Leo Frank TV

Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 15

The detectives learned about the middle of May that Conley could write, although at first he denied it. He made...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 43

Judge Roan, with that awful sense of responsibility, which probably came over him as he thought of that Judge before...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 42

at the time he was an escapee from the Fannin County jail under indictment for felony."I refused to interfere unless...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 41

In the case of Hunter, a white man charged with assassinating two white women in the City of Savannah, who...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 40

Surely, if Judge Roan entertained the extreme doubt indicated by his statement and had remembered the power granted him by...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 39

In this connection, Judge Roan declared orally from the bench that he was not certain of the defendant's guilt that...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 38

It may be possible that his version is correct. The testimony discloses that he was in the habit of allowing...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 37

found by her side, it was urged before me by counsel for the defense that ladies usually carried their handkerchiefs...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 36

hardly seems possible under the evidence that Mary Phagan was at that time being murdered.Lemmie Quinn testifies that he reached...
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Governor To The General Assembly Of Georgia June 23 1915 State Vs Leo Frank Page 35

The evidence loses its pertinency if Mary Phagan had not arrived at the time Monteen Stover came. What is the...
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Tuesday, 16th December 1913: Seven Managers Of Locker Clubs Arrested In Raid, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 16th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Police ChargeViolations of City LawProhibiting the Sale of Liquor to Non Members of Clubs.RELEASE IS GIVEN ON BONDS OF $300 EACH"No War on Locker Clubs," Says Beavers Managers Enter Vigorous Denial.Will Fight Cases Today.After ten days of investigation, detectives under the direction of Chief Newport Lanford and Chief of Police Beavers on Monday afternoon raided seven of the better-known "locker clubs" in the downtown district, took the superintendents to police barracks and after making cases against them released the men under bonds of $300 each.The clubs were not closed.The charge is the

Monday, 15th December 1913: Frank Case Opens In Supreme Court, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 15th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 6.DefenseExpected to Ask Extension of Time for ArgumentReuben Arnold to Be First Speaker.Attorney Reuben Arnold opens first fire in the fight before the supreme court for a new trial for Leo M. Frank, which begins at 9 o'clock this morning.It is generally predicted that the battle will shatter all previous hearings before the supreme court.A vigorous request will be made, it is intimated, for extension of time for argument, which is prophesied to carry the hearing as long as four days more.Attorney Arnold stated to a Constitution Reporter last night that the

Sunday, 14th December 1913: Atlanta’s Strides From Day To Day, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 14th December 1913,PAGE 38, COLUMN 2.Sales Involving Over $160, 000 in Sight Christmas Spirit Relaxes Trade Now.While the last week was more or less quiet in the real estate market, with the exception of the auction sale of the F. M. Stocks property, at Nelson and Mangum streets, which brought good prices, the realty men are not at all discouraged with the outlook.They predict a rejuvenation of trading and building after the first of the year, and all indications point in that direction.Several large sales are said to be in the contract stage and will probably be

Saturday, 13th December 1913: Dorsey As Severe As Frank Defense, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Saturday, 13th December 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 3.State's Brief Filed Friday, and Case Up for Argument Monday Before Supreme Court.Severe as was the criticism of Judge L. S. Roan, made by the attorneys for Leo M. Frank in their brief filed with the clerk of the supreme court yesterday, it is met by criticism equally as sharp from Solicitor General Hugh Dorsey in his brief, which will be filed today.Mr. Dorsey's brief is not printed and is not near so long as that filed by the defendant's attorneys, which covers 389 printed pages.In speaking of Judge Roan's expression of

Friday, 12th December 1913: Frank’s Lawyers Complete Brief, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 12th December 1913,PAGE 7, COLUMN 6.Judge Roan's Ruling Is Severely Criticized in Appeal to Supreme Court for New TrialJudge L. S. Roan's ruling in the Frank case was severely criticized in the brief which Frank's attorneys will file with the supreme court today.It is charged that Judge Roan refused to grant the defendant a new trial when he himself admitted that he was in doubt as to his guilt.The brief was presented to Solicitor General Hugh M. Dorsey Thursday.The brief of the evidence has also been completed and the attorneys will be in readiness to begin anew

