Leo Frank TV

Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 15

The detectives learned about the middle of May that Conley could write, although at first he denied it. He made...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 43

Judge Roan, with that awful sense of responsibility, which probably came over him as he thought of that Judge before...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 42

at the time he was an escapee from the Fannin County jail under indictment for felony."I refused to interfere unless...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 41

In the case of Hunter, a white man charged with assassinating two white women in the City of Savannah, who...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 40

Surely, if Judge Roan entertained the extreme doubt indicated by his statement and had remembered the power granted him by...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 39

In this connection, Judge Roan declared orally from the bench that he was not certain of the defendant's guilt that...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 38

It may be possible that his version is correct. The testimony discloses that he was in the habit of allowing...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 37

found by her side, it was urged before me by counsel for the defense that ladies usually carried their handkerchiefs...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 36

hardly seems possible under the evidence that Mary Phagan was at that time being murdered.Lemmie Quinn testifies that he reached...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 35

The evidence loses its pertinency if Mary Phagan had not arrived at the time Monteen Stover came. What is the...
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Wednesday, 25th February 1914: Latham Leaves To Seek Uncle Of Mary Phagan, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 25th February 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 7.It Is Said That the Defense Hopes to Prove Discrepancy in the Time Element Theory of State.NINA FORMBY IS NOW IN NEW YORK CITYShe Has Secured Services of Judge R. R. Jackson and Will Meet Him in Chatta Nooga to Confer About the Case.That a new and startling phase of the puzzling time element in the Mary Phagan mystery one contradictory to the state's theory will be injected into the effort to gain Frank a new trial, was made evident last night when it became known that Harry Latham, an ex-court attache,

Saturday, 21st February 1914: Jim Conley Case To Come To Trial Week From Today, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 21st February 1914,PAGE 5, COLUMN 2.Jim Conley, principal witness in the Leo Frank trial and now held in jail as accessory after the fact in the killing of Mary Phagan, come to trial a week from today before Judge Ben Hill, of the criminal division of the superior court.Jim has materially changed since he appeared before the jury which convicted Frank.The negro is so dirty and unkempt, according to his attorney, William Smith, that he is at present scarcely recognizable.Since his last appearance before the public, Jim has been kept all but incommunicado in the Tower.He has

Monday, 23rd February 1914: Mrs. Nina Formby Makes Affidavit To Assist Frank, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 23rd February 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Understood That Defense Has Paper Signed by Her in Which She Repudiates Affidavit Given Police.CHARACTER WITNESSES MAY CHANGE TESTIMONY Reported Defense May Make Attack Upon Detective Rosser, Who Secured Evidence Against Frank.Another interesting development in the Frank case came to light Sunday when it became known that attorneys for the defense have obtained, from Mrs. Nina Formby an affidavit reported to accuse detectives and the police of inveigling her into a "frame-up" against Frank shortly before his trial.A member of the counsel for the defense stated that the affidavit was in existence,

Sunday, 22nd February 1914: State Witness Repudiates Testimony Against Frank, Promised Money, He Says, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 22nd February 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 6.Albert Mc Knight,Who Testified That Prisoner Came Home,Then Left Suddenly, and Who Told of Wife's Alleged Statement, Has Made Denial of Old Affidavit.EXTRAORDINARY MOTION FOR A NEW TRIAL TO BE NEXT STEP OF DEFENSEMc Knight's Wife, Who at First Stated That Frank Was Very Nervous on Murder Night and Said He Had Had Trouble With Girl at Factory, Afterwards Denied Her Statement.The most startling of new developments in the Frank case, which have come in flurries since the decision of the supreme court last Tuesday, is the announcement that Albert Mc Knight,

Friday, 20th February 1914: Frank’s Attorneys Could Not Complete Document Yesterday Speculation As To What Burns Will Do., The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 20th February 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.It is expected that that the attorneys for Leo M. Frank's defense will probably file today their motion for a rehearing of the case.Although closeted all day Thursday.Attorneys Reuben Arnold and Luther Z. Rosser were unable to complete the motion in time for fling.It is expected the document will be a lengthy one, containing in the neighbourhood of fifty grounds for rehearing.They remained silent Thursday, refusing to discuss their new action from any angle.The motion will be opposed by Attorney General Thomas Felder, prosecutor, on the contention that the defense had ample

