Saturday, 27th December 1913: Supplemental Briefs Ready In Frank Case, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 27th December 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 6.Defense Will Stress Judge Roan's DoubtAs to Guilt of the Prisoner.Supplemental briefs will be filed in the supreme court today by attorneys for the defense in the Leo M. Frank case calling attention again to the doubt which rested on Judge Roan's mind when he declined to give the defendant in the case the benefit of a new trial.This point is stressed in the supplemental brief because of the vigorous argument made by Attorney General Felder attacking the validity of incorporating into the bill of exceptions Judge Roan's expression of doubt.So far

Wednesday, 31st December 1913: Men And Business Bulletin No. 91, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 31st December 1913,PAGE 2, COLUMN 5."Errare Humanum Est"To err is human.To differ with your fellowman is still more human.Adam and Eve had their differences.The Disciples of Christ did not always agree.If they were still living the chances are they would still be differing.A man if he is a fool will differ with his wife.Most men are fools.Some men differ over poker hands, some over religion.Disputes are never settled between the disputants.Time alone settles all differences.Marion Jackson and John Eagan differ with Fred Paxon and Forrest Adair.That's natural.They are all fine fellows and they all think they are

Thursday, 1st January 1914: Gunman And Thug Busy In Atlanta During Year 1913, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 1st January 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.The Meager Police Records ShowForty-Seven Homicides, and Arrests Made in Twenty-Nine Cases.MARY PHAGAN KILLED;APPLEBAUM SHOT DOWNThese Two Were the Most Noted Tragedies of Year.List of Slain Smaller Than In 1912, When It Was 56 Crimson splotches darkened many pages of Atlanta's history during 1913, for the city's homicide rate continues higher than that of other southern centers.Meager police records show that the gunmen and thug, brother slayers, have stalked abroad with effect as great as in many previous years.There were forty-seven homicides in 1913, two of them among the most noted crimes

Thursday, 8th January 1914: Frank Attorneys File Supplemental Brief, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 8th January 1914,PAGE 11, COLUMN 1.Insist That Roan Evaded Responsibility in Denying Defendant a New Trial.Attorneys for Leo M. Frank filed yesterday with the supreme court a supplementary brief on behalf of the defendant consisting of sixty-three closely typewritten pages.Writers of the supplementary brief state at the outset that their sole purpose in filling it is to correct alleged errors in the argument made by Solicitor Hugh Dorsey in his brief.Every circumstances urged by the prosecution as tending to prove Frank's guilt is taken up in turn and the effort made to show that it is either

Thursday, 15th January 1914: Dorsey Will Not Reply To Latest Frank Brief, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 15th January 1914,PAGE 4, COLUMN 1.That Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey will not make reply to the latest supplemental brief field by attorneys for Leo M. Frank before the supreme court was stated on apparently good authority Wednesday.Mr. Dorsey, himself, declined to discuss the matter, but it is believed that he holds that the points made in the additional brief were thoroughly covered by his other briefs.The action of the supreme court is expected to be made known either on February 15 or March 15.The members of the court are now considering the case which was carried

Saturday, 7th February 1914: Decision Is Expected In Frank Case Today, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 7th February 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.No Announcement Made by Court, But That Is the General Belief.It is regarded as not improbable that the decision of the supreme court in the Leo M. Frank case will be handed down today.When the clerk of the supreme court arrived at his office in the capitol building Thursday morning early he found a battalion of newspaper reporters assembled awaiting the handing down of the court's decision in the case.All day long the newspaper men stayed on the job, but no decision was forthcoming.It could be ascertained definitely given that the supreme

Friday, 13th February 1914: Decision Is Expected In Frank Case Today, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 13th February 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.No Announcement Made by Court, But That Is the General Belief.It is regarded as not improbable that the decision of the supreme court in the Leo M. Frank case will be handed down today.When the clerk of the supreme court arrived at his office in the capitol building Thursday morning early he found a battalion of newspaper reporters assembled awaiting the handing down of the court's decision in the case.All day long the newspaper men stayed on the job, but no decision was forthcoming.It could be ascertained definitely given that the supreme

