearly that the interest has not lessened. I observe that

Sunday, 22nd June 1913 Leading Law Firms Have Joined Forces

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The Atlanta Constitution Sunday, June 22, 1913 Of especial interest in legal circles is the announcement that two of the leading law firms of Atlanta have joined forces, under the firm name of Rosser, Brandon, Slaton & Phillips. They will begin operation with offices on the west end of the seventh floor of the Grant building on July 1. Associated with the firm will be Luther Z. Rosser, Morris Brandon, John M. Slaton, Benjamin Z. Phillips, J. H. Porter, I. S. Hopkins, L. Z. Rosser Jr., V. B. Moore, J. J. Ragan, and James J. Slaton. Governor elect Slaton has

You Are There: Rosser and Brandon Join With Slaton and Phillips, Atlanta Journal, June 22nd, 1913

Rosser & Brandon Join With Slaton & Phillips The Atlanta JournalSunday, June 22, 1913 Two Big Atlanta Law Firms Go Into Partnership Beginning July 1 The law firm of Rosser & Brandon and Slaton & Phillips have formed a partnership beginning July 1, and will be known by the firm name of Rosser, Brandon, Slaton & Phillips, with offices on the seventh floor of the Grant building, the Slaton & Phillips suite being enlarged to accommodate the new firm. There will be in the new firm the following: Luther Z. Rosser, Morris Brandon, John M. Slaton, Ben Z. Phillips, J.

Sunday, 22nd June 1913 Rosser & Brandon Join With Slaton & Phillips

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The Atlanta Journal Sunday, June 22, 1913 Two Big Atlanta Law Firms Go Into Partnership Beginning July 1 The law firm of Rosser & Brandon and Slaton & Phillips have formed a partnership beginning July 1, and will be known by the firm name of Rosser, Brandon, Slaton & Phillips, with offices on the seventh floor of the Grant building, the Slaton & Phillips suite being enlarged to accommodate the new firm. There will be in the new firm the following: Luther Z. Rosser, Morris Brandon, John M. Slaton, Ben Z. Phillips, J. H. Porter, Stiles Hopkins, Luther Z. Rosser,

Monday, 23rd June 1913 Leo M. Frank’s Trial June 30, Says Dorsey

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    The Atlanta Constitution Monday, June 23, 1913 Solicitor General Hears Report That John Moore Will Assist in the Defense. "Unless something now turns up of which I have no knowledge at present, I will set Leo Frank's trial for June 30," said Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey yesterday on his return from a week's stay in New York city. While the solicitor's announcement has set at rest the rumors that the state would wait and set the trial for July 14 or 28, it does not necessarily mean that the trial will actually be held on that date,

You Are There: Leo M. Frank’s Trial June 30, Says Dorsey, Atlanta Constitution, June 23rd, 1913

Leo M. Frank's Trial June 30, Says Dorsey The Atlanta ConstitutionMonday, June 23, 1913 Solicitor General Hears Report That John Moore Will Assist in the Defense. "Unless something now turns up of which I have no knowledge at present, I will set Leo Frank's trial for June 30," said Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey yesterday on his return from a week's stay in New York city. While the solicitor's announcement has set at rest the rumors that the state would wait and set the trial for July 14 or 28, it does not necessarily mean that the trial will actually

Monday, 23rd June 1913 Solicitor Will Fix Frank Trial for June 30, He Says

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The Atlanta Journal Monday, June 23, 1913 Unless "Showing" Is Made in Open Court Why the Case Should Be Deferred, Trial Will Proceed MONTEEN STOVER AGAIN FIGURES IN THE CASE Detectives Question Her With View to Attacking Theory That Girl Was Slain on the First Floor Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey, it was definitely learned Monday, will set the case of the State against Leo M. Frank, charged with the murder of Mary Phagan, for June 30, and the solicitor will insist that a legal "showing" be made by the defense before a postponement is allowed. During the day Monday

You Are There: Solicitor Will Fix Frank Trial for June 30, He Says, Atlanta Journal, June 23rd, 1913

Solicitor Will Fix Frank Trial for June 30, He Says The Atlanta JournalMonday, June 23, 1913 Unless "Showing" Is Made in Open Court Why the Case Should Be Deferred, Trial Will Proceed MONTEEN STOVER AGAIN FIGURES IN THE CASE Detectives Question Her With View to Attacking Theory That Girl Was Slain on the First Floor Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey, it was definitely learned Monday, will set the case of the State against Leo M. Frank, charged with the murder of Mary Phagan, for June 30, and the solicitor will insist that a legal "showing" be made by the defense

Monday, 23rd June 1913 State Ready for Frank Trial on June 30

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The Atlanta Georgian Monday, June 23, 1913 Defense Has Announced Its Case Is Complete and Judge Roan Is Free. Prosecuting Attorney Hugh M. Dorsey announced for the State Monday morning that the trial of Leo M. Frank would be placed on the calendar for the week of June 30. The defense had announced that its case was completed and no continuance would be asked unless some unforeseen contingency arose. The trial judge, L. S. Roan, will have the most to say about the date for the trial. He intimated he would be ready on this date and would personally make

Monday, 23rd June 1913 Venire of 72 for Frank Jury Is Drawn

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The Atlanta Georgian Monday, June 23, 1913 Negro Conley Sticks to Affidavit Story When Again Cross-Examined by Dorsey. The first official action of the court in preparing for the trial of Leo M. Frank for the murder of Mary Phagan was taken Monday afternoon when Judge L. S. Roan impaneled 72 men, from whom a jury to hear the case will be sought. June 30 was agreed to by Judge Roan for the opening of the case. If a postponement is desired it will now have to be asked for in open court. As yet Judge Roan said he had

You Are There: Venire of 72 for Frank Jury Is Drawn, Atlanta Georgian, June 23rd, 1913

Venire of 72 for Frank Jury Is Drawn The Atlanta GeorgianMonday, June 23, 1913 Negro Conley Sticks to Affidavit Story When Again Cross-Examined by Dorsey. The first official action of the court in preparing for the trial of Leo M. Frank for the murder of Mary Phagan was taken Monday afternoon when Judge L. S. Roan impaneled 72 men, from whom a jury to hear the case will be sought. June 30 was agreed to by Judge Roan for the opening of the case. If a postponement is desired it will now have to be asked for in open court.

Tuesday, 24th June 1913 Both Sides Called in Conference by Judge; Trial Set for July 28

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The Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, June 24, 1913 Dorsey, Beavers and Lanford Summoned to Appear June 30 With All Affidavits They Have Secured Relative to the Phagan Slaying Case. Just before the conference with both sides in the Frank case started Judge Roan intimated strongly that he would set the case for July 14 or July 28 and hold it in some more commodious court room than the one in which he sits on the fourth floor of the Thrower building. Judge Roan's personal inclination leans to a date in July, and it is not likely that the State or defense

You Are There: Both Sides Called in Conference by Judge; Trial Set for July 28, Atlanta Georgian, June 24th, 1913

Both Sides Called in Conference by Judge; Trial Set for July 28 The Atlanta GeorgianTuesday, June 24, 1913 Dorsey, Beavers and Lanford Summoned to Appear June 30 With All Affidavits They Have Secured Relative to the Phagan Slaying Case. Just before the conference with both sides in the Frank case started Judge Roan intimated strongly that he would set the case for July 14 or July 28 and hold it in some more commodious court room than the one in which he sits on the fourth floor of the Thrower building. Judge Roan's personal inclination leans to a date in

Tuesday, 24th June 1913 Frank’s Trial Set For Next Monday

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The Atlanta Constitution Tuesday, June 24, 1913 Indications Are Case Will Begin on That Day—Jury Panel Not Yet Drawn by Judge Roan. The trial of Leo M Frank, superintendent of the National Pencil Factory, now under indictment for the murder of Mary Phagan on April 26 in the factory, has been definitely set for next Monday. This was the announcement of Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey last night after he had been working upon the court calendar for the coming week. Solicitor Dorsey announced Sunday upon his arrival from New York city where he had spent the past two weeks

You Are There: Frank’s Trial Set For Next Monday, Atlanta Constitution, June 24th, 1913

Frank's Trial Set For Next Monday The Atlanta ConstitutionTuesday, June 24, 1913 Indications Are Case Will Begin on That Day—Jury Panel Not Yet Drawn by Judge Roan. The trial of Leo M Frank, superintendent of the National Pencil Factory, now under indictment for the murder of Mary Phagan on April 26 in the factory, has been definitely set for next Monday. This was the announcement of Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey last night after he had been working upon the court calendar for the coming week. Solicitor Dorsey announced Sunday upon his arrival from New York city where he had

Tuesday, 24th June 1913 July 28 Is Date Agreed Upon for Trial of Frank

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The Atlanta Journal Tuesday, June 24, 1913 Judge Names Date After Statement From Reuben R. Arnold, In Which He Said Trial Would Last Two Weeks DEFENSE TAKES STEPS TO GET STATE'S EVIDENCE Subpenas Duces Tecum Issued, Demanding Production of Affidavits and Popers in Possession of Solicitor Leo M. Frank, accused of the slaying of Mary Phagan, will not be tried before superior court Judge L. S. Roan next Monday. The judge in a conference with attorneys at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon formally set the trial for Monday, July 28, and no attempt to reopen the questions of arraignment will be

You Are There: July 28 Is Date Agreed Upon for Trial of Frank, Atlanta Journal, June 24th, 1913

July 28 Is Date Agreed Upon for Trial of Frank The Atlanta JournalTuesday, June 24, 1913 Judge Names Date After Statement From Reuben R. Arnold, In Which He Said Trial Would Last Two Weeks DEFENSE TAKES STEPS TO GET STATE'S EVIDENCE Subpenas Duces Tecum Issued, Demanding Production of Affidavits and Popers in Possession of Solicitor Leo M. Frank, accused of the slaying of Mary Phagan, will not be tried before superior court Judge L. S. Roan next Monday. The judge in a conference with attorneys at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon formally set the trial for Monday, July 28, and no

Wednesday, 25th June 1913 Both Sides Are Ready for Trial of Frank

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The Atlanta Journal Wednesday, June 25, 1913 Few Developments Expected Between Now and July 28, Conley Is Grilled The statements made by Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey and by Reuben R. Arnold and Luther Z. Rosser, the counsel for the defense before the postponement of the trial of Leo M. Frank from June 30, the date set by the solicitor, to July 28, indicate very strongly that neither side expects further developments of importance in the investigation. Mr. Dorsey told the court that his case was complete and that he was ready for trial. All of the statements by Attorneys

You Are There: Both Sides Are Ready for Trial of Frank, Atlanta Journal, June 25th, 1913

Both Sides Are Ready for Trial of Frank The Atlanta JournalWednesday, June 25, 1913 Few Developments Expected Between Now and July 28, Conley Is Grilled The statements made by Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey and by Reuben R. Arnold and Luther Z. Rosser, the counsel for the defense before the postponement of the trial of Leo M. Frank from June 30, the date set by the solicitor, to July 28, indicate very strongly that neither side expects further developments of importance in the investigation. Mr. Dorsey told the court that his case was complete and that he was ready for

Wednesday, 25th June 1913 Conley, Put on Grill, Sticks Story

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  The Atlanta Georgian Wednesday, June 25, 1913 Police Resume Questioning of the Negro Sweeper Who Accuses Leo Frank. Puzzled by several of the statements of Jim Conley in regard to his part in the happenings the day that Mary Phagan was killed, the police have resumed the questioning from which the negro had been free since he was taken to the police station by the detectives. One point that has not been cleared up is why Conley saw every one else that went into or left the factory and yet failed to see Mary Phagan. Conley, on Sunday, was

You Are There: Conley, Put on Grill, Sticks Story, Atlanta Georgian, June 25th, 1913

Conley, Put on Grill, Sticks Story The Atlanta GeorgianWednesday, June 25, 1913 Police Resume Questioning of the Negro Sweeper Who Accuses Leo Frank. Puzzled by several of the statements of Jim Conley in regard to his part in the happenings the day that Mary Phagan was killed, the police have resumed the questioning from which the negro had been free since he was taken to the police station by the detectives. One point that has not been cleared up is why Conley saw every one else that went into or left the factory and yet failed to see Mary Phagan.

