Author: Research Librarian Simon Pauling

  • Leo Frank TV
  • Articles by: Research Librarian Simon Pauling

Supplement to the Message of the Governor, John Slaton, to the General Assembly of Georgia, June 23, 1915. Opinions in case of the State vs. Leo Frank

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Image Gallery Page 1 SUPPLEMENT TO MESSAGE OF THE GOVERNOR TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF GEORGIA June 23, 1915 OPINION IN CASE OF THE STATE VERSUS LEO FRANK Page 3 SUPPLEMENTARY MESSAGE OF THE GOVERNOR EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. STATE OF GEORGIA, June 21, 1915: In Re Leo M. Frank, Fulton Superior Court, sentenced to be executed June 22, 1915. Saturday, April 26, 1913, was Memorial Day in Georgia and a general holiday. At that time, Mary Phagan, a white girl of about 14 years of age, was in the employ of the National Pencil Company, located near the corner of Forsyth

Tom Watson: The Leo Frank Case, Watson’s Magazine the Jeffersonian Monthly, January 1915

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by Thomas E. Watson (pictured), Watson's Magazine, Volume 20 Number 3, January 1915 AN AGED MILLIONAIRE of New York had a lawyer named Patrick, and this lawyer poisoned his old client, forged a will in his own favor; was tried, convicted and sentenced—and is now at liberty, a pardoned man. Through the falling out among Wall Street thieves, it transpires that the sensational clemency of Governor John A. Dix, in favor of Albert T. Patrick, was inspired by a mining transaction involving millions of dollars. Patrick says, that he was "pardoned on the merits of the case." It was a negligible

Tom Watson: A Full Review of the Leo Frank Case, Watson’s Magazine the Jeffersonian Monthly, March 1915

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by Thomas E. Watson, Watson's Magazine, Volume 20 Number 5, March 1915 ON THE 23rd page of Puck, for the week ending January 16, 1915, there is, in the smallest possible type, in the smallest possible space, at the bottom of the page, the notice of ownership, required by law. Mankind are informed that Puck is published by a corporation of the same name, Nathan Strauss, Jr., being President, and H. Grant Strauss being Secretary and Treasurer. You are authorized, therefore, to give credit to the Strauss family for the unparalleled campaign of falsehood and defamation which Puck has persistently

Tom Watson: The Celebrated Case of The State of Georgia vs. Leo Frank, Watson’s Magazine the Jeffersonian Monthly, August 1915

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by Thomas E. Watson (pictured), Watson's Magazine, Volume 21 Number 4, August 1915 THE LAWS OF Georgia are extraordinarily favorable to a person accused of crime. He is not only protected in all of his rights under the Constitution of the United States, but he enjoys privileges far beyond those limits. No indictment against him will stand, if it can be shown that a single grand juror was disqualified, or failed to take an oath on that particular case. Therefore, our grand juries are bound in each case by a special oath, in addition to the usual general oath; and

Tom Watson: The Official Record in the Case of Leo Frank, a Jew Pervert, Watson’s Magazine the Jeffersonian Monthly, September 1915

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by Thomas E. Watson (pictured), Watson's Magazine, Volume 21 Number 5, September 1915 IN NEW YORK, there lived a fashionable architect, whose work commanded high prices. He was robust, full of manly vigor, and so erotic that he neglected a handsome and refined young wife to run after little girls. As reported in the papers of William R. Hearst, Joseph Pulitzer, and Adolph Ochs, the libertine architect had three luxurious suites of rooms fitted up for the use of himself, a congenial company of young rakes, and the young women whom they lured into these elegant dens of vice. Stanford

Tom Watson: The Rich Jews Indict a State!, Watson’s Magazine the Jeffersonian Monthly, October 1915

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The Whole South Traduced. In the Matter of Leo Frank. by Thomas E. Watson (pictured), Watson's Magazine, Volume 21 Number 6, October 1915 ABNORMAL CONDITIONS prevail in this country, and the situation grows more complicated, year by year. We have carried the "asylum" idea to such extravagant liberality, that the sewage of the whole world is pouring upon us. The human race was never known to do, before, what it is doing now, to America. History presents no parallel case. From the Great Lakes to the Gulf, and from Cape Hatteras to the Golden Gate, we see the same ominous,

Sunday, 20th July 1913 Frank’s Lawyers Score Dorsey For His Stand

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The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 20th July 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Luther Rosser and ReubenArnold Declare He is Go-ing Out of His Way to Dic-tate to the Grand Jury.EXCEEDS PROVINCEOF SOLICITOR GENERALGrand Jury Will Meet at 10O'Clock Monday Morningto Take Up Conley Case.Call Is Sent Out.In reply to Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey's statements in regard to the proposed indictment by the grand jury of James Conley, the negro who has confessed complicity in the murder of Mary Phagan, Attorneys Reuben R. Arnold and Luther Z. Rosser issued a statement Saturday afternoon in which they openly attacked the stand taken by the solicitor

Tuesday, 22nd July 1913 Date Of Frank Trial Depends On Weather

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The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 22nd July 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.Will Be Called Monday, ButMay Be Postponed if as Hotas Last Saturday.Continued From Page One.That the trial of Leo M. Frank depends to a great extent upon the weather was the indication given last night by Judge L. S. Roan, who will preside when the case is called next Monday. When the temperature went over 99 degrees last Saturday Judge Roan stated that he would not like to hold court in such weather and should it prove that hot next Monday he would be willing to a postponement of the Frank case.Judge

Wednesday, 23rd July 1913 Mayor May Hold Up Dictagraph Warrant

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The Atlanta Constitution, Wednesday, 23rd July 1913, PAGE 5, COLUMN 2. Objects to Paying Expenses of Installing Instrument in Williams House. A. R. Colcord, chairman of the police committee, has been asked to approve a warrant for $19 which represents the expense to which the detective department was put to install the dictagraph in room 36, Williams house. Chairman Colcord said Monday that he did not approve of the use to which the dictagraph was put, but explained that he has been informed that it was never intended to entrap Mayor Woodward or any other city official. "I think that

Thursday, 24th July 1913 Is It Lady-like To Look Like A Lady On Atlanta’s Streets?

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  The Atlanta Constitution, Thursday, 24th July 1913, PAGE 1, COLUMN 2. Is it proper, also is it legal, for a real ladylike man to further simulate femininity and appear on the streets dressed in women's garb, provided this man be a professional female impersonator? This is a question which is troubling Miss beg your pardon Mr. Auriema, who is nightly appearing at one of Atlanta's moving picture show houses. Also, it is troubling Chief Beavers. If it is proper and legal for a woman to cut her hair and don male costume as did Belva Lockwood and Dr. Mary

Tuesday, 29th July 1913 Watchman Tells Of Finding Body Of Mary Phagan

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The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 29th July 1913,.Trial Adjourns for the DayWhile Lee Is on the Stand,and His Cross-QuestioningWill Be Resumed Today.MOTHER AND THE WIFEOF PRISONER CHEER HIMBY PRESENCE AT TRIALJury Is Quickly Secured andMrs. Coleman, Mother ofthe Murdered Girl, Is FirstWitness to Take Stand.With a swiftness which was gratifying to counsel for the defense, the solicitor general and a large crowd of interested spectators, the trial of Leo M. Frank, charged with the murder of Mary Phagan on April 26, in the building of the National Pencil factory, was gotten under way Monday.When the hour of adjournment for the day had

Thursday, 31st July 1913 Photo By Francis E Price, Staff Photographer.

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The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 31st July 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.Miss Grace Hicks, an employee of the National Pencil factory, and a friend of Mary Phagan, who testified on Wednesday morning; Detective John Black (Wearing derby), who was put through severe cross-examination Wednesday afternoon by the defense, and Harry Scott, of the Pinkertons, who has had charge of this agency's investigation of the Phagan mystery. He will go on the stand today.PAGE 1, COLUMN 5NEW WITNESS SOUGHTBY SOLICITOR DORSEYCharles M. Wilt, Former Pris-Oner in Fulton Tower, MayTestify in Frank Case.Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey, it is understood, has wired to North Carolina for

Friday, 1st August 1913 Acquitted In The Same Court, She Believes His Innocent, The Atlanta Constitution

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  The Atlanta Constitution, Friday, 1st August 1913, PAGE 1, COLUMN 7. Photo by Francis E. Price. Staff Photographer. Mrs. Callie Scott Appelbaum, who was tried before Judge Roan for the murder of her husband, Jerome Appelbaum, and declared "not guilty," and Leo M. Frank, who is now on trial charged with the murder of Mary Phagan. Mrs. Appelbaum was an interested spectator at Frank's trial Thursday afternoon. PAGE 3, COLUMN 1 REPRESENTING STATE IN FRANK TRIAL Left to right: Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey, Assistant Solicitor E. A. Stephens, and Attorney Frank A. Hooper. PAGE 4, COLUMN 1 Spots

Saturday, 2nd August 1913 Witnesses Called To Stand To Testify Against Frank

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The Atlanta Constitution, Saturday, 2nd August 1913, PAGE 1, COLUMN 3. Phone by Francis E. Price. Staff Photographer. From left to right: Mrs. George W. Jefferson, who was a witness on Thursday morning; R. P. Barrett, who testified to finding Mary Phagan's pay envelope and strands of her hair, and Mrs. Maggie White, who told of seeing strange negro in pencil factory on afternoon of crime. PAGE 2, COLUMN 4 Two Members of Jury Photo by Francis E. Price. Staff Photographer. On the left F. V. L. Smith, and on the right Beder Townsend. PAGE 3, COLUMN 4 HE IS

Monday, 4th August 1913 Their Testimony Is Important In The Trial Of Leo M. Frank

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The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 4th August 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 5.EMIL SELIG.DETECTIVE D. L. WAGONER.DR. H. F. (ROY) HARRIS.CHIEF NEWPORT LANFORD.Photo by Francis E. Price. Staff Photographer.Chief interest in the Frank case today centers int eh appearance at this afternoon's session of court of Dr. H. F. Harris, who collapsed on Friday afternoon while giving testimony fixing the murder hour of Mary Phagan. Detective D. L. Waggoner was on the stand Saturday morning. Emil Selig, father-in-law of Frank, will probably be called by the defense. Chief Lanford has been an interested spectator since the trial began. It was under his direction the

Wednesday, 6th August 1913 Women Are Playing Big Part In Trial Of Frank

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The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 6th August 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.From left to right: Striking photograph of Mrs. Leo Frank as she entered the courtroom Tuesday afternoon; grandmother of Mary Phagan. Two women spectators, who were excluded from the trial during Jim Conley's testimony.Photos by Francis E Price, Staff Photographer.PAGE 3, COLUMN 2Conley Leaving Courtroom After TestimonyPhoto by Francis E Price, Staff Photographer.Left to right: Chief of Detectives Newport Lanford, Jim Conley and Chief of Police James L. Beavers.PAGE 4, COLUMN 4Mayor Opposes Women Police.Mayor Woodward regards as doubtful the plan of Chief Beavers to appoint women on the police department. His

Thursday, 7th August 1913 Their Testimony Will Have Direct Bearing On Leo Frank’s Case

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The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 7th August 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.Conley Leaving Courtroom After TestimonyPhoto by Francis E Price, Staff Photographer.Left to right: Chief of Detectives Newport Lanford, Jim Conley and Chief of Police James L. Beavers.PAGE 4, COLUMN 2SOLICITOR HUGH DORSEY.Thursday, 7th August 1913 Their Testimony Will Have Direct Bearing On Leo Frank's Case

Monday, 18th August 1913 Men on Frank Jury Must Be Some Mighty Good Husbands Asserts the Deputy in Charge

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The Atlanta Constitution, August 18th, 1913 “In my five years of experience as deputy sheriff in the criminal division of Fulton superior court,” said Plennie Miner, who needs an introduction to no one, “I have had to handle many, many juries in many famous murder cases, but I have never had less trouble and more ease in providing for twelve men than in the Leo Frank trial. “In the average jury, there are men from every walk of life, farmers, engineers, baggage men, clerks, merchants and professionals of all character. Some retire early at-night, some sit awake until past midnight.

Wednesday, 20th August 1913 State Is Hard Hit By Judge Ruling Barring Evidence Attacking Frank

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The Atlanta Constitution Wednesday, August 20th, 1913 Court Rules Out All Specific Acts of immorality Charged to Prisoner, Despite Vigorous Fight Made by Solicitor Hugh Dorsey, Who Had Called Many Witnesses to Prove His Character Bad. DR. SAMUEL BENEDICT COMES TO THE DEFENSE OF DR. ROY F. HARRIS State Makes Strong Effort to Show, That Minola McKnight Was Not Coerced Into Signing the Statement Which She Afterward Repudiated – Boy Says He Saw Frank With Mary Phagan. The state was given a big setback Tuesday when Judge Roan ruled out all specific acts of immorality charged to Frank which Solicitor

Wednesday, 20th August 1913 Witness Swears He Saw Frank Forcing Unwelcome Attentions Upon the Little Phagan Girl

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The Atlanta Constitution, Wednesday, August 20th, 1913. The most sensational testimony of the entire morning session was produced when Willie Turner, a young farmer of Sandy Springs, Georgia, an ex-employee of the pencil factory, was called by the prosecution. He testified that Frank knew Mary Phagan, and that on one occasion he had seen the superintendent and the victim in the metal room, when the girl was striving to get away from him and return to her work. He was questioned directly by the solicitor. “Where did you work in March, 1913?” “National Pencil factory.” “Did you know Leo Frank?”

