Leo Frank TV

Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 15

The detectives learned about the middle of May that Conley could write, although at first he denied it. He made...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 43

Judge Roan, with that awful sense of responsibility, which probably came over him as he thought of that Judge before...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 42

at the time he was an escapee from the Fannin County jail under indictment for felony."I refused to interfere unless...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 41

In the case of Hunter, a white man charged with assassinating two white women in the City of Savannah, who...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 40

Surely, if Judge Roan entertained the extreme doubt indicated by his statement and had remembered the power granted him by...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 39

In this connection, Judge Roan declared orally from the bench that he was not certain of the defendant's guilt that...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 38

It may be possible that his version is correct. The testimony discloses that he was in the habit of allowing...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 37

found by her side, it was urged before me by counsel for the defense that ladies usually carried their handkerchiefs...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 36

hardly seems possible under the evidence that Mary Phagan was at that time being murdered.Lemmie Quinn testifies that he reached...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 35

The evidence loses its pertinency if Mary Phagan had not arrived at the time Monteen Stover came. What is the...
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Friday, 24th October 1913: Frank Motion Is Almost Ready For The Arguments Now, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Friday, 24th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.Few More Depositions to Be Read by the Defense-State Will Follow, Then the Arguments Will Begin.READING OF MOTION NOT COMPLETED UNTIL NOONState and Defense Fight Hard Over Latter's Plea for New Trial Trial Conduct and JurorsAttackedThree hours of the Friday morning session of Judge Roan's court, engaged since Wednesday in hearing the defense's motion for a new trial of Leo M. Frank on the charge of murdering Mary Phagan, were devoted to further disputes among the lawyers for the state and defense over points involved in the motion itself, the disputes being

Thursday, 23rd October 1913: Frank Jurors Like Scared Rabbits Jury Frightened Into Its Verdict, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Thursday, 23rd October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMNS 3 & 7.JURY FRIGHTENED INTO ITS VERDICT.CHARGES MR. ARNOLD"Did the Jury Hear Applause and Cheering?"Is Big Question for Judge Roan to Pass Upon23 COUNTS CONSIDERED AT THE MORNING SESSIONThree New Affidavits Will Be Introduced by Defense to Show Henslee Was in Albany at Time It Was ClaimedThe twelve jurors who declared Leo M. Frank guilty of the murder of Mary Phagan were compared with "twelve scared rabbits huddled together" by R. R. Arnold, of counsel for the convicted man, Thursday morning during the hearing by Judge L. S. Roan of the defense's

Saturday, 18th October 1913: Frank Hearing Wednesday Motion For A New Trial To Be Heard By Judge L. S. Roan, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Saturday, 18th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Attorney Luther Z. RosserDeclares Unless Hearing Is Given Immediately He'll Have To Drop CaseTemporarilyDORSEY ANNOUNCES HE WILL BE READY ON DATEJudge Roan FixesDefinite Date for Hearing Defense and Prosecution to Swap Affidavits to Speed ProcedureThe motion for a new trial for Leo M. Frank, convicted of the murder of Mary Phagan, was Saturday set for a hearing before Judge L. S. Roan on next Wednesday morning and there is little probability that there will be any further delay.Next Monday morning Attorney Luther Z. Rosser, chief counsel for the defense, and Solicitor Hugh

Friday, 17th October 1913: Juror Johenning Ready For Defense, He Says, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Friday, 17th October 1913,PAGE 24, COLUMN 3.Frank Trial Juror in Conference With Solicitor-Confident of VindicationM.Johenning one of the jurors who has been attacked as prejudiced in the defense's motion for a new trail for Leo M. Frank, was in conference with Solicitor H. M. Dorsey on Friday morning.Johenning declares that he is confident that at the hearing of the motion he will be completely vindicated of the charge brought against him.While the former juror would not discuss the case in detail, he intimates that he has already secured affidavits which he believes will result in his complete vindication.In

