Leo Frank TV

Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 15

The detectives learned about the middle of May that Conley could write, although at first he denied it. He made...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 43

Judge Roan, with that awful sense of responsibility, which probably came over him as he thought of that Judge before...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 42

at the time he was an escapee from the Fannin County jail under indictment for felony."I refused to interfere unless...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 41

In the case of Hunter, a white man charged with assassinating two white women in the City of Savannah, who...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 40

Surely, if Judge Roan entertained the extreme doubt indicated by his statement and had remembered the power granted him by...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 39

In this connection, Judge Roan declared orally from the bench that he was not certain of the defendant's guilt that...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 38

It may be possible that his version is correct. The testimony discloses that he was in the habit of allowing...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 37

found by her side, it was urged before me by counsel for the defense that ladies usually carried their handkerchiefs...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 36

hardly seems possible under the evidence that Mary Phagan was at that time being murdered.Lemmie Quinn testifies that he reached...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 35

The evidence loses its pertinency if Mary Phagan had not arrived at the time Monteen Stover came. What is the...
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Thursday, 31st July 1913 Machinist Tells of Finding Blood, Hair and Pay Envelope On Second Floor, Where State Claims Girl Was Murdered

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Atlanta JournalJuly 31st, 1913 BLOOD SPOTS AND HAIR FOUND ON DAY FOLLOWING DISCOVERY CRIME HAD BEEN COMMITTED Pay Envelope Was Found Near Machine Used by Mary Phagan Some Days Later—Find of Strands of Hair on Lathe Was Reported to Quinn, Who Notified Darley—Mell Stanford and Magnolia Kennedy Also Saw It BARRETT'S EVIDENCE MOST IMPORTANT YET TOWARD PROVING CRIME WAS COMMITTED IN METAL ROOM Mell Stanford and Harry Scott Also Tell of Finding Blood Spots, but Scott's Testimony Is Not Entirely Satisfactory to Either State or Defense—Monteen Stover on the Stand. Will Conley Testify in Rebuttal Only? New and sensational testimony

Wednesday, 30th July 1913 Uncle of Frank, Near Death in Far-Off Hospital, Is Ignorant Of Charges, Against His Nephew

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Atlanta JournalJuly 30th, 1913 Moses Frank Has Been Given No Inkling of Circumstances That Now Are About Frank Family—He Is Seriously Ill in German Hospital Lying at the point of death in a hospital in far-off Germany is the uncle of Leo M. Frank, unknowing that for the last three months his favorite nephew has been imprisoned on the charge of murder and that today he is on trial for his life. This is what an attorney for the defense says. He declares that uncle how regarded Leo Frank almost as his own son, has been too ill for many

Wednesday, 30th July 1913 Claims Mincey, When Needed, Will Testify

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Atlanta JournalJuly 30th, 1913 Attorney for Defense Says the State Won't Hurt His Character "Mincey will be Johnny-on-the-spot when the defense needs him to testify." Those were the words of Joseph Leavitt, one of the lawyers for the defense in speaking Tuesday afternoon on the affidavit sworn to some time ago by W. H. Mincey, by which the defense hopes to prove that Jim Conley confessed to Mincey that he killed a girl on the day Mary Phagan was murdered. Attorney Leavitt would not say where Mincey was staying, but declared that he was in town; that he had been

Tuesday, 3rd June 1913 Attorney Retained for Negro Servant at Franks Home

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  Atlanta Journal Tuesday, June 3rd, 1913 George Gordon Represents Minola McKnight as Attorney and May Seek Habeas Corpus During Afternoon NEGRESS DECLARES HER HUSBAND HAS LIED She Swears Leo M. Frank Was at Home at Time He Testified Before the Coroner's Inquest It became known Tuesday morning that Attorney George Gordon had been retained to represent Minola McKnight, the negro cook employed by Mr. and Mrs. Emil Selig, parents-in-law of Leo M. Frank, held for the murder of Mary Phagan. Who employed the lawyer could not be learned, but the fact remains that Mr. Gordon is representing the negress,

