Leo Frank TV

Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 15

The detectives learned about the middle of May that Conley could write, although at first he denied it. He made...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 43

Judge Roan, with that awful sense of responsibility, which probably came over him as he thought of that Judge before...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 42

at the time he was an escapee from the Fannin County jail under indictment for felony."I refused to interfere unless...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 41

In the case of Hunter, a white man charged with assassinating two white women in the City of Savannah, who...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 40

Surely, if Judge Roan entertained the extreme doubt indicated by his statement and had remembered the power granted him by...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 39

In this connection, Judge Roan declared orally from the bench that he was not certain of the defendant's guilt that...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 38

It may be possible that his version is correct. The testimony discloses that he was in the habit of allowing...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 37

found by her side, it was urged before me by counsel for the defense that ladies usually carried their handkerchiefs...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 36

hardly seems possible under the evidence that Mary Phagan was at that time being murdered.Lemmie Quinn testifies that he reached...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 35

The evidence loses its pertinency if Mary Phagan had not arrived at the time Monteen Stover came. What is the...
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Tuesday, 14th October 1913: Dorsey Gathers Proof Against Bias Charges, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Tuesday, 14th October 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 5.Equips Himself for Bitter Fight Against New Trial Demand of Frank's Lawyers.Armed with affidavits from A. H. Henslee and every othermember of the Frank jury whose fairness has been placed undersuspicion, Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey will return to AtlantaTuesday night to continue the preparation of his answer to themotion for a new trial made by Frank's lawyers.With his assistant, A. W. Stephens, the Solicitor has beenworking day and night on the monumental task of reviewing thehundreds of pages of typewritten manuscript submitted by thedefense in the elaboration of their 115 reasons

Monday, 13th October 1913: Attack Is Renewed On Frank Juror, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Monday, 13th October 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 4.Citizens Declare ThatHensleeHas Not Been in TownSinceTrial's Close.Renewing their attack upon Juror A. H. Henslee, one of thetwelve men who convicted Leo M. Frank of the murder of MaryPhagan, the attorneys for the defense Monday obtained affidavitsfrom J. J. Nunnally and W. L. Ricker, of Monroe, Ga., in which thetwo men reiterated their charges bias and prejudice againstHenslee and replied to his statement that he uttered hisdenunciation of Frank after, and not before the trial.Nunnally and Ricker asserted in their second affidavit that sofar as they knew Henslee had not been in

Alonzo Mann Affidavit, November 10th, 1982 (55 pages). Audiobook 107 minutes in length.

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Here within is a 55-page transcript of an affidavit that Alonzo Mann (1898 - 1985) orated and was videotaped in November 10th, 1982, regarding the April 26, 1913, murder of Mary Phagan 69 years earlier. Although the first pardon application immediately following this affidavit was denied, it was later approved in a second attempt three years later after years of secretive backroom dealing between Pardon board members and the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, Atlanta Jewish Federation, and American Jewish Committee. It was uncovered a decade ago that the videotape of this affidavit has mysteriously disappeared, when members of the

Dear ADL and SPLC, what was the real reason why the bona fide racist and misogynist, Leo Frank, was convicted and sentenced to death by hanging?

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Originally published during the month of October 2018 — the Anti-defamation League of B’nai B’rith’s 105th anniversary, when ADL‘s founding was announced by B’nai B’rith in 1913 at its Chicago Illinois headquarters. Newsletter of the announcement from October 2nd, 1913, is provided herewithin. Addendums: February & April, 2019 Image: Founder of Amazon Books, Jeff Bezos, the wealthiest man that has ever lived (with the exception of John D. Rockefeller, relatively speaking). Under his tutelage, thousands of books have been censored from his eCommerce platform because they were considered politically incorrect. Jewish “civil rights” groups have been working at the vanguard

Tom Watson: The Rich Jews Indict a State!, Watson’s Magazine the Jeffersonian Monthly, October 1915

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The Whole South Traduced. In the Matter of Leo Frank. by Thomas E. Watson (pictured), Watson's Magazine, Volume 21 Number 6, October 1915 ABNORMAL CONDITIONS prevail in this country, and the situation grows more complicated, year by year. We have carried the "asylum" idea to such extravagant liberality, that the sewage of the whole world is pouring upon us. The human race was never known to do, before, what it is doing now, to America. History presents no parallel case. From the Great Lakes to the Gulf, and from Cape Hatteras to the Golden Gate, we see the same ominous,

