Leo Frank TV

Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 15

The detectives learned about the middle of May that Conley could write, although at first he denied it. He made...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 43

Judge Roan, with that awful sense of responsibility, which probably came over him as he thought of that Judge before...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 42

at the time he was an escapee from the Fannin County jail under indictment for felony."I refused to interfere unless...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 41

In the case of Hunter, a white man charged with assassinating two white women in the City of Savannah, who...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 40

Surely, if Judge Roan entertained the extreme doubt indicated by his statement and had remembered the power granted him by...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 39

In this connection, Judge Roan declared orally from the bench that he was not certain of the defendant's guilt that...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 38

It may be possible that his version is correct. The testimony discloses that he was in the habit of allowing...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 37

found by her side, it was urged before me by counsel for the defense that ladies usually carried their handkerchiefs...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 36

hardly seems possible under the evidence that Mary Phagan was at that time being murdered.Lemmie Quinn testifies that he reached...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 35

The evidence loses its pertinency if Mary Phagan had not arrived at the time Monteen Stover came. What is the...
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Wednesday, 29th October 1913 Arnold Branded With Falsehood By Hugh Dorsey

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The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 29th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.Advises Lawyer forDefenseto Take Purgative toRidHis System of Someof ItsMiasma.DIRTY TACTICSCHARGEDBY SOLICITORGENERALDorsey's Speech IsConcluded.Rosser Will MakeAddressToday and the CaseThenGoes to the Judge.With a blistering attack upon Rube Arnold, in which theattorney was accused not only of deliberate falsehoods, but ofhaving lost through his activity in the Frank case the publicesteem and appreciation of the people of Georgia, SolicitorGeneral Hugh M. Dorsey concluded his stirring argument in theFrank hearing late yesterday afternoon.Mr. Arnold has made charges against me and against JudgeRoan that are deliberate falsehoods. He happens not to be in theroom at

Tuesday, 28th October 1913 Hooper And Dorsey Ridicule Argument Of Reuben Arnold

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The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 28th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.Attorney for DefenseWantedRemarks TakenDown inShorthand to ShowChil-Dren, Says FrankHooper.NEW TRIAL FORFRANKSLAP IN FACEOF JURYSolicitor General SaysGrant-ing Ruling Asked byDe-fense Would ShatterLawsof the State.Telling Judge Roan at the Frank hearing yesterday afternoonthat if a new trial was granted the convicted man, the presidingjustice would establish a precedent that would shake the laws ofthe state and eventually shutter the jury system of Georgia,Solicitor Hugh M. Dorsey began his argument at 3 o'clock.Talk about trembling for fear of the law, he said, talkabout farces"why, if you establish the kind of precedent whichthe defense ask you

Sunday, 26th October 1913 Next Frank Trial May Be Held In Chatham County

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The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 26th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Believing Their ClientWillSecure AnotherChance,Lawyers DeclareSavannahDesirable Place.WITH BITTERSARCASMRUBE ARNOLDARRAIGNSPROSECUTION'STACTICSAttributes Conviction toRacePersecution, BiasedJuryAnd CorruptWitnesses.Dorsey Next, ThenHooperRosser Concludes.So confident are they of success in their efforts to gain a newtrial, counsel for Leo M. Frank's defense already are lookingforward to savannah as the city in which to stage the anticipatedsecond arraignment of their client.The defense was in high spirits yesterday afternoon over theforce and strength of Mr. Arnold's second-day argument beforeJudge Roan, in the state library. Upon adjournment at 4 o'clock inthe afternoon Messrs. Arnold and Rosser left the capitol, franklyexpressing their expectation of securing

Thursday, 2nd October 1913 115 Reasons Given Why Frank Should Get Another Trial

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The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 2nd October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 7.Hearing Is SetBefore JudgeRoan NextSaturday, ButIt Is Believed theSolicitorWill AskPostponement.TWO JURORSATTACKEDIN RETRIALPETITIONHenslee and JohenningDe-clared Prejudiced"Objectto Alleged IllegalEvidenceand toDemonstrations.Charging that two members of the jury, Henslee andJohenning, were biased and prejudiced against the defendant;that Judge L.S. Roan admitted illegal evidence, prejudicial to thedefendant, and that the popular applause from time to time, inand outside of the courthouse, influenced the jury and made itimpossible for them to give him a fair trial, attorneys for Leo M.Frank, convicted of the murder of Mary Phagan, have preparedtheir amended motion for a new trial. The hearing is