Monday, 2nd June 1913 Negro Girl is Arrested in Phagan Murder Case

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Minola McKnight Atlanta Journal Monday, June 2nd, 1913 "I Am Going to Hang and I Don't Know a Thing About It," Shouts Viola McKnight When Questioned by Solicitor Viola McKnight, who lives in the rear of 351 Pulliam street, a negro girl, is said to have entered the Phagan mystery in a sensational matter. The woman was brought to Solicitor Dorsey's office Monday afternoon by Detectives Starnes and Campbell, who are working exclusively on the Phagan mystery, and was examined by the solicitor. The girl was then carried to police headquarters, where she was docketed and the charge of suspicion

Monday, 2nd June 1913 Grand Jury Ready to Investigate Charges

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  Atlanta Journal Monday, June 2nd, 1913 Foreman Beck States Position, Probe Awaits Request From Chief Beavers The Fulton county grand jury will investigate the Felder-Beavers controversy if any of the interested parties ask an investigation, according to Foreman L. H. Beck. Mr. Beck has not yet been approached on the matter by Chief J. L. Beavers, who has declared that he will ask a grand jury investigation of the charges made against him and his department by Colonel Thomas B. Felder, and unless the police officials make a formal request for an investigation there is little likelihood of the

Wednesday, 30th July 1913 Trial is No Ordeal for Me, Says Frank’s Mother

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Atlanta JournalJuly 30th, 1913 She Declares Her Confidence in Son's Innocence Makes It Easy for Her "My son never looked stronger than at this moment," said Mrs. Ray Frank, of Brooklyn, Wednesday morning. "The trial isn't telling upon him because he isn't worrying. He is confident because of his innocence and because of his certainty of an acquittal. "Neither his wife nor myself is anxious. Of course, we feel the heat and it is tiring to sit here in the court room throughout the day. But, like my son, we are not afraid. Why should we be? We know that

Wednesday, 30th July 1913 No Shirt-Sleeves for Lawyers in Frank Case

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Atlanta JournalJuly 30th, 1913 For the sake of expediting the Frank trial, attorneys in the case are not permitted the comfort of "shirt sleeves" in the court room which, maintained at temperature Tuesday of 95 degrees. Newspaper reporters and spectators may hang their coats on their arms, roll up their sleeves, and at least feel that they have prepared themselves against the heat. But before the trial began, Judge Roan, in discussing the legal attire, said humorously: "Lawyers must wear coats. If I let them go in shirt sleeves they'd feel so comfortable this trial might never end. Now, for

Wednesday, 30th July 1913 Gantt Still Wears Two Little Devils That Caused Arrest

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Atlanta JournalJuly 30th, 1913 J. M. Gantt, one time suspect in the Phagan case, and now a witness, Wednesday sat on a bench in the room above the one where Leo Frank was on trial for his life and said unpleasant things about his shoes. "There they are," he declared in a peevish tone. "The two little devils that got me into this case and have cost me a hundred dollars in attorney's fees and more worry and care than anything I ever had before." The objects of his wrath were simply two unoffending black boots with a stout pair

Monday, 2nd June 1913 Franks Defense is Outlined

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Atlanta Journal Monday, June 2nd, 1913 Mary Phagan Met Death on First Floor, Is Claim Defense Will Endeavor to Show That Conley Struck Her in Head and Threw Her Down Elevator Shaft ELEVATOR WAS NOT MOVED APRIL 26, IT IS CONTENDED Blood Spots on Second Floor Explained by Fact That Employes Frequently Cut Fingers—Theory in Detail From apparently reliable authority it was learned Monday that the theory to be advanced in defense of Leo M. Frank, the pencil factory superintendent, who has been indicted for the murder of Mary Phagan, will be that James Conley, the negro sweeper, and he

