Author: Historical Librarian

Sunday, 21st September 1913: Sheriff Mangum Will Run For Re-election, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Sunday, 21st September 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 7.Announces as Candidate andReplies to Criticism of HisTreatment of FrankRumors to the effect that owing to advancing years Sheriff C.Wheeler Mangum, would not again be a candidate for publicoffice, are set at rest today be his formal announcement of hiscandidacy before the coming county primary.Although the primary will not be held until next year twocandidates are already in the field against Sheriff Mangum, andtwo others are said to be considering entering the race. In fact,the race is already running full blast.Owing to a recent illness, from which happily he has nowcompletely recovered,

Monday, 22nd September 1913: One Of Four Judges Hears Frank Motion?, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Monday, 22nd September 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 5.Judgeships Certain toChangeBefore Motion for NewTrial Is BroughtIt was stated on good authority Monday that Judge B. H. Hillof the state court of appeals, recently appointed by GovernorSlaton to the new judgeship in Fulton county's superior court, willresign his position in the court of appeals on October 11; and thatJudge Roan, now presiding in the criminal division of the Fultoncourt, recently appointed to succeed Judge Hill on the court ofappeals, will continue upon the bench of the Stone Mountaincircuit until about the same date.There has been much conjecture upon this point, for

Tuesday, 23rd September 1913: No Judge Yet Named To Hear Frank Motion, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 23rd September 1913,PAGE 2, COLUMN 4.Retrial Hearing Will Be Conducted by One of Four Fulton Judges.In view of the fact that much has been published in the daily press about the new judicial appointments for Atlanta and the court of appeals, and speculation has been indulged as to who would hear the motion for a new trial in the Leo M. Frank case.The Constitution has made an effort to obtain the facts and to put at rest the discussion or doubt on the subject.The Frank motion for new trial has been assigned for hearing on October 4,

Tuesday, 23rd September 1913: Sheriff C. W. Mangum Makes Announcement, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Tuesday, 23rd September 1913,PAGE 6, COLUMN 4.To the Citizens of Fulton County:Now that the wave of excitement and heat of passionincident to the Leo Frank trial has in a measure subsided I deem itadvisable to address a few words to the voters and the people ofthe county relative to the many baseless, unfounded, and unfairrumors which have been circulated about my treatment of thecounty's prisoner, Leo M. Frank.These rumors, many of which are too unreasonable to bedignified with a reply or denial, have largely originated with mypersonal and political enemies, solely for political purposes, butthey have been given

Wednesday, September 24, 1913 Leo Frank Again Made President Of B’nai B’rith, Atlanta Constitution.

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  The Atlanta Constitution, Wednesday, 24th September 1913. PAGE 1, COLUMN 4 Prominent Atlantans Are Elected Officers of This Jewish Charitable Organization. WITH FRANK IN JAIL HIGH HONOR PAID HIM His Re-Election Comes With Announcement That He Is Still Conducting Affairs of Pencil Company. At the recent elections of the Jewish Order of B'nai B'rith, Leo M. Frank, president, was unanimously chosen as head of the order again, and a number of prominent Atlanteans were selected to fill the more important offices. Among them are: Arthur Heyman, of Dorsey, Brewater, Howell & Heyman, vice president; Milton Klein, monitor; Dr. B.

Wednesday, 24th September 1913: Leo M. Frank Again Heads B’nai B’rith, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Wednesday, 24th September 1913,PAGE 18, COLUMN 3.From Cell in Tower ManCon-demned to HangOperatesAffairs ofOrganizationLeo M. Frank has been re-elected president for another yearfor another year of the local branch of the B'nai B'rith, the Jewishcharitable organization.Other officers elected for the ensuing year are ArthurHeyman, law partner of Hugh M. Dorsey, Frank's prosecutor, vicepresident; Milton Klein, monitor; Dr. B. Wildauer, treasurer, and B.Kaufman, warden. The secretary of the organization is not electedat the same time with the other officers, and Sam P. Cronheimremains in the position.Frank was named to head for another term the order, whichis said to be