Thursday, 11th December 1913: Red Cross Seal Workers Set Furious Pace On First Day, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 11th December 1913,PAGE 9, COLUMN 4.MRS.HUGH WILLET.General chairman in charge of work of selling Red Cross seals for benefit of campaign against tuberculosis.Mrs. C. H. Booth, of Ponce de Leon apartments, and her enthusiastic corps of workers set a pace yesterday on opening day of the sales of the Red Cross Christmas seals that other chairmen and their assistants will have hard work keeping up with.From reports made last night, which were not complete, the first day's sale will total between $350 and $400.Mrs. Booth was quite confident last night that when she had received reports form

Wednesday, 10th December 1913: Head Of Vice Squad, Indorsed By Chief, Demoted By Board, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Wednesday, 10th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.Chief BeaversWantedJ. W. Barfield Made a Sergeant When Office of Roundsmen Was Abolished.CHAIRMAN MASON LEADS FIGHT AGAINST OFFICERChargesDissension Has Existed in Department as Result of His Administration.He Drops to Patrolman.The police board exploded a bomb last night when Chief Beavers' recommendation of J. W. Barfield, head of the vice squad, for a sergeancy, was turned down by a vote of eight to three.Barfield has been considered one of the chief's most valuable lieutenants in the department's noted vice crusade.He was in charge of the plain clothes "vice squad," having served in that

Tuesday, 9th December 1913: “deaf And Dumb” Man Talks To Detective, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 9th December 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 2.Joe Moore, a youth, was sentenced to ten days in the stockade Monday afternoon by Recorder Broyles for alleged criminal mendicancy.He was arrested on Marietta Street Saturday night by Policeman Covington, who testified that, although Moore had been soliciting alms with a deaf and dumb sign on his breast, he had been caught talking to Detective Rosser.Moore, it was stated, went into a Marietta Street saloon following the alleged conversation with the detective.He extended a pad which contained the writing:"I am deaf and dumb. Please contribute.""Better beat it, bo! That was a

Monday, 8th December 1913: Chief J. L. Beavers Speaks At Toccoa On Civic Reforms, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 8th December 1913,PAGE 3, COLUMN 6.Chief James L. Beavers delivered a striking address on civic reforms in the tabernacle at Toccoa yesterday morning.The event was attended by a large crowd.The theme of the famous policeman's speech was the power of reform, and the results it had obtained in Atlanta.He dwelt extensively on the necessity of reform to a municipality.He referred to that part of his career as police chief, in which he had been branded "A Miss Nancy" by a city hall official."This man who called me Miss Nancy," spoke the chief, "has since learned that my

Sunday, 7th December 1913: Atlanta’s Female Detectives Are Not One Bit Like The Ones You Often Read About In Books, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Sunday, 7th December 1913,PAGE 10, COLUMN 1.Mrs. Hattie Barnett, the state's only licensed female detective.In the first picture, she is shown examining evidence in with her assistant, Miss Emma Wright.The next picture is of Mrs. Barnett in street clothes.The bottom cut is one of Miss Wright's best poses.The sketches show the different attitudes in which a woman detective is likely to be seen any day.By Britt Craig.In yellowback fiction, the heroine of the female detective story usually springs from concealment in a walnut cabinet, throws a brace of pearl-handled automatics in the face of the wrong doer and

Friday, 5th December 1913: Oglethorpe Fund Growing Rapidly, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Friday, 5th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.Minimum of $50, 000Is Set For Luncheon at Noon on SaturdaySize of Committees to Be Increased.SOME OGLETHORPE FACTS.Oglethorpe canvassing committees reported $5,741 more raised Thursday.The total for the four days'Campaign so far is $41,786.50.The average subscription to date, including all of the Atlanta subscribers, is $300.The committees have set $50,000 as the minimum aggregate of the fund to be reported by Saturday.A minimum of $50,000 is the figure set by the canvassing committees for the Oglethorpe university at the Saturday noon luncheon.This minimum does not include any large subscriptions, but just the

Thursday, 4th December 1913: Collins Is Freed Of Murder Of Negro, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Thursday, 4th December 1913,PAGE 9, COLUMN 2.The jury, which, for the past three days, has been hearing the evidence against Clarence Collins, the white man charged with the murder of a negro employee at the Hurt building, returned a verdict of not guilty, late Wednesday, in Judge Ben Hill's division of the superior court.Collins was indicted by the grand jury who swore that he had beaten a negro over the head with an iron crow bar.The jury evidently believed Collins' story on the stand that the negro was struct accidentally.Thursday, 4th December 1913: Collins Is Freed Of Murder