Thursday, 23rd October 1913 Crowd Conducted Frank Trial Says Prisoner’s Lawyer

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The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 23rd October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.Tried and Convictedby theCourtroomSpectators andNot by the Judge andJury,Declares Rosser.TODAY'S HEARINGMAYLAST UNTILMIDNIGHTFight Is Bitter OverConley'sTestimony, DefenseDeclar-ing That It ShouldNeverHave BeenConsidered.Declaring that the crowd and not the judge and jury triedand convicted Leo M. Frank of the murder of Mary Phagan, LutherRosser, senior counsel for the prisoner, yesterday urged the manydemonstrations for the solicitor general as sufficient reason whythe convicted superintendent should have another trial.This was, however, but one of the forty grounds arguedWednesday when the hearing began before Judge Roan in a littleanteroom in the state library at the capitol. As 115

Monday, 20th October 1913 Locked Doors Guard Witness Who Declares Frank Innocent

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The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 20th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMNS 1 AND 6.DETECTIVES KEEP ALL NIGHT VIGIL IN ORDER TO ARREST HIMPAGE 1, COLUMN 6Witness Is AtlantaManWho Says HeLeft CityOn Account ofThreatsI. W. Fisher, Formerly a RailroadEmployeeHere, Upon His Arrival in Atlanta, IsRushedto the Office of Luther Rosser inGrant Build-ing and Has Remained There forMany HoursWhile Detectives and ReportersWait Out-side for Him to Leave.MAN HE ACCUSES IS STILL INATLANTA;HAS WIFE AND TWOCHILDREN IN CITYRepresentatives of Pencil FactorySuperinten-dent Are Now Engaged in ProbingStory Toldby Fisher and in InvestigatingRecord andActions of Man Who, According toWitness,Is Guilty of the Atrocious Murder ofPrettyLittle Mary Phagan.All night

Thursday, 30th October 1913 Retrial Hearing For Leo M. Frank Comes To Close

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  The Atlanta Constitution, Thursday, 30th October 1913, PAGE 1, COLUMN 1. Luther, Rosser Concludes Ar- gument by Bitter Attack on Juror A. H. Henslee and Witness Jim Conley. JUDGE WILL ANNOUNCE DECISION NEXT FRIDAY Hearing of Argument for New Trial Was One of Longest In Legal Annals of State, Lasting Seven Days. The hearing for a new trial for Leo M. Frank came to a close at 5 o'clock yesterday afternoon. At 9 o'clock Friday morning Judge Roan will announce his decision. It was reserved at the close of the final session in order for the judge to consider

Sunday, 19th October 1913 Frank Innocent Says Man Who Claims To Be Murder Witness

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The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 19th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMNS 1 AND 6.HE WILL TELLWHOCOMMITTEDCRIMEON ARRIVALHEREMakes Statement to Chief ofBirmingham Policeand Catches Train at Midnightfor Atlanta inCompany With Detective"Prominent CitizenSlew girl, He Says, But It WasNot Frank.By L. W. Friedman.Birmingham, Ala., October 18"(Special.)"A Birmingham manwho says he was an eyewitness to the murder of Mary Phagan inAtlanta, and who asserts positively that Leo M. Frank is not guilty,left here at midnight tonight for Atlanta in company with thedetective sent to Birmingham by Sheriff Mangum, of Fultoncounty.This man, whose name has not been given out here, worksin Birmingham, and is a respectable citizen,

