Quora: Did Leo Frank really kill Mary Phagan?

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By Mark Sims, Los Angeles, CA. Senior Quora Researcher (2011–present) · Last updated on Quora Caption: Counsel for State and Defense in hot argument before Judge Roan. Did National Pencil Company superintendent Leo Frank really kill Mary Phagan in 1913? Yes, Leo Frank killed Mary Phagan and we know this to be the case to a mathematical certainty, when we combine forensic evidence, testimony from an accessory-after-the-fact, and Leo Frank’s reversal of his alibi where he places himself at the scene of the crime, when the rape-murder took place. I will explain this in more detail in the forthcoming answer

Quora: Why does Wikipedia say that Leo Frank was likely innocent? By Mark Sims

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  Why does Wikipedia say that Leo Frank was likely innocent? For this answer, I’ll provide two levels of opposing zoom-in and zoom-out magnification, so that you dear reader can have the deepest penetrating and broadest god’s-eye understanding of how this disinformation encyclopedia known as Wikipedia functions in our dystopian reality. What you will come to understand in the forgoing conclusion is, “In an age of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act”—George Orwell. Video: Zionist Editing Course of Wikipedia at Hasbara Technical University. The Skybound View From a Hubble telescopic view of this gargantuan online compendium of