Sunday, 1st June 1913 Lanford Tells Why Conley Was Placed in Police Station

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Atlanta Journal Sunday, June 1st, 1913 Chief of Detectives Gives Out Statement Relative to Transfer of Prisoner From the Tower to Headquarters FURTHER QUESTIONING IS PLANNED BY DETECTIVES No Arrangement Yet Made for Negro to Confront Frank—Report of Finding Girl's Purse Proves Without Foundation The prosecuting officials connected with the Phagan case all denied Saturday evening that the state's theory of the murder has been changed by anything that the negro sweeper Conley has said, but the fact that the negro was transferred t police headquarters, where he can be freely examined by the detectives, seems to show that the

Sunday, 1st June 1913 Grand Jury Meeting Remains a Mystery

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  Atlanta Journal Sunday, June 1st, 1913 Foreman Will Not Say Whether Beavers-Felder Controversy Will Be Considered There is still much speculation over the probable action of the Fulton county grand jury on the Felder-Beavers -Lanford controversy, and it is not yet known whether or not the grand jury will make an investigation. Foreman L. H. Beck, who called a meeting for next Tuesday morning, has refused to commit himself on the matter, although repeatedly asked whether or not the Felder-Beavers controversy would be investigated. The present grand jury has little more than a month to serve, and none of

Wednesday, 30th July 1913 Trial Thus Far Has Only Established Murder of the Girl

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Atlanta JournalJuly 30th, 1913 Tuesday Afternoon's Session Hears of Beginning of Police Investigation Into Mystery of Mary Phagan's Murder Following in the sequence which it began with the introduction of the first witness, the prosecution of the murder charge against Leo M. Frank progressed Tuesday afternoon to the point at which the city detectives began their investigation of te murder mystery. Beginning with Mrs. J. W. Coleman, mother of Mary Phagan, who saw her leave home about noon of April 26, the state established in succession her arrival at the corner of Marietta and Forsyth streets, and departure thence for

Wednesday, 30th July 1913 Frank Jurors Idle Away Long Hours With Song

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Atlanta JournalJuly 30th, 1913 They Sing Ballads and Tell Irish Tales During the "Recess" Hours Jurors in the Frank trial have organized a singing club. Their purpose is not to give diversity to the trial with a note of song, but to while away the time between sessions of court. When Judge L. S. Roan gives word that the trial has proceded far enough for the day, jurors are taken for a brief, brisk walk, and then to their residence for the nonce, which consists in three rooms thrown together at the Kimball house. There the twelve take up their

Wednesday, 30th July 1913 All Newt Wants Now is Freedom and a Hat

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Atlanta Journal July 30th, 1913 Now that Newt Lee has more ‘bacca, as he says, "than Mr. Rosser axed him questions," he needs but a hat to complete his physical comfort, but freedom to set his mind at rest. Newt's only hat is a fur cap, which Newt thinks might have made a "ver' putty Christmas gift when 'twas new, but don't do much fer July." "You see, boss," he explains, "a straw hat jes' naturally looks cool, makes yer feel like you had money in your pocket. But there ain't no use fer a cap and it furry in

Sunday, 1st June 1913 Conleys Statement Analyzed From Two Different Angles

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At the top is a photograph of the note written by James Conley, the negro sweeper, at the factory Friday afternoon after he had pantomimed his part in the murder of Mary Phagan. He wrote from memory and without prompting. At the bottom is a portion of one of the notes found by the dead girl's body and which Conley admits he wrote. Atlanta Journal Sunday, June 1st, 1913 The Weak Points in the Negro's Story Are Shown in One Analysis and the Points That Would Seem to Add to Its Reasonableness Are Weighed in the Other. Below are given

