Author: Historical Librarian

Monday, 15th December 1913: Frank Case Opens In Supreme Court, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 15th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 6.DefenseExpected to Ask Extension of Time for ArgumentReuben Arnold to Be First Speaker.Attorney Reuben Arnold opens first fire in the fight before the supreme court for a new trial for Leo M. Frank, which begins at 9 o'clock this morning.It is generally predicted that the battle will shatter all previous hearings before the supreme court.A vigorous request will be made, it is intimated, for extension of time for argument, which is prophesied to carry the hearing as long as four days more.Attorney Arnold stated to a Constitution Reporter last night that the

Tuesday, 16th December 1913: Dorsey Ends Speech Against New Frank Trial, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Tuesday, 16th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 8.FELDER TO TALK FOR STATENEXTJustices Likely Will Try to Reach Decision on Appeal by the End of January.Repeating his vehement assertions that Leo M. Frank is without a vestige of legal or moral right, to any sort of respite from the hangman's noose, Solicitor Dorsey concluded his address before the Supreme Court of Georgia Tuesday in opposition to a new trial for the factory superintendent.The Solicitor maintained that Frank had obtained a fair and impartial trial, despite the assertion to the contrary of counsel for the defense.He said that nothing essentially prejudicing

Tuesday, 16th December 1913: Franks Fate Rests With Higher Court Arguments Closed, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Tuesday, 16th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 6.Rosser Ends Supreme Court Battle by Declaring Frank Was Not Convicted of Murder, but of Other Crimes.DORSEY SAYS DEFENSE USED TRICKER IN BRIEFCelebrated Case Now in Hands of Six Supreme Justices, Who Will Hand Down Decision in About Six WeeksThe greater portion of the hour and twenty minutes consumed by Luther Z. Rosser in his argument before the supreme court Tuesday for a reversal of Judge L. S. Roan's action overruling Leo M. Frank's motion for a new trial was devoted to what he termed the admissibility of illegal and irrelevant testimony

Tuesday, 16th December 1913: Seven Managers Of Locker Clubs Arrested In Raid, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 16th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Police ChargeViolations of City LawProhibiting the Sale of Liquor to Non Members of Clubs.RELEASE IS GIVEN ON BONDS OF $300 EACH"No War on Locker Clubs," Says Beavers Managers Enter Vigorous Denial.Will Fight Cases Today.After ten days of investigation, detectives under the direction of Chief Newport Lanford and Chief of Police Beavers on Monday afternoon raided seven of the better-known "locker clubs" in the downtown district, took the superintendents to police barracks and after making cases against them released the men under bonds of $300 each.The clubs were not closed.The charge is the

Wednesday, 17th December 1913: Frank’s Fate With Supreme Court Judges, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Wednesday, 17th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 8.FELDER HIT BY ROSSER IN FINAL PLEAA third time within less than four months the fate of Leo M. Frank hangs in the balance.Arguments in the appeal for a new trial were concluded Tuesday before the Supreme Court by an eloquent and scathing address by Luther Z. Rosser, chief of counsel for the convicted man.When adjournment was taken at 1 o'clock by Justices Atkinson, Evans and Hill the case was in their hands for consideration.Frank and his friends first awaited the outcome of the charges of murder against him on August 25

Wednesday, 17th December 1913: Leo Frank’s Fate Now Rests With High Tribunal, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 17th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.Stirring Speeches Are Made by Attorney General Felder for State and Luther Z. Rosser for Defense.FELDER IS CRITICAL OF JUDGE L. S. ROANHe Declares the Judge's Comments Had No Rightful Place in the Bill of Exceptions Filed.The expression of doubt made by Judge L. S. Roan, the trial justice in the Frank case, was the subject of a searing attack Tuesday morning from Attorney General Thomas Felder in his address before the supreme court, where the fight for a new trial for the convicted man came to a close at 1 o'clock