Thursday, 16th October 1913: Mounted Traffic Men Are Assigned To Duty, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Thursday, 16th October 1913,PAGE 6, COLUMN 1.Nucleus of New Mounted Squad Put to Work Thursday by Chief BeaversTwo mounted traffic policemen were put on duty Thursday morning by Chief of Police James L. Beavers.The officers were E. J. Pate and C. T. Maddox.They will form the nucleus of a mounted traffic squad which will be added to from time to time.These men will ride the streets in the center of the city, and their principal duty will be to keep things moving.Their beat will include parts of Peachtree, Whitehall, Forsyth, Marietta and Decatur streets near the center of

Wednesday, 15th October 1913: Further Delay Is Needed On Frank Motion, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Wednesday, 15th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMNS 4 & 5.Solicitor,Back From Valdosta, Says He Can't Be Ready Saturday to Answer FullyThe New Trial Motion SolicitorGeneral Hugh M. Dorsey arrived in Atlanta Wednesday morning from Valdosta, where he has spent ten days quietly working on the motion of Leo M. Frank for a new trial.Mr. Dorsey reluctantly states that he does not see how it will be possible for him to get ready for the argument of the motion by Saturday, when it is scheduled for a hearing before Judge L. S. Roan, of the Stone Mountain circuit.The solicitor is

Tuesday, 14th October 1913: Henslee Gives Dorsey Material For Defense, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Tuesday, 14th October 1913,PAGE 20, COLUMN 4.Frank Juror Attacked Confers With Solicitor Latter Due Here WednesdayAccording to dispatches from Valdosta, Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey and his assistant, E. A. Stephens, will leave that place for Atlanta Tuesday night.The solicitor refuses to state whether or not he will be ready on Saturday for the argument of Leo M. Frank's motion for a new trial.The solicitor and his assistant have devoted their entire time to working on the voluminous motion, and will continue after their return to Atlanta.However, so many points are involved in the defense's motion and the

Monday, 13th October 1913: Frank Defense Arms To Back Fight On Henslee, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Monday, 13th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 6.Affidavits Are Secured as to Character of Men Who Attack Frank JurorThe work of strengthening their attack upon JurorA. H. Henslee is being continued by the attorneys for Leo M. Frank, the hearing of whose motion for a new trial is now set for next Saturday.Anticipating a possible attack on the makers of depositions who charge that they heard Henslee before the trial make statements showing that he was prejudiced against Frank, the attorneys have secured additional affidavits relative to the character of these witnesses.Recently citizens of Sparta declared that the three

Sunday, 12th October 1913: Says He Stole For His Wife And Baby, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Sunday, 12th October 1913,PAGE 10, COLUMN 4.A heart-broken letter from his wife who is in destitute circumstances in Jacksonville, Fla., with their little baby, is given by W. M. Herald, twenty years old, as the reason why he snatched a pocketbook from a well-dressed woman at the corner of Whitehall and Mitchell streets, shortly after 10 o'clock last night.According to the story related to the police, the boy came here a few days ago seeking work in a soda water parlor, but had met with no success.Saturday, he said, the letter came, begging for money and he was

Saturday, 11th October 1913: Dorsey And Stephens To Confer With Henslee, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Saturday, 11th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.They Hope to Have Their Case Ready by Next Saturday (Special Dispatch to The Journal.)ALDOSTA, Ga., Oct. 11.Solicitor Hugh Dorsey and Assistant Solicitor A. E. Stephens are working on the Frank case today, and will finish the brief tonight.They hope to get through with the motion by Tuesday, and devote the balance of next week to law and facts in the case.They will also have to get affidavits from jurors and others.Juror Henslee is expected here to spend Sunday on a visit to his brother-in-law and incidentally to see Messrs.Dorsey and Stephens.They

