Category: LEO FRANK CASE 1913

The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story of Atlanta Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery – Introduction

The Frank Case was the first book ever written about the murder of Mary Phagan, a young worker at the National Pencil Company in Atlanta in 1913. The fascinating case includes murder, bribery, legal wrangling, prejudice, and the planting of evidence. Whenever possible I have included photographs to bring the story to life. The complete audio book is available at:

The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story of Atlanta Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery – Part 1

Our telling of the events that occurred after the death of Mary Phagan, a 13 year old worker at the National Pencil Company in Atlanta Georgia, 1913 begins with Newt Lee, the night watchman doing his rounds. It was the early morning of April 27, 1913 and all was quiet, as usual, until Newt found something that frightened him and caused him to scurry up a ladder.

The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story of Atlanta Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery – Part 2

The Atlanta police received a shaky phone call from the night watchman at the National Pencil company at 3 in the morning on April 27, 1913. He found the body of a young factory worker who was molested and mutilated and dumped in the basement. You can find more information in these two books: The Murder of Little Mary Phagan by Mary Kean (Published in the late 1980s) by the great niece of the rape/slaying victim Little Mary Phagan (June 1, 1899 - April 26, 1913). Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews Volume 3, The Leo Frank Case, The Lynching

The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story of Atlanta Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery – Part 3

in Chapter 3 the police arrive and tell Leo about the murder of one of his young female factory workers. At first Leo denies knowing her, but then knows that she was having a romantic relationship with a man that he fired a few weeks ago. Newt Lee, the night watchman who discovered the body, was arrested as an early suspect. The police and Leo investigate the scene of the crime. Another young factory girl (listen to the story to find out who) identifies the body.

The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story of Atlanta Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery – Part 4

Chapter 4 of The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story to Atlanta Georgia's Greatest Murder Mystery: To put the story in context make sure, you watch the Table of Contents, Chronology and Chapters 1 to 3 before you watch this episode. This chapter relays the events that occurred following the murder. We begin with the worries of Mary’s mother when she did not come home as expected and end with the gathering of evidence for a conviction. DownLoad Chapter 4 of The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story to Atlanta Georgia's Greatest Murder Mystery (Size: 804MB)

The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story of Atlanta Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery – Part 5

Chapter 5 of The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story to Atlanta Georgia's Greatest Murder Mystery: Chapter 5 of the Leo Frank Case, written anonymously in 1915, Atlanta is beginning to become aware of the heinous crime inflicted upon the body of a 13 year old factory girl. The city became fascinated and extra after extra was printed to keep the citizens informed. There were other murders and events at the time, but the murder of Mary Phagan took precedence. The reasons were clear. This case had many facets, including bribery, planting evidence, conflicting witness testimony and much, much more. I

The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story of Atlanta Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery – Part 6

1913 was a time of transition for our country with horses and automobiles sharing the streets. A murder mystery focused attention away from the disruptions in daily life to a puzzle, whose solution wasn’t immediately gleaned. The complexities of the Mary Phagan murder case were apparent from the beginning. The newspapers took advantage of the controversy to get the public hooked on the story. Extra after extra were published to keep the public informed. Rumors abounded. Speculation was rife. The Leo Frank Case was a book, published anonymously in 1913, relaying the facts. Margaret Huffstickler created the voiceover to bring

The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story of Atlanta Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery – Part 7

Atlanta newspapers are following the murder of Mary Phagan on April 26, 1913 very closely. There are other deaths at the time, but this story captured the imaginations of the people of Atlanta. Extra after extra kept the people informed as the events unfolded. This chapter describes the first two days of the inquest with highlights from the newspapers and the testimony of local witnesses. This case has many twists and turns and the audiobook presents many of them. The author has a nonjudgemental style and describes much of what went on in vivid detail. The illustrations are created with

The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story of Atlanta Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery 1913 – Part 8

Chapter 8 of The Leo Frank Case focuses on the testimony of the witnesses at the Coroner Paul Donehoo's inquest on May 5 and 8th, 1913. Included are the findings of the tribunal jury. Leo Frank explains, in detail, his activities on the day of the murder, but there are already inconsistencies. How does he hear her footsteps receding when she was wearing soft-soled shoes? He doesn't know her, but he knows the hue of the dress she was wearing. He identified her by her employee number but he doesn't know her employee number. Keep watching these installments of a

The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story to Atlanta Georgia’s Greatest Murder Mystery, Full Series.

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Please watch the full series, herewithin. Introduction to The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story to Atlanta Georgia's Greatest Murder Mystery: The Frank Case was the first book ever written about the murder of Mary Phagan, a young worker at the National Pencil Company in Atlanta in 1913. The fascinating case includes murder, bribery, legal wrangling, prejudice, and the planting of evidence. Whenever possible I have included photographs to bring the story to life. The complete audio book is available at: Download An Introduction to The Leo Frank Case, Inside Story to Atlanta Georgia's Greatest Murder Mystery (Size: 1.6GB) Chapter