Wednesday, 25th June 1913 Reported Hoke Smith May Aid Leo Frank

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The Atlanta Constitution Wednesday, June 25, 1913 Rumor He Will Appear for Defense Emphatically Denied, However, by Senator. By John Corrigan, Jr. Washington, June 24.—Reports that Senator Hoke Smith will be associated with Luther Rosser and other lawyers for the defense in the trial of Leo M. Frank for the murder of Mary Phagan were current here today. These reports followed the visit to Washington on last Saturday of Luther Rosser, leading counsel for Frank and Ike Haas, president of the National Pencil company, which employed Frank as superintendent of the factory. Investigate Early Life. Mr. Rosser and Mr. Haas

Wednesday, 25th June 1913 Trial of Leo Frank Postponed by Judge

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The Atlanta Constitution Wednesday, June 25, 1913 Date of Trial Changed From June 30 Until July 28 at Plea of Attorneys for Defense. The first appearance in open court of the indictment against Leo M. Frank for the murder of Mary Phagan came yesterday afternoon when Judge L. S. Roan, presiding over the criminal division of superior court, summoned attorneys for both sides, and after a hearing changed the date of trial from June 30, as set by Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey, to July 28. This and the legal move by the defense in serving upon Solicitor Dorsey, Police Chief

You Are There: Trial of Leo Frank Postponed by Judge, Atlanta Constitution, June 25th, 1913

Trial of Leo Frank Postponed by Judge The Atlanta ConstitutionWednesday, June 25, 1913 Date of Trial Changed From June 30 Until July 28 at Plea of Attorneys for Defense. The first appearance in open court of the indictment against Leo M. Frank for the murder of Mary Phagan came yesterday afternoon when Judge L. S. Roan, presiding over the criminal division of superior court, summoned attorneys for both sides, and after a hearing changed the date of trial from June 30, as set by Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey, to July 28. This and the legal move by the defense in

Thursday, 26th June 1913 Call of Cool Sea Breezes and Promise of Judge to His Wife, Secrets of Frank Trial Delay

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The Atlanta Journal Thursday, June 26, 1913 There Are Many Little Reasons, of Course, but the Biggest of These Is the Simplest—Judge Roan Just Had to Keep Promise to His Charming Wife—And Nobody's Kicking, Either The trial of Leo M. Frank, which is expected to be the most brilliant legal battle in the history of the state, has been postponed for a month. There are many little reasons why the trial could not come up on June 30. And, then, there is one great big reason. The biggest reason, when analyzed, is also the simplest, as are most big things.

Thursday, 26th June 1913 Stover Girl Will Star in Frank Trial

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Judge L.S. Roan, who will preside at trial of alleged slayer of Mary Phagan. The Atlanta Georgian Thursday, June 26, 1913 State, However, Must Prove She Entered Factory Before Mary Phagan. With the selection of the court room made Thursday, all is virtually in readiness for the trial of Leo M. Frank, accused of strangling Mary Phagan. The venire of jurymen has been selected and July 28 is fixed as the date, and both sides have announced they are ready to go into court. A definite decision was reached by Judge L. S. Roan to hold the trial on the

You Are There: Stover Girl Will Star in Frank Trial, Atlanta Georgian, June 26th, 1913

Stover Girl Will Star in Frank Trial The Atlanta GeorgianThursday, June 26, 1913 State, However, Must Prove She Entered Factory Before Mary Phagan. With the selection of the court room made Thursday, all is virtually in readiness for the trial of Leo M. Frank, accused of strangling Mary Phagan. The venire of jurymen has been selected and July 28 is fixed as the date, and both sides have announced they are ready to go into court. A definite decision was reached by Judge L. S. Roan to hold the trial on the first floor of the old City Hall building.

Thursday, 26th June 1913 To Hold Frank Trial in the Old City Hall

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The Atlanta Journal Thursday, June 26, 1913 Case Will Be Heard in Courtroom Now Used by Judge Pendleton The trial of Leo M. Frank on July 28 will be held on the first floor in the old city hall building, at the corner of South Pryor and East Hunter streets. Solicitor Dorsey, Judge L. S. Roan and court attaches formally decided upon this room as the proper place to conduct the trial. The court room designated is at present occupied by Judge John T. Pendleton, of the motion division of superior court. Judge Pendleton will adjurn his court for the

You Are There: To Hold Frank Trial in the Old City Hall, Atlanta Journal, June 26th, 1913

To Hold Frank Trial in the Old City Hall The Atlanta JournalThursday, June 26, 1913 Case Will Be Heard in Courtroom Now Used by Judge Pendleton The trial of Leo M. Frank on July 28 will be held on the first floor in the old city hall building, at the corner of South Pryor and East Hunter streets. Solicitor Dorsey, Judge L. S. Roan and court attaches formally decided upon this room as the proper place to conduct the trial. The court room designated is at present occupied by Judge John T. Pendleton, of the motion division of superior court.

Friday, 27th June 1913 Col. Felder and Chief Lanford Indicted

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The Atlanta Journal Friday, June 27, 1913 GRAND JURY RETURNS BILLS AGAINST EACH; THE CHARGE IS LIBEL Cards Written by Chief of Detectives and Attorney and Published in the Atlanta Newspapers Form the Basis TWO BILLS FOUND AGAINST FELDER, ONE ON LANFORD Both Men Who Have Criticised Each Through Atlanta Press Must Face Jury on Criminal Libel Charge The Fulton county grand jury on Friday returned two true bills against Colonel Thomas B. Felder, lawyer, and one bill against Chief Newport A. Lanford, of the city detective department, all bills charging libel. The action of the grand jury insures the

Friday, 27th June 1913 Hooper Sees Conley for the First Time

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The Atlanta Journal Friday, June 27, 1913 Attorney Who Will Aid Solicitor Hears Negro Sweeper Recite His Story Frank A. Hooper, the attorney who will assist Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey in the prosecution of the case against Leo M. Frank, indicted for the murder of little Mary Phagan, interviewed James Conley, the negro sweeper, for the first time on Friday morning. The attorney talked with the negro in the office of the police board for nearly an hour. Detective Starnes, who has been working under the direction of the solicitor, was the only officer with him. Mr. Hooper simply made

You Are There: Hooper Sees Conley for the First Time, Atlanta Journal, June 27th, 1913

Hooper Sees Conley for the First Time The Atlanta JournalFriday, June 27, 1913 Attorney Who Will Aid Solicitor Hears Negro Sweeper Recite His Story Frank A. Hooper, the attorney who will assist Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey in the prosecution of the case against Leo M. Frank, indicted for the murder of little Mary Phagan, interviewed James Conley, the negro sweeper, for the first time on Friday morning. The attorney talked with the negro in the office of the police board for nearly an hour. Detective Starnes, who has been working under the direction of the solicitor, was the only officer

Friday, 27th June 1913 Lanford and Felder Are Held for Libel

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The Atlanta Georgian Friday, June 27, 1913 Grand Jury Indicts Lawyer and Head of Detectives for Attacks on Each Other. Three indictments charging criminal libel were returned Friday by the Grand Jury against Colonel Thomas B. Felder, the Atlanta attorney, and Newport Lanford, Chief of Detectives, who accused each other of most everything in the category after the famous dictograph episode. There are two bills against Felder and one against Lanford. The two men will be placed under bond and will be tried in the Fulton County courts under the misdemeanor act for unlawfully and maliciously accusing each other, according

Friday, 27th June 1913 New Frank Evidence Held by Dorsey

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The Atlanta Georgian Friday, June 27, 1913 Solicitor Closely Guards Data of Which City Detectives Have No Knowledge. New activity was injected into the Phagan case Friday when James Conley, negro sweeper at the National Pencil Factory, was removed secretly from his cell in police station and closely questioned by Frank Hooper, who will aid Solicitor Dorsey in the prosecution of Leo Frank. The move was surrounded with the utmost secrecy. The negro was taken from his cell by Detective Starnes, and behind locked doors questioned anew in the room used by the Police Commissioners. He had been in for

You Are There: New Frank Evidence Held by Dorsey, Atlanta Georgian, June 27th, 1913

New Frank Evidence Held by Dorsey The Atlanta GeorgianFriday, June 27, 1913 Solicitor Closely Guards Data of Which City Detectives Have No Knowledge. New activity was injected into the Phagan case Friday when James Conley, negro sweeper at the National Pencil Factory, was removed secretly from his cell in police station and closely questioned by Frank Hooper, who will aid Solicitor Dorsey in the prosecution of Leo Frank. The move was surrounded with the utmost secrecy. The negro was taken from his cell by Detective Starnes, and behind locked doors questioned anew in the room used by the Police Commissioners.

Friday, 27th June 1913 Seeking For a Phagan Suspect in Macon?

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The Atlanta Journal Friday, June 27, 1913 (Special Dispatch to The Journal.) MACON, Georgia, June 27.—Two members of the Atlanta detective department left Macon last night after searching all the week her for a negro who is thought to be connected with the Phaga murder in Atlanta last April. A white woman was arrested here and put through an examination, but she could give no evidence against parties now under arrest for the crime. When acquainted with the contents of the above dispatch Detective Chief N. A. Lanford stated that none of his men had been to Macon and that

Saturday, 28th June 1913 Gov. Slaton Takes Oath Simply

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  The Atlanta Georgian Saturday, June 28, 1913 With the simplest ceremonies in the history of the State, marked by the absence of all military display and red tape, John Marshall Slaton becomes Governor of the State of Georgia in the hall of the House of Representatives of the State Capitol Saturday at 12 o'clock noon, succeeding Governor Joseph M. Brown. The joint committee on inaugural arrangements selected from the memberships of the Senate and the House has conformed to the expressed desires of Governor-elect Slaton in preparing for his induction into office, and there is none of the pomp

You Are There: Hooper and Goldstein Join Little and Powell, Atlanta Journal, June 28th, 1913

Hooper and Goldstein Join Little & Powell The Atlanta JournalSaturday, June 28, 1913 Former Solicitor of Southwestern Circuit and Popular Atlantlan Join Firm Frank A. Hooper, who is to assist the solicitor general in the prosecution in the Phagan case, and M.F. Goldstein, a well known young attorney, will join the law firm of Little & Powell on July 1. The senior members of the firm are John D. Little and Judge Arthur Powell. After July 1 the firm will be styled Little, Powell, Hooper & Goldstein. Mr. Hooper served in the southwestern circuit for twelve years as solicitor general,

Saturday, 28th June 1913 Hooper and Goldstein Join Little & Powell

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The Atlanta Journal Saturday, June 28, 1913 Former Solicitor of Southwestern Circuit and Popular Atlantlan Join Firm Frank A. Hooper, who is to assist the solicitor general in the prosecution in the Phagan case, and M.F. Goldstein, a well known young attorney, will join the law firm of Little & Powell on July 1. The senior members of the firm are John D. Little and Judge Arthur Powell. After July 1 the firm will be styled Little, Powell, Hooper & Goldstein. Mr. Hooper served in the southwestern circuit for twelve years as solicitor general, but removed from Americus to Atlanta

