Author: Historical Librarian

Friday, 10th October 1913 New Trial Hearing Postponed For Week

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The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 10th October 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 5.Dorsey Notified at Valdosta That He Need Not Come To Atlanta.The hearing of a motion for a new trial for Leo M. Frank, setfor Saturday, has been postponed for another week. Judge L. S.Roan, of the Stone Mountain circuit, received Solicitor GeneralHugh M. Dorsey's request for a postponement yesterday andnotified him that he would grant it without causing the solicitor tobe present in court Saturday in person.Frank, who was convicted during the last days of August,after a trial of nearly a month for the murder of Mary Phagan, wassentenced to hang today

Friday, 10th October 1913: Roan Not To Resign Until After Hearing, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Friday, 10th October 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 1.Judge Hill's Statement Dispells All DoubtThat Roan WillPreside Doubt that the Frank motion for a new trial would be heard by Judge L. S. Roan has been dispelled by a statement from Judge Ben H. Hill, of the court of appeals."I do not know just when I will forward my resignation from the court of appeals," Judge Hill said, "but I presume that Judge Roan and I will continue in our present capacities until we have both disposed of all unfinished business."The hearing of the motion for a new trial for Leo

Saturday, 11th October 1913 35 Lawyers In Race For Municipal Court

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The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 11th October 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 2.Thirty-five applicants have signified their willingness to beappointed to the five judgeships of the new municipal courtlegalized by the last legislature. This fact became known Fridaywhen it was determined that the new judges of the municipalcourt would be named by the judges of the municipal court wouldbe named by the judges of the Fulton county superior court sosoon as Judge Ben Hill his new duties. He will take the superiorcourt bench when the Frank re-trial motion is disposed of beforeJudge L. S. Roan.We face a hard task in making the selection of

Saturday, 11th October 1913: Dorsey And Stephens To Confer With Henslee, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Saturday, 11th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.They Hope to Have Their Case Ready by Next Saturday (Special Dispatch to The Journal.)ALDOSTA, Ga., Oct. 11.Solicitor Hugh Dorsey and Assistant Solicitor A. E. Stephens are working on the Frank case today, and will finish the brief tonight.They hope to get through with the motion by Tuesday, and devote the balance of next week to law and facts in the case.They will also have to get affidavits from jurors and others.Juror Henslee is expected here to spend Sunday on a visit to his brother-in-law and incidentally to see Messrs.Dorsey and Stephens.They

Saturday, 11th October 1913: Frank Lawyers To File More Depositions, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Saturday, 11th October 1913,PAGE 8, COLUMN 1.Another Juror May BeChargedWith Bias"AccusedCheer-ful, Aiding Counsel.Counsel for Leo M. Frank made ready Friday to file furtherdepositions to support their arguments for a new trial which willbe made Saturday, October 18, before Judge L. S. Roan. It isunderstood the name of at least one more juror, in no to A. H.Henslee and Marcellus Johenning, will be mentioned in theaffidavits as guilty or prejudice.Frank's lawyers say they have uncovered what they regardas practically conclusive evidence of violent dislike and bias onthe part of a third juror.Several depositions are expected to be filed respecting

Sunday, 12th October 1913: Governor Slaton Personally Investigates And Verifies The Circulation Of The Georgian And Hearst’s Sunday American, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Sunday, 12th October 1913,PAGE 6, COLUMN 2.Daily Sunday - Georgian AmericanOctober 4th 1913.At the request of the management of The Atlanta Georgianand The Sunday American, I personally examined on Friday afternoon their various circulation statements, in detail. This workrequired sometime, but it was willingly given, because I regardthese newspapers as enterprises of which all Georgia should beproud. The figures the papers furnish, under oath, to the postalauthorities show a marvelous growth for the time The Georgianand Sunday American have been in Mr. Hearst's hands"particularly The Sunday American, which is only six months old.These circulation figures I have checked