Friday, 26th September 1913 Did Not Discuss Guilt Of Frank

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The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 26th September 1913.PAGE 5, COLUMN 1Blakely Men in DepositionsDeny That Juryman HensleeMade Statements Attributed to Him.That Atticus H. Henslee, the ventriloquist on the Frank jury, did not discuss with them Leo M. Frank's connection with the murder of Mary Phagan, or make any remarks about what he would do in case should he be placed on the jury, was the sworn statement of L. E. Blac and Walter Thomas, two citizens of Blakely, Ga., whose depositions were filled in superior court by Attorneys Reuben R. Arnold and L. Z. Rosser for the defense.It was stated recently that

Saturday, 27th September 1913: Cant Fire Man For Doing Duty, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 27th September 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 1.Chief J. L. Beavers in No Immediate Danger of Recall,DeclaresMayor James G. Woodward.Mayor James G. Woodward, leader of Atlantas charter reform advocates, is of the opinion that the adoption of the recall amendment to the city charter does not place Police Chief J. L. Beavers in immediate jeopardy.The mayor characterizes all the talk that the recall was aimed at the police chief and that Beavers would be the first victim as all bosh.Beavers is in no more danger of being recalled than any other city official, the mayor the first place

Saturday, 27th September 1913 Smith And Arnold Indicted For Fight

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The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 27th September 1913.PAGE 5, COLUMN 3Prominent Attorneys Are PlacedUnder Bonds of $200 forCourthouse Difficulty.Burton Smith and Reuben R. Arnold, prominent Atlanta attorneys, the later president of the Bar association, were indicted for assault and battery yesterday by the Fulton County grand jury and are held under $200 bonds each.The fight which brought about the indictment occurred May 22, when depositions were being taken in the fight to break the will of the late Joshua B. Crawford. Attorneys Smith and Arnold were representing the widow, whom it has since been charged poisoned her husband, and C. W. Walton

Sunday, 28th September 1913 Grief Of Mrs. Coleman Is A Pitiful Sight

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The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 28th September 1913.PAGE 69, COLUMN 3Fears Are Entertained by HerFamily and Friends NewEvidence Discovered.Grieving over the death of her daughter, Mary Phagan, who was found murdered in the National Pencil factory, and for whose death Leo M. Frank has been sentenced to hang, the condition of Mrs. J. W. Coleman is causing grave fear among her friends.Physicians say that unless the load of sorrow is lifted early from her mind, she is likely to become subject to hysteria that would be fatal. Friends and relatives visit her constantly seeking, without avail, to console her and enliven her

Sunday, 28th September 1913: Roan Not Likely To Hear Plea For New Frank Trial, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Sunday, 28th September 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.Although He Would Liketo DoSo, There Is, LittleProbabil-ity That Case WillReachHim in TimeWhile Judge L. S. Roan, who presided at the trial of Leo M.Frank, is ready and willing to hear the motion for a new trial in thecase, it still appears unlikely that the motion will be argued forseveral weeks, or before he becomes a judge of the court ofappeals.Saturday the amended motion for a new trial had not beenserved upon the solicitor by Frank's attorneys, and naturally hecannot commence the preparation of his answer and his briefuntil after he has

Monday, 29th September 1913: Paul Donehoo Has Been Bridegroom a Week Now, The Atlanta Journal

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  The Atlanta Journal, Monday, 29th September 1913, PAGE 2, COLUMN 2. Paul Donehoo Has Been Bridegroom a Week Now For a week Paul Donehoo, Fulton County's blind coroner, has been a bridegroom. He was married last Sunday to Miss Alverta Benson, and the secret of their wedding was not known except among a very few friends until the happy couple themselves announced it Sunday afternoon, exactly one week after the ceremony. They had intended to keep it secret for at least a month. Dr. S.R. Belk, the pastor of the Park Street Methodist Church in Atlanta, pronounced the words