Saturday, 28th June 1913 Lanford and Felder Indicted for Libel

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The Atlanta Constitution Saturday, June 28, 1913 Indictments Grew Out of the Dictagraph Episode and the Letters Which Followed. Formal investigation into the invectives hurled between Colonel Thomas B. Felder and Detective Chief Newport Lanford resulted yesterday in indictments of criminal libel being returned by the grand jury against each of them for their cards and interviews in the daily papers in which they attacked each other's character, after the dictagraph row. Colonel Felder is held under two indictments on a bond of $500, while Chief Lanford has one indictment against him, and is free on the same bond. The

You Are There: Lanford and Felder Indicted for Libel, Atlanta Constitution, June 28th, 1913

Lanford and Felder Indicted for Libel The Atlanta ConstitutionSaturday, June 28, 1913 Indictments Grew Out of the Dictagraph Episode and the Letters Which Followed. Formal investigation into the invectives hurled between Colonel Thomas B. Felder and Detective Chief Newport Lanford resulted yesterday in indictments of criminal libel being returned by the grand jury against each of them for their cards and interviews in the daily papers in which they attacked each other's character, after the dictagraph row. Colonel Felder is held under two indictments on a bond of $500, while Chief Lanford has one indictment against him, and is free

Saturday, 28th June 1913 State Secures New Phagan Evidence

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  The Atlanta Georgian Saturday, June 28, 1913 * Conley's Admission Strengthens Rumor That He Saw Child Just Before Slaying. Frank A. Hooper, associated with Solicitor Dorsey in the prosecution of Leo M. Frank on the charge of strangling Mary Phagan, admitted Saturday that Jim Conley, negro sweeper at the National Pencil Factory, had made important additions to the story of his part in the murder mystery and had told of circumstances on the day of the crime which he had revealed in none of his previous statements. A persistent report that Conley had made the startling admission that he

You Are There: State Secures New Phagan Evidence, Atlanta Georgian, June 28th, 1913

State Secures New Phagan Evidence The Atlanta GeorgianSaturday, June 28, 1913 * Conley's Admission Strengthens Rumor That He Saw Child Just Before Slaying. Frank A. Hooper, associated with Solicitor Dorsey in the prosecution of Leo M. Frank on the charge of strangling Mary Phagan, admitted Saturday that Jim Conley, negro sweeper at the National Pencil Factory, had made important additions to the story of his part in the murder mystery and had told of circumstances on the day of the crime which he had revealed in none of his previous statements. A persistent report that Conley had made the startling

Sunday, 29th June 1913 Brilliant Legal Battle Is Sure as Hooper And Arnold Clash in Trial of Leo Frank

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The Atlanta Georgian Sunday, June 29, 1913 * * Alternate headline from another page is shown in brackets above. By An Old Police Reporter. As deplorable as the Phagan case is in all its melancholy details, it already is evident enough that there will come of it eventually much that the community may be thankful for. In the first place, Atlanta and Georgia, and incidentally the entire South will have learned a good lesson in law and order, justice and fair play, and to that extent may be the better prepared for the next case of the kind that comes

Sunday, 29th June 1913 Many Experts to Take Stand in Frank Trial

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  The Atlanta Georgian Sunday, June 29, 1913 Great Array of Finger-Print and Blood-Stain Students Will Give Their Views. The trial of Leo M. Frank will bring forth the most prominent array of criminal and medical experts ever grouped in a Southern court room. This became known Saturday when Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey began making preparations to have the skilled investigators who have worked in the Phagan case return to Atlanta for the trial, July 28. The defense has not been idle and is prepared to have an expert on almost every conceivable angle to introduce in rebuttal. Fingerprint experts

You Are There: Many Experts to Take Stand in Frank Trial, Atlanta Georgian, June 29th, 1913

Many Experts to Take Stand in Frank Trial The Atlanta GeorgianSunday, June 29, 1913 Great Array of Finger-Print and Blood-Stain Students Will Give Their Views. The trial of Leo M. Frank will bring forth the most prominent array of criminal and medical experts ever grouped in a Southern court room. This became known Saturday when Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey began making preparations to have the skilled investigators who have worked in the Phagan case return to Atlanta for the trial, July 28. The defense has not been idle and is prepared to have an expert on almost every conceivable angle

Monday, 30th June 1913 Conley Tale Is Hope of Defense

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The Atlanta Georgian Monday, June 30, 1913 DEFENSE PLANS TO TEAR DOWN CONLEY TALE* * This headline appeared on Page 3 of the Georgian. Expect to Prove Frank Innocent By Discrediting Negro's Story Of Phagan Crime. Warned that the State is basing practically all of its expectations of sending Leo M. Frank to the gallows on the dramatic story told by Jim Conley, the defense this week is completing the collection of a strong line of evidence with which it is planned utterly to discredit the negro's statements and his testimony in court. Conley again has insisted on confronting Frank.

You Are There: Conley Tale Is Hope of Defense, Atlanta Georgian, June 30th, 1913

Conley Tale Is Hope of Defense The Atlanta GeorgianMonday, June 30, 1913 DEFENSE PLANS TO TEAR DOWN CONLEY TALE* * This headline appeared on Page 3 of the Georgian. Expect to Prove Frank Innocent By Discrediting Negro's Story Of Phagan Crime. Warned that the State is basing practically all of its expectations of sending Leo M. Frank to the gallows on the dramatic story told by Jim Conley, the defense this week is completing the collection of a strong line of evidence with which it is planned utterly to discredit the negro's statements and his testimony in court. Conley again

Tuesday, 1st July 1913 Colyar Indicted as Libeler of Col. Felder

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The Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, July 1, 1913 Grand Jury Develops Sensational Sequel to Famous Dictograph Scandal. A. S. Colyar, Jr., dictographer of Colonel Thomas B. Felder, Mayor Woodward and C. C. Jones, was indicted by the Grand Jury on the charge of criminal libel Tuesday forenoon. Colyar is the man who sought to trap Colonel Felder by means of the dictograph into offering a bribe of $1,000 for certain affidavits in the Phagan case in the possession of the police. The dictograph records as furnished an afternoon newspaper by Colyar contained the offer. Colonel Felder swore the records were padded.

Tuesday, 1st July 1913 Colyar Not Indicted On Charge of Libel

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The Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, July 1, 1913 The Fulton County Grand Jury returned no bill against A. S. Colyar, Jr., Tuesday forenoon on the charge of criminal libel.  Colyar came into prominence a few weeks ago by dictographing Colonel Thomas B. Felder, Mayor Woodward and C. C. Jones in Williams House No. 2. Colyar is the man who sought to trap Colonel Felder by means of the dictograph into offering a bribe of $1,000 for certain affidavits in the Phagan case in the possession of the police. The dictograph records as furnished an afternoon newspaper by Colyar contained the offer.

Tuesday, 1st July 1913 Facts Do Not Indicate Indictment of Conley

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The Atlanta Journal Tuesday, July 1, 1913 Rumor About Negro in Phagan Case Not Confirmed—Grand Jury Is Through The publication to the effect that the negro sweeper, Jim Conley, probably would be indicted by the Fulton county grand jury for the murder of Mary Phagan, is apparently without any justification. The grand jury, according to its foreman, Lewis H. Beck, will make its presentments to the court Wednesday morning and in all probability will be discharged then. It is not likely, therefore, that the jury will consider any further bills. Mr. Beck declined to comment on the publication and referred

You Are There: Facts Do Not Indicate Indictment of Conley, Atlanta Journal, July 1, 1913

Facts Do Not Indicate Indictment of Conley The Atlanta JournalTuesday, July 1, 1913 Rumor About Negro in Phagan Case Not Confirmed—Grand Jury Is Through The publication to the effect that the negro sweeper, Jim Conley, probably would be indicted by the Fulton county grand jury for the murder of Mary Phagan, is apparently without any justification. The grand jury, according to its foreman, Lewis H. Beck, will make its presentments to the court Wednesday morning and in all probability will be discharged then. It is not likely, therefore, that the jury will consider any further bills. Mr. Beck declined to

Tuesday, 1st July 1913 Frank Is Willing for State to Grill Him

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The Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, July 1, 1913 Accused Man Declares He's Anxious Even for Prosecution to Cross-Examine. Surpassing in interest any of the other testimony at the trial of Leo M. Frank will be the story related on the stand by the accused man himself. That Frank will make a detailed statement of his movements on the day that Mary Phagan was murdered is regarded as one of the certainties of the trial. It was learned Wednesday that Frank was desirous of going even further than this by being sworn and submitting to a cross-examination by the attorneys for the

Tuesday, 1st July 1913 May Indict Conley as Slayer

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The Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, July 1, 1913 Grand Jury Reported as Seriously Considering Connection of Negro With the Crime. A well founded rumor Tuesday was to the effect that the Grand Jury had Jim Conley's connection with the Mary Phagan murder mystery under serious consideration with a view of finding an indictment against the negro on the charge of causing the death of the little factory girl. Announcement was made after the close of Tuesday's session that the present Grand Jury would hold its last session Wednesday, and it was reported that if action were not taken on Conley's case

You Are There: May Indict Conley as Slayer, Atlanta Georgian, July 1, 1913

May Indict Conley as Slayer The Atlanta GeorgianTuesday, July 1, 1913 Grand Jury Reported as Seriously Considering Connection of Negro With the Crime. A well founded rumor Tuesday was to the effect that the Grand Jury had Jim Conley's connection with the Mary Phagan murder mystery under serious consideration with a view of finding an indictment against the negro on the charge of causing the death of the little factory girl. Announcement was made after the close of Tuesday's session that the present Grand Jury would hold its last session Wednesday, and it was reported that if action were not

Tuesday, 1st July 1913 May Indict Conley in Phagan Case

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The Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, July 1, 1913 JURY LIKELY TO GO OVER DORSEY'S HEAD Indictment of Negro Sweeper Would Be Severe Blow to Prosecution of Frank. That the Fulton County Grand Jury will go over the head of Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey and indict Jim Conley, the negro sweeper, for the murder of Mary Phagan, in connection with Leo M. Frank, was a probability which came to light Tuesday. While the report was not verified, its origin was such as to throw a bomb into the camp of the prosecution, as it will mean the indictment of the star

Tuesday, 1st July 1913 “No” Bill Is Returned Against A. S. Colyar

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The Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, July 1, 1913 Grand Jury Declines to Indict Colyar for Reply to Attack of Colonel Felder charging A. S. Colyar, of Nashville, with libel, the Fulton county grand jury at its session on Tuesda ymorning refused to indict the Tennessean, returning a "no bill" in the case. Mr. Colyar has been in the limelight recently as a principal in the sensational dictograph episode, and has been engaged in a heated controversy with Colonel Thomas B. Felder. The Tennessean was charged specifically with libelling Mr. Felder in a card published over his signature in The Journal of

Wednesday, 2nd July 1913 Findings in Probe are Guarded

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The Atlanta Georgian Wednesday, July 2, 1913 No Indication Given of Results of Investigation of Reports of Disorderly Houses. The result of the Grand Jury's sensational vice probe of a few weeks ago will be made known Wednesday when the presentments are returned to Superior Judge W. D. Ellis, who two months ago charged that an extensive investigation be made. Save when an indictment was returned against Police Commissioner W. P. Fain, which charged him with keeping a disorderly house and beating one of the women inmates, no inkling of the general trend of the probe got beyond the closed