Thursday, 21st August 1913 Frank Hooper Opens Argument In Leo Frank Case This Morning

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The Atlanta Constitution, Thursday, August 21st, 1913 Page 3. The opening argument in the Frank trial will be made at 9 o’clock this morning by Attorney Frank B. Hooper, associate counsel for the defense. Two hours probably will be occupied by each man in the closing arguments. Judge Roan, in a short talk to the attorneys for each side cautioned them against long argument, and insisted that each man dwell only on the facts of the case and the evidence. No time limit was set, although the prediction is widespread that no more than two hours will be occupied by

Thursday, 21st August 1913 Frank’s Character Bad Declare Many Women and Girls on Stand

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The Atlanta Constitution Thursday, August 21st, 1913. Solicitor Dorsey make a persistent effort Wednesday morning to show that the character of Leo Frank is anything but good. Ha laid particular stress upon his character as to his relations with women and girls, and introduced a large number of women who testified that in this respect his character was in their judgement bad. Among those who testified merely that his character was bad without going into details were: Mrs. Marion Dunnigan, who stated that she worked at the pencil factory two or three weeks about two years ago. She testified that

Thursday, 21st August 1913 Girls Testify to Seeing Frank Enter Dressing Room With Woman

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The Atlanta Constitution Thursday, August 21st, 1913. Following the introduction of the telegram Solicitor Hugh Dorsey began another attack on the character of Leo Frank and after a bitter wrangle secured the right to ask factory girls in regard to Frank's character in his relations to women. This was argued with the jury excused from the room and was the subject of a bitter fight, the state saying that when Frank on the stand had claimed himself to have always lived a virtuous life, he had opened up the way for the state to prove he was not of a

Thursday, 21st August 1913 Girls Testify to Seeing Frank Talking to Little Mary Phagan With His Hands on Her Person

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The Atlanta Constitution, Thursday, August 21st, 1913. Page 2. Girls Testify to Seeing Frank Talking to Little Mary Phagan With His Hands on Her Person The evidence brought out on Tuesday that Frank had frequently been seen talking to Mary Phagan and that while so doing had placed his hands upon her person, was corroborated by several witnesses on Wednesday. The first of these corroborative statements came when Miss Ruth Robinson was called to the stand by Dorsey. She testified that she had worked at the National Pencil factory and knew both Frank and Mary Phagan. “Have you ever seen

Thursday, 21st August 1913 Leo Frank Takes Stand Again Despite Objection of Dorsey

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The Atlanta Constitution, Thursday, August 21st, 1913 Page 2. In concluding the defense's case Attorney Arnold stated to the court that there were two or three matters which had developed to which he considered the defendant had a right to make a statement in rebuttal. A protest was made by the solicitor, but was overruled. Frank took the stand following the judge's decision. He was more vehement in tone than on the day of his statement, but was brief, concise and straight to the point. He occupied the chair only a few moments. “The statement of the Turner boy,” he

Thursday, 21st August 1913 Railway Employee Swears Car Reached Center of City at 12:03

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The Atlanta Constitution, Thursday, August 21st, 1913. Page 2. Several employees of the Georgia Railway and Power company were introduced by the prosecution Wednesday to testify as to the time of the arrival of the English avenue street car at Broad and Marietta streets on the day of the murder and to the fact that cars occasionally did arrive ahead of time. A witness was also introduced to show that Mary Phagan was not on the English avenue car after it turned into Broad street from Marietta, although the men in charge of the car had testified that she got

Thursday, 21st August 1913 Starnes Tells How Affidavit From Negro Cook Was Secured

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The Atlanta Constitution, Thursday, August 21, 1913. Page 3. John Starnes, prosecutor of Leo Frank, was put up to tell about the Minola McKnight affidavit. “Did you Investigate the scuttle hole around the elevator? was Dorsey's first question. An objection by the defense was overruled. “See any blood spots there? “No.” “Now, tell the jury about the Minola McKnight affidavit.” “Pat Campbell and I arrested her at the solicitor's office. We had gone to get a statement from her husband. We also had information from this husband that she had made the identical statement which she made in the affidavit.

Thursday, 21st August 1913 Swears That Frank Prepared Sheets in Less Than 2 Hours

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The Atlanta Constitution Thursday, August 21st, 1913 J. M. Gantt, who has been an important figure in the state's case, was called during the afternoon to testify to the length of time in which he has seen Frank make out the financial sheet and to the inaccuracy of the 'punch-clock on the second floor. “Did you ever see Frank make out the financial sheet?” Mr. Dorsey put. “Yes.” “How long did it take him to make it?” “With the data at hand, I have seen him make it out in an hour and a half.” “About this punch-clock-—was it accurate?”

Thursday, 21st August 1913 Testimony of Dr. Harris Upheld By Noted Stomach Specialists

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The Atlanta Constitution, Thursday, August 21, 1913 Page 2. Dr. Clarence Johnson, when called to the stand Wednesday morning as the first witness, designated the deductions of Dr. H. T. Harris in regard to the time of Mary Phagan’s death after eating as scientific statements based on scientific facts. When recalled to the stand Dr. Johnson, who is a noted stomach specialist, and who testified on Tuesday afternoon, was asked the direct question about what he would conclude from conditions such as Dr. Harris had reported finding in Mary Phagan’s body. He said he would say the girl had died

Thursday, 21st August 1913 Testimony of Hollis Assaulted by Witness

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The Atlanta Constitution, Thursday, August 21, 1913 Page 3. J. B. Reed, a tile layer, told of a talk with W. T. Hollis, a conductor, who, he declared, had expressed sorrow at having brought Mary Phagan into town on her last trip, the day she was slain. Hollis, just previously, had denied making such a statement. “Do you know W. T. Hollis,” the solicitor asked the witness. “Yes.” “Ever talk with him about Mary Phagan riding his car into town?” “Yes, on Monday following the murder. I got in his car at Broad and Hunter streets, and he told me

Thursday, 18th September 1913 Jews Are Organizing To Stop Defamation

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The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 18th September 1913,PAGE 9, COLUMN 5.Chicago. September 17 Prominent Jews today organized the Anti-Defamation League of America, whose object will be to stop by appeals to reason and conscience, and if necessary, by appeals to law, the defamation of the Jewish people.The new organization will be conducted under the auspices of the order of B'nai B'rith, a Jewish philanthropic organization, with a membership of 30,000, and will have branches in every large city in the country.The objects of the league are set forth in a statement issued by Adolph Kraus, of Chicago, president of the Order of

Monday, 22nd September 1913 Judge Roan Not To Hear Frank Trial Motion

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The atlanta Georgian,Monday, 22nd September 1913,PAGE 7, COLUMN 6.JUDGE ROAN NOTTO HEAR FRANKTRIAL MOTIONFour Superior Judges Will ElectOne of Their Number toPass on Plea.The puzzle in regard to the judge who will hear the motion for a new trial for Leo M. Frank as well as the date of the convening of the new branch of the Atlanta Superior Court, was cleared up somewhat Monday when it became known on good authority that Judge Ben Hill, appointed to the new judgeship, would tender his resignation as judge of the Court of Appeals on October 11.Should the motion for a new

Wednesday, 24th September 1913 Detective Black Not Blamed For Fighting

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The Atlanta Georgian,Wednesday, 24th September 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 2.Chief Beavers received a letter Tuesday morning from George Bodeker, of Birmingham, defending Detective John Black in the latter's recent trouble at Birmingham.Bodeker asserts that Black was not to blame for the fight he had with his prisoner, and declares that the people and police department of Birmingham and do not censure the detective.PAGE 6, COLUMN 1DENTON DENIESLURING GIRLSFROM HOMERearrested as Kidnaper After Re-lease on Habeas Corpus FromCharge of "Suspicion."John L. Denton, the Atlanta contractor who was arrested Tuesday on charges preferred by the parents of two girls he was said to

Thursday, 25th September 1913 Recall To Apply To All Big Offices

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The Atlanta Georgian,Thursday, 25th September 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.Initiation and Referendum Addedto Old Charter WoodwardDelighted.By the adoption of the initiative, referendum and recall amendment to the city charger the votes of Atlanta can recall Mayor James G. Woodward, Recorder Nash Broyles, Police Chief James Beavers, Fire Chief W. B. Cummings, School Superintendent Slaton, and any of the twenty Councilmen or ten Aldermen, any Board member and any head of a city department, according to a ruling by City Attorney James L. Mayson Thursday.Mayor James G. Woodward and the City Council accept this ruling as final.The Mayor issued a formal statement

Friday, 26th September 1913 Judge Roan To Hear Arguments Asking Retrial For Frank

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The Atlanta Georgian,Friday, 26th September 1913,PAGE 2, COLUMN 1.Judge L. S. Roan, who pronounced sentence upon Leo M. Frank in Georgia's greatest murder trial, in an informal statement Friday made it plain that he considered it his duty to hear the arguments for a new trial to be made in behalf of the prisoner.Judge Roan's attitude is known to be in line with that of the judges of the Superior Court, one of whom would otherwise have to hear the case.It is considered likely therefore that nothing will be put in the way of Judge Roan hearing the argument and

Sunday, 28th September 1913 Judge Hill May Hear Frank Case

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The Atlanta Georgian,Sunday, 28th September 1913,PAGE 7, COLUMN 5.Notice of Judge Roan CompelsSolicitor Dorsey to PrepareAnswer By October 11.Who will sit as judge on the appeal of Leo Frank's lawyers for a new trial?Judge L. S. Roan, eager to dispose of all his Superior Court cases before he takes the seat on the Court of Appeals bench to which he was appointed. Saturday requested Solicitor General Dorsey to have all pending motions set for October 4 and October 11. He expressed at the same time the hope that the Frank motion be decided, so far as the Superior Court is

Monday, 29th September 1913 Delay On Frank Hearing Seems Unavoidable

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The Atlanta Georgian,Monday, 29th September 1913,PAGE 11, COLUMN 4.Dorsey Can Not Tell if He WillBe Ready by Saturday, andRosser Says Nothing.Postponement of the hearing of the motion next Saturday for a new trial for Leo M. Frank, convicted of the murder of Mary Phagan, appeared certain Monday, according to information from various authoritative sources.The probabilities of the motion being heard before Judge Roan, the trial judge, were as much in doubt as ever, despite the fact that Judge Roan has expressed a desire to see the case disposed of before he retries from the bench, as well as the desire

Tuesday, 30th September 1913 Frank Ready For New Fight Rosser Ready. Roan Will Hear Frank Argument

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The Atlanta Georgian,Tuesday, 30th September 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.SOLICITOR EXPECTED TO SEEK DELAYDefense to File Plea for New TrialWednesday State FacesDifficult Task.Fight for the life of Leo M. Frank, sentenced to be hanged Oct 10, 1913, for the murder of Mary Phagan, will assume activity Wednesday, when the papers in the motion for a new trial will be filed by attorneys for the defense.Solicitor Hugh Dorsey will begin an examination of the papers immediately in an effort to complete his answer by Saturday, the date set for the hearing of the motion for a new trial.Regardless of the success or

Tuesday, 30th September 1913 Speculation Is Rife As To Who’ll Hear Leo Frank’s Motion, The Atlanta Constitution

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  The Atlanta Constitution, Tuesday, 30th September 1913, PAGE 5, COLUMN 3. Speculation on whether or not the hearing of argument for a new trial for Leo M. Frank, convicted of the murder of little Mary Phagan, which is set for Saturday, will be heard, is now rife among courthouse officials. In case the hearing comes up then, Judge L. S. Roan, who presided at the trial in August, will have charge of the hearing, is the general opinion. Whether or not the case will come up on that date, however, is unknown. Solicitor Hugh Dorsey is doing all he

Sunday, 5th October 1913 Indefinite Respite Is Given Frank As Juror Charges Flood

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The Atlanta Georgian,Sunday, 5th October 1913,PAGE 5.Hearing of Motion for New Trial IsPostponed on Motion of SolicitorDorsey. Henslee Indignantly DeniesAllegation That He Was Biased.Confronted by 173 pages of alleged errors made by the trial judge, nine volumes of evidence and a mass of affidavits charging prejudice on the part of the jury. Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey and his assistant, A. H. Stephens, Monday morning will begin in earnest their work of combating the legal issues raised by the defense in its motion for a new trial for Leo M. Frank, superintendent of the National pencil factory, convicted of the

Saturday, 1st November 1913: Trial Judge Says Last Word On Bias Of Jury, Declares Court Of Appeals, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution, Saturday, 1st November 1913, PAGE 1, COLUMN 7. Important Decision Handed Down, Following Close Up- on Heels of Judge Roans Decision in Frank Case, in Which He Decided Jurors Were Competent, and De- nied New Trial. FRANKS LAWYERS WILL TAKE CASE IMMEDIATELY TO THE SUPREME COURT Bill of Exceptions Filed to Rulings of Judge Roan. Rosser and Arnold Renew Their Expressions of Faith in Their Clients Innocence and Will Fight Bitterly. Following upon the heels of Judge Roans decision denying Leo M. Frank a new trial, the court of appeals affirmed an old principle of law yesterday

Sunday, 2nd November 1913: Judges Of Municipal Court Named Saturday Afternoon Supplant Peace Justices, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution, Sunday, 2nd November 1913, PAGE 3, COLUMN 1. The four judges of the superior court of Fulton county last Saturday named the five Atlantans who will sit as judges in the new municipal court established by recent act of the legislature. The court will organize and begin active service on January 1, 1914. The five men named to the new civil branch are L. F. McClelland, E. L. Thomas, J. B. Ridley, T. O. Hathcock and Luther Rosser, Jr. The new court will take the place of the justice of peace courts in Fulton county, and is

Monday, 3rd November 1913: Judges Of New Court Are Named, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution, Monday, 3rd November 1913, PAGE 1, COLUMN 4. Four of the five judges of the municipal court, which will take the place in Atlanta of the courts of the justices of the peace, are shown here. At the top on the left is Eugene D. Thomas, and on the right L. F. McClelland. Below are Luther Z. Rosser, Jr., and James B. Ridley, the latter the only justice of the peace to get on the new court. The fifth judge of the municipal court, T. O. Hathcock, is not shown in the picture. PAGE 1, COLUMN 4

Tuesday, 4th November 1913: Municipal Court Positions Sought By Over 1,000 Men, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution, Tuesday, 4th November 1913, PAGE 1, COLUMNS 3 & 4. PAGE 1, COLUMN 3 From left to right, Luther Rosser, Jr., T. A. Hathcock, Eugene D. Thomas, J. B. Ridley, and L. F. McClelland.           PAGE 1, COLUMN 4 The five judges of the new municipal court will receive their commissions from Governor Slaton on his return to the city Friday. So soon as they are officially confirmed in their positions they will hold a meeting, and before the week is out will probably name the chief marshal, chief clerk and the four

Wednesday, 5th November 1913: Highwaymen Given Limit Of The Law, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 5th November 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 3.Judge Ben H. Hill Tries OneDozen Cases Second Dayof Sitting.The second days session of thecriminal branch of the superior court, with Judge Ben Hill on the bench, sawthe completion of a dozen cases before adjournment Tuesday.Judge Hill, whose leniency was noted onMonday towards prisoners at the bar, reversed his attitude on Tuesday and intwo instances inflicted the full penalty of the law where highwaymen werebrought before him.I do not believe in any plea that aman could make excusing his acts when he is caught red-handed, so to speak,robbing a citizen of this

Thursday, 6th November 1913: Dorsey Spent $1,145.39 In The Leo Frank Case, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 6th November 1913,PAGE 8, COLUMN 5.Itemized Expense Account Is FiledWith the CountyBoard.Revealingin a new light the wide probe made by the state in its successful effort toconvict Leo Frank of the murder of Mary Phagan, the itemized account ofSolicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey was filed for payment with the countycommissioners on Wednesday afternoon.Amongthe items which appear on the expense account were fees of $25 to R. A.Flakman, finger-print expert, who examined the finger marks on the Phagangirls bloody garments; another of $100, paid to Albert S. Osborn, the notedNew York hand-writing expert, who compared the handwriting of