Friday, 10th October 1913: Roan Not To Resign Until After Hearing, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Friday, 10th October 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 1.Judge Hill's Statement Dispells All DoubtThat Roan WillPreside Doubt that the Frank motion for a new trial would be heard by Judge L. S. Roan has been dispelled by a statement from Judge Ben H. Hill, of the court of appeals."I do not know just when I will forward my resignation from the court of appeals," Judge Hill said, "but I presume that Judge Roan and I will continue in our present capacities until we have both disposed of all unfinished business."The hearing of the motion for a new trial for Leo

Thursday, 9th October 1913: Judge Roan Tells Solicitor He Will Postpone Hearing, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Thursday, 9th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 7.Dorsey Notified That Presence Will Be Waived Saturday,Date for New Hearing on FrankNew Trial MotionHEARING DATE LIKELY TO BE SATURDAYWEEKIn Meantime Machinery Is Clogged in Superior Courts of Two Circuits and in Court of AppealsJudge L. S. Roan, of the Stone Mountain circuit, on Thursday notified Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey that he would be granted the additional time needed to complete his preparation of the state's answer to the motion for a new trial for Leo M. Frank, convicted of the Mary Phagan murder.Solicitor Dorsey is now at Valdosta, and Judge

Wednesday, 8th October 1913: Frank Hearing To Be Postponed Another Week, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Wednesday, 8th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.DORSEY IN VALDOSTA SAYS HE CANNOT BE READY BY SATURDAY"Working Hard," Says Solicitor, "But Will Be Lucky If We Get Ready by 2 Week From Next Saturday"ANOTHER JUROR,ATLANTA MAN, WILL BE ATTACKEDJuror Said He Would Sit "Till Hell Froze Over," According To Affidavit That Defense Will File, It Is Said Special dispatches from Valdosta quote Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey as declaring positively that he will not be ready for the argument on the defense's motion for a new trial for Leo M. Frank on next Saturday."We are making slow progress," Mr.

Tuesday, 7th October 1913: Dorsey And Stephens Busy In Valdosta, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Tuesday, 7th October 1913,PAGE 7, COLUMN 3.(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)VALDOSTA, Ga., Oct. 7Solicitor General Hugh Dorsey and Assistant Solicitor Ed Stephens of Atlanta, are spending this week in Valdosta, preparing the answer to the motion for a new trial which was made by the lawyers for Leo Frank in Atlanta recently.While Judge Thomas is holding court in Moultrie, Attorneys and Stephens are occupying his office in the county court house, where they have the advantage of his library and can carry on their work without interruption.PAGE 7, COLUMN 4HENSLEE ANSWERSPERJURY CHARGES OF FRANK DEFENSEFight for New TrialNowHinges

Sunday, 5th October 1913: Two Frank Jurors Firm In Denying Outside Pressure, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Sunday, 5th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 7.M. Joehenning and A. H. HensleeHold Long Conference With Solicitor General Hugh DorseyAFFIDAVITS ARE HOTLY BRANDED AS FALSETold Truth When They Swore as Talesmen They Were Not Biased, They Declare Dorsey FramesReplyM. Joehenning and A. H. Henslee, the two Frank trial jurors, who were attacked in the defense's motion for a new trial, it being alleged that they entered upon their duties as jurors with a preconceived bias against the defendant, were interviewed at some length Saturday afternoon by Solicitor Dorsey.The solicitor is understood to have discussed with them the various affidavits

Thursday, 2nd October 1913: Solicitor At Work Preparing Answer To Frank Motion, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Thursday, 2nd October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 7.Dorsey Has Dropped All Other Business and Will Devote His Time Exclusively to New Trial FightJUROR JOHENNING SAYS HE WAS UNPREJUDICED He Declares He, Henslee and All the Others Served Only Through a Sense of Duty Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey has dropped all other business and is devoting his exclusive attention to the preparation of his answer to the defense's motion for a new trial for Leo M. Frank.The case is set for argument before Judge L. S. Roan on Saturday, but there is little chance of it being heard then.The