Sunday, 12th October 1913 Henslee Confers With Hugh Dorsey

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The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 12th October 1913,PAGE 21, COLUMN 1.Solicitor General Is Now Preparing for Leo M. Frank's Hearing on Retrial Petition.Valdosta, Ga., October 11."(Special.) Juror A. H. Henslee,who has been the storm center in the Frank case during the lastten days, and who is so bitterly assailed by the defense in themotion for a new trial, was in the city today in conference withSolicitor Hugh Dorsey, who is here preparing the state's answersto the motion. Mr. Henslee was closeted last this afternoon withMessrs. Dorsey, E. A. Stephens and Spurlin, the latter official courtreporter in this circuit, who was taking depositions

Sunday, 12th October 1913: Says He Stole For His Wife And Baby, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Sunday, 12th October 1913,PAGE 10, COLUMN 4.A heart-broken letter from his wife who is in destitute circumstances in Jacksonville, Fla., with their little baby, is given by W. M. Herald, twenty years old, as the reason why he snatched a pocketbook from a well-dressed woman at the corner of Whitehall and Mitchell streets, shortly after 10 o'clock last night.According to the story related to the police, the boy came here a few days ago seeking work in a soda water parlor, but had met with no success.Saturday, he said, the letter came, begging for money and he was

Monday, 13th October 1913: Attack Is Renewed On Frank Juror, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Monday, 13th October 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 4.Citizens Declare ThatHensleeHas Not Been in TownSinceTrial's Close.Renewing their attack upon Juror A. H. Henslee, one of thetwelve men who convicted Leo M. Frank of the murder of MaryPhagan, the attorneys for the defense Monday obtained affidavitsfrom J. J. Nunnally and W. L. Ricker, of Monroe, Ga., in which thetwo men reiterated their charges bias and prejudice againstHenslee and replied to his statement that he uttered hisdenunciation of Frank after, and not before the trial.Nunnally and Ricker asserted in their second affidavit that sofar as they knew Henslee had not been in

Monday, 13th October 1913: Frank Defense Arms To Back Fight On Henslee, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Monday, 13th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 6.Affidavits Are Secured as to Character of Men Who Attack Frank JurorThe work of strengthening their attack upon JurorA. H. Henslee is being continued by the attorneys for Leo M. Frank, the hearing of whose motion for a new trial is now set for next Saturday.Anticipating a possible attack on the makers of depositions who charge that they heard Henslee before the trial make statements showing that he was prejudiced against Frank, the attorneys have secured additional affidavits relative to the character of these witnesses.Recently citizens of Sparta declared that the three

Monday, 13th October 1913 Photo By Francis E. Price.

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The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 13th October 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 2.MRS. JESSIE B. GWINN.Mrs. Jessie Brock Gwinn, who has found that wealth andautomobiles to not always make a girl happy, and who longs forthe fianc who is not wealthy, instead of the husband who is, saton her front porch for just about two minutes Sunday afternoon.She had consented to pose for a pleture. It seemed to thephotographer that the attractive little blonde head would turn thisway and that every second and that he had to snap his picturesbetween movements.The neighbors just seem head over heels in curiosity andthey won't let me come

Tuesday, 14th October 1913 Dorsey Expected Back In Atlanta Wednesday

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The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 14th October 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 5.Generally Believed That Solicitor Will Ask Continuance of Leo Frank Hearing.That Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey, who has been inValdosta for a week with E. A. Stephens, his assistant, devotinghimself to preparing a reply to the motion for a new trial for LeoM. Frank, will return on Thursday or Friday, of this week, was thestatement made in a letter he sent to Atlanta yesterday. Thesolicitor does not state whether or not he will be prepared to replyto the defense on Saturday, when the case will be called, but it isbelieved that he