Saturday, 31st May 1913 Grand Jury Called to Meet Tuesday in Special Session

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Atlanta Journal Saturday, May 31st, 1913 Meeting Called by Foreman Lewis H. Beck, but He Declined to Say What the Jury Will Investigate WILL FELDER'S CHARGES BE SIFTED BY JURY? Chief Beavers Silent—Colonel Felder Not Informed About Meeting, but Says It's Matter of Indifference to Him A special session of the Fulton county grand jury has been called for next Tuesday morning at 10 o'clcok, the purpose of which is unannounced and unknown. The call was issued by the foreman, Lewis H. Beck, who declines to state what matters will be considered by the grand jury. The impression is general

Friday, 30th May 1913 Conleys Confession is Given in Full

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Jim Conley Atlanta Journal Friday, May 30th, 1913 "On Saturday, April 26, 1913, when I came back to the pencil factory with Mr. Frank I waited for him downstairs like he told me, and when he whistled for me I went upstairs and he asked me if I wanted to make some money right quick, and I told him, yes, sir, and he told me that he had picked up a girl back there and had let her fall and that her head hit against something—he didn't know what it was—and for me to move her and I hollered and

Wednesday, 30th July 1913 Defense to Claim Strands of Hair Found Were Not Mary Phagan’s

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Atlanta JournalJuly 30th, 1913 GRACE HIX TESTIFIES THAT GIRLS FREQUENTLY COMBED THEIR HAIR OVER MACHINES Miss Hix Also Testifies That Magnolia Kennedy, Who Worked Near Mary Phagan, Had Hair of the Same Color and Shade—Important Admissions Lay Foundation for Defense's Claim That Murder Was Not Committed in Metal Room STATE ENDEAVORS TO SHOW THAT FRANK VERY NERVOUS AND DID NOT LOOK ON FACE OF MURDERED GIRL Attorney Rosser Directs His Questions to Combat Claim of Nervousness—Witness Declares She Never Saw Any Red Paint in the Metal Room—State Claims New Evidence Will Soon Be Given—Trial Will Run Into Second Week Four

Tuesday, 29th July 1913 Rabbi Marx Asserts His Belief in Frank

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Atlanta JournalJuly 29th, 1913 Can't Build Case on Pack of Lies Any More Than House on Cards, Rabbi Says In the room directly above the one where Leo M. Frank was on trial for the murder of Mary Phagan Monday afternoon were gathered a score of friends of the accused who eagerly discussed his chances for and against acquittal. Prominent among them was Dr. David I. Marx, rabbi of the Jewish synagogue to which Frank belonged. With other friends of the prisoner he declared emphatically his belief in Frank's innocence. "There is no man in Atlanta," said Dr. Marx, "more

Tuesday, 29th July 1913 Spectators at Frank Trial Make an Absorbing Study

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Atlanta JournalJuly 29th, 1913 They Come From Every Station in Life—From the Ragged Newsboy to the Business Man With the Diamond Scarf Pin and the Georgia Lawmaker The personnel of the spectators at the average murder trial is one of the most interesting phases of it, and the trial of Leo Frank for the murder of Mary Phagan is no exception to the general rule. One glance about the court room as the case proceeded Monday afternoon showed an ever-changing kaleidoscope of ever changing faces, holding a single characteristic common to all, a look of intense interest that kept every

Thursday, Evening Edition, the 15th Day of May 1913, No Phagan Trial Before Last of June Declares Solicitor, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Thursday, May 15th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 1) If Indictments Are Returned by Grand Jury When Bills Are Presented There Will Be No Immediate Trial WM. J. BURNS COMING, SAYS THOS. B. FELDER He Calls Upon the Public to Subscribe a Fund to Pay the Expense of Bringing Great Detective to Atlanta Should the Fulton county grand jury, when it meets next Thursday or Friday, return a true bill against either one or both of the men held by the coroner's jury in the Mary Phagan murder investigation, the state will not attempt to bring them to