Friday, 7th November 1913: Thomas Is Given Chief Judgeship, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 7th November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.J. B. Ridley, Luther Rosser,Jr., and Chief Judge WillServe Four Years, McClel-land and HathcockTwo.E. D. Thomas is to be the chief judgeof the new municipal court for a term of four years.J. B. Ridley and Luther Rosser, Jr.will also serve for terms of four years.L. F. McClelland and T. O. Hathcockwill be judges for terms of two years each.These appointments were announced byGovernor Slaton just before he left the city late yesterday afternoon forDublin. The commissions of the new judges when issued will date from January 1,1914.Much Pressure Brought.Not often has such

Sunday, 9th November 1913: A Dead Hero Is The Poorest Sort Of A Husband; Boots Rogers, Hero Extraordinary, Learns Lesson, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 9th November 1913,PAGE 9, COLUMN 1.Photos by Francis E. Price.Upper picture: Boots Rogers, at extreme right, standing besideautomobile with detectives with whom he worked on the Phagan murder mystery.Lower illustrations: Rogers at time of the Frank trial, his daughter, Louise,and his wife, who formerly was Miss Louise Petty.By Britt Craig.The littleclock ticked impatiently between the statue of the market girl and the boy withthe finishing rod on the mantelpiece. The folding doors were closed, and theshades came plumb down to the sill.W. W. (Boots) Rogers got down on one knee inappropriate attitude of humbleness on the flower-bordered

Monday, 10th November 1913: War Is Declared On Beer Saloons And Locker Clubs, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 10th November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.Committee Appointed toTake Up Matter of LawEnforcement With PoliceChief and Grand Jury.LIQOUR BOTTLES SHOWNAT MEETING ON SUNDAYAudienceTold They WerePurchased From Clubsby Non-MembersNearBeer SaloonsAttacked.War to the knife was declared on thebreweries, near beer saloons and locker clubs operating in Atlanta and thestate of Georgia, and a committee of twenty-five representative clients wasappointed to take up the matter of law enforcement with the police authoritiesand the grand jury at the mass meeting held Sunday afternoon in the Grandtheater, which was called by the Georgia Anti-Saloon league for theconsideration of measures which will prohibit the

Tuesday, 11th November 1913: No Postponement In Frank Hearing, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 11th November 1913,PAGE 4, COLUMN 3.Supreme Court Issues Rul-ing That Argument in theMurder Case Must BeginAbout December 15.There will besuspension of the rules of the supreme court to give attorneys more time inwhich to prepare to argue the Frank case, notwithstanding the fact that counselfor the state and for the defense united in a request for more time. After abrief conference of the justices yesterday morning it was decided that if thepapers reached the court by December 1 the argument will be set down for aboutDecember 15.Following theconference of the justices, Clark Harrison announced to the attorneys

Wednesday, 12th November 1913: Objected To Shaving Fellow Policeman, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 12th November 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 3.The board of police commissioners wasthrown into whispered speculation last night when Chief James L. Beavers andMayor Woodward, for the first time since the Beavers administration, agreedupon any one matter of consequence.This agreement came on a motion to deny the application ofex-Policeman George H. Spratling for reinstatement upon the force. Spratling,exactly one year ago, had resigned from the force under charges which had beenpreferred against him before the commission by Chief Beavers.The charges grew out of an alleged visit the ex-policeman hadmade to the home of a woman, where, it was claimed

Thursday, 13th November 1913: Woman Who Led Campaign To Put End To Vice In Chicago Confers With Chief Beavers, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 13th November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.Photos by Francis E.Price.ChiefBeavers, who stamped out Atlantas segregated district, and Virginia Brooks,who started big fight on vice in Chicago. This picture was taken Wednesdayafternoon by The Constitutions photographer, in Chief Beavers office.When yesterday afternoon at 5oclock, a loud report, as if from a miniature cannon, resounded from theprivate office of Chief Beavers in police headquarters, and activity there fora moment ceased. It was only a local photographer who caught the chief just asshe grasped in warm welcome the little hand of Virginia Brooks, that celebratedyoung western woman who cleaned up the

Friday, 14th November 1913: P. H. Brewster. Albert Howell, Jr. Hugh M. Dorsey. Arthur Heyman. Dorsey, Brewster, Howell & Heyman. Attorneys-at-law, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 14th November 1913,PAGE 16, COLUMN 2.Offices:202, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 210Kiser Building, Atlanta, Ga.Long-DistanceTelephone 3022, 3024, and 3025, Atlanta, Ga.PAGE 7, COLUMN 5TRIAL OFJIM CONLEYPOSTPONED TO MONDAYCourtThought to Be AwaitingAction of Court ofAppeal.Without explaining this cause, JudgeBen Hill, on Thursday, postponed the trial of Jim Conley, as accessory afterthe fact in the murder of Mary Phagan, until Monday.Conley was ready for trial but when hewas called to the bar in the Thrower building and as Solicitor General Dorseyarose to address the court, Judge Hill said:I have decided to postpone this caseuntil Monday.A hurried conference between JudgeHill,

Saturday, 15th November 1913: P. H. Brewster. Albert Howell, Jr. Hugh M. Dorsey. Arthur Heyman. Dorsey, Brewster, Howell & Heyman. Attorneys-at-law., The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 15th November 1913,PAGE 10, COLUMN 2.Offices:202, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 210Kiser Building, Atlanta, Ga.Long-Distance Telephone 3022, 3024, and 3025, Atlanta, Ga.Saturday, 15th November 1913: P. H. Brewster. Albert Howell, Jr. Hugh M. Dorsey. Arthur Heyman. Dorsey, Brewster, Howell & Heyman. Attorneys-at-law., The Atlanta Constitution

Sunday, 16th November 1913: Woodward Vetoes Fence Resolution, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 16th November 1913,PAGE 8, COLUMN 3.DeclaresContractors Have NoRight to Use the Streetsof Atlanta.Mayor James G. Woodward has vetoed theresolution passed up by council at its last meeting authorizing the Calhounestate to erect a fence in the street at the corner of Broad and Alabamastreets.At a former meeting of council asimilar permit was rejected, and the mayor ordered Chief of Police Beavers tonotify the contractors to move the fence back to the sidewalk.The streets and sidewalks belong tothe people, and the city council has no authority under the law to allowcontractors or any individual to use any part

Monday, 17th November 1913: P. H. Brewster. Albert Howell, Jr. Hugh M. Dorsey. Arthur Heyman. Dorsey, Brewster, Howell & Heyman. Attorneys-at-law., The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 17th November 1913,PAGE 10, COLUMN 2.Offices:202, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 210Kiser Building, Atlanta, Ga.Long-Distance Telephone 3022, 3024, and 3025, Atlanta, Ga.Monday, 17th November 1913: P. H. Brewster. Albert Howell, Jr. Hugh M. Dorsey. Arthur Heyman. Dorsey, Brewster, Howell & Heyman. Attorneys-at-law., The Atlanta Constitution

Tuesday, 18th November 1913: Conleys Trial Waits On The Supreme Court, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 18th November 1913,PAGE 15, COLUMN 4.JudgeHill Will Not Disposeof It Until Frank CaseIs Settled.Despitethe assertion of William M. Smith, attorney for Jim Conley, that he woulddemand an early trial for the negro sweeper, whose testimony did most toconvict Leo Frank of the murder of Mary Phagan, it was reported Late Mondaythat Judge Ben Hill, of the criminal branch of the superior court, would notplace the case for trial until after the retrial motion now before the supremecourt was disposed of.JudgeBen Hill is acting on his own initiative in the matter and his position isopposed to that of

Wednesday, 19th November 1913: First Murder Trial Before Judge Hill, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 19th November 1913,PAGE 14, COLUMN 2.Will Burnett, a negro, was convicted ofmanslaughter in Judge Ben Hills division of the superior court on Tuesday. Hewas given a twenty-year sentence.The negro made a statement to the juryin which he declared that in altercation with another negro, he was gettingbeaten by a club and, in self-defense, he pulled a knife and stabbed the negrothrough the abdomen. His statement saved him from sterner fate.The negro was the first man chargedwith murder to be tried by Judge Hill since his appointment to the criminalbranch of the Fulton county superior court.Wednesday, 19th November

Thursday, 20th November 1913: Nation-wide Search For Missing Wife, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 20th November 1913,PAGE 10, COLUMN 4.A letter revealing the sorrowful story of a husbandsnation-wide search for his missing wife has come to Chief Beavers from Russell,Iowa, to which W. W. Wolfe, a native of Montgomery went in the hope offinding the woman.Mrs. Wolfe disappeared from Montgomery severalmonths ago, the letter states. The husband, accompanied by their 4-year-olddaughter, trailed her through several northern states, losing track of her inIowa.In Russell his funds were exhausted andhe was forced to go to work. Following several weeks of residence in that cityhe learned through the newspapers of the case of an

Friday, 21st November 1913: Jim Conleys Case Is Once More Delayed, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 21st November 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 5.JimConleys case did not come up before Judge Ben Hill in the criminal division ofthe superior court Thursday.Onrequest of Solicitor General Dorsey, who bowed to the wishes of the judge, thecase was left on the docket to be tried at some future date, as yet unnamed.WilliamSmith, attorney for the negro, was in court during the morning session, butrefused to discuss his clients case in any manner save to remark that hewould press the matter to early trial, if possible.Itis not now believed the factory sweeper, whose testimony was largelyresponsible for the conviction

Saturday, 22nd November 1913: Will Ask Early Trial For Factory Sweeper, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 22nd November 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 4.Despite the attitude of Judge Hill andthe Solicitor General, William Smith, attorney for Jim Conley, will makestrenuous effort next week to have the negro factory sweeper, whose storyconvicted Leo M. Frank, of the Phagan murder, brought to early trial.The case was advanced again on Thursdayby Judge Hill and while Mr. Smith was in court he made no objection to theprocedure and it was taken for granted that he acquiesced in the matter ofpostponement.On Friday, Mr. Smith made the statementthat he would formally demand the early trial of his negro client when thecriminal

Sunday, 23rd November 1913: Burlesque Probe Started By Chief And By Recorder, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 23rd November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Order Goes Forth That Costumes Must Not Be TooAbbreviated and No GirlsUnder 16 Employed.SHOWS AREVERY TAMEWHEN BEAVERS APPEARSChief MakesRound of theHouses Saturday Nightand Finds Chorus GirlsDemurely Clad.Alleged burlesque naughtiness isbeing probed in Atlanta. Chief Beavers, one of his trusty men and Recorder NashBroyles have shouldered muskets in the war against rumored conditions in low-pricedVaudeville and burlesque theaters in the city. The first skirmish in the battleto end theatrical vulgarity and the appearances of young girls on local stageshas already been fought. The big battle will probably be fought this week inpolice court.Plans

Monday, 24th November 1913: Burlesque Houses Willing For Chief To Act As Censor, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 24th November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Alleged burlesque naughtiness isbeing probed in Atlanta. Chief Beavers, one of his trusty men and Recorder NashBroyles have shouldered muskets in the war against rumored conditions in low-pricedVaudeville and burlesque theaters in the city. The first skirmish in the battleto end theatrical vulgarity and the appearances of young girls on local stageshas already been fought. The big battle will probably be fought this week inpolice court.Plans of the campaign were made knownlast night by Chief of Police Beavers. The head of the police forceacknowledged that for some time past his aides have

Tuesday, 25th November 1913: Conleys Lawyer Will Ask Immediate Trial, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 25th November 1913,PAGE 8, COLUMN 4.Attorney William Smith will today inthe criminal branch of the superior court make formal demand that his negroclient, Jim Conley, the factory sweeper whose testimony convicted Leo Frank ofthe Phagan murder, be given immediate trial.Following a conference late Mondaybetween Attorney Smith and Solicitor Dorsey, Smith announced that he wouldwaive a jury trial for his client and await the courts decision as to whetherhis man shall be sentenced under a misdemeanor of felony charge.The indictment against Conley chargeshim with being an accessory after the fact in the murder of the Phagan girl.Attorney Smith

Wednesday, 26th November 1913: Conley Will Be Tried During January Term, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 26th November 1913,PAGE 7, COLUMN 4.Negro Factory Sweeper Appears in Court in order toHave the TimeSet.Jim Conley, the negro factory sweeperwho was a witness against Leo Frank in his trial for the murder of Mary Phagan,will be tried during the January term of the criminal court of Fulton county.This was made possible Tuesday whenConley, ready for trial, appeared before Judge Ben Hill, of the superior court,and, through his attorney, demanded trial.Conley was brought into court from theprisoners bullpen, looking smug and all smiles. So soon as court wasofficially opened. Solicitor General Dorsey called the courts attention to

Thursday, 27th November 1913: Gone Are The Days Of Oratory At The Bar, Says Pendleton, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 27th November 1913,PAGE 7, COLUMN 4.Stick to facts.Cut out the Fourth of July oratoricalfireworks.State your casebefore the jury tersely and briefly.Such was the advice of Judge John T. Pendleton,senior judge of the Fulton county superior court, as given by him Wednesdayafternoon in an address before the students of the Atlanta Law school. Hedeclared that the old days of flowery oratory at the bar are gone forever, andthat in the courts of today the forceful presentation of true facts alone isnecessary in successful law pleading.Judge Pendletons was the third of aseries of addresses being delivered before the law

Friday, 28th November 1913: Judge Roan Saves Youth From Sentencing Himself, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 28th November 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 5.To a Term inChaingangOne of Judge L. S. Roans last officialacts as a Fulton county superior court judge was the saving of a young lad onSaturday from sentencing himself to the chaingang.Davis Bonner, aged 16, recently wasarrested on a charge of burglary. He was indicted and faced a long chaingangsentence. It developed during his stay in jail that the lad had sworn that hewas 18 years of age when in reality he was but 16.When Judge Roan learned the factthrough a plea to the jurisdiction of the criminal court, filed by AttorneyLeonard

Saturday, 29th November 1913: Gillham Must Pay His Wife Alimony, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 29th November 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 2.Mrs. Annie G. Gillham, who recentlyfiled suit for divorce against her husband, Walter L. Gillham, manager of theSouthern Photo Material company, was awarded $50 per month temporary alimonyand the custody of her children, by order of Judge Pendleton, in the superiorcourt, Friday.Mrs. Gilliam, in her recent divorcesuit, which is now pending, declared that her husband was an habitual drunkardand had on more than one occasion tried to kill her. She averred that thehusband all but deserted her and her children and left them without support.She stated that her husband warned about $126