Thursday, 18th December 1913: Supreme Court Sets To Unraveling Red Thread Of Truth In Frank Case By James B. Nevin., The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Thursday, 18th December 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 1.Impartial observers, people with minds unprejudiced and free of bias, must have sighed a weight of sincere relief from their souls when, at last, the arguments closed in the Supreme Court hearing of the Frank case, and that famous cause had been given finally into the keeping of Georgia's highest court of review.The public generally will incline to think that little if anything of further light was thrown upon the case by either side to the controversy, so far as the oratorical efforts pro and con were concerned in the Supreme Court.And,

Friday, 19th December 1913: Broyles Seeks Place On Court Of Appeals, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Friday, 19th December 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 1.Recorder Announces He Will Oppose Judge in Campaign Next YearThe executive prediction published in the late editions of the Journal Thursday afternoon that Judge Nash R. Broyles was to be a candidate for the state court of appeals against Judge L. S. Roan was confirmed Friday morning by Judge Broyles, who issued a formal announcement of his intention to make the race.Judge Broyles, who has presided over Atlanta's police court for fifteen years, during which time he has achieved a national reputation as an able and fearless magistrate, states his announcement at

Friday, 19th December 1913: Broyles To Oppose Roan For Appellate Judgeship Many Seek Police Bench, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 19th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 6.Announces CandidacyJUDGE NASH R. BROYLES.Who announces he will run against Judge Roan for the court of appeals.PAGE 1, COLUMN 7BROYLES' PLACE ALREADY SOUGHT BY 7 CANDIDATESAtlanta Recorder Announces That He Will Offer for Place Resigned by Judge Hill.TWO ATLANTA MEN IN STATE CONTESTFollowingAnnouncement of Judge Broyles Candidates for Recorder Spring Up on All Sides.Recorder Nash R. Broyles, who has occupied the bench of police court judge of Atlanta for fifteen years, has announced his candidacy for the court of appeals in opposition to Judge L. S. Roan to fill the unexpired term

Saturday, 20th December 1913: Frank Lawyers Reopen Attack On Dorsey, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Saturday, 20th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.DISTORTION OF FACTS IS ALLEGEDSolicitor's Statement as to Time Slip Taken From Factory Is Vigorously Assailed.Attorneys for Leo M. Frank announced Friday that they were engaged in the preparation of a supplemental brief, in which they proposed to call to the attention of the Supreme Court of Georgia portions of Solicitor General Dorsey's argument and brief, which, they assert, are filled with glaring misstatements and misrepresentations.One of the statements of the Solicitor which the defense is attacking most vigorously in its supplemental brief is in reference to the time slip taken out

Saturday, 20th December 1913: Social Items, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 20th December 1913,PAGE 7, COLUMN 1.Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Van Harlingen left yesterday to spend Christmas with Mrs. Van Harlingen's father in La Porte, Ind.They will visit in Chicago and Cleveland before returning home.***Mrs. Mc Craw, of Milledgeville, is the guest of Mrs. H. F. Harris.***Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Kneip leave Sunday for New York, where they will make their home.They will stop over in Washington for Christmas.Until their departure from Atlanta, they will be at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Collier.*** Miss Helen Potts is the guest of Mrs.Irving in Athens.***Mr. William

Sunday, 21st December 1913: Judge Pottle To Quit State Court Of Appeals Feb 1, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Sunday, 21st December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Sam S. Bennet, of Albany,Will in All Probability Be AppointedNew JuristPottle to Practice Law in AlbanyTHREE APPELLATE JUDGES MUST GO BEFORE VOTERSJudge Pottle's Successor Will Serve Only Short Time Be For ElectionThree Names ConsideredJudge J. R. Pottle is to resign his place on the state court of appeals early in February to take up the practice of law at Albany and Sam S. Bennet, of Albany, will, it is said, be appointed by Governor Slaton to succeed him on the appellate court.Neither Judge Pottle nor Governor Slaton have made any public announcement