Saturday, 14th February 1914: No Decision As Yet In The Frank Case, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 14th February 1914,PAGE 9, COLUMN 4.Judge Evins Has Been Assigned to Case Many Wild Rumors Afloat.Four days have passed and the supreme court has not handed down a single decision.This is altogether unusual and those who are familiar with the workings of the high court are convinced that the consideration of the Frank case is is responsible for this state of affairs.For two days all sorts of rumors have been afloat in regard to the probable action of the supreme court on this famous case, and throughout the capitol there has been the greatest interest.Thursday and Friday

Wednesday, 18th February 1914: Leo M. Frank Has Not Lost All Hope, Counsel Will Make Vigorous Fight To Save The Life Of Their Client, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 18th February 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 5.Loses in SupremeCourtLEO FRANKFrank's Attorneys Preparing for New Battle May Appeal to Federal Courts, or Make Extraordinary Motion.CONVICTEDMAN STOICALWHEN HE HEARS NEWS;MAKES NO STATEMENTTrialJudge's Remarks NoGround for New Trial,Holds High Court Per-version Evidence by Con-ley Admissible.Leo M. Frank denied by the Supreme court a new trial for themurder of Mary Phagan, now faces one of three final recourses:First, motion for a re-hearing before the court which handeddown yesterday's decision;Second, an extraordinary motion for new trial before thesuperior court, in which he was originally arraigned, on a basis of newly foundevidence:Third, an appeal

Thursday, 19th February 1914: Counsel For Frank To Ask A Rehearing By Supreme Court, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 19th February 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 7.First Step in New Battle to Save Life of Prisoner Convicted of Phagan Murder, Will Be Taken Today.BURNS TO INVESTIGATE MARY PHAGAN MURDER"Its Mysterious Features Appeal to Me, and I want To Learn the Truth," He Says.Leo Frank knows nothing of the decision of Detective William J. Burns to investigate the Phagan murder.That is, he knows nothing except what he has learned from the newspapers.This he told friends who visited him late Wednesday afternoon."I hope Burns will, investigate it," he is quoted as saying, "and find the truth I am awaiting."It is

Friday, 20th February 1914: Frank’s Attorneys Could Not Complete Document Yesterday Speculation As To What Burns Will Do., The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 20th February 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.It is expected that that the attorneys for Leo M. Frank's defense will probably file today their motion for a rehearing of the case.Although closeted all day Thursday.Attorneys Reuben Arnold and Luther Z. Rosser were unable to complete the motion in time for fling.It is expected the document will be a lengthy one, containing in the neighbourhood of fifty grounds for rehearing.They remained silent Thursday, refusing to discuss their new action from any angle.The motion will be opposed by Attorney General Thomas Felder, prosecutor, on the contention that the defense had ample

Saturday, 21st February 1914: Jim Conley Case To Come To Trial Week From Today, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 21st February 1914,PAGE 5, COLUMN 2.Jim Conley, principal witness in the Leo Frank trial and now held in jail as accessory after the fact in the killing of Mary Phagan, come to trial a week from today before Judge Ben Hill, of the criminal division of the superior court.Jim has materially changed since he appeared before the jury which convicted Frank.The negro is so dirty and unkempt, according to his attorney, William Smith, that he is at present scarcely recognizable.Since his last appearance before the public, Jim has been kept all but incommunicado in the Tower.He has

Sunday, 22nd February 1914: State Witness Repudiates Testimony Against Frank, Promised Money, He Says, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 22nd February 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 6.Albert Mc Knight,Who Testified That Prisoner Came Home,Then Left Suddenly, and Who Told of Wife's Alleged Statement, Has Made Denial of Old Affidavit.EXTRAORDINARY MOTION FOR A NEW TRIAL TO BE NEXT STEP OF DEFENSEMc Knight's Wife, Who at First Stated That Frank Was Very Nervous on Murder Night and Said He Had Had Trouble With Girl at Factory, Afterwards Denied Her Statement.The most startling of new developments in the Frank case, which have come in flurries since the decision of the supreme court last Tuesday, is the announcement that Albert Mc Knight,