Wednesday Evening, the 14th Day of May 1913, New Theory Fails to Change Course of Murder Probe, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Wednesday, May 14th, 1913 (Page one, Column one) "A Local Celebrity" Is Working Out the New Theory and He Had Not Reported to the Solicitor on Wednesday GIRL'S HANDWRITING GIVES IMPORTANT CLUE Grand Jury to Take Up Case May 22 or 23, Says Solicitor, Criminal Court Postpones Session at Dorsey's Request At 2:10 o'clock, Wednesday afternoon Solicitor Dorsey announced that the grand jury would take up the Phagan case on Thursday, the 22nd, or Friday, the 23rd, unless something intervened to make it inadvisable. At that time bills will be presented against Leo M. Frank and the

Tuesday, 13th May 1913 Solicitor Dorsey is Working New Theory in Phagan Mystery, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal Tuesday, May 13th, 1913 (Page 1, Column 7) He Will Not Disclose Its Nature, but He, Lanford and Beavers Declare No Arrests Are Contemplated SOLICTOR WOULD WELCOME HELP OF BURNS But Says He Knows Nothing of Effort to Bring Him Here, Miss Ross, a New Witness, Talks With Dorsey A new theory about the mysterious murder of Mary Phagan has been presented to Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey in such a convincing manner by an unknown criminologist that the chief prosecuting officer of Fulton county has turned the Phagan investigation towards working out the new idea. While

Friday, 30th May 1913 Conley, Taken to Factory, Shows Where Girl Was Found—How They Put Body in Basement

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Atlanta Journal Friday, May 30th, 1913 Gruesome Part Played By Him Illustrated In Presence of Detectives, Factory Officials and Newspaper Men, the Negro Goes Over Every Point of His Statement From the Time Frank is Alleged to Have Directed Him to the Metal Room Until Girl's Body Was Left in the Basement "MR. FRANK AND HIS FRIENDS HAVE FORSAKEN ME AND I DECIDED TO TELL THE WHOLE TRUTH," HE DECLARES He Says His Statement Is Voluntary, That He Has Not Been Browbeaten Nor Mistreated by the Detectives—Full Story of His Confession to Being an Accessory After the Fact and His

Thursday, 29th May 1913 Former Pencil Worker Outlines His Theory

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Atlanta Journal Thursday, May 29th, 1913 Gustave Haas, of 165 Pulliam street, who at one time worked at the National Pencil factory, and is familiar with the arrangement of the building, has furnished The Journal with his theory of the Phagan murder. He believes the motive was robbery, and it was done by a negro who laid in wait for some of employees to get their pay. Little Mary Phagan happened to be his victim, and according to Haas, he threw the body down the elevator shaft after a scuffle. Then he strangled the almost lifeless body to death. He

Thursday, 29th May 1913 Detectives Seek Corroboration of Conleys Story

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Atlanta Journal Thursday, May 29th, 1913 They Declare That They Are Anxious to Get at the Truth of the Murder Case, Regardless of Who Is Guilty Little if any credence is placed by the city detectives in the theory of the officials and employes of the National Pencil factory that Mary Phagan was killed by James Conley, the newro sweeper, and that his motive was robbery. The detectives have accepted as true Conley's second affidavit, in which he swears that he wrote the notes found by Mary Phagan's body, and that he did so about 1 o'clock on the day

Tuesday, 29th July 1913 Everybody’s a Reporter, Now, Else an Old Time Friend, Says Guardian of Court House Door

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Atlanta JournalJuly 29th, 1913 "They Been 15 Reporters Here in the Last Five Minutes," He Says, "and What's Not Reporters Is Boyhood Friends I Don't Remember" "You are?" said the man who guards the foot of the steps. "Well, son, they been fifteen reporters here in the last five minutes. They represented everything from "Nova Scotia Times" to the "Saskatchewan Gazette." Who do you report for?" And it took a letter of identification from the whole press table to gain admittance to the Frank trial for an unoffending and rather retiring reporter who merely wished to glance over the court

Tuesday, 29th July 1913 Frank Trial Will Last One Week And Probably Two, Attorneys Say