Tuesday, 2nd December 1913: Collins May Make Self-defense Plea, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Tuesday, 2nd December 1913,PAGE 6, COLUMN 5.Clarence Collins, formerly an assistant superintendent on the construction work at the new Healy building, who was placed on trial Monday, before Judge Ben Hill, in the criminal division of the superior court, on a charge of having murdered Calvin Maddox, a negro employee, will probably know his fate by nightfall.The case is expected to reach the jury late today.Only witnesses for the state were heard Monday.It is believed that when Collins takes the stand today to make a statement, he will plead self-defense.Collins is charged with striking the negro with an

Monday, 1st December 1913: Soldiers To Parade For Corn Club Boys, The Atlanta Constitution

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The Atlanta Constitution,Monday, 1st December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.Treat Arranged for Visitors by Seventeenth Infantry Next Wednesday Afternoon.WINECOFF AIDS.Frank Harrell, lessae of the Winecoff hotel, last night notified The Constitution that he would provide rooms at his hotel for twenty of the corn club boys.Mrs. Harrell stated that he was very glad to be able to help the chamber of commerce care for the youths who are doing so much toward the betterment of agricultural conditions in Georgia.There's hardly a boy in the land to whom the sight of soldiers marching and the sound of martial music is not entrancing,

Tuesday, 2nd September 1913: Mystery At Frank’s Pencil Plant Solved, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Tuesday, 2nd September 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1 AND COLUMN 8.GIRL ODDLY MISSING IS HOSPITAL PATIENTMiss Clara Belle Griffin, the National Pencil Factory girl whose strange disappearance from her home at No. 265 North Ashby Street led the police to fear another Phagan mystery, was found by her brother Tuesday noon at Grady Hospital where she explained her failure to return home Monday afternoon.She said that she went to the pencil factory Monday morning, but that she became faint soon after arriving there and went to the hospital, where she had received treatment before.She was ill all day, she

Wednesday, 3rd September 1913: Big Tasks Await Slaton’s Return, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Wednesday, 3rd September 1913,PAGE 2, COLUMN 6.Naming New Atlanta Judge and Fish and Game Commissioner Are Most Important.When Governor John M. Slaton gets back to his desk early Friday morning after a ten-day trip through the West, where he attended the Governors' Conference, he will be confronted by a calendar embracing problems as important as any he has tackled since he succeeded Governor Joe Brown.According to the schedule, the Governor will take up first the matter of naming a superior judge for the new court created for the Atlanta district by the last Legislature.Scores of applications have been

Monday, September 1st, 1913: Scent Phagan Case In Woman’s Cries Building Ransacked, The Atlanta Georgian

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  The Atlanta Georgian, Monday, 1st September 1913, PAGE 1, COLUMN 7. A woman's screams reawakened memories of the Phagan case in the minds of pedestrians on Alabama street shortly after noon Monday and a crowd besieged the cafe run by J. E. Poulas and the adjacent building seeking to solve the mystery. They hunted high and low through the building at No. 21 West Alabama scouring the place from basement to roof. A crowd of three hundred persons assembled interfering with trade and jamming the street. It was finally discovered by some unmasked Sherlock Holmes that the screams came

Monday, 8th September 1913: Medical Student Is Held As Swindler, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Monday, 8th September 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Hugh W. Timothy, 28 years old, the son of a wealthy Chattanooga department store owner and known in Atlanta society circles, was arrested Monday by Harry Scott, of the Pinkertons, on suspicion of having used the mails in a swindling scheme which is said to have already netted young Timonthy more than $1,250 since he started operations in March.Timothy's plan, according to Scott and the postal inspectors, was to advertise that he was in a position to fit applicants for jobs as porters with the Pullman Car Company.They say that the advertisements

Friday, 5th September 1913: Conley To Face Misdemeanor Charge Only, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Friday, 5th September 1913,PAGE 2, COLUMN 5.A misdemeanor charge may be the most serious on which Jim Conley, confessed accessory after the fact in the murder of Mary Phagan, may be tried.This developed Friday when preparations were being made to ask for his indictment by the Fulton County Grand Jury.A delicate point in the interpretation of the law is involved in Conley's case.It had been expected that he would be tried on a felony charge, but several lawyers who have investigated the law on the point say that it is doubtful if this can be made in the