Sunday, 21st December 1913: Supplementary Briefs To Correct Mistakes, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 21st December 1913,PAGE 27, COLUMN 1.Defense Claims Judge Roan Has Reversed Himself Since Going on Appellate Bench.While it is true that attorneys on both sides of the Frank case will ask the supreme court for permission to file supplementary briefs, it was declared yesterday by Reuben Arnold, of counsel for Leo Frank that there would be no charges of bad faith or of willful misrepresentation on his part."Our object in asking to file supplementary briefs," said Mr. Arnold, "will be to correct errors which may have crept into the record and to call attention to statements of

Monday, 22nd December 1913: Court In Whitfield Convenes January 5, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 22nd December 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 2.Dalton, Ga., December 21.(Special.)The January term of Whitfield superior court will convene here on January 5, Judge Fite presiding.This is not the term at which the grand jury meets, but owing to the fact that there are a number of men in jail here charged with felonies, it is probable that a grand jury will be called and empaneled.There will be several murder cases, among them being that of Ira Fisher, charged with the death of Dug Steele in 1909.Fisher also figured as a post-witness in the Frank trial, which revived the

Monday, 22nd December 1913: No Beer On Christmas Chief To Enforce Law, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Monday, 22nd December 1913,PAGE 4, COLUMN 5.NO BEER ON CHRISTMAS.CHIEF TO ENFORCE LAWSection 1651 of the city code, forbidding near-beer saloons to open on Christmas day, must be strictly adhered to on Thursday, according to an order issued Monday by Chief of Police James L. Beavers.The chief stated that there were some who were in doubt as to whether or not the law would be enforced this year and he wants it distinctly understood that saloons closing Wednesday night must remain so until the following the Friday morning.PAGE 5, COLUMN 2Egglar All Stirred Up OverScantyAttire of Tech TrackSprinterComplaint

Tuesday, 23rd December 1913: Col. W. S. Thomson To Be Buried Today, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 23rd December 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 2.Death Came to Useful Citizen Monday After LengthyIllness.Colonel William S. Thomson, one of Atlanta's most prominent citizens, died Monday morning at 5 o'clock, at his residence, 449 North Boulevard.HeCOLONEL W. S.THOMSON.had been in bad health forover a year,and in a serious condition for several weeks.Colonel Thomson was born seventy years ago at Summit Point,Jefferson County, Virginia,in that part of the Old Dominion which is now West Virginia.His home was near Charlestown,where John Brown was captured and hanged, and Colonel Thomson witnessed the execution.He enlisted in the Second Virginia regiment immediately after war

Tuesday, 23rd December 1913: No Attack On Dorsey In New Frank Case Brief, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Tuesday, 23rd December 1913,PAGE 9, COLUMN 1.Arnold Makes It Clear That Paper Contains No PersonalitiesIn discussing the supplemental brief which the attorneys for the defense of Leo M. Frank are preparing to file with the supreme court, Attorney Reuben R. Arnold made it clear Monday that it contains no personal attack on Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey."While the brief deals solely with mis-statements of the evidence, and misconstructions o f the facts in the state's brief," he said, "we call attention to them only in an analytical manner, and the brief does not charge that there has been

Thursday, 25th December 1913: Laboring Folk Of Griffin Send Dorsey Xmas Present, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 25th December 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 4.Griffin, Ga., December 24.The East Griffin cotton mill folk are today sending Hon. Hugh M. Dorsey a pair of gold cuff buttons as a Christmas present as a token of their appreciation of his efforts in the Mary Phagan case.A popular subscription list was the convicted murderer of Mary Phagan.A popular subscription list was circulated in the matter, and many approached on the subject made contributions.Rev. J. C. Adams, pastor of the Third Methodist church, of this place, was requested to write and send the following letter to Colonel Dorsey:"My Dear Sir:

