Supplement to the Message of the Governor, John Slaton, to the General Assembly of Georgia, June 23, 1915. Opinions in case of the State vs. Leo Frank
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Image Gallery Page 1 SUPPLEMENT TO MESSAGE OF THE GOVERNOR TO THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF GEORGIA June 23, 1915 OPINION IN CASE OF THE STATE VERSUS LEO FRANK Page 3 SUPPLEMENTARY MESSAGE OF THE GOVERNOR EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. STATE OF GEORGIA, June 21, 1915: In Re Leo M. Frank, Fulton Superior Court, sentenced to be executed June 22, 1915. Saturday, April 26, 1913, was Memorial Day in Georgia and a general holiday. At that time, Mary Phagan, a white girl of about 14 years of age, was in the employ of the National Pencil Company, located near the corner of Forsyth