Tom Watson: A Full Review of the Leo Frank Case, Watson’s Magazine the Jeffersonian Monthly, March 1915

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by Thomas E. Watson, Watson's Magazine, Volume 20 Number 5, March 1915 ON THE 23rd page of Puck, for the week ending January 16, 1915, there is, in the smallest possible type, in the smallest possible space, at the bottom of the page, the notice of ownership, required by law. Mankind are informed that Puck is published by a corporation of the same name, Nathan Strauss, Jr., being President, and H. Grant Strauss being Secretary and Treasurer. You are authorized, therefore, to give credit to the Strauss family for the unparalleled campaign of falsehood and defamation which Puck has persistently

Tom Watson: The Celebrated Case of The State of Georgia vs. Leo Frank, Watson’s Magazine the Jeffersonian Monthly, August 1915

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by Thomas E. Watson (pictured), Watson's Magazine, Volume 21 Number 4, August 1915 THE LAWS OF Georgia are extraordinarily favorable to a person accused of crime. He is not only protected in all of his rights under the Constitution of the United States, but he enjoys privileges far beyond those limits. No indictment against him will stand, if it can be shown that a single grand juror was disqualified, or failed to take an oath on that particular case. Therefore, our grand juries are bound in each case by a special oath, in addition to the usual general oath; and

Tom Watson: The Official Record in the Case of Leo Frank, a Jew Pervert, Watson’s Magazine the Jeffersonian Monthly, September 1915

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by Thomas E. Watson (pictured), Watson's Magazine, Volume 21 Number 5, September 1915 IN NEW YORK, there lived a fashionable architect, whose work commanded high prices. He was robust, full of manly vigor, and so erotic that he neglected a handsome and refined young wife to run after little girls. As reported in the papers of William R. Hearst, Joseph Pulitzer, and Adolph Ochs, the libertine architect had three luxurious suites of rooms fitted up for the use of himself, a congenial company of young rakes, and the young women whom they lured into these elegant dens of vice. Stanford

Tom Watson: The Leo Frank Case, Watson’s Magazine the Jeffersonian Monthly, January 1915

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by Thomas E. Watson (pictured), Watson's Magazine, Volume 20 Number 3, January 1915 AN AGED MILLIONAIRE of New York had a lawyer named Patrick, and this lawyer poisoned his old client, forged a will in his own favor; was tried, convicted and sentenced—and is now at liberty, a pardoned man. Through the falling out among Wall Street thieves, it transpires that the sensational clemency of Governor John A. Dix, in favor of Albert T. Patrick, was inspired by a mining transaction involving millions of dollars. Patrick says, that he was "pardoned on the merits of the case." It was a negligible

Wednesday, 20th August 1913 State Closes Frank Case Near Jury Defense Begins Its Sur-rubettual. Hopes To Conclude Quickly

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The Atlanta Georgian,Wednesday, 20th August 1913.Page 2Solicitor Dorsey announced the close of the State's case against Leo M. Frank at 4 o'clock Wednesday afternoon. There remained only the presentation of some documentary evidence by the State before the defense would be permitted to proceed on the sur-rebuttal.Attorney Arnold estimated that the defense would not be more than half an hour on the presentation of the sur-rebuttal in the even the cross-examination of witnesses was limited.Judge L. S. Roan said he thought the amount of time allotted for the arguments would be practically unlimited, although he hardly regarded it so likely

Thursday, 21st August 1913 Mass Of Perjuries Charged By Arnold Centers Hot Attack On Conley. Ridicules Prosecution Theory

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The Atlanta Georgian,Thursday, 21st August 1913.PAGE 1In a cold, cutting arraignment of the methods used to build up a case against Leo M. Frank, accused of the murder of Mary Phagan, Reuben Arnold, of the accused man's defense, Thursday afternoon unsparingly flayed Jim Conley as a perjurer and willing tool in the hands of men determined to convict an innocent man.Arnold's attack minced no words. It bristles with scathing denunciation and bitter ridicule. Its impassioned appeal was interspersed with sardonic humor that made a hostile court room laugh. But its humor was only in flashes. Otherwise it fairly rang with