Wednesday, 22nd October 1913 Many Affidavits Defend The Jury

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The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 22nd October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.Only Sheriff andOfficers ofHis Force Talked toMem-Bers of the FrankJury During Trial.To the thirty-odd affidavits made public yesterday in theexchange of affidavits between the state and the defense in theLeo M. Frank motion, which comes up today, several new oneswere added Tuesday afternoon by the state. The additionalaffidavits were from the various deputy sheriffs and bailiffs andwere denials that anyone but officers of the court had talked tothe Frank jurors.The state has prepared affidavits from the various jurors inwhich they declare that only the legal evidence influenced themand also deny that they

Saturday, 25th October 1913 Jury Loaned Ears To Ravings Of Mob, Says Rube Arnold

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The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 25th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Leo M. Frank Convicted, HeDeclares, by Prejudice andNot by the Evidence GivenIn Case.HIS TRIAL IS COMPAREDTO RITUAL MURDER CASELeo M. Frank Convicted, HeDeclares, by Prejudice andNot by the Evidence Givenin Case.HIS TRIAL IS COMPAREDTO RITUAL MURDER CASEScratch Beneath the Surfaceand You Will Find ParallelWith the Russian Trial,Arnold Tells Judge Roan.Reuben Arnold, associate counsel for the defense, declared in his argument Friday for a new trial, that the trial of Leo Frank would teach the entire universe a lesson against prejudice, and that civilization was horrified at the miserable example of his clients

Phagan Family Newsletter Number Eleven

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The LEO FRANK CIRCUS CONTINUES The ADL is the modern day epitome of the phrase, “If you hang them in a hopper they will drip lies.” Leo Frank has been the subject of their insidious century long propaganda campaign to convict a Black man for a child rape and murder that a Jewish man, Leo Frank, committed in 1913. To them, the symbol of Leo Frank as an innocent victim of terrorism is fundraising gold. But the ugly crime he committed is catching up to them as scholars begin to see just how the facts of the case were twisted

Phagan Family Newsletter Number Twelve

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According to a recent Atlanta Journal-Constitution report, former Georgia Governor Roy Barnes, a Marietta attorney, is representing Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis before the Georgia Senate special committee investigating Willis. Is this a backdoor attempt by Barnes and the Anti-Defamation League to induce Willis to get a “pardon” for the B’nai B’rith leader who in 1913 was convicted of murdering a 13 year old girl? We know that Barnes has been on a crusade on behalf of the B’nai B’rith’s ADL for many years. So, is there a quid pro quo involved in Barnes’s representing Willis? Is there a

Phagan Family Newsletter Number Thirteen

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Candace Owens Exposes Truth of Leo Frank In a veritable Tweet storm on X (formerly Twitter), Candace Owens, the popular podcaster and influencer, tells millions of her followers the Anti-Defamation League defends a “network of criminals” and pedophiles; she questions whether B’nai B’rith Leo Frank was actually lynched and by whom; she says blacks should “never forget” how Frank tried to pin the crime on a black man; and says the ADL has smeared “Christian, Muslim and black Americans.” She posted the picture of Mary Phagan, the 13-year-old girl Frank murdered, and calls on Christians “to make her story viral.”

Saturday, 27th September 1913: Cant Fire Man For Doing Duty, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 27th September 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 1.Chief J. L. Beavers in No Immediate Danger of Recall,DeclaresMayor James G. Woodward.Mayor James G. Woodward, leader of Atlantas charter reform advocates, is of the opinion that the adoption of the recall amendment to the city charter does not place Police Chief J. L. Beavers in immediate jeopardy.The mayor characterizes all the talk that the recall was aimed at the police chief and that Beavers would be the first victim as all bosh.Beavers is in no more danger of being recalled than any other city official, the mayor said.in the first place