You Are There: Findings in Probe are Guarded, Atlanta Georgian, July 2nd, 1913

Findings in Probe are Guarded The Atlanta GeorgianWednesday, July 2, 1913 No Indication Given of Results of Investigation of Reports of Disorderly Houses. The result of the Grand Jury's sensational vice probe of a few weeks ago will be made known Wednesday when the presentments are returned to Superior Judge W. D. Ellis, who two months ago charged that an extensive investigation be made. Save when an indictment was returned against Police Commissioner W. P. Fain, which charged him with keeping a disorderly house and beating one of the women inmates, no inkling of the general trend of the probe

Thursday, 3rd July 1913 Attempt by Colyar To Disbar Felder Is Halted; Tries Again

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The Atlanta Georgian Thursday, July 3, 1913 A petition filed Tuesday with the Clerk of the Superior Court by A. S. Colyar, Jr., asking for the disbarment of Colonel Thomas B. Felder from the practice of law in Georgia, has been withdrawn by Colyar on information that he first must submit his petition to the court for the determination of whether his grounds are sufficient to warrant an investigation and trial by jury. Colyar said Wednesday he would apply for a rule nisi. Until this is done there can be no action on his petition. The petition includes as reasons

Thursday, 3rd July 1913 Police Chief to Probe Vice Protection Charge

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The Atlanta Journal Thursday, July 3, 1913 Beavers Stirred by Details Reported by Physician—Assigns Men to Report Following the charges of a prominent Atlanta physician regarding vice conditions and alleged police protection in this city, Chief of Police Beavers despatched an officer to confer with this physician Thursday morning. The officer will endeavor to obtain even more information than has been furnished the chief and will try to substantiate that already given. He will pay especial attention to the statement of the physician that he reported a disorderly house to the police and that the proprietors of it were "tipped

Thursday, 3rd July 1913 Writ Sought In Move to Free Negro Lee

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The Atlanta Georgian Thursday, July 3, 1913 Attorney for Watchman Declares Client Knows Nothing of the Actual Crime. Bernard L. Chappell, attorney for Newt Lee, negro night watchman at the pencile factory, held in the Phagan case, stated Thursday morning that he would swear out a writ of habeas corpus for the release of the negro. Attorney Chappell stated that he had come to the conclusion that there was nothing the negro knew about the crime except finding the body, and that the State had no right to keep him without some charge or as a material witness. Lee was

You Are There: Writ Sought In Move to Free Negro Lee, Atlanta Georgian, July 3rd, 1913

Writ Sought In Move to Free Negro Lee The Atlanta GeorgianThursday, July 3, 1913 Attorney for Watchman Declares Client Knows Nothing of the Actual Crime. Bernard L. Chappell, attorney for Newt Lee, negro night watchman at the pencile factory, held in the Phagan case, stated Thursday morning that he would swear out a writ of habeas corpus for the release of the negro. Attorney Chappell stated that he had come to the conclusion that there was nothing the negro knew about the crime except finding the body, and that the State had no right to keep him without some charge

Friday, 4th July 1913 Effort Will Be Made to Free Newt Lee

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The Atlanta Constitution Friday, July 4, 1913 Attorney Chappell Declares Belief That Lee Has No Knowledge of Guilty Parties. An early effort is likely to be made to free Newt Lee, the negro night watchman who discovered the body of Mary Phagan, and who has since been held for suspected complicity in the crime. This is intimated in a statement issued by the negro's counsel, Bernard L. Chappell, who says he has arrived at the conclusion that his client knows absolutely nothing about the murder, except his grewsome discovery. Lee was not indicted, although his name was submitted before the

You Are There: Effort Will Be Made to Free Newt Lee, Atlanta Constitution, July 4th, 1913

Effort Will Be Made to Free Newt Lee The Atlanta ConstitutionFriday, July 4, 1913 Attorney Chappell Declares Belief That Lee Has No Knowledge of Guilty Parties. An early effort is likely to be made to free Newt Lee, the negro night watchman who discovered the body of Mary Phagan, and who has since been held for suspected complicity in the crime. This is intimated in a statement issued by the negro's counsel, Bernard L. Chappell, who says he has arrived at the conclusion that his client knows absolutely nothing about the murder, except his grewsome discovery. Lee was not indicted,

Friday, 4th July 1913 Lee’s Attorney Seeks to Gain His Release

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The Atlanta Journal Friday, July 4, 1913 It was reported Thursday morning that Bernard L. Chappell, attorney for New Lee, the negro watchman held in connection with the Mary Phagan case, would take steps to release him from jail by swearing out a writ of habeas corpus. Attorney Chappell is said to have come to the conclusion that Lee knew nothing about the case other than finding the body and that the state has no right to hold him. * * * The Atlanta Journal, July 4th 1913, "Lee's Attorney Seeks to Gain His Release," Leo Frank case newspaper article

Friday, 4th July 1913 Lee’s Lawyer Expects Delay in Frank Case

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The Atlanta Journal Friday, July 4, 1913 State Certain to Fight Chappell's Effort to Secure Release of Watchman Bernard L. Chappell, attorney for Newt Lee, the negro night watchman, who found the body of Mary Phagan in the National Pencil factory basement, declares that Saturday he will bring habeas corpus proceedings to secure the release of his client. According to the attorney, the negro is being held on the recommendation of the coroner's jury, which concluded its inquest before James Conley figured in the case. The grand jury has failed to act on Lee's case, and Attorney Chappell says that

You Are There: Lee’s Lawyer Expects Delay in Frank Case, Atlanta Journal, July 4th, 1913

Lee's Lawyer Expects Delay in Frank Case The Atlanta JournalFriday, July 4, 1913 State Certain to Fight Chappell's Effort to Secure Release of Watchman Bernard L. Chappell, attorney for Newt Lee, the negro night watchman, who found the body of Mary Phagan in the National Pencil factory basement, declares that Saturday he will bring habeas corpus proceedings to secure the release of his client. According to the attorney, the negro is being held on the recommendation of the coroner's jury, which concluded its inquest before James Conley figured in the case. The grand jury has failed to act on Lee's

Friday, 4th July 1913 New Testimony Lays Crime to Conley

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The Atlanta Georgian Friday, July 4, 1913 Frank Defense Locates Witness Who Points to the Negro Sweeper as Slayer. A new witness, said to have the most damaging evidence yet produced against Jim Conley, the negro sweeper in the National Pencil factory, entered the Phagan case Thursday and made an affidavit, the contents fo which are carefully guarded by attorneys for Leo M. Frank, charged with causing the death of the factory girl. The identity of the witness is as much a secret as the exact nature of his testimony. It was learned, though, that the affidavit was made in

You Are There: New Testimony Lays Crime to Conley, Atlanta Georgian, July 4th, 1913

New Testimony Lays Crime to Conley The Atlanta GeorgianFriday, July 4, 1913 Frank Defense Locates Witness Who Points to the Negro Sweeper as Slayer. A new witness, said to have the most damaging evidence yet produced against Jim Conley, the negro sweeper in the National Pencil factory, entered the Phagan case Thursday and made an affidavit, the contents fo which are carefully guarded by attorneys for Leo M. Frank, charged with causing the death of the factory girl. The identity of the witness is as much a secret as the exact nature of his testimony. It was learned, though, that

Saturday, 5th July 1913 Application for Lee’s Release Delayed

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The Atlanta Georgian Saturday, July 5, 1913 Watchman's Lawyer Says He Will Await Return of Dorsey Before Filing Habeas Corpus. On account of the absence form the city of Prosecuting Attorney Hugh M. Dorsey, Bernard L. Chappell, attorney for Newt Lee, announced Saturday that he would not file a writ of habeas corpus until Monday. He claims in the petition for the release of the negro that Lee is being held unlawfully and without any charge against him. Solicitor Dorsey left for his country place at Valdosta, Georgia, Saturday morning. He will return Monday. Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey will

Saturday, 5th July 1913 Drop Ninth in Police Scandal

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The Atlanta Georgian Saturday, July 5, 1913 Charges Preferred Against Another Patrolman and Suspension Is Near. Atlanta's police scandal was revived Saturday by the preferring of charges against another member of the police force. His suspension by Chief of Police James L. Beavers is expected to follow within a few hours. The subject of the accusations is the ninth policeman involved in the scandal. Chief Beavers would not make public the man's name until formal order of suspension was made. The charges against the majority of the policemen are they they frequented the notorious negro resort in the rear of

Saturday, 5th July 1913 Fight for Newt Lee’s Freedom is Delayed

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The Atlanta Journal Saturday, July 5, 1913 Bernard Chappell, His Lawyer, Expects to Bring Habeas Corpus on Monday Bernard L. Chappell, attorney for Newt Lee, the , who found the body of Mary Phagan, declared Saturday that he had been unable to complete all of his work in connection with his proposed filing of a habeas corpus writ in an effort to liberate his client. Mr. Chappelle said that he had expected to file the writ Saturday, but was delayed, and is now certain he can file it by Monday morning. Mr. Chappell asserted that sensational developments might be expected

You Are There: Fight for Newt Lee’s Freedom is Delayed, Atlanta Journal, July 5th, 1913

Fight for Newt Lee's Freedom is Delayed The Atlanta JournalSaturday, July 5, 1913 Bernard Chappell, His Lawyer, Expects to Bring Habeas Corpus on Monday Bernard L. Chappell, attorney for Newt Lee, the , who found the body of Mary Phagan, declared Saturday that he had been unable to complete all of his work in connection with his proposed filing of a habeas corpus writ in an effort to liberate his client. Mr. Chappelle said that he had expected to file the writ Saturday, but was delayed, and is now certain he can file it by Monday morning. Mr. Chappell asserted

Saturday, 5th July 1913 Liberty for Newt Lee Sought

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The Atlanta Georgian Saturday, July 5, 1913 Writ to Free Watchman From the Tower Will Be Filed—State to Oppose Liberation. The prosecution will fight an entirely new angle in the Phagan case Saturday morning when Barnard L. Chappell, attorney for Newt Lee, the negro night watchman, files a writ of habeas corpus for the release of the negro from the Tower, where he is being held without any charge against him. Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey will ask the courts to hold the negro as a material witness for the State, or may charge him with being an accessory. He

You Are There: Liberty for Newt Lee Sought, Atlanta Georgian, July 5th, 1913

Liberty for Newt Lee Sought The Atlanta GeorgianSaturday, July 5, 1913 Writ to Free Watchman From the Tower Will Be Filed—State to Oppose Liberation. The prosecution will fight an entirely new angle in the Phagan case Saturday morning when Barnard L. Chappell, attorney for Newt Lee, the negro night watchman, files a writ of habeas corpus for the release of the negro from the Tower, where he is being held without any charge against him. Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey will ask the courts to hold the negro as a material witness for the State, or may charge him with

Saturday, 5th July 1913 Unbiased in the Flanders Case, Says Slaton

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The Atlanta Georgian Saturday, July 5, 1913 New Governor Declares He Will Take Action After Hearing All Sides. Governor Slaton has formed no opinion in the famous McNaughton-Mattie Flanders murder case, and says he will make no decision until he has heard all sides. The new Governor says he has not talked to the former Governor about the case. He will hear, he said, all arguments without prejudice. It is known that the hopes of McNaughton's friends for commutation of sentence, if not pardon, have been greatly strengthened now that Governor Slaton is in the executive office. The statement, made

Sunday, 6th July 1913 Application to Release Lee is Ready to File

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The Atlanta Georgian Sunday, July 6, 1913 Negro's Lawyer Says He Will Offer Habeas Corpus When Solicitor Dorsey Returns. On account of the absence from the city of Prosecuting Attorney Hugh M. Dosey , Bernard L. Chappell, attorney for Newt Lee, announced Saturday that he would not file a writ of habeas corpus until Monday. He claims in the petition for the release of the negro that Lee is being held unlawfully and without any charge against him. Solicitor Dorsey left for his country place at Valdosta, Georgia, Saturady morning. He will return Monday. Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey will

