The detectives learned about the middle of May that Conley could write, although at first he denied it. He made...
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Wednesday, 19th November 1913: Frank Trial Unfair, Jewish Rabbi Says In Scathing Speech, The Atlanta Journal
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The Atlanta Journal,Wednesday, 19th November 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.Rev.Alexander Lyons, ofBrooklyn, Declares Prison-ers Jewish Nationality In-fluenced Verdict ofGuiltyGIRLSALLEGED SLAYERCOMPARED TOBEILISSConditionsAre Worse HereThan in Czars Domain, HeSays, Because of ChristianPretensesRabbi Alexander Lyons, one of theforemost Jews in America, speaking at the Eighth Avenue temple, in Brooklyn,last Friday night, compared Atlanta and the Frank case with Russia and theBeiliss ritual murder case in an address which is attracting attention over theentire country.Dr. Lyons subject was Americaninterference in Russia, which he advocated, but he devoted considerable time tothe Frank case, urging America to keep her own household in order.At this distance, the rabbi