Thursday, 25th September 1913 Recall To Apply To All Big Offices

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The Atlanta Georgian,Thursday, 25th September 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.Initiation and Referendum Addedto Old Charter WoodwardDelighted.By the adoption of the initiative, referendum and recall amendment to the city charger the votes of Atlanta can recall Mayor James G. Woodward, Recorder Nash Broyles, Police Chief James Beavers, Fire Chief W. B. Cummings, School Superintendent Slaton, and any of the twenty Councilmen or ten Aldermen, any Board member and any head of a city department, according to a ruling by City Attorney James L. Mayson Thursday.Mayor James G. Woodward and the City Council accept this ruling as final.The Mayor issued a formal statement

Wednesday, 24th September 1913 Detective Black Not Blamed For Fighting

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The Atlanta Georgian,Wednesday, 24th September 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 2.Chief Beavers received a letter Tuesday morning from George Bodeker, of Birmingham, defending Detective John Black in the latter's recent trouble at Birmingham.Bodeker asserts that Black was not to blame for the fight he had with his prisoner, and declares that the people and police department of Birmingham and do not censure the detective.PAGE 6, COLUMN 1DENTON DENIESLURING GIRLSFROM HOMERearrested as Kidnaper After Re-lease on Habeas Corpus FromCharge of "Suspicion."John L. Denton, the Atlanta contractor who was arrested Tuesday on charges preferred by the parents of two girls he was said to

Friday, 26th September 1913 Judge Roan To Hear Arguments Asking Retrial For Frank

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The Atlanta Georgian,Friday, 26th September 1913,PAGE 2, COLUMN 1.Judge L. S. Roan, who pronounced sentence upon Leo M. Frank in Georgia's greatest murder trial, in an informal statement Friday made it plain that he considered it his duty to hear the arguments for a new trial to be made in behalf of the prisoner.Judge Roan's attitude is known to be in line with that of the judges of the Superior Court, one of whom would otherwise have to hear the case.It is considered likely therefore that nothing will be put in the way of Judge Roan hearing the argument and

Monday, 18th August 1913 Leo Frank Testifies

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The Atlanta Georgian,Monday, 18th August 1913.That his married life has been very happy; that his office safe door was open and he could not see Mary Phagan as she spoke to him on leaving after drawing her pay; that he was in his office from 12 until just before going home to lunch.PROFOUND IMPRESSIONMADE BY PRISONER'SREMARKABLE STORYFrom the lips of the man accused of the murder of Mary Phagan, came a remarkable story Monday afternoon, August 18, 1913.The spectators in a densely packed courtroom listened with strained interest as Leo Frank told in graphic words of the events of the

Sunday, 20th July 1913 Frank’s Lawyers Score Dorsey For His Stand

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The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 20th July 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Luther Rosser and ReubenArnold Declare He is Go-ing Out of His Way to Dic-tate to the Grand Jury.EXCEEDS PROVINCEOF SOLICITOR GENERALGrand Jury Will Meet at 10O'Clock Monday Morningto Take Up Conley Case.Call Is Sent Out.In reply to Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey's statements in regard to the proposed indictment by the grand jury of James Conley, the negro who has confessed complicity in the murder of Mary Phagan, Attorneys Reuben R. Arnold and Luther Z. Rosser issued a statement Saturday afternoon in which they openly attacked the stand taken by the solicitor

Tuesday, 29th July 1913 Watchman Tells Of Finding Body Of Mary Phagan

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The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 29th July 1913,.Trial Adjourns for the DayWhile Lee Is on the Stand,and His Cross-QuestioningWill Be Resumed Today.MOTHER AND THE WIFEOF PRISONER CHEER HIMBY PRESENCE AT TRIALJury Is Quickly Secured andMrs. Coleman, Mother ofthe Murdered Girl, Is FirstWitness to Take Stand.With a swiftness which was gratifying to counsel for the defense, the solicitor general and a large crowd of interested spectators, the trial of Leo M. Frank, charged with the murder of Mary Phagan on April 26, in the building of the National Pencil factory, was gotten under way Monday.When the hour of adjournment for the day had