Thursday, 19th February 1914: Counsel For Frank To Ask A Rehearing By Supreme Court, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 19th February 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 7.First Step in New Battle to Save Life of Prisoner Convicted of Phagan Murder, Will Be Taken Today.BURNS TO INVESTIGATE MARY PHAGAN MURDER"Its Mysterious Features Appeal to Me, and I want To Learn the Truth," He Says.Leo Frank knows nothing of the decision of Detective William J. Burns to investigate the Phagan murder.That is, he knows nothing except what he has learned from the newspapers.This he told friends who visited him late Wednesday afternoon."I hope Burns will, investigate it," he is quoted as saying, "and find the truth I am awaiting."It is

Saturday, 14th February 1914: No Decision As Yet In The Frank Case, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 14th February 1914,PAGE 9, COLUMN 4.Judge Evins Has Been Assigned to Case Many Wild Rumors Afloat.Four days have passed and the supreme court has not handed down a single decision.This is altogether unusual and those who are familiar with the workings of the high court are convinced that the consideration of the Frank case is is responsible for this state of affairs.For two days all sorts of rumors have been afloat in regard to the probable action of the supreme court on this famous case, and throughout the capitol there has been the greatest interest.Thursday and Friday

Wednesday, 18th February 1914: Leo M. Frank Has Not Lost All Hope, Counsel Will Make Vigorous Fight To Save The Life Of Their Client, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 18th February 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 5.Loses in SupremeCourtLEO FRANKFrank's Attorneys Preparing for New Battle May Appeal to Federal Courts, or Make Extraordinary Motion.CONVICTEDMAN STOICALWHEN HE HEARS NEWS;MAKES NO STATEMENTTrialJudge's Remarks NoGround for New Trial,Holds High Court Per-version Evidence by Con-ley Admissible.Leo M. Frank denied by the Supreme court a new trial for themurder of Mary Phagan, now faces one of three final recourses:First, motion for a re-hearing before the court which handeddown yesterday's decision;Second, an extraordinary motion for new trial before thesuperior court, in which he was originally arraigned, on a basis of newly foundevidence:Third, an appeal

Saturday, 7th February 1914: Decision Is Expected In Frank Case Today, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 7th February 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.No Announcement Made by Court, But That Is the General Belief.It is regarded as not improbable that the decision of the supreme court in the Leo M. Frank case will be handed down today.When the clerk of the supreme court arrived at his office in the capitol building Thursday morning early he found a battalion of newspaper reporters assembled awaiting the handing down of the court's decision in the case.All day long the newspaper men stayed on the job, but no decision was forthcoming.It could be ascertained definitely given that the supreme

Friday, 13th February 1914: Decision Is Expected In Frank Case Today, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 13th February 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.No Announcement Made by Court, But That Is the General Belief.It is regarded as not improbable that the decision of the supreme court in the Leo M. Frank case will be handed down today.When the clerk of the supreme court arrived at his office in the capitol building Thursday morning early he found a battalion of newspaper reporters assembled awaiting the handing down of the court's decision in the case.All day long the newspaper men stayed on the job, but no decision was forthcoming.It could be ascertained definitely given that the supreme

Thursday, 15th January 1914: Dorsey Will Not Reply To Latest Frank Brief, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 15th January 1914,PAGE 4, COLUMN 1.That Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey will not make reply to the latest supplemental brief field by attorneys for Leo M. Frank before the supreme court was stated on apparently good authority Wednesday.Mr. Dorsey, himself, declined to discuss the matter, but it is believed that he holds that the points made in the additional brief were thoroughly covered by his other briefs.The action of the supreme court is expected to be made known either on February 15 or March 15.The members of the court are now considering the case which was carried