Tuesday, September 30th, 1913: Commission Asks Why Jail Is Overcrowded, The Atlanta Journal

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  The Atlanta Journal, Tuesday, 30th September 1913, PAGE 1, COLUMN 1. Commission Asks Why Jail Is Overcrowded Solicitor Replies That 130 Cases Hang Fire for Lack of Judge and Court The board of county commissioners has officially called the attention of the solicitor general to the unusually crowded condition of the Fulton County jail, and has asked the reason for the delay in the disposition of felony cases. This is the first time that the county commission has taken official cognizance of congested jail conditions and it is causing considerable comment. The solicitor general has replied to the board's

Wednesday, 1st October 1913 Frank Case Papers To Be Served Today

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The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 1st October 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 3.Hearing for New Trial Set for Saturday. Dorsey May Ask for More Time.Announcement was made Tuesday by Attorney L. Z. Rosser,for Leo M. Frank, sentenced to hang October 10, for the murder ofMary Phagan, that the papers in the plea for a new trial would beserved today upon Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey. The hearingis set for Saturday and it is not known until the solicitor sees theplea whether he will be in a position to answer it on the date set.The defense has worked on its case and those who knowsomething

Wednesday, 1st October 1913: Frank Motion Is Served On Solicitor, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal, Wednesday, 1st October 1913, PAGE 1, COLUMNS 4 & 7. PAGE 1, COLUMN 7 NEW TRIAL ASKED ON 115 COUTNS BY FRANK'S ATTORNEYS In Lengthy Document, Attorneys for Leo M. Frank Changes That Innumerable Errors Were Made by Court JURORS JOHENNING AND HENSLEE BOTH ATTACKED They Are Alleged to Have Gone on Jury Prejudiced Roan Now Expected to Hear the Motion Citing 115 separate counts and attacking two of the jurors, counsel for Leo M. Frank on Wednesday served on the solicitor general their amended motion for a new trial for the man convicted of Mary Phagan's

Wednesday, 1st October 1913: Rosser Ready Roan Will Hear Frank Argument, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Wednesday, 1st October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMNS 1, 5, & 6.PAGE 1, COLUMN 5SOLICITOR EXPECTED TO SEEK DELAYDefense to File Plea for New Trial Wednesday " State Faces Difficult TaskFight for the life of Leo M. Frank, sentenced to be hangedOctober 10 for the murder of Mary Phagan, will assume activityWednesday, when the papers in the motion for a new trial will befiled by the attorneys for the defense.Solicitor Hugh Dorsey will begin an examination of thepapers immediately in an effort to complete his answer bySaturday, the date set for the hearing of the motion for a newtrial.Regardless of

Thursday, 2nd October 1913 115 Reasons Given Why Frank Should Get Another Trial

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The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 2nd October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 7.Hearing Is SetBefore JudgeRoan NextSaturday, ButIt Is Believed theSolicitorWill AskPostponement.TWO JURORSATTACKEDIN RETRIALPETITIONHenslee and JohenningDe-clared Prejudiced"Objectto Alleged IllegalEvidenceand toDemonstrations.Charging that two members of the jury, Henslee andJohenning, were biased and prejudiced against the defendant;that Judge L.S. Roan admitted illegal evidence, prejudicial to thedefendant, and that the popular applause from time to time, inand outside of the courthouse, influenced the jury and made itimpossible for them to give him a fair trial, attorneys for Leo M.Frank, convicted of the murder of Mary Phagan, have preparedtheir amended motion for a new trial. The hearing is

Thursday, 2nd October 1913: Ask New Frank Trial On 115 Counts Many Errors Laid To Court; Charge Made Of Jury Intimidation, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Thursday, 2nd October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Citing 115 counts wherein the count is declared to have erred inthe trial of Leo M. Frank, Luther Z. Rosser Wednesday fled withthe criminal court a motion for a new trial for the pencil factorysuperintendent, sentenced to hang October 10 for the murder ofMary Phagan.The motion, contained in nearly two hundred typewrittensheets, includes an exhaustive research of the trial and eachcount, as it is brought out, is dissected.The motion will be placed in the hands of Solicitor Dorsey forhis inspection and reply and the first hearing will be given onOctober 4.Principal among