Saturday, 4th October 1913 Interest Centers In Attacks Made On Frank Jurors

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The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 4th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Many SealedDepositions AreFiled With DeputyClerkAssailing A. H.Henslee andMarcus Johenning.SPARTA CITIZENSSAYHENSLEEPREJUDICEDMembers of Jury Denyin In-dignant Terms ThatAny ofTheir Number WasBiasedIn Any Way.That one of the Sparta, Ga., citizens whose affidavits are nowsealed and lying in the safe of the clerk of the superior court, didmake the statement that A. H. Henslee had declared that hebelieved Frank guilty and would like to see him hang, was thestatement made last night by another citizen of the Hancockcounty seat.The exact contents of the affidavits which were made beforeJ. W. Lewis, of Sparta, by three of the

Atlanta Constitution – Little Mary Phagan

  Atlanta Constitution newspapers about the Phagan-Frank case will be listed here. You can search for a particular date, headline, or any word on the page by hitting CTRL-F on your keyboard (command-F for Mac computers). 1913 April 28, 1913: Girl is Assaulted and then Murdered in Heart of Town (Atlanta Constitution) April 28, 1913: Pretty Young Victim of Sunday's Atrocious Crime and the Building in Which She Met Her Death (Atlanta Constitution) April 29, 1913: $1,000 Reward (Atlanta Constitution) April 29, 1913: Held on Murder Charge in Mary Phagan Case (Atlanta Constitution) April 29, 1913: I Am Not Guilty,

Thursday, 21st August 1913 Swears That Frank Prepared Sheets in Less Than 2 Hours

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The Atlanta Constitution Thursday, August 21st, 1913 J. M. Gantt, who has been an important figure in the state's case, was called during the afternoon to testify to the length of time in which he has seen Frank make out the financial sheet and to the inaccuracy of the 'punch-clock on the second floor. “Did you ever see Frank make out the financial sheet?” Mr. Dorsey put. “Yes.” “How long did it take him to make it?” “With the data at hand, I have seen him make it out in an hour and a half.” “About this punch-clock-—was it accurate?”

Tuesday, 26th August 1913 Frank, Guilty On First Ballot

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The Atlanta Georgian, Tuesday, 26th August 1913. FRANK RETURNING TO HIS CELL IN TOWER AFTER JUDGE'S CHARGE Frank's control of his emotions was never more strikingly shown than on last day of trial. Leo M. Frank, convicted slayer of Mary Phagan on his way back to his cell to await the verdict of the jury. He walked with a firm, springy step, and apparently was confident that he would be acquitted. NO RECOMMENDATION TO COURT FOR MERCY IN VERDICT: I'M INNOCENT HE SAYS AGAIN; WIFE FAINTS AWAY AS SHE HEARS NEWS Leo M. Frank was found guilty of the murder

Tuesday, 21st October 1913: Fisher Under Third Degree Shirley’s Accuser In Cell, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Tuesday, 21st October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMNS 1, 3, & 7.PAGE 1, COLUMN 3FLASHLIGHT AT THE POLICE STATION OF MYSTERIOUS WITNESS PRINCIPALSJ. C. Shirley,the merchantnamed byFisher asMary Phagan'sslayer.On the leftI. W. Fisher,The mysterywitness isSeen facingChief ofDetectivesLanford.PAGE 1, COLUMN 7DETECTIVES SEEK TO REVEAL PLOT AGAINST FURNITURE MERCHANTPolice, Tuesday, considered the exoneration of J. C. Shirleycomplete. Charles J. Graham, attorney for the man accused by IraW. Fisher of the murder of Mary Phagan, and that was as yetundecided whether Fisher's accusations were the ravings of adiseased and dope-steeped mind or the first evidence of a deep-laid plot with Fisher as the

Monday, 20th October 1913: Way Clear For Frank Battle, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Monday, 20th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.Fight for New Trial to Open Before Judge Roan Next Wednesday Morning.The way was cleared Saturday for the actual beginning ofthe fight over the motion to give Leo M. Frank, convicted of themurder of Mary Phagan, a new trial. The battle will open beforeJudge Roan Wednesday with both sides primed for a vigorouscontest in which charges against jurors accused of bias will play alarge part.The defense, headed by Luther Z. Rosser, relies in large parton the evidence showing that Juror A. H. Henslee expressedviolent animus to Frank before the trial opened, winning