Sunday, 30th November 1913: Colyar Arrested On Cheat Charges, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 30th November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 5.Lawyer Heldby Local De-tectives to Answer War-rant SwornOut for Him inRome, Ga.A. S. Colyar, principal figure inthe famous dictagraph case during the Mary Phagan murder investigation, wasarrested by detectives yesterday on a warrant sworn out in Rome, Ga., chargingcheating and swindling.He was carried to police headquartersto await the arrival of Rome officials. He denies the charge emphatically, anddeclares that he will be promptly freed and cleared. The exact circumstancesare not known. The warrant was issued for H. J. Awtry, it is said, whose homeis in Rome.Chief Lanford stated to a Constitutionreporter last


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Gentlemen of the Jury: In the year 1884, on the 17th day of April, I was born in Cuero, Texas. At the age of three months, my parents took me to Brooklyn, New York, and I remained in my home until I came South, to Atlanta, to make my home here. I attended the public schools of Brooklyn, and prepared for college, in Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, New York. In the fall of 1902, I entered Cornell University, where I took the course in mechanical engineering, and graduated after four years, in June, 1906. I then accepted a position as draftsman


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In reply to the statement of the boy that he saw me talking to Mary Phagan when she backed away from me, that is absolutely false, that never occurred. In reply to the two girls, Robinson and Hewel, that they saw me talking to Mary Phagan and that I called her" Mary," I wish to say that they are mistaken. It is very possible that I have talked to the little girl in going through the factory and examining the work, but I never knew her name, either to call her "Mary Phagan," "Miss Phagan," or "Mary. " In reference

Video: ADL Behind the Empty Mask of Respectability

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Download Video Introduction to the video: ADL Behind the Mask of Respectability. The initials A.D.L., stands for Jewish Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith. ADL was founded in September 1913, not long after Atlanta B'nai B'rith president, Leo Max Frank was convicted on August 25th 1913, in the Fulton County Superior Court of Atlanta, Georgia. Leo Frank, 2-term president of the Atlanta Georgia, Gate City Lodge, Number 144, Independent Order of Bnai Brith, from 1912 to 1914, is the convicted serial pedophile-rapist and homicidal sex killer who sodomized, mutilated and strangled 13-year-old, factory girl, Mary Anne Phagan. Leo Frank lynched the

Alonzo Mann Affidavit, November 10th, 1982 (55 pages). Audiobook 107 minutes in length.

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Here within is a 55-page transcript of an affidavit that Alonzo Mann (1898 - 1985) orated and was videotaped in November 10th, 1982, regarding the April 26, 1913, murder of Mary Phagan 69 years earlier. Although the first pardon application immediately following this affidavit was denied, it was later approved in a second attempt three years later after years of secretive backroom dealing between Pardon board members and the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, Atlanta Jewish Federation, and American Jewish Committee. It was uncovered a decade ago that the videotape of this affidavit has mysteriously disappeared, when members of the

American Pravda: The Leo Frank Case and the Origins of the ADL

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Source: Unz Review About a week ago both the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal devoted considerable space to the coverage of “Parade,” the revival of a 1998 Broadway musical on the 1915 killing of Leo Frank, a Jewish factory manager in Atlanta, Georgia, arguably the most famous lynching in American history. Frank had been convicted and sentenced to death for the rape and murder of a young girl in his employ and the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was founded in an effort to save his life. After numerous legal appeals failed, the state’s governor eventually commuted Frank’s sentence

Atlanta Constitution – Little Mary Phagan

  Atlanta Constitution newspapers about the Phagan-Frank case will be listed here. You can search for a particular date, headline, or any word on the page by hitting CTRL-F on your keyboard (command-F for Mac computers). 1913 April 28, 1913: Girl is Assaulted and then Murdered in Heart of Town (Atlanta Constitution) April 28, 1913: Pretty Young Victim of Sunday's Atrocious Crime and the Building in Which She Met Her Death (Atlanta Constitution) April 29, 1913: $1,000 Reward (Atlanta Constitution) April 29, 1913: Held on Murder Charge in Mary Phagan Case (Atlanta Constitution) April 29, 1913: I Am Not Guilty,

Atlanta Georgian – Little Mary Phagan

  Atlanta Georgian newspapers about the Phagan-Frank case will be listed here. You can search for a particular date, headline, or any word on the page by hitting CTRL-F on your keyboard (command-F for Mac computers). 1913 April 28, 1913: 1,000 Throng Morgue to See Body of Victim (Atlanta Georgian) April 28, 1913: Arrested as Girl's Slayer: John M. Gantt Accused of the Crime; Former Bookkeeper Taken by Police (Atlanta Georgian) April 28, 1913: Chief and Sleuths Trace Steps in Slaying of Girl; Story of Killing as Meager Facts Reveal It (Atlanta Georgian) April 28, 1913: Gantt, Arrested as Slayer

Atlanta Journal – Little Mary Phagan

Atlanta Journal newspapers about the Phagan-Frank case will be listed here. You can search for a particular date, headline, or any word on the page by hitting CTRL-F on your keyboard (command-F for Mac computers). 1913 April 28, 1913: Coroner's Jury Visits Scene of Murder and Adjourns without Rendering Verdict (Atlanta Journal)April 28, 1913: J. M. Gantt Is Arrested on His Arrival in Marietta; He Visited Factory Saturday (Atlanta Journal)April 28, 1913: Man Held for Girl's Murder Avows He Was With Another When Witness Saw Him Last (Atlanta Journal)April 28, 1913: Police Think Negro Watchman Can Clear Murder Mystery; Four

Audio Book: The Frank Case, part 1 of 3. “The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story to Atlanta Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery”, 1913.

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  The cover of the book on which our new audio book is based THE AMERICAN MERCURY is proud to present the first part of our audio version of a rare, almost-suppressed book on the murder of Mary Phagan and the trial of Leo Frank, 1913's The Frank Case — published almost immediately after the events it details took place, when they were fresh in the minds of Atlantans. Only one original copy is known to survive, though there are rumors of others. This book is also unique as it is the earliest known book published about the case. Its

Audio Book: The Frank Case, part 2 of 3. “The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story to Atlanta Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery”, 1913.

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A photograph of Leo Frank, as published in The Frank Case THE AMERICAN MERCURY now presents the second part (of three parts) of our audio version of what is probably the most hard-to-find book on the murder of Mary Phagan and the trial of Leo Frank — 1913's anonymously published The Frank Case — read by Vanessa Neubauer. The Frank Case: Inside Story of Georgia's Greatest Murder Mystery now continues as we get into the detailed story of the trial itself. One very interesting thing strikes me about this section of the book. Even though the book, I find, is

Audio Book: The Frank Case, part 3 of 3. “The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story to Atlanta Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery”, 1913.

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WE ARE proud to present today, on the 107th anniversary of the foul murder of Mary Phagan, the third and concluding part of our audio version of an extremely rare contemporary book on the murder and the trial of Leo Frank, her killer, entitled The Frank Case — read by Vanessa Neubauer. It becomes obvious in this concluding segment that this is a pro-Leo Frank book. Not only is Frank's very odd unsworn statement (in which he literally spent hours going over every irrelevant detail of his company's financial statement, and which obviously did not make a good impression on

Confessions of a Criminal Lawyer By Allen Lumpkin Henson,1959.

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  Page: 58 ...should be implemented. We were called upon to assist in the organization of half a dozen boards and bureaus. Law firms in Atlanta and New York filed suits contesting the constitutionality of almost every new statute, and it was our responsibility to defend the suits. It was “double drill and no canteen.” The sensational Leo M. Frank murder case had been tried in Atlanta about a year before the convention met. Frank had been convicted and sentenced to die in the electric chair.* An appeal had been pending in the Supreme Court of Georgia for months. Although

Dear ADL and SPLC, what was the real reason why the bona fide racist and misogynist, Leo Frank, was convicted and sentenced to death by hanging?

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Originally published during the month of October 2018 — the Anti-defamation League of B’nai B’rith’s 105th anniversary, when ADL‘s founding was announced by B’nai B’rith in 1913 at its Chicago Illinois headquarters. Newsletter of the announcement from October 2nd, 1913, is provided herewithin. Addendums: February & April, 2019 Image: Founder of Amazon Books, Jeff Bezos, the wealthiest man that has ever lived (with the exception of John D. Rockefeller, relatively speaking). Under his tutelage, thousands of books have been censored from his eCommerce platform because they were considered politically incorrect. Jewish “civil rights” groups have been working at the vanguard

Quora: Did Leo Frank really kill Mary Phagan?

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By Mark Sims, Los Angeles, CA. Senior Quora Researcher (2011–present) · Last updated on Quora Caption: Counsel for State and Defense in hot argument before Judge Roan. Did National Pencil Company superintendent Leo Frank really kill Mary Phagan in 1913? Yes, Leo Frank killed Mary Phagan and we know this to be the case to a mathematical certainty, when we combine forensic evidence, testimony from an accessory-after-the-fact, and Leo Frank’s reversal of his alibi where he places himself at the scene of the crime, when the rape-murder took place. I will explain this in more detail in the forthcoming answer

Fake News and False History: The 1913 Leo Frank Case in the Midst of a 21st-Century Jewish-Gentile Culture War By Moses Jacobs

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The oak tree lynching of Leo Max Frank at sunrise on Tuesday morning, August 17, 1915, in a densely sylvan grove at former Sheriff William J. Frey’s farming estate (today 100 meters off what was formerly called 1200 Roswell Road & Fray’s Gin Rd in Marietta). Frank was not assassinated by a moonshine-fueled mob of feverish yokels exacting revenge because “the blood of a negro is not enough to atone for the molestation murder victim” as some Jewish advocates and their Gentile allies have suggested, for more than 100 years. Instead, the men who hanged Leo Frank were a sober,

Fannie Phagan Coleman and John William Coleman’s letter to Radical Leftwing Populist Politician, Tom Edward Watson, published in the Jeffersonian Weekly, July 15th, 1915

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Page 9 of the July 15th, 1915, issue of the Jeffersonian Weekly, regarding the June 21, 1915, Death Penalty Commutation of Leo Frank to life in prison by former Governor John Slaton. Transcription of Letter: The Mother and the Stepfather of little Mary Phagan Write To the Honorable Thomas E. Watson: Dear Sir:  As the mother and father of Mary Phagan, our poor daughter, we feel it our duty to write you a letter expressing our sincere thanks for your noble efforts in the publishing in your paper the truth about the Frank case. While we know our advantages in

Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 15

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The detectives learned about the middle of May that Conley could write, although at first he denied it. He made one statement and three affidavits, which are more fully referred to in stating the defendant's case. The affidavits were introduced by the defendant under notice to produce. By these affidavits, there was admitted the substance of the evidence that he delivered on the stand, which in brief was as follows: Conley claimed that he was asked by Frank to come to the factory on Saturday and watch for him, as he previously had done, which he explained meant that Frank

Jeffersonian Weekly – Little Mary Phagan

Tom Watson's Jeffersonian newspapers about the Phagan-Frank case will be listed here. You can search for a particular date, headline, or any word on the page by hitting CTRL-F on your keyboard (command-F for Mac computers). 1913 May 8, 1913: How Atlanta Cleaned Up (Jeffersonian) 1914 March 19, 1914: The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried? (Jeffersonian)April 2, 1914: What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case" (Jeffersonian)April 9, 1914: The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse? (Jeffersonian)April 16, 1914: Letters from the People: The Frank Case

Leo Frank, a Jew Pervert Pedophile, Watson’s Magazine, September 1915

Leo Frank, a Jew Pervert Pedophile, Watson’s Magazine, September 1915, Chapter 1: Download Leo Frank, a Jew Pervert Pedophile, Watson’s Magazine, September 1915, Chapter 1 (Size: 483MB) Leo Frank, a Jew Pervert Pedophile, Watson’s Magazine, September 1915, Chapter 2: Download Leo Frank, a Jew Pervert Pedophile, Watson’s Magazine, September 1915, Chapter 2 (Size: 466MB) Leo Frank, a Jew Pervert Pedophile, Watson’s Magazine, September 1915, Chapter 3: Download Leo Frank, a Jew Pervert Pedophile, Watson’s Magazine, September 1915, Chapter 3 (Size: 443MB) Leo Frank, a Jew Pervert Pedophile, Watson’s Magazine, September 1915, Chapter 4: Download Leo Frank, a Jew Pervert Pedophile,

Leo Frank, a Jew Pervert Pedophile, Watson’s Magazine, September 1915 – Part 1

DISCLAIMER: The video has been created for informational purposes ONLY. IN NEW YORK, there lived a fashionable architect, whose work commanded high prices. He was robust, full of manly vigor, and so erotic that he neglected a handsome and refined young wife to run after little girls... #leofrank #pedophile #rapist #metoo Originally posted on The American Mercury: The Mary Phagan Family Website: Leo Frank Archive: Leo Frank Research Library:

Leo Frank, a Jew Pervert Pedophile, Watson’s Magazine, September 1915 – Part 2

Was the Leo Frank Trial tainted by attitudes of bigotry against those who practice Judaism? This second installment by Watson retells the beginning of the trial of Leo Frank. Mary Phagan's mother, Newt Lee - night watchman and discoverer of the body, and Sargent Dobbs - one of the first on the scene, take the stand and relate the events of April 26 and 27 , 1913.

Leo Frank, a Jew Pervert Pedophile, Watson’s Magazine, September 1915 – Part 3

Was the Leo Frank Trial tainted by attitudes of bigotry against those who practice Judaism? This second installment by Watson retells the beginning of the trial of Leo Frank. Mary Phagan's mother, Newt Lee - night watchman and discoverer of the body, and Sargent Dobbs - one of the first on the scene, take the stand and relate the events of April 26 and 27 , 1913.

Leo Frank, a Jew Pervert Pedophile, Watson’s Magazine, September 1915 – Part 4

Was the Leo Frank Trial tainted by attitudes of bigotry against those who practice Judaism? This second installment by Watson retells the beginning of the trial of Leo Frank. Mary Phagan's mother, Newt Lee - night watchman and discoverer of the body, and Sargent Dobbs - one of the first on the scene, take the stand and relate the events of April 26 and 27 , 1913.

Leo Frank, a Jew Pervert Pedophile, Watson’s Magazine, September 1915 – Part 5

Was the Leo Frank Trial tainted by attitudes of bigotry against those who practice Judaism? This second installment by Watson retells the beginning of the trial of Leo Frank. Mary Phagan's mother, Newt Lee - night watchman and discoverer of the body, and Sargent Dobbs - one of the first on the scene, take the stand and relate the events of April 26 and 27 , 1913.