Thursday, 2nd October 1913: Solicitor At Work Preparing Answer To Frank Motion, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Thursday, 2nd October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 7.Dorsey Has Dropped All Other Business and Will Devote His Time Exclusively to New Trial FightJUROR JOHENNING SAYS HE WAS UNPREJUDICED He Declares He, Henslee and All the Others Served Only Through a Sense of Duty Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey has dropped all other business and is devoting his exclusive attention to the preparation of his answer to the defense's motion for a new trial for Leo M. Frank.The case is set for argument before Judge L. S. Roan on Saturday, but there is little chance of it being heard then.The

Friday, 3rd October 1913: Frank Trial Juror Denies Charge Of Bias, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Friday, 3rd October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMNS 1, 3, 4, 5 & 7.PAGE 1, COLUMN 1PAGE 1, COLUMN 3Slaton SetsDaysFor ClemencyPleasGovernor Slaton has promulgated a rule that hereafterpetitions for clemency will be heard in the executive offices onthe fourth Thursday and Friday of each month.The Governor is forced to the adoption of this rule in order tofind time for other public business.PAGE 1, COLUMNS 4 &5TWO FRANKJURORSCHARGEDWITH BIASJ. A. HENSLEEMARCELLUS JOHENNINGPAGE 1, COLUMN 4Court toRelieveCongestionat JailIn order to alleviate the crowded condition of the FultonCounty jail. Judge Calhoun of the Criminal Court of Atlanta, willopen court next Monday in

Friday, 3rd October 1913 May Use Jurors To Deny Charges

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The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 3rd October 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 1.Dorsey Expected toProduceAffidavits, DenyingJurors'Alleged Bias AgainstFrank.Postponement Seen.The hearing of the motion for a new trial made by attorneysfor Leo M. Frank, convicted slayer of Mary Phagan, which isscheduled to come up Saturday, will likely be postponed twoweeks. The delay will probably come following a request ofSolicitor Hugh M. Dorsey, who, although struggling through thedefense's brief as rapidly as possible, will not be ready to proceedat that time, as he is now in the midst of digesting and answeringthe 115 objections made by the convicted man's lawyers.It will take me from now oh

Saturday, 4th October 1913: Affidavits Attacking Frank Jurors Made Public Two Jurors Prejudiced, Say Affidavits, And Jury Heard Crowds Cheer And Threaten, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Saturday, 4th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 6.Three Men Swear They Were TogetherWhen Juror Henslee Said He Knew Frank Was Guilty, and Five Say They IndiVidually Heard Him Say the Same Thing Three in Same Family Attack Juror Johenning AFFIDAVITS SAY JURYMEN TALKED TO PEOPLE WHILE WALKING ALONG STREETWhen Crowd Cheered for Dorsey Outside Court Room, Declare Affidavits, the Jury Members Looked Out of the Windows and Noticed the Demonstration Cheers in Court Room Also Mentioned.SENSATIONAL affidavits to support the contentions of the defense of Leo M. Frank that two of the jurors, who tried him were prejudiced; and

Saturday, 4th October 1913 Interest Centers In Attacks Made On Frank Jurors

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The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 4th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Many SealedDepositions AreFiled With DeputyClerkAssailing A. H.Henslee andMarcus Johenning.SPARTA CITIZENSSAYHENSLEEPREJUDICEDMembers of Jury Denyin In-dignant Terms ThatAny ofTheir Number WasBiasedIn Any Way.That one of the Sparta, Ga., citizens whose affidavits are nowsealed and lying in the safe of the clerk of the superior court, didmake the statement that A. H. Henslee had declared that hebelieved Frank guilty and would like to see him hang, was thestatement made last night by another citizen of the Hancockcounty seat.The exact contents of the affidavits which were made beforeJ. W. Lewis, of Sparta, by three of the