Saturday, 4th October 1913: Sensational Charge In Frank Case, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Saturday, 4th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMNS 1, 5, 6, 7, & 8.PAGE 1, COLUMN 1SENSATIONAL CHARGE INFRANK CASEPAGE 1, COLUMNS 5,6, & 7CHARGESPREJUDICEAGAINST FRANKJURORC. P. STOUGH.PAGE 1, COLUMN 8PREJUDICEDENIEDBYTHOSEONPANELC. P. Stough Deposes ThatA. H.Henslee ShowedAnimus Be-fore Being Drawn.With members of the Frank trial jury rallying to the defenseof their comrades accused of bias and prejudice, the revelationwas made Friday that, in a sealed deposition to be used by thedefense. A. A. Henslee, one of the jurors, is accused of havingmade this statement before he was chosen as one of the twelvemen to try the factory superintendent:I believe Frank

Wednesday, 1st October 1913: Rosser Ready Roan Will Hear Frank Argument, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Wednesday, 1st October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMNS 1, 5, & 6.PAGE 1, COLUMN 5SOLICITOR EXPECTED TO SEEK DELAYDefense to File Plea for New Trial Wednesday " State Faces Difficult TaskFight for the life of Leo M. Frank, sentenced to be hangedOctober 10 for the murder of Mary Phagan, will assume activityWednesday, when the papers in the motion for a new trial will befiled by the attorneys for the defense.Solicitor Hugh Dorsey will begin an examination of thepapers immediately in an effort to complete his answer bySaturday, the date set for the hearing of the motion for a newtrial.Regardless of

Monday, 6th October 1913: Frank Given Indefinite Respite, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Monday, 6th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMNS 1 & 8.Hearing on New Trial Motion Is PostponedPREJUDICE OF JURORS CHARGEDBYMANYHenslee, Accused,Threatens SuitAgainst Maker ofAffidavit.Denies He WasBiased.With Leo M. Frank's sentence respited indefinitely, and thehearing on his lawyers' motion postponed for a week, newsensations were sprung in the fight for the convicted factorysuperintendent's life with the revelation Saturday of the contentsof a mass of affidavits charging prejudice against A. H. Hensleyand Marcellus Johenning, members of the trial jury.Most of the fire is directed at Henslee, who is charged bymany persons with having expressed violent feelings on the casebefore he was chosen

Thursday, 2nd October 1913: Ask New Frank Trial On 115 Counts Many Errors Laid To Court; Charge Made Of Jury Intimidation, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Thursday, 2nd October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Citing 115 counts wherein the count is declared to have erred inthe trial of Leo M. Frank, Luther Z. Rosser Wednesday fled withthe criminal court a motion for a new trial for the pencil factorysuperintendent, sentenced to hang October 10 for the murder ofMary Phagan.The motion, contained in nearly two hundred typewrittensheets, includes an exhaustive research of the trial and eachcount, as it is brought out, is dissected.The motion will be placed in the hands of Solicitor Dorsey forhis inspection and reply and the first hearing will be given onOctober 4.Principal among

Friday, 3rd October 1913: Frank Trial Juror Denies Charge Of Bias, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Friday, 3rd October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMNS 1, 3, 4, 5 & 7.PAGE 1, COLUMN 1PAGE 1, COLUMN 3Slaton SetsDaysFor ClemencyPleasGovernor Slaton has promulgated a rule that hereafterpetitions for clemency will be heard in the executive offices onthe fourth Thursday and Friday of each month.The Governor is forced to the adoption of this rule in order tofind time for other public business.PAGE 1, COLUMNS 4 &5TWO FRANKJURORSCHARGEDWITH BIASJ. A. HENSLEEMARCELLUS JOHENNINGPAGE 1, COLUMN 4Court toRelieveCongestionat JailIn order to alleviate the crowded condition of the FultonCounty jail. Judge Calhoun of the Criminal Court of Atlanta, willopen court next Monday in