Thursday, 8th January 1914: Frank Attorneys File Supplemental Brief, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 8th January 1914,PAGE 11, COLUMN 1.Insist That Roan Evaded Responsibility in Denying Defendant a New Trial.Attorneys for Leo M. Frank filed yesterday with the supreme court a supplementary brief on behalf of the defendant consisting of sixty-three closely typewritten pages.Writers of the supplementary brief state at the outset that their sole purpose in filling it is to correct alleged errors in the argument made by Solicitor Hugh Dorsey in his brief.Every circumstances urged by the prosecution as tending to prove Frank's guilt is taken up in turn and the effort made to show that it is either

Thursday, 1st January 1914: Gunman And Thug Busy In Atlanta During Year 1913, The Atlanta Constitution

The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 1st January 1914,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.The Meager Police Records ShowForty-Seven Homicides, and Arrests Made in Twenty-Nine Cases.MARY PHAGAN KILLED;APPLEBAUM SHOT DOWNThese Two Were the Most Noted Tragedies of Year.List of Slain Smaller Than In 1912, When It Was 56 Crimson splotches darkened many pages of Atlanta's history during 1913, for the city's homicide rate continues higher than that of other southern centers.Meager police records show that the gunmen and thug, brother slayers, have stalked abroad with effect as great as in many previous years.There were forty-seven homicides in 1913, two of them among the most noted crimes

Luther Zeigler Rosser Closing Arguments at Leo Frank Trial

Mr. Rosser: Gentlemen of the jury. All things come to an end. With the end of this case has almost come the end of the speakers, and but for the masterly effort of my brother, Arnold, I almost wish it had ended with no speaking. My condition is such that I can say but little ; my voice is husky and my throat almost gone. But for my interest in this case and my profound conviction of the innocence of this man, I would not undertake to speak at all. I want to repeat what my friend, Arnold, said so

Leo Frank’s defense attorneys gather depositions from National Pencil Company employees on June 30, 1913, Atlanta, Georgia

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BY ATTORNEYS L.Z. ROSSER, R.R. ARNOLD, AND H.J. HAAS AT THE PLANT OF THE NATIONAL PENCIL COMPANY, BEGINNING 2:00 P.M., JUNE 30TH, 1913. EXAMINATION OF W.R. FULLERTON. Questions by L.Z. Rosser Esq:- Q. Mr. Fullerton, you were employed as book-keeper on Friday before the murder on Saturday? A. Yes sir. Q. Were you here that day? A. I didn't go to work here Saturday morning. Q. Did you come up to the office here? A. On Friday I did, yes sir. Q. What time did you come here? A. 11:00 o'clock. Q. Who employed you? A. Mr. Frank. Q. In

Frank Arthur Hooper Closing Arguments at Trial of Leo Frank

Mr. Frank Arthur Hooper: Gentlemen of the Jury, the object of this trial, as well as all other trials, is the ascertainment of truth and the attainment of justice. In the beginning, I want to have it understood that we are not seeking a verdict of guilty against the defendant unless he is guilty. The burden of guilt is upon our shoulders- we confront the undertaking-of putting it upon his. We recognize that it must be done beyond a reasonable doubt, and that it must be done purely by the evidence which we have produced before you. We have cheerfully

Reuben Rose Arnold Closing Arguments at Leo Frank Trial

Mr. Arnold: Gentlemen of the Jury: We are all to be congratulated that this case is drawing to a close. We have all suffered here from trying a long and complicated case at the heated term of the year. It has been a case that has taken so much effort and so much concentration and so much time, and the quarters here are so poor, that it has been particularly hard on you members of the jury who are practically in custody while the case is going on. I know it's hard on a jury, to be kept confined this


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In reply to the statement of the boy that he saw me talking to Mary Phagan when she backed away from me, that is absolutely false, that never occurred. In reply to the two girls, Robinson and Hewel, that they saw me talking to Mary Phagan and that I called her" Mary," I wish to say that they are mistaken. It is very possible that I have talked to the little girl in going through the factory and examining the work, but I never knew her name, either to call her "Mary Phagan," "Miss Phagan," or "Mary. " In reference


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Gentlemen of the Jury: In the year 1884, on the 17th day of April, I was born in Cuero, Texas. At the age of three months, my parents took me to Brooklyn, New York, and I remained in my home until I came South, to Atlanta, to make my home here. I attended the public schools of Brooklyn, and prepared for college, in Pratt Institute, Brooklyn, New York. In the fall of 1902, I entered Cornell University, where I took the course in mechanical engineering, and graduated after your years, in June, 1906. I then accepted a position as draftsman