Monday, 23rd February 1914: Mrs. Nina Formby Makes Affidavit To Assist Frank, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 23rd February 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Understood That Defense Has Paper Signed by Her in Which She Repudiates Affidavit Given Police.CHARACTER WITNESSES MAY CHANGE TESTIMONY Reported Defense May Make Attack Upon Detective Rosser, Who Secured Evidence Against Frank.Another interesting development in the Frank case came to light Sunday when it became known that attorneys for the defense have obtained, from Mrs. Nina Formby an affidavit reported to accuse detectives and the police of inveigling her into a "frame-up" against Frank shortly before his trial.A member of the counsel for the defense stated that the affidavit was in existence,

Tuesday, 24th February 1914: All Night Search To Find M’knight Meets No Success Dorsey Seeks To Show Hair That Of Phagan, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 24th February 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.Defense Announces That if the Supreme Court Refuses Frank a Rehearing, New Trial Motion Will Be Filed.Refuting the theory of the Leo Frank's counsel that the strands of hair found on the lathe in the pencil factory were not Mary Phagan's, Solicitor Dorsey intends to show the Jim Conley jury this morning that the hair actually came from the scalp of the murdered girl, thereby seeking to destroy one of the strongest contentions in the proposed plea for a new trial.Dorsey built a foundation for this move Monday afternoon during the Conley

Wednesday, 25th February 1914: Latham Leaves To Seek Uncle Of Mary Phagan, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 25th February 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 7.It Is Said That the Defense Hopes to Prove Discrepancy in the Time Element Theory of State.NINA FORMBY IS NOW IN NEW YORK CITYShe Has Secured Services of Judge R. R. Jackson and Will Meet Him in Chatta Nooga to Confer About the Case.That a new and startling phase of the puzzling time element in the Mary Phagan mystery one contradictory to the state's theory will be injected into the effort to gain Frank a new trial, was made evident last night when it became known that Harry Latham, an ex-court attache,

Thursday, 26th February 1914: Plied With Whisky She Lied In Story Told About Frank Says Mrs. Formby, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 26th February 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Woman Who Made an Affidavit That Prisoner Had Telephoned Her That He Wanted to Bring Girl to Her House Says Detectives Brought Her Booze for Three Weeks.CHARGES "FRAMEUP" IN INTERVIEW GIVEN TO NEW YORK PAPERSDeclares She Has Repented Making False Affidavit.Detectives Norris, Chewning, Rosser, Vickery and Hamby Figure in Story.Didn't Know Frank.She Says.New York, February 25.Repentant over having made a false affidavit accusing Leo M. Frank, who was sentenced to death for the murder of the little factory girl, Mary Phagan, in Atlanta, Ga., Mrs. Nina Formby, of Atlanta, tonight called up

Friday, 27th February 1914: Detectives Scored In Alleged Formby Confession, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 27th February 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.Photo by Francis E. Price, Staff Photographer.ATLANTA'S DETECTIVE FORCE.In a statement given out in New York, supposedly by Mrs. Nina Formby, five Atlanta officers are mentioned, two of whom, Chewning and Norris, are charged with getting the woman drunk and then securing a false affidavit attacking Leo Frank.Four these officers are here shown.They are:Top row, first man on left,Detective Vickery; middle row, second man from left.Hamby; fourth man, Rosser; sixth, Chewning.Chief of Detectives Lanford, who, on Thursday, denied Mrs. Formby made confession, is shown in the center of the bottom row.Detective Norris

Saturday, 28th February 1914: Appeal For Frank Delayed By Hope Of New Evidence, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 28th February 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.Astonishing Development In Case of Prisoner Expect Ed Within Short Time by Lawyers for Defense.LATHAM IN BIRMINGHAM, SAYS J. E. McCLELLANDMc Knight Has Returned to His Home Mrs. Frank Gives Out Card in Which She Scores Dorsey.Indications in the camp of Leo Frank's defense yesterday were that his counsel is eagerly expecting some new and astonishing evidence which will be contained in the motion extraordinary to be made soon for a new trial before Judge Ben Hill.A surprising amount of new evidence has already been accumulated, it is known, and will be