Sunday, 6th July 1913 New Move in Phagan Case by Solicitor

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The Atlanta Georgian Sunday, July 6, 1913 Dorsey Will Endeavor to Force Defense to Disclose Their Documentary Evidence. ACT IS COUNTERSTROKE Frank's Attorneys Said to Have Affidavits Exonerating Frank and Indicating Conley's Guilt. A sensational turn in the Phagan murder mystery, according to one of the attorneys for the defense, will develop next week when Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey issues a subpena duces tecum on Attorneys Luther Z. Rosser and Reuben Arnold, citing them to produce all the affidavits they have secured that bear on the crime. The movement is in the nature of a counterstroke to block the

You Are There: New Move in Phagan Case by Solicitor, Atlanta Georgian, July 6th, 1913

New Move in Phagan Case by Solicitor The Atlanta GeorgianSunday, July 6, 1913 Dorsey Will Endeavor to Force Defense to Disclose Their Documentary Evidence. ACT IS COUNTERSTROKE Frank's Attorneys Said to Have Affidavits Exonerating Frank and Indicating Conley's Guilt. A sensational turn in the Phagan murder mystery, according to one of the attorneys for the defense, will develop next week when Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey issues a subpena duces tecum on Attorneys Luther Z. Rosser and Reuben Arnold, citing them to produce all the affidavits they have secured that bear on the crime. The movement is in the nature

Sunday, 6th July 1913 Phagan Case Centers on Conley; Negro Lone Hope of Both Sides

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The Atlanta Georgian Sunday, July 6, 1913 *Editor's Note: See insert article, "Decisions Which May Aid Defense of Frank", at the conclusion of this post. Frank Expects Freedom by Breaking Down Accuser's Testimony, and State a Conviction by Establishing Truth of Statements. BY AN OLD POLICE REPORTER. The developments in the Phagan case have been of late highly significant and interesting. During the past week, it became evident that the very heart and soul of both the prosecution and the defense is to center largely about the negro, James Conley. He is at once apparently the hope and the despair

Monday, 7th July 1913 Accused Policemen Will Face Commission Tuesday

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The Atlanta Journal Monday, July 7, 1913 The entire board of twelve police commissioners, including the mayor and the chairman of the police committee of council as ex-officio members, is expected to be in attendance Tuesday evening at the trial of the eight policemen recently suspended by Chief J. L. Beavers. Chairman Carlos Mason, who has missed only one meeting during his five years' service on the board, returned Monday from a vacation especially to attend the trial, and all other members are expected to be there. The eight suspended policemen are involved in the police scandal revolving around the

Monday, 7th July 1913 Lee’s Attorney is Ready for Writ Fight

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The Atlanta Georgian Monday, July 7, 1913 Habeas Corpus Move to Free Negro in Phagan Case Due to Start Monday. Habeas corpus proceedings in behalf of Newt Lee, negro night watchman at the National Pencil Factory, were promised Monday by the negro's attorney, Bernard L. Chappell. Settlement of this phase of the Phagan murder mystery will determine definitely the status of the negro. It is known that the State regards Lee as a material witness in building up its case against Frank. The attitude of Mr. Chappell is that his client knows no more about crime than he already has

You Are There: Lee’s Attorney is Ready for Writ Fight, Atlanta Georgian, July 7th, 1913

Lee's Attorney is Ready for Writ Fight The Atlanta GeorgianMonday, July 7, 1913 Habeas Corpus Move to Free Negro in Phagan Case Due to Start Monday. Habeas corpus proceedings in behalf of Newt Lee, negro night watchman at the National Pencil Factory, were promised Monday by the negro's attorney, Bernard L. Chappell. Settlement of this phase of the Phagan murder mystery will determine definitely the status of the negro. It is known that the State regards Lee as a material witness in building up its case against Frank. The attitude of Mr. Chappell is that his client knows no more

Monday, 7th July 1913 Operations of Slavers in Hotels Bared

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The Atlanta Georgian Monday, July 7, 1913 Victim Tells Beavers Names of Women and Man Engaged in Traffic in Girls. A new and sensational expose of vice conditions said to be prevalent in Atlanta was made Monday morning by Hattie Smith, a pretty 17-year-old girl, who was arrested in a hotel which was raided Sunday night. If the statements of the Smith girl, who made a confession of her own guilt to the Chief, are true, Atlanta is in the clutches of one of the best organized vice systems in existence. Certain downtown hotels, the girl claims, are the rendezvous

Monday, 7th July 1913 Young Woman Tells Startling Story of Vice From “Inside”

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The Atlanta Journal Monday, July 7, 1913 Confessions to Chief of Police Beavers Involve Downtown Hotel, Mention Names of Other Women and Men IMMEDIATE PROBE OF HER CHARGES ORDERED Police Again Arrest Mrs. Frierson, Recently Pardoned by Mayor Woodward in Controversy With Judge Broyles Revelations of vice conditions from the inside were laid before Chief of Police Beavers Monday morning by the confession of a young woman who gives her name as Hattie Smith and says that her parents live at a certain number on Marietta street. Chief Beavers immediately detailed men to investigate the disclosures, and the indications were

Tuesday, 8th July 1913 Attitude of Defense Secret

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The Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, July 8, 1913 Attorneys for Accused Man Can Keep Him From Facing Accuser if They Wish. That Leo M. Frank, superintendent of the National Pencil Factory, and James Conley, Frank's accuser in the Mary Phagan murder mystery, would be brought face to face Tuesday was the strong possibility presented by the contemplated application for a writ of habeas corpus in behalf of Newt Lee, negro night watchman at the factory. The plan of bringing Conley and Frank together may meet an insurmountable obstacle when it comes to getting the permission of Frank's attorneys. The law allows

You Are There: Attitude of Defense Secret, Atlanta Georgian, July 8th, 1913

Attitude of Defense Secret The Atlanta GeorgianTuesday, July 8, 1913 Attorneys for Accused Man Can Keep Him From Facing Accuser if They Wish. That Leo M. Frank, superintendent of the National Pencil Factory, and James Conley, Frank's accuser in the Mary Phagan murder mystery, would be brought face to face Tuesday was the strong possibility presented by the contemplated application for a writ of habeas corpus in behalf of Newt Lee, negro night watchman at the factory. The plan of bringing Conley and Frank together may meet an insurmountable obstacle when it comes to getting the permission of Frank's attorneys.

Tuesday, 8th July 1913 Girl Tells of Life in Slavers’ Hands

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The Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, July 8, 1913 Hattie Smith Warns Young Women of Atlanta Against the Wiles of Procurers. The startling expose of vice conditions by Hattie Smith, the prety 17-year-old girl, one of the alleged victims of the "system," resulted Tuesday in an aggressive war n the downtown hotels. Chief Beavers declared he would stamp out vice if he had to detail a special officer at every one of the hotels in question. Several additional arrests will be made before noon, it is believed. The Smith girls repeated her story with many additional details of the "system" which is

Tuesday, 8th July 1913 Girl to Tell Her Story of Vice to Recorder

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The Atlanta Journal Tuesday, July 8, 1913 Hattie Smith, Now Penitent, Will Make Confessions in Open Court Resolved to quit the life into which she so recently drifted, Hattie Smith, the Atlanta young woman whose revelations of vice "from the inside" gave the police some startling information Monday, will appear in police court on Tuesday afternoon and repeat in detail the story which she has recounted to the police. Upon the strength of that story Lena Barnhart, a white woman, and Elijah Murray, a negro bellboy, were arrested in the Cumberland hotel Monday and will be arraigned with Hattie Smith

Tuesday, 8th July 1913 Grants Right to Demand Lee’s Freedom

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The Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, July 8, 1913 Negro's Counsel Secures Chance to Argue for Habeas Corpus Writ Wednesday. Reuben R. Arnold, of counsel for Leo M. Frank, communicated with Sheriff Mangum Tuesday afternoon directing him under no circumstances to permit the removal of Frank to appear Wednesday as a witness in the habeas corpus hearing to free Newt Lee. "There is no law on earth to bring Frank to court under an order as a witness," said Arnold. Attorney Rosser, chief of counsel, was absent from the city Tuesday. Attorney C. J. Graham, of the firm of Graham & Campbell,

Tuesday, 8th July 1913 Newt Lee’s Attorneys Seeking His Freedom

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The Atlanta Journal Tuesday, July 8, 1913 Habeas Corpus Proceedings May Bring Frank and Conley Face to Face Petition for a writ of habeas corpus in behalf of Newt Lee, the negro night watchman at the National Pencil factory who has been held in jail since the Mary Phagan murder as a suspect, has been drawn up at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon by the negro's attorneys, Graham and Chappell, and the firm then was seeking the signature of the nearest available judge of the Fulton superior court to a writ fixing the time and place for a hearing upon the

You Are There: Newt Lee’s Attorneys Seeking His Freedom, Atlanta Journal, July 8th, 1913

Newt Lee's Attorneys Seeking His Freedom The Atlanta JournalTuesday, July 8, 1913 Habeas Corpus Proceedings May Bring Frank and Conley Face to Face Petition for a writ of habeas corpus in behalf of Newt Lee, the negro night watchman at the National Pencil factory who has been held in jail since the Mary Phagan murder as a suspect, has been drawn up at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon by the negro's attorneys, Graham and Chappell, and the firm then was seeking the signature of the nearest available judge of the Fulton superior court to a writ fixing the time and place

Tuesday, 8th July 1913 Police Hunt Principals in Expose

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The Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, July 8, 1913 Search Records of Guests for the Leaders of System Named by Girl Victim. A general rounding up of hotel registers by detectives for the identification of notorious men and women added the latest sensation in the vice investigation instituted following the startling disclosures of Hattie Smith, the pretty 17-year-old girl, who claims to be the victim of the "system." The first move was made Tuesday morning when the manager of the Cumberland Hotel was subpenaed to appear in Police Court with his register that afternoon. The register will be examined by the Smith

Tuesday, 8th July 1913 Refused by Brown, Mangham Now Asks Slaton for Pardon

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The Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, July 8, 1913 The Prison Commission again has taken up the application of J. J. Mangham for a pardon. A recommendation is expected to be made to Governor Slaton in the next day or two. Mangham is the Griffin cotton mill man given four years for embezzlement and one year on a misdemeanor charge. The application came up some time ago and was sent to Governor Brown by the commission without any recommendation. The Governor returned it with the statement that the board should make a recommendation. That great influence will be brought to bear on

Tuesday, 8th July 1913 State Sure Lee Will Not Be Released

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The Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, July 8, 1913 Dorsey Confident That Move, Which May Confront Frank With Conley, Is Futile. Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey said Tuesday he was confident the State would be able to defeat any attempt to get Newt Lee out of the Tower, where he has been confined since April 27, first as a suspect in the Mary Phagan murder case and later as a material witness. He said he had advised Lee's attorney not to take the action, as the negro was regarded as an important witness in making a complete chain of evidence against Leo

Wednesday, 9th July 1913 Caught Drinking, Three Policemen Fired Off Force

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The Atlanta Constitution Wednesday, July 9, 1913 Three Officers Are Suspended for Ninety Days, and Two Exonerated and Their Pay for Lost Time Restored. WOOD, BORN, FOLDS DISCHARGED BY BOARD Mayor Intimated He Would Ask Charges Be Preferred Against Moon, Who Said He Drank to Secure Evidence. The scandal in the police department which grew out of revelations that eight policemen visited the resort of Ola Bradley, a negress, at No. 129 Auburn street resulted in the dismissal of three, exoneration of two, and suspension of three for ninety days, by the police board, at 1:30 o'clock this morning. The