Tuesday, 7th October 1913: Dorsey At Work To Combat Charge, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Tuesday, 7th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 8.Defense Claims It has NewandPositive Proof of BiasAccusa-tions Against HensleeA. H. Henslee, of the jury that convicted Leo M. Frank, madehis bitterly denunciator remarks against the defendant in thehearing of a far greater number of persons than already havemade depositions, according to information in the possession ofFrank's attorneys.While the prisoner's lawyers are busy building up their plea,Solicitor General Hugh Dorsey is working ceaselessly preparing todemolish their arguments for a new trial.We have the names of a great many other persons to whomHenslee expressed his opinion of Frank's guilt and his hope thathe

Friday, 10th October 1913: Hawthorne Ready To Leave Prison, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Friday, 10th October 1913,PAGE 8, COLUMN 1.Author, Unembittered,ExpectedTo Write AboutInjustices ofU. S. Penal System.Julian Hawthorne is preparing to leave the Atlanta FederalPrison October 15, the date of the expiration of his sentence withgood time deducted.Hawthorne, whose attitude since his incarceration hasgenerally been one of reserve and reticence, desires to go fromthe prison without any notice or publicity, and for this reason theprison officials are maintaining the utmost secrecy as to the exacttime of the day that he will leave the grim building which has heldhim nearly a year.The distinguished author is said not to have been embitteredin the

Wednesday, 8th October 1913: Both Sides Confident In Frank Case, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Wednesday, 8th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.Men Who Accuse HensleeofPrejudice of Highest Type,Says Stiles Hopkins.Attorneys for Leo M. Frank announced Wednesday that theyinvited an attack upon the truth and veracity of the men whomade depositions against Juror A. H. He, charging bias andprejudice, just for the purpose demonstrating conclusively thatevery person has made an affidavit is unimpeachable and a manof recognized character and honesty.The State and the defense both are confident over theprobable outcome of the motion for a new trial which will beheard Saturday.Stiles Hopkins, one of the firm of Rosser, Brandon, Slaten &Phillips, obtained a number

Sunday, 19th October 1913: Frank To Fight On Wednesday For New Trial, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Sunday, 19th October 1913,PAGE 2, COLUMN 3.Charges of Bias Against Jurors Will Play Leading Part In Arguments.DEFENSE OPPOSES DELAYJudge Roan and Solicitor Dorsey Also Urge HasteState Has Big Task.The way was cleared Saturday for the actual beginning ofthe fight over the motion to give Leo M. Frank, convicted of themurder of Mary Phagan, a new trial. The battle will open beforeJudge Roan Wednesday with both sides primed for a vigorouscontest in which charges against jurors accused of bias will play alarge part.The defense, headed by Luther Z. Rosser, relies in large parton the evidence showing that Juror A.

Saturday, 18th October 1913: Way Clear For Frank Battle, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Saturday, 18th October 1913,PAGE 2, COLUMN 3.Fight for New Trial to Open BeFore Judge Roan Next Wednesday Morning.The way was cleared Saturday for the actual beginning ofthe fight over the motion to give Leo M. Frank, convicted of themurder of Mary Phagan, a new trial. The battle will open beforeJudge Roan Wednesday with both sides primed for a vigorouscontest in which charges against jurors accused of bias will play alarge part.The defense, headed by Luther Z. Rosser, relies in large parton the evidence showing that Juror A. H. Henslee expressedviolent animus to Frank before the trial opened, winning

Sunday, 5th October 1913: Governor Slaton Personally Investigates And Verifies The Circulation Of The Georgian And Hearst’s Sunday American, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Sunday, 5th October 1913,PAGE 2, COLUMN 2.Daily SundayGeorgian AmericanOctober 4th 1913.At the request of the management of The Atlanta Georgianand The Sunday American, I personally examined on Friday afternoon their various circulation statements, in detail. This workrequired sometime, but it was willingly given, because I regardthese newspapers as enterprises of which all Georgia should beproud. The figures the papers furnish, under oath, to the postalauthorities show a marvelous growth for the time The Georgianand Sunday American have been in Mr. Hearst's hands"particularly The Sunday American, which is only six months old.These circulation figures I have checked up and