Sunday, 7th September 1913: Dorsey Sure He Can Break Frank Claim Of Jury Bias, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Sunday, 7th September 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 1.Prisoner and His Counsel Are Equally Confident They Will be Able to Get a New Trial on Ground of Outside Influences.Cheers for the Solicitor After Recesses and Applause in Court Will Be Principal Points Urged By Lawyers for Convicted Man.Desperate efforts to save Leo Frank from the gallows, to which he was consigned by sentenced of Judge Roan, are taking definite shape.The trump card of his lawyers will be affidavits or showings of some sort to the effect that certain members of the jury which convicted Frank were deeply biased against him

Tuesday, 9th September 1913: Jim Conley Indicted For Part In Phagan Killing, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Tuesday, 9th September 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.MAXIMUM FOR NEGRO IS FOUR YEARSOne Count ChargesMisdemeanor In Protecting Slayer, Another Felony in Concealing Body.Another chapter was written in Georgia's most famous criminal case Tuesday when Jim Conley, the negro whose story played a star part in the conviction of Leo M. Frank for the murder of Mary Phagan, was indicted by the Fulton County Grand Jury on two counts, calling for a maximum penalty of four years' imprisonment.The counts charge, in the first instance, a misdemeanor committed when the negro concealed knowledge of the crime from the authorities, and, in

Thursday, 11th September 1913: Judge Roan Picked To Get Appointment To New Judgeship, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Thursday, 11th September 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 5.Well-founded rumor were circulated at the State Capitol Thursday morning that Judge L. S. Roan would be appointed to the Superior Court judgeship created by the last Legislature.Although many rumors have gone the rounds, the one forecasting the appointment of Judge Roan is said to strike just a little closer to the mark than the others.One rumor had it that Chief Justice Ben Hill, of the Court of Appeals, would be appointed, being succeeded on the Appeals Court bench by Judge Roan.Thursday, 11th September 1913: Judge Roan Picked To Get Appointment To

Friday, 12th September 1913: Roan Likely To Be Named In 30 Days, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Friday, 12th September 1913,PAGE 6, COLUMN 2.Rumor That He Will Get New Superior Court Judgeship Gains Ground.That Judge L. S. Roan would be appointed to the new Superior Court Judgeship created by the last legislature within the next 80 days was the information Friday.Although no interviews in regard to the appointment have been given out by Governor Slaton, and various rumors as to probable appointees have gone the rounds, the rumor concerning the appointment of Judge Roan is said to hit the mark squarely.Those who are in close touch with the situation point out that the Governor has

Sunday, 14th September 1913: Professor Beavers To Teach Etiquette, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Sunday, 14th September 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.Chief to Preside at School Where Patrolmen Will Learn Rules of Propriety.Atlanta police are going to school following an official call Saturday night by Chief Beavers, who declared that, although his men were fine fellows, he was not fully satisfied with their etiquette.The first session will be held next Tuesday night.Tentative rules adopted by the Chief indicate such instruction as the proper care of the nails, the how and when to say pardon'"in fact, everything which comes in the category of proper etiquette.School will be divided into three divisions of three platoons

Saturday, 13th September 1913: Attorneys Jab At Each Other’s Face In Broyles’ Court, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Saturday, 13th September 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 4.More than a hundred spectators witnessed a near fight between Thomas Bishop and Charles Hillier, attorneys, with offices in the Temple Court Building, in Judge Broyles court at police headquarters Saturday afternoon, when Bishop accused Hillier of violating the ethics of the legal profession.The trouble grew out of the case of W. A. Jarell, who shares Hillier's offices, and who was arrested on complaint of G. P. Parks, engineer of the building, who asserted that Jarell signed bonds without being a licensed bondsman.It came out in court that Jarell signed the bonds

Monday, 15th September 1913: Express Theft Arrest Due By Nightfull, The Atlanta Georgian

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The Atlanta Georgian,Monday, 15th September 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 7.Detectives Work on Theory That Guilty Man Will Squander $72,000 Booty.Detective Harry Scott, Atlanta agent of the Pinkertons, said Monday that the hunt for the daring robber who looted the Southern or the Adams Express Company of $72,000 in transit from New York to Savannah and South Georgia banks had narrowed down to two or three express employees, who were being kept under special surveillance.He anticipated an arrest during the day.The centering of suspicion on particular employees has not caused the detectives to relax their vigilance.On the contrary, the closest sort of