Tuesday, 14th October 1913: Dorsey Gathers Proof Against Bias Charges, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Tuesday, 14th October 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 5.Equips Himself for Bitter Fight Against New Trial Demand of Frank's Lawyers.Armed with affidavits from A. H. Henslee and every othermember of the Frank jury whose fairness has been placed undersuspicion, Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey will return to AtlantaTuesday night to continue the preparation of his answer to themotion for a new trial made by Frank's lawyers.With his assistant, A. W. Stephens, the Solicitor has beenworking day and night on the monumental task of reviewing thehundreds of pages of typewritten manuscript submitted by thedefense in the elaboration of their 115 reasons

Tuesday, 14th October 1913: Henslee Gives Dorsey Material For Defense, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Tuesday, 14th October 1913,PAGE 20, COLUMN 4.Frank Juror Attacked Confers With Solicitor Latter Due Here WednesdayAccording to dispatches from Valdosta, Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey and his assistant, E. A. Stephens, will leave that place for Atlanta Tuesday night.The solicitor refuses to state whether or not he will be ready on Saturday for the argument of Leo M. Frank's motion for a new trial.The solicitor and his assistant have devoted their entire time to working on the voluminous motion, and will continue after their return to Atlanta.However, so many points are involved in the defense's motion and the

Wednesday, 15th October 1913: Dorsey Gathers Proof Against Bias Charges, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Wednesday, 15th October 1913,PAGE 15, COLUMN 1.Equips Himself for Bitter Fight Against New Trial Demand of Frank's Lawyers.Armed with affidavits from A. H. Henslee and every othermember of the Frank jury whose fairness has been placed undersuspicion, Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey will return to AtlantaTuesday night to continue the preparation of his answer to themotion for a new trial made by Frank's lawyers.With his assistant, A. W. Stephens, the Solicitor has beenworking day and night on the monumental task of reviewing thehundreds of pages of typewritten manuscript submitted by thedefense in the elaboration of their 115 reasons

Wednesday, 15th October 1913 Dorsey Will Return To Gate City Today

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The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 15th October 1913,PAGE 15, COLUMN 4.Solicitor and HisAssistant WillDevote Rest of Week toLeo M. Frank Case.Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey is due to arrive at 7:35o'clock this morning and it is said will devote the remainder ofthe week to work in Atlanta on the reply to the plea of Leo M.Frank for a new trial.Mr. Dorsey, with E. A. Stephens, his assistant, has been inValdosta for over ten days studying the situation and during thattime has been in consultation with A. H. Henslee, one of thetwelve men who convicted Frank of the murder of Mary Phagan,and who,

Wednesday, 15th October 1913: Further Delay Is Needed On Frank Motion, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Wednesday, 15th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMNS 4 & 5.Solicitor,Back From Valdosta, Says He Can't Be Ready Saturday to Answer FullyThe New Trial Motion SolicitorGeneral Hugh M. Dorsey arrived in Atlanta Wednesday morning from Valdosta, where he has spent ten days quietly working on the motion of Leo M. Frank for a new trial.Mr. Dorsey reluctantly states that he does not see how it will be possible for him to get ready for the argument of the motion by Saturday, when it is scheduled for a hearing before Judge L. S. Roan, of the Stone Mountain circuit.The solicitor is

Thursday, 16th October 1913: Dorsey Back With New Affidavits More Delay In Appeal Fight Likely, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Thursday, 16th October 1913,PAGE 14, COLUMN 1.Solicitor General Dorsey entered at once into the fight toprevent a new trial for Leo M. Frank on his return to AtlantaWednesday morning. He came to this city to complete hispreparation for the arguments set for hearing next Saturdaybefore Judge L. S. Roan. For a week and a half, he had beenworking almost continually on the case in Valdosta, where hewent with his assistant. A. E. Stephens, to avoid interruption.The Solicitor was immersed Wednesday in a flood of lettersand court documents that had accumulated during his absence.He was fearful that he would