Thursday, 25th December 1913: South Georgia Man To Get Pottles Place, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Thursday, 25th December 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 1.Governor Says He Has Not Decided Whom He Will AppointIt is quite certain that Governor Slaton will appoint a South Georgia lawyer to succeedJudge J. R.Pottle on the state court of appeals.Judge R. B. Russell, one of the judges of that court, lives at Winder, and Judge L. S. Roan, another, resides in Atlanta.Judge Pottle came from Blakely.It is not to be expected that the governor will give Judge Pottle's place to a north Georgia man, thereby recognizing one section alone in all these judgeships.The announcement of S. S. Bennett, of Albany,

Saturday, 27th December 1913: New Frank Case Brief Attacks Roan Again, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Saturday, 27th December 1913,PAGE 2, COLUMN 4.Judge's Doubt as to Guilt or Innocence of Prisoner Subject of Extended ArgumentJudge L. S. Roan's doubt as to the guilt or innocence of Leo M. Frank, given expression at the time the motion for a new trial was overruled, will be the subject of an extended argument in the supplemental brief to be filed Saturday with the Supreme Court by the attorneys for the defense.Because of Attorney General Felder's vigorous argument before the Supreme Court, attacking the validity of the incorporation of Judge Roan's expression of doubt in the bill of

Saturday, 27th December 1913: Supplemental Briefs Ready In Frank Case, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 27th December 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 6.Defense Will Stress Judge Roan's DoubtAs to Guilt of the Prisoner.Supplemental briefs will be filed in the supreme court today by attorneys for the defense in the Leo M. Frank case calling attention again to the doubt which rested on Judge Roan's mind when he declined to give the defendant in the case the benefit of a new trial.This point is stressed in the supplemental brief because of the vigorous argument made by Attorney General Felder attacking the validity of incorporating into the bill of exceptions Judge Roan's expression of doubt.So far

Tuesday, 30th December 1913: Grand Jury Indicts Near-beer Dealers, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Tuesday, 30th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.Three Charged With Failure to Pay State1913Special TaxThree near beer dealers, Henry Boisshardt, Samuel Aaron and H. J. Williams, were indicted Tuesday by the grand jury for their alleged failure to pay the state the 1913 special tax on beer dealers.The cases against the men were presented by Clarence Bell, special attorney for Governor Slaton, appointed to force the collection of the tax.An interesting fact about the three dealers indicted Tuesday is that one of them, Boisshardt, is a brother of one of the jurors at the famous Frank trial, while Samuel

Wednesday, 31st December 1913: Men And Business Bulletin No. 91, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 31st December 1913,PAGE 2, COLUMN 5."Errare Humanum Est"To err is human.To differ with your fellowman is still more human.Adam and Eve had their differences.The Disciples of Christ did not always agree.If they were still living the chances are they would still be differing.A man if he is a fool will differ with his wife.Most men are fools.Some men differ over poker hands, some over religion.Disputes are never settled between the disputants.Time alone settles all differences.Marion Jackson and John Eagan differ with Fred Paxon and Forrest Adair.That's natural.They are all fine fellows and they all think they are

Monday, 9th March, 1914, Leo Frank Answers List of Questions Bearing on Points Made Against Him, The Atlanta Constitution

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  The Atlanta Constitution Monday, March 9, 1914 Stated That He Was Willing to Reply to Any Questions That Might Be in the Mind of the Public, and Asked to Answer Any Such That Might Be Propounded to Him. TELLS HOW JIM CONLEY COULD HAVE SLAIN GIRL AND ESCAPED DETECTION Asserts That Very Fact That He Admitted He Had Seen Mary Phagan on the Day of the Murder, Thus Placing Himself Under Suspicion, Was Proof in Itself That He Was Innocent of Crime. Probably the most interesting statement yet issued by Leo M. Frank in connection with the murder for

DR CLARENCE JOHNSON, Sworn In For The State, 192nd To Testify

DR. CLARENCE JOHNSON, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I am a specialist on diseases of the stomach and intestines. I am aphysiologist. A physiologist makes his searches on the living body; thepathologist makes his on a dead body. If you give any one who hasdrunk a chocolate milk at about eight o'clock in the morning, cabbage at12 o'clock and 30 or 40 minutes thereafter you take the cabbage out andit is shown to be dark like chocolate and milk, that much contents of anykind vomited up three and a half hours afterwards would show an abnormalstomach. It doesn't show a

