The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 3

Reading Time: 3 minutes [467 words]

The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, part 3 thumbnail

by Philip St. Raymond
for The American Mercury

THE JEWISH Anti-Defamation League (or ADL) — back in the days when they and their allies had a near-monopoly on public discussion of the Leo Frank case — once made the claim that Leo Frank was arrested and indicted and convicted of the murder of Mary Phagan "without evidence." Listen to this audio book and learn of the vast amount of evidence amassed during four separate investigations into the case — evidence that strongly indicates Frank's guilt — evidence that convinced the coroner's jury, the grand jury, the trial jury — and evidence that on appeal was reviewed and found unexceptionable by every possible level of the judicial system, up to and including the Supreme Court of the United States. (ILLUSTRATION: Leo M. Frank on his way to the coroner's inquest)

In this, the third audio segment of this excellent book originally published by the Nation of Islam — the best we have seen on this subject — we also learn of the very strange behavior of the pro-Frank forces when it came to the factory sweeper, James Conley, who said he was hired by Frank to act as a lookout during Frank's hoped-for tryst with Mary Phagan — an encounter that ultimately led to her death.

After hearing the evidence, you will never again be able to take seriously the "received narrative" of an innocent Leo Frank, persecuted by vicious "anti-Semites," which the major media continue to vend to the public.

This new audio book, based on the Nation of Islam's The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man, the best investigative effort made on the Leo Frank case in the last 100 years, will take you on a trip into the past — to the greatest American murder mystery of all time; a mystery that will reveal to you the hidden forces that shape our world even today.

To read all the chapters we've published so far, simply click on this link.

We at The American Mercury are now proud to present part 3 of our audio version of this very important book, read by Vanessa Neubauer.

Simply press "play" on the player embedded above — or at the end of this article — to hear part 3 of the book.

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Click here to obtain a print or e-book copy of this important work, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vol. 3; The Leo Frank Case: The Lynching of a Guilty Man.

For further information on the Nation of Islam Historical Research Group, readers are encouraged to visit their Web site,


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