Thursday, 16th October 1913 Dorsey Will Request Postponement Again

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The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 16th October 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 1.Will Be PracticallyImpossibleFor Him to AnswerFrank'sPetition onSaturday.Renewed activities on the part of the defense of Leo M.Frank, convicted of the murder of Mary Phagan, were apparentWednesday, coincident with the return to Atlanta of SolicitorGeneral Hugh M. Dorsey and his announcement for him to beready by Saturday to reply to the motion for a new trial.It is stated upon apparently good authority that theattorneys defending the young factory superintendent areprosecuting their work in several other cities, but it is not knownwhether this is for the purpose of securing affidavits attacking athird juror, or

Thursday, 16th October 1913: Mounted Traffic Men Are Assigned To Duty, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Thursday, 16th October 1913,PAGE 6, COLUMN 1.Nucleus of New Mounted Squad Put to Work Thursday by Chief BeaversTwo mounted traffic policemen were put on duty Thursday morning by Chief of Police James L. Beavers.The officers were E. J. Pate and C. T. Maddox.They will form the nucleus of a mounted traffic squad which will be added to from time to time.These men will ride the streets in the center of the city, and their principal duty will be to keep things moving.Their beat will include parts of Peachtree, Whitehall, Forsyth, Marietta and Decatur streets near the center of

Friday, 17th October 1913 Dorsey To Be Ready By Next Wednesday

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The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 17th October 1913,PAGE 2, COLUMN 1.The proposed conference between Solicitor General Hugh M.Dorsey and Attorney Leonard Haas, representing the defense ofLeo M. Frank, whose motion for a new hearing is expected to betaken up next Wednesday, did not take place yesterday, due tothe late arrival from Valdosta of the record in the case.The two attorneys are expected to meet today. There are anumber of points to be gone over, and it is expected that certainpoints claimed by the state to be errors in the plea will be agreedupon one way or the other out of court.It is

Friday, 17th October 1913: Juror Johenning Ready For Defense, He Says, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Friday, 17th October 1913,PAGE 24, COLUMN 3.Frank Trial Juror in Conference With Solicitor-Confident of VindicationM.Johenning one of the jurors who has been attacked as prejudiced in the defense's motion for a new trail for Leo M. Frank, was in conference with Solicitor H. M. Dorsey on Friday morning.Johenning declares that he is confident that at the hearing of the motion he will be completely vindicated of the charge brought against him.While the former juror would not discuss the case in detail, he intimates that he has already secured affidavits which he believes will result in his complete vindication.In

Friday, 17th October 1913: Sparta Citizens Attack Frank Trial Juror, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Friday, 17th October 1913,PAGE 8, COLUMN 6.Declare Henslee's Statement That He Made Alleged Remarks After Trial Is Wrong.Another shot was fired Friday at A. H. Henslee, one of theFrank jurors accused of bias and prejudice.The fresh attack came from Sparta residents who werearoused to indignation by the statement of Henslee that he madethe remarks they credited to him since and not before the trial.They denied Henslee's declaration in a communication forwardedWednesday to Frank's attorneys, and asserted they had not seenHenslee since the trial.Their reply to Henslee's defense was much to the sameeffect as that of Nunnally and Ricker,

Saturday, 18th October 1913 Criminal Court Will Convene Monday Week

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The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 18th October 1913,PAGE 9, COLUMN 2.Before That TimeSolicitor Dor-sey Expects to HaveCon-cluded FrankHearing.That the criminal division of superior court will start onMonday week and the general work of that division be resumedwas the statement made yesterday by Solicitor General Hugh M.Dorsey, who expects to finish the motion for a new trial for Leo M.Frank before that time.Judge Ben H. Hill, recently appointed to the Fulton bench andwho is expected to occupy the criminal division, will probably takehis place in the Fulton courts by that time and begin the trial ofthe numerous cases which have been kept waiting