Sunday, 1st March 1914: Helen Ferguson Tells Defense In Affidavit Of Advance By Conley, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 1st March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 6.Little FactoryGirlWho Was a StarWitness for State in Trial of LeoFrank Declares She Was Bad in Trial of Leo Frank Declares She Was Badly Frightened by Negro, Who Approached Her Menacingly While in a Drunken State on Saturday, April 19, at Same Spot Defense Says Mary Phagan Was Slain Says She Dropped Boxes and Ran Upstairs to Escape Him.DENIES REPORT OF REPUDIATION OF TESTIMONY SHE GAVE AT TRIALDescribes Visit Made to Her by C. W. Burke.Investigator for Defense Mother Did Not Know for Month She Had Given Affidavit.Formby, Denying One She Gave

Monday, 2nd March 1914: Frank Case Waits On Transmission Of Legal Papers, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 2nd March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Reported That Remittitur of Supreme CourtWill Reach Clerk of Superior Court Some Time Today.FERGUSON AFFIDAVIT LATEST DEVELOPMENTWitnessTestifiedFrankRefused to Give HerMary Phagan's Pay, But Did Not Say Girl Was Coming For It.On Monday morning it is expected the legal chess game of the Frank case will be renewed when the remittitur of the supreme court refusing a rehearing of the case arrives at the desk of the clerk of the superior court.There is no authentic source for the prediction that the document will be transmitted on Monday, but it is freely reported that

Tuesday, 3rd March 1914: Many Affidavits Held By Defense, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 3rd March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.Will Probably Be Published Before End of Week, Burns Confers With Frank In Tower.That the attorneys for the defense of Leo M. Frank will make a tremendous fight for a new trial upon a motion extraordinary before Judge Ben Hill, of the criminal division of the superior court, became evident on Monday when it became known authentically for the first time that the attorneys are fortified with a great mass of new evidence which has not hitherto been made public.This new evidence is for the most part in the form of new

Wednesday, 4th March 1914: Luther Z. Rosser Holds Conference In New York Over Leo Frank’s Case, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 4th March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 7.Lawyers for PrisonerTell New York Newspaper Men Atlanta Was Stirred by Large Number of Unavenged Murders, and That the Newspapers and People Were Determined on Meeting Out Punishment to Slayer of GirlFAIR TRIAL POSSIBLE IN ATLANTA NOW, SAYS ROSSER IN INTERVIEWHarry Latham Returns to Atlanta With New Affida Vit, in Which Attack Is Made on Time Element as Presented by Prosecution.It Is Expected That Prisoner Will Be Brought Before Judge Ben Hill Today to Be Sentenced.New York, March 3.(Special.)Luther Z. Rosser, of Atlanta, chief counsel for Leo M. Frank, arrived in New

Thursday, 5th March 1914: Geo. Epps Brands As A Falsehood Story Of His Son In Affidavit, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 5th March 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 7.Father of the Boy Who Charges John Black With Framing Affidavit Says His Story Is Absurd; That His Son Told Him Before He Knew of Such a Person as Black.JOHN BLACK IS SORE; TALKS OF FIGHTINGStatements of Luther Z. Rosser, Quoted in the New York Times, Are Not Warranted by the Facts, Think Members of the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, and Denial Is Wired to the New York paper.Branding his own son's story as a fabrication of the whole cloth,George W. Epps, father of George Epps, the ex-newsboy witness in the Frank

Monday, 9th March, 1914, Leo Frank Answers List of Questions Bearing on Points Made Against Him, The Atlanta Constitution

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  The Atlanta Constitution Monday, March 9, 1914 Stated That He Was Willing to Reply to Any Questions That Might Be in the Mind of the Public, and Asked to Answer Any Such That Might Be Propounded to Him. TELLS HOW JIM CONLEY COULD HAVE SLAIN GIRL AND ESCAPED DETECTION Asserts That Very Fact That He Admitted He Had Seen Mary Phagan on the Day of the Murder, Thus Placing Himself Under Suspicion, Was Proof in Itself That He Was Innocent of Crime. Probably the most interesting statement yet issued by Leo M. Frank in connection with the murder for