Leo Frank, a Jew Pervert Pedophile, Watson’s Magazine, September 1915 – Part 6

Download Leo Frank, a Jew Pervert Pedophile, Watson’s Magazine, September 1915, Chapter 6 (HD, Size: 614MB) Was the Leo Frank Trial tainted by attitudes of bigotry against those who practice Judaism? This second installment by Watson retells the beginning of the trial of Leo Frank. Mary Phagan's mother, Newt Lee - night watchman and discoverer of the body, and Sargent Dobbs - one of the first on the scene, take the stand and relate the events of April 26 and 27 , 1913.

National Pencil Company vs Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency

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1. Where partners sue in their firm name, the partnership need not be proved, unless denied in a verified plea. This was true where the original petition alleged that the plaintiff was a corporation, and the partnership was alleged in an amendment to the petition. 2. It was not error for the court to repel as evidence in this case "certain portions of the argument made by the solicitor general of the Atlanta Circuit on August 23 and 25, 1913, at the trial of Leo M. Frank for murder in Fulton superior court". The rejected matter was so clearly inadmissible

National Pencil Company vs Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency: Bill of Exceptions Certification

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GEORGIA, Fulton County. I Hereby Certify, That the foregoing Bill of Exceptions, hereunto attached, is the true original Bill of Exceptions in the case stated, to-wit: National Pencil Company Plaintiff in Error. vs. Pinkerton's National Detective Agency Defendant in Error. and that a copy hereof has been made and filed in this office. Witness my signature and the seal of Court affixed this the 15th day of February 1916 Clerk Superior Court Fulton County, Georgia, Ex-Officio Clerk City Court of Atlanta.

National Pencil Company vs Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency: Bill of Exceptions Certification (Supreme Court)

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STATE OF GEORGIA, County of Fulton. I Hereby Certify, That the foregoing pages, hereunto attached, contain a true Transcript of such parts of the record as are specified in the Bill of Exceptions and required, by the order of the Presiding Judge, to be sent to the Supreme Court in the case of National Pencil Company Plaintiff in Error. vs. Pinkerton's National Detective Agency Defendant in Error. I further certify that on account of the volume of work in office I was unable to make out + transcribe this record in the time prescribed by law Witness my signature and

New Audio Book: The Murder of Little Mary Phagan

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A NEW authorized audio book version of The Murder of Little Mary Phagan by Mary Phagan Kean has just been recorded for The American Mercury, and will serve as the capstone of our series on the Leo Frank Case in this, the centennial year of the death of the convicted murderer in this case, Leo Max Frank. You can download the audio book, free of charge, below. The Murder of Little Mary Phagan is an exceptionally insightful semi-autobiographical book, detailing a fascinating exploration of one of the most sensational criminal cases of all time. What makes this book so intriguing

New York Times – Little Mary Phagan

New York Times newspapers about the Phagan-Frank case will be listed here. You can search for a particular date, headline, or any word on the page by hitting CTRL-F on your keyboard (command-F for Mac computers). 1913 May 2, 1913: Troops on Alert for Mob (New York Times)May 24, 1913: Politics Enmeshes a Murder Mystery (New York Times)May 25, 1913: Indicted for Girl's Murder (New York Times)July 11, 1913: New Phagan Murder Tale (New York Times)August 5, 1913: Says Employer Slew Girl (New York Times)August 22, 1913: Atlanta Murder Case to Jury Today (New York Times)August 27, 1913: Frank Sentence

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 1

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by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury THE AMERICAN MERCURY is proud of its decades-long reputation for seeking the truth without fear or favor. As such, we do not flinch when a part of that truth can best be discovered in the words of those whom the Establishment has deemed "radical" or "controversial" or even "evil." (When the current murderous regime in Washington, or its Hollywood/New York media machine, says someone is "evil," we immediately start to suspect that there must be something good about that someone.) So even if the New York Times or the Anti-Defamation League excoriate us for

Page 1 of 8: Rare, Alonzo Mann Affidavit, March 4th, 1982.

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A F F I D A V I T IN THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, COUNTY OF SULLIVAN The undersigned, being duly sworn, deposes as follows: My name is Alonzo McClendon Mann. I am 83 years old. I was born near Memphis Tennessee, on August 8, 1898. My father was Alonzo Mann, who was born in Germany. My mother was Hattie McClendon Mann. When I was a small boy my family moved to Atlanta where I spent most of my life. In 1913 I was the office boy for Leo M. Frank, who ran the National Pencil Co. That was the

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practically nothing. I was nervous and afraid that day. There were crowds in the street who were angry and who were saying that Leo Frank should die. Some were yelling things like, "Kill the Jew!" I was very nervous. The courtroom was filled with people. Every seat was taken. I was interested mostly in getting out of there. I spoke with a speech impediment and had trouble pronouncing the 'r' in Frank's name in those days. The lawyers put their heads together and said that it was obvious I knew nothing and since I was so young they would let

Page 3 of 8: Rare, Alonzo Mann Affidavit, March 4th, 1982

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My job required that I open the mail, file papers, keep the office orderly, run errands and the like. Leo Frank arrived in the building that morning shortly after I did. He came into the office and spoke to me. I always called him "Mister Frank" and he referred to me by my given name, "Alonzo." I do not know whether Leo Frank had seen Jim Conley on the first floor when he came into the building that morning. A substitute secretary worked for Leo Frank that morning. As I remember, it was routine Saturday morning for me at the

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She had told me that if she was unable to come, for me not to worry. I waited for her for a few minutes. Since I didn't care that much about seeing the parade I went back to work. I can't be sure as to exactly how long I was gone, but it could not have been more than half hour before I got back to the pencil factory. I had no idea that I was about to witness an important moment in a famous murder case--a moment that has not been made public until now; that I was about

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the shaft would have been open. Conley could have dumped her down the empty elevator shaft. I believe for some reason, Jim Conley turned around toward me. He either heard by footsteps coming or he sensed I was behind him. He wheeled on me and in a voice that was low but threatening and frightening to me he said: "If you ever mention this I'll kill you." I turned and took a step or two--possibly three or four steps--up toward the second floor, but I must have worried about whether the office upstairs was closed. I did hear some movement

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the building and saw Conley with the body. When Frank went to trial and I was called as a witness, my mother tole me I would have to go and testify. She repeated to me what she already had told me the day of Mary Phagan's murder. She told me to keep to myself what I had seen. She said if it were not asked a specific question I did not have to give a specific answer. Jim Conley was the chief witness against Leo Frank. He testified that Frank had called him to his office a little after noon

Page 7 of 8: Rare, Alonzo Mann Affidavit, March 4th, 1982

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girl's money and grabbed her. I do not think sex was his motive. I believe it was money. Her pay was never found in the building after she died. Many times I have thought since all of this occurred almost 70 years ago that if I had hollered or yelled for help when I ran into Conley with the girl in his arms that day that I might have saved her life. I might have. On the other hand, I might have lost my own life. If I had told what I saw that day I might have saved Leo

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until it was too late to save Leo Frank's life. They will say that being young is no excuse. They will blame my mother. The only thing I can say is that she did what she thought was best for me and the family. Other people may hate me for telling it. I hope not, but I am prepared for that, too. I know that I haven't a long time to live. All that I have said is the truth. When my time comes I hope that God understands me better for having told it. That is what matters most.

100 Years Ago Today: The Month-Long Trial of Leo Frank Begins, July 28, 1913, through August 21st, 1913

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  Take a journey through time with the American Mercury, and experience the trial of Leo Frank (pictured, in courtroom sketch) for the murder of Mary Phagan just as it happened as revealed in contemporary accounts. The Mercury will be covering this historic trial in capsule form from now until August 26, the 100th anniversary of the rendering of the verdict. by Bradford L. Huie THE JEWISH ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE (ADL) — in great contrast to the American Mercury and other independent media — has given hardly any publicity to the 100th anniversary of the murder of Mary Phagan and the

The Leo Frank Trial: Week One of Four Weeks, Summer of 1913, Late July, Early August

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100 years ago today the trial of the 20th century ended its first week, shedding brilliant light on the greatest murder mystery of all time: the murder of Mary Phagan. And you are there. by Bradford L. Huie THE MOST IMPORTANT testimony in the first week of the trial of National Pencil Company superintendent Leo Frank for the murder of Mary Phagan was that of the night watchman, Newt Lee (pictured, right, in custody), who had discovered 13-year-old Mary's body in the basement of the pencil factory during his nightly rounds in the early morning darkness of April 27, 1913.

The Leo Frank Trial: Week Two of Four Weeks, Summer of 1913, August

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The 1913, summer trial of 29-year-old Leo Max Frank for the rape and strangulation of 13-year-old Mary Anne Phagan ended its second week 100 years ago today. Join us as we delve into the original documents of the time and hear what the jurors learned in the Fulton County Superior Court of Atlanta, Georgia. by Bradford L. Huie, Edited by Luke Brown. THE EVIDENCE that National Pencil Company Superintendent Leo Frank had raped and murdered, 13-year-old child laborer Mary Phagan was mounting up as the second week of his trial began in Atlanta, and passions were high on both sides

The Leo Frank Trial: Week Three of the Four Week Trial, Summer of 1913, August

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The trial of Leo Frank (pictured) for the murder of Mary Phagan ended its third week 100 years ago today. Join us as we break through the myths surrounding the case and investigate what really happened. by Bradford L. Huie AS THE THIRD WEEK of the trial dawned, the prosecution had just made its case that National Pencil Company Superintendent Leo Max Frank had murdered 13-year-old laborer Mary Phagan — and a powerful case it was. Now it was the defense's turn — and the defense team was a formidable one, the best that money could buy in 1913 Atlanta,

100 Years Ago Today: Leo Frank Takes the Stand, Monday, August 18, 1913 in the Temporary Fulton County Superior Court, Atlanta, Georgia

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Today, on the 100th anniversary of Leo Frank taking the stand in his own defense, we present a digest of opinion and contemporary sources on his statement. AT THE CLIMAX of the Leo Frank trial, an admission was made by the defendant that amounted to a confession during trial. How many times in the annals of US legal history has this happened? Something very unusual happened during the month-long People v. Leo M. Frank murder trial, held within Georgia's Fulton County Superior Courthouse in the Summer of 1913. I'm going to show you evidence that Mr. Leo Max Frank inadvertently

The Leo Frank Trial: Week Four of the Month-Long Courtroom Drama. The Greatest Murder Mystery in the Early 20th Century Southern History Was Solved at Trial By Leo Frank.

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Join The American Mercury as we recount the events of the final week of the trial of Leo Frank (pictured) for the slaying of Mary Phagan. by Bradford L. Huie ON THE HEELS of Leo Frank's astounding unsworn statement to the court, the defense called a number of women who stated that they had never experienced any improper sexual advances on the part of Frank. But the prosecution rebutted that testimony with several rather persuasive female witnesses of its own. These rebuttal witnesses also addressed Frank's claims that he was so unfamiliar with Mary Phagan that he did not even

Leo Frank Trial Closing Arguments of Frank Arthur Hooper, Reuben Rose Arnold, and Luther Zeigler Rosser

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The American Mercury continues its centenary coverage of the trial of Leo Frank for the slaying of Mary Phagan with the closing arguments presented by the prosecution and defense. by Bradford L. Huie IT'S A LONG READ — but an essential one for everyone who wants to consider himself well-informed on the Leo Frank case: the closing arguments from indefatigable Fulton County Prosecutor Hugh M. Dorsey and his assistant Frank A. Hooper, and from Leo Frank's brilliantly skilled defense attorneys Reuben R. Arnold and Luther Z. Rosser. Here we present their final arguments in full — practically the length of

The Leo Frank Trial: Closing Arguments of the Solicitor General Hugh Manson Dorsey, August 21, 22, 23 & 25th, 1913

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by Bradford L. Huie THE AMERICAN MERCURY now presents the final closing arguments by Solicitor Hugh Dorsey (pictured) in the trial of Leo Frank for the murder of Mary Phagan — a powerful summary of the case and a persuasive argument that played a large part in the decision of the jury to find Frank guilty of the crime. It is also riveting reading for modern readers, who have been told — quite falsely — that the case against Frank was a weak one, and told, equally falsely, that "anti-Semitism" was a major motive for the arrest, trial, and conviction

New Audio Book: The American Mercury on Leo Frank – Judge Leonard Roan’s Charge to the Jury

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  THIS WEEK we present our final installment of our audio books on the subject of the 1913 trial of Leo M. Frank for the strangling and sex murder of his 13-year-old sweatshop employee, Mary Phagan. Today we hear the words of Judge Leonard Strickland Roan (pictured) in his charge to the jury, exactly as they were uttered more than a century ago. A few hours later, the jury returned its verdict of guilty. The Leo Frank case was one of the major factors that led to the founding of the prominent Jewish pressure group, the ADL. This new audio

Summary of the Leo Frank Case: 100 Reasons Leo Frank Is Guilty of Murdering Little Mary Anne Phagan on April 26, 1913, in Atlanta Georgia

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by Penelope Lee THIS WEEK, as we are preparing the (very long) audio book version of the Leo Frank defense team and prosecution team closing arguments, the American Mercury is proud to present the new audio book version — never before available in its entirety — of our editor Bradford L. Huie's 100 Reasons Leo Frank is Guilty, read by Miss Vanessa Neubauer. As you listen, you can follow along with the text of the original piece.   **** 100 Reasons Leo Frank Is Guilty Proving That Anti-Semitism Had Nothing to Do With His Conviction and Proving That His Defenders Have Used Frauds

ADL: 100 Years of Hate

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by Valdis Bell TODAY MARKS THE 100th anniversary of the largest and most-well funded hate and defamation group in the history of mankind: the Anti-Defamation League, or "ADL." The organization was originally called the "Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith" after its parent group, the Jewish fraternal order B'nai B'rith (meaning "Sons of the Covenant," or, literally, "Sons of the Cut" — referring to circumcision). (ILLUSTRATION: Abraham Foxman, director of the ADL) The ADL was founded in the immediate aftermath of the conviction of Atlanta B'nai B'rith President Leo Frank for the strangulation and sex murder of a 13-year-old factory girl,

Reuben Rose Arnold Closing Arguments at Leo Frank Trial

Mr. Arnold: Gentlemen of the Jury: We are all to be congratulated that this case is drawing to a close. We have all suffered here from trying a long and complicated case at the heated term of the year. It has been a case that has taken so much effort and so much concentration and so much time, and the quarters here are so poor, that it has been particularly hard on you members of the jury who are practically in custody while the case is going on. I know it's hard on a jury, to be kept confined this