Saturday, 18th October 1913: Frank Hearing Wednesday Motion For A New Trial To Be Heard By Judge L. S. Roan, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Saturday, 18th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Attorney Luther Z. RosserDeclares Unless Hearing Is Given Immediately He'll Have To Drop CaseTemporarilyDORSEY ANNOUNCES HE WILL BE READY ON DATEJudge Roan FixesDefinite Date for Hearing Defense and Prosecution to Swap Affidavits to Speed ProcedureThe motion for a new trial for Leo M. Frank, convicted of the murder of Mary Phagan, was Saturday set for a hearing before Judge L. S. Roan on next Wednesday morning and there is little probability that there will be any further delay.Next Monday morning Attorney Luther Z. Rosser, chief counsel for the defense, and Solicitor Hugh

Saturday, 18th October 1913: Way Clear For Frank Battle, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Saturday, 18th October 1913,PAGE 2, COLUMN 3.Fight for New Trial to Open BeFore Judge Roan Next Wednesday Morning.The way was cleared Saturday for the actual beginning ofthe fight over the motion to give Leo M. Frank, convicted of themurder of Mary Phagan, a new trial. The battle will open beforeJudge Roan Wednesday with both sides primed for a vigorouscontest in which charges against jurors accused of bias will play alarge part.The defense, headed by Luther Z. Rosser, relies in large parton the evidence showing that Juror A. H. Henslee expressedviolent animus to Frank before the trial opened, winning

Sunday, 19th October 1913 Frank Innocent Says Man Who Claims To Be Murder Witness

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The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 19th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMNS 1 AND 6.HE WILL TELLWHOCOMMITTEDCRIMEON ARRIVALHEREMakes Statement to Chief ofBirmingham Policeand Catches Train at Midnightfor Atlanta inCompany With Detective"Prominent CitizenSlew girl, He Says, But It WasNot Frank.By L. W. Friedman.Birmingham, Ala., October 18"(Special.)"A Birmingham manwho says he was an eyewitness to the murder of Mary Phagan inAtlanta, and who asserts positively that Leo M. Frank is not guilty,left here at midnight tonight for Atlanta in company with thedetective sent to Birmingham by Sheriff Mangum, of Fultoncounty.This man, whose name has not been given out here, worksin Birmingham, and is a respectable citizen,

Sunday, 19th October 1913: Frank To Fight On Wednesday For New Trial, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Sunday, 19th October 1913,PAGE 2, COLUMN 3.Charges of Bias Against Jurors Will Play Leading Part In Arguments.DEFENSE OPPOSES DELAYJudge Roan and Solicitor Dorsey Also Urge HasteState Has Big Task.The way was cleared Saturday for the actual beginning ofthe fight over the motion to give Leo M. Frank, convicted of themurder of Mary Phagan, a new trial. The battle will open beforeJudge Roan Wednesday with both sides primed for a vigorouscontest in which charges against jurors accused of bias will play alarge part.The defense, headed by Luther Z. Rosser, relies in large parton the evidence showing that Juror A.

Sunday, 19th October 1913: New Feature In Frank Case Perhaps Tomorrow, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal, Sunday, 19th October 1913, PAGE 1, COLUMN 5. Exchange of Affidavits by State and Defense May Reveal New Attack on Jury It is believed that several surprises will be sprung on Monday when Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey and Attorney Luther Z. Rosser exchange affidavits bearing upon the motion for a new trial made by Leo M. Frank, who is under conviction for the murder of Mary Phagan, the pencil factory girl. Saturday morning, just after Judge Roan had set next Wednesday morning as the date when he will hear the new trial motion, Solicitor Dorsey asked

Monday, 20th October 1913: J.c. Shirley, Marietta Street Furniture Dealer, Named By I. W. Fisher In Phagan Case, Laughs At Accusations, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal, Monday, 20th October 1913, PAGE 1, COLUMNS 1, 3, & 6. NAMED IN PHAGAN CASE BY FISHER, HE TREATS ACCUSATION AS JOKE J. C. SHIRLEY. I. W. Fisher, Who Says He Knows Who Killed Mary Phagan IRA W. FISHER PAGE 1, COLUMN 6 "FISHER IS A LUNATIC AND HIS STORY IS A PIPE DREAM, THAT NOBODY WILL BELIEVE" Informed by The Journal That He Is the Man Named by Fisher as Having Had an Engagement to Meet Mary Phagan on the Day of Her Death in National Pencil Factory, Well Known Marietta Street Merchant Is Astonished and

