Dear ADL and SPLC, what was the real reason why the bona fide racist and misogynist, Leo Frank, was convicted and sentenced to death by hanging?

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Originally published during the month of October 2018 — the Anti-defamation League of B’nai B’rith’s 105th anniversary, when ADL‘s founding was announced by B’nai B’rith in 1913 at its Chicago Illinois headquarters. Newsletter of the announcement from October 2nd, 1913, is provided herewithin. Addendums: February & April, 2019 Image: Founder of Amazon Books, Jeff Bezos, the wealthiest man that has ever lived (with the exception of John D. Rockefeller, relatively speaking). Under his tutelage, thousands of books have been censored from his eCommerce platform because they were considered politically incorrect. Jewish “civil rights” groups have been working at the vanguard

Fake News and False History: The 1913 Leo Frank Case in the Midst of a 21st-Century Jewish-Gentile Culture War By Moses Jacobs

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The oak tree lynching of Leo Max Frank at sunrise on Tuesday morning, August 17, 1915, in a densely sylvan grove at former Sheriff William J. Frey’s farming estate (today 100 meters off what was formerly called 1200 Roswell Road & Fray’s Gin Rd in Marietta). Frank was not assassinated by a moonshine-fueled mob of feverish yokels exacting revenge because “the blood of a negro is not enough to atone for the molestation murder victim” as some Jewish advocates and their Gentile allies have suggested, for more than 100 years. Instead, the men who hanged Leo Frank were a sober,