DR GEORGE M NILES, Sworn In For The State, 193rd To Testify

DR. GEORGE M. NILES, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I confine my work to diseases of digestion. Every healthy stomachhas a certain definite and orderly relation to every other healthy stomach.Assuming a young lady between thirteen and fourteen years of age at11:30 April 26, 1913, eats a meal of cabbage and bread, that the nextmorning about three o'clock her dead body is found. That there are indentations in her neck where a cord had been around her throat, indicating that she died of strangulation, her nails blue, her face blue, a slight injury on the back of the head, a

DR JOHN FUNK, Sworn In For The State, 194th To Testify

DR. JOHN FUNK, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I am professor of pathology and bacteriologist. I was shown by Dr.Harris sections from the vaginal wall of Mary Phagan, sections takennear the skin surface. I didn't see sections from the stomach or the contents. These sections showed that the epithelium wall was torn off atpoints immediately beneath that covering in the tissues below, and therewas infiltrated pressure of blood. They were, you might say, engorged,and the white blood cells in those blood vessels were more numerous thanyou will find in a normal blood vessel. The blood vessels at some distancefrom the

T Y BRENT, Sworn In For The State, 195th To Testify

T. Y. BRENT, sworn for the Defendant in sur-rebuttal.I have heard George Kendley on several occasions express himselfvery bitterly towards Leo Frank. He said he felt in this case just as hedid about a couple of negroes hung down in Decatur; that he didn't knowwhether they had been guilty or not, but somebody had to be hung forkilling those street car men and it was just as good to hang one nigger asanother, and that Frank was nothing but an old Jew and they ought totake him out and hang him anyhow.CROSS EXAMINATION.I have been employed by the defense to

M E STAHL, Sworn In For The State, 196th To Testify

M. E. STAHL, sworn for the Defendant, in sur-rebuttal.I have heard George Kendley, the conductor, express his feelingstoward Leo Frank. I was standing on the rear platform, and he saidthat Frank was as guilty as a snake, and should be hung, and that if thecourt didn't convict him that he would be one of five or seven that wouldget him.M E STAHL, Sworn In For The State, 196th To Testify

MISS C S HAAS, Sworn In For The State, 197th To Testify

MISS C. S. HAAS, sworn for the Defendant, in sur-rebuttal.I heard Kendley two weeks ago talk about the Frank case so loudthat the entire street car heard it. He said that circumstantial evidencewas the best kind of evidence to convict a man on and if there was anydoubt, the State should be given the benefit of it, and that 90 per cent. ofthe best people in the city, including himself, thought that Frank wasguilty and ought to hang.MISS C S HAAS, Sworn In For The State, 197th To Testify

You Are There:Atlanta Georgian, June 29th, 1913

  Brilliant Legal Battle Is Sure as Hooper And Arnold Clash in Trial of Leo Frank The Atlanta Georgian Sunday, June 29, 1913 * * Alternate headline from another page is shown in brackets above. By An Old Police Reporter. As deplorable as the Phagan case is in all its melancholy details, it already is evident enough that there will come of it eventually much that the community may be thankful for. In the first place, Atlanta and Georgia, and incidentally the entire South will have learned a good lesson in law and order, justice and fair play, and to

You Are There: Detective Harry Scott’s Testimony as Given Before Coroner’s Jury, Atlanta Journal, May 9th, 1913

Detective Harry Scott's Testimony as Given Before Coroner's Jury Atlanta JournalFriday, May 9th, 1913 An unexpected turn was given to the coroner's inquest into the mysterious murder of Mary Phagan, Thursday afternoon, when Harry Scott, the Pinkerton detective who has been representing that agency in its work on the case, was called to the stand by the coroner. Mr. Scott was in the room at the moment. One new detail that he revealed was in a reply to a direct question from the coroner, when he stated that Herbert Haas, attorney for Leo M. Frank and attorney for the National