Monday, 20th October 1913 Locked Doors Guard Witness Who Declares Frank Innocent

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The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 20th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMNS 1 AND 6.DETECTIVES KEEP ALL NIGHT VIGIL IN ORDER TO ARREST HIMPAGE 1, COLUMN 6Witness Is AtlantaManWho Says HeLeft CityOn Account ofThreatsI. W. Fisher, Formerly a RailroadEmployeeHere, Upon His Arrival in Atlanta, IsRushedto the Office of Luther Rosser inGrant Build-ing and Has Remained There forMany HoursWhile Detectives and ReportersWait Out-side for Him to Leave.MAN HE ACCUSES IS STILL INATLANTA;HAS WIFE AND TWOCHILDREN IN CITYRepresentatives of Pencil FactorySuperinten-dent Are Now Engaged in ProbingStory Toldby Fisher and in InvestigatingRecord andActions of Man Who, According toWitness,Is Guilty of the Atrocious Murder ofPrettyLittle Mary Phagan.All night

Monday, 20th October 1913: Way Clear For Frank Battle, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Monday, 20th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.Fight for New Trial to Open Before Judge Roan Next Wednesday Morning.The way was cleared Saturday for the actual beginning ofthe fight over the motion to give Leo M. Frank, convicted of themurder of Mary Phagan, a new trial. The battle will open beforeJudge Roan Wednesday with both sides primed for a vigorouscontest in which charges against jurors accused of bias will play alarge part.The defense, headed by Luther Z. Rosser, relies in large parton the evidence showing that Juror A. H. Henslee expressedviolent animus to Frank before the trial opened, winning

Tuesday, 21st October 1913: Fisher Under Third Degree Shirley’s Accuser In Cell, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Tuesday, 21st October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMNS 1, 3, & 7.PAGE 1, COLUMN 3FLASHLIGHT AT THE POLICE STATION OF MYSTERIOUS WITNESS PRINCIPALSJ. C. Shirley,the merchantnamed byFisher asMary Phagan'sslayer.On the leftI. W. Fisher,The mysterywitness isSeen facingChief ofDetectivesLanford.PAGE 1, COLUMN 7DETECTIVES SEEK TO REVEAL PLOT AGAINST FURNITURE MERCHANTPolice, Tuesday, considered the exoneration of J. C. Shirleycomplete. Charles J. Graham, attorney for the man accused by IraW. Fisher of the murder of Mary Phagan, and that was as yetundecided whether Fisher's accusations were the ravings of adiseased and dope-steeped mind or the first evidence of a deep-laid plot with Fisher as the

Tuesday, 21st October 1913: Motion To Quash Indictment Gets Judges Approval, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal, Tuesday, 21st October 1913, PAGE 1, COLUMNS 1, 2, & 7. Case Ended Suddenly There Tuesday Morning and Demonstration in Court Was Not Rebuked by Judge Foster S. G. M'LENDON, ATTORNEY FOR WATSON, WINS POINT Charge of Sending Obscene Matter Through the Mails Is Quashed Before Jury Is EmPaneled to Weigh It (By Associated Press.) AUGUSTA, Ga., Oct. 21. The trial here of Thomas E. Watson, charged with sending obscene matter through the mails, ended abruptly at noon today when Federal Judge Rufus E. Foster sustained the motion of the defense quashing the indictment against the Georgia

Wednesday, 22nd October 1913: Little Progress In First Session On Frank Trial Motion, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal, Wednesday, 22nd October 1913, PAGE 1, COLUMNS 1, 6, & 7. STRIKER CHEERED AS HE SPEAKS IN COURT Two Men Fined for Alleged Threats Strikes Meet and Parade Three striking operatives of the Fulton Bag and Cotton mills were arraigned in police court Wednesday morning on charges of disorderly conduct. There was a large crowd of operatives in the court room as spectators and Judge Broyles had to rap for order during an impassioned speech of one of the men on trial. R. L. Wood and W. E. Fleming were fined $10 and costs each, it being