Wednesday, 9th July 1913 Girl Springs Sensation in Phagan Case

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The Atlanta Georgian Wednesday, July 9, 1913 PART OF PAY ENVELOPE FOUND Discovered Shortly After Tragedy by Detectives, but Find Was Kept Secret. *Editor's Note: The following headlines also appeared: (Night Edition): NEW PHAGAN EVIDENCE FOUND PART OF PAY ENVELOPE HELD BY POLICE (Extra Final Edition): PHAGAN PAY ENVELOPE FOUND Two sensational developments marked the Phagan case Wednesday. One was the testimony of Miss Mattie Smith, an employee of the National Pencil factory, that she had seen a negro sitting on the first floor of the factory betwen 9 and 10 o'clock, at a time when Conley had denied being

Wednesday, 9th July 1913 Mary Phagan Pay Envelope Found

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The Atlanta Journal Wednesday, July 9, 1913 MYSTERY'S LOST LINK IS FOUND NEAR WHERE CONLEY SAYS HE SAT Finding of Portion of Salary Envelope Bearing Victim's Name Expected to Strengthen Defense's Contention CONTENTS OF ENVELOPE HAVE NEVER BEEN FOUND Find Was Made by Pinkertons Just Three Weeks After the Murder, but Was Kept a Secret Until Wednesday. The pay envelope, which was the quest of Mary Phagan's visit to the National Pencil factory on April 26, when she met her death, has been found. At least enough of the envelope to definitely identify it is in the hands of the

You Are There: Mary Phagan Pay Envelope Found, Atlanta Journal, July 9th, 1913

Mary Phagan Pay Envelope Found The Atlanta JournalWednesday, July 9, 1913 MYSTERY'S LOST LINK IS FOUND NEAR WHERE CONLEY SAYS HE SAT Finding of Portion of Salary Envelope Bearing Victim's Name Expected to Strengthen Defense's Contention CONTENTS OF ENVELOPE HAVE NEVER BEEN FOUND Find Was Made by Pinkertons Just Three Weeks After the Murder, but Was Kept a Secret Until Wednesday. The pay envelope, which was the quest of Mary Phagan's visit to the National Pencil factory on April 26, when she met her death, has been found. At least enough of the envelope to definitely identify it is in

Wednesday, 9th July 1913 New Evidence in Phagan Case Found

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The Atlanta Georgian Wednesday, July 9, 1913 iGrl Called to Tell of Negro She Saw in Pencil Factory—Lee Stays in Jail. A sensation in the Phagan murder mystery developed Wednesday afternoon when Solicitor Dorsey summoned Miss Mattie Smith under a special subpena to question her in regard to a negro she saw in the National Pencil Factory the morning of the Saturday that Mary Phagan was murdered. Miss Smith told a Georgian reporter that she saw a negro there that morning and believed it was between 9 and 10 o'clock. She thought she might be asked to identify Conley. If

You Are There: New Evidence in Phagan Case Found, Atlanta Georgian, July 9th, 1913

New Evidence in Phagan Case Found The Atlanta GeorgianWednesday, July 9, 1913 iGrl Called to Tell of Negro She Saw in Pencil Factory—Lee Stays in Jail. A sensation in the Phagan murder mystery developed Wednesday afternoon when Solicitor Dorsey summoned Miss Mattie Smith under a special subpena to question her in regard to a negro she saw in the National Pencil Factory the morning of the Saturday that Mary Phagan was murdered. Miss Smith told a Georgian reporter that she saw a negro there that morning and believed it was between 9 and 10 o'clock. She thought she might be

Wednesday, 9th July 1913 Sensations in Story of Girl Victim

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The Atlanta Georgian Wednesday, July 9, 1913 Accused Prisoners in White Slave Inquiry Held for Higher Court. That sufficient evidence had been produced in court to make a case against one of the city's most prominent business men was the statement of Recorder Broyles Wednesday afternoon at the trial of the persons involved in the latest vice scandal. Lena Barnhardt, alleged white sliver and procuress, was bound over to the higher court under a bond of $500. Hattie Smith, who claimed in court to be a white slave victim of the Barnhardt woman, was placed under $100 bond for the

Wednesday, 9th July 1913 Vice Scandal Probe Postponed for a Day

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The Atlanta Constitution Wednesday, July 9, 1913 Because the attorney of Lena Barnhart, who is accused by Hattie Smith of being a white slave procuress, pleaded for time in which to obtain witnesses to the effect that the Barnhart woman had been introduced to the girl and had been her benefactress, the recent hotel vice scandal which was to have been given an airing yesterday in police court was postponed until today at 2:30 o'clock. Chief Beavers ordered detectives Tuesday morning to summon C. V. Kistner, proprietor of the Hotel Cumberland, to appear in recorder's court and bring the guest

Thursday, 10th July 1913 Beavers in Speech Warns Policemen to Keep Out of Dives

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The Atlanta Georgian Thursday, July 10, 1913 Chief of Police Beavers caused a stir Thursday morning when he went before the day watch and addressed the men on their conduct. His talk resulted from the recent scandal in which several policemen were found guilty of visiting a resort in the rear of 127 Auburn Avenue. "Any man who hangs around a negro dive has no place on the police force of Atlanta," the Chief said, addressing the men. "If you get positive evidence that any of your brother officers are engaged in discreditable practices and frequenting disreputable places, it is

Thursday, 10th July 1913 Beavers’ War on Vice is Lauded by Women

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The Atlanta Georgian Thursday, July 10, 1913 Georgia Suffragists Adopt Resolution Indorsing Chief's Course in Atlanta. Chief of Police Beavers' fight against vice was enthusiastically indorsed at the Thursday morning session of the convention of the Georgia Woman Suffrage Association. The following resolution, introduced by Mrs. Margaret T. McWhorter, was adopted: The Georgia Woman Suffrage Association realizes the high civic ideals which actuate Chief of Police James L. Beavers, of Atlanta, and we wish to place ourselves on record as indorsing every move which he has taken for good government and clean morals, and especially do we commend his action

Thursday, 10th July 1913 Chief Expects Arrests in Vice Probe

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The Atlanta Georgian Thursday, July 10, 1913 MEN NAMED BY GIRL ARE SOUGHT Chief Beavers Declares New and Startling Arrests Are Near. Alleged Procuress Held With the principals in the sensational vice case, Hattie Smith, a 17-year-old girl victim; Mrs. Lena Barnhart, a flashily-dressed woman, alleged white slave procuress; Lige Murray, negro ally, and Clyde Cox, the youth who was arrested in the hotel raid, all bound over to the higher courts, the police Thursday turned the full flare of a searching investigation directly on the hotels and alleged immoral resorts, with the result that new arrests and startling developments

Thursday, 10th July 1913 Chief Traces Vice Conditions to Men; Promises Arrests

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The Atlanta Journal Thursday, July 10, 1913 Beavers Puts Police on Trail of Men Blamed By Girl Guests for Situation in Downtown Hotels GIRL VICTIM BARES HOTEL CONDITIONS TO RECORDER Judge Broyles Hears Sensational Expose of Vice Situation Said to Exist in Many Atlanta Rooming Houses As the outcome of the dramatic confession made by Hattie Smith in the recorder's court Wednesday afternoon Chief Beavers announced Thursday morning that he will open a war against the men who, he asserts, are ruining girls. Following the trial in court Wednesday the chief says that Hattie Smith gave him more details than

Thursday, 10th July 1913 Hotels Involved By Story of Vice Young Girl Tells

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The Atlanta Constitution Thursday, July 10, 1913 Soda Water Stands, Chop Suey Joints and Automobile Rides Figure in Her Narrative. NAME OF BUSINESS MAN BROUGHT INTO SCANDAL Hattie Smith Says She Registered With Men in Cumberland and Brittain—Recorder Binds Over Three. A story of vice that is unprecedented even in the sorbid history of police court, was poured into the ears of Judge Broyles Wednesday afternoon, when Hattie Smith, the 17-year-old "Girl of the Streets," was called to the stand. She made no attempt to withhold anything. She gave names and addresses with startling willingness, and told of her own

Thursday, 10th July 1913 Mary Phagan’s Pay Envelope is Found

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The Atlanta Constitution Thursday, July 10, 1913 Discovery Made by Detectives Weeks Ago, But Is Just Announced The discovery of the pay envelope given Mary Phagan on the day of her murder is believed by detectives to furnish the missing link in the chain of circumstancial evidence they declare they have forged. The envelope was found by Detectives Harry Scott and John Black. It is now in possession of the solicitor general. It was discovered on the first floor of the plant building behind a radiator that is situated in immediate vicinity to the spot at which James Conye ,

You Are There: Mary Phagan’s Pay Envelope is Found, Atlanta Constitution, July 10th, 1913

Mary Phagan's Pay Envelope is Found The Atlanta ConstitutionThursday, July 10, 1913 Discovery Made by Detectives Weeks Ago, But Is Just Announced The discovery of the pay envelope given Mary Phagan on the day of her murder is believed by detectives to furnish the missing link in the chain of circumstancial evidence they declare they have forged. The envelope was found by Detectives Harry Scott and John Black. It is now in possession of the solicitor general. It was discovered on the first floor of the plant building behind a radiator that is situated in immediate vicinity to the spot

Thursday, 10th July 1913 No Finger Prints Found by Expert on Phagan Envelope

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The Atlanta Journal Thursday, July 10, 1913 Examination of Portion of Slain Girl's Pay Envelope Fails to Throw Any Light on the Murder Mystery FLETCHER, AT FEDERAL PEN MAKES EXAMINATION Fight for Release of Newt Lee on Habeas Corpus Resumed and Hearing Will Be Given Saturday Morning That the murderer of Mary Phagan can never be identified by finger prints on the pay envelope found in the factory, and the "re-setting" of Newt Lee's habeas corpus for 10 o'clock. Saturday morning, were two important developments of the sensational murder mystery Thursday. According to Attorney Bernard L. Chappell, of Graham &

You Are There: No Finger Prints Found by Expert on Phagan Envelope, Atlanta Journal, July 10th, 1913

No Finger Prints Found by Expert on Phagan Envelope The Atlanta JournalThursday, July 10, 1913 Examination of Portion of Slain Girl's Pay Envelope Fails to Throw Any Light on the Murder Mystery FLETCHER, AT FEDERAL PEN MAKES EXAMINATION Fight for Release of Newt Lee on Habeas Corpus Resumed and Hearing Will Be Given Saturday Morning That the murderer of Mary Phagan can never be identified by finger prints on the pay envelope found in the factory, and the "re-setting" of Newt Lee's habeas corpus for 10 o'clock. Saturday morning, were two important developments of the sensational murder mystery Thursday. According

Thursday, 10th July 1913 Says Conley Confessed Slaying

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The Atlanta Georgian Thursday, July 10, 1913 *Editor's Note: Articles with the titles "Tells of Conley Confession" and "Says Conley Confessed" also appeared in other editions of the Georgian. NEGRO MADE BOAST OF KILLING A GIRL, AGENT DECLARES Attorneys for Frank Will Put Main Reliance of Defense on the Startling Affidavit Made by W. H. Mincey and Now in Their Possession. That Jim Conley, negro sweeper at the National Pencil Factory, made a virtual confession to him that he attacked and killed Mary Phagan is the startling allegation made in an affidavit by William H. Mincey, until recently a solicitor