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  MRS. M. W. CARSON, MARY PIRK, MRS. DORA SMALL, MISS JULIA FUSS, R. P/ BUTLER, JOE STELKER, all sworn for the defendant, testified that they were employees of the National Pencil Company; that they know Leo M. Frank and that his general character is good. MRS M W CARSON, MARY PIRK, MRS DORA SMALL, MISS JULIA FUSS, R P BUTLER, JOE STELKER, Sworn In For The State, 152nd To Testify  

S L ASHER, Sworn In For The State, 199th To Testify

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  S. L. ASHER, sworn for the Defendant in sur-rebuttal. About two weeks ago I was coming to town between 5 and 10 minutes to 1 on the car and there was a man who was talking very loud about the Frank case, and all of a sudden he said: "They ought to take that damn Jew out and hang him anyway. " I took his number down to report him. CROSS EXAMINATION. I have not had a chance to report since it happened. S L ASHER, Sworn In For The State, 199th To Testify  

MAGNOLIA “MINOLA” MCKNIGHT, Colored, Sworn In For The State, 49th To Testify

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  MINOLA Mc Knight (colored), sworn for the Defendant. I work for Mrs. Selig. I cook for her. Mr. and Mrs. Frank live with Mr. and Mrs. Selig. His wife is Mrs. Selig's daughter. I cooked breakfast for the family on April 26th. Mr. Frank finished breakfast a little after seven o'clock. Mr. Frank came to dinner about 20 minutes after one that day. That was not the dinner hour, but Mrs. Frank and Mrs. Selig were going off on the two o'clock car. They were already eating when Mr. Frank came in. My husband, Albert Mc Knight, wasn't in

10 PEOPLE, Sworn In For The State From Miss Myrtie Cato To Carrie Smith, 156th To Testify

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  MISS MYRTIE CATO, MAGGIE GRIFFIN, MRS. C. D. DONEGAN, MRS. H. R. JOHNSON, MISS MARIE CARST, MISS NELLIE PETTIS, MARY DAVIS, MRS. MARY E. WALLACE, ESTELLE WINKLE, CARRIE SMITH, All sworn for the Defendant, testified that they were formerly employed at the National Pencil Company and worked at the factory for a period varying from three days to three and a half years; and that Leo M. Frank's character for lasciviousness was bad. 10 PEOPLE, Sworn In For The State From Miss Myrtie Cato To Carrie Smith, 156th To Testify  

7 PEOPLE, Sworn In For The State From J R Floyd To Lem Smith, 153rd To Testify

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J. R. FLOYD, R. M. GODDARD, A. L. GODDARD, N. J. BALLARD, HENRY CARR, J. S. RICE, LEM SMITH, all sworn for theState, testified that they knew Daisy Hopkins; that her general characterfor truth and veracity was bad and that they would not believe heron oath. J. R. Floyd testified that he heard Daisy Hopkins talk aboutFrank and said there was a cot in the basement.7 PEOPLE, Sworn In For The State From J R Floyd To Lem Smith, 153rd To Testify

39 PEOPLE, Sworn In For The State From D I Macintyre To Nathan Coplan, 151st To Testify

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20 People, Sworn In For The State From Misses Corintha Hall To A. C. Holloway, 150th To Testify

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  MISSES CORINTHA HALL, ANNIE HOWEL, LILLLIE M. GOODMAN, Velma Hayes, JENNIE MAYFIELD, IDA HOLMES, WILLIE HATCHETT, MARY HATCHETT, MINNIE SMITH, MAJORIE Mc CORD, LENA Mc MURTY, MRS. W. R. JOHNSON, MRS. S. A. WILSON, MRS. GEORGIA DENHAM, MRS. L. O. JONES, MISS ZILLA SPIVEY, CHARLES LEE, N. V. DARLEY, F. ZIGANKI, AND A. C. HOLLOWAY, all sworn for the defendant, testified that they were employees of the National Pencil Company and knew Leo M. Frank, and that his general character was good. 20 PEOPLE, Sworn In For The State From Misses Corintha Ha To A C Holloway, 150th To