Wednesday, 22nd October 1913: Man Higher Up Sought In Fisher Plot, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Wednesday, 22nd October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMNS 1 & 4.New Trial For Frank Opposed in Thirty AffidavitsPAGE 1, COLUMN 4TWO JURORS DEFENDED OF BIASProbity of Henslee and Johenning Upheld Influence of Cheering on Jury DeniedSome 30 affidavits to support the State's contention that Leo M. Frank had a fair trial were made public Tuesday by Solicitor Dorsey.They will be used Wednesday in the fight against the defense's motion for a new trial before Judge L. S. Roan.Some of the affidavits defend the probity and character of A. H. Henslee and M. Johenning, jurors who were accused of bias; some

Wednesday, 22nd October 1913 Many Affidavits Defend The Jury

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The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 22nd October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.Only Sheriff andOfficers ofHis Force Talked toMem-Bers of the FrankJury During Trial.To the thirty-odd affidavits made public yesterday in theexchange of affidavits between the state and the defense in theLeo M. Frank motion, which comes up today, several new oneswere added Tuesday afternoon by the state. The additionalaffidavits were from the various deputy sheriffs and bailiffs andwere denials that anyone but officers of the court had talked tothe Frank jurors.The state has prepared affidavits from the various jurors inwhich they declare that only the legal evidence influenced themand also deny that they

Thursday, 23rd October 1913 Crowd Conducted Frank Trial Says Prisoner’s Lawyer

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The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 23rd October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.Tried and Convictedby theCourtroomSpectators andNot by the Judge andJury,Declares Rosser.TODAY'S HEARINGMAYLAST UNTILMIDNIGHTFight Is Bitter OverConley'sTestimony, DefenseDeclar-ing That It ShouldNeverHave BeenConsidered.Declaring that the crowd and not the judge and jury triedand convicted Leo M. Frank of the murder of Mary Phagan, LutherRosser, senior counsel for the prisoner, yesterday urged the manydemonstrations for the solicitor general as sufficient reason whythe convicted superintendent should have another trial.This was, however, but one of the forty grounds arguedWednesday when the hearing began before Judge Roan in a littleanteroom in the state library at the capitol. As 115

Thursday, 23rd October 1913: Frank Jurors Like Scared Rabbits Jury Frightened Into Its Verdict, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Thursday, 23rd October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMNS 3 & 7.JURY FRIGHTENED INTO ITS VERDICT.CHARGES MR. ARNOLD"Did the Jury Hear Applause and Cheering?"Is Big Question for Judge Roan to Pass Upon23 COUNTS CONSIDERED AT THE MORNING SESSIONThree New Affidavits Will Be Introduced by Defense to Show Henslee Was in Albany at Time It Was ClaimedThe twelve jurors who declared Leo M. Frank guilty of the murder of Mary Phagan were compared with "twelve scared rabbits huddled together" by R. R. Arnold, of counsel for the convicted man, Thursday morning during the hearing by Judge L. S. Roan of the defense's

Thursday, 23rd October 1913: Judge’s Admissions Help Frank’s Chance, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Thursday, 23rd October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMNS 1, 4, & 7.PAGE 1, COLUMN 4ROSSER, FRANK'S ATTORNEY, AND JUDGE ROAN ON WAY TO COURTJudge L. S. Roan.Luther Z. RosserPAGE 1, COLUMN 7CERTIFIES TO CHEERS IN COURT;HEARING MAY GO ON ALL WEEKProspects for a new trial for Leo M. Frank were made much brighter Wednesday afternoon by Judge Roan's certification of the defense's description of the disorder and demonstration in the courtroom on various occasions during Frank's trial.The judge's official approval of this fact as a ground for argument will give the defense an invaluable advantage when the arguments begin, and

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