You Are There: Says Conley Confessed Slaying, Atlanta Georgian, July 10th, 1913

Says Conley Confessed Slaying The Atlanta GeorgianThursday, July 10, 1913 *Editor's Note: Articles with the titles "Tells of Conley Confession" and "Says Conley Confessed" also appeared in other editions of the Georgian. NEGRO MADE BOAST OF KILLING A GIRL, AGENT DECLARES Attorneys for Frank Will Put Main Reliance of Defense on the Startling Affidavit Made by W. H. Mincey and Now in Their Possession. That Jim Conley, negro sweeper at the National Pencil Factory, made a virtual confession to him that he attacked and killed Mary Phagan is the startling allegation made in an affidavit by William H. Mincey, until

Friday, 11th July 1913 Agent Claims Conley Confessed to Murder

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The Atlanta Journal Friday, July 11, 1913 Detectives Deny That Mincey Told Them of Alleged Confession of Negro In the possession of the attorneys for the defense of Leo M. Frank is an affidavit of William H. Mincey, formerly an insurance agent working in Atlanta, who declares that the negro, James Conley, while drunk on the afternoon of April 26, admitted and even boasted to him that he had killed a girl that day. The admission is alleged by Mincey's affidavit to have been made when he met Conley, whom he knew, in the negro quarter, and attempted to sell

You Are There: Agent Claims Conley Confessed to Murder, Atlanta Journal, July 11th, 1913

Agent Claims Conley Confessed to Murder The Atlanta JournalFriday, July 11, 1913 Detectives Deny That Mincey Told Them of Alleged Confession of Negro In the possession of the attorneys for the defense of Leo M. Frank is an affidavit of William H. Mincey, formerly an insurance agent working in Atlanta, who declares that the negro, James Conley, while drunk on the afternoon of April 26, admitted and even boasted to him that he had killed a girl that day. The admission is alleged by Mincey's affidavit to have been made when he met Conley, whom he knew, in the negro

Friday, 11th July 1913 Conley Not Right Man, Says Mincey

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The Atlanta Constitution Friday, July 11, 1913 Insurance Man Who Made Affidavit Says Conversation Was With Some Other Negro—Saw Conley at Station. It was disclosed Thursday afternoon that William H. Mincey, the insurance agent who has made an affidavit to the effect that Jim Conley on the date of the Phagan murder drunkenly admitted that he had slain a girl had appeared at police headquarters during Conley's grilling and had positively failed to identify the negro. This was told a Constitution reporter by Detective Harry Scott of the Pinkertons and Detective Chief Newport Lanford. The insurance agent, they declared, had

You Are There: Conley Not Right Man, Says Mincey, Atlanta Constitution, July 11th, 1913

Conley Not Right Man, Says Mincey The Atlanta ConstitutionFriday, July 11, 1913 Insurance Man Who Made Affidavit Says Conversation Was With Some Other Negro—Saw Conley at Station. It was disclosed Thursday afternoon that William H. Mincey, the insurance agent who has made an affidavit to the effect that Jim Conley on the date of the Phagan murder drunkenly admitted that he had slain a girl had appeared at police headquarters during Conley's grilling and had positively failed to identify the negro. This was told a Constitution reporter by Detective Harry Scott of the Pinkertons and Detective Chief Newport Lanford. The

Friday, 11th July 1913 Girl Tells Police Startling Story of Vice Ring

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The Atlanta Georgian Friday, July 11, 1913 THREE NEW VICE WAR ARRESTS Man Prisoner Declares He Will Bare the Whole System if Brought to Trial. As a result of statements made to Chief Beavers Friday morning by Hattie Smith, the young girl who has been held for the Grand Jury in connection with the vice war, Detective Rosser at noon arrested three persons—two men and a woman—who were named by the Smith girl as contributing to her downfall and being involved in her white slavery charges. The persons under arrest are Paul Estes, 52 Queen Street; Hoyt Monroe, Edgewood, and

Friday, 11th July 1913 Mincey’s Story Jolts Police to Activity

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The Atlanta Georgian Friday, July 11, 1913 *Editor's Note: The following column ran in the final edition of the Georgian with the title "Georgian's Story Stirs Officials to Action," and contains the following bracketed text in lieu of the first two paragraphs and preceding sub-headline. [Mincey Affidavit Leads to Another Cross-Examination of Phagan Case Suspect. [As a result of the publication by The Georgian exclusively Thursday of the sensational affidavit of W.H. Mincey, the insurance agent, which declared that Jim Conley had confessed on the afternoon of the Phagan murder, that he had killed a little girl, the negro sweeper

Friday, 11th July 1913 Slaying Charge for Conley Is Expected

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The Atlanta Georgian Friday, July 11, 1913 Speedy Indictment of Negro Is Likely Following Publication of Mincey Affidavit. The speedy indictment of Jim Conley on the charge of murdering Mary Phagan was the strong possibility discussed in court circles Friday following the sensational turn given the strangling mystery by The Georgian's publication Thursday of the accusation of William H. Mincey, an insurance solicitor, that he had heard the negro boast on the afternoon of the crime of killing a girl. For nearly two months a self-confessed accessory after the fact of the murder of the little factory girl, Conley has

You Are There: Slaying Charge for Conley Is Expected, Atlanta Georgian, July 11th, 1913

Slaying Charge for Conley Is Expected The Atlanta GeorgianFriday, July 11, 1913 Speedy Indictment of Negro Is Likely Following Publication of Mincey Affidavit. The speedy indictment of Jim Conley on the charge of murdering Mary Phagan was the strong possibility discussed in court circles Friday following the sensational turn given the strangling mystery by The Georgian's publication Thursday of the accusation of William H. Mincey, an insurance solicitor, that he had heard the negro boast on the afternoon of the crime of killing a girl. For nearly two months a self-confessed accessory after the fact of the murder of the

Saturday, 12th July 1913 Chief Beavers Orders Sleuths to Find Vice

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The Atlanta Journal Saturday, July 12, 1913 Hattie Smith Reluctant Before Judge—Says She Was Just Talking Friday For the first time since he has been at the head of the police force, Chief James L. Beavers addressed the assembled members of the detective department behind closed doors at hadquarters Friday afternoon, instructing them to unearth vice conditions. Heretofore the vice squad under Chief Beavers' immediate direction has been almost alone in its activity along that line. Not previously had the chief addressed the detectives on any subject. In regard to the detectives' participation in the crusade against vice, he told

Saturday, 12th July 1913 Conley Again Quizzed by Prosecutor Dorsey

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The Atlanta Journal Saturday, July 12, 1913 Solicitor and Hooper Grill Negro at Police Headquarters for Three Hours For two hours and a half Solicitor Dorsey did practically all of the ques- Phagan case, Frank A. Hooper, quizzed Conley at police headquarters Friday afternoon. Two detectives stood guard on the outside of the door of the police commissioner's room in which the questioning was done, but no one except the officials and the negro were inside the room. Conley was grinning when he emerged from the room. The questioning ended shortly before 7 o'clock, and Solicitor Dorsey and Mr. Hooper

You Are There: Conley Again Quizzed by Prosecutor Dorsey, Atlanta Journal, July 12th, 1913

Conley Again Quizzed by Prosecutor Dorsey The Atlanta JournalSaturday, July 12, 1913 Solicitor and Hooper Grill Negro at Police Headquarters for Three Hours For two hours and a half Solicitor Dorsey did practically all of the ques- Phagan case, Frank A. Hooper, quizzed Conley at police headquarters Friday afternoon. Two detectives stood guard on the outside of the door of the police commissioner's room in which the questioning was done, but no one except the officials and the negro were inside the room. Conley was grinning when he emerged from the room. The questioning ended shortly before 7 o'clock, and

Saturday, 12th July 1913 Conley Kept on Grill 4 Hours

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The Atlanta Georgian Saturday, July 12, 1913 After Gruelling Third Degree, Officials Refuse to Deny or Affirm Negro Confessed. Habeas corpus proceedings to release Newt Lee collapsed in the court of Judge Ellis Saturday morning. By agreement, Bernard L. Chappell, representing Lee, withdrew his application for a habeas corpus; Solicitor Dorsey promised to present a bill against Lee as a suspect in the Phagan murder case, with the expectation that a "no bill" would be returned. This appeared satisfactory to the attorneys for Lee, as well as to the State. Luther Z. Rosser, Reuben R. Arnold and Herbert J. Haas,

You Are There: Conley Kept on Grill 4 Hours, Atlanta Georgian, July 12th, 1913

Conley Kept on Grill 4 Hours The Atlanta GeorgianSaturday, July 12, 1913 After Gruelling Third Degree, Officials Refuse to Deny or Affirm Negro Confessed. Habeas corpus proceedings to release Newt Lee collapsed in the court of Judge Ellis Saturday morning. By agreement, Bernard L. Chappell, representing Lee, withdrew his application for a habeas corpus; Solicitor Dorsey promised to present a bill against Lee as a suspect in the Phagan murder case, with the expectation that a "no bill" would be returned. This appeared satisfactory to the attorneys for Lee, as well as to the State. Luther Z. Rosser, Reuben R.

Saturday, 12th July 1913 Dragnet for ‘Slavers’ Is Set

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The Atlanta Georgian Saturday, July 12, 1913 Arrest of Additional Men Named by Girl Victim of the "Ring" Due Soon. With rapid-fire developments featuring the day's investigation of the "vice ring" said to exist in Atlanta, Chief of Police Beavers announced at noon that he is accumulating new evidence through which he hopes to be able soon to break up the gang. The new evidence, he intimtaed , is startling, and is expected to result in arrests of several men and women within 24 hours. The principal developments of the day, through which Chief Beavers is obtaining his new evidence

Saturday, 12th July 1913 Five Caught in Beavers’ Vice Net

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The Atlanta Georgian Saturday, July 12, 1913 *Editor's Note: The second part of this article is not available. Police, Spurred by Chief, Raid Boarding House—Additional Arrests Due Soon. As the result of the increased activity by the detective and police departments, following the grilling given the detectives Friday afternoon by Chief Beavers, five new arrests were made by a squad of officers shortly after noon Saturday, in a raid on a boarding house at No. 164 1-2 Peters Street. The persons under arrest gave their names as Lulu Bell, Maud Wilson, Mrs. Lee Berkstein and L.W. Berkstein. Effie Drummond, a 22-year-old

Saturday, 12th July 1913 More Affidavits to Support Mincey Claimed

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The Atlanta Journal Saturday, July 12, 1913 Frank's Attorneys Said to Have Corroborating Evidence, Newt Lee Denied Freedom Joseph H. Leavitt, an attorney, with offices at 422 Grant building, the man who secured the affidavit of W.H. Mincey, who alleges that James Conley confessed to the killing of a girl on April 26, the day Mary Phagan was murdered, declares that a number of affidavits fully corroborating every word that Mincey has said, are in the hands of counsel for the defense of Leo M. Frank. Mr. Leavitt states that the Mincey affidavit is really much stronger than the published

Saturday, 12th July 1913 Parents Are Blamed for ‘Slavery’

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The Atlanta Georgian Saturday, July 12, 1913 *Editor's Note: The second portion of this article is not available. Acting Recorder Sends Girls to Reform School and Binds Two Men Over. Probe into vice conditions resulted in a startling climax Saturday afternoon when Acting Recorder Preston sentenced two girls, Corinne Wilson and Dora Rothstein to the Cincinnati Reform School and bound over two men, W.W. Suttles and C.A. Dollar, under $200 bond each, making eight vice cases tried Saturday, with the prospect of five more trials for Monday. The trial was featured by the statements of the Acting Recorder, who declared