Friday, 12th December 1913: Dorsey Will Argue No Error Of Court Hurt Franks Case, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Friday, 12th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 6.Solicitor General Files Brief With Supreme Court, Pleading for Verdict Not Based on TechnicalitiesGREAT CASE TO BE HEARD NEXT MONDAY MORNINGJustices Probably Will Extend Time Limit for Argument,Owing to Length of Court RecordsA strong plea for substantial justice will feature the brief of the state in the case against Leo M. Frank, which will be filed with the clerk of the supreme court Friday.The state's brief will plead in the main that if any error was committed in the long trial before Judge L. S. Roan, certainly no error really harmful to

Saturday, 13th December 1913: Both Sides Ready To Begin Argument In Case Of Frank, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Saturday, 13th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Filing of State's Brief in Famous Murder Trial Final Act Before Hearing in Supreme Court Monday.NUMEROUS PRECEDENTS CITED IN DOCUMENTSJudge Roan's Remark That He Was Uncertain of Prisoner's Guilt Will Be Center of Defense's AttackWith the filing of the state's brief in the case of Leo M. Frank, convicted of the murder of Mary Phagan, as plaintiff in error to the state supreme court, the documentary records in that case were completed late Friday night, and nothing remains but the arguments, set for bearing by the court next Monday.In its brief the

Friday, 5th December 1913: Photo Of Chiefs Staff Presented To Beavers, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Friday, 5th December 1913,PAGE 6, COLUMN 3.Chief of Police James L. Beavers has been presented with a handsome group picture of himself and the leading officers of his department, together with a photograph album showing pictures of every officer on the force.All of these pictures were reproduced in the current issue of The Detective, the national police journal, and were the gift of A. H. Dunlap, of The Detective staff.Friday, 5th December 1913: Photo Of Chiefs Staff Presented To Beavers, The Atlanta Journal

Monday, 1st December 1913: Crawfords Death Not By Poison, Say Doctor Experts, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Monday, 1st December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.Dr. Hurt Testifies Patient Was Given Morphine Injections by His Order and This Might Have Left TracesDr. J. W. Hurt, county physician, who attended the late Joshua B. Crawford, said on the witness stand in the civil litigation over the Crawford estate Monday it was his positive opinion that Crawford died of pneumonia, and not from poison administered by Mrs. Mary Belle Crawford or anyone else.The physician swore he did not believe it possible for him to have mistaken the cause of Crawford's death, and further asserted that the symptoms of morphia

Sunday, 14th December 1913: High Court Ruling Won’t End Fight For Life Of Leo M. Frank, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Sunday, 14th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 3.Extraordinary Appeal, Writs of Habeas Corpus, Attempt to Reach Federal Tribunals,All Will Be UsedARGUMENTS WILL BEGIN AT CAPITOL TOMORROWTwo Days Will Be Occupied and Decision Hardly Will Be Rendered Before Middle of JanuaryThe supreme court of Georgia will hear arguments for and against a new trial for Leo M. Frank next Monday and probably through Tuesday.The court of last resort in Georgia sits only four hours a day when arguments are being heard, and the fixed rule is to allow two hours to the side in each case.However the volume of the

Monday, 15th December 1913: Attorneys Make Final Fight Over Leo Frank S Life, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Monday, 15th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 7.Reuben Arnold and SolicitorGeneral Have Tilt Over Charge of Misstatements in FrankCase BriefsTWO DAYS OCCUPIED IN PLEA FOR A NEW TRIALSummary of ArgumentsDelivered Before Supreme Court Monday by Attorneys for Defense and ProsecutionWhen the state supreme court adjourned its session Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock half of the time which the court had agreed to give to arguments for and against the appeal of Leo M. Frank had been consumed.Attorney Reuben R. Arnold, for the defense, concluded his arguments at 11:40 o'clock, having spoken two hours and forty minutes.Solicitor H. M. Dorsey,

Tuesday, 16th December 1913: Franks Fate Rests With Higher Court Arguments Closed, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Tuesday, 16th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 6.Rosser Ends Supreme Court Battle by Declaring Frank Was Not Convicted of Murder, but of Other Crimes.DORSEY SAYS DEFENSE USED TRICKER IN BRIEFCelebrated Case Now in Hands of Six Supreme Justices, Who Will Hand Down Decision in About Six WeeksThe greater portion of the hour and twenty minutes consumed by Luther Z. Rosser in his argument before the supreme court Tuesday for a reversal of Judge L. S. Roan's action overruling Leo M. Frank's motion for a new trial was devoted to what he termed the admissibility of illegal and irrelevant testimony