Tuesday, 23rd September 1913: No Judge Yet Named To Hear Frank Motion, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 23rd September 1913,PAGE 2, COLUMN 4.Retrial Hearing Will Be Conducted by One of Four Fulton Judges.In view of the fact that much has been published in the daily press about the new judicial appointments for Atlanta and the court of appeals, and speculation has been indulged as to who would hear the motion for a new trial in the Leo M. Frank case.The Constitution has made an effort to obtain the facts and to put at rest the discussion or doubt on the subject.The Frank motion for new trial has been assigned for hearing on October 4,

Thursday, 18th September 1913: Heavy Dockets Keep Fulton Judges Busy, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 18th September 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 3.On account of having one of the heaviest dockets of the year in the criminal division of the city court.Judge Andrew E. Calhoun has decided to hold court another week.After that the criminal division of superior court is due to meet, as these courts do not have separate rooms and cannot meat at the same time.Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey is said to be looking for a judge from another circuit who can preside temporarily in Fulton until the tangle caused by changes can be straightened out.His docket is even worse crowded than

Monday, 15th September 1913: Frank Trial Not Fair Declares Preacher, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 15th September 1913,PAGE 10, COLUMN 2.Public Mind Too Inflamed forImpartial Hearing of Case,Says Dr. Holderby.Leo M. Frank did not receive a fair trial for the murder of Mary Phagan on account of the inflamed condition of the public mind, according to Rev. A. R. Holderby, past of the Moore Memorial church.The declaration was made during a discussion of the topic.A Square Deal for Every Man, which was the subject of Dr. Holderbys discourse Sunday morning.I wish to speak a word of caution to you today as regards your attitude towards one of our citizens who had been

Saturday, 13th September 1913: Attack Is Renewed On Frank Juror, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 13th September 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 4.Citizens Declare That Henslee Has Not Been in Town Since Trials Close.Renewing their attack upon Juror A. H. Henslee, one of the twelve men who convicted Leo M. Frank of the murder of Mary Phagan, the attorneys for the defense Monday obtained affidavits from J. J. Nunnally and W. L. Ricker, of Monroe, Ga., in which the two men reiterated their charges bias and prejudice against Henslee and replied to his statement that he uttered his denunciation of Frank after, and not before the trial.Nunnally and Ricker asserted in their second affidavit

Thursday, 11th September 1913: Hugh Dorsey Sued For $5,000 Damages, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 11th September 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 5.An aftermath of the misunderstanding that brought on a flight early in the summer between Architect Hal Hents and Contractor J. A. Winkles in the new home of Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey came yesterday when the contractor filed suit for $5,775 against Solicitor Dorsey.Winkles claims that the solicitor owes him $775 on the house and that he should receive $5,000 for the slander and false reports which he says Solicitor Dorsey has spread in regard to him.In his suit the contractor also states that he was set upon and beat up by

Saturday, 6th September 1913: Grand Jury Adjourns To Go To Ball Game, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 6th September 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 2.After a brief session on Friday the grand jury returned fourteen true bills and adjourned in time for the ball game.The case of Jim Conley, negro sweeper at the National Pencil companys factory, confessed accessory after the fact of Mary Phagans murder, was not considered by the grand jury.Among the true bills rendered were the following:Simpson Brown, colored, charged with the murder of Charlie Hill, colored.Charles L. Smith, alias C. R. Smith, charged with bigamy, his alleged plurality of spouses being Miss Gertrude Wilson and Miss Lennie Spain.P. M. Christian, charged with

Wednesday, 3rd September 1913: Judge Condemns Pistol Carrying, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 3rd September 1913,PAGE 3.Gambling Termed a SenseLess Evil and Grand Jury Is Urged to See That Law Is Strictly Enforced.When Judge John T. Pendleton, of the superior court, swore in the new grand jury Tuesday he made mention of the crime wave that has struck Atlanta, as told in The Constitution of Tuesday morning, and urged that the members of the grand jury see to it that every man charged with breaking the law, be indicted if the evidence is indicated a possibility of his guilt.Atlanta, while I have observed the wave of lawlessness here, is no