Saturday, 4th October 1913: Sensational Charge In Frank Case, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Saturday, 4th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMNS 1, 5, 6, 7, & 8.PAGE 1, COLUMN 1SENSATIONAL CHARGE INFRANK CASEPAGE 1, COLUMNS 5,6, & 7CHARGESPREJUDICEAGAINST FRANKJURORC. P. STOUGH.PAGE 1, COLUMN 8PREJUDICEDENIEDBYTHOSEONPANELC. P. Stough Deposes ThatA. H.Henslee ShowedAnimus Be-fore Being Drawn.With members of the Frank trial jury rallying to the defenseof their comrades accused of bias and prejudice, the revelationwas made Friday that, in a sealed deposition to be used by thedefense. A. A. Henslee, one of the jurors, is accused of havingmade this statement before he was chosen as one of the twelvemen to try the factory superintendent:I believe Frank

Sunday, 5th October 1913 A.h. Henslee May Establish Alibi

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The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 5th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.Attacked Frank JurorBrandsAs False theCharges MadeAgainst Him inSeveral Af-fidavits.In answer to several of the affidavits claiming that atspecified times and places he made declarations of belief in theguilt of Leo M. Frank, whom he later as a juror voted guilty of themurder of Mary Phagan. A. H. Henslee is understood to bepreparing copies of orders to his firm by which he tends to showthat he was in another part of the state at the time he is allegedto have made the remarks about Frank's part in the murder.Mr. Henslee has given the

Sunday, 5th October 1913: Governor Slaton Personally Investigates And Verifies The Circulation Of The Georgian And Hearst’s Sunday American, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Sunday, 5th October 1913,PAGE 2, COLUMN 2.Daily SundayGeorgian AmericanOctober 4th 1913.At the request of the management of The Atlanta Georgianand The Sunday American, I personally examined on Friday afternoon their various circulation statements, in detail. This workrequired sometime, but it was willingly given, because I regardthese newspapers as enterprises of which all Georgia should beproud. The figures the papers furnish, under oath, to the postalauthorities show a marvelous growth for the time The Georgianand Sunday American have been in Mr. Hearst's hands"particularly The Sunday American, which is only six months old.These circulation figures I have checked up and

Sunday, 5th October 1913: Two Frank Jurors Firm In Denying Outside Pressure, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Sunday, 5th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 7.M. Joehenning and A. H. HensleeHold Long Conference With Solicitor General Hugh DorseyAFFIDAVITS ARE HOTLY BRANDED AS FALSETold Truth When They Swore as Talesmen They Were Not Biased, They Declare Dorsey FramesReplyM. Joehenning and A. H. Henslee, the two Frank trial jurors, who were attacked in the defense's motion for a new trial, it being alleged that they entered upon their duties as jurors with a preconceived bias against the defendant, were interviewed at some length Saturday afternoon by Solicitor Dorsey.The solicitor is understood to have discussed with them the various affidavits

Monday, 6th October 1913: Frank Given Indefinite Respite, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Monday, 6th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMNS 1 & 8.Hearing on New Trial Motion Is PostponedPREJUDICE OF JURORS CHARGEDBYMANYHenslee, Accused,Threatens SuitAgainst Maker ofAffidavit.Denies He WasBiased.With Leo M. Frank's sentence respited indefinitely, and thehearing on his lawyers' motion postponed for a week, newsensations were sprung in the fight for the convicted factorysuperintendent's life with the revelation Saturday of the contentsof a mass of affidavits charging prejudice against A. H. Hensleyand Marcellus Johenning, members of the trial jury.Most of the fire is directed at Henslee, who is charged bymany persons with having expressed violent feelings on the casebefore he was chosen

Monday, 6th October 1913: Judge Ellis Protests Reckless Auto Drivers, The Atlanta Journal