Sunday, 14th September 1913 Ben Hill Will Go On Fulton Bench As Fourth Judge

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The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 14th September 1913.PAGE 1, COLUMN 1Roan Takes the Court of Ap-Peals Vacancy; Reid, StoneMountain; George Napier,Solicitorship.FOUR CHANGES MADETO FILL ONE OFFICEAppointments Effective Octo-ber 6 Judge Roan WillProbably Hear Motion inFrank Case.The fourth judge of the Fulton county superior court is Benjamin H. Hill, chief judge of the court of appeals.L. S. Roan, judge of the Stone Mountain circuit, will take Judge Hill's place as a member of the court of appeals.Charles S. Reid, solicitor general of the Stone Mountain circuit, has been elevated to the bench to succeed Judge Roan.George M. Napier, of the firm of Napier,

Tuesday, 30th September 1913 Speculation Is Rife As To Who’ll Hear Leo Frank’s Motion, The Atlanta Constitution

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  The Atlanta Constitution, Tuesday, 30th September 1913, PAGE 5, COLUMN 3. Speculation on whether or not the hearing of argument for a new trial for Leo M. Frank, convicted of the murder of little Mary Phagan, which is set for Saturday, will be heard, is now rife among courthouse officials. In case the hearing comes up then, Judge L. S. Roan, who presided at the trial in August, will have charge of the hearing, is the general opinion. Whether or not the case will come up on that date, however, is unknown. Solicitor Hugh Dorsey is doing all he

Friday, 1st August 1913 Acquitted In The Same Court, She Believes His Innocent, The Atlanta Constitution

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  The Atlanta Constitution, Friday, 1st August 1913, PAGE 1, COLUMN 7. Photo by Francis E. Price. Staff Photographer. Mrs. Callie Scott Appelbaum, who was tried before Judge Roan for the murder of her husband, Jerome Appelbaum, and declared "not guilty," and Leo M. Frank, who is now on trial charged with the murder of Mary Phagan. Mrs. Appelbaum was an interested spectator at Frank's trial Thursday afternoon. PAGE 3, COLUMN 1 REPRESENTING STATE IN FRANK TRIAL Left to right: Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey, Assistant Solicitor E. A. Stephens, and Attorney Frank A. Hooper. PAGE 4, COLUMN 1 Spots

Thursday, 7th August 1913 Their Testimony Will Have Direct Bearing On Leo Frank’s Case

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The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 7th August 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.Conley Leaving Courtroom After TestimonyPhoto by Francis E Price, Staff Photographer.Left to right: Chief of Detectives Newport Lanford, Jim Conley and Chief of Police James L. Beavers.PAGE 4, COLUMN 2SOLICITOR HUGH DORSEY.Thursday, 7th August 1913 Their Testimony Will Have Direct Bearing On Leo Frank's Case

Monday, 4th August 1913 Their Testimony Is Important In The Trial Of Leo M. Frank

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The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 4th August 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 5.EMIL SELIG.DETECTIVE D. L. WAGONER.DR. H. F. (ROY) HARRIS.CHIEF NEWPORT LANFORD.Photo by Francis E. Price. Staff Photographer.Chief interest in the Frank case today centers int eh appearance at this afternoon's session of court of Dr. H. F. Harris, who collapsed on Friday afternoon while giving testimony fixing the murder hour of Mary Phagan. Detective D. L. Waggoner was on the stand Saturday morning. Emil Selig, father-in-law of Frank, will probably be called by the defense. Chief Lanford has been an interested spectator since the trial began. It was under his direction the

Sunday, 21st September 1913 Great Watch Finders

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The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 21st September 1913.PAGE 25, COLUMN 7The present official duty of Detectives Starnes and Campbell, who were Solicitor Dorsey's right-hand men in the investigation of the Mary Phagan murder case, is to find and return watches stolen from Atlantans. Up to date, since the trial, they have succeeded in finding forty-two pilfered timepieces, some of which have been missing for two or three years.PAGE 26, COLUMN 2PROFESSIONAL CARDSP. H. Brewster, Albert Howell, Jr.Hugh M. Dorsey, Arthur Heyman,Dorsey, Brewster, Howell & Heyman,Attorneys-at-Law.Offices: 202, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 210Kiser Building, Atlanta, Ga.Long Distance Telephone 3023, 3024And 3025, Atlanta, Ga.Sunday,

Saturday, 20th September 1913 Beavers Will Teach Police What To Do In Big Murder Case