Sunday, 30th November 1913: Tech Hi Boys Admire Atlantas Police Chief, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Sunday, 30th November 1913,PAGE 48, COLUMN 2.First Grade C Boys Name So-ciey in His Honor Ex-pect SpeechBY Wm. A. MWHORTER.One company of Atlantas comingcitizens admire the great work of Chief Beavers, for the moral uplift of ourcity. Over at Tech High school the first grade boys of section C have organizeda literary society in honor of Chief Beavers and have named the organizationThe Chief Beavers Literary and Debating Society. The boys are enthusiasticin their support of the society and trust that they will be as successful inthe art of public speaking as the chief has been in his

Saturday, 29th November 1913: Horse Hauls Buggy Right Into Hardware Store After Fodder, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Saturday, 29th November 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 1.A small stack of fodder left over froma Thanksgiving window decoration, two plate glass windows and Zeb, the buggyhorse of G. R. Garner, formed the cast of a little tragedy Friday afternoonmuch to the discomfiture of the King Hardware company at 442 Marietta Street.Zeb, who is about as well known asChief of Police Beavers, was standing in front of the Garner store, dozing infront of the Garner store, dozing peacefully when awakened by a passingtrolley. In the window of the King Hardware Company he spied a stack of fodderthat once formed a

Friday, 28th November 1913: Beautiful Luncheon, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Friday, 28th November 1913,PAGE 13, COLUMN 3.Mrs. L. Z. Rosser, Jr., was hostess atluncheon Friday at the Piedmont club in compliment to Miss Ruth Rosser and herguests, Miss Eva Renfro, Miss Clara Belle Glover, Miss Cynthia Ellis and MissNell Walker, who are college mates at Brenau.Luncheon was servedin the pink room and the group of young girls made a charming picture groupedaround a flower-laden table, the centerpiece of Killarney roses and all theminor details of the luncheon continuing a color scheme of rose pink.Friday, 28th November 1913: Beautiful Luncheon, The Atlanta Journal

Thursday, 27th November 1913: Old-fashioned Lawyer Has Departed Forever, Judge Pendleton Says, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Thursday, 27th November 1913,PAGE 4, COLUMN 3.The old-fashioned oratorical lawyer, inhis Prince Albert coat and with beaver full of papers, is gone forever, JudgePendleton, of the superior court, told the members of the Atlanta Law schoolWednesday afternoon.Successful lawyers of today, the judgesaid, prepare their cases thoroughly and depend on the accurate and skillfulpresentation of facts to convince judges and jurors. The judge said in part:The old-time lawyer was a declaimer.He walked into the court with his meditative, Hamlet style, wearing a PrinceAlbert coat and carrying his papers in his silk hat. His vest was buttoned onlyat the bottom,

Wednesday, 26th November 1913: Anti Leaders Quiz Chief On Blind Tiger Policy, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Wednesday, 26th November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.DuBose and Richards InquireWhy Arrests ArentMade.No Money, Is AnswerA query as tothe attitude of the police and detective authorities toward blind tiger conditionswhich are alleged to exist in Atlanta, was the meat of a conference which Rev.Dr. H. M. DuBose and Rev. J. B. Richards, the former an official of the GeorgiaAnti-Saloon league, and the latter its secretary, had with Chief of PoliceBeavers and Chief of Detectives Lanford in the formers office Wednesday. TheAnti-Saloon leaguers were accompanied to the conference by J. W. Hewitt, aprivate detective.This querydeveloped the answer of the police