8 PEOPLE, Sworn In For The State From Misses Mollie Blair To Mrs Barnes, 149th To Testify

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MISSES MOLLIE BLAIR, ETHEL STEWARD, CORA COWAN, B. D. SMITH, LIZZIE WORD, BESSIE WHITE, GRACE ATHERTON, AND MRS. BARNES all sworn for the defendant testified that they were employees of the National Pencil Company, and work on the fourth floor of the factory; that the general character of Leo M. Frank was good; that they have never gone with him at any time or place for any immoral purpose, and that they never heard of his doing anything wrong.8 PEOPLE, Sworn In For The State From Misses Mollie Blair To Mrs Barnes, 149th To Testify

MISSES ANNIE OSBORNE, REBECCA CARSON, MAUDE WRIGHT, AND MRS ELLA THOMAS, Sworn In For The State, denotated as a cluster of people who testified separately and individually, 148th To Testify

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MISS ANNIE OSBORNE, MISS REBECCA CARSON, MISS MAUDE WRIGHT, AND MRS. ELLA THOMAS,All sworn for the defendant, testified that they were employees of the National Pencil company; that Mr. Frank's general character was good; that Conley's character for truth and veracity was bad and that they would not believe him on oath. MISSES ANNIE OSBORNE, REBECCA CARSON, MAUDE WRIGHT, AND MRS ELLA THOMAS, Sworn In For The State, 148th To Testify  

Introduction to the Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence, July 28th, 1913 to August 21st, 1913, in the Fulton County Superior Court, Atlanta, Georgia, USA

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  Leo Frank Trial Brief of Evidence, 1913 STATE OF GEORGIA VERSUS LEO M. FRANK In Fulton Superior Court, trial began July 28th and ended August 21st, 1913. Judge Leonard Strickland Roan, presiding. Conviction of murder at July term on August 25th, 1913 in Fulton Superior Court, Atlanta, Georgia. BRIEF OF THE EVIDENCE Introduction To Leo Frank Trial Brief  

GEORGE EPPS, Sworn In For The State, 2nd To Testify

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  GEORGE EPPS, Sworn for the State. I am fourteen years old. I live right around the corner from Mary Phagan's home. I have known her about a year. The last time I saw her* was Saturday morning coming to town on the English Avenue car. It was about ten minutes to twelve when I first saw her. I left her about seven minutes after twelve at the corner of Forsyth and Marietta Street. She had on that hat, parasol and things when I left her. She was going to the pencil factory to draw her money. She said she

GORDON BAILEY, Colored, Sworn In For The State, 92nd To Testify

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GORDON BAILEY, (colored) sworn for the Defendant.I work at the factory. I am sometimes called" Snowball. " I neversaw Jim Conley talk to Mr. Frank the Friday before the murder. I havenever, at any time, heard Mr. Frank ask Conley to come back on any Saturday. I have never seen Mr. Frank bring in any women into the factory. I have never seen Jim Conley guarding or watching the door. Ihave seen Jim take newspapers and look at it, but I don't know if he readthem or not. I have seen him have papers at the station house like hewas

TRUMAN MCCRARY, Colored, Sworn In For The State, 80th To Testify

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TRUMAN Mc CRARY, (colored), sworn for the Defendant.I am a drayman on the streets of Atlanta. I work for the NationalPencil Company. I have hauled for them. I have drayed for them mostevery Saturday for the past three years. I would work on Saturdayafternoons until half past three and sometimes as late as five. I would be sometimes there so late the shipping clerk would be gone. I havenever found the front door locked on a Saturday afternoon. I havenever seen Jim Conley watching there Saturday afternoon. I have neverseen him guarding the door. I have never seen him around