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The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 20th September 1913.PAGE 7, COLUMN 7Having learned a valuable lesson from the Mary Phagan murder, Chief Beavers will teach his men what to do in the event bodies are found in the future.The chief's instructions will be for the discoverer to keep hands off everything including garments of the corpse until finger print experts have reached the scene. The value of fingerprint evidence, says the chief, is inestimable in modern investigation.Until Bertillon methods are installed in the police department, the chief says, federal experts will be employed in future cases.Saturday, 20th September 1913 Beavers Will Teach Police

Wednesday, 17th September 1913 No Bill Is Found Against Newt Lee

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The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 17th September 1913.PAGE 3, COLUMN 3The Fulton County grand jury, sitting Tuesday in regular session, returned a "no-bill" against Newt Lee the negro factory night watchman whose testimony figured so largely in the trial of Leo M. Frank for the murder of Mary Phagan.The action of the grand jury eliminates Lee in the matter of being connected with the murder in any manner.Wednesday, 17th September 1913 No Bill Is Found Against Newt Lee

Friday, 12th September 1913 Newt Lee Ignored

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The Atlanta Journal, Friday, 12th September 1913. (PAGE 7, COLUMN 4) It was expected that a bill charging murder which was drawn against Newt Lee, the watchman at the National Pencil factory who figured in the Frank case, would be presented to the grand jury, to be no-billed, but it was not taken up Friday morning. Later the grand jury will take action on it, however, in order to clear the records in the case by formally returning the no-bill. Friday, 12th September 1913 Newt Lee Ignored

Tuesday, September 9, 1913, Jim Conley Is Indicted On Two Counts By Fulton Grand Jury. The Atlanta Journal.

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The Atlanta Journal, Tuesday Evening Edition, 9th day of September, 1913. Conley Is Indicted On Two Counts By Fulton Grand Jury One Bill Charges a Felony in That "Knowing Frank Murdered Mary Phagan, He Harbored and Concealed Him" FRANK'S ATTORNEY WILL CITE WILL MEYERS CASE Decision in This Famous Case Sure to Figure at Hearing For New Trial-Jurors Charged With Bias. Page 1, Column 7. Two true bills, one charging Jim Conley with a misdemeanor "in concealing knowledge of the murder of Mary Phagan, and the other charging him with felony in being accessory to the murder after the deed,

Friday, 22nd August 1913 In Scathing Terms Rosser Scores Dalton, Dorsey, Police. Dorsey Will Conclude, Summing Up Case Against Frank

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The Atlanta Journal, Friday, 22nd August 1913. PAGE 1 DALTON EXCORIATED, CONLEY ANNIHILATED AND SOLICITOR CHARGED WITH PERSECUTION Mr. Rosser Defends the Character of the Pencil Factory, Declares That Few Men Could Have Stood the Test Put to Frank by a "Horde of Spying Police, Generated by Dorsey," and Ridicules the "Suspicious Circumstances" Against Frank. EVERYTHING FRANK DID OR SAID WAS DISTORTED, MAGNIFIED AND VIEWED WITH SUSPICION, HE SAYS Mr. Rosser Was in the Midst of His Speech When Court Adjourned for Recess-When He Has Finished Solicitor Dorsey Will Make the Concluding Argument, the Judge Will Deliver His Charge and

Sunday, 27th July 1913 State Will Build Case Against Frank Around Conley’s Story; Defense Will Undertake to Show that Negro Alone is Guilty

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The Atlanta Journal, July 27th, 1913 Defense Will Ridicule Conley's Story and Endeavor to Show That It Was Made to Save His Own Neck MANY WITNESSES CALLED TO CORROBORATE FRANK Though Attorneys Are Silent, The Journal Presents Below Outline of What the Defense Is Expected to Be Complete innocence on the part of Leo M. Frank, the young superintendent of the National Pencil factory, and absolute guilt on the part of James Conley, the negro sweeper at the factory, are the two cardinal points upon which Frank's defense will be based when he is called to trial for the murder

Sunday, 17th August 1913 Frank Should Know Fate Before The Week Passes Is Opinion Of Attorneys

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The Atlanta Journal, Sunday, 17th August 1913. (Page 1, Column 7) While Defense Has About Forty Character Witnesses, It's Not Believed That Their Testimony Will Take More Than One Day, and Frank Himself Will Probably Tell His Self to the Jury Some Time Tuesday. REBUTTAL EVIDENCE WILL TAKE TWO DAYS AND THE ARGUMENTS OF ATTORNEYS TWO MORE This Will Put the Case In the Hands of the Jury at the End of the Week - All Interest is Now Centered in the Witnesses That the Solicitor Will Put on the Stand In an Effort to Break Down Fine Character Showing

