Jeffersonian Weekly – Little Mary Phagan

Reading Time: 6 minutes [920 words]

Tom Watson's Jeffersonian newspapers about the Phagan-Frank case will be listed here. You can search for a particular date, headline, or any word on the page by hitting CTRL-F on your keyboard (command-F for Mac computers).


  • May 8, 1913:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"



  • March 19, 1914:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • April 2, 1914:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • April 9, 1914: (Jeffersonian)
  • April 16, 1914:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • April 23, 1914:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • April 30, 1914:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • May 7, 1914:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • May 14, 1914:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • May 21, 1914:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • May 28, 1914:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • June 4, 1914:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • June 11, 1914: Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But — (Jeffersonian)
  • June 18, 1914:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • June 25, 1914:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • August 6, 1914:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • October 8, 1914:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • October 15, 1914: The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual (Jeffersonian)
  • October 29, 1914:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • November 19, 1914:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • December 3, 1914:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • December 17, 1914:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • December 31, 1914:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"



  • January 7, 1915:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • February 25, 1915:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • May 27, 1915:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • June 10, 1915:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • June 17, 1915:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • June 24, 1915: The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case (Jeffersonian)
  • July 1, 1915:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • July 8, 1915: (Jeffersonian)
  • July 15, 1915:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • July 22, 1915:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • July 29, 1915:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • August 5, 1915:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • August 12, 1915:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • August 19, 1915:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • August 26, 1915:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • September 2, 1915:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • September 9, 1915:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • September 16, 1915:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • September 23, 1915:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • September 30, 1915:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • October 7, 1915:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • October 14, 1915:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • October 21, 1915:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • October 28, 1915:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • November 4, 1915:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • November 11, 1915:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • November 18, 1915:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • December 9, 1915:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"



  • February 3, 1916:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • February 10, 1916:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • February 17, 1916:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • February 24, 1916:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • March 2, 1916:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • March 9, 1916:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • March 16, 1916:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • April 27, 1916:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • May 4, 1916:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • May 11, 1916:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • May 25, 1916:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • June 1, 1916:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"

  • January 11, 1917:
    How Atlanta Cleaned Up, The Frank Case: When and Where Shall Rich Criminals Be Tried?, What Some of the Jeffersonian Readers Think of "The Frank Case", The Leo Frank Case. Does the State of Georgia Deserve This Nation-Wide Abuse?, Letters from the People: The Frank Case and the Beattie Case, How Much Longer Will the People of Atlanta Endure the Lawless Doings of William J. Burns?, The Frank Case; the Great Detective; and the Frantic Efforts of Big Money to Protect Crime, William Jackass Burns, at Another Angle: Some Tarnished Lawyers; Some Bought Newspapers; and the Murder of a Little Georgia Girl, The Frank Case: What Does It Reveal Concerning Conditions in Georgia?, Letters from the People/A Fine Letter on the Frank Case, Letters from the People/The Frank Case, and Atlanta Newspapers; and Burns, Letters from the People: Yes, Burns Is Getting on the Rotten Egg List Mighty Fast, Nobody Wants to Drag the Frank Case into Politics. But —, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/William J. Burns, "The Great Detective", The Doleful Downfall of Hugh Dorsey!, The Leo Frank Case Campaign Opens Again!!!, The Frank Case Brings in Another Horse — A Smaller One than Usual, The Frank Case and the Innes-Nelms Cases, The Leo Frank Case Again Decided by the Supreme Court, Leo Frank, As a Regular Newspaper Contributor, Leo Frank Sentenced Again: Another Campaign of Big Money Begins: Burns and C. P. Connolly, Where Ought Law Cases to be Tried? And How? And by Whom? In Re Leo Frank, What Edmund Said Could Not Be Done, Has Been Done in Behalf of Leo Frank, A Georgian Is Stirred Over Abuse of State, Why Are Frank's Hired Champions Afraid to Publish the Official Record, and to Let the World Read the Evidence Which Convicted Him?, Possibilities and Peculiarities of the Frank Case, Letters from the People, The Old Paths — And the New Path Taken by the Frank Case, Slaton Misstates the Law, the Supreme Court Decisions, and the Evidence, Aftermath of Slaton's Treachery in the Frank Case, While Leo Frank Is Loafing at the State Farm, the Rich Jews Continue to Defame the People and the Courts of Georgia, The Frank Case; John M. Slaton; a Forgery or Two; and a Hidden Mesh-Bag, Slaton's Home-Coming and Some Questions That He Must Be Prepared to Answer, Gentile Put to Death on the Evidence of a Negro for Killing a Jew, The Commutation of Frank's Sentence Is Null and Void!, John M. Slaton Talks in Alaska. Attacks Senators Smith and Hardwick, "The Wages of Sin Is Death"/Frank Virtually Confessed, Ceased to Claim Innocence, "Leo Frank Wrote His Own Alibi", Here Is the Positive Evidence Against John M. Slaton, H. Katz, Principal of Hebrew Institute, Writes a Review of the Frank Case, The State versus John M. Slaton: Indictment for Treason, Further Features of the Rosser-Slaton-Haas and John Grant Gang, John Slaton's Declaration of War: John Grant's Artillery, Carpet-Bagger Stockbridge, of the Rotten Ruralist, Slanders the Living and the Dead, Letters from the People/Commuters Fade Away as Lists Are Examined: More Slaton-Haas-Rosser Frauds, Letters from the People/The Frank Case in Its Relation to the Knights of Columbus, the Jews and the Persecution of Watson, Letters from the People/The American Law-Review, on the Frank Case, Letters from the People, Letters from the People, Letters from the People/The Trial of Thos. E. Watson, The Democratic Department of Justice Planning a Revolutionary Invasion of States Rights, Is Georgia the Worst of All the States?, A Plain Talk to the Attorney-General of the United States, Major C. E. McGregor Writes a Letter to the Macon Telegraph, Many Editors Differ from U.S. District Attorney, Gregory, Additional Letters from the People, Hon. Clark Howell Asks Questions of the Gubernatorial Candidates, The Final Confession of Leo Frank's Guilt, Paid for "a Receipt" That Leo Frank Was Innocent?, The Truth About the Settlement of the Frank Case, "The Truth About the Murder of Mary Phagan, For Which an Innocent Man Died", Sorry to See 'em Worrying About Hugh Dorsey: They Are Lugging in the Frank Case, "Why Was Frank Lynched?"


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