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Atlanta JournalJuly 29th, 1913 Indications Are That Trial Will Be Longest Over Which Judge Roan Has Presided, To Hold Two Sessions Daily Attorneys both for the defense and for the prosecution of Leo M. Frank believe that his trial will last at least one week, perhaps, two weeks. If the trial continues through more than one week it will be the longest over which Judge L. S. Roan has ever presided. But, while he will expedite the trial as fast as possible, he intenrs to give attorneys all the time needed for the introduction of testimony and for argument. He

Tuesday, 29th July 1913 Mother’s Sorrow and Newsie’s Wit Play on Emotions at Frank Trial

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Atlanta JournalJuly 29th, 1913 Each of First Three Witnesses In Case Shows Distinct Personality and Entirely Different Side of Human Nature, Some Character Studies Three of the witnesses who testified Monday afternoon at the Frank trial were more distinct as personalities than the characters you could see portrayed in any theater, except that very tragic one of a criminal court room. Much testimony and such individuality as that of these witnesses, has kept the court room crowded by at least 200 people during every minute of the Frank trial—crowded with well dressed men who lean forward in their seats, intent

Thursday, 29th May 1913 Chief Asks Hutcheson for Protected List

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Atlanta Journal Thursday, May 29th, 1913 Lawyer Not Ready Yet, Is Answer—Beavers Says He Is Disappointed Chief of Police James L. Beavers called Attorney Carl Hutcheson over the telephone Thursday morning and asked if the list of "protected disorderly houses," which Mr. Hutcheson promised in a card several days ago was ready. Mr. Hutcheson is said to have replied that the list is not yet ready and that he will telephone the police official when it is completed. Chief Beavers in the telephone conversation is said to have reminded Mr. Hutcheson that Thursday is the third day since the publication

Thursday, 29th May 1913 A. S. Colyar Released From Bond on Thursday

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Atlanta Journal Thursday, May 29th, 1913 Tennessee Authorities Failed to Forward Requisition Papers on Date Agreed A. S. Colyar, the Tennessean, who figured conspicuously in the recent dictograph sensation involving bribery charges and countercharges of graft between Colonel Thomas B. Felder, Mayor Woodward and others, on the one hand and Chief of Police Beavers and Chief of Detectives aLnford , on the other was released from his bond Thursday at 2 p. m. by Chief Beavers. Colyar's name jumped into the news when the dictograph matter became public and the following day there came a wire from the Knoxville police

Wednesday, 28th May 1913 Conley Tells in Detail of Writing Notes on Saturday at Dictation of Mr. Frank

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Atlanta Journal Wednesday, May 28th, 1913 Negro Declares He Met Mr. Frank on the Street and Accompanied Him Back to the Factory, Where He Was Told to Wait and Watch—He Was Concealed in Wardrobe In Office When Voices Were Heard on Outside, It Is Claimed NEGRO LOOKED UPON AS A TOOL NOT PRINCIPAL DECLARE DETECTIVES WHO HAVE QUESTIONED HIM Chief Beavers Confer With Judge Roan In Reference to Taking Conley to Tower to Confront Frank but Is Told That It Is a Question for Sheriff to Decide—No Effort In This Direction Likely Until Mr. Rosser Returns to City "Write ‘night-watchman,'"

Tuesday, 29th July 1913 Frank’s Undisturbed Face Wonder of the Court Room

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Atlanta JournalJuly 29th, 1913 His Brow Does Not Wrinkle, His Eyes Do Not Quail or Even Flicker—He Is Cool and Quiet Leo M. Frank's expression of quiet confidence has surprised every visitor to the court room where he is being tried for murder. He sits for the most part with his hands crossed, and listens coolly to the testimony or to the argument of attorneys. Not since the trial began has he seemed the least perturbed. His manner has been quiet and contained, like that of one who is sure of himself and sure of his cause. Yet he has