You Are There: Felder Barely Missed Being Trapped by His Own Dictograph, Atlanta Journal, May 27th, 1913

Felder Barely Missed Being Trapped by His Own Dictograph Atlanta JournalTuesday, May 27th, 1913 Last week, when the detectives were laying their plans to trap Colonel Thomas B. Felder with a dictograph, they came very near trapping the colonel with his own instrument. The amusing incident, which has just come to light, revolves about Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey. Before a dictograph was installed in the Williams house room the city detectives told the solicitor that the attorney was negotiating for the purchase for $1,000 of certain papers in the Phagan case. The solicitor said nothing about the confidences of

You Are There: Indictment of Both Lee and Frank is Asked, Atlanta Georgian, May 23rd, 1913

Indictment of Both Lee and Frank is Asked Atlanta GeorgianFriday, May 23rd, 1913 Great Mass of Evidence Carefully Prepared by Solicitor Submitted to Grand Jury. CRIME STUDIED 3 HOURS, ADJOURNS TILL SATURDAY Utmost Care Taken to Insure Secrecy at the Investigation, Diagram Studied. The Phagan case is now in the process of investigation by the Fulton County Grand Jury. Two bills for indictment of Leo M. Frank and Newt Lee, for the murder of Mary Phagan, were presented before that tribunal at its session Friday morning by Solicitor Dorsey. A host of witnesses gave their testimony. The torn and blood-stained

You Are There: Lawyers Hammer Lee for Two Hours at Monday Afternoon Session, Atlanta Journal, July 29th, 1913

Lawyers Hammer Lee for Two Hours at Monday Afternoon Session Atlanta JournalJuly 29th, 1913 Negro Nightwatchman Who Found Mary Phagan's Body in National Pencil Factory on Stand—Girl's Mother and Newsboy Examined Newt Lee, the negro nightwatchman who found Mary Phagan's body in the pencil factory basement, was hammered by the defense for over two hours, on the witness stand Monday afternoon. Mrs. J. W. Coleman, mother of the murdered child, and George W. Epps, a playmate who came to town with her on the fatal day, testified in that order. Mrs. Coleman being the first witness called to the stand

You Are There: Probe Phagan Case Grand Jury Urged, Atlanta Constitution, May 6th, 1913

Probe Phagan Case Grand Jury Urged Atlanta ConstitutionTuesday, May 6th, 1913 Crime Calls for Your Immediate Attention, Declares Judge Ellis, in His Charge. "The Mary Phagan case calls for your immediate and vigorous attention. The power of the state is behind you. What appears to be an awful crime has been committed, and the welfare of the community, the good name of Atlanta, public justice and the majesty of the law demand at the hands of this grand jury and of all officers of the law the most searching investigation and the prompt bringing to trial of the guilty party."

N SINKOVITZ, Sworn In For The State, 198th To Testify

N. SINKOVITZ, sworn for the Defendant, in sur-rebuttal.I am a pawnbroker. I know M. E. Mc Coy. He has pawned his watchto me lately. The last time was January 11, 1913. It was in my place ofbusiness on the 26th of April, 1913. He paid up his loan on August 16th,last Saturday, during this trial. This is the same watch I have beenhandling for him during the last two years.CROSS EXAMINATION.My records here show that he took it out Saturday.N SINKOVITZ, Sworn In For The State, 198th To Testify

S L ASHER, Sworn In For The State, 199th To Testify

S. L. ASHER, sworn for the Defendant in sur-rebuttal.About two weeks ago I was coming to town between 5 and 10 minutes to 1 on the car and there was a man who was talking very loud about the Frank case, and all of a sudden he said: "They ought to take that damn Jew out and hang him anyway. " I took his number down to report him.CROSS EXAMINATION.I have not had a chance to report since it happened.ADDITIONAL STATEMENT MADE BY DEFENDANT, LEO M. FRANK.In reply to the statement of the boy that he saw me talking to

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