Frank Arthur Hooper Closing Arguments at Trial of Leo Frank

Mr. Frank Arthur Hooper: Gentlemen of the Jury, the object of this trial, as well as all other trials, is the ascertainment of truth and the attainment of justice. In the beginning, I want to have it understood that we are not seeking a verdict of guilty against the defendant unless he is guilty. The burden of guilt is upon our shoulders- we confront the undertaking-of putting it upon his. We recognize that it must be done beyond a reasonable doubt, and that it must be done purely by the evidence which we have produced before you. We have cheerfully

Leo Frank’s defense attorneys gather depositions from National Pencil Company employees on June 30, 1913, Atlanta, Georgia

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BY ATTORNEYS L.Z. ROSSER, R.R. ARNOLD, AND H.J. HAAS AT THE PLANT OF THE NATIONAL PENCIL COMPANY, BEGINNING 2:00 P.M., JUNE 30TH, 1913. EXAMINATION OF W.R. FULLERTON. Questions by L.Z. Rosser Esq:- Q. Mr. Fullerton, you were employed as book-keeper on Friday before the murder on Saturday? A. Yes sir. Q. Were you here that day? A. I didn't go to work here Saturday morning. Q. Did you come up to the office here? A. On Friday I did, yes sir. Q. What time did you come here? A. 11:00 o'clock. Q. Who employed you? A. Mr. Frank. Q. In

Luther Zeigler Rosser Closing Arguments at Leo Frank Trial

Mr. Rosser: Gentlemen of the jury. All things come to an end. With the end of this case has almost come the end of the speakers, and but for the masterly effort of my brother, Arnold, I almost wish it had ended with no speaking. My condition is such that I can say but little ; my voice is husky and my throat almost gone. But for my interest in this case and my profound conviction of the innocence of this man, I would not undertake to speak at all. I want to repeat what my friend, Arnold, said so

Phagan Family Newsletter Number One

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Mary Phagan Family Position Paper July 2021 My name is Mary Phagan-Kean and I am the great-niece and namesake of “Little Mary Phagan,” the thirteen-year-old girl who was raped and murdered on April 26, 1913, by Leo Max Frank, the president of Atlanta’s B'nai B’rith Lodge No. 144. Leo Frank was the general superintendent of the National Pencil Company — a sweatshop factory where over a hundred children labored, and where the Sam Nunn federal building stands today. Little Mary Phagan was 12 years old when she started working there in 1912, and Frank admitted he was the last person

Phagan Family Newsletter Number Two

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The Family of Little Mary Phagan & The Truth About the Leo Frank Case In 2019, under intense pressure from the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard established the “Conviction Integrity Unit,” which is intended to reverse the 1913 conviction of the murderer and rapist Leo Frank. All evidence proves that Frank murdered our beloved family member, 13-year-old Little Mary Phagan, but many outright lies have been told about the case that MUST BE CORRECTED! GO TO LITTLEMARYPHAGAN.COM for more TRUTH about the murder of Little Mary Phagan. Leo Frank, Sexual Predator—the Harvey Weinstein/Jeffrey Epstein

Phagan Family Newsletter Number Three

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The Phagan Family Asks D.A. Paul Howard Why The Secrecy? In 2019, under intense pressure from the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith, Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard established the “Conviction Integrity Unit,” which is intended to reverse the 1913 conviction of the murderer and rapist Leo Frank. All evidence proves that Frank murdered our beloved family member, 13-year-old Mary Phagan, but many outright lies have been told about the case that MUST BE CORRECTED! Go to LITTLEMARYPHAGAN.COM for more TRUTH about the murder of Little Mary Phagan. Since the Conviction Integrity Unit has been established to review the Leo

Phagan Family Newsletter Number Four

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Former governor Roy Barnes Claims Leo Frank Did Not Kill Mary Phagan. He Insists that the Century-Old conviction was “wrong”. What Roy Barnes doesn’t want you to know: 107 years ago, Leo Frank, the general superintendent of an Atlanta pencil factory, targeted my great aunt, 13-year-old Mary Phagan—just like he had targeted 20 other young girls who worked there at the National Pencil Company. He attempted to rape her and she resisted. He beat her and then strangled her. Now former governor Roy Barnes and the Anti-Defamation League want to exonerate Leo Frank and claim that an African-American man was

Phagan Family Newsletter Number Five

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Steve Oney says “NO NEW EVIDENCE” to exonerate Leo Frank for the murder of Little Mary Phagan On February 17, 2020, Steve Oney spoke in Savannah on the Leo Frank case. Mr. Oney is considered by many Frank supporters to be an expert, having written a book on the subject. The Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard is being pressured by a group of non-experts to exonerate B’nai B’rith leader Leo M. Frank, who was convicted 107 years ago of the rape and murder of my great aunt Little Mary Phagan at his pencil factory when she was just 13.

Phagan Family Newsletter Number Six

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Will New District Attorney Bow to Pressure to Exonerate Leo Frank for Murder of Little Mary Phagan? Attorney Fani Willis beat Fulton County DA Paul Howard Jr. in a landslide victory —72% to 28% But will she bow to the same pressure that was put on her former boss to exonerate a man who raped and murdered our family member? The Conviction Integrity Unit established under Fulton County DA Paul Howard was not transparent: the Phagan family was not contacted and he refused to acknowledge the Phagan family. Obviously, it was set up for one single goal—to “legally” clear Leo

Phagan Family Newsletter Number Seven

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DENIED! Georgia state board of pardons and paroles denies Phagan Family December 4th, 2020, request to declassify the non-public documents from it's files on Leo Frank!!! Georgia’s 106 Year Old Secrets! The Phagan family filed requests for all of the documents, recordings, and other data related to the case of the convicted murderer Leo M. Frank. We received over 1500 documents in December 2020, which included Alonzo Mann’s videotaped testimony when certain people and organizations were seeking a posthumous pardon for Leo Frank in the 1980s. But some documents were DENIED to the family and considered “state secrets”? In a

Phagan Family Newsletter Number Eight

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Georgia Legislators Propose Cold Case Lynching Law But REAL Aim is to Exonerate A Single Person: Leo Frank There is no more important word in today’s world than JUSTICE. I am Mary Phagan-Kean and I am the great-niece and namesake of “Little Mary Phagan,” the thirteen-year-old girl who was raped and murdered by B’nai B’rith leader Leo Max Frank on April 26, 1913. Leo Frank—who admitted he was the last person to see Mary alive—was the factory manager at the National Pencil Company, where the Sam Nunn federal building stands today, and where Mary worked and was killed. On August

Phagan Family Newsletter Number Nine

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Broadway play PARADE IS NOT THE “TRUE STORY” OF LEO FRANK Its sole purpose is to falsely place blame for the murder of Little Mary Phagan on an African-American man named James Conley. New York City Center (NYCC) has announced that it will present one of the most blatantly deceitful productions ever to appear on an American stage. Parade purports to be a “true account” of the 1913 rape and strangulation murder of 13-year-old Mary Phagan in an Atlanta factory. Leo Frank, the factory manager, was arrested and convicted of the crime. I am Mary Phagan-Kean, and I represent the

Phagan Family Newsletter Number Ten

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  Barnes & Lebow Can’t Tell the Truth • Twitter Revolt Against ADL • “PARADE” Fools Broadway, Again • Stew Peters’ ADL Exposé Roy Barnes and Steven Lebow: Why do you continue to tell the “Big Lies” ? In another one of his now tiresome interviews former governor Roy Barnes continues to repeat lie after lie after lie about the murder of my great aunt Mary Phagan by her employer, Leo Frank, sexual pervert . Author Steve Oney also stated Leo Frank was a “sexual predator” . According to Barnes in his June 23, 2023 interview with the Marietta Daily

Phagan Family Newsletter Number Eleven

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The LEO FRANK CIRCUS CONTINUES The ADL is the modern day epitome of the phrase, “If you hang them in a hopper they will drip lies.” Leo Frank has been the subject of their insidious century long propaganda campaign to convict a Black man for a child rape and murder that a Jewish man, Leo Frank, committed in 1913. To them, the symbol of Leo Frank as an innocent victim of terrorism is fundraising gold. But the ugly crime he committed is catching up to them as scholars begin to see just how the facts of the case were twisted

Phagan Family Newsletter Number Twelve

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According to a recent Atlanta Journal-Constitution report, former Georgia Governor Roy Barnes, a Marietta attorney, is representing Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis before the Georgia Senate special committee investigating Willis. Is this a backdoor attempt by Barnes and the Anti-Defamation League to induce Willis to get a “pardon” for the B’nai B’rith leader who in 1913 was convicted of murdering a 13 year old girl? We know that Barnes has been on a crusade on behalf of the B’nai B’rith’s ADL for many years. So, is there a quid pro quo involved in Barnes’s representing Willis? Is there a

Phagan Family Newsletter Number Thirteen

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Candace Owens Exposes Truth of Leo Frank In a veritable Tweet storm on X (formerly Twitter), Candace Owens, the popular podcaster and influencer, tells millions of her followers the Anti-Defamation League defends a “network of criminals” and pedophiles; she questions whether B’nai B’rith Leo Frank was actually lynched and by whom; she says blacks should “never forget” how Frank tried to pin the crime on a black man; and says the ADL has smeared “Christian, Muslim and black Americans.” She posted the picture of Mary Phagan, the 13-year-old girl Frank murdered, and calls on Christians “to make her story viral.”

Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency vs National Pencil Company

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In the Superior Court of Fulton County, Georgia. This the petition of Pinkerton's National Detective Agency, a corporation, respectfully represents unto this Honorable Court as follows: 1 The National Pencil Company is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Georgia, having its principal place of business in the County of Fulton, State of Georgia. 2 On or about the 28th day of April, 1913, petitioner was employed by the National Pencil Company to render services as a detective agency in the matter of procuring evidence to convict the murderer of Mary Phagan, who was alleged to have

Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency vs National Pencil Company: Amended Motion for New Trial

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(AMENDED MOTION FOR NEW TRIAL.) GEORGIA, Fulton County. Now comes the defendant, the National Pencil Company, and amends its motion for a new trial heretofore filed on Nov., 22, 1915, and says that the verdict in the above stated case should be set aside and a new trial granted for the following reasons, to-wit: 1. Because the court on its own motion and although the plaintiff's attorney had withdrawn all objection, refused to admit in evidence certain portions of the argument made by the solicitor General of the Atlanta Circuit on August 23d and 25th , 1913 at the trial

Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency vs National Pencil Company: Answer of Defendant

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Pinkerton's National Detective Agency v. National Pencil Co. No. 31231 In the Superior Court of Fulton County, Georgia. ANSWER OF DEFENDANT. Now comes the defendant, the National Pencil Company, and answers as follows: 1. Defendant admits the allegations of paragraph 1. 2. Defendant admits the allegations of paragraph 2. 3. Defendant denies the allegations of paragraph 3. 4. Defendant admits the allegations of paragraph 4 except the following allegation, to-wit: *and also to pay proper incidental expenses incurred by petitioner in this behalf* which allegation defendant denies. 5. Defendant denies the allegations of the paragraph following the paragraph numbered 4,

Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency vs. National Pencil Company – Approval of Brief of Evidence

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Approval of Brief of Evidence. The foregoing 134 pages constituting the brief of evidence in the above stated case, are hereby approved as a true and correct brief of the evidence produced upon the in the above stated case. Let the same be filed as part of the record herein. This February 3, 1916. W.D. Ellis, Judge S. C. A C. Filed in office this the 4th day of February, 1916. T. C. Miller, D. Clk.

Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency vs National Pencil Company: Bill of Exceptions

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PINKERTON'S NATIONAL DETECTIVE AGENCY verses NATIONAL PENCIL COMPANY. No. 31,231. Fulton Superior Court. BILL OF EXCEPTIONS. GEORGIA, FULTON COUNTY. Be it remembered that on the 17th, 18th, 19th, and 22nd days of November, 1915, at the regular November Term of the Superior Court of Fulton County before the Honorable W. D. Ellis Judge, presiding, there came on to be tried the case of the Pinkerton's National Detective Agency v. National Pencil Company. A jury was stricken, evidence was introduced for plaintiff and defendant, and after argument of counsel and the charge of Court, the jury rendered a verdict in favor

Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency vs National Pencil Company: Brief of Evidence

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(BRIEF-OF-EVIDENCE.) Harry Scott, for plaintiff, testified as follows: I am at present superintendent of Pinkerton's National Detective Agency at Syracuse, NY. In 1913, I was assistant superintendent of the Atlanta Office. Acting in behalf of the Plaintiff, I made the contract with the defendant. On the afternoon of April 26, 1913, I was called on the telephone by Mr. Frank who asked me to come down to the Pencil Factory, which I did, and we discussed the case as it had developed up to that time, after which he inquired as to our rates, and I told him that our

Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency vs National Pencil Company: Charge of Court

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Gentlemen of the Jury: This is a suit brought by Pinkerton's National Detective Agency, originally in the papers alleged to be a corporation, but by way of amendment to the original petition now charged to be a partnership, against the National Pencil Company, charged to be and admitted to be a corporation. The plaintiff's petition alleges that about the 28th day of April, 1913, this detective agency was employed by the National Pencil Company in the matter of procuring evidence to convict the murderer of Mary Phagan, who was alleged to have been slain on the premises of the National

Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency vs National Pencil Company: Corporation/Partnership

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Pinkerton National Detective Agency vs. National Pencil Co. #31231 Superior Court of Fulton County. Now comes the plaintiff and having first obtained leave of the Court amends its petition by striking from the second line thereof the word Corporation and adding the word Partnership. Robert C. & Philip H. Alston, Attys. for Plaintiff. Allowed by consent and ordered filed. This Nov. 17, 1915. W. D. Ellis, Judge S.C.A.C. Filed in office this 22nd day of November, 1915. J. C. Lewis, Deputy Clerk. Min. 74, page 596.

Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency vs. National Pencil Company: Judgment

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JUDGMENT. The jury having rendered a verdict for the plaintiff it is therefore ordered and adjudged that Pinkerton's National Detective Agency do have and recover of the defendant, National Pencil Co., the principal sum of $1286.09 and $170.52 interest to date and future interest at the rate of 7% per annum and ______ dollars cost of court. This 11/22/15. Robt. C. & Philip H. Alston, Attys for Plff.

Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency vs. National Pencil Company: Motion for New Trial

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Pinkerton National Detective Agency v. National Pencil Co. No. 31231. Fulton Superior Court, Motion for New Trial. Verdict in favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant at the November Term, 1915, Superior Court of Fulton County, on November 22, 1915. The defendant, the National Pencil Company, being dissatisfied with the verdict and judgment in said case, comes during said term of court, and before adjournment thereof, within thirty days from said trial, and moves the Court for a new trial upon the following grounds, to-wit: 1- Because the verdict is contrary to the evidence and without evidence to support

Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency vs. National Pencil Company: Motion for New Trial Acknowledged by Plaintiff

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Due and legal service of the within motion for new trial, rule nisi and order of court acknowledged. This 22 day of November, 1915. Robert C. & Philip H. Alston, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Filed in office this 23rd day of November, 1915. J. C. Lewis, Deputy Clerk. Min. 74, page 557

Pinkerton’s National Detective Agency vs. National Pencil Company: Motion for New Trial Read and Considered

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Read and considered. Let the foregoing motion for a new trial be filed to the right of amendment. It is further ordered that the Pinkerton National Detective Agency, the plaintiff, show cause before me at 9 o'clock A.M. on the 18th day of December, 1915, or as soon thereafter as a hearing can be had, why the foregoing motion should not be granted and a new trial ordered. In the meantime, a super sedeas is granted to the defendant in so far as to stay any levy under the verdict and judgment until this motion is disposed of. It is

Fake News TV Reporting about the First Failed Attempt by Jewish Supremacist Activist Groups to Obtain a Posthumous Pardon for Leo Frank the Toilet Strangler After Using Dubious Affidavit by Alonzo Mann (1984)

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Stream Video: Posthumous pardon to Leo Frank denied (1984) Stream Video Download: Posthumous pardon to Leo Frank denied (1984) Download In the 1982 to 1983 timeframe, the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles reviewed the "new evidence" presented by Jewish activist groups, including Anti-Defamation League, Atlanta Jewish Federation and American Jewish Committe. The new evidence was nothing more than the statements transcribed from a video recording of a dubious Alonzo Mann affidavit, and the Board determined after much deliberation that Mann's statements 70 years later did not change anything about the evidence, other than the method by which Jim Conley

Report of Assistant Superintendent Harry Scott: April 28, 1913

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The following pages contain a correct copy of the report of the said assistant superintendent Harry Scott, dated April 28, 1913, and sent to the National Pencil Company on May 2, 1913. Assistant Superintendent Harry Scott Reports: Atlanta, Georgia, Monday, April 28th, 1913. Late this afternoon, I held a conference with Mr. Leo M. Frank, Superintendent, and Mr. Darley his assistant and the officers of the National Pencil Co., #37-39 S. Forsyth st., Atlanta, Georgia Mr. Frank stated that on Saturday, April 26th, 1913 the factory of the National Pencil Co., was closed down and that only two of the

Report of Assistant Superintendent Harry Scott: May 18, 1913

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The following pages contain a correct copy of the report of assistant superintendent Harry Scott dated May 18, 1913, and sent to the National Pencil Company on May 23, 1913; Asst. Supt. H. S. reports. Atlanta, Georgia Sunday, May 18th, 1913. This morning I went to Police Headquarters with Supt. H. B. P. and Detective John Black, and arranged to take a statement from James Conley, the negro sweeper formerly employed at the factory of the National Pencil Co., who has been under arrest for the past two weeks, he being arrested on suspicion when he was seen washing one

Report of Assistant Superintendent Harry Scott: May 23, 1913

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The following pages contain a correct copy of the report of assistant superintendent Harry Scott dated May 23, 1913, and sent to the National Pencil Company on May 26, 1913. Asst. Supt. H. S. reports: Atlanta, Georgia Thursday, May 22, 1913. This morning I had a long conference with Chief of Detectives Lanford, relative to the case in hand and reviewing what investigation has been made by the Agency and City Police in connection with the case. City Detective Black and myself were then requested to report at Solicitor General Dorsey's office for a conference, which we did, and remained

Report of Assistant Superintendent Harry Scott: May 24, 1913

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The following pages contain a correct copy of the report of assistant superintendent Harry Scott, dated May 24, 1913, and sent to the National Pencil Company on May 26, 1913: Asst. Supt. H. S. reports: Atlanta, Georgia Saturday, May 24th, 1913. This morning the negro James Conley sent for City Detective John Black, as he stated that he was going to tell him the truth. I accompanied Detective Black to James Connalley's cell at Police Headquarters, when Connally voluntarily stated that he had written notes for Mr. Frank on Friday, April 25th, 1913 and that as he recalled it Mr.

Report of Assistant Superintendent Harry Scott: May 25 & 27, 1913

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The following pages contain a correct copy of the report of assistant superintendent Harry Scott, dated May 25, 1913 and sent to the National Pencil Company on May 26, 1913. Asst. Supt. H. S. reports: Atlanta, Georgia Sunday, May 25, 1913. This afternoon Detective Black and myself were at Police Headquarters again and had another interview with the negro James Connally, and questioned him very closely regarding the statement made to us yesterday morning by him, but he maintained that it was the truth and we could not secure any further information from Connally. Atlanta, Georgia 5/26/13. Reported. F. The

Report of Assistant Superintendent Harry Scott: May 28, 1913

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The following pages contain a correct copy of the report of assistant superintendent Harry Scott dated May 28, 1913, and sent to the National Pencil Company on May 31, 1913; Asst. Supt. H. S. reports: Atlanta, Georgia Wednesday, May 28th, 1913. Today Chief of Detectives Lanford and myself had an interview with the negro James Conley again, and after about four hours questioning, we succeeded in having Conley make the enclosed statement to which he made affidavit. We stayed with Conley throughout the entire day, endeavoring to make clear certain points outlined in his statement, which we thought were a

Report Of L P Whitfield

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The following pages contain a correct copy of the report of L. P. Whitfield, dated May 16, 1913, and sent to the National Pencil Company on May 21, 1913. L.P.W. Atlanta, Georgia Friday, May 16th, 1913. At 7:00 A.M. I went to Police Headquarters and met W. D. MacW. and city detective Black. We requested Black to secure the handwriting of Conley and Bailey, the two prisoners now in the barracks and to learn their movements on April 26th, 1913. At 8:30 A.M. W.D. MacW. and myself went to #59 Bonnie Brae Ave., in East Point, Georgia, for the purpose

Statement of James Conley: May 18, 1913

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Statement of James Conley, of Atlanta, Georgia made to John R. Black and H. S. at Police Barracks, Atlanta, Georgia on Sunday, May 18th, 1913. My full name is James Conley. I reside at 172 Rhodes St. with Lorena Jones, who claims to be from Marietta, Georgia This woman is not my wife, and I have been living with her a little over two years. I have been having intercourse with Lorena Jones. I have been employed as elevator man and roust about at the National Pencil Co. factory in Atlanta for the past two years. Before going to the

Statement of James Conley: May 24, 1913

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Statement of James Conley of May 24, 1913. State of Georgia, County of Fulton. Personally appeared before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public, in and for the above stated and county, James Conley, who being sworn on oath says: On Friday evening before the holiday, about four minutes to one o'clock, Mr. Frank came up the aisle and asked me to come to his office. That was the aisle on the fourth floor where I was working, and when I went down to the office he asked me could I write and I told him yes I could write a

Statement of Jim Conley: May 28, 1913

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State of Jim Conley, May 28, 1913. State of Georgia, County of Fulton. Personally appeared before me, a Notary Public, in and for the above State and County, James Conley, who being duly sworn on oath says: I make this statement, my second statement, in regard to the murder of Mary Phagan at the National Pencil Factory. In my first statement I made the statement that I went to the pencil factory on Friday, April 25, 1913, and went to Frank's office at four minutes to one, which is a mistake. I made this statement in regard to Friday in

Statement of Jim Conley: May 29, 1913

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I discontinued at 6:00 P. M. Reported. Atlanta 5/31/13. Conley's Statement of May 29, 1913. Atlanta, Georgia May 29, 1913. On Saturday April 26, 1913, when I come back to the pencil factory with Mr. Frank I waited for him downstairs like he told me, and when he whistled for me I went upstairs and he asked me if I wanted to make some money right quick and I told him "Yes", sir", and he told me that he had picked up a girl back there and had let her fall and that he head hit against something he didn't

Testimony of Helen Kerns

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Testimony of Helen Kerns, at trial of Leo M. Frank. Direct Examination: I work for the Dodson Medicine Company as stenographer. My father works for Montag. I took shorthand under Professor Briscoe last winter. I have seen Mr. Frank in his factory. I went there with Professor Briscoe to get a job, I didn't get the position. I was working on the 26th day of April for Bennett Printing Company. That day I got off about 12 o'clock. I then went around in town to the different stores and did some trading. I had an appointment to meet a girl

The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story of Atlanta Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery – Introduction

The Frank Case was the first book ever written about the murder of Mary Phagan, a young worker at the National Pencil Company in Atlanta in 1913. The fascinating case includes murder, bribery, legal wrangling, prejudice, and the planting of evidence. Whenever possible I have included photographs to bring the story to life. The complete audio book is available at:

The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story of Atlanta Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery – Part 1

Our telling of the events that occurred after the death of Mary Phagan, a 13 year old worker at the National Pencil Company in Atlanta Georgia, 1913 begins with Newt Lee, the night watchman doing his rounds. It was the early morning of April 27, 1913 and all was quiet, as usual, until Newt found something that frightened him and caused him to scurry up a ladder.

The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story of Atlanta Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery – Part 2

The Atlanta police received a shaky phone call from the night watchman at the National Pencil company at 3 in the morning on April 27, 1913. He found the body of a young factory worker who was molested and mutilated and dumped in the basement. You can find more information in these two books: The Murder of Little Mary Phagan by Mary Kean (Published in the late 1980s) by the great niece of the rape/slaying victim Little Mary Phagan (June 1, 1899 - April 26, 1913). Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Volume 3, The Leo Frank Case, The Lynching

The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story of Atlanta Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery – Part 3

in Chapter 3 the police arrive and tell Leo about the murder of one of his young female factory workers. At first Leo denies knowing her, but then knows that she was having a romantic relationship with a man that he fired a few weeks ago. Newt Lee, the night watchman who discovered the body, was arrested as an early suspect. The police and Leo investigate the scene of the crime. Another young factory girl (listen to the story to find out who) identifies the body.

The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story of Atlanta Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery – Part 4

Chapter 4 of The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story to Atlanta Georgia's Greatest Murder Mystery: To put the story in context make sure, you watch the Table of Contents, Chronology and Chapters 1 to 3 before you watch this episode. This chapter relays the events that occurred following the murder. We begin with the worries of Mary’s mother when she did not come home as expected and end with the gathering of evidence for a conviction. DownLoad Chapter 4 of The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story to Atlanta Georgia's Greatest Murder Mystery (Size: 804MB)

The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story of Atlanta Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery – Part 5

Chapter 5 of The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story to Atlanta Georgia's Greatest Murder Mystery: Chapter 5 of the Leo Frank Case, written anonymously in 1915, Atlanta is beginning to become aware of the heinous crime inflicted upon the body of a 13 year old factory girl. The city became fascinated and extra after extra was printed to keep the citizens informed. There were other murders and events at the time, but the murder of Mary Phagan took precedence. The reasons were clear. This case had many facets, including bribery, planting evidence, conflicting witness testimony and much, much more. I

The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story of Atlanta Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery – Part 6

1913 was a time of transition for our country with horses and automobiles sharing the streets. A murder mystery focused attention away from the disruptions in daily life to a puzzle, whose solution wasn’t immediately gleaned. The complexities of the Mary Phagan murder case were apparent from the beginning. The newspapers took advantage of the controversy to get the public hooked on the story. Extra after extra were published to keep the public informed. Rumors abounded. Speculation was rife. The Leo Frank Case was a book, published anonymously in 1913, relaying the facts. Margaret Huffstickler created the voiceover to bring

The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story of Atlanta Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery – Part 7

Atlanta newspapers are following the murder of Mary Phagan on April 26, 1913 very closely. There are other deaths at the time, but this story captured the imaginations of the people of Atlanta. Extra after extra kept the people informed as the events unfolded. This chapter describes the first two days of the inquest with highlights from the newspapers and the testimony of local witnesses. This case has many twists and turns and the audiobook presents many of them. The author has a nonjudgemental style and describes much of what went on in vivid detail. The illustrations are created with

The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story of Atlanta Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery 1913 – Part 8

Chapter 8 of The Leo Frank Case focuses on the testimony of the witnesses at the Coroner Paul Donehoo's inquest on May 5 and 8th, 1913. Included are the findings of the tribunal jury. Leo Frank explains, in detail, his activities on the day of the murder, but there are already inconsistencies. How does he hear her footsteps receding when she was wearing soft-soled shoes? He doesn't know her, but he knows the hue of the dress she was wearing. He identified her by her employee number but he doesn't know her employee number. Keep watching these installments of a

The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story to Atlanta Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery, Full Series.

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Please watch the full series, herewithin. Introduction to The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story to Atlanta Georgia's Greatest Murder Mystery: The Frank Case was the first book ever written about the murder of Mary Phagan, a young worker at the National Pencil Company in Atlanta in 1913. The fascinating case includes murder, bribery, legal wrangling, prejudice, and the planting of evidence. Whenever possible I have included photographs to bring the story to life. The complete audio book is available at: Download An Introduction to The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story to Atlanta Georgia's Greatest Murder Mystery (Size: 1.6GB) Chapter

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 2

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by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury LOOK AT THE headline and lead article in the Atlanta Georgian newspaper of April 29, 1913, we have illustrated above. Click on this link to see a large and easy-to-read version. "LEE'S GUILT PROVED, Detectives Assert" — "SUSPICION LIFTS FROM FRANK" — "We Have Sufficient Evidence Now to Convict Negro Nightwatchman of Killing Mary Phagan" — "Additional clews furnished by the head of the pencil factory were responsible for the closing net around the negro watchman" — "what suspicion had rested on Frank was being rapidly swept away by the damaging evidence against

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 3

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by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury THE JEWISH Anti-Defamation League (or ADL) — back in the days when they and their allies had a near-monopoly on public discussion of the Leo Frank case — once made the claim that Leo Frank was arrested and indicted and convicted of the murder of Mary Phagan "without evidence." Listen to this audio book and learn of the vast amount of evidence amassed during four separate investigations into the case — evidence that strongly indicates Frank's guilt — evidence that convinced the coroner's jury, the grand jury, the trial jury — and evidence

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 4

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by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury WHEN LEO FRANK was first arrested for the murder of Mary Phagan, his and his defense team's major focus was placing the blame on Newt Lee, the Black night watchman who discovered the murdered girl's body. They were so eager to avoid any attention being given to another Black man, Jim Conley, the factory sweeper who later was shown to be Frank's accessory after the fact — that they totally ignored the sighting of Conley by a witness on the day of the murder. This was a most unusual and revealing omission, since

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 5

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by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury JIM Conley's testimony in the Leo Frank case riveted the attention of not only all those present in the courtroom, but the entire state of Georgia and beyond hung on his words as they were reported. Despite being a member of a disparaged minority, Conley's word was given respectful attention — and ultimately was even believed over the word of Leo Frank, an elite Jewish man considered white by the standards of the American South. This was unprecedented, but it was also inevitable given the detail, plausibility, and unshakable nature of Conley's evidence.

