• Leo Frank TV
  • Fake News TV Reporting about the First Failed Attempt by Jewish Supremacist Activist Groups to Obtain a Posthumous Pardon for Leo Frank the Toilet Strangler After Using Dubious Affidavit by Alonzo Mann (1984)

Fake News TV Reporting about the First Failed Attempt by Jewish Supremacist Activist Groups to Obtain a Posthumous Pardon for Leo Frank the Toilet Strangler After Using Dubious Affidavit by Alonzo Mann (1984)

Reading Time: 4 minutes [538 words]

In the 1982 to 1983 timeframe, the Georgia Board of Pardons and Paroles reviewed the "new evidence" presented by Jewish activist groups, including Anti-Defamation League, Atlanta Jewish Federation and American Jewish Committe. The new evidence was nothing more than the statements transcribed from a video recording of a dubious Alonzo Mann affidavit, and the Board determined after much deliberation that Mann's statements 70 years later did not change anything about the evidence, other than the method by which Jim Conley moved the body of Mary Phagan (using the stairs, instead of the elevator).

Mann's 1982 statements wildly contradicted statements he made to detective in 1913 (AJA, 1913). In 1913, Alonzo Mann stated he left the National Pencil Company at 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, April 26, 1913, and went to the Vaudette theater to meet his mother at noon, and then walked around town and met his brother and a friend. In 1982, he changed his story and stated to Jewish activist journalists of the Tennessean that he left the factory at noon on April 26, 1913, and came back 5 minutes later, when he supposedly saw Jim Conley carrying Mary Phagan and threatened him with murder if he told anyone. Mann then claimed he ran straight home and told his mother who supposedly stated to him not to tell anyone. But most people found the story to be unbelievable. Why would his parents allow him to go back to work on Monday when Jim Conley was still working at the factory? Why would Alonzo Mann not inform the police about the supposed Conley encounter that would help his boss who had given him a job? Alonzo Mann's story can not be believed and it is beyond belief that this is the evidence Jewish activists would use to manipulate people into believing Leo Frank was innocent of the crime for which he was duly convicted.

The Supreme Court of Georgia determined the evidence in the Leo Frank trial brief of evidence sustained the convict's guilt, they made that point very clear in the final words of their decision. The Supreme Court of the United States found no technical errors in the trial. Jim Conley was an African American, and racism towards Blacks was culturally mainstream and racial separatism was codified in the law at the time.  If racism was the driving force behind a conviction, as Jewish activists have purported about the trial, it would have been more likely directed towards Jim Conley than Leo Frank, a Whiteman. Leo Frank was of German, European ancestry and the Jewish community was assimilated into White Southern society. Intermarriage rates where high in the South between European-American Jews and European-American Christians.

March 11th, 1986, Atlanta Georgia:

After a number of secretive meetings and backroom machinations, the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith, Atlanta Jewish Federation and American Jewish Committee, where able to secure a posthumous pardon for Leo Frank, but the Paroles Board stopped short of officially exonerating him for the 1913 rape and strangulation-homicide of Mary Phagan.

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