Friday, 19th December 1913: Broyles Seeks Place On Court Of Appeals, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Friday, 19th December 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 1.Recorder Announces He Will Oppose Judge in Campaign Next YearThe executive prediction published in the late editions of the Journal Thursday afternoon that Judge Nash R. Broyles was to be a candidate for the state court of appeals against Judge L. S. Roan was confirmed Friday morning by Judge Broyles, who issued a formal announcement of his intention to make the race.Judge Broyles, who has presided over Atlanta's police court for fifteen years, during which time he has achieved a national reputation as an able and fearless magistrate, states his announcement at

Wednesday, 3rd December 1913: Capt. West Bound Over And Fined By Broyles, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Wednesday, 3rd December 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 1.Marine Captain Says He Sought Minister's Aid in Domestic TroublesCaptain Ernest E. West, the marine officer who was arrested Monday on a charge of attacking Mrs. John H. Jones, his wife's mother, was fined $50.75 for disorderly conduct Tuesday afternoon by Recorder N. R. Broyles, who also bound him over to the state courts on a charge of assault and battery.His bond was fixed at $2,500 in the state case.It is expected that as the result of the action of the recorder the warrant in the court of Justice of the Peace

Wednesday, 10th December 1913: Turner Admits He Got $525 From Contractors, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Wednesday, 10th December 1913,PAGE 8, COLUMN 2.Smilingly Tells Committee He Used Money to Pay His CampaignDebtsCity Electrician R. C. Turner Tuesday afternoon admitted to the joint bodies investigating charges against him, that the Elektron company, an association of the electrical contractors in Atlanta, gave him $525 last fall with which to pay off debts incurred during his campaign before the people.His explanation of the transaction was the statement, given with a smile, that "the newspapers got all that money for advertising bills. I didn't get a cent of it. I treated all the papers alike, giving them each

Tuesday, 9th December 1913: Boy Who Posed As Deaf And Dumb And Begged, Is Sent To Jail, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Tuesday, 9th December 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 3.Joe Moore, a white boy, was sentenced to ten days in the stockade Monday by Recorder N. R. Broyles, when he was arraigned on a charge of begging on the streets.It is alleged Moore was engaged in a conversation with City Detective Rosser, and that a short time later he hung a "deaf and dumb" sign on his coat and walked into a bar room soliciting alms.The bartender knew of the conversation and advised the boy to "beat it," but he was arrested before he could get out of the back entrance,

Saturday, 6th December 1913: Frank Papers In Custody Of Court Clerk, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Saturday, 6th December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 2.Lawyers Completing Briefs to Be Ready for Supreme CourtDecember 15Solicitor General Dorsey Saturday secured an order from Judge Ben H. Hill, of the criminal division of the superior court, for the return to the clerk's office of the original papers in the case against Leo M. Frank, convicted of the Mary Phagan murder.The original papers were taken from the clerk's office on November 15 through an order signed by Judge Hill, which placed them in the hands of the counsel for the defense for twenty-five days from date.The order was revoked, however,

Sunday, 21st December 1913: Judge Pottle To Quit State Court Of Appeals Feb 1, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Sunday, 21st December 1913,PAGE 1, COLUMN 1.Sam S. Bennet, of Albany,Will in All Probability Be AppointedNew JuristPottle to Practice Law in AlbanyTHREE APPELLATE JUDGES MUST GO BEFORE VOTERSJudge Pottle's Successor Will Serve Only Short Time Be For ElectionThree Names ConsideredJudge J. R. Pottle is to resign his place on the state court of appeals early in February to take up the practice of law at Albany and Sam S. Bennet, of Albany, will, it is said, be appointed by Governor Slaton to succeed him on the appellate court.Neither Judge Pottle nor Governor Slaton have made any public announcement

Thursday, 25th December 1913: South Georgia Man To Get Pottles Place, The Atlanta Journal

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The Atlanta Journal,Thursday, 25th December 1913,PAGE 5, COLUMN 1.Governor Says He Has Not Decided Whom He Will AppointIt is quite certain that Governor Slaton will appoint a South Georgia lawyer to succeedJudge J. R.Pottle on the state court of appeals.Judge R. B. Russell, one of the judges of that court, lives at Winder, and Judge L. S. Roan, another, resides in Atlanta.Judge Pottle came from Blakely.It is not to be expected that the governor will give Judge Pottle's place to a north Georgia man, thereby recognizing one section alone in all these judgeships.The announcement of S. S. Bennett, of Albany,