MISS C S HAAS, Sworn In For The State, 197th To Testify

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MISS C. S. HAAS, sworn for the Defendant, in sur-rebuttal.I heard Kendley two weeks ago talk about the Frank case so loudthat the entire street car heard it. He said that circumstantial evidencewas the best kind of evidence to convict a man on and if there was anydoubt, the State should be given the benefit of it, and that 90 per cent. ofthe best people in the city, including himself, thought that Frank wasguilty and ought to hang.MISS C S HAAS, Sworn In For The State, 197th To Testify

VERA EPPS, Sworn In For The State, 187th To Testify

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VERA EPPS, sworn for the State in rebuttal.My brother George was in the house when Mr. Minar was asking usabout the last time we saw Mary Phagan. I don't know if he heard thequestions asked. George didn't tell him that he didn't see Mary thatSaturday. I told him I had seen Mary Phagan Thursday.VERA EPPS, Sworn In For The State, 187th To Testify

MISS DEWEY HEWELL, Sworn In For The State, 159th To Testify

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MISS DEWEY HEWELL, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I stay in the Home of the Good Shepherd in Cincinnati. I worked atthe pencil factory four months. I quit in March, 1913. I have seen Mr.Frank talk to Mary Phagan two or three times a day in the metal department. I have seen him hold his hand on her shoulder. He called herMary. He would stand pretty close to her. He would lean over in herface.CROSS EXAMINATION.All the rest of the girls were there when he talked to her. I don'tknow what he was talking to her about.MISS REBECCA CARSON, re-called

MISS RUTH ROBINSON, Sworn In For The State, 158th To Testify

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MISS RUTH ROBINSON, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I have seen Leo M. Frank talking to Mary Phagan. He was talkingto her about her work, not very often. He would just tell her, whileshe was at work, about her work. He would stand just close enough toher to tell her about her work. He would show her how to put rubbers inthe pencils. He would just take up the pencil and show her how to do it.That's all I saw him do. I heard him speak to her; he called her Mary.That was last summer.MISS RUTH ROBINSON, Sworn In For

MISS MAMIE KITCHENS, Sworn In For The State, 157th To Testify

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MISS MAMIE KITCHENS, sworn for the State in rebuttal.I have worked at the National Pencil Company two years. I am onthe fourth floor. I have not been called by the defense. Miss Jones andMiss Howard have also not been called by the defense to testify. I wasin the dressing room with Miss Irene Jackson when she was undressed.Mr. Frank opened the door, stuck his head inside. He did not knock. Hejust stood there and laughed. Miss Jackson said, "Well, we are dressing,blame it," and then he shut the door.CROSS EXAMINATION.Yes, he asked us if we didn't have any work to

MISS EMILY MAYFIELD, Sworn In For The State, 147th To Testify

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MISS EMILY MAYFIELD, Sworn for the defendant.I worked at the pencil factory last year during the summer of 1912. I have never been in the dressing room when Mr. Frank would come in and look at anybody that was undressing.CROSS EXAMINATION.I work at Jacob's Pharmacy. My sister used to work also at the pencil factory. I don't remember any occasion when Mr. Frank came in the dressing room door while Miss Irene Jackson and her sister were there.MISS EMILY MAYFIELD, Sworn In For The State, 147th To Testify

MRS J J WARDLAW, Sworn In For The State, 146th To Testify

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MRS. J. J. WARDLAW, sworn for the Defendant.I worked at the pencil factory four years. I worked on the fourthfloor. Mr. Frank's character is good. I have never met Mr. Frank atany time or place for any immoral purpose.CROSS EXAMINATION.I have never heard of any improper relation of Mr. Frank with anyof the girls at the factory. I have never heard of his putting his armaround any girl on the street car, or going to the woods with them.MRS J J WARDLAW, Sworn In For The State, 146th To Testify

MISS IRENE CARSON, Sworn In For The State, 145th To Testify

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MISS IRENE CARSON, sworn for the Defendant.I worked for fifteen months on the fourth floor of the pencil factory.I have known Mr. Frank during that time. His character is good. I ama sister of Miss Rebecca Carson, and a daughter of Mrs. E. H. Carson. Iwas with my sister on Whitehall Street on April 26th and recollect seeingMr. Frank there. I have never met Mr. Frank at any time or placefor any immoral purpose.MISS IRENE CARSON, Sworn In For The State, 145th To Testify