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  The Atlanta Journal, Monday, 6th October 1913, PAGE 1, COLUMN 6. Writes Chief Beavers a Letter Telling of Alleged Violations of Law Judge W. D. Ellis, of the superior court, has written Chief of Police J. L. Beavers a letter requesting the arrest of an automobile driver, and incidentally registering a general protest against the way in which autoists are "fudging on the automobile laws." Judge Ellis declares in his letter that in regard to the law regulating the passing of trolley cars by automobiles that the automobile drivers are acting like baseball players who are preparing to steal

Monday, 6th October 1913 Sparta Citizens Insist Henslee Was Prejudiced

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The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 6th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.You Said Frank WasGuil-Ty, They Tell Jurorin Let-Ter Sent to Him,and Fur-nish Copies to thePress.WEPRACTICALLYTRIEDHIM BEFORE THETRIALSay They Will NotAllowHenslee to CallThem LiarsTo Protect HimselfFromCriticism HeDeserved.Declaring that they had practically tried Leo M. Frank forthe murder of Mary Phagan before the case was called, the threemen who made affidavits against A. H. Henslee, a Frank juror,charging him with bias, yesterday mailed a sensational letter tothe Atlanta newspapers, presenting their side of the case. Thewriters of the letter are John M. Holmes, of Holmes & Walker, aninsurance and buggy firm, S. M. Johnson,

Tuesday, 7th October 1913: Dorsey And Stephens Busy In Valdosta, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Tuesday, 7th October 1913,PAGE 7, COLUMN 3.(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)VALDOSTA, Ga., Oct. 7Solicitor General Hugh Dorsey and Assistant Solicitor Ed Stephens of Atlanta, are spending this week in Valdosta, preparing the answer to the motion for a new trial which was made by the lawyers for Leo Frank in Atlanta recently.While Judge Thomas is holding court in Moultrie, Attorneys and Stephens are occupying his office in the county court house, where they have the advantage of his library and can carry on their work without interruption.PAGE 7, COLUMN 4HENSLEE ANSWERSPERJURY CHARGES OF FRANK DEFENSEFight for New TrialNowHinges

Tuesday, 7th October 1913: Dorsey At Work To Combat Charge, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Tuesday, 7th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 8.Defense Claims It has NewandPositive Proof of BiasAccusa-tions Against HensleeA. H. Henslee, of the jury that convicted Leo M. Frank, madehis bitterly denunciator remarks against the defendant in thehearing of a far greater number of persons than already havemade depositions, according to information in the possession ofFrank's attorneys.While the prisoner's lawyers are busy building up their plea,Solicitor General Hugh Dorsey is working ceaselessly preparing todemolish their arguments for a new trial.We have the names of a great many other persons to whomHenslee expressed his opinion of Frank's guilt and his hope thathe

Tuesday, 7th October 1913 Henslee Answers Sprata Citizens

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The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 7th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.Made His RemarksAboutLeo Frank After TrialandNot Before, SaysJuror Ac-cused of Prejudice.A. H. Henslee, juror in the Frank case, who has beendeclared prejudiced against the prisoner in a number of affidavitsfled with the clerk of the superior court, yesterday sent thefollowing letter to The Constitution, in which he denies many ofthe statements made by Messrs, Holmes, Johnson and Gray, ofSparta, Ga.Editor The Constitution: Replying to your article in today'sissue, October 6, in reference to Messrs. Holmes Johnson andGray. I will say I am sorry to think that they would go ahead andmake such

Wednesday, 8th October 1913: Both Sides Confident In Frank Case, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Wednesday, 8th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.Men Who Accuse HensleeofPrejudice of Highest Type,Says Stiles Hopkins.Attorneys for Leo M. Frank announced Wednesday that theyinvited an attack upon the truth and veracity of the men whomade depositions against Juror A. H. He, charging bias andprejudice, just for the purpose demonstrating conclusively thatevery person has made an affidavit is unimpeachable and a manof recognized character and honesty.The State and the defense both are confident over theprobable outcome of the motion for a new trial which will beheard Saturday.Stiles Hopkins, one of the firm of Rosser, Brandon, Slaten &Phillips, obtained a number