Wednesday, 15th October 1913: Dorsey Gathers Proof Against Bias Charges, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Wednesday, 15th October 1913,PAGE 15, COLUMN 1.Equips Himself for Bitter Fight Against New Trial Demand of Frank's Lawyers.Armed with affidavits from A. H. Henslee and every othermember of the Frank jury whose fairness has been placed undersuspicion, Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey will return to AtlantaTuesday night to continue the preparation of his answer to themotion for a new trial made by Frank's lawyers.With his assistant, A. W. Stephens, the Solicitor has beenworking day and night on the monumental task of reviewing thehundreds of pages of typewritten manuscript submitted by thedefense in the elaboration of their 115 reasons

Thursday, 9th October 1913: Postponement In Frank Case Made Certain, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Thursday, 9th October 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.Letter From DorseyRequestsJudge Roan to LetArgu-ments GoOver.A letter received in Atlanta Thursday from Solicitor Dorseymade certain the postponement of arguments for a new trial forLeo M. Frank, which were to have been heard Saturday by JudgeRoan.The letter intimated that the Solicitor and his assistant, A. E.Stephens, who are now in Valdosta would not return to this citybefore next Wednesday or Thursday. Mr. Dorsey requested thatJudge Roan be asked to postpone, in addition to the Frankarguments, hearings on Five other motions which scheduled forSaturday. This will clean the Sophens, who are now in

Thursday, 16th October 1913: Dorsey Back With New Affidavits More Delay In Appeal Fight Likely, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Thursday, 16th October 1913,PAGE 14, COLUMN 1.Solicitor General Dorsey entered at once into the fight toprevent a new trial for Leo M. Frank on his return to AtlantaWednesday morning. He came to this city to complete hispreparation for the arguments set for hearing next Saturdaybefore Judge L. S. Roan. For a week and a half, he had beenworking almost continually on the case in Valdosta, where hewent with his assistant. A. E. Stephens, to avoid interruption.The Solicitor was immersed Wednesday in a flood of lettersand court documents that had accumulated during his absence.He was fearful that he would

Sunday, 12th October 1913: Governor Slaton Personally Investigates And Verifies The Circulation Of The Georgian And Hearst’s Sunday American, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Sunday, 12th October 1913,PAGE 6, COLUMN 2.Daily Sunday - Georgian AmericanOctober 4th 1913.At the request of the management of The Atlanta Georgianand The Sunday American, I personally examined on Friday afternoon their various circulation statements, in detail. This workrequired sometime, but it was willingly given, because I regardthese newspapers as enterprises of which all Georgia should beproud. The figures the papers furnish, under oath, to the postalauthorities show a marvelous growth for the time The Georgianand Sunday American have been in Mr. Hearst's hands"particularly The Sunday American, which is only six months old.These circulation figures I have checked

Saturday, 11th October 1913: Frank Lawyers To File More Depositions, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Saturday, 11th October 1913,PAGE 8, COLUMN 1.Another Juror May BeChargedWith Bias"AccusedCheer-ful, Aiding Counsel.Counsel for Leo M. Frank made ready Friday to file furtherdepositions to support their arguments for a new trial which willbe made Saturday, October 18, before Judge L. S. Roan. It isunderstood the name of at least one more juror, in no to A. H.Henslee and Marcellus Johenning, will be mentioned in theaffidavits as guilty or prejudice.Frank's lawyers say they have uncovered what they regardas practically conclusive evidence of violent dislike and bias onthe part of a third juror.Several depositions are expected to be filed respecting

Friday, 17th October 1913: Sparta Citizens Attack Frank Trial Juror, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Friday, 17th October 1913,PAGE 8, COLUMN 6.Declare Henslee's Statement That He Made Alleged Remarks After Trial Is Wrong.Another shot was fired Friday at A. H. Henslee, one of theFrank jurors accused of bias and prejudice.The fresh attack came from Sparta residents who werearoused to indignation by the statement of Henslee that he madethe remarks they credited to him since and not before the trial.They denied Henslee's declaration in a communication forwardedWednesday to Frank's attorneys, and asserted they had not seenHenslee since the trial.Their reply to Henslee's defense was much to the sameeffect as that of Nunnally and Ricker,