Saturday, 12th July 1913 Says Women Heard Conley Confession

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The Atlanta Georgian Saturday, July 12, 1913 *Editor's Note: This article also ran with the headlines "Says Women Overheard Conley Confess" and "Says Women Heard Conley Confess" in the Final and Home Editions, respectively. The headline used here is from the Night Edition. AFFIDAVITS SUPPORT MINCEY STORY Attorney Leavitt Declares Tale That Negro Admitted Killing Girl Will Stand Test. That several negro women overheard Jim Conley when he ran the insurance agent, Mincey, away with the alleged statement that he had just killed a girl and didn't want to kill any one else, and that the affidavits from the women

Sunday, 13th July 1913 Affidavits to Back Mincey Story Found

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The Atlanta Georgian Sunday, July 13, 1913 Attorney Leavitt Declares Tale That Conley Admitted Killing Girl Will Stand Test. NEWT LEE STILL HELD IN JAIL Solicitor General Hugh Dorsey Promises to Present a Bill Against Him as Suspect. That several negro women overheard Jim Conley when he ran the insurance agent, Mincey, away with the alleged statement that he had just killed a girl and didn't want to kill anyone else, and that the affidavits from the women are in the hands of the attorneys for the defense, was stated Saturday by Attorney J.H. Leavitt, who aided in obtaining the

Sunday, 13th July 1913 Detective Harry Scott’s Hunch Thrilling Story of How it Secured James Conley’s Confession

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Caption reads: Detective Harry Scott (in Panama hat), of the Pinkertons, who played the hunch that Jim Conley, the negro, knew something of the girl's murder. The accompanying figure is Detective John Black, of police headquarters, whose work in co-operation with the Pinkerton man did much to solve the crime. Great dependence will be put in their testimony at the coming trial of Leo Frank, charged with the murder of Mary Phagan. The Atlanta Constitution Sunday, July 13, 1913 By Britt Craig. Have you ever had a hunch that there wasn't anybody around the table that held a higher hand

Sunday, 13th July 1913 Former Story True, Says Negro Sweeper

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The Atlanta Constitution Sunday, July 13, 1913 Jim Conley Declares Positively That He Has Made No New Admissions. Jim Conley, the negro sweeper, who was reached for a moment by newspaper reporters last night, reiterated his former story and declared positively that he had made no new statement of admission. The police have taken special pains to keep Jim secluded from reporters. Early Saturday night they managed to find him in a cell in "Drunkard's Row." He answered a few questions put to him, and seemed very willing to talk. An early arrival of the turnkey, however, prevented the newspaper

You Are There: Former Story True, Says Negro Sweeper, Atlanta Constitution, July 13th, 1913

Former Story True, Says Negro Sweeper The Atlanta ConstitutionSunday, July 13, 1913 Jim Conley Declares Positively That He Has Made No New Admissions. Jim Conley, the negro sweeper, who was reached for a moment by newspaper reporters last night, reiterated his former story and declared positively that he had made no new statement of admission. The police have taken special pains to keep Jim secluded from reporters. Early Saturday night they managed to find him in a cell in "Drunkard's Row." He answered a few questions put to him, and seemed very willing to talk. An early arrival of the

Sunday, 13th July 1913 Indictment of Conley Puzzle for Grand Jury

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The Atlanta Georgian Sunday, July 13, 1913 *Editor's Note: Some text is blurred in the original document, and illegible text is marked by "". The text box insert is transcribed at the bottom of this post. Old Police Reporter Declares True Bill Against Negro Might Alter Entire Frank Prosecution. RULES OF EVIDENCE CITED Mincey Affidavit May Have Important Bearing on Defense of Pencil Factory Manager. By An Old Police Reporter. Persistent rumors have been abroad of late that the present Grand Jury may indict James Conley for the murder of Mary Phagan. This is interesting, for if the Grand Jury

Sunday, 13th July 1913 Lee Must Remain Behind the Bars

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The Atlanta Constitution Sunday, July 13, 1913 Solicitor Dorsey Does Not Believe the Negro Guilty of Any Part in Crime. That Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey does not believe that Newt Lee, negro night watchman at the National Pencil factory, who was bound over by the grand jury with Superintendent Leo M. Frank for the murder of Mary Phagan, is guilty, was the only matter of importance brought out yesterday at the hearing of the habeas corpus before Judge W.D. Ellis by which Lee's attorneys, Graham & Chappell, sought to free him. Judge Ellis denied the motion for habeas corpus

Sunday, 13th July 1913 Parents Are Blamed for Daughters’ Fall

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The Atlanta Constitution Sunday, July 13, 1913 Girls of Fourteen and Sixteen Tell Recorder Revolting Stories of Vice. After relating a revolting tale of a career of vice on the streets and in the suburbs of Atlanta, Dora Rothstein and Corinne Wilson, two girls aged 14 and 16 years, stood unabashed in the recorder's court Saturday afternoon. Recorder Pro Tem Preston, shocked by their testimony, called for the parents of the prisoners. Two aged men and a woman stepped forward and stood before the judge. They were Mr. and Mrs. A. Rothstein, parents of the younger girl, and W.B. Engesser,

Sunday, 13th July 1913 Seek Negro Who Says He Was Eye-Witness to Phagan Murder

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The Atlanta Georgian Sunday, July 13, 1913 Fugitive, Reported to Have Been Traced to Birmingham, Declares That He Witnessed the Attack on the Girl Slain in the Pencil Plant. LAYS CRIME TO BLACK WITH WHOM HE HAD GAMBLED Loser at Dice, He Declares, Planned to Rob Victim as She Came From Getting Pay—Tried to Prevent the Crime and, Failing, Fled. Report that a negro who has declared that he witnessed the attack by another negro upon Mary Phagan, which resulted in her death in the National Pencil Factory on the afternoon of April 26, has been apprehended in Birmingham, became

You Are There: Seek Negro Who Says He Was Eye-Witness to Phagan Murder, Atlanta Georgian, July 13th, 1913

Seek Negro Who Says He Was Eye-Witness to Phagan Murder The Atlanta GeorgianSunday, July 13, 1913 Fugitive, Reported to Have Been Traced to Birmingham, Declares That He Witnessed the Attack on the Girl Slain in the Pencil Plant. LAYS CRIME TO BLACK WITH WHOM HE HAD GAMBLED Loser at Dice, He Declares, Planned to Rob Victim as She Came From Getting Pay—Tried to Prevent the Crime and, Failing, Fled. Report that a negro who has declared that he witnessed the attack by another negro upon Mary Phagan, which resulted in her death in the National Pencil Factory on the afternoon

Monday, 14th July 1913 Girl Bares New Vice System

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The Atlanta Georgian Monday, July 14, 1913 Young Woman From the Country Says She Was Lured to Resort on Peters Street. Raid Frees Victim of Alleged Gang From a Resort on Peters Street. Five White Men and Dozen Negroes Arrested in Raid Are Convicted in Court. *Editor's Note: This article was also published under the headlines "Police Hunt Vice Band's Leader" and "17 Caught in Vice Drag Fined," the latter article containing the following six paragraphs in brackets. The sub-headlines for each article are listed above in the same order. There is also a continuation of the article on a

Monday, 14th July 1913 Mincey’s Own Story

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The Atlanta Georgian Monday, July 14, 1913 *Editor's Note: This article also appeared in the Night Edition under the headline "Mincey Tells of Confession." Tells How Conley Confessed Killing Girl ‘I AM SEEKING ONLY TO DO MY DUTY FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE' The Georgian Secures Remarkable Statement From Chief Witness for Defense in the Trial of Frank. Declares Belief in Conley's Guilt. On Thursday, July 10, The Georgian published the exclusive story of an affidavit in the possession of the lawyers for Leo M. Frank, accused of the murder of Mary Phagan, made by W.H. Mincey, an insurance agent, the

You Are There: Mincey’s Own Story, Atlanta Georgian, July 14th, 1913

Mincey's Own Story The Atlanta GeorgianMonday, July 14, 1913 *Editor's Note: This article also appeared in the Night Edition under the headline "Mincey Tells of Confession." Tells How Conley Confessed Killing Girl ‘I AM SEEKING ONLY TO DO MY DUTY FOR TRUTH AND JUSTICE' The Georgian Secures Remarkable Statement From Chief Witness for Defense in the Trial of Frank. Declares Belief in Conley's Guilt. On Thursday, July 10, The Georgian published the exclusive story of an affidavit in the possession of the lawyers for Leo M. Frank, accused of the murder of Mary Phagan, made by W.H. Mincey, an insurance

Monday, 14th July 1913 Prosecution Attacks Mincey’s Affidavit

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The Atlanta Georgian Monday, July 14, 1913 MRS. CRAWFORD BEGINS FIGHT FOR HER FREEDOM STATE STILL CONFIDENT OF CASE Story of Negro Who Says He Was Eyewitness of Slaying Disbelieved by Solicitor. Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey and Attorney Frank A. Hooper, engaged in the prosecution of Leo M. Frank, were induced Monday to break the silence they have maintained grilling the negro Jim Conley last week. They made their first public comments on the sensational developments of the last few days in the Phagan murder mystery. Both declared emphatically that neither the affidavit of W. H. Mincey, insurance solicitor,

Monday, 14th July 1913 Vice Pickets Posted at Hotels

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The Atlanta Georgian Monday, July 14, 1913 Revocation of License Will Be Asked if Law Is Violated. Girl Sentenced. The vice inquiry Monday morning resulted in a close surveillance of hotels which, it is alleged, harbor young girls for immoral purposes. If the law is violated, the police authorities say, the police committee of Council will be requested to revoke the license of the hotel involved. Chief Beavers has detailed men to watch for violations of the law following information given by Corinne Wilson and Dora Rosthstein , sentenced to the Reform School Saturday afternoon. The new information, it is

Tuesday, 15th July 1913 Holloway Corroborates Mincey’s Affidavit

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The Atlanta Georgian Tuesday, July 15, 1913 RECALLS HE WAS TOLD STORY OF CONLEY Watchman Remembers of Visit of Witness to Factory on Day of Crime. Further corroboration of several of the important details in the remarkable affidavit of W.H. Mincey, insurance agent and teacher, who swore he heard Jim Conley confess killing a girl, came Tuesday in a statement by E.F. Holloway, day watchman at the National Pencil Factory. Holloway substantiated in every particular the story of Mincey's visit to the factory the Tuesday following the crime and recalled the general trend of the conversation, which was practically as

You Are There: Holloway Corroborates Mincey’s Affidavit, Atlanta Georgian, July 15th, 1913

Holloway Corroborates Mincey's Affidavit The Atlanta GeorgianTuesday, July 15, 1913 RECALLS HE WAS TOLD STORY OF CONLEY Watchman Remembers of Visit of Witness to Factory on Day of Crime. Further corroboration of several of the important details in the remarkable affidavit of W.H. Mincey, insurance agent and teacher, who swore he heard Jim Conley confess killing a girl, came Tuesday in a statement by E.F. Holloway, day watchman at the National Pencil Factory. Holloway substantiated in every particular the story of Mincey's visit to the factory the Tuesday following the crime and recalled the general trend of the conversation, which

Tuesday, 15th July 1913 Mincey Affidavit Not New to the Solicitor

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The Atlanta Journal Tuesday, July 15, 1913 State Officials Refuse to Consider Seriously Statement of Insurance Agent Despite the claim that many witnesses to corroborate the assertions of W.H. Mincey, the insurance agent and school teacher who claims that Conley confessed to him can be produced by the defense of Leo M. Frank, state officials refuse to consider seriously Mincey's testimony as an important element in the case. Details of the Mincey affidavit are corroborated by E.F. Holloway, an employe of the National Pencil factory, who states that he remembers Mincey's visit to the scene of Mary Phagan's murder on