Page 8 of 8: Rare, Alonzo Mann Affidavit, March 4th, 1982

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until it was too late to save Leo Frank's life. They will say that being young is no excuse. They will blame my mother. The only thing I can say is that she did what she thought was best for me and the family. Other people may hate me for telling it. I hope not, but I am prepared for that, too. I know that I haven't a long time to live. All that I have said is the truth. When my time comes I hope that God understands me better for having told it. That is what matters most.

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girl's money and grabbed her. I do not think sex was his motive. I believe it was money. Her pay was never found in the building after she died. Many times I have thought since all of this occurred almost 70 years ago that if I had hollered or yelled for help when I ran into Conley with the girl in his arms that day that I might have saved her life. I might have. On the other hand, I might have lost my own life. If I had told what I saw that day I might have saved Leo

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the building and saw Conley with the body. When Frank went to trial and I was called as a witness, my mother tole me I would have to go and testify. She repeated to me what she already had told me the day of Mary Phagan's murder. She told me to keep to myself what I had seen. She said if it were not asked a specific question I did not have to give a specific answer. Jim Conley was the chief witness against Leo Frank. He testified that Frank had called him to his office a little after noon

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the shaft would have been open. Conley could have dumped her down the empty elevator shaft. I believe for some reason, Jim Conley turned around toward me. He either heard by footsteps coming or he sensed I was behind him. He wheeled on me and in a voice that was low but threatening and frightening to me he said: "If you ever mention this I'll kill you." I turned and took a step or two--possibly three or four steps--up toward the second floor, but I must have worried about whether the office upstairs was closed. I did hear some movement

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She had told me that if she was unable to come, for me not to worry. I waited for her for a few minutes. Since I didn't care that much about seeing the parade I went back to work. I can't be sure as to exactly how long I was gone, but it could not have been more than half hour before I got back to the pencil factory. I had no idea that I was about to witness an important moment in a famous murder case--a moment that has not been made public until now; that I was about

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My job required that I open the mail, file papers, keep the office orderly, run errands and the like. Leo Frank arrived in the building that morning shortly after I did. He came into the office and spoke to me. I always called him "Mister Frank" and he referred to me by my given name, "Alonzo." I do not know whether Leo Frank had seen Jim Conley on the first floor when he came into the building that morning. A substitute secretary worked for Leo Frank that morning. As I remember, it was routine Saturday morning for me at the

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practically nothing. I was nervous and afraid that day. There were crowds in the street who were angry and who were saying that Leo Frank should die. Some were yelling things like, "Kill the Jew!" I was very nervous. The courtroom was filled with people. Every seat was taken. I was interested mostly in getting out of there. I spoke with a speech impediment and had trouble pronouncing the 'r' in Frank's name in those days. The lawyers put their heads together and said that it was obvious I knew nothing and since I was so young they would let

Page 1 of 8: Rare, Alonzo Mann Affidavit, March 4th, 1982.

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A F F I D A V I T IN THE STATE OF TENNESSEE, COUNTY OF SULLIVAN The undersigned, being duly sworn, deposes as follows: My name is Alonzo McClendon Mann. I am 83 years old. I was born near Memphis Tennessee, on August 8, 1898. My father was Alonzo Mann, who was born in Germany. My mother was Hattie McClendon Mann. When I was a small boy my family moved to Atlanta where I spent most of my life. In 1913 I was the office boy for Leo M. Frank, who ran the National Pencil Co. That was the

Phagan Family Newsletter Number One

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Mary Phagan Family Position Paper July 2021 My name is Mary Phagan-Kean and I am the great-niece and namesake of “Little Mary Phagan,” the thirteen-year-old girl who was raped and murdered on April 26, 1913, by Leo Max Frank, the president of Atlanta’s B'nai B’rith Lodge No. 144. Leo Frank was the general superintendent of the National Pencil Company — a sweatshop factory where over a hundred children labored, and where the Sam Nunn federal building stands today. Little Mary Phagan was 12 years old when she started working there in 1912, and Frank admitted he was the last person