Tuesday, 29th July 1913 Lawyers Hammer Lee for Two Hours at Monday Afternoon Session

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Atlanta JournalJuly 29th, 1913 Negro Nightwatchman Who Found Mary Phagan's Body in National Pencil Factory on Stand—Girl's Mother and Newsboy Examined Newt Lee, the negro nightwatchman who found Mary Phagan's body in the pencil factory basement, was hammered by the defense for over two hours, on the witness stand Monday afternoon. Mrs. J. W. Coleman, mother of the murdered child, and George W. Epps, a playmate who came to town with her on the fatal day, testified in that order. Mrs. Coleman being the first witness called to the stand when the trial started. Newt Lee was the third witness.

Tuesday, 29th July 1913 Mincey in Atlanta, But Has Not Been to Trial

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Atlanta JournalJuly 29th, 1913 Agent Who Said That Conley Told Him of Killing "a Girl" May Testify W. H. Mincey, who has made affidavit that James Conley, the negro sweeper, practically confessed to him as being the murderer of Mary Phagan, is in Atlanta but has not yet gone to the courthouse where Frank is being tried. At the time of the murder, Mincey was employed here as an insurance solicitor. On the day of the murder, he says that he met Conley at the corner of Carter and Electric streets. The negro, according to the affidavit, was drinking, and

Wednesday, 28th May 1913 Carl Hutcheson Again Attacks Chief Beavers

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Atlanta Journal Wednesday, May 28th, 1913 Calls Rim "a Contemptible Liar" and a "Pig Head." Chief Asks for That List Attorney Carl Hutcheson renewed his attack on Police Chief Beavers Wednesday when he gave out an open letter referring to the chief as a "malicious and contemptible liar," a "pig head," and asserting that he didn't have "enough brains in his head to rattle in a gourd after the water was turned off." Mr. Hutcheson objects to the chief's reference to him as "small fry" and "only a cog in the gang machine." The first open letter written by Mr.

Tuesday, 27th May 1913 Felder Barely Missed Being Trapped by His Own Dictograph

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Atlanta Journal Tuesday, May 27th, 1913 Last week, when the detectives were laying their plans to trap Colonel Thomas B. Felder with a dictograph, they came very near trapping the colonel with his own instrument. The amusing incident, which has just come to light, revolves about Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey. Before a dictograph was installed in the Williams house room the city detectives told the solicitor that the attorney was negotiating for the purchase for $1,000 of certain papers in the Phagan case. The solicitor said nothing about the confidences of the detectives, and a short time later Colonel

Tuesday, 27th May 1913 Col. Felder Ridicules Idea of Grand Jury Investigation of City Detectives Charges

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Atlanta Journal Tuesday, May 27th, 1913 Declares Chief Beavers Is Only Bluffing, and That if All the Allegations Made by the Police Were True, It Wouldn't Be a Case for the Grand Jury, as He Has Violated No Law in Seeking Evidence of Corruption In Police Department CHIEF BEAVERS CONFERS WITH SOLICITOR DORSEY IN REFERENCES TO LAYING WHOLE MATTER BEFORE JURY He Expects the Solicitor's Co-operation — James Conley Is Identified by Mrs. Arthur White as the Negro She Saw Lurking Near the Elevator of the Pencil Factory on Day of the Tragedy—"This Is H— of a Family Row and

Tuesday, 29th July 1913 Factory Girls Eager to Testify for Frank

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Atlanta JournalJuly 29th, 1913 Thirty Girls and Men Are Waiting to Appear as Character Witnesses. Thirty girls and men who are employes of the National Pencil factory are waiting to testify to the good character of Leo M. Frank. "Ever girl employed at the factory believes that Mr. Frank is innocent," said Miss Rebekah Carson Monday afternoon. "He was as kind as an employer could be. There never was a time when he wasn't considerate of every one employed at the factory. But at the same time he was a man with two ideas. And they were his wife and