Wednesday, 8th October 1913: Frank Hearing To Be Postponed Another Week, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Wednesday, 8th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.DORSEY IN VALDOSTA SAYS HE CANNOT BE READY BY SATURDAY"Working Hard," Says Solicitor, "But Will Be Lucky If We Get Ready by 2 Week From Next Saturday"ANOTHER JUROR,ATLANTA MAN, WILL BE ATTACKEDJuror Said He Would Sit "Till Hell Froze Over," According To Affidavit That Defense Will File, It Is Said Special dispatches from Valdosta quote Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey as declaring positively that he will not be ready for the argument on the defense's motion for a new trial for Leo M. Frank on next Saturday."We are making slow progress," Mr.

Wednesday, 8th October 1913 Frank Hearing Will He Held On Saturday

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The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 8th October 1913,PAGE 9, COLUMN 3.Generally Believed That Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey Will Announce Ready Then.That Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey, now studying the case in Valdosta, will announce ready when the hearing for a new trial for Leo M. Frank is called Saturday before JudgeL. S. Roan, is the belief among courthouse attaches.When the solicitor and his assistant, E. A. Stephens, left Saturday for Valdosta, both made it appear that the week was to be devoted to the case and from their remarks,the believe became general that they believed that by devoting all their time to the

Thursday, 9th October 1913: Judge Roan Tells Solicitor He Will Postpone Hearing, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Thursday, 9th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 7.Dorsey Notified That Presence Will Be Waived Saturday,Date for New Hearing on FrankNew Trial MotionHEARING DATE LIKELY TO BE SATURDAYWEEKIn Meantime Machinery Is Clogged in Superior Courts of Two Circuits and in Court of AppealsJudge L. S. Roan, of the Stone Mountain circuit, on Thursday notified Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey that he would be granted the additional time needed to complete his preparation of the state's answer to the motion for a new trial for Leo M. Frank, convicted of the Mary Phagan murder.Solicitor Dorsey is now at Valdosta, and Judge

Thursday, 9th October 1913 Judge To Grant Dorsey’s Request

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The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 9th October 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 4.Frank Hearing Will Be Postponed Until the Solicitor Is Ready to Make Answer to PetitionJudge L. S. Roan stated last night when informed by The Constitution of Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey's desire to postpone the hearing for a new trial for Leo M. Frankthat he would grant the postponement without causing the solicitor to appear in person Saturday morning and request the delay. Attorney Luther Z. Rosser, counsel for theconvicted man, stated that he would be willing, he believed, for the solicitor to have more time if he needed it. The

Thursday, 9th October 1913: Postponement In Frank Case Made Certain, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Thursday, 9th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.Letter From DorseyRequestsJudge Roan to LetArgu-ments GoOver.A letter received in Atlanta Thursday from Solicitor Dorseymade certain the postponement of arguments for a new trial forLeo M. Frank, which were to have been heard Saturday by JudgeRoan.The letter intimated that the Solicitor and his assistant, A. E.Stephens, who are now in Valdosta would not return to this citybefore next Wednesday or Thursday. Mr. Dorsey requested thatJudge Roan be asked to postpone, in addition to the Frankarguments, hearings on Five other motions which scheduled forSaturday. This will clean the Sophens, who are now in

Friday, 10th October 1913: Hawthorne Ready To Leave Prison, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Friday, 10th October 1913,PAGE 8, COLUMN 1.Author, Unembittered,ExpectedTo Write AboutInjustices ofU. S. Penal System.Julian Hawthorne is preparing to leave the Atlanta FederalPrison October 15, the date of the expiration of his sentence withgood time deducted.Hawthorne, whose attitude since his incarceration hasgenerally been one of reserve and reticence, desires to go fromthe prison without any notice or publicity, and for this reason theprison officials are maintaining the utmost secrecy as to the exacttime of the day that he will leave the grim building which has heldhim nearly a year.The distinguished author is said not to have been embitteredin the

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