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 6

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by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury PARTISANS OF Leo Frank have often tried to discredit Jim Conley's testimony by pointing out that his account of the visit of Corinthia Hall and Emma Clark to the pencil factory where the murder of 13-year-old Mary Phagan took place was off by more than an hour. But these Frank partisans fail to note that Conley never stated that he saw the two young woman at all — he was merely told that they were there by Leo Frank, who had hustled him into a dark, locked closet after Frank announced the two

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 7

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by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury WE HEAR A LOT today about people "playing the race card" — using race unjustly in a dispute, or as a moral bludgeon to obscure the facts. In 1913 Atlanta, the Leo Frank defense team played the race card — and in a very big way. Interestingly, the pro-Frank forces used race in a way that most people would find grossly unacceptable today: crudely attacking prosecution witness James Conley, a black man, in open court and on the record as a "dirty," "lying," "thieving" "nigger" — and characterizing the sex killing of Mary

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 8

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by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury THE PROSECUTION in the Leo Frank case never mentioned the word "Jew" until it was brought up by the defense — and lead prosecutor Hugh Dorsey had a long history of friendly relations and close collaboration with Jews throughout his life and career. So the accusation, common today among pro-Frank partisans, that the indictment and prosecution of Leo Max Frank was motivated by "anti-Semitism" simply doesn't stand up to even the slightest scrutiny. In this, the eighth audio segment of this ground-breaking work originally published by the Nation of Islam — part of

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 9

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by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury JEWISH WRITERS on the Leo Frank case have made some astounding claims about the "atmosphere of anti-Semitism" during the trial of B'nai B'rith official Leo Frank for the strangulation sex murder of his 13-year-old employee, Mary Phagan, in 1913 Atlanta. There were, we are told, "anti-Semitic" mobs (yes, plural) on the streets, some right outside the open courtroom windows, openly threatening the judge and the jury, screaming "crack the Jew's neck!" and "hang the Jew or we'll hang you!" and the like. It is even claimed that Jew-haters with rifles stood almost on

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 10

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by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury THE "Hang the Jew" hoax — the claim that "anti-Semitic mobs" stood outside the courtroom during the 1913 Atlanta murder trial of Leo Frank, shouting "hang the Jew or we'll hang you" or the like and thereby intimidating the jury — was demolished during our audio book segment last week, and shown to be an invention totally unsupported by the facts. This week we hear in detail how that hoax has been cut and pasted, repeated, amplified, mangled, and embellished by lazy, sloppy, and partisan academics, writers, and journalists over the years. One

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 11

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by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury ALMOST THE ENTIRE pro-Leo Frank narrative is dependent on one claim: that Prosecutor Hugh Dorsey fabricated James Conley's story (or edited and embellished a story made up by Conley) and then coached him to deliver it skillfully on the witness stand. If Conley's story was not fiction, and not the result of conspiracy, collusion, and coaching; then it must be true — and Leo Frank must be guilty. Thus everything depends on the "coaching" allegation. In this week's audio book section, we'll see how untenable is the "coaching" claim. Why would Dorsey and

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 12

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by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury TO HEAR the attacks made on the character of James Conley — a major witness against Leo Frank when Frank was tried for murdering a 13-year-old girl in his employ, Mary Phagan — you could easily be forgiven for assuming that you were hearing a speech from a Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan instead of the words of B'nai B'rith-associated Frank and his defenders, so harsh were the racial attacks and epithets used against the Black man. Such was the race-baiting nature of the immense nationwide publicity campaign waged by Jewish

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 13

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by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury THE CRIMINAL ACTS of the Leo Frank forces as they attempted to get a new trial for their client — or invalidate the results of the original trial — are so numerous, so outrageous, so obvious, and so egregious that — once you hear about them in this new audio book — you will be outraged at how academia and the media have kept these facts from you. Did you know an attempt was made to pay an inmate to poison one of the state's main witnesses, James Conley? In fact, it's fair

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 14

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by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury WAS THERE REALLY an anti-Jewish and anti-Frank "mob atmosphere" at Leo Frank's trial, as Frank partisans have alleged? If there was, then how did Mrs. Frank get away with calling Prosecutor Dorsey a "Gentile dog" in open court, and then suffer no consequences whatever? Why did such a provocation result in zero retaliation by anyone, much less a "mob," and zero repercussions for any Jew or the Jewish community as a whole? In fact, Jewish businessmen in Atlanta continued to advertise and sell and prosper just as they had before, and Mrs. Frank

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 15

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by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury WHO LYNCHED Leo Frank? The culpability is often laid at the feet of a "mob" in the popular literature that promotes the Establishment's narrative of the case. But was it a mob? How many "mobs" consist of the leading citizens of the community? How many "mobs" have as their leaders no fewer than two Superior Court judges? A very curious mob indeed! (ILLUSTRATION: On the day after the lynching of Leo Frank, a crowd gathered at the site, where Frank's body still hung for some hours.) In this, the fifteenth audio segment of

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 16

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by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury IS IT POSSIBLE that the Jewish community — namely, the same forces that launched the massive public relations campaign portraying Leo Frank as an innocent victim of "anti-Semitism" — had a hand in murdering him? If not, then why did the Jewish-owned New York Times (the flagship of the Frank publicity machine) create the evidently fictional "Knights of Mary Phagan" and position them as wanting to lynch Frank some months before the actual lynching? Was one motivation their fear that the repellent and perverse personality of a released Frank would undo all the

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 17

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by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury WHILE THE supposedly angelic and innocent Leo Frank and his alleged persecution at the hands of "anti-Semites" was a propaganda asset to the Jewish establishment, did it eventually dawn on Jewish leadership that the real Leo Frank, during any possible new trial they might obtain for him with all its inevitable revelations, might be a disaster for Jewish interests? (ILLUSTRATION: Albert Lasker, Jewish advertising wizard and kingpin of the Leo Frank PR campaign; despite his efforts for Frank, he said Frank impressed him "as a sexual pervert.") In this, the seventeenth audio segment

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 18

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by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury WHICH GETS MORE coverage in the media: the singular instance of one solitary Jew, Leo Frank (who was duly convicted of the sex murder of a young girl), being lynched — or the literally hundreds of Black men lynched around the same time in the South without even the pretense of a trial, and often for such insubstantial and unsupportable accusations as "wild talk" or "pay dispute"? You may be sure that throughout the 20th and into the 21st century, it is the single case of a Jew being lynched that receives the

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 19

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by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury THE TESTIMONY of Black men and women was pivotal in the trial of Leo M. Frank for the murder of Mary Phagan, and was so regarded by both the prosecution and defense. But little-heralded then, or now, is the horribly bad treatment these Black witnesses repeatedly received. The prosecution often "sweated" or gave Black witnesses "the Third Degree" — which meant physically or verbally threatening or abusing them, with the idea being that only under such severe fear would Black people tell the truth. Even the man on trial, the man the prosecution

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 20

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by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury ONE OF the most mysterious aspects of the Leo Frank case is the series of "death notes," four of which were written, according to testimony, but only two of which were ever found. They were discovered right next to the dead body of Frank's victim, 13-year-old Mary Phagan. If taken at face value, they appear as though they were written by Mary while she was being assaulted. But they also are written in an approximation of the African-American vernacular of that time and in a semi-literate style that Mary Phagan would have been extremely

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 21

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by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury THE "death notes" left beside Mary Phagan's body when she was murdered in 1913 have been the subject of endless speculation. Were the notes written by James Conley at the direction of Mary's convicted killer, Leo Frank? — or were they Conley's creation alone? — or were they purpose-written by Frank, using Conley's writing as a guide, in order to throw suspicion away from the real killer and onto a Black man?   In this, the twenty-first audio segment of this ground-breaking work originally published by the Nation of Islam, part of their

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 22

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by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury ONE OF the weirdest aspects of the Leo Frank case was the — shall we say — strained effort of the Frank team to make some human excrement found in the National Pencil Company elevator shaft into a "proof" that Leo Frank was innocent of murdering Mary Phagan. This so-called "shit in the shaft" theory was based on the overwhelming fear of the Frank defense that the use of that elevator to move Mary's body — evidenced by dragging marks in the basement's dirt floor leading from the elevator to precisely where the

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 23

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by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury ATTORNEY WILLIAM SMITH traded his "free" services as a lawyer for James Conley for the influence of an agent of the William Burns detective agency, Dan Lehon, in an unrelated abduction case — illustrating either extreme naïveté or weak legal ethics on Smith's part. Smith's defection from advocate for Conley to accusing him of murder is a very strange about-face. But sudden about-faces abound in the Leo Frank case, especially involving people 1) who had strong evidence against Leo Frank, and 2) who subsequently had close contact with agents of the William Burns

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 24

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by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury THERE HAS NEVER been a better refutation of the 1982 supposed testimony of Alonzo Mann "exonerating" Leo Frank of the charge of murder than in this book by the Historical Research Department of the Nation of Islam. They bring up the points that writers for the Mercury have brought up casting considerable doubt on Mann's story, but add new information that, to this writer's knowledge, has never been published before. It is the definitive deconstruction of the Mann fable, which was used in the 1980s as a bludgeon by the ADL — twice

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 25

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by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury THE PROPAGANDA DISGUISED as journalism put forth by the partisans of Leo Frank has been ongoing for more than a century now. But for pure bluster, shallowness, self-promotion, and incompetence, there is none as egregious as the Nashville Tennessean's money-fueled subsidy and promotion of the Alonzo Mann hoax in 1982. (ILLUSTRATION: The cartoonish illustration for the Nashville Tennessean's publication of Alonzo Mann's "revelations" was an apt harbinger of the bad journalism to follow.)   In this, the twenty-fifth audio segment of this ground-breaking work originally published by the Nation of Islam, part of their

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 26

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by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury THE LEO Frank case marked the maturation of — and radical changes in — the organized Jewish strategies relating to both whites and blacks in the United States. Prior to the Frank case, Jewish groups had definitely positioned themselves (whatever they privately thought, which may have been quite different) as a white ethnicity, and in the South they fully supported segregation, Jim Crow laws, and the social and legal supremacy of whites. After the Leo Frank case, however, organized Jewish interests increasingly portrayed themselves as a "persecuted minority," suffering under widespread "anti-Semitism," and

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 27

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by Philip St. Raymond for The American Mercury AS WE NEAR the end of this monumental audio book, we hear the long and moving list of lynching victims, contemporaries of Leo Frank — dozens upon dozens of names, and even some poor souls without names, so unsung were they and so uninvestigated were their murders. After hearing and comprehending the magnitude of these extrajudicial killings, it will become impossible for you to believe in the mainstream media's — and the ADL's — emphasis on Leo Frank as the main or only lynching victim worth knowing about, or their promotion of the

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 28

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by Philip St. Raymondfor The American Mercury THE TITLE of this section of the book — "Who's Who in the Leo Frank Case" — might sound like it's describing a dry, lifeless list of names. But it is not. This is a most valuable and interesting piece for every serious student of the Leo Frank case. It puts all the players into perspective, with brief but significant details about the role of each. It makes an excellent refresher as we near the end of the book. Most striking to me was the fact that, early on in the case, so many

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 29

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by Philip St. Raymondfor The American Mercury WITH THIS audio recording, "Leo Frank Case Timeline," we come to the final section of this important book. In combination with last week's section setting forth the dramatis personae of this tragic, gripping tale, the listener can put the entire case in proper perspective. And over all these chapters, what an education the listener has received! — in factual accuracy and understanding of the real power vectors involved, far beyond anything even graduate-level courses in American universities, still shamefully wedded to the obviously false ADL/Jewish narrative, can offer on the subject.   In this,

The People Verses Leo frank

In 1913, little Mary Phagan is found dead at the National Pencil Factory in Atlanta. Police quickly decide that the Jewish Superintendent, Leo Frank, was responsible. The trial commences with prosecution and defense lawyers using ad hominen as the base for their arguments. From 1913 to 1915, this murder, trial, and aftermath gained notoriety worldwide. The resulting trial result of guilty to this date has been contested, but has repeatedly been upheld by the supreme court - the argument of antisemitism by the jury largely discredited by Jewish jury members who also found him guilty. One hundred years later it

They Won’t Forget 1937 by Mervyn LeRoy

They Won't Forget is a 1937 American drama film directed by Mervyn LeRoy and starring Claude Rains, Gloria Dickson, Edward Norris, and Lana Turner, in her feature debut. It was based on a novel by Ward Greene called Death in the Deep South, which was in turn a fictionalized account of a real-life case: the trial and subsequent lynching of Leo Frank after the murder of Mary Phagan in 1913. A southern town is rocked by scandal when teenager Mary Clay is murdered on Confederate Memorial Day. A district attorney with political ambitions, Andrew Griffin, sees the crime as his

Watson’s Magazine – Little Mary Phagan

Watson's Magazine newspapers about the Phagan-Frank case will be listed here. You can search for a particular date, headline, or any word on the page by hitting CTRL-F on your keyboard (command-F for Mac computers). 1915 January, 1915: The Leo Frank Case (Watson's Magazine)March, 1915: A Full Review of the Leo Frank Case (Watson's Magazine)August, 1915: The Celebrated Case of The State of Georgia vs. Leo Frank (Watson's Magazine)September, 1915: The Official Record in the Case of Leo Frank, a Jew Pervert (Watson's Magazine)October, 1915: The Rich Jews Indict a State! The Whole South Traduced (Watson's Magazine)

Quora: Why does Wikipedia say that Leo Frank was likely innocent? By Mark Sims

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  Why does Wikipedia say that Leo Frank was likely innocent? For this answer, I’ll provide two levels of opposing zoom-in and zoom-out magnification, so that you dear reader can have the deepest penetrating and broadest god’s-eye understanding of how this disinformation encyclopedia known as Wikipedia functions in our dystopian reality. What you will come to understand in the forgoing conclusion is, “In an age of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act”—George Orwell. Video: Zionist Editing Course of Wikipedia at Hasbara Technical University. The Skybound View From a Hubble telescopic view of this gargantuan online compendium of
