The detectives learned about the middle of May that Conley could write, although at first he denied it. He made...
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You Are There: Phagan Theory is Unchanged After Three Weeks’ Probe, Atlanta Journal, May 18th, 1913
Phagan Theory is Unchanged After Three Weeks' Probe Atlanta JournalSunday, May 18th, 1913 Most Searching Investigation Ever Conducted in a Criminal Case in Georgia Brings No New Developments STATE WILL STAND BY THEORY AS OUTLINED Fund to Pay Detective Burns is Mounting—Greeks Sent In Subscription Saturday, Grand Jury Acts Soon The hunt for the murderer of Mary Phagan has now been in progress for three weeks. Never before has there been such a thorough, exhaustive and efficient probe made of a crime committed in this state. And now the authorities are back to the theory which the city detective have