S. L. ASHER, sworn for the Defendant in sur-rebuttal.About two weeks ago I was coming to town between 5 and...
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Monday, 12th May 1913 The Phagan Case Day by Day
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Atlanta Constitution Monday, May 12th, 1913 The history of the baffling Phagan mystery, daily recorded, is briefly as follows: Sunday April 26—Girl's body found in basement of pencil factory. Newt Lee, negro night watchman, who made discovery, arrested. Arthur Mullinax, street car employee, also arrested. Both held on suspicion. Monday—Leo M. Frank, factory superintendent, detained, but later released. J. M. Gantt, former bookkeeper of pencil concern and friend of dead girl, arrested in Marietta. Negro elevator boy also taken into custody. Pinkertons enter case. Tuesday—Bloody shirt found at negro watchman's home. Planted evidence theory advanced. Mary Phagan's body buried.