Tuesday, 25th November 1913: Men And Religion Bulletin No. 85, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Tuesday, 25th November 1913,PAGE 11, COLUMN 5.FOLLOW MEI am the good shepherd;the good shepherd layethdown his life for the sheep.He that is a hireling fleeth.John 10-11:12Miss Edith Appleyard died Monday.She was once matron at Agnes ScottCollege.Christ touched her heart.She wished to serve.She said:--Send me to any placeonly put me whereI can reach and help the nethermost.Chief Beavers closed Atlantas housesof shame.Help was offered the fallen; BellSommers was saved; she gave mon-ey to founda home for them.Miss Appleyard came to give her life.She left Agnes Scott College.She became matron of Marthas Home.She went into the hells of earth tosave

Monday, 24th November 1913: Chief Beavers Is Paid Tribute, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Monday, 24th November 1913,PAGE 6, COLUMN 4.BY DR. RIDLEYIn the course of a short talk at theCentral Baptist church Sunday, Dr. Caleb A. Ridley, the pastor, paid a hightribute to Chief of Police J. L. Beavers, whose vice crusades have attracted somuch attention.Jim Beavers is Gods gift to us, saidthe pastor, and we thank God for him.Dr. Ridleysremarks were made after a sermon by Dr. Neighbours, the evangelist, who hasbeen preaching at the Central Baptist church the past week. Sunday there weremore than thirty members added to the church, according to the pastors report.Monday, 24th November 1913: Chief

Sunday, 23rd November 1913: Postpone Entertainment For Home For The Blind, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Sunday, 23rd November 1913,PAGE 52, COLUMN 3.PromotersHave Been Unableto Obtain Theater forDecember 6The entertainment planned to take placeDecember 6 to aid the Home for the Blind has been indefinitely postponedbecause no theater could be obtained for the occasion. S. V. D. fraternity willgive a benefit entertainment for the institution December 17, and it would nothave been feasible to hold a second entertainment for the same cause any laterin December.Those who had the entertainment incharge wish to thank Charles E. Sheldon, Jr., who volunteered to arrange amusical program, and Lamar Hill, who expressed a willingness to look after thedramatic

Saturday, 22nd November 1913: Judge Broyles Explains Why He Fined Woman, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Saturday, 22nd November 1913,PAGE 2, COLUMN 1.Miss Austin Took Law IntoHer Own Hands and BrokeIt, Says RecorderEditor The Journal:There seems to besome misapprehension about the case of the young woman who was fined the otherday for beating a white chauffeur with her umbrella on the public streets ofthe city.This case waswritten up in sensational style as that woman being fined for defending herselffrom a masher. Whereas, it was a very different case. The evidence showedthat a white chauffeur, driving a taxi-cab for a living, and located near thecorner of Luckie and Broad streets had hollered out to Miss

Friday, 21st November 1913: Jim Conleys Lawyer Prepares To Demand Trial For His Client, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Friday, 21st November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.Attorney W. M. Smith DeclaresHe Will Take Actionin Be-Half of Negro SomeTimeNext WeekAlthough no demand for a trial forJames Conley, the negro who says he assisted in disposing of Mary Phagansafter she was murdered in the National Pencil factory, has been filed, there isevery indication that such action will be taken by William M. Smith, hisattorney, next week.Attorney Smith had a demand for trialwritten and in his pocket Friday afternoon, when the criminal division of thesupporter court adjourned for the week, but did not file it, he says, becauseSolicitor General Hugh M.

Thursday, 20th November 1913: Conley Trial Put Off At Request Of Dorsey, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Thursday, 20th November 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 3.Will Not BeHeld During Pres-ent Week-Smith toFileDemandIt was announced Thursday morning bySolicitor Dorsey that the case of Jim Conley, indicted as accessory after thefact for the murder of Mary Phagan, would not be called during the presentweek. The case was expected to come up Thursday. No reason was given by thesolicitor for not calling the case, further than that there was a crush ofcases for trial.Conleysattorney, W. M. Smith, on Friday will file a written demand for a trial on theminutes of the court. This will insure Conley being tried during this